Welcome to Gorey Community School Handbook for First Year Students 2015/2016 www.goreycs.ie 0539421000

Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest

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Page 1: Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest

Welcome to Gorey Community School

Handbook for First Year Students


www.goreycs.ie 0539421000

Page 2: Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest

Contents 3. Forward

4. Organisation of 1st

5. ‘Sruth’ Gaeilge

year Students

6. Irish Stream

7. Link with Colaiste na Rinne

8. Academically Gifted Students

9. 1st

10-11 Book Rental Scheme

Year Subject Choice

12-13 1st

14. Induction Programme

Year Optional Subject

15. Transfer and Transition Induction Programme

16. Pastoral Care Team

17. Homework

18. Code of Behaviour/Uniform

19. Journal

20. Reward System

21. Special Educational Needs Department

22. Transition Year

23. Extra Curricular Activities

24. Musical/Bene Merenti

25. Health Tips

26. Parents Association

27. School Completion

28. Subject Descriptions

Page 3: Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest


I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest standard in all areas of school life. We aspire towards excellence and the creation of an environment where high expectations and mutual respect are encouraged. It was wonderful to see Gorey Community School placed at number eighteen in a league table compiled in recent years which evaluated the performance of all second level schools in the state. This excellent performance was further enhanced by a number of our Leaving Certificate students taking 1st

place in Ireland in certain Higher Level subjects and many others receiving scholarships in recognition of their outstanding Leaving Certificate results.

In the past two years, Gorey Community School has received wonderful media coverage due to the various achievements; academic, sporting and the arts; of our students. In 2013, 5th year student Szymon Minias won the National Texaco Art annual competition while 2012 saw Olympic swimmer 6th

year Darragh McDonald returning to Gorey Community School with his London Paralympics Gold medal. The 2013 Leaving Certificate results gained the county of Wexford national recognition when Gorey Community School student Mark Berney achieved 9 A1 higher level Leaving Certificate grades; the top Leaving Certificate results in the country. The 2013/2014 school year also saw both our Junior and Senior History teams winning their national competitions.

The holistic development of the person is a strong priority in Gorey Community School and our vast array of extra curricular activities supports this philosophy. Many of our students have excelled in the area of Sports, Music, the Arts and Public Speaking. Gorey Community School is a diverse environment and every year our students leave to study Medicine, Teaching, Nursing, Hairdressing etc. Gorey Community School presents each student with the opportunity to achieve his/her potential and to have a fulfilling educational experience.

Aims of Gorey Community School

The school shall be established with the object of providing a comprehensive system of post primary education open to all the children of the community, combining introduction in academic and practical subjects, ongoing education and generally for the purpose of contributing towards the spiritual, moral, mental and physical well being and development of the said community. 1. To help students reach their potential in all aspects of school life, practical, academic, creative

social, cultural and sporting. 2. To deliver a broad, balanced curriculum in a structured learning Environment. 3. To promote equity and justice in a caring and disciplined way. 4. To develop in each student a sense of personal worth and a sensitivity to the needs of others. 5. To foster a partnership between parents, teachers and students. 6.To deliver a comprehensive programme of adult education.

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Organisation of First year students in G.C.S.

Students are generally allocated to classes in mixed ability. This means that students are allocated to classes where there is a range of abilities. This arrangement exists for all subjects with the exception of maths and Irish where a number of higher level classes are created at the beginning of second year.

All first year students study the following core subjects. 1. English 2. Irish 3. Mathematics 4. History 5. Geography 6. Science 7. Civic, Social and Political Education (C.S.P.E.) 8. Religious education (RE) 9. Physical Education (PE) 10.Personal Development (SPHE) 11.A European Language French or German or Spanish In addition to the above subjects all students must choose three more subjects from the list below:

Choice Subjects: 1. Art, Craft and Design 2. Business Studies 3. Classical Studies 4. Home Economics 5. Material Technology (Metal) 6. Music 7. Material Technology (wood) 8. Religion as an exam subject 9. Technical Graphics 10. Technology 11. Second language (French or Spanish or German ) Note: When filling out the subject choice form great care must be given to the order of preference as this determines the subjects offered. Students are asked to select five subjects from the above choice subject list and place them in order of preference, in case we are unable to offer them their first three choices. Students will only study three subjects from the above choice subject list. An explanation of the application, content and use of the choice subjects is given on the following pages.

At the end of First Year students must drop one of their subjects.

They may not drop English, Irish, Mathematics or Science

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Gorey Community School First Year Subject Choice 2015/2016 Name:_______________________ Primary school: ___________________________ All students must study the following subjects in first year:

• English Irish Mathematics • Science History Geography • Physical Education (PE) Religious Education • Civic Social and Political Education. (C.S.P.E.) • Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.)

