Congregational Church of Marlborough, United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Faith Community 35 South Main Street PO Box 57 Marlborough, CT 06447 www.marlcongchurch.org office - 860.295.9050 Office email ~ [email protected] Senior Pastor’s line – 860.295.0432 email ~ [email protected] The Rev. Bob Faulhaber Jr…..…………Senior Pastor Val Seaver…………….…………………Pastoral Intern David Mulligan…..……….………………Music Director Gwen Lawson………….…Christian Education Director Alice Rowley..... “Echoes” Editor/Church Administrator Scott Reid….Senior High Youth Director (Grades 8-12) Gwen Lawson….….Junior Youth Director (Grades 5-7) Ellen Cannon..Finance ([email protected]) Sunday Worship at 10 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 to grade 8 at 10 a.m. Child care every Sunday downstairs in the nursery. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Volume 62 April 2019 Number 4 WELCOME HOME

WELCOME HOME · 2020. 11. 22. · Rev. Bob Faulhaber preaching “The True Cost of Salvation” John 12:1-8 reader, John Grasso April 14 April 3, 10 Palm Sunday Rev. Bob Faulhaber

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  • Congregational Church of Marlborough,

    United Church of Christ

    An Open and Affirming Faith Community 35 South Main Street – PO Box 57

    Marlborough, CT 06447 www.marlcongchurch.org office - 860.295.9050

    Office email ~ [email protected] Senior Pastor’s line – 860.295.0432

    email ~ [email protected] The Rev. Bob Faulhaber Jr…..…………Senior Pastor Val Seaver…………….…………………Pastoral Intern David Mulligan…..……….………………Music Director Gwen Lawson………….…Christian Education Director Alice Rowley..... “Echoes” Editor/Church Administrator Scott Reid….Senior High Youth Director (Grades 8-12) Gwen Lawson….….Junior Youth Director (Grades 5-7) Ellen Cannon..Finance ([email protected])

    Sunday Worship at 10 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 to grade 8 at 10 a.m.

    Child care every Sunday downstairs in the nursery.

    No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

    Volume 62 April 2019 Number 4



    WE WELCOME YOU Sunday Worship and

    Sunday School at 10 a.m. April 7

    Fifth Sunday in Lent Holy Communion

    Holy Communion is open to all who seek God and are drawn to Christ, regardless of denomination.

    The bread used is gluten-free. Rev. Bob Faulhaber preaching

    “The True Cost of Salvation”

    John 12:1-8 reader, John Grasso

    April 14

    Palm Sunday Rev. Bob Faulhaber Jr.

    preaching “Faith From a Distance”

    Luke 19:29-40; Luke 19:44-49 reader, Jim Zakszewski

    Service of Tenebrae Thursday, April 18 at 7 p.m.

    This beautiful Communion Service provides you with an opportunity to hear a dramatic reading of the

    Passion Story by our Deacons as the extinguishing

    of candles gradually darkens the Meetinghouse.

    Easter April 21 Lakeside Service at 7 a.m.

    with brass ensemble [hot chocolate will be served]

    “Recognizing Jesus” John 20:1-18

    one sanctuary service

    10 a.m. at the church Resurrection Celebration

    Joyous Music! with the Chancel Choir

    “Living Among the Dead” Luke 24:1-12

    reader, Janet Bishop

    April 28

    Bluegrass Sunday Val Seaver preaching

    “See Me” Luke 24:13-30

    Youth reader


    Annual Bunny Breakfast

    for the community

    Sat., April 20, 2019

    Breakfast served 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

    $5.00 children and adults $25 family maximum

    EGG HUNT at 9:45 a.m. ~ Don’t forget to bring a basket ~

    Reservations to Terri [email protected]

    Sponsored by the Senior High Youth Group

    for the whole family April 3, 10

    6 to 8 p.m. in the lounge Soups by

    April 3 - Christian Education Team

    April 10 - Trustees

    Enjoy a hearty meal of tasty homemade gourmet soups and fresh breads

    Renew and refresh your spirit with old gospel

    hymns and Communion.

    Lenten program after worship

    Free-will donation to cover costs.

    Thursday Morning Study

    10:30 a.m.

