Fierce 10 Training Module 1: 2020 High Performance Trader Performance Improvement Planner 1 | Page Welcome to 2020 Wow, who’s ready for a fresh start this year? 2019 was a big year in the markets, and 2020 is going to be even bigger and better than ever! Why? Because that’s the kind of traders we are! We decide to make it bigger and better! If you’ve got big trading goals you want to conquer this year, it’s important to have a game plan to keep you on track. Through structure, discipline, and routine when it comes to executing plans, I’ve been able to consistently increase my performance by 200-600% each year. Now, who likes the sound of that? Remember: structure, discipline and routine. Planning your journey towards your goals means you create a structure where you have priorities set out in bite-size achievable tasks. But instead of one big, neverending to-do list, there’s a specific structure determining where you focus on. Because what we focus on is what we get to the exclusion of everything else. This allows you to focus on what you need to do, how to do it, and when. And when you have a clearly laid out plan, with milestones and action steps planned to the day, you will have to discipline to execute, to actually do it.

Welcome to 2020 · Stay laser focused by aligning your short-term task with your long term objectives. ... ‘Being’ goals are mindset goals: - Who we are - Who we are becoming

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Page 1: Welcome to 2020 · Stay laser focused by aligning your short-term task with your long term objectives. ... ‘Being’ goals are mindset goals: - Who we are - Who we are becoming

Fierce 10 Training Module 1: 2020 High Performance Trader Performance Improvement Planner 1 | P a g e

Welcome to 2020

Wow, who’s ready for a fresh start this year?

2019 was a big year in the markets, and 2020 is going to be even bigger and better than ever! Why? Because that’s the kind of traders we are! We decide to make it bigger and better!

If you’ve got big trading goals you want to conquer this year, it’s important to have a game plan to keep you on track.

Through structure, discipline, and routine when it comes to executing plans, I’ve been able to consistently increase my performance by 200-600% each year.

Now, who likes the sound of that?

Remember: structure, discipline and routine.

Planning your journey towards your goals means you create a structure where you have priorities set out in bite-size achievable tasks. But instead of one big, neverending to-do list, there’s a specific structure determining where you focus on. Because what we focus on is what we get to the exclusion of everything else.

This allows you to focus on what you need to do, how to do it, and when. And when you have a clearly laid out plan, with milestones and action steps planned to the day, you will have to discipline to execute, to actually do it.

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You actually have an annual plan, you actually structure your tasks, and you actually follow through.

A planning routine means you dedicate a certain amount of time to planning on a regular basis. I reassess and revisit my goal setting plan annually, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily - all on different scales.

Because I know the science for trading success, it’s having an intention, it’s

cultivating a trader mindset that is in alignment with your trading goals, it’s creating

a structure that you can follow.

So if you want to get it down, get it done and make it happen this year, then your 2020 High Performance Trader Planner is here to help you do just that.


LinkedIn Professional Profile – See Whom We Know In Common

Twitter - @MPX_Trader

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/HighPerformTrading

P.S. This planner is an excerpt from Module 1 of the Fierce 10 online Mindset Mastery course.

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Debriefing and learning from the past is crucial to be able to charge forward. You need to take that time to assess what you didn’t and did accomplish, what lessons you will take into the new goal planning project, and how you can improve.

Otherwise you’re jumping from task to task without ever really improving. I use the following structure in my debriefing process with my coach once a month and do it for myself in my weekly planning meeting with myself.

Objective - What did I set out to achieve?

Your yearly objective could be to develop a proven and winning trading strategy.

Based on a weekly progress report it could be finish studying 2 chapters of Wykoff or Taylor Techniques, or backtest Wyckoff in the $DAX daily charts.

Result - Flat out yes or no, did this get done?

There is no almost/if/but/nearly/not yet. It’s either done or not done. It’s as simple as that.

Reason - Why did or didn’t this get done?

I like to gain clarity on why I did or didn’t get things done, so I can improve my planning process by focusing more on what works.

What resource was I missing to get this done? Time, skill, underestimated the amount of work it required?

Did I manage my time efficiently. If not, why not?