Students must also select one modern language: Please select one

of the following:

German Spanish French

In addition students will study three from the following optional subjects. Please select five

genuine order of preference. (1,2,3,4,5,).

options in

Signed: Parent/Guardian: ____________________Student______________Date:____________

Art Business Studies

Classical Studies French (Second Language)

German (Second Language) Home Economics

Materials Technology (Metal) Materials Technology (Wood)

Music Religion

Spanish (Second Language) Technical Graphics


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Academically Gifted Students Academically gifted students are identified in 1st

year through our entrance assessment and Primary school reports.

This cohort of students is monitored to ensure that their potential is being realised. This process involves examining the students’ performance in house exams and class tests. Subject teachers are asked to complete progress reports on performance and potential, and Parents are invited to participate in the progress. Following the Christmas assessments in 1st year, the students’ results are analysed. Any students who are deemed to be underachieving are identified and appropriate interventions are put in place.

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Page 8: Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest


I mbliana cuireadh tús le scéim nua anseo i bPobalscoil Ghuaire-rang nó ‘Sruth’ sa Ghaeilge sa chéad bhliain. Faoi láthair tá ceathrar déag ag déanamh staidéir ar ocht n-ábhar trí mheán na Gaeilge.Déanann said a n-ábhair eile trí Bhéarla agus níl srian ar na hábhair ar fáil dóibh , dá bharr.Déanann said Gaeilge ,Mata, Stair, Tír Eolaíocht, Eolaíocht, OSSP, Creideamh agus Corpoideachas trí Ghaeilge. Chun na fírinne a rá tá an aiseolas atá faighte againn ó na daltaí agus tuistí dearfach. Cuimhnigh nár tháinig ach leath den rang chugainn ó Ghaelscoil, rinne an leath eile den rang a gcuid bunscolaíochta trí Bhéarla. Is múinteoirí Ghaeilge formhór na múinteoirí atá baint acu leis an ‘Sruth’.D’fhreastail iad siúd agus múinteoirí eile a mhúineann an ‘Sruth’ ar chúrsa inseirbhíse chun feabhas agus snas a chur ar a gcuid Ghaeilge.Is foireann iad le paisean dá n-ábhair agus do labhairt na gaeilge. Cad iad na buntáistí a bhaineann leis an ‘Sruth’?

• Ar dtús, más dalta ó Ghaelscoil do pháiste tugann an ‘Sruth’ an seans dóibh dul ar aghaidh leis an nGaeilge atá acu cheana ar scoil ina gceantar féin.

• Tugann an rang bheag seans do gach dalta dul chun cinn a dhéanamh sna hábhair as gaeilge le níos mó cabhrach ar fail ón múinteoir.

• Mar gheall ar an nGaeilge féin,téann 40% den mharc sa Ghaeilge sa Teastas Sóisireach agus san Ardteist don Bhéaltriail.Do na daltaí a fhoghlaimíonn trí ghaeilge i gcoitinne beidh sé an-usáideach dóibh an Ghaeilge a labhairt gach lá.

• Do gach dalta ó aon bhunscoil tugann an ‘Sruth’ an deis dóibh taithí a fháil ar an nGaeilge i suíomh nádúrtha agus praicticiúil.

Page 9: Welcome to Gorey Community School year booklet/incoming 1st year booklet...I am delighted to welcome you to Gorey Community School. Here in Gorey Community School we aim for the highest

The Irish Stream ‘Sruth’

This year a new initiative was introduced in Gorey Community School an all Irish stream or ‘Sruth’. Fourteen students in 1st

year are studying their nine subjects through the medium of Irish. The subjects are as follows: Irish, English, maths, History, Geography, Science, CSPE, Religion and PE. To date all the feedback from parents and students themselves has been positive and reaffirming. Bear in mind that only half of the students in the ‘Sruth’ have come to us from a Gaelscoil, the other students have all come from English medium Primary Schools.

Most of the teachers of the ‘Sruth’ are Irish teachers. They and the other members of staff teaching the ‘Sruth’ attended in-service courses over the summer to improve and polish their spoken Irish. They are a team of teachers with a passion for their subjects and a commitment to the Irish language. So why would your son/daughter choose the ‘Sruth’?.

• If the student has already attended a Gaelscoil this new initiative affords them the opportunity to continue their education through Irish locally.

• The small class gives each student more attention and greatly helps with the settling in process to secondary school.

• The Oral Exams in Irish at both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate level are now

worth 40% of the total mark. Studying and experiencing school through Irish can only be of benefit to the student.

• For those students who have attended an English medium Primary School, the ‘Sruth’ gives them an opportunity to bring the language they have been learning into their daily lives.

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Gorey Community School Link with Colaiste na Rinne. In September 2011, Gorey Community School launched an exciting new initiative with Colaiste na Rinne in the Waterford Gaeltacht. Over one hundred first year students attended Irish College over three weekends in April and a further one hundred will experience Irish being spoken in a natural environment, and take classes in the spoken language in a safe, well resourced environment in April 2015. This is designed to be a fun learning experience for our students. The first year class of 2014-2015 will also be offered this opportunity, as we see it as an incentive for young people to practice their Irish in class prior to attending the weekend class. All those who attend the course will be entered in a draw to win a three week Scholarship to Colaiste na Rinne next summer. If you have any questions about this course, please contact Mr. O’Sullivan, or Ms. C. Walshe at the school, and they will be happy to help.

