EU funded project: Creation of Trebižat Heritage Trails: HEART OF HERZEGOVINA Implementing agency and publisher: Association for economic development REDAH Project partners: Association for regional and rural development “Herzegovinian STAP” Municipality of Čapljina, Municipality of Ljubuški, Municipality of Grude, Federal Ministry of Tourism and Environment Protection (FMOIT) Print: Suton d.o.o. Široki Brijeg Circulation: 1500 Graphic design: Shift Brand Design, Mostar Projekt financira EU: Stvaranje putova baštine na Trebižatu: SRCE HERCEGOVINE Implementator i izdavač: Asocijacija za ekonomski razvoj REDAH Partneri projekta: Udruga za regionalni i ruralni razvoj “Hercegovački STAP” Općina Čapljina, Općina Ljubuški Općina Grude, Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma (FMOIT) Tisak: Suton d.o.o. Široki Brijeg Naklada: 1500 Grafičko oblikovanje: Shift Brand Design, Mostar This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of REDAH and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. Ova publikacija je izrađena uz pomoć Europske Unije. Sadržaj ove publikacije je isključivo odgovornost REDAH-a i ni na koji način ne može odražavati stajališta Europske unije.

welcom to herzegovina

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Page 1: welcom to herzegovina

EU funded project: Creation of Trebižat Heritage Trails:


Implementing agency and publisher: Association for economic

development REDAH

Project partners:Association for regional and rural development

“Herzegovinian STAP”Municipality of Čapljina, Municipality of Ljubuški,

Municipality of Grude, Federal Ministry of Tourism and Environment Protection (FMOIT)

Print: Suton d.o.o. Široki Brijeg Circulation: 1500

Graphic design:Shift Brand Design, Mostar

Projekt financira EU: Stvaranje putova baštine na Trebižatu: SRCE HERCEGOVINE

Implementator i izdavač: Asocijacija za ekonomski razvoj REDAH

Partneri projekta:Udruga za regionalni i ruralni razvoj “Hercegovački STAP”Općina Čapljina, Općina LjubuškiOpćina Grude, Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma (FMOIT)

Tisak: Suton d.o.o. Široki BrijegNaklada: 1500

Grafičko oblikovanje: Shift Brand Design, Mostar

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publicationare the sole responsibility of REDAH and can in no way

be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Ova publikacija je izrađena uz pomoć Europske Unije. Sadržaj ove publikacije je isključivo odgovornost REDAH-a i ni na koji način ne može odražavati stajališta Europske unije.

Page 2: welcom to herzegovina

“Njezini pejzaži neodoljivo podsjećaju na francusku Provansu ili hrvatsku Istru. Po načinu života vrlo je slična susjednoj Dalmaciji. Mnogo toga podsjetit će vas i na ostale mediteran-ske krajeve- od Španjolske do Grčke. Ali ona je opet drugačija, jedinstvena i neponovljiva jer ju je Bog obdario tolikom ra-znolikošću kakvu je teško susresti na tako malom prostoru. Mnogi je doživljavaju kao zemlju kamena i sunca, rijeka, vi-nograda, smokava i duhana, pršuta i meda... Na nju podsjeća miris ljekovitog bilja i pjesma zrikavaca, okus janjenćeg mesa i planinskog sira. Nju zapljuskuje Jadransko more i biju vjetro-vi s bosanskih planina. U njoj se kao nigdje drugdje, dodiruju nebo i zemlja stvarajući jarku svjetlost neobičnih boja, koja taj kraj čine gotovo mističnim. Zahvaljujući njezinim prirod-nim ljepotama, ugodnoj klimi, obilju sunca i vode, ubraja se u jednu od najpoželjnijih regija jugoistočne Europe. Vjerojatno je zato mnogi nazivaju i njezinom Kalifornijom. “

„Hercegovina zemlja svjetlosti“ (Pervan, Skoko, Ljubičić)

“Its landscape is remarkably like the French Provence and the Croatian Istria. By its way of life it is very similar to the neighbou-ring Dalmatia. Many things will remind you of other Mediterra-nean landscapes – from Spain to Greece. But still it is different, unique and inimitable since God has endowed it with such di-versity, which is rarely encountered in such a small place. Many consider it to be the land of stone and sun, rivers and vineyards, figs and tobacco, prosciutto and honey... Reminiscent of it are the smell of herbs and the songs of crickets, the taste of lamb meat and mountain cheese. It is bathed by the Adriatic Sea and beat by the winds from the Bosnian mountains. Like nowhere else, it is where the sky and the earth meet, creating a bright light of unusual colours, transforming it into an almost mythical place. Due to its natural beauties, the pleasant climate, plenty of sunshine and water, it is one of the most desirable regions of South-East Europe. This is why many call it its California.”

„Herzegovina land of light“ (Pervan, Skoko, Ljubičić)


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Pođete li uz rijeku Trebižat, naći ćete se u ‘srcu Hercego-vine’, jedinstvenom tropletu Ljubuški-Čapljina-Grude, koji plijeni svojom raznolikošću i bogatom prirodnom i kul-turno-povijesnom baštinom. Istražiti ga znači razotkriti stoljećima čuvane tajne povijesnih utvrda, ostataka rimske i osmanlijske vladavi-ne... Ljubitelji prirode ovdje mogu doživjeti romantičnu plovidbu najvećom močva-rom u ovom dijelu Europe koja u svom čarobnom pri-rodnom rezervatu čuva 240 različitih vrsta ptica, mogu upoznati ‘hercegovačke Plitvice’, a one avanturistič-kog duha čeka i nezaboravni kanu safari. Ljepota i raskoš hercegovačkog kraja će se u potpunosti doživjeti tek kad se kušaju njezini plodovi: od voća i povrća,sira i mesa uzgojenog na ljekobiljem bogatim ispašama, vinove loze i glasovitih vina žilavke

i blatine, kojim nisu mogli odoljeti ni velikaški dvori, do nadaleko poznatog hercegovačkog duhana, ali i kadulje, vrijeska, smilja i majčine dušice..... Jednako tako istražiti ‘srce Hercego-vine’ znači saznati iz prve ruke kako brojne civilizacije koje su prošle ovim krajem nisu mogle ugroziti stoljetnu originalnost hercegovačkog čovjeka, njegovu tradiciju i običaje,niti umanjiti njegovu otvorenost, gostoljubivost i vječnu spremnost na pruža-nje ruke prijateljstva.

Hercegovci su nesebični do-maćini iskrenog osmijeha i otvorenog srca koji svim do-bronamjernim ljudima, pri-jateljima Hercegovine, žele pokazati da je ona mjesto u kojemu se sva čula bude i oplemenjuju. Neka vaš novi dan počne buđenjem u srcu Hercegovine, na Trebižatu, a onda je sve moguće.....

Travelling along the river Trebižat, you will find yourself in „the heart of Herzegovina“, a unique three-strand of Ljubuški-Čapljina-Grude, capturing attention with its diversity and rich natural, cultural and histori-cal heritage. To explore it is to discover secrets of historical forts, remains of the Roman and Ottoman regime hidden for centuries... Nature lovers can experience a romantic voyage through the largest swamp in this part of Europe, keeping in its magical natural reserve 240 different bird species; they can experience the „Herzegovina Plitvice Lakes“, and for the adventurous spirits there is an unforgettable canoe safari. The beauty and grandeur of the Herzegovina region will only be fully experienced after tasting its products: from fruits and vegetables, cheese and meat grown on pastures rich with herbs, grapevine and the wildly famous Žilavka and Blatina

wines, which even the aristo-cratic castles could not resist to taste, and the wildly famous Herzegovina tobacco, but also sage, heather, immortelle and thyme... To explore “the heart of Herzegovina” also means to learn firsthand how the numer-ous civilisations which have passed through this area were not able neither to endanger the centennial originality of the Herzegovina man, his tradition and customs nor diminish its openness, hospitality and eter-nal willingness to lend the hand of friendship.

Herzegovinians are selfless hosts with an honest smile and open heart, who want to show all good people, friends of Her-zegovina, that this is the place where all the senses are awak-ened and elevated. May our new day begin with an awaken-ing in the heart of Herzegovina, on the river Trebižat, than all is possible...

Srce Hercegovine

The heart of Herzegovina

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U Hercegovinu možete doći istraživati bogatu kulturno-povi-jesnu baštinu ili jednostavno doći na odmor i uživati u njezi-nim prirodnim ljepotama, gastronomskim, avanturističkim i kulturnim sadržajima. Svejedno odakle krenuli, od Neuma na jugu do Jablanice na sjeveru ili od Livna na sjeverozapadu do Trebinja na istoku, u svakom slučaju očekuju vas mnogobrojni sadržaji koji će vas potaknuti na istinsko uživanje u blagodati-ma koje regija Hercegovina pruža.

You can visit Herzegovina and explore the rich cultural and historical inheritance or simply take a vacation and enjoy its natural beauties and gastronomic, adventurous and cultural content. Wherever you start your journey from, Neum on the south to Jablanica on the north or from Livno on the south-west to Trebinje on the east, you can expect numerous activi-ties, which will motivate you to truly enjoy the benefits of the Herzegovina region.

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ponuda turističkih aranžmana

offer of tourist arrangements

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Regija Hercegovina je mjesto susreta i prolaska brojnih civi-lizacija i svaka je ostavila svoj trag. Među prvima su bili Iliri koji su na ova područja došli oko 2000 godina prije Krista, potom Rimljani, Slaveni, Turci..... Hercegovina je svima ‘zapela za oko’. Zašto? Odgovor se najlakše može dobiti ako se krene ‘Tragovima prošlih vremena’.

od 4 dana i 3 noćenja sa smještajem, prema Vašoj želji i odabiru

nudimo i različite dnevne izlete atrakcijama u okolici

mogući i dodatni sadržaji na zahtjev putem kojih ćete doživjeti Hercegovinu kroz njenu tradiciju, kulturu i gastronomiju

Vaša polazna destinacija može biti Ljubuški, Čapljina ili Gru-de, gdje Vam nudimo smještaj prilagođen vašim željama i potrebama.

The Herzegovina region is a place where numerous civilizati-ons have met and passed by, where each and every one has left its mark. Among the first were the Illyrians, which arrived on this territory about 2000 years B.C., followed by the Ro-mans, Slaves, Turks.... Herzegovina caught the eye of everyo-ne. Why? The answer can easily be found if going along the ‘Traces of past times’.

from 4 days and 3 nights with accomodation, according to your preferences and choice

we also offer different day trips to nearby atractions

additional activities available on request which will make you experience Herzegovina through its traditi-on, culture and gastronomy

Your starting point can be Ljubuški, Čapljina or Grude, where we offer you accommodation adjusted to your wishes and needs.

Tragovima prošlih vremenaTraces of past times

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DAN 1Po Vašem dolasku, u odabranom smještaju će vas dočekati domaćin s pićem dobrodošlice. Nakon kratkog odmora od putovanja i samostalnog upoznavanja s okruženjem, slijedi organizirani obilazak vodene oaze - Peć Mlini, te arheološke zbirke franjevačkog samostana u Gorici.

DAY 1Upon arrival to your chosen accommodation, the host will greet you with a welcome drink. After a short rest from your travel getting acquainted with your surroundings, we will take you on an organized tour of the aquatic oasis – Peć Mlini and the archeological collection of the Franciscan convent in Gorica.

Završetak dana ćemo okruniti večerom od domaćih delicija na obližnjem seoskom gospodarstvu. Za ovu prigodu će do-maćin seoskog gospodarstva osobno, samo za Vas, odabrati najbolje tradicionalne specijalitete iz svoje kuhinje, spravljene od vlastitih i lokalnih domaćih namirnica.