    April 4, 11, 18, 25

    Palm Sunday

    Buy some delicious homemade treats at the

    annual Easter Cookie Bake Sale held in the

    lounge before and after worship April 14. ~ Sale is sponsored by Dorcas Women’s Fellowship ~

    2 p.m.in the meetinghouse

    Sunday, April 28 Jason Castonguay

    CONCERT $10 at the door

  • rev-el-ing (rev´el ing) to take great delight in and occasional boisterous merry-making

    Some hymns don’t belong on my spiritual playlist any more.

    I often think about the songs that defined my life as I grew into adulthood and beyond. Hearing them reminds me of who I was then, and what mattered to me along the way. Many of them are dated now, and a few are probably inappropriate. But they certainly captured the moments that are ingrained in my memories. The playlist that developed from so early on in my life [even before I can remember] is a musical roadmap from the innocence of childhood, through the years of defiance and rebellion, to a few decades of thoughtful maturity, and now into my years of honest retrospect. Each of the songs has a lyric or two etched somewhere on my heart.

    My mother told me once that she used to sing “My Boy Lollipop” when I was an infant, and “Bobby’s Girl” when I was a child. I somehow know both songs well, but don’t remember my mother singing either one to me. The day my godmother, died suddenly in her early 50’s from diabetes, I was listening to the song “Up, Up and Away” by the 5th Dimension when my mother came into my room to tell me. I think of her fondly whenever I hear it on an oldies station. It touches a sadness that’s never fully gone away. It might have been the song that marked the end of my innocence. “Saturday Night’s Alright” ushered in my rebellious stage and “We Will Rock You” by Queen became the soundtrack of those years when most of us think we’re invincible and bulletproof. From there, it’s a blur of break up songs that always seemed to be playing on every single station I turned to [see “ How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?” by the Bee Gees], followed by “songs to get over her by” like Celo Green’s “Forget You!” [which is the clean version….don’t ask].

    I guess my point is, that there’s a roadmap of your life that’s written in lyrical form. And if you’re anything like me, some of it is now terribly outdated and just plain wrong for you if you look at it closely. The same is probably true of the songs that defined your faith. Look at some of them closely and ask yourself, does this really reflect what I believe about God and what it means to follow Jesus? You’d be surprised. “Onward Christian Soldiers” is a great song to march to [and I can even imagine swinging a stein of beer…umm root beer, while singing it], but is it the imagery you want to pass on to your children? When we sing “marching as to war” in the first verse, who exactly are we at war with? And what does it mean to be at war spiritually? I’m all for fighting evil, but I’m not a big fan of marching.

    Then there’s what is called “blood” theology”. I don’t know about you, but there’s got to be a better way of explaining God’s redemptive love without having to be washed in Jesus’ blood! I’d much rather sing of being redeemed by Jesus’ love and God’s grace. And while I’m on the topic, referring to someone as a “wretch” doesn’t exactly help boost self-esteem, just as calling someone a “sinner” doesn’t serve as a good way of inviting them to “come home” to God’s embrace.

    Can’t we just sing the same tunes that we’re so familiar with, and change some of the lyrics? Don’t get me wrong, some of the classic hymns of the church have beautiful and stirring images.

    “And he walks with me, and he talks with me, and he tells me I am his own…”

    “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee: how great thou art, how great thou art.”

    “Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn…”

    I’m blessed and honored to be able to sing favorite gospel hymns to some of church members when they are moving ever closer to God’s eternal embrace. I’ve been doing so for decades now. But I’ve got to be honest….I’ve occasionally changed a few of the words. That’s not blasphemy… that’s grace.

    In the Spirit,

    Bob Faulhaber Jr.


    Reflections on the Quote…. A monthly column from church member

    Ruth Jones. Ruth is a retired elementary school teacher and participated in the

    Card Ministry of the Care Ministry Team.

    Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus

    who made of himself no reputation… Philippians 2:5-7

    “Made of himself no reputation” can be

    translated as “He emptied himself.”

    I have a set of water color pens to use with

    water color pencils, ones with a wide point

    and one narrow. They blend colors beautifully.

    In order to fill them with water, you need to

    squeeze them to let the air out of the barrel

    before submersing them in water.

    The Greek word “kenosis” means to

    empty out. Christ did this by becoming a

    human, a servant. He didn’t cast out what

    made him God but gave up His privileges as

    God and became man. His servant essence was

    that of a human working to fulfill the will of

    another only for a higher purpose.

    In order to fully serve God, it is necessary

    to empty ourselves of our need for worldly

    controls. How can we be filled with the Spirit

    if we are overloaded with projects and

    material aims that get you nowhere? Space in

    our lives is taken up by much nitty-gritty that

    we leave no room or time for the spiritual. So,

    we remain empty for only God can move and

    fill our souls.