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Dear Parent/Guardians, As you may be aware money has been allocated to Gorey Community School for the purpose of a Book Grant Scheme. This scheme is designed to assist students to purchase their books where there is a genuine need for assistance. To qualify for this scheme the applicant must be in receipt of a family Medical Card. If you do not qualify under this criteria, but still feel that you need assistance please contact the Principal in writing, detailing your particular circumstances and need for support. This should be submitted on or before Monday 18th

May 2015 marked for the attention of Mr.Finn.

We have made a concerted effort to retain no change to school books from last term. It is therefore hoped that by receiving this year’s book list earlier than usual you will have the opportunity to source as many second hand books as possible. For the remaining books here is the procedure for application to the “Book Grant Scheme”.

1. Return your “Book Grant Scheme” form to reception before Monday 18th

2. If you are successful in your application you will be issued with a voucher from this school, you may then bring this voucher to South East Stationery and place your order. South East Stationery is the only shop that is authorised to accept your voucher. They will fill your order to the value we have assigned to it.

May 2015. Applications after this date will not be eligible for consideration as there are limited funds available.

3. Vouchers may only be used for school books. There is no cash return on vouchers and any remaining balance on the voucher will be returned to the school to be used for other students. It is also non-transferable between students.

4. Transition year students do not receive a grant as their books are supplied in school.

Your application form will be treated with the strictest confidence. Signed: __________________ Micheal Finn. Principal.

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How many school going children do you have in your family? ________________ How many of these will be enrolled in Gorey Community School in September 2015. ________________ Do you have a Family medical card? ________________ Please fill in the details for each child you are seeking assistance for, in relation to their book costs for 2015/2016. Student’s Surname Student’s First Name Medical Card Number Year Group for coming year 2015/2016

Pick from 1st, 2nd,3rd,5th,6th, or LCA


Gorey Community School Book Grant Scheme 2015-2016

Parental / Guardian Information. Full Name(s)_______________________ Address: __________________________ _________________________________

Telephone no: _____________________ Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________________________

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Year Optional Subjects

Home Economics The new home economics syllabus is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable them to take control of their own lives at present and in the future. It is concerned with the way individuals and families manage their resources to meet physical, social and economic needs. Topics studied are :- Food Studies, Nutritional and Culinary Skills, Resource Management and Consumer Studies, Social and Health Studies, Textile, Fashion and Design. The Junior Certificate Home Economics Exam is structured as follows. Food Studies 45% Project 15% Written Exam 40% The subject is available to boys and girls. It is a relevant and important subject for all young people. It prepares students of both sexes for life in a consumer orientated society and provides a good knowledge and skill based learning foundation for those seeking employment in a wide range of careers. It leads onto Home Economics (Social & Scientific) for the Leaving Certificate.

Classical Studies Classical Studies will bring you on a fascinating voyage of discovery around the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome. You will learn about the lives and customs of these ancient people by looking at their gods on Mount Olympus, by watching their gladiators fight in the Colloseum, by studying their heroes and knowing their wars. Classical Studies is not just about history, it is about art, architecture, archaeology, religion, drama, literature, poetry, mythology—it is all about people, all great and wondrous people of our past. It leads on to Classical Studies for the Leaving Certificate.

Materials Technology (Wood) Wood work is an interesting and useful subject. Half of the course is based on learning about trees and wood. You will learn about all the different tools you use in woodwork. The other half of the subject is practically based, where you have the opportunity to make projects such as toy cars, boats, desk organisers and more. In the Junior Certificate you have to make a larger project. This is worth 66% of the marks for your Junior Certificate. The other 34% comes from a written examination. Woodwork is an enjoyable subject with great variety and opportunities for students. It leads on to Construction Studies for the Leaving Certificate.

Technology Technology involves working with different materials, mainly wood, plastic and metal. You will learn how to work with all of these materials and use them together in projects. Electronics is also a part of the course where students will have to incorporate a small electro-mechanism into projects. In third year you will have to make a project incorporating everything you have learned. This will account for 50% of the overall Junior Certificate mark. The other 50% will come from a written examination. This subject leads on to Technology for the Leaving Certificate.

Religion Religion is now available as an examination subject at Junior and Leaving Certificate levels. All students take religion as a pastoral subject in first year. Those wishing to take it for their Junior Certificate exam may do so and the remainder will continue with religion as a pastoral subject.

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Business Studies

Junior Certificate Business Studies is split into two areas-namely accounting and a study of both household and business. Topics include: budgeting, banking, insurance, forms of business ownership, industrial relations and marketing and also household and business accounts. The course is very practical and will benefit everyone as it is related to everyday life. A lot of learning is required as it is theory based and also formats of various accounts need to be studied. Anyone who has an interest in business and likes performing calculations will definitely enjoy this practical and varied course. It leads onto three Leaving Certificate subjects-Accounting, Economics and Business.

