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  • 8/12/2019 Welcome to Maryland Health Today


    Welcome to Maryland Health today

    Im Ellen Beth Levitt

    About 5 million americans are living with heart failure. Achronic condition that is the leading cause of

    hospitalization for people over age 65.

    But there is been a lot of progress in understanding and treating heart failure in recent years.

    And we will learn about the latest advances in the show today.

    My guest is an expert of heart failure. He is Dr. Mandeep Mehra, chief of cardiology at the univ of

    maryland medical centre, and also a profesor of medicine and head of the division of cardiology at te

    univ of maryland scholl of madicine.

    Welcome to the show.

    Thank you very much ellen beth, it is a pleasure to be here with you today.

    Could you first tell us what is the heart failure?

    The heart failure is a couple of words that has very negative connotation. To try understand HF we must

    first understand the normal function of the heart. A heart is designed o pump the blood to meet the

    demands of the body. And when its incapable in doing so, we term that tobe HF.

    Its a problem about pumping ability of the heat right?

    Yes, it is a problem in the pumping capcity of the heart to meet the demands of the body. So, for

    example, patients, when they undergo exercise, or they walk up a flight of stairs, tipically need more

    blood to be pumped. And when the heart fails to do so, that condition is called HF.

    How is HF different from HA?

    Thank you for the important question. HA is an episodic event. It sually occurs as a result of a blockage

    in a blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart.it is exemplified by chest pain and discomfort. And the

    heart failure is a long-term event and as a result of a heart attack. And this is due to weakening heartmuscle so someone can have a heart attack ten years ago, and would now develop the weakness of

    heart pump which is failed to pump the blood adequately

    Theres also a term congestive hf. What does that mean? Is that the same as heart failure?

    So congestive hf is a term given to the moment when the patients with a weakened heart muscle,

    develops leg swelling, and shortage of breath with fluid overload. And that is called congestive HF.

    Typically a term that used to describe a conditon of the failing heart in patients who requires a


    So then do you accumulate fluid basically is that what makes the congestion throughout the body?

    When the heart muscle weakens, not only does it fail to pumping the blood forward but it also backs up

    bloods in lungs, in the liver, as well as in the legs . and thats term congestion.

    I also understand that people who have severe heart failure,can have an enlargement in their heart, the

    hearts actually grows in size, is that because of working harder, to meet the demands of the body and

    the muscle so it grows?

  • 8/12/2019 Welcome to Maryland Health Today