Did I set realistic goals?

Did I align my daily tasks with my annual goal?

It’s equally as important to identify the reasons why things DO get done. Everything got ticked off. Why?

As a result I developed a rock solid repeatable kick butt planning process.

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Response - What are 1-3 actions I can take away based on what I’ve learnt?

Now that I have some awareness around what’s working/ not working, I can take deliberate action and set myself up for success.

These insights help us learn from our successes/failures, so we can smash next week’s objective

Think strategically, think big, and think about whether the tasks you do every day

are actually adding value and contributing to your plan.

This isn’t about being busy and starting a million half-assed projects.

This is about taking your effectiveness to a whole new level.

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Step 2: The Strategic Planning Process

Stay laser focused by aligning your short-term task with your long term objectives. That way every task you complete leads back to fulfilling your purpose by reaching your goals and you don't waste time on things that aren't important.

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The Foundations

Goal setting isn’t about writing down your SMART goals and reading them every day. It is a purposeful project management process, process managing your life.

You start with deciding on your Wildly Important Goal that you want to move towards to and grow into over the course of the year. You start with the big picture goal and break it down into action steps and milestones into smaller daily top 5 tasks that get you one step at a time closer to where you want to be and into the future self you want to grow into.

The first step is getting clear on your Wildly Important Goal

The purpose of placing your Wildly Important Goal into the future like a shining guiding star is so that from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed no matter how much profits you make or what challenges you face - you’re able to live your mission with conviction and as a guiding compass.

Some guidelines:

- don’t set big ‘feel good’ goals, but realistic goals (that still stretch you) and

then expand on them as you grow as a person and close that gap.

- To begin with, brainstorm goal ideas, write down anything and everything

that comes to mind, no inner critic, strive for mess, bad ideas, good ideas,

stuff you want to learn about,

- Whatever you have as objection that you say to yourself you can’t do, turn it around into a goal as something that you are committed to learn.

- Base your goals on who you want to grow into as a human being, what do you care about and what are you willing to fight for?

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The reason why most traders don’t achieve their goals are:

- They set their goals in terms of what they want to have, the car, the house, the freedom, and not in terms of who they want to grow into in line with their values so that they can have the 6 figure trading bank, the car etc.

Every ‘having’ goal you set, make sure to set 2 ‘being’ goals that will help achieve them.

For example if your goal is to make $100,000 profit in trading so you can buy a nice car and take your family on a nice holiday, consider that, if you already had the mindset and the skillset to make $100K you would already make $100,000 or more in your trading.

This means that you now have to identify what are the gaps in your mindset and your skillset, that you need to bridge and what are the areas you need to grow so that you can be this 100,000 dollar trader?

‘Being’ goals are mindset goals:

- Who we are - Who we are becoming - What skill we are developing, that are required to achieve our goals, so we

can have what we thrive for

Want to kickstart your year, conquer your trading mindset and fast track your trading results?

Check out High Performance Trader - Mindset Mastery Group:



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Step 1: Identify your Wildly Important Goal by the end of 2020

To identify what your goal is, work from the future backwards. Start off with

imagining “Your Ideal Average Trading Live” using the Wheel of Life as inspiration.

When you write down how, with whom you want to spend your life and the

projects you want to focus your attention on, it will help you to find out your

vision and your values and what is important to you in life.

The purpose of this exercise is to set a goal that is in line with your values, so

you know exactly why this matters to you so much.

Vision: your ideal trading life by the end of 2020:

- Where do you want to live?

- Whom do you want to hang out with?

- What do you want to have achieved?

- What are you going to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

- What kind of conversations are you having?

- What hobbies do you have?

- What purpose do you have in life?

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Don’t worry, you are not stuck with it, you can change at any time. As a matter

of fact, it will change, because as you grow and progress as a trader, your values

will change, life will change with unexpected events and you will adjust your

journey towards your wildly important goal accordingly.

The purpose of this exercise is that when you start thinking about your ideal

trading life you get clear on what is important to you in life, you get clear on your

values. And if you design your goals in line with your values it will be much easier

for you to achieve your goals.