    Instead of taking every whim and desire,

    we’d be wise to let some of that stuff empty

    out leaving room for God’s spirit to occupy

    that space instead.

    Breathe out and listen to the sound.

    Breathe in slowly, inhaling God’s peace: a

    brand-new grace to fill that space.

    Be kinder than necessary,

    for everyone you meet

    is fighting some kind of battle.

    Our Care Ministry

    has four Care Ministry teams

    Visitation ~ Meals

    Correspondence ~ Transportation Are you or someone you know in need?

    If so, please contact Pastor Bob Faulhaber at 860.295.0432

    or Care Ministries Coordinator, Edi Dole at 860.267-8543

    Our heartfelt prayers go out to the following

    families over the passing of a loved one who

    entered into the more immediate presence of their Lord and Savior

    Diana Hancin and her family of the passing of her

    father in early March.

    to the family of Anetta Caffyn, from Marlborough, a

    65-year member of our church, over her passing on

    March 7.A service in her memory was held March 12

    (Spencer Funeral Home).

    Bonnie Anderson and her family over the passing of

    her brother, Bruce Kinghorn, in North Fort Myers,

    Florida, on March 14.

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    Matthew 5:4


    We appreciate all that you do! Coffee Hour Hosts:

    4/7 – Christine Bantle, Bonnie Johnson

    Palm Sunday – MaryLou & Bruce Hassan

    4/21 - No Coffee Hour Easter Sunday 4/28 – Sharol Wilcoxen

    5/5 – Shellie Mulligan

    Bob Fleming for installing door closures in the sanctuary. Hebron Maplefest apple peelers, sellers, set up/clean up,

    shoppers: Dave Arnold, Marge Bartlett, Cheryl Benedetto,

    Janet Bishop, Peter & Denise Evans, John Grasso, Pete

    Peterson, John Rowley, Marion Spaulding, Jessica Trusz, Bob Wargo, Denise Young, Larry Zarrella with special

    thanks to Darren Cooke who chaired the event, Edi Dole and

    her team of apple peelers, “cider man” Jordan Bednarz, and

    Chef Williams for making the apple crumble. $1,500 profit!

    Marge Bartlett and Ida Spooner who helped in the church office during Alice’s vacation. WE THANK the many others who quietly,

    faithfully, and unseen, take care of the numerous

    projects and general maintenance work around the church

    building and grounds.


    a note from

    Christian Education Director

    Gwen Lawson

    [email protected]

    860.759.3899 text

    Little bird, little bird,


    The time has come for you to fly...

    Oh, how we will miss your song,

    but your wings have filled

    and your heart is strong-

    Fly to the heavens, little bird of God-

    Fly to the heavens to answer His calling.

    Gentle lamb, gentle lamb


    For the tomb is empty today!

    Oh, how we will miss your smile,

    but your love is with us and

    within us for all the while-

    Climb to the heavens, gentle Lamb of God-

    Climb to the heavens and answer His calling.

    Peace, Love, Joy & and a Blessed Easter,

    Miss Gwen

    April Happenings in the Great

    Hall Sunday School April 7, 14, 28

    Sunday, April 14 is PALM SUNDAY!

    The PreS/K class will sing

    Jesus Rode a Donkey

    All the kids will meet in the Youth Room to

    prepare for the Hosanna! Palm Parade! Ice Cream Seder in the Great Hall!

    Sunday, April 21 is EASTER


    7:00 AM Sunrise Service at the Lake with

    hot cocoa

    10:00 AM Easter Service at the Church

    with a special Children's Message and

    presentation of the “Hallelujah Chorus”

    Junior Youth Group All students in

    Grades 5 to 7 are welcome!

    Let's Shower the Earth With Flowers!

    Saturday, April 20th We will be pitching in from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at

    the Bunny Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

    Sunday, April 28th We will be cleaning up and planting flowers for

    someone who needs the help adding Spring color

    to their home from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

    Where we will meet is TBD

    Miss Gwen 860.759.3899 text

    SENIOR HIGH YOUTH All students in

    grades 8 to 12 welcome!

    April 7 - Regular Meeting, 6 to 8 p.m.

    April 14 - Regular Meeting 6 to 8 p.m.

    April 19 - Set up Bunny Breakfast 6 to 8 p.m.