Art, Craft & Design

The Junior Certificate Art course is roughly divided up into three areas. The art and design aspect involves painting, drawing and making posters using a variety of different materials. There are a number of different areas you can explore in the craft area including pottery, textiles and printmaking. Art is an enjoyable subject with great variety and opportunities for students. The Junior Certificate exam is divided into two areas. There is a large project which takes about seven months and is worth 75% of the overall mark. There is also a drawing exam which takes two hours and this is done after the project is completed. This makes up for the remaining 25%. Art is also offered a s a Leaving Certificate subject so those students who like it can study it for a further two years

Technical Graphics

Technical Graphics is a subject where students learn to communicate their thoughts and ideas through drawing. The subject requires a good level of concentration and attention to detail. The subject covers areas from draughtsmanship to 3 dimensional representation and sketching. Students learn how to make models. They explore areas such as industrial design and architecture. Pupils learn the basics of computer aided design (CAD). Students can progress to do an architecture module in Transition year or move on to do Design and Communication Graphics (DCG) for the Leaving Certificate

Music Junior Certificate Music looks at many areas such as music from other countries and eras, composing music and performing. Students will become familiar with music through the ages, from classical to rock and have the opportunity to take up an instrument of their choice. The Junior Certificate exam is divided into three sections-written, listening and performance. Students who have a passion for music will really enjoy this subject. Students who study music for the Junior Certificate have the option of continuing with the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

Materials Technology (Metal) Metalwork involves the manipulation and processing of different metals and plastics. It incorporates the nature of materials, CNX lathe programming electricity and electronics, structure’s mechanisms and graphics and design. Students are encouraged to become actively involved in design and technology and in making things for a specific purpose. For the Junior Certificate 75% of the examination is practically based and a theory examination makes up the remaining 25%. The subject leads on to Engineering for the Leaving Certificate.

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Transfer and Transition Induction Programme for 1st

year Students.

The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting and hugely meaningful leap forward into shaping a positive and bright future for your son/daughter. Gorey Community School has successfully run an innovative and exciting four day induction programme for incoming first years since 2012. The programme explores relevant issues that sometimes face first year students as they enter secondary school. Our Transfer & Transition programme, “Belonging+” is supported by The National Behaviour Support Service. The programme aims to encourage growth in our students’ social, emotional, behavioural and academic abilities, so that they can achieve and succeed in our school on every level. All incoming 1st

1 year students will participate in modules for four days. Modules covered by all


year students are outlined below.

• Coping with Change: Stress Management, Dealing with Anxiety, Optimistic Thinking. • Homework and Study Skills: Expectations, Honest Effort, ABC of Homework. • Finding my Way Around: Who’s Who on Staff, Team Challenge-the Physical School

Building, Meet the SNAs, Meet the Year Head Team. • New School and Organization Skills: My New School, Being Organized for Secondary

School, Homework Expectations, My Timetable, My Locker, My Journal. • Learning Behaviour and Skills for Success: Rules and Routines, Listening and

Communication, Respectful Relationships. • Making New Friends; Forming New Relationships. • Being Safe in School: Bullying, Healthy Eating. • Textbook Usage: New Subjects and New Thinking Skills.

Modules have been carefully and methodically designed with up-to-date and reliable school-based research at its core. These modules are facilitated by experienced teachers, and supported by our team of SNAs, alongside trained 5th

year Mentors.

Each student is provided with a colorful, interactive “Belonging+” booklet to support the settling in process. Furthermore, the booklet is used throughout the year on a needs basis during class tutor group time.

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Managing the transition from Primary School to Secondary School

• In primary school you have one teacher and one classroom for all subjects. • In secondary school you can have a different teacher for each subject. This can make

your day more interesting. • In secondary school you will move to a new classroom after each class.

In G.C.S. the school is divided into eight corridors, numbered one to eight. In each Corridor the rooms are numbered with the number of the corridor first, followed by the number of the room. The rooms are numbered with the even numbers on the one side of the corridor and the uneven numbers on the other. So for example room 407 is in corridor 4 on the right hand side as you come from reception. This system makes it easier to find the rooms in the building. There are two canteens in the school, one for junior students up to third year and one for the senior students from transition year upwards.

• In secondary school the day is longer than in primary school . Classes start each day at

nine o clock and end at three forty five on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday classes end at three fifteen. Lunch time is forty five minutes long each day and first years are not allowed to go up the town at lunch-time. They are only allowed to go to their homes with written permission from their parents. Some students can have a very early start as buses leave very early from some of the outer areas, therefore it is very important that students get plenty of rest and go to bed early. It is also important that students have a healthy balanced diet to keep their energy levels up throughout the day

• In secondary school you do more subjects than in primary school. This is an exciting

challenge and you need not worry about this as everyone is facing the same challenge. • In secondary school each teacher will give homework so it is important that each student

starts school with a plan for their study. It is vital that each student makes the best start possible. You should have a time and a place to do your study and revision. Homework is an important part of life at secondary school and you are expected to attempt your homework each day to the best of your ability.

