28 Months Later 18 th August, 2020 I’ve been offered a contract by the Ministry of Defence. They want me to help design bio - weapons, to help win the war against China. T hey’re hoping we can force them to surrender, like we did to the Japanese back in 1945. I’m being offered a lot of money, years away from them. I’m not sure whether to accept. If I accept, a helicopter will arrive in a week’s time; I have to reply by tom orrow 1 9 th August I’m accepting. I have to. I didn’t want to, but now they’re threatening my fam ily, I have no choice. The helicopter arrives in six days. 26 th August The journey was awful; I was blindfolded the entire time. I heard other men get on the he li’ as well, I guess I’m not the only scientist they’re recruiting. W e were escorted to our rooms by armed g uards. There are six of us; we’re all sharing the same room. In the evening, we were given dinner; bread, cabbage and water. I got to know some of th e other guys here, they’re not all from Am erica like me, there are two from Western Europe, and even a guy from Russia. I spoke to the other two Americans, they’re called Stewart and Paul, they used to work together for private security com panies, and the occasional military contract. Evidently the Ministry are hiring the best scientists the world has to offer. W e also now know exactly what kind o f weapon they want us to mak e; they want something that will make its own people turn against it, something that will destroy it from the inside. 27 th August We started work developing the weapon. We have practically unlimited resources at our disposal, ten different laboratories, and to my horror, there are two rooms filled with Chinese POW’s, that we’re supposed to use to test on. It seems I’m the on ly one disgusted by this; the others don’t seem to be surprised. But despite all the help we have, I doubt we’ll create anything anytime soon. 24 th December, 2022 We’ve made a breakthrough. The Russian guy who I now know is called Hecshler, was testing on some of the POW’s, they all died in the process. He left them there overnight, and when he cam e back in the morning, one of them was alive. It was crouched over one of the other prisoners corpses, when H ecshler got closer, he realise it was eating the corpse.

Welcome to Hell - My Zombie Story

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28 Months Later

18th August, 2020

I’ve been offered a contract by the Ministry of Defence. They want me to help design bio-weapons, to help win the war against China. They’re hoping we can force them tosurrender, like we did to the Japanese back in 1945.I’m being offered a lot of money,enough to take care of my family for the rest of their lives. But it would mean spendingyears away from them . I’m not sure whether to accept. If I accept, a helicopter will arrive ina week’s time; I have to reply by tomorrow

19th August

I’m accepting. I have to. I didn’t want to, but now they’re threatening my family, I haveno choice. The helicopter arrives in six days.

26 th August

The journey was awful; I was blindfolded the entire time. I heard other men get on the heli’as well, I guess I’m not the only scientist they’re recruiting. W e were escorted to our roomsby armed guards. There are six of us;we’re all sharing the same room. In the evening, wewere given dinner; bread, cabbage and water. I got to know some of the other guys here,they’re not all from Am erica like me,there are two from Western Europe, and even a guyfrom Russia. I spoke to the other two Am ericans, they’re calledStewart and Paul, theyused to work together for private security companies, and the occasional military contract.Evidently the Ministry are hiring the best scientists the world has to offer. W e also nowknow exactly what kind of weapon they want us to make; they want something that willmake its own people turn against it, something that will destroy it from the inside.

27 th August

We started work developing the weapon. We have practically unlimited resources at our

disposal, ten different laboratories, and to my horror, there are two rooms filled withChinese POW ’s, that we’re supposed to use to test on. It seems I’m the only one disgustedby this; the others don’t seem to be surprised. But despite all the help we have, I doubt we’llcreate anything anytime soon.

24 th December, 2022

We’ve made a breakthrough. The Russian guy who I now know is called Hecshler, wastesting on some of the POW’s, they all died in the process. He left them there overnight,

and when he cam e back in the morning, one of them was alive. It was crouched over one ofthe other prisoners corpses, when H ecshler got closer, he realise it was eating the corpse.