We will crown the end of this day with a dinner prepared of local delicacies in the nearby farm. For this occasion the host of the farm will personally choose the best traditional spe-cialties from his cuisine especially for you, made from local homemade groceries.

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DAN 2Već od 7:30 sati Vas čeka domaćin s tradiconalnim hercego-vačkim doručkom, uz svježe mlijeko, prirodno cijeđeni sok ili uz miris domaće kave. Uživanje u jutarnjem obroku traje sve do 9 sati kada započinjemo nezaboravno istraživanje herce-govačkih predjela.

Prvo odredište je najstariji muzej u BiH – arheološka zbirka franjevačkog samostana na Humcu i galerija umjetnina Maj-ka, smještene u Ljubuškom, nakon kojih slijedi posjet jedin-stvenom prirodnom biseru- slapovima Kravice.

Oko 13:30 sati odlazimo na ručak. Vaš je zadatak da se prepu-stite da Vas ljubazni domaćini hercegovačkih restorana vode kroz svijet lokalnih gastro i eno užitaka. Doživite duboke, bogate okuse hercegovačkih vina iz stoljetnih vinograda i okuse kvalitetnog hercegovačkoga maslinovog ulja. Čeka Vas ukusna domaća seljačka kuhinja od svježe ribe, specijaliteta od domaći uzgojenog mesa, ručno ubranog povrća-svako jutro iz hercegovačkog tla, do kolača po recepturi hercego-vačkih baka.

Nakon ručka slijedi obilazak jedinstvenog arheološkog spo-menika iz rimskog doba, stare rimske Ville Rustica-e u Čaplji-ni, a potom slijedi odlazak do mjesta u kojem ste smješteni.

Slijedi povratak i kratki odmor - ‘break time’, a potom u nova istraživanja trebižatskog kraja.

DAY 2The host awaits you from 7:30 a.m. with a traditional Herze-govinian breakfast with fresh milk, naturally squeezed juice or the aroma of homemade coffee. You can enjoy your break-fast until 9 o’clock when we begin our unforgettable discov-ery of the Herzegovinian area.

Our first destination is the oldest museum in B&H – the ar-cheological collection of the Franciscan convent in Humac and the art gallery Mother. After this we will take you to see a unique natural pearl – the waterfall Kravice.

Lunchtime is at about 13:30 p.m. Your only task is to enjoy and let the kind hosts of Herzegovinian restaurants take you through the world of local gastro delights. You will experi-ence deep, rich flavors of Herzegovinian wines from centen-nial vineyards and the flavors of high quality Herzegovinian olive oil.

Tasty local rustic cuisine awaits you; from fresh fish, specials from home grown meat, organic vegetables from Herze-govinian soil to cakes made by recipes from Herzegovinian grandmothers. After lunch we will take you on a tour of the Roman Villa Rustica in Čapljina, after which you return to the place where you are accommodated.

After the tour we will return to the hotel where you will stay for a short break, after which we continue exploring the Trebižat area.

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DAN 3Ako smo s nobelovcem završili prvi dan, uvjerivši se da mu je svaka riječ bila na mjestu, upoznajmo se s još jednim nje-govim doživljajem Hercegovine, a taj je da Vas u Hercegovini budi svjetlost. Iz noći u tu svjetlost zaronite s puno pouzdanja i prepustite se još jednom jedinstvenom doživljaju.

Nakon jutarnjeg obroka, u kojem ćete se zasigurno vratiti u najljepša sjećanja kada ga je za vas brižno pripremala majka ili vaša baka, s puno zdravih i domaćih okusa, u 9 sati budite spremni započeti novu avanturu upoznavanja i istraživanja hercegovačke povijesti, kulture i tradicije. Vodimo Vas najpri-je u srednji vijek kada je izgrađen Počitelj.

DAY 3Finishing our second day with a Nobel laureate and now that we are convinced that his every word is correct, let us intro-duce another Herzegovinian experience and that is being woken up by light in Herzegovina. Immerse yourself into this light from the dark with confidence, and surrender to another unique experience.

After breakfast, which will certainly take you back to your fondest memories of the times when your mother or your grandmother prepared breakfast for you with care and love and many healthy and homemade flavors, be ready to start a new adventure and explore Herzegovinian history, culture and tradition at 9:00 a.m. First we will take you to the middle Ages, this being the age when Počitelj was built.

U 19 sati spremite se za novu ljubav - s hercegovačkim vinima Žilavkom i Blatinom. Ono što ćete morati osjetiti dok budete ‘hodočastili’ hercegovačke vinograde, to je da je u Hercego-vini vino svetost, potreba i ljubav, kultura življenja, a da je ovdašnji čovjek vinovoj lozi kultno privržen. Tritusućljetna je tradicija vinogradstva na hercegovačkim prostorima. Ljetopisi navode da su Rimljani i Dubrovčani, Slaveni, Turci i Habsburzi bili pohlepni za ovom zemljom upravo zbog njenog lozja: ti se vinogradi spominju u spisima rimskog im-peratora Konstantina VII. Porfirogeneta, poveljama humskog kneza Miroslava i bosanskog kralja Tvrtka. Naš veliki nobelo-vac Ivo Andrić o hercegovčkim vinima je napisao: “Dragocje-no vino tvrdog, suvog, a blagoslovljenog kraja, kao da čovjek pije smijeh i pjesmu i poslije treće čaše samo smijehom i pjesmom pozdravlja svijet oko sebe.” I neka i Vama, dragi prijatelji Hercegovine, bude tako. A domaćini će se potruditi da uz dobru kapljicu posluže i vrhunski hercegovački pršut iz obližnjih pršutana. Neka ovaj dan i večer budu za pamćenje. Jer sutra Vas čekaju novi doživljaji.

At 19 o’clock get ready for a new kind of love – with the Herze-govina wines Žilavka and Blatina. As you visit Herzegovinian vineyards you will certainly feel that wine in Herzegovina is a sanctity, need and love. It is a lifestyle. The local man is dedicated to the grape vine and he worships it. Viticulture in the area of Herzegovina is a millennial tradition. Chronicles indicate that Romans, the people of Dubrovnik, Slavs, Turks and Habsburgs felt greed for this country because of its grape vines: these vineyards are mentioned in the records of the Roman imperator Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in the charters of lord Miroslav of Hum and the Bosnian king Tvrtko. Our great Nobel laureate Ivo Andrić wrote about Herzegovin-ian wines: “Precious wine of a rocky, dry but blessed area, as if a man were drinking laughter and song; and after the third glass the man can only with laughter and song salute the world surrounding him.” Dear friends of Herzegovina, let it be the same for you as well. The hosts will make every effort to serve excellent Herzegovinian prosciutto with a drop of good wine. May this day and night be one to remember because new experiences are awaiting you tomorrow.

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Nakon obilaska Počitelja, s kojim ćete se teško rastati, oko 11 sati odlazimo put glavnog središta Hercegovine, u obilazak njegovog glavnog grada Mostara, gdje su različite civilizacije koje su prolazile Hercegovinom ostavile svoj duboki trag.

U 14 sati vodimo Vas do restorana u kojem ćete isprobati naj-bolju janjetinu ili ostale specijalitete Hercegovine. Da postoji tajna u hercegovačkim pašnjacima, s puno sunca, ali i bure, na kojima obiluje ljekovito bilje, otkrit ćete u doživalju okusa janjetine s ražnja i ostalih tradicionalnih delicija. Ugodna atmosfera, uz ukusnu i sočnu hranu, vapit će za čašom Vama sada već znanog hercegovačkog vina.

After a tour of Počitelj, which will be difficult to part from, at 11:00 p.m. we leave for the main center of Herzegovina, its capital Mostar. We will tour this town, where different civiliza-tions going through Herzegovina left their deep trail.

At 14:00 p.m. we will take you to a restaurant where you will try the best lamb and other specialties of Herzegovina. With the taste of spit lamb and other traditional delicacies you will discover that there is a secret in Herzegovinian pastures with lots of sun, gale and herbs. The cozy atmosphere with tasty and delicious food will call for a glass or two of the familiar Herzegovinian wine

No, nemojte pretjerati, jer Vas u 16 sati već čeka jedno od najvećih religijskih središta – svetište Kraljice Mira Međugor-je. Osjetite i doživite zašto se u to malo hercegovačko mjesto slijeva toliko mnogo ljudi iz svih krajeva svijeta. Po završetku ćemo krenuti u obilazak etnosela „Herceg“.

U 20 sati pripremite se na prevaru svoje prve vinske ljubavi iz prethodne hercegovačke noći. Nitko vam ovdje neće zamjeri-ti na ovaj okusni preljub, jer hercegovačkim vinima i oni naj-odaniji ne mogu odoljeti. Uz opojna vina i voćne rakije degu-stirat ćete i izvorna hercegovačka jela, kao i pršute i sireve o kojima se dobar glas već odavno proširio i izvan granica BiH. Ugođaju mogu pridonijeti i hercegovački bećari, a na Vama je samo da zaplovite bez oklijevanja u to ugodno, prijateljsko okružje s kojim se svakodnevni posao, brzina i stres današnji-ce davno razišao.

However, do not overdo it because at 16:00 p.m. we are ta-king you to one of the biggest religious centers – the Shrine of the Queen of Peace Međugorje. Experience this small Herzegovinian town where a multitude of people come from all parts of the world. After Međugorje we will visit the ethno village “Herceg”.

At 20:00 p.m. prepare to cheat on your first wine love from the previous Herzegovinian night. Nobody will bear a grudge against this tasty adultery because even the most faithful cannot resist Herzegovinian wines. With exquisite wines and fruit brandy you will taste authentic Herzegovinian dishes as well as prosciutto and cheese that are well-known outside the BIH borders. Herzegovinian traditional music ‘bećar’ can contribute to the atmosphere, and your task is to simply sail into this cozy and friendly environment with no hesitation. You will soon see that everyday work, speed and stress have disappeared.

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DAN 4U ovom doručku ćete istinski uživati, ali sa sjetom, jer već sutra će čaro-lija hercegovačkih predjela, gostprimstvo i prijateljstvo hercegovačkog čovjeka ostati samo dio sjećanja. Domaćin će se stoga potruditi da Vaš zov za povratkom u ovaj kraj bude toliko jak da mu nikad, ali baš nikad nećete moći odoljeti. Do 10 sati polazimo prema najvećem rezervatu ptica i najpoznatijoj močvari u Europi, Hutovu blatu.

Obilazak ove jedinstvene submediteranske močvare završit će objedom u tom prekrasnom ambijentu u kojem je smješten restoran ‘Karaotok’ ili u obližnjem restoranu ‘Vego’. Na trpezi će Vas čekati specijaliteti kuće, od kojih je na daleko poznata jegulja sa žara i različiti riblji specijaliteti.

Nakon objeda Vaša ‘Hercegovačka priča’, završava. Sigurni da ste uživali u istraživanju Hercegovine, upoznali nove ljude s kojima je užitak prijate-ljevati, ali i da ste saznali da je iza Vas ostalo još puno neistraženog sadr-žaja i još puno dobrih i ugodnih domaćina, mi znamo da se vidimo opet.

DAY 4You will truly enjoy this breakfast, but with sadness because tomorrow the magic of Herzegovinian appetizers, hospitality and friendship of the Herzegovinian people will become only a part of your memory. There-fore, the host will make every effort to make your inner call to return to this country so strong that you will not be able to resist it. By 10 o’clock we will head for the largest bird reservation and the best known marsh in Europe, Hutovo blato.

