Welcome Brothers and Sisters in Christ

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Welcome brothers and sisters in Christ. Today,/ in this hallowed hall of worship,/ we praise and join hands in the celebration of the Eucharist/ as our hearts are filled with bliss and gratitude. We become united in spirit/ as we culminate the commencement of our profession,/ the Cap and Badge Investiture and Candle Light Ceremony. This commencement marks the starting point/ towards reaching our goals/ and accomplishing our mission of becoming caring, competent, compassionate, conscientious, and committed nurses. We are delighted with the support and presence of our family, friends, relatives, clinical instructors, and university administrators/ as we are conferred upon/ the right to wear our white duty uniforms/ and the emblems that symbolize the nursing profession. Today, in line with our celebration, let us genuinely reflect on Gods words/ as the scripture enlightens us/ with the teaching of being eager to grow in the knowledge/ and understanding of Gods words and plans in our lives. Just as there is a right place/ and a right time for mourning and for merriment,/ so there is a right place for the old as well as the new. The Lord gives us wisdom/ so we can make the best use of both the old/ and the new. He does not want us to hold rigidly to the past/ and to be resistant to the new work of his Holy Spirit/ in our lives. He wants our minds and hearts to be like new wine skins open and ready to receive the new wine of the Holy Spirit.Our priest presider is FR ROBERTO C. YAP, S.J.. It is with great joy/ and thanksgiving that I invite everyone/ to please rise in the singing of the entrance hymn.