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When it heard Hechsler, it turned and started running at him, luckily Hechsler hadenough sense to get out fast, but not before the POW m anaged to bite him. He went to themedical room to be treated, and he seems to be fine now. The PO W died after it finisheddevouring all the corpses, it eventually starved (we think).

25 th December

Everything’s gone to pieces, there’s only m e, Stewart and some of the guards left. Itturned out that when Hechsler got bit, he was infected with whatever took control of thePOW , he went mental, started killing everything in sight. But the bigger problem waseverything he killed didn’t stay dead, they were infected as well, joined him in his massslaughter. Whatever happened, that thing isn’t Hechsler anymore, and we’recalling it

Case One. W e’ve managed to contain the infection in the south sector, but we’re not surehow much longer we can hold out. We m anaged to get a radio working, but nobodyresponds to our transmissions.

26 th December

They broke through.

28 th December

We’ve locked ourselves in Testing Lab 2, they’ve got us surrounded. I can hear thembanging against the doors, moan ing to themselves, hungering for our flesh. The onlyfood in the place ran out a few days ago, my on ly hope is that we will starve before thecreatures get in. The radio remains silent; we have lost all contact with the outside world.But maybe that’s a good thing, if those creatures ever escape the facility, then who knowswhat will happen...

It was a long, hard journey. They had braved many dangers, faced many foes. And always,

somehow, came out on top. Their supplies and moral grew low. They finally found the

Trading Post, where supplies and exchanges run high. They had found many trinkets alongthe way, so they were not worried about not being able to obtain the supplies they needed.

They entered through the main gate, and walked along until they saw an old man by a cart

laden with everything they could possibly need. They stepped up to him and begin talking

about what they needed and what they had to pay for it. As it turned out, he only accepted

practical items for barter. Whatever practical things they had, they were keeping. After

about an hour of wandering, they found nowhere where they could trade their trinkets for

useful items. They walked back to the old man with his supply-laden cart and begged him to

make an exception. Finally, he agreed to give them what they needed - IF they could satisfy

him with a tale of how they had turne d up at the Trading Post. He said the story couldn’ t be

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too short, but he didn't want it to be too long. Finally, he sat back and relaxed as they began

their tale . . .

Adam finished setting up the burglar alarm, then packed his tools and headed off home. As

it was going to be quite a long drive, he decided to turn on the radio, and get the latest

traffic news from the BBC. At first it was just the usual stuff, heavy traffic on the M25,

chance of rain later in the day, but then it suddenly cut off, and was replaced by a new man

talking. ‘This is an emergency government broadcast, a harmful v irus has been released by

terrorist organisations, please return to your homes immediately and await further

instructions’. Then there was a short pause, and it was repeated again. He checked the

other stations, but they were all saying the same thing. He turned off the radio and looked

around; everything seemed normal, nothing seemed any different from a normal day.

Then his phone started ringing. When he saw who it was, he answered immediately. “Rob,

dude, have you heard the news? There’s been some kind of terrorist bio- attack”

“Yeah man I know, now listen. I know the government are saying to get home, but don’ t.

You gotta head down to the grocery store, and start stocking up on food. This virus doesn’t

look like it’s gonna go away any time soon”

“What exactly does the virus do anyway?” Adam asked. Rob paused for a second before


“Wait, you mean you don’t know? Fuck...I don’t really know how to explain it man, so I

guess I’ll just tell it how it is. Basically, we’re dealing with zombies”

“Dude, tell me you’re screwing with me, zombies? You gotta be kidding”

“Yeah well I’m not; you think I’d fuck around when it comes to zombies? But anyway, like I

said. Head to the grocery store, get some food and water. Then head back to your

apartment. Do Not, stop to try and help anyone, and do not go to try and rescue anyone,


“Yeah sure whate - Then stopped. Rob had hung up. Adam still wasn’t sure what to think. He

could accept that there had been a terrorist attack, but zombies? Then again, Rob wasn’tthe kind of person to joke about zombies. Rob had always been sure, that someday the

zombie apocalypse would come, and he had been preparing for it his whole fucking life. He

had even joined some online group called the ZSDW.