The tour of this unique sub Mediterranean marsh is completed by a meal in this beautiful ambiance in the restaurant ‘Karaotok’ or the nearby restaurant ‘Vego’. Specialties of the house will be waiting for you on the table. One of the most famous specialties is grilled eel, followed by diffe-rent fish specialties.

After lunch your ‘Herzegovinian story’ ends. Certain that you have enjoyed exploring Herzegovina, meeting new people with whom you have formed friendships and realizing that you have much more to explore and many more good and amiable hosts to meet, we are certain that we will see you again.

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Ako ste postali umorni od stresne svakodnevice i počeli razmišljati kako je krajnje vrijeme vratiti se sebi i promijeniti životni stil, onda jednostavno ‘Usporite i odmorite’. Trebižat i Srce Hercegovine Vam nudi antistres, prirodu, obiteljski odmor, miran život seoskog gospodarstva kroz sve četiri sezone.

od 3 dana i 2 noćenja sa smještajem, prema Vašoj želji i odabiru

nudimo i različite dnevne izlete atrakcijama u okolici

mogući i različiti sadržaji na zahtjev putem kojih ćete doživjeti Hercegovinu kroz njenu tradiciju, kulturu i gastronomiju

nudimo i tematske dnevne izlete okolnim znamenitostima

Nudimo Vam smještaj u nekom od poznatih obiteljskih gos-podarstava, gdje će Vas čekati domaćin s pićem dobrodoš-lice. Nakon kratkog odmora slijedi posjet jednoj od okolnih vinskih oaza i upoznavanje s vinskom kulturom Hercegovine.

If you have become tired by the stressfull everyday life and started thinking that it is past time to concentrate on yourself and change your lifestyle, then just “Slow down and rest”. Trebižat and the Heart of Herzegovina offer you antistress treatment, nature, family vacation and peaceful life on a farm through all the four seasons.

from 3 days and 2 nights with accommodation, accor-ding to your preferences and choice

we also offer different day trips to nearby attractions

additional activities available on request which will make you experience Herzegovina through its traditi-on, culture and gastronomy

thematic day trips to surrounding monuments is also part of our offer

We offer you accommodation in some of the known family farms, where the host will be waiting for you with a welcome drink. A quick rest and a visit to one of the neighbouring wine oasis are followed by getting to know the Herzegovina wine culture.

Uspori i odmoriSlow down and relax

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Prvo buđenje u Hercegovini, na Trebižatu

Nakon odabira obiteljskog gospodarstva na Vama je da uži-vate i provedete subotnji odmor onako kako ste ga provodili kao dijete, bezbrižno, bez stresa, bez opterećenja, bez briga, bez poslova i obveza bilo koje vrste. Jedina obveza na oda-branom obiteljskom gospodarstvu je da se prepustite i jed-nostavno uživate. Predlažemo nekoliko načina kako provesti vrijeme do ručka:

• Šetajućiiupoznavajućiokolicuobiteljskoggospodar-stva,

• Vozećibicikluzrijekuilipoljskeputeljke,

• DokoličaritiiljenčaritiuzrijekuTrebižat

• VišeVasjeiželitesesjetitidječjihigara,samoštodanasimprovizirane lukove i strijele možete zamijeniti pra-vim, sportskim lukovima i strijelama te isprobati uigra-nost i koordinaciju ‘ruke i oka’

• OkušajteseuKanusafarijunarijeciTrebižat,

• OdlaskomnaopuštajućiWellnes-SPAtretman,

• Želiteostvaritisvojudavnuželju,timaritiijahatikonje,samostalno ili uz budno oko instruktora,

• Posjetnekojodobližnjihkulturno-povijesnihznameni-tosti,

• Obilazaksredištaopćineukojojstesmješteniiodmorunekim od caffe-barova

• Pohađajućitečajspravljanjanekihodtradicionalnihhercegovačkih jela

First awakening in Herzegovina, on the Trebižat river

After chosing a family farm it is up to you to enjoy and spend your Saturday vacation just as when you were a kid, carefree, stressless, without any burdens and worries, jobs and obli-gations of any kind. The only obligation at the chosen family farm is to let yourself go and simply enjoy. Here are suggesti-ons on how to spend your time until lunch:

• takeawalkandgettoknowthesurroundingofthefamily farm,

• cyclingalongtheriveroronfieldpaths,

• LazingbytheTrebižatriver

• Therearemoreofyouandyouwanttoberemindedof children’s games, but today you can replace the improvised bows and arrows with real, sport bows and arrows and test your hand-eye coordination

• TrythecanoesafariontheTrebižatriver,

• GotoarelaxingWellness-Spatreatment,

• Makeyourancientwishcometrueandgroomandridehorses, by yourself or under the watchful eye of an instructor

• Visitsomeofthenearbyculturalandhistoricalmonu-ments,

• Visitthemunicipalitycenteroftheplaceyouareaccommodated in and relax in one of the cafes.

• AttendacourseonpreparingsomeofthetraditionalHerzegovinian dishes

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Vrijeme ručka ćete odrediti sami, jer sve mora biti upravo onako kako Vi to želite. Vi morate gospodariti vremenom, a mi ćemo se potruditi da svaka minuta otkuca samo za vas. Možete pratiti kako se spravlja obrok, sudjelovati u njegovom spravljanju ili jednostavno ‘doći na gotovo’ i prepustiti se uživanju u domaćim delicijama, u kojima će, jamčimo, sva osjetila uživati.

Za poslijepodnevne sate predlažimo posjet najvećem pri-rodnom biseru rijeke Trebižat - slapovima Kravice koji će vas ostaviti bez daha. Ne sumnjamo, puni dojmova vratit ćete se u pitomo i ugodno okružje Vašeg domaćina koji će Vas u dogovorenom vremenu čekati s večerom, s brižno odabra-nim specijalitetima domaće kuhinje. Za one koji žele pobliže upoznati nadaleko poznata hercegovačka vina Žilavku i Bla-tinu, moguće je organizirati posjet obližnjoj konobi, kušanje tradicionalnih jela i vina sljubljenih s najboljim hercegovač-kim pršutima i sirevima.

You will spend lunch time by yourself. Everything has to be just as you want it. You manage your time by yourself and we will do our best so that every minute is best spent on you. You can watch how a meal is prepared, participate in its preparation or simply come when it is finished and enjoy the homemade delica-cies, which is a guaranteed delight for all senses.

To leave Herzegovina without having experienced at least a part of its natural, cultural and historical heritage would be unforgi-vable. This is why for the afternoon and evening hours we re-commend a visit to the largest natural pearl of the Trebižat river – the Kravice waterfalls, which will surely leave you breathless.

Full of impressions you return to the comfortable surrounding of your host, who will be waiting for you with dinner at the agreed time, with carefully selected specialties of the homemade cuisi-ne. For those who want to experience the widely famous Herze-govina wines Žilavka and Blatina, a vist to the nearby tavern can be organized, combined with tasting traditional dishes and wine with the best Herzegovinian prosciutto and cheeses.

Drugo buđenje u Hercegovini, na Trebižatu

Želite spavati dugo, baš onako kako odavno niste mogli, želite kavu u krevet, želite doručak u krevet, želite doručak u osam, devet, deset.... želite miris domaće kave, želite neke poznate mirise djetinjstva, želite jednostavno doživjeti jutro u Hercegovini.....

Nakon buđenja, doručka, pozdravljate se s Vašim domaći-nom i odlazite.

Želite li da Vaš boravak u Hercegovini potraje i drugi dan, predlažemo posjet vili Mogorjelo u Čapljini, starom gradu Počitelj, ili urbanom centru Mostaru.

Second awakening in Herzegovina, on the Trebižat river

You want to sleep in, as you were not able to do in a long time, you want coffee in bed, breakfast in bed, breakfast at eight, nine, ten o’clock... you want the smell of homemade coffee and familiar smells of your childhood, you simply want to experience a morning in Herzegovina...

After getting up and breakfast, you say goodby to your host and leave.

If you want your stay in Herzegovina to last for another day, we suggest a visit to the Mogorjelo villa in Čapljina, the old town Počitelj or the urban center of Mostar.

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Budi drugačiji, budi avanturist, ostvari svoje skrivene želje, nađi vremena za one aktivnosti koje si godinama ostavljao za neki drugi put. Provedi vrijeme s osobama koje te čine opu-štenim i s kojima možeš u akciju. Jednostavno imaš priliku i zato ‘Budi aktivan’

od 3 dana i 2 noćenja sa smještajem, prema Vašoj želji i odabiru

nudimo i različite dnevne izlete atrakcijama u okolici

mogući i različiti sadržaji na zahtjev putem kojih ćete doživjeti Hercegovinu kroz njenu tradiciju, kulturu i gastronomiju

nudimo i tematske dnevne izlete okolnim znamenitostima

Po dolasku, u odabranom smještaju, čeka Vas domaćin oda-branog seoskog gospodarstva s pićem dobrodošlice. Nakon odmora i samostalnog upoznavanja s okruženjem, slijedi odlazak u jedan od hercegovačkih vinskih podruma gdje ćete uz kvalitetna hercegovačka vina doživjeti i okus poznatog i priznatog hercegovačkog pršuta, domaćih uštipaka i razno-vrsnih hercegovačkih sireva, kojima okus znakovito pojačava kapljica domaćeg maslinovog ulja

Be different, be an advanturer, realize your hidden desires, find time for activities you have been putting aside for years. Spend your time with people who relax you but are also re-ady for some acitvity. You have the chance so “Be active“.

From 3 days and 2 nights with accomodation, accor-ding to your preferences and choice

we also offer different day trips to nearby atractions

additional activities available on request which will make you experience Herzegovina through its traditi-on, culture and gastronomy

we also offer theme day trips to neighbouring monu-ments

Upon arrival at the chosen accommodation, the host will be waiting for you with a welcome drink. After a rest and getting to know the surrounding by yourself, a visit to one of the Herzegovina wine cellars follows, where you will experience high-quality Herzegovina wines and the taste of the famous and acknowledged Herzegovina prosciutto, homemade do-nuts and various Herzegovina cheeses. Enhancing their taste is a drop of domestic olive oil.

Budi aktivanBe active

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Prvo buđenje u Hercegovini, na TrebižatuZa one koji žele aktivno provesti vrijeme u Hercegovini, bilo da je riječ o rekreaciji ili turizmu posebnih interesa, ali i team building turama, dan se kreira prema vlastitim željama i vre-menskim odrednicama. Sport, druženje, rekreacija i igra u prirodi neizostavni su dio opuštanja i bijega iz brze i stresne životne svakodnevice.

Iz ponude aktivnosti i rekreacije predlažemo: streličarstvo, kanu safari, rafting, paintball, biciklizam, jahanje, planinarenje i rock climbing, ribolov, wellnes, spa

Nakon aktivnog dana punog adrenalina, predlažemo ugodnu opuštujaću večeru u autentičnom ambijentu, uz poznate her-cegovačke okuse iz okušanih konoba. Po želji se može uživati i u ugodnim zvucima tamburaša ili drugih glazbenika, prema vlastitim afinitetima.

Drugo buđenje u Hercegovini, uz TrebižatNakon buđenja i jutarnjeg obroka, opraštate se s Vašim do-maćinom i odlazite.

First awakening in Herzegovina, on the Trebižat riverFor those who want to actively spend their time in Herzegovi-na, whether it is recreationally or special interet tourism, but also team building tours, the day can be created according to your own wishes and timelines. Sports, socializing, recreation and games in nature are an indispensable part of relaxing and escape from the fast and stressful everyday life.