• In secondary school you have a lot more books and you also move class a lot. It is very

important for students to get a locker as many of the books you will need are heavy and it would be very difficult to carry them around all day. Locker Rental is €35.00 for the six years.

• In secondary school you have a timetable of your classes for the week. It is also a good idea to keep a separate copy of your timetable at home.

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Pastoral Care Team

Guidance Counsellors Gorey Community School has four guidance counsellors, all of whom work to support students during their time in the school. Class teachers, class tutors, year heads and other members of management may refer a student to the guidance counsellor. Parents may also contact a counsellor if the need arises. Students may also seek an appointment with their guidance counsellor. Students who may be experiencing difficulties settling, or students who are presenting with behavioural problems on an ongoing basis may benefit from a session or a number of sessions with the guidance counsellor depending on the nature of the issue. Students who experience loss due to bereavement or a separation would benefit from a visit to the guidance counsellor. Guidance is also offered in other areas such as difficulty with a subject or subjects, homework, bullying, conflict with peers and or adults or any area that impinges in an unhelpful way on the life of the young person. The guidance service is in place in order to support the student. Permission is always obtained from the relevant teacher at the time of the appointment. Problems of a personal nature will be dealt with in a confidential manner but in cases where the guidance counsellor perceives that the student may be at risk to himself or herself or to others s/he will refer the student on to the relevant services. The guidance counsellor also provides information on subject choices, course and career choices and all students avail of these services as they move up through the secondary school system. Year Head Gorey Community School has a large and effective pastoral care team. Each year group has a year head and two assistant year heads. The year head has overall responsibility for all of the students in that year group. The year head is concerned about the welfare of each student and works with the class tutors, guidance counsellors, and the principal and deputy principals to monitor the progress of all pupils. Class Tutor The class tutor takes particular responsibility for his/her class tutor group. The tutor will get to know each student so as to become the person with the best knowledge of the student. The class tutor has one period each week in which the journal is checked and the tutor will become most familiar with the progress of their students. The student journal must be signed each week by a parent or guardian. Chaplain The school is extremely lucky to have a dedicated chaplain who is available to students to assist with the daily difficulties of growing up. The chaplain is available throughout the day to all students. Home School Liaison Teacher. In our school we have the services of a home school liaison teacher for a limited number of hours each week. This teacher is available to visit the homes of students who are experiencing difficulty in attending school and can speak with students and parents in their own home environment. Subject teachers. Your subject teacher will answer questions and deal with your difficulties in that subject. Student Mentors These are fifth year students who are assigned to a number of first year students to assist them through the challenges of transition from Primary school into the second level system. They will meet with the students in a supervised format to help them make new friends, become familiar with the new school and also be there for the first years if they have any questions or, if they need help, to direct them to a member of the pastoral care team. It is important to have a good breakfast and bring a lunch to school.

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• Take an active interest in homework, as this will motivate the student to have a greater interest in school. Don’t let your own negative experiences in school, influence your child.

• Encourage the student to accept help from a sibling or a parent.

• Have an agreed homework and study time each evening, preferably when there is an adult present to help out

• Allow 1.5 to 2 hours study/homework per evening, in first year.

• Encourage the student to do homework and praise them when they make an effort and

when the homework is completed.

• Encourage them to keep copies and books neat and tidy. Cover copies and books where possible.

• Have a comfortable quiet place for the student to do homework.


• If the student is studying alone in the bedroom, check regularly to ensure that homework

is being done.

• Check the journal each night to ensure that the homework is being done.

• Check the school bag each night and ensure that the correct books and copies are there for the next day. Check timetable for this.

• Do all written homework needed for class.

• Ensure that all study and recall homework is completed.

• If no written homework was assigned, read over what was done in class that day.

• Five to ten minute breaks between subjects being studied is a good idea.

• At the weekend, revise areas of work that need attention or that the student found

difficult during the week.

• Tidy bag every weekend and remove anything living or likely to regenerate something else!. If pages are loose, sellotape them in to copy or book.

• Have a set bedtime, it is important that they get plenty of sleep. Question if a

TV/Computer is necessary in the bedroom. They may be looking at TV or chatting on social networking sites, like Face book, late at night and find it difficult to concentrate in class the next day.