But he decided to trust him, after all, even if it was just a terrorist bio-weapon, it would be

best to stay at home until the government dealt with it, and it could be a while before the

virus had gone. When he pulled into the grocery store parking lot, it was in chaos. There

were hundreds of people all trying to get in the entrance, and the parking lot was

completely full. He turned around and parked down the road, far enough away so that whenhe came back, his car would still have room to get out.

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He walked over to the store and asked a nearby person, “Hey what’s going on?”

The person replied frantically “There are fucking zombies man!” then turned back to the

crowd, and tried to push his way through. Now Adam was pretty scared, it seemed like

whatever it was, it must be pretty similar to a zombie plague, though he was still sure it

couldn’t actually bring people back to life.

But back to the problem at hand, how the hell was Adam supposed to get in there, with

hundreds of people blocking the entrance? Then it hit him, around the back of the store,

there was a big steel shutter gate, where the food was delivered to. He quickly ran round to

the back, and hoped that nobody else had the same idea. When he got there, to his dismay

he saw that there were still a lot of people coming from that way, but there were less than

in the front, so at least he had a better chance. But it seemed he had no other option, he

would just have to try and force his way through the crowd. Then suddenly out of nowhere

he heard a huge bang, like a gunshot. As everyone turned towards the source of the noise,

he knew that this would be his best chance to get in the store. Ignoring the gunshot, he

charged through the stunned crowd headfirst, and eventually managed to reach the gate,

and get inside.

He found himself in a dark supply room, filled to the top with crates of food. He saw another

door at the far side, and walked through it. He walked into a room full of chaos. People were

everywhere, taking stuff from the shelves and stuffing it into their bags, then walking off

without even paying! At that point, he knew that shit had definitely hit the fan. He knew

that the best place to get food would be the supply room at the back, but first he had to geta few things. He pushed through the crowd, and managed to work his way over to the

camping section. He grabbed a camping rucksack from the shelf, and also two torches, some

bottles of kerosene and a lighter. He then pushed his way back over to the supply room, and

quickly slipped inside; hoping nobody saw where he went. He walked over to the crates,

then realised he had no way of opening them. He looked around and spotted a crowbar in

the corner. He then thought about what he would need. Non-perishables. He opened up a

few crates full of canned goods and stuffed as many as he could into his bag. Then he

remembered something else: His pet dog Bernard. He emptied out some of the cans, and

replaced them with dog food. He then quickly took a few jars of herbs and spices, thenclosed up the bag and began to walk out. He stopped suddenly. If he walked out into the

crowd with all this food, people were sure to try and take it from him. He needed to find

another exit.

Looking around quickly, he saw a ladder leading to the roof. He climbed up to the top, to see

if there was any way out. There were no obvious exits, but, there were some trees nearby.

Some of the branches looked sturdy enough to support him, and the tree’s obscured him

from the sight of the mob. Still wishing there was some other way to get down, he started

walking back to get a run-up. At around five metres away, he stopped, turned and sprinted

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towards the tree. He jumped at the last second, and reached out to grab a branch, but to his

dismay he missed, and crashed through the tree, landing on the ground with a heavy thump.

Luckily, it wasn’t too far down, and the branches mostly broke his fall, and all that he got

were a few minor cuts and bruises. He got up and dusted himself down, then started making

his way back to his car, keeping to the shrubbery as he went, so as to not attract attention

from the mob. After 15 minutes of nervous walking, he made it back to his car, completely

unnoticed by anyone else. Quickly unlocking his car, he put his bag in the passenger seat,

and started up the engine.

When he arrived back at his apartment block, he recognised a familiar car in the parking lot.