From the activities and recreation we recommend: archery, canoe safari, rafting, paintball, bicycling, horse riding, hiking and rock climbing, fishing, wellness, spa.

After an active day full of adrenaline, we suggest a cosy relaxing dinner in an authentic atmosphere, with famous Herzegovinian tastes in tried taverns. If desired you can also enjoy the pleasant sounds of the players of the traditional instrument tambura or other musicians, according to your own affinities.

The second awakening in Herzegovina, along the Trebižat riverAfter getting up and breakfast, you say goodby to your host and leave.

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ponuda izletaoffer of trips

Page 18: welcom to herzegovina

Oni koji uživaju u boravku u prirodi, pješačenju, planinarenju, ali i skijanju, mogu poći u park prirode Blidinje koji je zaslu-žilo taj status zahvaljujući raskošnim prirodnim bogatstvima i iskonskoj planinskoj ljepoti. Ovo omiljeno cjelogodišnje izletničko odredište nerijetko zovu oazom ljepote i zdravlja… I zbilja se ne zna je li taj zov jači u proljeće i ljeto, kad je ovaj prostor jedan veliki netaknut buket krajobraza i kada sve miriše i odmara oči i dušu.

Zaputite se stazama prošlosti, tragovima rimskih legija, preko srednjovjekovnih humskih vladara sve do osmanlijskih osva-jača. Ostatci prolaska različitih civilizacija kroz Hercegovinu, u Villi Rustici, Počitelju, Humu, Mostaru svjedoče o burnoj prošlosti ovih krajeva. Saznajte zanimljive priče, povijesne crtice, legende i zbilje s ovih prostora čuvane stoljećima.

Those of you who enjoy spending time in nature, hiking, mo-untaineering and skiing can come to the Nature Park Blidinje. Blidinje has earned its status thanks to its opulent natural wealth and true mountain beauty. This favorite yearlong destination is often called an oasis of beauty and health. It is extremely hard to tell whether its call is stronger in spring or summer, when this area becomes a large untouched bouquet of landscape and everything has a pleasant smell and relaxes the eyes and the spirit.a

Zelena oaza Hercegovine — BlidinjeHerzegovinian green oasis — Blidinje

Putevima hercegovačke povijestiOn the paths of Herzegovinian history

Walk on the paths of history, over the traces of Roman legions and to the medieval rulers of Hum and Ottoman conquerors. The remains of different civilizations that passed Herzegovina in Villa Rustica, Počitelj, Hum and Mostar are a testimony to the tumultuous past of these parts. Learn inte-resting stories, historical anecdotes, legends and facts from these parts which have been guarded for centuries.

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Ovo malo hercegovačko mjesto pozornost cijeloga svijeta privuklo je 1981. godine kada je šestoro djece posvjedočilo kako im se ukazala Djevica Marija - Kraljica Mira i uputila poruku ljubavi cijelome svijetu. Od tada do danas tu je stasalo, uz Lourdes i Fatimu, jedno od najvećih marijanskih svetišta u svijetu koje, u potrazi za duhovnim mirom, obraćenjem i utjehom, godišnje posjeti više od milijun ljudi sa svih kontinenata.

Obilazak iskonske Hercegovine koju odlikuje mir i tišina, bla-ga mediteranska klima, te putovi i staze idealni za bicikliste, šetače i planinarenje; posjet starim maslinicima i jedinstvenoj staroj kamenoj uljari za proizvodnju maslinova ulja u kombi-naciji s kušanjem tradicionalnih jela obiteljskih gospodarsta-va, doživljaj je nezaboravan. Obilazak zadivljujuće špilje Vje-trenica čiji glavni kanal zadire 2,5 kilometara u utrobu zemlje.

Svetište Kraljice Mira – MeđugorjeShrine of the Queen of Peace - Međugorje

ZemljaThe country

This small Herzegovinian town has been attracting the atten-tion of the whole world since 1981 when six children testified to seeing Virgin Mary – the Queen of Peace who sent a me-ssage of peace and love to the entire world. From then until now Međugorje has become one of the biggest Marian Shri-nes in the world, next to Lourdes and Fatima. More than one million people from all continents visit the shrine each year in search of spiritual peace, pray and consolation.

Tour of the primordial Herzegovina is marked with peace and quiet, a mild Mediterranean climate and paths and trails ideal for bikers, hikers and mountain-climbers. Tours of old olive yards and a unique old stone oil mills, combined with tasting traditional dishes in family farms, will make this experience un-forgettable. Impressive is the tour of the cave Vjetrenica, whose main canal reaches 2.5 kilometers into the bowels of the Earth.

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Posjetite najatraktivnije lokalitete na rijeci Trebižat - slapove Kravice i Peć Mline. Široki vodeni amfiteatar slapa Kravice promjera 120 metara uz njegovu visinu 28 metara ga čini zbilja posebnim. Jedinstven doživljaj vode koja život znači pronaći ćete u zelenoj oazi Peć Mlini na izvoru ponornice Tihaljine. Predahnite obilaskom bogate arheološke zbirke fra-njevačkog samostana na Humcu i tematske galerije „Majka“.

Doživite posjet vinogradima i ponajboljim vinarijama Her-cegovine uz degustacije hercegovačkih vina i voćnih rakija, sljubljujući ih uz domaći sir i hercegovački pršut. Herce-govački vinogradi, uz raskoš okusa hercegovačke žilavke i blatine, toplinu kutaka vinskih podruma, razgalit će vam srca i otkriti vam tajne s velikaških dvora gdje su se pila hercego-vačka vina.

Voda / Water Vinska cesta Hercegovine / The wine road of Herzegovina Visit some of the most attractive localities on the river Tre-bižat – the waterfall Kravice and Peć Mlini. The waterfall Kravice has a wide water amphitheater with a diameter of 120 meters and it is 28 meters high, which makes it extremely special. In the green oasis Peć Mlini, on the spring of the river Tihaljina, you will find a unique water experience. Take a bre-ak by touring the rich archeological collection of the Francis-can convent in Humac and the thematic gallery “Mother”.

Experience visits to vineyards and the best wine-cellars in Herzegovina, along with tasting Herzegovinian wines and fruit brandies and combining them with local cheese and Herzegovinian prosciutto. With the taste of Herzegovinian wines Žilavka and Blatina and the warmth of the nooks in wine-cellars, Herzegovinian vineyards will open your hearts and reveal secrets from aristocratic palaces where these Herzegovinian wines were drunk.

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Poseban ures Hercegovine je rijeka Trebižat, čija gotovo bo-žanska ljepota slapova, potoka i rječica poput žila presjeca krš i daje mu rajsko lice. Aktivno upoznajte i njene skrivene ljepote spuštajući se njenim tokom, vozeći kanu safari s va-šim prijateljima, obitelji ili kolegama s posla.

Kanu safari na rijeci TrebižatCanoe safari on the river Trebižat

A special adornment of Herzegovina is the river Trebižat. The almost divine beauty of its waterfalls, brooks and rivulets cuts the karst and gives it a heavenly face. Get to know its hidden beauty actively by descending down its stream, going on a canoe safari with your friends, family or colleagues from work.

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gdje odsjesti ...where to stay ...

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Hotel Hum

Novoizgrađeni hotel Hum u Ljubuškom ima 8 suvremeno opremljenih soba i elegantni restoran, s nadaleko poznatom kuhinjom. Restoran raspolaže i s dodatnom salom za posebne prigode.

The brand new modern hotel Hum in Ljubuški has 8 modern equipped rooms and an elegant restaurant with a widely known cuisine. The restaurant also has an extra salon for speci-al occasions.

Hotel mogorjelo

Hotel Mogorjelo se nalazi u gradu Čapljini, na obalama rijeke Neretve. Nudi 38 soba i 3 predsjednička apartmana. Osim toga, hotel nudi restoran s jelima po narudžbi u vlasništvu poznatog kuhara, kao i caffe-bar s terasom i pogledom na zelenu rijeku Neretvu.

Hotel Mogorjelo is located in the city of Čapljina, on the banks of the river Neretva. It offers 38 rooms and 3 presidential apar-tments. Part of the hotel is also a restaurant with dishes a la carte, owned by a famous chef, and a cafe with a terrace and a view of the green river Neretva.

motel most.

U sklopu Motela „Most“nalazi se nacionalni restoran sa kava-nom, terasom, tradicijski opremljena konoba Stare priče, te 10 soba sa 18 ležaja za smještaj gostiju. U svojoj bogatoj resto-ranskoj ponudi nudi se raznovrstan riblji i mesni meni kao i jela tradicionalne hercegovačke kuhinje.

Part of the Motel “Most” is a national restaurant with a cafe, a terrace, a traditionally furnished tavern Stare priče (Old stories), and 10 rooms with 18 guest beds. Part of its rich gastronomic offer is a diverse fish and meat menu as well as dishes of the traditional Herzegovinian cuisine.

motel lAV

Motel Lav smješten je u naselju Gabela uz prometnicu Čaplji-na – Gabela na 4 kilometra od Čapljine u ugodnom ambijentu i blizini rijeke Neretve. Motel raspolaže s 9 soba s 25 ležaja. Motel nudi razna nacionalna i internacionalna jela, kao i bogatu ponu-du domaćih vrhunskih vina.

The Motel Lav is located in the village Gabela along the roadway Čapljina – Gabela, 4 km away from Čapljina, in a plea-sant atmosphere near the river Neretva. The Motel has 9 rooms with 25 beds. The Motel offers various national and internatio-nal dishes, with a rich offer of national premium wines.

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Mjesto Vašeg smještaja i polazna destinacija može biti Ljubuški, Čapljina ili Grude, gdje Vam nudimo smještaj prilagođen vašim željama i potrebama. Moguć je i smještaj na drugim lokacijama, sukladno dogovoru.

Your place of accommodation and point of departure can be Ljubuški, Čapljina or Grude, with an offer of accommodation adjusted to your wishes and needs. Accommodation at other locations is also possible, by agreement.

motel KIWI

U sklopu motela Kiwi u Ružićima kod Gruda, nalazi se 19 moder-no uređenih soba i internacionalni restoran s ljetnom terasom. Motel nudi nadaleko poznatu izvornu kuhinju i specijalitete kuće, s osobitim naglaskom na dnevno svježu morsku ribu i školjke.

Within the motel Kiwi in Ružići Grude, there are 19 modern fur-nished rooms and an international restaurant with a summer terrace. The motel offers a widely known national cuisine and specialities of the house, with a special emphasis on the daily fresh sea fish and shellfish.

Hotel otoK.

Hotel Otok je privatni hotel s tri zvjezdice, obiteljskog je tipa i odgovara svim zahtjevima suvremenog turizma, a gostima je na raspolaganju tijekom cijele godine. Hotel raspolaže sa 62 ležaja u 23 sobe.

Hotel Otok is a private hotel with three stars. It is a family type hotel meeting all the needs of modern tourism. It is available for guests all year round. The hotel has 62 beds in 23 rooms.

seosKo gospodArstVo obIteljI mArIć: mArIćA gAj

Imanje seoskog turizma “Marića gaj” prostire se na površini od 40 hektara, selo Ružići. Na imanju su izgrađene staze i privatni putevi (3 km) - uređeni za šetnje, trčanje, jahanje. U sklopu imanja je maslinik s 1000 stabala maslina, vinograd, te voćnjak, vinski podrum u kojemu se njeguju vlastita vina i rakije. Za vrijeme ljetnih vrućina na raspolaganju Vam je bazen.