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Code of Behaviour

Parental co-operation is considered fundamental to the implementation of the school’s policy. By enrolling their children in the school, parents indicate agreement with the aims and ethos of the school. The code of behaviour is rooted in the belief that respect for the individual is essential to effective teaching and learning and is, thus, an integral part of a positive school ethos. It is important to note that the school rules are not there to make your life as a student in this school more difficult. Neither are they in place to try to control you. However, for the efficient and safe running of the school, it is vital that these rules are upheld. It is up to everyone to ensure that they treat themselves, those around them and the school in general with respect. Respect is not a natural right. It has to be earned by respecting others. A signed copy of the school Code of Behaviour must be returned with the enrolment form. The full text for the Gorey Community School Code of Behaviour is available from the school website. Daily Timetable


Start Time

Morning Break Lunch Time End of Classes


9.00am 10.55 – 11.05am 1.05 – 1.50pm 3.45pm


9.00am 10.55 – 11.05am 1.05 – 1.50pm 3.45pm


9.00am 10.55 – 11.05am

1.05 – 1.50pm

3.45pm Thursday


11.00 – 11.10am

1.10 – 1.55pm




11.00 – 11.10am 1.10 – 1.55pm 3.15pm

School Uniform

1. School green jumper with red stripe at neck. 2. Red and green stripe tie. 3. White blouse or shirt. 4. Black shoes (not boots, runners or slippers) (maximum heel 2 inches). 5. Gorey Community School jacket. 6. Girls: Tartan skirt, fully lined with four knife pleats front and back. Black socks or tights.

Optional: Grey school trousers (may be worn after Halloween break to Easter Holidays). 7. Boys: Plain school grey trousers (without turn-ups).

P.E. Navy tracksuit, white t-shirt or aertex top, shoes suitable for indoor gym (non marking sole). School Uniforms may be purchased at Funges Shop, Main Street, Gorey and Michael Leacy and Sons, Main Street, Gorey.

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Your Journal

Your Journal is an essential part of your school life.

• As in Primary School you have a school journal. • Your journal must be signed each week by a parent or guardian and will be checked by

your class tutor on Friday morning. • The journal is a very important link between the school and home. • Teachers and parents may put notes in the journal. Teachers enter complimentary

notes and test results but may need to enter notes regarding indiscipline, lateness or absence.

• All notes regarding appointments, lateness or absence should be entered in the journal by parents. This allows everyone to keep a check on attendance and punctuality.

• You must write in all homework for each subject each day. • The journal will remind you each day of tests, homework, messages and special

equipment that you may need to bring to school.


• Homework helps us to remember what we learned in class—revising in the evening helps slow down the rate at which we forget.

• First year students should spend one and a half to two hours each day doing homework. Written work:

• All written work should be done in a neat and tidy manner. Each teacher will explain what to do.

• Listen carefully if work is being corrected in class. • Always correct your mistakes.

Learning work: • For example: read one page, underline the main points, or perhaps underline the

Vocabulary that you must learn. • At the end of the page or list of words recall the main points without the notes or book. • Continue this process until you have completed the learning process.


• We in Gorey Community School aim to provide a quality education service. This can only

be achieved successfully if attendance rates are excellent. • All absences should be explained on the official notes section printed in the school

journal. • Whenever possible parents should try to make appointments for dentists, doctors etc

outside the school day. • We depend on the support of students and parents in implementing our policy on

attendance. • Students who arrive late for school in the morning or afternoon must go to reception for

a late stamp. • Students leaving the school during the day for any reason must have signed out with

permission from the year head.

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Reward Systems in Gorey Community School

• Recognition of achievement in assemblies and Awards Ceremonies.

• Star journal – currently in place in 1st and 2nd


• Praise by Teacher, Tutor, Year Head, Deputy Principals or Principal.

• Positive note in the school journal.

• Positive letter home.

• Certificates.

• Subject related games.

• Trips, outings, films.

• Class prizes.

• Work exhibited.

• Announcements.

• Vouchers.

• Student achievement acknowledged on school media.

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Special Educational Needs Department

Gorey Community School welcomes and supports students with a range of Special Educational Needs (S.E.N). We have a large team of trained personnel including teachers and special needs assistants working together with the co-ordinator: Linda McEvoy.

How we support students with SEN

1. There are two resource classes in each year in Junior Cycle. The maximum number in each class is fifteen students. Allocation of places is based on:

Small Classes:

Assessment tests. Information from National School. Psychological reports. The students in these classes do one less subject that those in mixed ability classes. This facilitates extra classes for Maths and English. They can choose to do a modern language however most choose not to. Students with S.E.N. move from class to class alongside their mixed ability mainstream peers. Students are in their base classes for Irish, Science, P.E., Religion, Geography and History for all option subjects, they are in mixed ability mainstream classes.

2. Students with SEN (example Dyslexia, Aspergers syndrome, ADHD etc) in these classes are supported through:

Mixed Ability Classes

Additional teaching support (withdrawal on a one to one basis or small groups) Team Teaching. Additional teaching support is subject to allocation of hours from the Department of Education and Science accessed through the S.E.N.O.

The new SEN suite, The Rice Ward building was opened in May 2009 and includes a dedicated ICT room, art therapy room, life skills room, withdrawal rooms Library and English room, and a Maths room.


JCSP (Junior Certificate Schools Programme) Certification for Students with SEN

Junior Certificate LCA (Leaving Cert Applied) Leaving Certificate

In order for the school to support a student with S.E.N. and to access resources for the student through the Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO), it is essential that the Parent/Guardian inform the school at the earliest opportunity.