Now we will get into our goal setting structure. There are 3 types of goals:

1. Outcome Goals

2. Process Goals

3. Performance Goals

When you decide on your WIG, it must be an outcome goal. An outcome goal is a goal that states what you want to have as a result of the activities you are undertaking throughout the year. Your WIG must be clear and specific to avoid distraction, procrastination and overwhelm.

Now your wig can be a financial goal, this year I want to earn a 6 figure income

from trading. Or your wig could be I want to have developed my own tested and

proven trading strategy. So you determine what you want to focus on by setting

your WIG.

My Wildly Important Goal is:

e.g. Make $100,000 profit with trading by the end of 2020 (if you already have a strategy)

or Have my own proven trading methodology that works for me (if you don’t have a strategy as yet pat down)

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Step 2: 90 day goal underneath your WIG, that will help achieving your WIG

It is not enough to set goals; you need ways of tracking your progress toward

those goals and use it as feedback to continuously fine tune and adjust your

milestones and action steps.

What are your 12 months / 90 day / monthly / weekly / daily goals that drive you

closer to your wildly important goal by the end of the year?

You need to reassess your action steps and milestones leading to your WIG at

each of those times.

When we design the quarterly and monthly milestones, we want to use process goals and performance goals, so that we can design the weekly and daily action steps required to achieve the milestones.

To determine milestones and actionsteps we break your WIG into tasks, create

systems and strategies around your trading business and create benchmarks and

lead and lag measures to measure how you progress on your journey.

We start with identifying the categories that will help you reach your WIG and decide on the quarterly and monthly milestones that you aim for.

Here is an example from our Fierce 10 Trading Mindset Transformation Challenge Online Training: a list of categories you could choose from:

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Who is going to be involved in this?

What resources do you need to progress towards your goals?

Where do you need to be for that?

When do you have to have completed your subgoals?

Then you could look at your SWOT analysis.. strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, threats.

SW is all about you, the internal factors, your mindset, your resources, your

skillset, and OT is all about the external factors, mentors, market, brokers etc..


90 Day Goals

Trading Mindset (process goal)

Trading Skillset (process goal)

Daily Routines (Performance Goals: Statistics / Market Prep / Market Review)

Health & Wellbeing & Fun

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Bite-sized 90 day (quarterly) goals

Break up the big goal into milestones to be achieved by the end of each quarter.

Quarter 1:

Trading Mindset

Trading Skillset

Daily Routines

Health & Wellbeing

Quarter 2:

Quarter 3:

Quarter 4:

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Bite-sized monthly goals

From there, you will allocate yourself monthly goals from the quarter you’re in which will then get broken down into weekly goals and daily tasks.

Next you create your Monthly Goals based on each of these 5 categories.

Month 1:

Trading Mindset

Trading Skillset

Daily Routines

Health & Wellbeing

Month 2:

Month 3:

For example, in Trading Skill : study Wyckoff.

In Trading Mindset: create my new beliefs around money.

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Top 5 Weekly (process) goals = Tasks

Now break the monthly milestones into weekly top 5 actions to be completed to

reach the milestone. Ask yourself what is my top 5 outcome that must be achieved

this week, that by achieving this top 5 will move me into the direction of achieving

my monthly top 5? EG: Study chapter 1 to 5 of the book and backtest his concepts.

Then at the end of the week tick: Done – Not Done – In Progress.

Weekly Top 5 Tasks for Trading Mindset






Weekly Top 5 Tasks for Trading Skillset






Weekly Top 5 Tasks for Daily Routines






Weekly Top 5 Tasks for Health & Wellbeing






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Daily Top 5 (process) goals = action steps

And from the weekly, you can now determine what are your daily activities that

will allow you to tick off the weekly goal and move you closer to your WIG?

This is where you ask yourself: What are my top 5 things to cover today, that by

achieving this will move me into the direction of achieving my weekly top 5.

Everyday plan to do top 5 tasks in line with the trajectory of your goals. So now

you know if you take care of your daily top 5, which is a manageable chunk for

you, your weekly top 5s are taken care of with that your monthly goals are taken

care of and so it works its way back up.