The rural tourism estate “Marića gaj” stretches over an area of 40 acres in the village Ružići. Paths and private routes (3km) have been built on the estate – suitable for walks, runs and horse riding. Part of the estate is an olive yard with 1000 olive trees, a vineyard, an orchard, a wine cellar with its own wines and brandies. During the summer heats, a pool is at your dis-posal.

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što vidjeti ...what to see ...

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Oni koji uživaju u prirodi, šetnji, planinarenju, ali i skijanju, mogu poći u zeleni park prirode Blidinje koji je zaslužilo taj status zahvaljujući raskošnim prirodnim bogatstvima i iskon-skoj planinskoj ljepoti. Ovo omiljeno cjelogodišnje izletničko odredište nerijetko zovu oazom ljepote i zdravlja… I zbilja se ne zna je li taj zov jači u proljeće i ljeto, kad je ovaj prostor jedan veliki netaknut buket krajobraza i kada sve miriše i odmara oči i dušu.

Svjetski poznat simbol grada Mostara je Stari most koji je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. , izgrađen davne 1566.godine. Njegovi obnovitelji su se potrudili da obnovom ne izgubi na svojoj eleganciji i ljepoti, kojom jednostavno plijeni. Uvjerit ćete se da su uspjeli. Ulice stare gradske jezgre, u kojima je smješten, vodit će Vas do brojnih ‘kujundžijskih’ radnji koje prikazuju život od prije pet stoljeća. Obilazak franjevačkog samostana i novih gradskih sadržaja će biti idealna prilika da doživite spoj Istoka i Zapada, dviju civilizacija: kršćanstva i islamstva.

1Park prirode Blidinje / Nature park Blidinje


Those of you who enjoy spending time in nature, hiking, mountaineering and skiing can come to the Nature Park Blidinje. Blidinje has earned its status thanks to its opulent natural wealth and true mountain beauty. This favorite yearlong destination is often called an oasis of beauty and health. It is extremely hard to tell whether its call is stronger in spring or summer, when this area becomes a large un-touched bouquet of landscape and everything has a pleasant smell and relaxes the eyes and the spirit.

The world known symbol of Mostar is the Stari Most (Old Bridge) which is protected by UNESCO. It was built at the end of 1566. Its rebuilders made an effort to preserve the elegance and the breathtaking beauty of the bridge. You will be assured that they succeeded. The streets of the old town core will take you to numerous silversmith shops, which show you the way of life as it was 500 years ago. The tour of the Franciscan convent and new city contents will be an ideal opportunity to experience the blend of East and West, the two civilizations: Christianity and Islam.

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Srednjevjekovno zdanje - Stjepan grad, nastalo na kasnoan-tičkoj utvrdi ponad Blagaja je zapravo bio gradska palača, opasana tvrdim bedemima s nazubljenim vrhovima koji su i danas vidljivi. U njemu je stolovao Stjepan Vukšić Kosača. Postoji i legenda koja kaže da je u njemu herceg Stjepan navodno zakopao svoje blago… tako je i grad dobio ime po blagu herceg Stjepana-Blagaj.

Blagaj je derviška tekija iz 16. Stoljeća. Impozantna orijen-talna građevina podignuta je na mjestu najvećeg izvora u Hercegovini, izvor rijeke Bune koji protiče iz pećine iz dubine od 200 metara u stijeni. To područje je također poznato po raznolikosti svoje flore i velikom broju endemskih vrsta.

3Stari grad Blagaj – Tvrđava Hercega Stjepana / Old city Blagaj – Herceg Stjepan fortress

4Blagaj i Buna / Blagaj and Buna

The medieval building – Stjepan city, situated on the late antique fort above Blagaj was actually a city palace enclosed by hard walls with jagged peaks still visible today. Stjepan Vu-kšić Kosača resided in it. A legend says that Herceg Stjepan allegedly buried there his treasure... this is how the city got its name after the treasure of Herceg Stjepan – Blagaj (treasure).

Blagaj is a dervish house from the 16th century. The impressi-ve oriental building was built on the site of the largest source in Herzegovina, the source of the river Buna, emerging from a cave 200 m deep in the rock. This area is also known by the diversity of its flora and the large number of endemic species.

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Ovo malo hercegovačko mjesto pozornost cijeloga svijeta privuklo je 1981.godine kada je šestoro djece posvjedočilo kako im se ukazala Gospa i uputila poruku mira cijelome svi-jetu. Danas je Međugorje, uz Lourdes i Fatimu, jedno od naj-većih marijanskih svetišta u svijetu koje u potrazi za mirom, obraćenjem i utjehom, godišnje posjeti više od milijun ljudi sa svih kontinenata. Centar okupljanja u svetištu Kraljice Mira, kako se međugorsko svetište službeno zove, je crkva svetog Jakova u središtu mjesta.

Po brojnosti primjeraka, raznovrsnosti i zastupljenosti svih osnovnih oblika, relativno visokoj umjetničkoj kvaliteti izrade, bogatstvu plastičnih dekoracija, reljefnih predstava i natpisa koji spominju poznate povijesne ličnosti, kao i svom neobič-nom smještaju i dostupnosti, nekropola Radimlja spada u najvrjednije spomenike srednjovjekovnog razdoblja u BiH.


6Radimlja, nekropola stećaka kod Stoca / Radimlja, necropolis of stećak tombstones at Stolac

This small Herzegovinian town has been attracting the atten-tion of the whole world since 1981 when six children testified to seeing Our Lady Virgin Mary, who sent a message of peace to the entire world. Today, Međugorje is one of the biggest Marian Shrines in the world, next to Lourdes and Fatima. More than one million people from all continents visit the shrine each year in search of peace, pray and consolation. The gathering center of the Shrine of the Queen of Peace, which is the official name of the shrine, is the church of Saint James in the town center.

By the number of pieces, the variety and presence of all the basic shapes, the relatively high artistic workmanship, the richness of plastic decorations, the embossed scenes and inscriptions mentioning famous historic figures, and by its unusual location and access, the Radmilja necropolis belongs to the most valuable monuments of the medieval period in BIH.

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Zadivljujući Glavni kanal špilje Vjetrenice zadire 2,5 kilometa-ra u utrobu zemlje. Među mnogim arheološkim pronalascima nalaze se i ostatci pećinskog medvjeda i leoparda, dok se starost pećinskih crteža procjenjuje na 10.000 godina. Špilja je također bogata malim jezerima, u kojima su svoj dom našle brojne endemske vrste. Pronađeno je 200 različitih životinj-skih vrsta, a po svom biodiverzitetu među prvim je pećinama u svijetu. Vjetrenica se sada nalazi na UNESCO-voj listi zašti-ćenih područja u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Bogata povijest ovoga kraja je sačuvana u mnogim starim građevinama i stoljetnim maslinicima u zaleđu Neuma. Blizina Jadranskog mora i prirodnih ljepota okol-nih visova i gudura čini ovaj prostor idealnim za provo-đenje vremena, odmor i rekreaciju. Jedinstvena stara kamena uljara za proizvodnju maslinova ulja, je ujedno i dokaz autentičnosti maslinarstva na ovim prostorima. U kombinaciji s kušanjem tradicionalnih jela obiteljskih gospodarstava,doživljaj je nezaboravan. Cijeli ovaj oču-vani prostor neumskog zaleđa odlikuje mir i tišina, blaga mediteranska klima, te putovi i staze idealni za bicikliste, šetače i planinarenje. Nekoliko obitelji proizvodi vrhun-ska ulja koja se mogu kušati i kupiti u njihovim domaćin-stvima.

The rich history of this region is preserved in the nu-merous old buildings and century old olive yards in the Neum hinterland. The proximity of the Adriatic Sea and the natural beauties of the surrounding heights and ravines make this space ideal for leisure activities, rest and recreation. The unique old stone oil mill for the pro-duction of olive oil is a proof for the authenticity of olive growing in this region. Combined with tasting traditional dishes of the family farms, the experience is unforgetta-ble. The whole preserved area of the Neum hinterland is characterized by peace and silence, a mild Mediterrane-an climate and paths and trails ideal for cycling, walking and hiking. A couple of families produce premium oils, which can be tasted and bought in their households.

7Špilja Vjetrenica / Vjetrenica cave

8Zaleđe Neuma – maslinici / Neum hinterland – olive yards

The impressive main channel of the cave Vjetrenica cuts 2,5 km deep into the earth. Among many archaeological findings there are also remains of cave bears and leopards. The cave drawings are estimated to be 10.000 years old. The cave also holds many small lakes, where numerous endemic species have found their home. 200 different animal species have been found. By its biodiversity it is among the first caves in the world. Vjetrenica is now on UNESCO’s list of protected areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Najatraktivniji lokalitet na rijeci Trebižatu je zasigurno slap Kravice, u Studencima kod Ljubuškog. Stvoren je protokom sedronosne rijeke Trebižat, pa je kao prirodan fenomen pod zaštitom države kao geološki i geomorfološki spomenik prirode i prirodna rijetkost. Visina slapa kreće se od 26 - 28 metara, s vodenim amfiteatrom ispod slapa promjera 120 me-tara. Preko sedronosna sloja od dna do vrha slapa izrasla je trava, mahovina i lišajevi. Uz slap su nikle konopljika, smokve i topole. Nekada su uz slap bili aktivni mnogobrojni mlinovi i stupe za valjanje sukna.

Zamisao o osnutku muzeja pri samostanu sv. Ante na Humcu pojavila se polovicom XIX. stoljeća u krugu hercegovačkih franjevaca. Sadašnja muzejska izložba se dijeli u tri dijela: prapovijest koja obuhvaća staro kameno doba, mlađe kameno doba, brončano i željezno doba, zatim drugi dio koji obuhvaća antiku i stari Rim, te srednji vijek. Osobito je bogata rimska zbirka o čemu nam svjedoče brojni spomenici pronađeni u ovom kraju, kao i sam muzejski prostor koji je spomenik rimske arhitekture. U muzejskoj zbirci posebno treba istaknuti Humačku ploču, najstariji očuvani spomenik pisan na hrvatskom jeziku (mješavinom glagoljice i starohrvatske ćirilice - bosančice) na području današnje Bosne i Hercegovine. Uz arheološku zbirku u samostanu nalaze se još numizmatička zbirka, lapidarij, sakralna i povijesno-etnološka zbirka i galerija. Najstariji nalaz u zbirci je paleolitička ogrlica, te nalazi iz bakrenoga i brončanoga doba (3000 – 800 godine pr. Kr.)

9Slap Kravice / Waterfall Kravice

10Muzej na Humcu - arheološka zbirka franjevačkog samostana sv. Ante / Museum in Humac- archeological collection of the Franciscan monastery of St. Anthony

The most attractive locality on the river Trebižat is certainly the waterfall Kravice in Studenci, near Ljubuški. It was crea-ted by the flow of the cedar filled river Trebižat. As a natural phenomenon, it is under the country’s protection as a geolo-gical and a geomorphologic monument of nature and a natu-ral rarity. The height of the waterfall ranges from 26 – 28 me-ters, with an aquatic amphitheater below the waterfall with a diameter of 120 meters. Over the cedar filled layer, from top to bottom of the waterfall, many plants such as grass, moss and lichens grow. The waterfall has sprouted hemp, figs and poplars. Many mills for wheat and for rolling cloth were once active by the waterfall. You have time enough to photograph and simply enjoy.