    April 20 - Bunny Breakfast April 21 - HAPPY EASTER (no meeting)

    April 28 - BINGO at Marl Health Care 6-8:30 p.m.

    In the Light,

    Scottie Reid, [email protected]


    Evening Women’s Group

    Women of all ages are invited to join

    Pastoral Intern, Val Seaver, upstairs in the

    Thienes Lounge Wednesday, MAY 1 at 6:30 p.m.

    to explore and discuss the idea of creating

    an evening group for women.

    Comments or questions, please text/call Val

    at 860.818.1561 or email [email protected]

    See you there!!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]


    Congratulations Liz and Chad Barnes

    and grandparents

    Carolyn and Steve Barnes

    on the birth of

    Jacob Stephen Barnes

    March 24, 2019

    March 24, 2018 Gianna Christi Poresky

    born December 26, 2016

    daughter of Bryan and Lea Poresky

    (granddaughter of Peggy Poresky)

    to our members and friends! If you or an adult family member’s birthday is not correct or not listed, please call 860.295.9050 or email

    [email protected] Please note: Children’s names are

    added to the birthday list when they are confirmed.

    April 4/1 – Pam Schlegel, Rebecca Weller

    4/2 – Jane Vicino

    4/4 – Jen Carlson, Sue McCaffrey

    4/6 – Evelyn Dillman, Karen Starkowski

    4/13 – Eleanor Button

    4/15 – Carla Clark, Charles Vicino

    4/18 – Pat Fitten, Bob Wargo

    4/19 – Dean Donovan

    4/22 –Jan Sherman

    4/25 – Melanie Hathaway, Rachel Peterson

    4/28 – Carolyn Barnes, Julia Moreland

    4/29 – Rob McBrair

    Dorcas Women’s Fellowship

    185th Anniversary

    Palm Sunday, April 14 The Dorcas Women’s

    Fellowship will be celebrating

    their 185th anniversary of its 1834`founding. The first

    Women’s Group was called “The Marlborough

    Female Benevolent Sewing Society.” There were 42

    women and 20 men at the first meeting, probably the

    whole church membership!

    At that time, in 1834 to about 1848 they met

    every two or three weeks from November to April at the homes of members. Dues were 12 and ½ cents,

    and if anyone was absent for three months without

    good cause a fine of 5 cents was imposed. The men

    were also charged 25 cents when they attended. The meetings consisted of planning projects to provide

    clothes the children needed for church. They also

    quilted blankets to sell at tag sales and events. The women were also responsible for cleaning the

    meeting house and making sure the church was

    ready for worship. In about 1848 and 1859, the name changed to

    the “Ladies Sewing Society” and meeting were held

    in the afternoon, twice a month. Dues were 25

    cents. Projects were to provide paper for the Sabbath School, hire a teacher or leader for singing

    in the church, and cleaning the meetinghouse.

    It is recorded in the Society’s minutes in 1891 that “only one kind of cake was allowed at the

    group’s supper meal.” A 25-cent fine was imposed if

    this rule wasn’t followed. Evidently, some lady was upset that her cake was well received at a meeting

    and, therefore, the group decided that if all the cakes

    were the same, there would be no hurt feelings.

    In 1904, name “Dorcas Society” was adopted, having in mind the Biblical woman of that name who

    was known for her good works. The purpose of the

    society was to “assist the church in every way that may seem best.” Dues were 10 cents per meeting or

    $1 per year.

    In 1934, on the 100th anniversary of the society,

    it was noted in the minutes that “our purpose is to do with our might what our hands find to do, and trust

    that our offering will be accepted by Him who

    accepted the widow’s mite. In 2017 the name was changed to “Dorcas

    Women’s Fellowship. We meet monthly on the

    second Friday. We enjoy a lunch, fellowship and programs; which may include floral arrangement,

    stuffing bags for Resettlement Program and Battered

    Women. Representatives of various organizations

    are asked to come and speak at the meetings. We host receptions for memorials as requested.

    I am very proud to be a member of Dorcas

    Women’s Fellowship. My ancestry goes back to my Great Great-Grandmothers Nellie Blish and

    Thankful Cooley. They were faithful and

    hardworking members of the original Society.