Enrolling a Pupil with S.E.N.

Contact the School S.E.N Co-ordinator Ms. McEvoy. Prior to Enrolment

Provide all relevant professional reports including psychological, medical, speech & language therapy reports and recent school reports.

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Transition Year Gorey Community School

What is Transition Year?

Transition Year is a one year programme taken after the Junior Certificate and before the Leaving Certificate.

What is the purpose of the Transition Year Programme? To promote maturity in students. To help students become more independent and responsible through the variety of subjects they sample throughout the year and activities they partake in during the year.

What subjects are studied? Core subjects: English, Irish, Maths, Religion, TY Administration, Personal Development. Optional Subjects: History, Japanese, Construction Studies, Engineering, Geography, French, German, Spanish, Physical Education, Home Economics, Science, Woodwork. Modular sampling subjects: Self Defence, International Cuisine, Photography, Law, Volleyball coaching course, FAI soccer coaching course, GAA coaching course, Mask Making, Desk Top Publishing, Film Studies, Contempory Music, Beauty Therapy, Music Theatre, Drama, Golf, Fitness, Life Saving, Dance, Holistic Health, Forensic Science, Textiles, Creative Writing, Formulae 1, Woodcraft, Fashion, Equestrian Studies, Horticulture.

Compulsory modules: Psychology, Communications, National Road Safety, Keyboard, Etiquette, Sign Language.

How would you describe the TY calendar? It is action packed and fun filled. It includes a week of Work Experience, Workshops, an outdoor Education trip to the Clonbur Outdoor centre in Co. Galway, Community Service, Exchange trips to Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Mission awareness trip to the Gambia, Classical Studies trip, London music Theatre trip, Ski trip, to name but a few.

What competitions do the Transition Year Students enter during the year? BT Young Scientist, Drama Festival, Young Entrepreneur, Poetry Slam, Agri-Aware Competitions, Blastbeat, Essay Writing, Film Festival, Debating,

Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two year Leaving Certificate Programme, available to students who wish to follow a practical or vocationally orientated programme. It is one of three Leaving Certificate options offered by the Department of Education and Skills. The word “applied” is used because the programme is designed to allow the students to apply the learning and experiences they gain over the two years of the programme to practical education tasks at school, in the workplace and in the wider community. The students do work experience one day per week, and they will experience four different types of work experience over the two years.

The Leaving Certificate Applied uses a unique system of assessment. The students’ work is assessed over the two years of the programme and they gain credits as they go along. Practical’s, interviews and terminal written papers are among the different forms of assessment used. It is possible to collect a total of 200 credits over the two years, which includes the final examinations at the end of year 2. The final Leaving Certificate Applied examinations at the end of year two awards a maximum of 68 credits. The Leaving Certificate Applied is accepted for most Post Leaving Certificate Courses (PLCs). Completing these courses will in many cases allow a student to progress to third level Institutes of Technology. The Leaving Certificate Applied provides access to most apprenticeships and training as well as to the Garda Training College in Templemore.

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Extra Curricular Activities

Gorey Community School has a very broad programme of extra curricular activities available to student in the school. Students are encouraged to take part in these activities as participation is seen as healthy and a very good way to make friends. It is an honour to be selected on any of the activities to represent the school and students are strongly encouraged to train or practice for these activities as requested.

Activities available in Gorey Community School.

Hockey Athletics Badminton Basketball Choir Music Camogie Debating Drama Classes Equestrian Sports Gaelic Football Hurling Handball Ladies Football Rugby (Boys & Girls) Sailing Soccer School tours and school exchanges Tennis Public Speaking Various subject quiz teams Musicals Quizzes Folk Group Speech and Drama Arts Week Young Scientists Slogadh School magazine Seachtan na Gaeilge Camino Trips Modern Dance Gymnastics School Trips Sponsored Walk Outdoor Pursuits Students’ Council School Exchanges Young Entrepreneurs Chamber Choir Chess Unihoc Bene Merenti Concert Foreign Exchanges Green Schools What is Green Schools? Green Schools started as a European based programme and has now expanded to include South Africa and the Caribbean. 26 Countries have a Green Schools programme and Ireland has the fastest growing Green Schools movement in both Primary and Secondary schools. Our Green Flag In May 2001, Gorey Community School was awarded a Green Flag by An Taisce which runs the Green Schools programme in Ireland. The Green Flag was awarded for the school’s efforts to reduce litter by at least 20% and to introduce recycling. In May 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 we were awarded a Renewal of the Green Flag. The Green Flags were awarded for improving on litter management, increasing recycling, starting to examine ways to reduce the amount of energy we use and for our work on water conservation. The theme for our 5th

Green Flag is travel and transport and looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

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Gorey Community School has a long history of producing and performing an extensive selection of musicals. The tradition began from the schools’ inception and has continued on a bi-annual basis. Students are greatly encouraged to get involved and all students except sixth years may audition for parts. Some of the hugely successful musicals performed in the past are Les Miserables, High School Musical, Honk and The Hot Mikado. The school musicals are directed by Ms. Dempsey. Currently the students are rehearsing for “Grease” which they will be performing in Gorey Little Theatre for one week starting 13th


October, 2014.