The idea to set up a museum in the convent of St. Anthony in Humac appeared in the middle of the XIX century within the Herzegovinian Franciscans. The current exhibition is divided into three parts: prehistory which includes the Stone Age (Pale-olithic and Neolithic), the Bronze and Iron Age, followed by the second part which includes the Ancient times, Roman times and the Middle Age. The Roman collection is especially rich which is evident from the numerous monuments found in this area, as well as the actual area of the museum which is monument of Roman architecture. It should be emphasized that this collection contains the Humac Tablet, the oldest monument written in the Croatian language (a mixture of the Glagolitic alphabet and old Croatian Cyrillic alphabet – Bosančica) in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along with the archeological collection in the con-vent, there is a numismatic collection, a lapidary, a sacral and historical-ethnological collection and gallery. The oldest finding in the collection is a Paleolithic necklace, as well as the findings from the Copper Age and Bronze Age (3000 – 800 years B.C.).

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Zbirka umjetnina sa svojim stalnim postavom pod nazivom “Majka” u Ljubuškom zanimljive je koncepcije. Okuplja umjetnike oko veličanstvene i neisrcpne i svima nama drage teme - majka. Česte inspiracije kipara i slikara kroz povijest... Zbirka sadrži oko 250 umjetnina, od čega je gotovo 140 skul-ptura u raznim materijalima, a ostalo su slike, crteži i grafike. U zbirci je zastupljeno četrdesetak kipara i dvadesetak slikara iz Hrvatske i BiH, dva kipara iz Slovenije, te nekoliko kipara i slikara iz Konga.

The art collection with a permanent collection called “Mother” has an interesting concept. It gathers artists aro-und the magnificent and inexhaustible topic called mother, that all of us are fond of. It has been a frequent inspiration for sculptures and painters through history… The collection contains about 250 artworks, 140 of which are sculptures from different materials, and the rest are paintings, drawings and graphic art. Forty sculptors and twenty painters from Croatia and B&H are represented in the collection, as well as two sculptors from Slovenia and several sculptors and pain-ters from Congo.

Šire područje vodene oaze Peć Mlina, prema povijesnim saznanjima bilo je naseljeno od najstarijih vremena-prapovi-jesti, rimskog perioda, kasne antike i srednjeg vijeka sve do našeg vremena. U blizini Peć Mlina se nalazi i Ravlića pećina koja predstavlja jedno od najznačajnijih prapovijesnih pećin-skih naselja. Posljednji koji su se njome služili bili su hajduci ovog kraja iz XVIII. i XIX. stoljeća.

11Galerija umjetnina Majka Art gallery Mother

12Peć Mlini

The wider area of Peć Mlini, according to historical findings, was populated in the times of ancient history – Prehistoric period, Roman period, late Classical period and in the Middle Ages, up until our time. In the vicinity of Peć Mlini there is the cavern Ravlića Pećina, which represents one of the most significant prehistoric cave settlements. The last people who used the cavern were haiduks from this area in the XVIII and XIX century.

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Danas je Počitelj jedan od najpoznatijih i najljepših nacional-nih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine, za koji se pretpostavlja da ga je dao izgraditi bosanski kralj Tvrtko 1383. godine. Njegov mediteranski izgled je nakon turskog osvajanja ori-jentalno preoblikovan. Počiteljem tako dominiraju orijentalni građevinski stilovi, koji skupa s ostatcima mediteranskog stila daju ovom naselju jednu posebnu dimenziju. Budete li došli u mjesecu srpnju, kada se održava Likovna kolonija, dočekat će Vas posebna živost na kamenim kaldrmama ovog povije-snog gradića, koje će krasiti umjetnine najvećih slikara Bosne i Hercegovine i regije.

Jedan od najznačajnijih spomenika rimskog doba u BiH je svakako Mogorjelo. Riječ je o ostatcima utvrđene vile subur-bane s početka 4. stoljeća iako je već i u 1. stoljeću nove ere ovdje postojalo poljoprivredno imanje sa zgradama za sta-novanje, skladištima, stajama, mlinovima, pekarnom, ulja-rom i kovačnicom. Ovdje ćete zapravo saznati da tradicija maslinarstva seže još u davna vremena kada su stari Rimljani prepoznali Hercegovinu kao plodno tlo za uzgoj najčuve-nijeg mediteranskog eliksira. Svjedoče o tome arheološka nalazišta, posebice ostatci ‘dolija’ u kojima su Rimljani čuvali maslinovo ulje. Od tada do danas uz vinogradarstvo održava se i tradicija maslinarstva. Provala Zapadnih Gota, dovela je do razaranja Ville koju preživjeli stanovnici više nisu mogli obnoviti u punom sjaju. No, njezini ostatci, unatoč tomu, do dan danas, svoje posjetitelje ostavljaju bez daha.

One of the most significant monuments of the Roman era in BIH is surely Mogorjelo. These are the remains of a fortress villa suburbana from the early 4th century. But already in the 1st century of the new era an agricultural estate existed here, with buildings for housing, warehouses, barns, mills, a bakery, an oil mill and a smithy. Here you will learn that the tradition of olive growing actually comes from ancient times when Romans recognized Herzegovina as a fertile soil for cultiva-ting the eminent Mediterranean elixir. Archeological findings testify to this, especially the remains of ‘doliums’ where Romans conserved the olive oil. Up until now, along with viticulture, the tradition of olive growing has been preserved. Also, the Villa is one of the most significant monuments of Roman times in B&H. Along with the oil mill; the Villa also had a bakery, smithy and a mill. The eruption of Visigoths led to the destruction of the Villa. The surviving dwellers could never restore it to its full glory. Despite of that, it still leaves all visitors breathless.

13Stari grad Počitelj / Old city Počitelj

14Villa Rustica - Mogorjelo

Today Počitelj is one of the most famous and most beautiful national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is assumed that the Bosnian king Tvrtko had it built in 1383. Its Mediterra-nean look was transformed into oriental style after Turkish conquest. Oriental architectural styles dominate in Počitelj. Along with the remains of the Mediterranean style, these ori-ental details give this town a special dimension. If you come in July when the Art Colony is organized, you will be greeted with a special liveliness on the stone cobbles of this historical town, which will be adorn with artworks of the greatest painters from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

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Pođite u obilazak najboljih hercegovačkih vinarija i vinskih podruma, kušajte izvrsna vina od autohtonih sorti žilavke i blatine. Prošetajte se po vinogradima, degustirajte domaći pršut i sir uz bogatu ponudu tradicionalne domaće kuhinje. Šetajući vinogradima u Ljubuškom, Čitluku, Međugorju, kuša-jući sorte hercegovačkih vina, saznat ćete iz prve ruke zašto su upravo ovi vinogradi toliko bili zanimljivi brojnim osvaja-čima ovih predjela i zašto se hercegovačka vina ubrajaju u najbolja vina na svijetu.

Crkva sv. Stjepana Prvomučenika u Gorici je podignuta na temeljima starohrvatske crkve sagrađene u IX. stoljeću i jed-na je od najstarijih crkava u Hrvata uopće. Podignuta još u IX. stoljeću kada i velik broj starohrvatskih crkava, korištena je, uz manje popravke, sve do prve polovice XVII. stoljeća. Tada je konačno srušena i nikada više nije obnavljana. Tek je pot-kraj pedesetih godina XIX. stoljeća ondašnji župnik fra Petar Bakula na njenim temeljima sagradio potpuno novu crkvu koja je do gradnje najnovije bila župna, a od tada grobljanska crkva. Odmah uz crkvu smještena je Hrvatska franjevačka arheološka zbirka sv. Stjepana Prvomučenika.

The churhc of St. Stephen the Martyr in Gorica was built on the foundations of an old Croatian church from the 9th cen-tury and it is one of the oldest churches in Croatia in general. It was erected in the 9the century just as a large number of other old Croatian churches and was used, with minor repa-irs, all up until the first half of the 17th century. This is when it was demolished and never again restored. It was not until the late fifties of the 19th century that the then parish priest fra Petar Bakula built a completely new church on its founda-tions. This was the parish church until the construction of the newest church, and the cemetary church from that point on. Right next to the church is the Croatian Franciscan archeolo-gical collection of St. Stephen the Martyr.

15Vinska cesta Hercegovine / The Herzegovina wine road

16Crkva u Gorici i franjevačka Arheološka zbirka / Church in Gorica and the Franciscan Archaeological Collection

Take a tour of the best Herzegovina wineries and wine ce-llars, taste premium wines from the indigenous varieties of Žilavka and Blatina. Take a walk around the vineyards, taste homemade prosciutto and cheese, along with a rich offer of traditional homemade cuisine. Walking around the vineyards in Ljubuški, Čitluk, Međugorje, and by tasting varieties of Herzegovinian wines you will learn firsthand why exactly these vineyards were so interesting to numerous conquerors of these regions and why Herzegovinian wines are among the best in the world

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Hutovo Blato, jedinstvena submediteranska močvara, smje-štena je u tipičnom kraškom ambijentu na jugu Hercegovine. Idealan je za ljubitelje ptica i prirode, te obitelji s djecom jer je prepun slatkovodne ribe, divljih pataka, gusaka, liski, jastre-ba, čaplji, fazana, veprova i divljih konja. Kao iznimno stanište za brojne biljne i životinjske vrste spominje se od davnina. Riječ je o jednome od najbogatijih rezervata ptica močvarica u Europi. Ova submediteranska močvara okružena Daran-skim jezerom i dom je za 240 vrsta ptica na njihovom migra-cijskom putu, kao i desetinama vrsta kojima je ovo stanište stalno prebivalište. U vrijeme migracija na desetine tisuća ptica preplavi ovo jezero i njegovo okruženje.

The Trebižat river is the only underground river in Europe which sinks into the ground and emerges again a total of 9 times. This is a river with nine names, full of travertines, with amazing landscapes and a meandering stream, which waters the surrounding fertile fields. The Trebižat river, from its sour-ce in Peć-Mlini until its mouth in the river Neretva in Struge is 50 km long. It is a reservation of clean and clear water, green banks, magical waterfalls, light rapids, a rich plant and ani-mal life. Numerous resorts and bathing spots have emerged along the river.

17Park prirode Hutovo blato / Nature park Hutovo blato

Hutovo Blato, a unique sub Mediterranean marsh, is located in typical karst surroundings on the south of Herzegovina. It is ideal for birds and nature admirers and for families with children because it is filled with freshwater fish, mallards, geese, coots, goshawks, herons, pheasants, wild boars and wild horses. It was mentioned ages ago as an exceptional habitat for numerous plant and animal species. It is one of the richest bird reservations for fen fowls in Europe. This sub Mediterranean marsh is surrounded by lake Daransko Jezero, which is a home for 240 bird types on their migration way, as well as for dozens of species which call this environment their permanent habitat. In migration time tenths of thousan-ds of birds flood this lake and its surroundings.

Rijeka Trebižat, jedina ponornica u Europi koja 9 puta nestaje u tlu, te ponovno izvire. To je rijeka s devet imena, prepuna sedrenih reljefa, sa zadivljujućim prirodnim pejzažima i krivu-davim tokom, napaja okolna plodna polja. Dužina Trebižata, od izvora u Peć-Mlinima do ušća u Neretvu u Strugama je 50 km. Rezervat je čiste i bistre vode, zelenih obala, čarobnih vo-dopada, laganih brzaka, bogatog biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Uz rijeku su nikla i brojna izletišta i kupališta.

