Welcome! 02-18- 2010 Lecture & Videos: You will need paper & pencil Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti-social personality disorder is. Tonight: Read pgs. 677-682, Reading quiz tomorrow

Welcome! 02-18-2010

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Welcome! 02-18-2010. Lecture & Videos: You will need paper & pencil Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti-social personality disorder is. Tonight: Read pgs. 677-682, Reading quiz tomorrow. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Welcome!         02-18-2010

Welcome! 02-18-2010

Lecture & Videos: You will need paper & pencil

Learning Objectives: Understand the various aspects of schizophrenia as well as the brain & genetic factors. Know what anti-social personality disorder is.

Tonight: Read pgs. 677-682, Reading quiz tomorrow

Page 2: Welcome!         02-18-2010


Disorganized thinking, delusions, disturbed perceptions, inappropriate emotions and actions.

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Delusions Hallucinations

False beliefs- not part of the

person's culture believed even after

proven wrong may appear

bizarre, or claim that they’re being persecuted

When a person sees, hears, smells, or feels what no one else can see, hear, smell, or feel. "Voices" are the most common.


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Disorganized Thinking

Emotions & Actions

Trouble organizing & linking thoughts

Word Salad Sentences with no

meaning, distracted by everything.

“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously”

Express wrong/inappropriate emotion or no emotion at all.

CatatonicPerson does not

move or respond for hours


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Positive-Presence Negative-None


emotionsWord SaladDisorganized


Toneless voiceExpressionless

faceCatatonic or rigid



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Recovery Chances

Better, because medication can help with: Positive symptoms Acute schizophrenia

Worse for: Negative symptoms Chronic schizophrenia

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The BrainDopamine- 6x as many

receptors, which intensifiespositive symptoms.

Ventricles are larger & they tend to have less gray matter.

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Prenatal InfluencesIf the mom-to-be:

Lives in a country with a flu epidemic Gave birth in the months following

fall-winter flu season Experiences the flu Lives a highly populated area

Then: There’s a higher risk to the child for


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Genetics EnvironmentalNormally: 1 in 100Parent/sibling: 1

in 10Twins: 1 in 2

There are none. No single environmental factor alone even remotely produces schizophrenia in someone.


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Predictive Behavior

Mother with severe or long lasting schizophrenia

Birth complicationsSeparation from parentsShort attention span &

poor muscle coordinationDisruptive or withdrawn

behaviorEmotionally unpredictablePoor peer relations & solo


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Personality Disorders

Persistent behavior pattern that impairs social functioning

Antisocial Personality Disorder- a person displays a lack of conscience for wrong doings (even for family and friends). Even before age 15, begin

lying, stealing, displaying, unrestrained sexual behaviors.

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Genetics and FactorsGenetically vulnerable because of:

fearless approach to life, have lower levels of stress or anxiety, reduced activity or tissue in the frontal lobe.

2 Main Factors: childhood mal-treatment & a gene that alters theneurotransmitter balance. Some are predisposed to be more sensitive to maltreatment.

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Unconcerned with social rewardsImpulsiveUninhibitedLow in anxiety

BUT, it can be channeled for good-ex.) a surgeon.