It was Rob’s truck. It was big, black and had a skull spray-painted on the side. It was a VERY

menacing truck. Parking his car, he got out and headed into the building. He started the long

trek up the stairs to his apartment on the 18 th floor. That was the one thing he didn’t like

about his apartment, and to his annoyance, the lifts were always breaking down, thanks to

that useless maintenance-man.

After he had finally made the tiring journey to his floor, he walked over to his apartment

and unlocked the door. Waiting inside was Rob, and one of Rob’ s friends, Owen Young.

Adam did not like Owen Young. He and Owen were not exactly on the best of terms, ever

since an incident a few years ago, involving a broken limb.

‘What the hell is he doing here?’ Adam asked angrily, slamming the door behind him. ‘and

how the hell did you even get in here?’

‘I picked the lock....’ Rob replied sheepishly. ‘I didn’t think you would mind...’

‘And you decided to bring my least favourite person along as well, great, not only do I have

to cope with frickin’ zombies, but now I have to deal with this ass -hole as well’ Adam

replied. ‘Nice to see you too Adam’ Owen replied sarcastically.

‘Well, now we’ve finished the pleasantries, let’s get to business boys’ Rob said confidently.

‘First we gotta border up the door, Adam, you brought food right?’

‘Yes’ Adam said sullenly. ‘Good’ Rob replied. ‘Get it all in the cupboards, did you getanything else?’

‘No, sorry. If you wanted anything specific you should’ve asked’ Adam answered.

‘Damn, ah well, you got anything we can use to barricade the door? And do you have any

rope?’ Rob asked earnestly

‘I guess we could use the sofa, and I think there might be some rope in the store -room


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‘Awesome, now go get it, oh and here, take this’ Rob threw a rifle towards him. ‘You know

how to use it right?’ Rob asked.

‘Yeah yeah, pull back and shoot’ Adam replied, as he walked off towards the doorway. He

walked down to the bottom floor, and opened up the door leading to the garage. When he

got inside, he was it was pitch-black. He tried flipping the light switch, but to his dismay it

was broken. ‘Good for nothing repairman...’ he muttered to himself as he fumbled around

for a torch. When he eventually found it he turned it on and shone it around a bit.

Eventually after a few minutes of searching he eventually found the rope and went over to

pick it up. As he bent down to get it, suddenly something shot out and bit him on the hand.

Swearing out loud he ripped it off his hand and flung it against the wall. It hit the bricks with

a thud, and slid to the ground, leaving a reddish stain on the walls. ‘Fuckin’ rats’ he thought

to himself.

When he eventually got back upstairs, Rob was just about to move the sofa in front of the

door. Then, he spotted the bite mark on Adam’s hand. ‘Ah shit, Adam’

‘What?’ Adam replied, bewildered. ‘You got bit man, you’re gonna turn into one of those

walking meat- bags’ Rob replied sadly. ‘What, No! Jeez man it was a rat I swear!’ Adam

replied frantically. ‘I’m sorry man, but it’s for your own good’ Rob said, as he raised his

shotgun to point at Adams head. ‘Don’t worry buddy, I’ll make it quick’. Rob pulled the


~28 Months later~

Rob and Owen had been living in the apartment for years now, surviving by foraging from

the surrounding apartments and city, but they were starting to run low on supplies and

ammunition. They had only one choice, stay here and starve, or go out and look for the

fabled Trading Post. The Trading Post, every survivor dreamed of one day being able to get

there, the only safe haven in this barren, godforsaken land. But nobody was sure if it truly

existed, people who went there never came back, whether they had found it, or had been

devoured by the undead, they would never know.

But now, they had decided. They had to move or die. And they had chosen move. Gatheringall their supplies, they left the relative safety of the apartment, and headed out into the

unknown. They took the main highway south, out towards the coast, where it was said that

there were little if not no zombies at all, and a place where you could rebuild your lost lives,

and return to civilisation.

After many weeks of travelling, they eventually made it. In the distance they could see the

Outpost, built on the remains of the once great Dover Castle. And there was not a zombie in