    Evelyn Dillman President, Dorcas Women’s Fellowship


    BOARDS DO? (continued from March)

    Worship Team 1. Chair: John Henrikson

    2. Purpose: to enhance the worship experience for our


    3. Do you have to be a church member? Yes

    4. Some activities that the group has participated or what you have accomplished: The Worship Team (deacons) weekly prepares the meetinghouse for worship. We greet the congregation and hand out bulletins when they enter the church. Deacons prepare and serve communion on the first Sunday of each month, prepare for and help with baptisms, plan, arrange for and participate in special services during the church year including the Thanksgiving Colonial service and Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service, decorate the church for Christmas and Easter and participate in communion at all the Lenten Soup Suppers. We oversee the Care Ministries Team, greeters, and scripture readers. We are a close-knit group and enjoy a summer picnic together, a Christmas party, and a one-day retreat each year to think and talk about the future of worship at our church.


    MEMBERS March 10, 2019

    LISA DANN lives in Colchester, has an adult stepson

    and works as a marketing communications account

    manger for Aetna. She enjoys gardening, cooking,

    baking, calligraphy, DIY projects, and taking care of

    “Puff,” a Shih Tzu/Maltese/Pomeranian mix fluff ball.

    KEITH DAVIS and his wife Carol live in Glastonbury

    and have two adult sons. He was a member at First

    Church and served as chair of the Youth Board. He

    already serves on CAST (Mission Team), coordinates

    our St. Vincent DePaul soup kitchen trips. He enjoys

    handyman DIY projects, landscaping, cooking,

    traveling, and helping neighbors.

    ANDREA GUSTAFSON and husband Carl live in

    Marlborough with their two sons. She is a school

    counselor at Gideon Wells School in Glastonbury.

    She enjoys yoga and has participated in Ironman

    competitions with her husband and in triathlons.

    AMANDA JOHNSON and her husband Brandon live

    in Lebanon and are parents to 2-year-old Sydney

    with another child due soon. She works for the

    Norwich Public School System, teaching life skills

    and providing job training to young adults with

    intellectual disabilities. She loves spending time with

    family (especially at Lake Winnipesaukee), enjoys

    reading, and is training to become a doula.


    Marlborough with their daughter. Ruth Ann is a

    project manager for KPMG in Hartford. Erik is the

    owner of a landscaping business. She enjoys being a

    cheerleading coach and gardening; he enjoys the

    outdoors, and they both like spending family time at

    Lake Hayward.

    SARA AND ANDREW MOORE live in Marlborough

    with their two daughters. She is a nurse practitioner

    and enjoys running, biking and the beach. He is an

    elementary school teacher in Hartford and is a

    skilled carpenter and enjoys hunting for turn of the

    century artifacts and old pictures of our town.


    Marlborough with their son and daughter. Steve is a

    special Ed para-professional at RHAM High School.

    He loves music, plays the guitar, woodworking,

    masonry, art, literature and history. He was given

    wood from the original pews we removed from the

    back of the church and is making a customized

    guitar for the church. Jessica enjoys crocheting,

    jewelry making, boating, and the outdoors.

    VAL SEAVER serves our church as Pastoral Intern.

    She is a student at Chicago Theological Seminary

    and works as a Line Supervisor for Eversource. She

    enjoys hiking, cooking, biking, and reading.

    JAN AND LARRY SHERMAN live in Amston and

    have two adult children. He is owner and president

    of WaterOneTech, a water treatment company. He

    enjoys cooking, golf, softball and the Red Sox. Jan is

    a former employee of the Architect of the Capital in

    the Senate office building (the people who preserve

    the buildings in Washington, D.C.). She now is the

    “bill payer” for Larry’s company and enjoys cooking

    and caring for their dogs and cats.

    MICHELE SINKEZ lives in Amston. She is a retired

    teacher and is gifted in painting and pottery and

    helped head up RHAM’s Empty Bowl Project. She

    enjoys quiet sports such as birding, kayaking, fly

    fishing and walking and has a passion for

    environmental issues.


    KELLY CHAPMAN (his daughter) all of Marlborough.

    Andy and Kim have two young sons. Andy works at

    Travelers; enjoys reading, photography, music. Kim

    is a Mommy & Me fitness instructor and a health

    and nutrition coach.

  • April 2019


    Open for collection and shopping

    Fridays, noon to 3 p.m.

    Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Sundays, 11:45 to 12:45 p.m. Second Blessings Thrift Shop Workers

    Friday, 4/5 – John Rowley, Bob Wargo

    Saturday, 4/6 – Grace Carlson, Joyce Fidrych

    Sunday, 4/7 – Cheryl Brodell, Mary-Ann Nichols

    Friday, 4/12 – John Rowley, Bob Wargo Saturday, 4/13 – Grace Carlson, Joyce Fidrych

    Sunday, 4/14 – Cheryl Brodell, Mary-Ann Nichols

    Friday, 4/19 – John Rowley, Bob Wargo Saturday, 4/20 – Carolyn Brodginski, Daphine Vail

    Sunday, 4/21 – Happy Easter – Shop Closed

    Friday, 4/26 – John Rowley, Bob Wargo

    Saturday, 4/27 – Carolyn Aubin, Joyce Fidrych

    Sunday, 4/28 – Linda Stachelek

    When Spring Cleaning,

    remember our Thrift Shop!

    Quality items are needed for spring

    and summer shopping.

    WE NEED,,,

    Someone who would enjoy doing publicity

    (graphic art) for paid ads in Rivereast. Please call church office 860.295.9050 or Joyce

    Fidrych 860.342.1173, if interested

    Community Sing Friday, April 12

    at 7 p.m. Upstairs in the Thienes Lounge

    Come out and sing along. Invite your friends and neighbors! You are welcome to bring

    a healthy snack to share. Carolyn Brodginski hosts this monthly,

    fun-filled no cost event.

    Carolyn will play the guitar and invites

    other musicians to join her.

    Dorcas Women’s Fellowship All Women Invited

    Fri., April 12 at noon

    upstairs in the lounge

    Please bring a “brown bag” lunch. Dessert, coffee and tea provided.

    (No reservation needed)


    Guest Speaker

    from the Resettlement Program

    More Information?

    Call Evelyn at 860.267.4642

    Card Making Workshop for Care Ministry

    NO April workshop, but planning one

    in May.

    MISSIONS Mission offering envelopes

    blue mission offering envelopes If you wish to make a mission donation, blue

    mission envelopes are available in the pew rack.

    Just fill in your name, date, and which mission project you wish to donate and place it in one of the

    offering boxes.

    2nd quarter mission giving April, May, June

    Please note 2nd quarter missions

    on your check AHM Community

    Mental Health Fund

    This fund has been set up for children ages 0-18 and their guardians and gives short-term financial help for

    families needing mental health interventions which will be

    provided by an AHM social worker or community mental

    health provider.

    The fund is also used to educate the community so that they understand what these families go through

    socially and financially (bullying, for example).

    The fund is used as a supplement, not paying 100% and helps with treatments and prescriptions.

    AHM (Andover, Hebron, Marlborough) has been help-ing families for over 30 years with mental health needs.

  • I have a love/hate relation-

    ship with food, creature

    comforts and even

    electronics! I know that food

    is vital in order to live a

    healthy lifestyle, but I can’t help but indulge

    when it comes to certain foods such as Girl

    Scout thin mints, ice cream (mainly from

    Shady Glen or Salem Valley), chocolate,

    cheese, bread, and especially pizza. I love to

    be comfortable… physically and emotionally.

    I can appreciate the winter months… from

    the warmth of my home but can’t stand being

    cold. I like to be organized and have all my

    ducks in a row and when something throws

    me a curve ball, I handle it, but don’t like the

    feeling of not being in control of a situation.

    I am aware that the average person spends

    too many hours a day on electronics. I try to

    fill my time with things other than

    electronics, but can’t seem to stay away

    from Facebook, Twitter, e-mails and TV for

    an extended period. I have quite a few

    friends who are Catholic. When we have gone

    out, they say they can’t enjoy a cup of

    coffee, have a sweet, or have sworn off

    Facebook for the 40 days of Lent. They have

    asked me what I have given up and they are

    surprised when I tell them that I haven’t

    given up anything. I don’t know if them giving

    something up for 40 days makes them a

    better person or just one with a lot more

    self-control than I have. Instead of giving

    something up, I like to think of all the

    wonderful things I’ve been given. I guess you

    could say that I am thankful and blessed

    every day… and although Lent is 40 days, I

    definitely have more than 40 blessings… how

    about you! “Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between. Count your

    blessings, not your problems.” ~Mandy Hale

    Jessica Trusz, Church Moderator [email protected]



    giant tag sale

    Sat. May 4, 2019

    9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    COLLECTION DATES April 1 to May 3

    [Please leave items on the stage in the Great Hall]

    No baby high chairs, cribs, car seats, skis/poles, air conditioners…and…clean clothing, please.