18Rijeka Trebižat / Trebižat river

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Nakon propasti antičke Narone razvio se u dolini Neretve u srednjem vijeku jači trgovački centar – Gabela. Nacionalni spomenik - arheološko područje Gabela se prvi put spominje 1186. godine pod nazivom Drijeva, skela, lađa (od drvo-lađa, skela). Pod nazivom Gabela prvi put se spominje 1399. godi-ne. Godine 1715. je razorena od strane Mlečana i više se nije obnavljala.U novijoj povijesti ovaj prostor je bio predmet rasprava i tvrdnji o postojanju “Troje” na lokalitetu Gabele i okolice, na osnovu istraživanja meksičkog povjesničara Ro-berta Salinasa Pricea.

After the downfall of antique Narona, a stronger trade centre developed in the Neretva river valley in the middle ages – Ga-bela. The national monument – the archaeological area Gabe-la was first mentioned in 1186 by the name Drijeva, ferry, ship (from wood – ship, ferry). The name Gabela is first mentioned in 1399. In 1715 it was destroyed by the Venetians and never renewed again. In recent history this area was part of the talk about the existence of “Troy” on the Gabela locality and the surroundings, based on research by the Mexican historian Robert Salinas Price.

19 Arheološko područje Gabela kod Čapljine Archeological area Gabela near Čapljina

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dodatni sadržajiadditional contents

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Learning about tradition and the culture of life and work

Different thematic content is at your disposal. It is possible to organize them as an additional activity during your stay. We suggest you don’t miss out learning about tradition and cul-ture of life and work of the local man, and trying some of the available activities.

The story of tobacco (Visit a tobacco producer) – Herzego-vinian tobacco is one of the best in Europe, and some claim that it is the best in the world. Although the system was ruthless to cultivators to the extent that many of them lost their lives because of tobacco, the tradition of cultivating this yellow gold is still preserved. Once the aroma of dried Her-zegovinian tobacco enters your nostrils, it is difficult to ever forget it, especially if you see the picturesque image of thre-aded dry leaves and the traditional ‘grating’ of tobacco and ‘rolling’ of the cigarettes… you will come back again.

Upoznavanje s tradicijom i kulturom života i rada

Na raspolaganju su Vam različiti tematski sadržaji koje je moguće organizirati kao dodatak tijekom Vašeg boravka. Predlažemo da nikako ne izostavite upoznati se s tradicijom i kulturom života i rada ovdašnjeg čovjeka, te iskušati neke od ponuđenih aktivnosti.

Priča o duhanu (Posjet proizvođaču duhana) - Hercegovački duhan je jedan od najkvalitetnijih u Europi, a neki tvrde i u svijetu. Iako je sustav bio nemilosrdan prema uzgajivačima, pa su mnogi i život izgubili zbog njega, tradicija uzgoja tog hercegovačkog žutog zlata sačuvana je sve do današnjih dana. Kada vam jednom u nosnice uđe miris sušenog herce-govačkog duhana, teško ga je ikada zaboraviti, ako se tomu pridoda bajkovita slika nanizanih sušenih listova, te tradici-onalno ‘križanje’ duhana, samostalno ‘motanje’ škije... vratit ćete se opet.

Visit to an old mill and the story of bread - the gurgle of wa-ter, the roar of the mill-wheel, the grinding of wheat and the smell of flour will be a unique new experience for some. For others it will be a return to their childhood. A few hundred years ago everything thrived with life around the Herzego-vinian mills. Today they are a valuable part of the economic and ethnological heritage as well as witnesses of country life and traditional architecture in picturesque Mediterranean landscapes.

The story of honey (Visit to a honey producer and tasting) – Sage, heather and other Herzegovinian herbs are the basis

Posjet staroj mlinici i priča o kruhu- grgoljenje vode, huk mlinskoga kola, meljava žita i miris brašna nekima će biti jedinstven i nikad prije doživljen ugođaj, a drugima vraćanje u djetinjstvo. Prije kojih stotinjak godina pred hercegovačkim mlinicama sve je bujalo od života, danas su one vrijedan dio gospodarske i etnološke baštine, ali i svjedoci pučkoga života i tradicijskoga graditeljstva u slikovitim mediteranskim krajo-licima.

Priča o medu (Posjet proizvođaču meda i degustacija) - Kadu-lja, vrisak, ali i drugo hercegovačke ljekobilje osnova je naj-poznatijim i najpriznatijim hercegovačkim medovima. Doći u

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Hercegovini, a ne probati hercegovački med stvaran na ljeko-biljem bogatim pčelinjim ispašama, bio bi veliki propust.

Tečaj kuhanja tradicionalnih jela - Salata od divljih kuka, ra-štika na tradicionalni hercegovački način, hercegovčka tava s vinogradskim puževima, kukama i mladim lukom, pogača od tri vrste brašna, jela ispod sača,.....Želite u krugu prijatelja osjetiti čar druženja uz spravljanje ‘dobrog zalogaja’ ili kori-steći kuhinju ojačati timski duh, sasvim je svejedno. Omogu-ćit ćemo vam da, prije gozbe, ravnopravno sudjelujete u pri-premi jela, kao i prigodnom dekoriranju stola. Neizoistavna je i kapljica Žilavke i Blatine, koje vam, prema vašoj želji, mogu predstaviti hercegovački vinari ili sommelieri.

of the most famous and most recognized Herzegovinian types of honey. To come to Herzegovina and not to taste Herzegovinian honey produced from herbs that are rich with honeybee pastures would be a great mistake.

Traditional food cooking class – Wild asparagus salad, collard made in the traditional Herzegovinian way, Herzegovinian pan with vineyard snails, asparagus and onions, flat cake with three types of flour, dishes made in the traditional open furnace….. It does not matter whether you want to experien-ce the charm of company with your friends while making a ‘good bite to eat’ or to build team spirit in the kitchen. We will make it possible for you to equally participate in food pre-parations and appropriate table decorating before the feast. A drop of Žilavka and Blatina is a necessity. These wines will be presented to you by Herzegovinian wine producers or sommeliers upon your request.

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Priča o vinu (posjet vinsokom podrumu / vinariji) - Hercego-vina je bogomdani prostor za uzgoj vinove loze zahvaljujući plodnoj zemlji, pogodnoj klimi i žilavom čovjeku koji je, una-toč svim povijesnim previranjima i okupatorima, opstao na ovim prostorima. Vino iz Hercegovine osvajalo je najznačajni-je nagrade na najvećim izložbama, pilo se na carskom dvoru u Beču, našlo se i na trpezi japanskog cara, a slavni Pablo Picasso, koji je naslikao plakat za film “Bitka na Neretvi”, od Veljka Bulajića nije želio novac – izrazio je želju tek za vinima, pa se na njegovom stolu našla i hercegovačka ‘Blatina’! Her-cegovački vinogradi, uz raskoš okusa hercegovačke Žilavke i Blatine, u toplini kutaka vinskih podruma, otkrit će vam i nepoznate priče. Uz probrana vina, možete kušati i najbolje hercegovačke pršute i sireve.

Priča o maslinama (Posjet proizvođaču maslinova ulja) - Po-sjet maslinicima i uljari za proizvodnju maslinova ulja uz ku-šanje različitih sireva ili tradicionalnih jela s obiteljskih gos-podarstava, doživljaj je nezaboravan. Obiđite s nama neke od maslinika u Ljubuškom, Čapljini, Neumu i vidite kako se i na kamenu i kršu uz kvalitetna vina stvara i sve prepoznatljivije hercegovačko djevičansko maslinovo ulje vrhunske kvalitete.

Priča o ljekobilju (posjet proizvođaču ljekobilja): Ono čime se Hercegovina voli pohvaliti to je obilje ljekovitog bilja: kadu-lje, vrijeska, majčine dušice, smilja,.... kao i dugogodišnjom tradicijom prikupljanja i uzgoja ljekovitog bilja i pravljenja prirodnih ljekovitih pripravaka. Upoznajte se s bogatim nasljedstvom, tajnama hercegovačke fitoterapije i saznajte blagotvorno i ljekovito djelovanje hercegovačkih pripravaka.

The story of wine (Visit to a wine-cellar / vineyard) – Herzego-vina is a God-given area for cultivating grape vines because of its fertile soil, favorable climate and tough people who have survived in this area despite all of the historical turmoil and conquests. Wine from Herzegovina has won some of the most prestigious rewards on the biggest exhibits, it was drunk in the imperial palace in Vienna and it was even on the table of the Japanese emperor. The famous Pablo Picasso, who painted the poster for the film “The Battle of Neretva”, did not want money from Veljko Bulajić – he expressed a desi-re only for wine. That is how the Herzegovinian wine ‘Blatina’ came to his table! With the luxurious taste of Herzegovinian wines Žilavka and Blatina and within the warm nooks in the wine cellars, Herzegovinian vineyards will reveal some untold

stories. You can taste some of the best Herzegovinian pros-ciutto and cheese with the selected wines.

The story of olives (Visit to a producer of olive oil) – Visit olive yards and an olive oil mill and taste various types of cheese or traditional dishes from family farms. The experience is unforgettable. Visit some of the olive yards in Ljubuški, Ča-pljina and Neum and see how the Herzegovinian top quality virgin olive oil is produced on rock and karst as well as the top quality wine.

The story of herbs (Visit to a producer of herbs) - Herzegovi-na always likes to boast about the abundance of herbs that grow here: sage, heather, thyme, immortelle…. as well as with the long-standing tradition of gathering and cultivating herbs and making natural herbal remedies. Familiarize yourself with the rich heritage and secrets of Herzegovinian phytothe-rapy and discover the beneficial and therapeutic effects of Herzegovinian remedies.

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Ponuda sportskih i rekreacijskih aktivnosti

Sport, druženje, rekreacija i igra u prirodi neizostavni su dio opuštanja i bijega iz brze i stresne životne svakodnevice.

Streličarstvo: Koliko ste puta poželjeli i sami razapeti luk i odapeti strijelu? Želite da to bude team building igra ili jednostavno druženje u krugu kolega i prijatelja? Mi smo tu da udovoljimo svakoj vašoj želji. Neka vaša meta bude vaše zadovoljstvo!

Kanu safari: Za radoznale i za odvažne, otkrijte prirodne lje-pote rijeke Trebižat na jedinstven način. Kanu safari za cijelu obitelj, vaše prijatelje ili kolege s posla će, pored boravka u prirodi, osigurati istinsku zabavu i uživanje. Predahnite na polovici staze uz tradicionalna jela ili roštilj na otvorenome.

Rafting: Poželite li pak uživati u istinskom adrenalinu, pred-lažemo rafting na Neretvi. Uz pratnju iskusnog skipera, za

Range of sporting and recreational activities

Sports, socializing, recreation and games in nature are an indispensable part of relaxation and an escape from fast and stressful everyday life.

Archery: How many times have you longed to pull the string of a bow and let off an arrow on your own? Do you want it to be a team building game or a simple gathering with your friends and colleagues? We are here to satisfy each of your desires. Let your enjoyment be the target!

Canoe safari: For those who are curious and adventurous, discover the natural beauty of the river Trebižat in a unique way. Canoe safari for the whole family, your friends or colleagues from work will provide true entertainment and enjoyment, in addition to spending time outdoors. Take a break with traditional dishes or an outdoor barbecue.

spust niz zapjenjenu hercegovačku zelenu ljepoticu potrebni su dobra volja, malo hrabrosti i vještine. Ne sumnjamo - pu-stolovina koja se dugo pamti i o kojoj se priča.

Paintball je zabava koju igraju ljudi različitih profesija i stilova života. Kao u partiji šaha, mogućnost brzog razlučivanja i odlučnosti čine vas pobjednikom. U igračima se razvija sport-ski duh, timski rad, postiže se samopouzdanje i razvija duh odlučivanja. Iskoristite priliku bijega od svakodnevnih obveza i obnovite svoj smisao za pustolovinama i zabavom. Jednom kad adrenalin poraste, ne preostaje vam ništa nego se prepu-stiti uzbuđenju.