The Junior choir comprises first, second and third year students. Ms Dempsey is the choir director and rehearsals take place twice a week. A place in the choir is decided by audition. The existing Junior choir performs publicly as often as possible and will be competing in the upcoming Arklow festival. The senior female choir comprises students from Transition Year Fifth and Sixth year. This choir was awarded second place recently at the Kilcoole Music Festival. Gorey Community School also has a male vocal ensemble, comprising boys from all years. They also won second prize at the Kilcoole Music Festival and will compete in the Arklow Music Festival. Both choirs are directed by Ms Clancy. There are many and varying events that take place over the academic year within the music department. There is an annual trip to the west-end in London for transition year students and there are numerous visits to the school by musicians for performances and workshops.

Bene Merenti Concert

The Bene Merenti concert is an annual event in the life of Gorey Community School and is an event of which we are immensely proud. The concert has become a showcase for the extraordinary talent of our students and occasionally of our staff. Students go through an audition process and we encourage as many first years as possible to get involved. The concert consists of musicians, singers, dancers, bands, gymnasts, poets comedians etc. The term ‘Bene Merenti’ means ‘The one who most deserves’ and on the final night we honour the students who have shared their talents with the others, thus enhancing the ethos of performing arts in Gorey Community School. The concert is one of the highlights of the year.

Young Scientist

Any science students interested in entering the BT Young Scientist Exhibition are encouraged and assisted by their science teachers. The entries are due in the first week of October with categories such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Ecology, Technology, and Social and Behavioural Science being covered. Over the past years a number of students have exhibited at the event. The exhibition itself takes place in January in The RDS in Dublin.

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General Health Tips Food It is very important to have something for breakfast every day. It will give you energy to face the long school day. Cut down on the junk food and try to fill up on more nutritious foods such as bread, rice pasta, potatoes, fruit and vegetables. Don’t skip meals, especially lunch, eating can be fun and sociable. Exercise We all build exercise into our daily lives; being fit not only makes you look better and feel better it also maintains your body weight. Exercise reduces stress and depression and also gives you energy. Try going for a walk next time you feel under pressure and tired and see what happens! Sleep Everyone varies in the amount of sleep that they need but teenagers need more sleep that adults. Usually teenagers need about nine and a half hours each night. If you reduce your sleep by more that one hour per night your ability to concentrate will be affected. Relaxation Learning to relax involves many things. It is about how you look at things and learning to stay clam and keeping cool. It is also about learning to relax tense muscles which help you to relieve tension. Make relaxation a habit and find something you enjoy doing. Make time for YOU.

Students Council We are very proud of our Student Council in Gorey Community School. The Student Council helps to promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development. It also enhances communication between students, management, staff and parents. Students are nominated from the class tutor groups and elected by the students in the year group. Three representatives are elected from each year group so that we have eighteen members on the council. Council members meet once a week at lunchtime. They decide what they want to discuss at the meeting. There is a suggestion box at the reception and students can write their suggestions or contact a Students council member if they have a matter they want discussed to improve the students’ life in the school. The Council members organise such fundraising activities such as Jersey/no uniform days and awareness days to highlight the activities of the council. The council also organise campaigns such as non smoking, healthy lifestyles and anti-bullying. The chairperson and secretary have regular meetings with the principal where they discuss matters of relevance to the students. A notice board in the school keeps the students informed about the activities of the Student Council.

We hope that you will consider joining the Student council.

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Gorey Community School Parents Association. Dear Parent/Guardian, On behalf of the above association I would like to welcome each student to Gorey Community School and hope their stay here will be both prosperous and enjoyable. We try to help parents, guardians and students to get the most from their time here. We are continually looking for ways to support the school, and there are monthly meetings towards this aim. Each parent/guardian of student is entitled to be a member of the Parents Association. The meetings are attended by the school Principal, general matters and general topics of concern to parents are raised and dealt with accordingly. These meetings provide a good basis for you to get to know the everyday life of the school and to familiarise yourself with other parents. We hold fundraising events and the following are some which have benefited from same:

• Financial contributions to school societies or trips by the same. • Benches for the school quad. • Contributed towards new playing strips in sports department. • Provided refreshments at various school functions. • Arranged information evenings with the Year Heads.

We aim to have nine meetings per school year and would ask for at least one parent/guardian of each student to give less than two hours per month for the benefit of your son/daughter by attending the meetings. You will be notified by text about dates of the upcoming meetings and at the moment the subscription to the parents association is only €10.00 per family (regardless of the number of children you have in the school). We urge each parent/guardian to pay the €10.00 subscription as it will be to the benefit of the students. You will be informed when the parents association will be collecting subscriptions and would appreciate if you could pay the subscription per family to the parents association on that day. Thanking you. Joe Kelly. Chairman. Parents Association.

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