I personally chunk really low down, even to 3 hourly. I don’t waste a minute, I

make sure that every moment of my day is 100% purposeful.

You decide on the benchmarks and standards that you need to meet along the milestones on a consistent basis, that when you do your performance analysis, you can proof to yourself that you actually are following your process, whilst you grow in the best version of your future self, the trader who is capable to be the WIG trader.

Daily Top 5 Tasks

for Trading Mindset

for Trading Skillset

for Daily Routines

for Health & Wellbeing

So, you can see, you can achieve your WIG, because you do your daily

actionsteps, that move you towards your weekly top 5 outcomes, which allow you

to meet your monthly goals. And because you achieve your monthly goals, which

move you into the direction of achieving your 90 day goals, you are always on the

trajectory towards your WIG.

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Examples of Trading Mindset process goal could be to focus the entire trading

day on developing the skill of patience. To observe yourself in the heat of the

moment, when are you patient, what triggers compulsive and impulsive need to

‘jump’ into the market?

And then practice to sit with the feeling of impulsiveness, to sit with the feeling of

fear of missing out and NOT act on it until the feeling has dissolved (it usually

takes just a few minutes).

This way you can say your goal is to improve your emotional strengths: today I

only felt impulsive 3 times, yesterday I felt impulsive 5 times = improvement!

Or you can identify a strength that you want to focus on during the next trading

session. A strength that allows you to make profits and that you want to continue

doing more of.

When you set a positive goal for the day, based on strengths, it puts you in touch

with the best within you. It helps you feel confident and capable, and you want to

cultivate more of that feeling.

Ask yourself: “What am I good at? What did I well yesterday? How am I going to

make use of that strength today?”

Examples of Trading Skill process goals are: To improve by 1% a day (now you

need to set benchmarks and lead and lag measurements that will allow you to

measure this.

How? By replaying your trading day (most platforms nowadays have a replay

function). By analyzing how you could have handled your losing trades better and

what you want to repeat from your winning trades.

Your daily routine of self-evaluation after the trading session will show you how

much you progress towards your goal. The purpose is not for you to master this

skill in 1 day, you want to see a 1% progress each day!

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The reason is that you don’t control the profits that you make each day, but you

can control the progress you make as a trader.

Useful progress goals are: increase your trading size incrementally, to improve

exit strategy to let traders run further, look at how to decrease the losses by 1


Examples for Daily Routines are: create checklists, preparation routines, report

cards for after trade assessments, end of month reviews with my coach

After the trading session, complete your report card based solely on how well you

achieved the goals you set for the day.

These report cards can be displayed beside your monitor to reinforce your

performance and progress. If you fail to achieve a good grade, improvement on

that activity becomes your goal for the next day.

If you achieve your daily task, you create a new goal for the next session, a goal

that allows you to progress by 1% again. The idea is to never trade without

consciously working on some aspect of your trading.

And I hope you can see how important it is to not leave your goals up to chance.

Rather than going, this is what I want to do for 2020, I think I am going to try

this and I am just going to throw paint at a wall and hope something sticks,

everything is clearly structured and planned for like a professional business. And

all you need to do is use this structure!

Congratulations!! My greatest respect You made it to the END! Now

you need to begin to put this goal setting structure into place and

follow it and kick some phenomenal goals!

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Hello again,

Well if you have gotten this far I am assuming you have read everything and are

in the midst of implementing what you have learnt and are in the process of

scaling your trading results.

Most will read this, maybe get 10% through it. The reality is very few traders will

actually take action.

But you’re different, right?

You’re going to make it happen no matter what, you’re going to put this into

action and make it happen right?

And if you want to conquer your mindset and fast track your trading progress, we

offer private one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching and self-paced online

home study courses.

Now go and kick some phenomenal goals!!

Mandi Pour Rafsendjani

Want to master your Trading Mindset? Join High Performance Trader – Mindset Mastery Group on www.HighPerformanceTrading.com.au LinkedIn Professional Profile – See Whom We Know In Common Twitter - @MPX_Trader YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/HighPerformTrading