Biciklizam Nesumnjivo jedan od najljepših načina za istra-živanje Hercegovine uz rijeku Trebižat je vožnja biciklom. Predlažemo upoznavanje s prirodnim ljepotama na bicikli-stičkim puteljcima uz rijeku Trebižat u općini Ljubuški, na putu Klobuk - Peć Mlini u Grudama. Za one koji žele u potpu-nosti napustiti urbani prostor, predlažemo vožnju kroz park prirode Hutovo blato.

Rafting: If you perhaps want to enjoy pure adrenalin, we suggest rafting on the river Neretva. You will be accompani-ed by an experienced skipper. All you need to go down the foamy Herzegovinian green beauty is some good will, a bit of courage and skill. We have no doubt that this will be an adventure that you will remember and talk about for a long time.

Paintball is a game that people of different professions and lifestyles play. As in a game of chess, determination and the ability to think quickly makes you a winner. The players deve-lop team spirit, self-confidence and the skill to quickly make decisions. Take this chance to run away from everyday obli-gations and renew your sense of adventure and fun. Once the adrenalin rises, you can only surrender to the thrill.

Cycling: Surely one of the most beautiful ways to explore the area of Herzegovina along the river Trebižat is cycling. We suggest experiencing the natural beauty on the cycle tracks along the river Trebižat in the municipality of Ljubuški, on the road Klobuk – Peć Mlini in Grude. For those who want to com-pletely leave the urban space, we suggest a ride through the Nature Park Hutovo Blato.

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Jahanje: Oduvijek ste željeli naučiti jahati? Nikad nije kasno! Kako pripremiti, osedlati, uzjahati i timariti konja pokazat će vam iskusni učitelji jahanja bilo da se opredjelite za Čapljinu, Široki Brijeg ili Kupres. Ovisno o znanju i iskustvu, ta će vas plemenita životinja, uz nadzor instruktora, laganim kasom prošetati koralom ili povesti preko obližnjih brda i dolina.

Planinarenje i rock climbing Ubrzani tempo života modernog doba sve više stvara prostora za ljude koji žele na jednosta-van i brz način prikupiti dovoljno energije koja im je neop-hodna za otpor svakodnevnim životnim izazovima. Stoga su planine sve češće mjesta okupljanja ljudi koji uživaju u šetnji, vožnji biciklom u prirodi, izletima. Da biste prirodu doživjeli na način kako to svakodnevno čine pravi znalci, nudimo vam druženje uz Planinarsko društvo Pločno iz Posušja.

Horseback riding: Have you always wanted to learn how to ride a horse? It is never too late! Experienced riding teachers will show you how to prepare saddle, mount and groom a horse, whether you decide to ride in Čapljina, Široki Brijeg or Kupres. Depending on your level of experience and knowled-ge, this noble animal will take you around the choral with a light gallop or take you over the nearby hills and valleys. The instructor will be there to help you.

Hiking and rock climbing: A fast contemporary lifestyle is cre-ating a growing need for people to build up enough energy they need to resist the everyday challenges of life quickly and simple. Therefore, the mountains are becoming a frequ-ent place of gathering for people who enjoy walking, riding a bike, spending time in nature and on field trips. To experience the country in the same way as real specialists do every day, we offer you socializing with the Mountaineers Club Pločno from Posušje.

Ribolov prerekrasna i kristalno čista voda rijeke Trebižat prava je mala riječna riznica slatkovodnih riba. Trebižat je bogat pastrvkom i zubatcem – sinonimima riječnog ribolova općenito. Sportska ribolovna društva ovog kraja su aktivna u očuvanju okoliša i održavanju riječnoga blaga.

Wellnes, SPA: Trebate li se opustiti uz masažu ili kupku, ili biste htjeli samo plivati u bazenu? Želite li se riješiti svakod-nevnih napetosti koje negativno utječu na vaše zdravlje i ras-položenje? Uronite u eterične miomirise hercegovačkih ljeko-vitih biljaka opuštajući se uz različite masažne programe.

Fishing: Beautiful and crystal clear water of the river Trebižat is a real river treasury of freshwater fish. Trebižat is rich with trout and tooth fish – synonyms of river fishery in general. Sports fishing associations from this area are active in envi-ronment protection and maintaining the river treasures.

Wellness, SPA: Do you need to relax with a massage or a bath, or do you just want to go swimming in a pool? Do you want to get rid of everyday tension that has a negative effect on your health and mood? Step into the ethereal fragrances of Herzegovinian herbs and relax with various massage programs.

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Ponuda zabavnih sadržaja

Vaš boravak u Hercegovini možemo učiniti nezaboravnim i ako nam prepustite da Vas nakon završenog dana opustimo uz pjesmu i zvuk glazbala.U vaše organizirane posjete, team building programe, seminare, skupove ili poslovna druženja možemo uključiti i brojne dodatne sadržaje koji će upotpuniti i obogatiti doživljaj kao što su: zabavne grupe i glazbenici, tamburaši, hostese i animatori, sportski instruktori, kulturno umjetnički programi, te usluge profesionalnih fotografa i snimatelja, te voditelja.

Range of entertainment activities

We can make your stay in Herzegovina unforgettable if you let us make you relaxed with song and sounds of various in-struments at the end of the day. We can incorporate various additional contents and activities into your organized tours, team building programs, seminars, conferences or business gatherings. Some of these activities that will complete and enrich your experience are: entertaining music groups, musicians, players of the traditional instrument ‘tambura’, hostesses and animators, sports instructors, culture and arts programs and services of professional photographers, came-ramen and hosts.

Range of cultural activities

The entire area of the Heart of Herzegovina and its surro-unding organizes many yearlong events, festivals and festi-vities. We highlight a number of art, sculpture and painting colonies as special pearls of culture tourism in Herzegovina. Whether these are local, regional, national or international manifestations, we are certain they will give you an opportu-nity to complete your overall tourist experience during your stay in Herzegovina.

Ponuda Kulturnih sadržaja

Cijeli prostor Srca Hercegovine, ali i njegove okolice obiluje cjelogodišnjim događanjima, festivalima, svetkovinama...Kao poseban biser kulturoturizma ističemo mnoštvo umjetnič-kih, kiparskih, likovnih....kolonija. Bez obzira jesu li to lokalne, regionalne, nacionalne, međunarodne manifestacije, nesum-njivo pružit će vam priliku da si upotpunite ukupni turistički doživljaj tijekom boravka u Hercegovini.

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Event calender Dovoljno je doći i prepustiti se neponovljivim okusima, mirisima, bojama i svjetlosti... da vam sama iskonska Hercegovina ispri-ča svoju priču. Možda vam Hercegovina otkrije i pokoju tajnu koju stoljećima čuva i isprepliće kroz mnogobrojne legende, a otkriva u prijateljskom okružju kad se najmanje nadate. Hercegovinu jednostavno morate posjetiti i doživjeti jer su riječi i slike siromašne da iskažu svu njezinu ljepotu. A kad dođete, onda će, vjerujte, ljubav i prijateljstvo planuti na prvi pogled i trajati...

Just come and give in to unforgettable flavors, fragrances, colors and light…let the pristine Herzegovina tell you its story. Maybe Herzegovina will reveal a few secrets it has kept well for centuries. These secrets are intertwined with numerous legends and they can only be discovered in a cozy and friendly atmosphere, when you least expect it. You simply must visit and experience Herze-govina because pictures and words cannot convey its beauty. And when you come, friendship and love will burst at first sight and they will last a lifetime…

Naziv manifestacije

Mjesto održavanja

Vrijeme održavanja

Vrsta manifes-


Čapljinsko ljeto Čapljina 7. mjesec Kulturna

Međunarodni ljetni karneval Čapljina 8. mjesec Kulturna

Umjetnička kolonija Počitelj 6. mjesec Kulturna

Ljetni festival Počitelj 8. mjesec Kulturna

Karneval u Trebižatu Čapljina 2. mjesec Kulturna

Šimićevi susreti Grude 11. mjesec Kulturna

Dani Matice hrvatske Grude 12. mjesec Kulturna

„Kamena ljepotica“ Smotra folklora Grude 11. mjesec Kulturna

„Ljubuško silo“ Smotra folklora Ljubuški 7. mjesec Kulturna

„Na jedrima glazbe“ Dječji festival Ljubuški 4. mjesec Kulturna

Sajam tradicije i izvornih proizvoda Hercegovine

Ljubuški 9. mjesec Kulturna

Sveti Ante Ljubuški 6. mjesec Vjerska

Je’l Gabela gdje je nekad bila Čapljina 7. mjesec Kulturna

Mostarsko proljeće Mostar4.-6.


Međunarodni sajam gospodarstva Mostar

Mostar 4. mjesecGospodar-


Skokovi sa Starog mosta Mostar 7. mjesec Sportska

West Herzegovina FestŠiroki Brijeg

7. mjesec Kulturna

Festival mostarska liska Mostar 4. mjesec Kulturna

Dani filma Mostar Mostar 9. mjesec Kulturna

Mediteran film festivalŠiroki Brijeg

8. mjesec Kulturna

Dani berbe grožđa Čitluk 9. mjesec Kulturna

Međunarodni molitveni susreti mladih Međugorje 8. mjesec Vjerska

Etno festival Neum Neum 8. mjesec Zabavna

Kalendar događanja

Name of manifestation Place TimeType of

manifesta- tion

Čapljina Summer Čapljina July Cultural

International Summer Carnival Čapljina August Cultural

Art Colony Počitelj June Cultural

Summer Festival Počitelj August Cultural

Carnival in Trebižat Čapljina February Cultural

Poetry meeting Šimićevi susreti Grude November Cultural

Days of Matrix Croatica Grude December Cultural

Folklore “Stone beauty” Grude November Cultural

Folklore ”Ljubuško silo” Ljubuški July Cultural

Children’s festival “On the Sails of Music” Ljubuški April Cultural

Fair of traditional and authentic prod-ucts of Herzegovina

Ljubuški September Cultural

Saint Anthony Ljubuški June Religious

Je’l Gabela gdje je nekad bila Čapljina July Cultural

Mostar spring MostarApril - June


International business fair Mostar Mostar April Business

Jumps from Stari Most (Old bridge) Mostar July Sports

West Herzegovina FestŠiroki Brijeg

July Cultural

Festival ‘Mostarska liska’ Mostar April Cultural

Mostar days of film Mostar September Cultural

Mediterranean film festivalŠiroki Brijeg

August Cultural

Days of vintage Čitluk September Cultural

International Youth Festival Međugorje August Religious

Ethno festival Neum Neum AugustEntertain-


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Turistički info centar pruža usluge informiranja turista i posjetitelja, organiziranja putovanja i boravka u Hercegovini, rezervacije smještaja, organiziranja izleta, posjeta događanjima, nabavke izvornih suvenira i lokalnih proizvoda, dostavu brošura, kao i ostale turističke usluge. Smješten je odmah uz gradski park u Ljubuškom. Radno vrijeme od 8:00 do 16:00 sati.


Turistički info centar, Ul Zrinskih i Frankopana bb, 88320 Ljubuški, BiH, tel/fax: +387 39 833 030, email: [email protected]

The Tourist info center offers information services to tourists and visitors, organizes trips and stays in Herzegovina, reserves accommodations, organizes excursions and visits of various events, purchases authentic souvenirs and local products, delivers brochures, and other services connected to tourism. It is located next to the city park in Ljubuški. Business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m.