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Chapter 2

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Chemicals are responsible for directing virtually all of our bodily functions.

Basic chemical reactions occur in the body to maintain homeostasis.

Basic concepts of biochemistry contribute to homeostasis.

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What are examples of chemicals that are used in the body?

What are examples of basic chemical reactions that occur in the body?

What are examples of basic concepts of biochemistry?

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◦ Molecules = a group of atoms bound together

◦ Elements = a pure substance

Compounds = substances whose molecules have more than one kind of atom

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An element is a substance that is composed of only one kind of atom.

Elements are represented by symbols. (i.e. periodic table) http://www.webelements.com/webelements/scholar/

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Which elements are important to our bodies?

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Carbon = C

Nitrogen = N

Oxygen = O

Phosphorus = P

Sodium = Na

Hydrogen = H

Iodine = I

Chlorine = Cl

Calcium = Ca

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Sodium = Na

Chloride = Cl

Potassium = K

Calcium = Ca

Hydrogen = H

Magnesium = Mg

Hydroxide = OH

Phosphate = PO

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Sodium = Na+

Chloride = Cl-

Potassium = K+

Calcium = Ca+

Hydrogen = H+

Magnesium = Mg+

Hydroxide = OH-

Phosphate = PO4-

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Name and define three kinds of particles within an atom.

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At the core of each atom is a nucleus composed of positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons. Electrons inhabit the outer regions called “electron shells.”

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Protons Electrons Neutrons

Atom = a unit of matter that makes up a chemical element.

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Nucleus= at the core of each atom

Atomic number = # of protons in nucleus of atom

Atomic mass = # of protons and neutrons combined.

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What is an energy level?

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Energy levels are regions surrounding the atomic nucleus that contain electrons, which are negatively charged particles. Each level may contain up to eight electrons. Energy increases with distance from the nucleus.

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What is a chemical bond?

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A chemical bond is formed to make atoms more stable. This can take place when two or more atoms share, donate, or borrow electrons which enhances their stability.

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What are the two different ways compounds are formed?

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Ionic bonding occurs when one or more electrons are transferred or donated from one atom to another. Pg. 24

i.e. NaCL = sodium chloride

Covalent bonds are formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons. Pg. 25

i.e. H2

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ionic covalent

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What is a solvent?

A solute?

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Solvent is a liquid holding another substance in a solution or a liquid that reacts with the solvent to bring it into a solution.

Solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solution.

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Water◦ Water is a solvent (liquid into which solutes are

dissolved), forming aqueous solutions in the body

◦ Water is involved in chemical reactions Dehydration synthesis (water removed) Hydrolysis ( water added)

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What is an acid?

A base?

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Acid is a concentration of hydrogen ions. As the concentration of H+ ions increases the solution becomes more acidic and the pH value decreases.

Base or alkaline occurs when OH– concentration increases as does pH, making the solution more basic.

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What is an electrolyte?

An ion?

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An electrolyte is a substance that ionizes in solution, rendering the solution capable of conducting an electric current.

An ion is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms.

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Acids, bases, and salts◦ Water molecules dissociate to form equal

amounts of H+ (hydrogen ion) and OH– (hydroxide ion)

◦ Acid—substance that shifts the H+/OH– balance in favor of H+; opposite of base

◦ Base—substance that shifts the H+/OH– balance against H+; also known as an alkaline; opposite of acid

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What is an organic compound?

What is an inorganic compound?

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Organic compound refers to chemicals that contain covalently bound carbon and hydrogen atoms and are involved in metabolic reactions.

Inorganic compounds have chemical constituents that do not contain both carbon and oxygen.

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What four elements make up about 96% of the material in the human body?

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As hydrogen ion concentration of a solution increases, does it become more acid or alkaline? Would the pH increase or decrease?

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How would you explain the concept of pH?

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Answer: The term pH is a symbol used to mean hydrogen ion (H+) concentration of a solution. As the concentration of H+ increases, the solution becomes more acid and the pH value decreases. As the OH– concentration increases, the pH value also increases and the solution becomes more basic or alkaline.

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Open link to the pH website: http://www.phsciences.com/about_ph/ph_foods.asp

High H+

Low H+, (High OH -)

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Find something really acidic that surprised you.

What has a high basic value for a food?

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Zwiebach 4.84 - 4.94 Watermelon 5.18 - 5.60 Orange, Juice Florida 3.30 - 4.15 Cranberry Juice, canned 2.30 - 2.52 Conch 7.52 - 8.40

? Where on the scale would stomach acid be?

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Why such a strong acid in stomach?

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Cindy, 5 years old, has been ill for several days with nausea and vomiting. If the pH of the vomitus is tested, would it be alkaline or acid?

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With the loss of acid from the stomach due to excessive vomiting, the gastric contents would most likely be alkaline.

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As acid increases the pH decreases.

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The stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which normally aids in the process of _______.

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What is the pH of the following:

(a) arterial blood?

(b) venous blood?

(c) urine?

(d) water?

(e) coffee?

(f) wine?

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(a) 7.41 = arterial blood

(b) 7.36 = venous blood

(c) approx. 6.2 = urine

(d) 7 = water

(e) 5 = coffee

(f) 3.5 = wine

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Your blood normally has a pH of around 7.4. Is your blood alkaline, acidic, or neutral?

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Blood pH is slightly alkaline.

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More complex than inorganic!

Major types found in body:◦ Carbohydrates◦ Lipids◦ Proteins◦ Nucleic acids

◦ Note: Table 2-3 gives examples, and functions of each.

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Structure: Proteins are large molecules formed by linkage of amino acids by peptide bonds; one of the basic building blocks of the body.

Function: Proteins participate in chemical processes of the body. Functional proteins include some of the hormones. Most hormones are proteins, growth factors, cell membrane channels, receptors, and enzymes.

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Structure: Lipids are organic compounds composed of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. The building blocks that make up lipids are glycerol and fatty acids. The types of lipids are triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids (cholesterol).

Function: Triglycerides are a major source of stored energy. They also function to insulate and protect body organs.

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Structure: Carbohydrates are organic compounds such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are made up of six-carbon subunits called monosaccharide units (e.g., sucrose, lactose) and polysaccharides, which are made up of many monosaccharide units (e.g., glycogen, made up of many glucose units).

Function: To store energy for later use.

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Structure: Nucleic acids are a group of high-molecular-weight substances found in cells of all living things. They consist of (1) nucleotide units, (2) DNA, and (3) RNA.

Function: By directing the formation of structural and functional proteins, nucleic acids ultimately direct overall body structure and function.

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What mechanism does DNA use to regulate all of the body’s structures and functions?

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Answer: Proteins play a vital role in the body’s structure and function. In a real sense we are what our proteins are. Protein synthesis constructs an exact arrangement of amino acids in a specific sequence which produces a protein-synthesizing mechanism in each cell. The cell knows the exact pattern and assembly of the amino acid because it is coded and stored within the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule.

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A. AtomB. IonC. MoleculeD. ElementE. Electron

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A. OzoneB. CovalentC. ChemicalD. ElectricalE. Ionic

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A. Water H2OB. Carbon dioxide CO2

C. Glucose C6H12O6

D. Nitric oxide NOE. Oxygen O2

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A. pH 7.1B. pH 7.0C. pH 12.4D. pH 6.9E. pH 8.3

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A. ProteinsB. LipidsC. CarbohydratesD. Nucleic acidsE. Inorganic

Slide 67

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Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions?