Weighted-peak assessment of occupational exposure due to MRI gradient fields and movements in a nonhomogeneous static magnetic field D. Andreuccetti a) IFAC-CNR, “Nello Carrara” Institute for Applied Physics of the Italian National Research Council, via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy G. M. Contessa and R. Falsaperla INAIL, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, Via di Fontana Candida 1, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy R. Lodato and R. Pinto ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Unit of Radiation Biology and Human Health, Casaccia Research Centre, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy N. Zoppetti IFAC-CNR, “Nello Carrara” Institute for Applied Physics of the Italian National Research Council, via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy P. Rossi INAIL, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, Via di Fontana Candida 1, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy (Received 5 July 2012; revised 30 October 2012; accepted for publication 20 November 2012; published 4 January 2013) Purpose: A procedure for assessing occupational exposure due to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gradient magnetic fields and movement-induced effects in the static magnetic field is proposed and tested. Methods: The procedure was based on the application of the weighted-peak method in time domain. It was tested in two 1.5 T total-body and one 3 T head-only scanner MRI facilities in Rome (Italy). Exposure due to switched gradient fields was evaluated in locations inside the magnet room where op- erators usually stay during particular medical procedures (e.g., cardiac examinations of anesthetized patients); MRI sequences were selected to approach as far as possible a representative worst case exposure scenario. Movement-induced effects were evaluated considering the actual movements of volunteer operators during work activity, by measuring the perceived time-varying magnetic field by a head-worn probe. The analysis of results was based on ICNIRP 1998 and 2010 guidelines, follow- ing a weighted-peak approach and including an ad hoc extension to the latter ones, needed to verify compliance in the frequency range 0–1 Hz. Results: Exposures due to switched gradient fields in 1.5 T MRI scanners mostly resulted noncom- pliant with ICNIRP 1998 occupational reference levels, being, at the same time, always compliant with ICNIRP 2010 ones. Gradient field levels and ICNIRP indexes were significantly lower for the 3 T unit, due to its small dimensions, as that unit was a head-only scanner. Movement-induced effects resulted potentially noncompliant only in the case the operator moved the head inside the bore of a 1.5 T scanner. Conclusions: The procedure had proven to be a sound approach to exposure assessment in MRI. Its testing allowed to draw some general considerations about exposures to gradient magnetic fields and movement-induced effects. © 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4771933] Key words: occupational exposure, magnetic fields, magnetic resonance imaging, gradient fields, movement in static field, weighted peak I. INTRODUCTION Occupational exposure in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilities raised concern after the publication of Directive 2004/40/EC “on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields),” 1 which was based on the 1998 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Ra- diation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. 2 The implementation of the Directive by Member States was initially planned by April 2008, being this term postponed to April 2012 by the Directive 2008/46/EC, since “the potential impact of the im- plementation of Directive 2004/40/EC on the use of medical procedures based on medical imaging and certain industrial activities should be reconsidered thoroughly.” 3 A further post- ponement to October 2013 was decided with the Directive 2012/11/EU, “given the technical complexity of the subject matter.” 4 011910-1 Med. Phys. 40 (1), January 2013 © 2013 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 011910-1 0094-2405/2013/40(1)/011910/10/$30.00

Weighted-peak assessment of occupational exposure due to ...embiolab.ifac.cnr.it/~zoppetti/bibliografia/E08.pdf · gradient magnetic fields and movement-induced effects in the static

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Page 1: Weighted-peak assessment of occupational exposure due to ...embiolab.ifac.cnr.it/~zoppetti/bibliografia/E08.pdf · gradient magnetic fields and movement-induced effects in the static

Weighted-peak assessment of occupational exposure due to MRI gradientfields and movements in a nonhomogeneous static magnetic field

D. Andreuccettia)

IFAC-CNR, “Nello Carrara” Institute for Applied Physics of the Italian National Research Council, viaMadonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy

G. M. Contessa and R. FalsaperlaINAIL, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, Via di Fontana Candida 1, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone,Rome, Italy

R. Lodato and R. PintoENEA, Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Unit ofRadiation Biology and Human Health, Casaccia Research Centre, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy

N. ZoppettiIFAC-CNR, “Nello Carrara” Institute for Applied Physics of the Italian National Research Council, viaMadonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy

P. RossiINAIL, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, Via di Fontana Candida 1, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone,Rome, Italy

(Received 5 July 2012; revised 30 October 2012; accepted for publication 20 November 2012;published 4 January 2013)

Purpose: A procedure for assessing occupational exposure due to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)gradient magnetic fields and movement-induced effects in the static magnetic field is proposed andtested.Methods: The procedure was based on the application of the weighted-peak method in time domain.It was tested in two 1.5 T total-body and one 3 T head-only scanner MRI facilities in Rome (Italy).Exposure due to switched gradient fields was evaluated in locations inside the magnet room where op-erators usually stay during particular medical procedures (e.g., cardiac examinations of anesthetizedpatients); MRI sequences were selected to approach as far as possible a representative worst caseexposure scenario. Movement-induced effects were evaluated considering the actual movements ofvolunteer operators during work activity, by measuring the perceived time-varying magnetic field bya head-worn probe. The analysis of results was based on ICNIRP 1998 and 2010 guidelines, follow-ing a weighted-peak approach and including an ad hoc extension to the latter ones, needed to verifycompliance in the frequency range 0–1 Hz.Results: Exposures due to switched gradient fields in 1.5 T MRI scanners mostly resulted noncom-pliant with ICNIRP 1998 occupational reference levels, being, at the same time, always compliantwith ICNIRP 2010 ones. Gradient field levels and ICNIRP indexes were significantly lower for the3 T unit, due to its small dimensions, as that unit was a head-only scanner. Movement-induced effectsresulted potentially noncompliant only in the case the operator moved the head inside the bore of a1.5 T scanner.Conclusions: The procedure had proven to be a sound approach to exposure assessment in MRI.Its testing allowed to draw some general considerations about exposures to gradient magneticfields and movement-induced effects. © 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4771933]

Key words: occupational exposure, magnetic fields, magnetic resonance imaging, gradient fields,movement in static field, weighted peak


Occupational exposure in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)facilities raised concern after the publication of Directive2004/40/EC “on the minimum health and safety requirementsregarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising fromphysical agents (electromagnetic fields),”1 which was basedon the 1998 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Ra-diation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.2 The implementation

of the Directive by Member States was initially planned byApril 2008, being this term postponed to April 2012 by theDirective 2008/46/EC, since “the potential impact of the im-plementation of Directive 2004/40/EC on the use of medicalprocedures based on medical imaging and certain industrialactivities should be reconsidered thoroughly.”3 A further post-ponement to October 2013 was decided with the Directive2012/11/EU, “given the technical complexity of the subjectmatter.”4

011910-1 Med. Phys. 40 (1), January 2013 © 2013 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 011910-10094-2405/2013/40(1)/011910/10/$30.00

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011910-2 Andreuccetti et al.: Exposure assessment to MRI gradient and static fields 011910-2

After the publication of the Directive 2004/40, ICNIRPprovided new recommendations for static magnetic fields.5

New guidelines, with revised reference levels for low-frequency fields (1–100 kHz), were published in 2010.6 Inthis latter guidelines, no indication was provided for frequen-cies up to 1 Hz; recently, ICNIRP released a specific draft onthis issue, in public consultation from February 23rd to May24th, 2012.

In the MRI environment, the static magnetic field (SMF),the low-frequency switched gradient magnetic field (GMF),and the radio-frequency field should be considered. As far asthe static field is concerned, two issues have to be investi-gated: the SMF itself and the movements through its spatialgradients, which induce electric fields and currents in the tis-sues of the exposed body.

A first study on occupational exposure in MRI was fundedby European Commission in 2008, indicating that more than90% of the procedures taken into account were compliantwith the provisions of Directive 2004/40/EC, with the excep-tion of interventional MRI and fast movements in positionsclose to the scanner.

Recent studies on occupational exposures in MRI unitswith 1–3 T scanners reported that exposures induced bymovements in SMF may be above threshold values derivedfrom both ICNIRP and the Institute of Electrical and Elec-tronics Engineers (IEEE) for the 0–7 Hz frequency range.7–9

Moreover, in positions close to the bore, where personnel mayhave access, measured values of switched gradient fields dur-ing clinical sequences may exceed both Directive action val-ues (i.e., ICNIRP 1998 reference levels) and dB/dt derivedlimits.10, 11

Nevertheless, no standardized assessment procedures areyet available in the literature dealing with GMF signalsand movements in SMF. The matter is how to perform andprocess measurements in order to assess exposures accord-ing to frequency-dependent limits issued by standardizationorganizations.

In the study presented here, a procedure for assessingexposure in MRI was developed and tested. The procedureconsidered exposures to low-frequency switched GMF andmovement-induced effects in the SMF; radio frequency fieldswere not taken into consideration.


The assessment procedure was tested in the MRI units ofthree health care facilities in Rome (Italy): “Ospedale SanGiovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli” (H1 in the following),where a Philips Achieva Nova 1.5 T whole-body MRI scanneris used for routine clinical examinations; “Fondazione SantaLucia” (H2), where a Siemens Magnetom Allegra 3 T systemis installed: it is a small head-only scanner, mainly used for re-search on brain functionality; “Ospedale Pediatrico BambinoGesù” (H3), equipped with a Philips Achieva 1.5 T whole-body scanner. This last facility is a paediatric hospital, wherecardiac examinations on sedated children are often run andrequire the presence of an anesthesiologist close to the patient

during scanning. In the Italian contest, this seems to be theonly case in which the staff must be present inside the magnetroom during an examination.

No fixed-point measurements of the SMF were made, be-cause a 2D field map was already available. Moreover, staffexposure inside the scanning room of any 1.5 T scanner (likein H1 and H3) is well below the limits for SMF proposed bylatest ICNIRP guidelines.5 In the case of the 3 T H2 scanner,which is a research unit, the magnet room can be considereda controlled environment, where exposures are allowed up to8 T, according to the same guidelines.

Switched GMF generated by gradient coils were measuredin all the three facilities. Exposure due to motion in the non-homogeneous SMF could be studied at H3 only, due to site orinstrumentation difficulties elsewhere.

A simple “worst-case” approach to risk assessment wasadopted: for each campaign, the magnetic flux density wasmeasured in specific points, selected on a worst-case basis,thus characterizing time rather than space variation of thefield.

In particular, GMF was measured in one or two points ofinterest, chosen at each site as representative of maximum ex-posure; for the same reason, MRI scanning sequences withfast-switching gradient signals (e.g., EPI sequences) werechosen as far as possible.

Exposure due to motion in the SMF was evaluated througha magnetic field probe worn by volunteers, who were asked toperform “actions,” i.e., to mime some typical movements ofthe operators during their working activities. During each ac-tion, the probe remained in a fixed position on the volunteer’sbody, so that the measurement point was close to his/her head,considered to be the main target organ with respect to effectsof low frequency magnetic fields.


III.A. Measurement setup

MRI gradient coils produce complex-waveform magneticfields with spectra in the kHz range, and consequently partic-ular care is required in developing a procedure to measure andanalyze these fields in order to correctly assess the exposureof personnel assigned to MRI wards.

The measurement set-up used in this study was madeup of four basic subsystems: a Narda ELT-400 ExposureLevel Tester (Narda Safety Test Solutions, Pfullingen, Ger-many) equipped with a three-axial 100 cm2 probe; an AgilentU2531A Data Acquisition (DAQ) device (Agilent Technolo-gies, Santa Clara, CA); a standard notebook (PC) and a Lab-VIEW software application (LabVIEW 2009, National Instru-ments Corp., Austin, TX).

The ELT-400 Exposure Level Tester has two operatingmodes: the field strength (FS) mode and the shaped time do-main (STD) mode. In the FS mode, the probe allows root-mean-square (rms) and peak measurements with a flat fre-quency response from a low-cut frequency (1 Hz, 10 Hz, or 30Hz user-selectable) up to the maximum operating frequency

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TABLE I. Summary of GMF measurement campaigns.

Facility and scanner Set code MRI sequence examined ELT-400 mode Notes

Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita H1S1 EPI axial FS 21 slicesFatebenefratelli—Rome H1S2 EPI axial FS Single slicePhilips Achieva Nova 1.5T H1S3 EPI coronal FS Single sliceWhole body scanner H1S4 EPI sagittal FS & STD Single sliceRoutine clinical examinations

Fondazione Santa Lucia—Rome H2S1 DTI 6 directions FS & STD TPSiemens Magnetom Allegra 3T H2S2 DTI 6 directions FS OPHead scanner H2S3 Double Echo DPT2 FS & STD OPResearch on brain functionality

Ospedale pediatrico H3S1 Cardiac black blood FSBambino Gesù—Palidoro (Rome) H3S2 EFF FSPhilips Achieva 1.5T H3S3 Q-flow FSWhole body scanner H3S4 Cardiac short axis FSCardiac examinations on children

(400 kHz @ −3 dB). The STD mode is designed to implementthe weighted-peak (WP) approach, according to the ICNIRP2003 statement on complex waveforms12 and the ICNIRP1998 reference levels. The meter can be remotely controlledthrough an RS-232 link; moreover, three voltage signals—which, in the FS mode, are instantaneously proportional tothe three components of the magnetic flux density—are avail-able through an analog output port. The overall probe uncer-tainty is ±4%. In these measurement campaigns, the probewas maintained fixed in selected measurement points, withthe proper inclination necessary to align its three axes withpredefined horizontal and vertical directions, with Y axis di-rected vertically upwards. The larger 100 cm2 probe was pre-ferred (although the smaller 3 cm2 one would have provideda better spatial resolution) mainly to avoid sensitivity prob-lems, also considering that exact positioning and high spatialresolution were not primary key features for the test of theprocedure presented here.

The three (x,y,z) ELT-400 analog outputs were wired to theAgilent U2531A DAQ, a high speed USB 2.0 data acquisitiondevice, featuring four differential input channels with 14 bitresolution and allowing a truly synchronous sampling rate upto 2 × 106 samples per second per channel. The PC was con-nected to the magnetic field probe through the RS-232 linkand to the DAQ through the USB link. A LabVIEW appli-cation, specifically developed for this study, gave this PC theability to manage the whole system and acquire and store themeasured data.

III.B. Measurement campaigns and procedures

A total of 9 MRI scanning sequences in 11 measurementsets were analyzed in the course of the three GMF campaignsin the facilities H1, H2, and H3 (Table I). In each facility, oneor two measurement points were selected, aimed at represent-ing the maximum possible staff exposure.

At the H1 facility, three sequences commonly used in diag-nostic practice were examined: EPI Axial, Coronal, and Sagit-tal, all with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm and a repetition time

of 3 s. The first of them (Axial) was examined both in caseof continuous repetition of a series of 21 slices (this set isidentified as H1S1 in the following) and in case of continu-ous repetition of a single slice, with remaining time filled bysilence (set H1S2 in the following); sequences relative to theCoronal and Sagittal orientations were examined in the sin-gle slice case only; their measurement sets are identified asH1S3 and H1S4, respectively. The probe was placed in frontof the bore opening, 1 m from the ground and 0.2 m from thegantry front plane (a plane perpendicular to the axis of thebore). This point was chosen, after a preliminary survey, asrepresentative of the maximum possible staff exposure. TheGMF was measured for 20 s for each set, with a sampling rateof 50 kS/s/ch (kilosamples per second per channel), both inELT-400 FS mode/320 μT full scale range (all the sets) andin STD mode for occupational exposures/1600% full scalerange14 (set H1S4 only); the selected low-cut frequency was1 Hz for all the sets.

At the H2 facility, two sequences used in brain examina-tions were considered: DTI 6 directions and Double EchoDPT2. Two measurement points were also chosen: the oper-ator point (OP), suitable to exemplify a typical operator posi-tion in actual examinations, and the test point (TP), chosen torepresent the maximum possible exposure outside the bore. Atthe OP, the probe centre was 1 m from the ground, 0.4 m fromthe gantry front plane, and 0.73 m from the stretcher axis;at the TP, the probe was fixed on the stretcher along its axis,just in front of the bore opening, 0.25 m from the stretcherhorizontal plane and 0.25 m from the gantry front plane.Three combinations of measurement point and scanning se-quence were analyzed: set H2S1 (point TP, MRI sequenceDTI 6 directions), set H2S2 (point OP, MRI sequence DTI6 directions), and set H2S3 (point OP, MRI sequence Dou-ble Echo DPT2). The GMF was measured for 20 s for eachset, using a sample rate of 50 kS/s/ch, both in ELT-400 FSmode/32 μT full scale range (all the sets) and in STD modefor occupational exposures/160% full scale range14 (all setsbut H2S2); in order to reduce noise, a low-cut frequency of30 Hz was selected for all H2 sets.

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At the H3 facility, four sequences used in paediatric car-diac examinations were considered: Cardiac Black Blood,EFF, Q-flow, and Cardiac Short Axis, identified as sets H3S1,H3S2, H3S3, and H3S4 in the following. The probe wasplaced at 1.10 m from the ground and 0.45 m from the gantryfront plane, where an anesthesiologist usually stays duringcertain types of cardiac examinations on children. The GMFwas measured for 5 s (sets H3S1, H3S2, and H3S3) or 20 s(set H3S4) with a sampling rate of 50 kS/s/ch, only in ELT-400 FS mode/320 μT full scale range, with a low-cut fre-quency of 30 Hz.

III.C. Postprocessing

Parameters such as peak or RMS values are poorly descrip-tive when dealing with complex waveforms, considering thatICNIRP reference levels vary with frequency. For this rea-son, ICNIRP is recommending a particular method, called the“weighted-peak” approach, for assessing compliance of non-sinusoidal low frequency fields.12 According to it, the wave-form frequency contents must be weighted taking both the fre-quency behavior of the reference levels and the relative phasesof the spectral components into account; then, the maximumabsolute value of the weighted waveform must be extracted.This approach leads to the calculation of the weighted-peakindex, whose value must be lower than 1 to express compli-ance with the guidelines.

For practical purposes, this approach could be imple-mented in at least three different ways.

1. In hardware, by means of a chain of proper analog fil-ters able to provide a gain function exhibiting the re-quired amplitude and phase frequency responses.

2. In software in the frequency domain, sampling thewaveform, executing a discrete Fourier transform onthe samples, applying the proper weighting factor andphase shift to each spectral component and finally re-building the waveform in the time domain.

3. Using well-established digital signal processing (DSP)techniques13 to implement—in software in the timedomain—a transfer function able to emulate the gain(amplitude and phase) of the required filter chain.

An approach based on the third way was adopted in our studyto compute the weighted-peak indexes according to both the1998 and 2010 ICNIRP guidelines. The GMF waveforms,measured by the ELT-400 in FS mode, sampled and digi-tized by the DAQ, were processed through software weightingfunctions having proper amplitudes and phases; this way, itwas possible to measure the field just once and apply differentweighting functions, in line with different exposure standards.Each weighting function was designed with the aim to numer-ically emulate, in time domain, a chain of first-order analogfilters whose amplitude frequency response approximated theinverse of the desired reference levels, scaled to peak values.Validation tests were also performed on these digital filters,in order to check their implementations versus their analogcorrespondents (see supplementary material).15


Assessment of exposure to SMF should just require tomeasure the field strength with a suitable probe and comparethe measured values with the exposure limits for static fieldsestablished in international guidelines.5 Nevertheless, it is in-teresting to investigate how motion-induced current densitiesand electric fields compare with time-varying related basicrestrictions. Thus a simple approach was developed, able totrace the exposure back to that of a person standing still in atime-varying, spatially homogeneous magnetic field. This ap-proach was based on analyzing the exposure in a referencesystem integral with the subject and moving with him/her. Inthis reference system, the exposed subject experienced a time-varying magnetic flux density that has been called “perceivedmagnetic flux density” (pMFD); this field was measured ina single point and fully characterized in time in a few actualexposure situations. Once again, the weighted-peak approachwas used to process in time domain the pMFD sampled wave-forms.

IV.A. Measurement setup

The pMFD was measured by means of a probe worn bya volunteer and kept in a fixed position on his/her body. Themeasurement point was purposely chosen close to the headwhich, in addition to being a region of maximum interest,possibly experiences the fastest movements during usual prac-tises, due, e.g., to fast rotations.

Measurements were taken with a Metrolab THM-1176Three-axis Hall Magnetometer (Metrolab Instruments SA,Geneva, Switzerland), a handheld probe with a dynamic rangefrom a few microtesla up to 20 T in four spans, frequencybandwidth from DC to 1 kHz and ±1% uncertainty. Thisprobe measures the three components of the magnetic fieldsimultaneously and separately; it can be connected to a note-book PC through an USB link for data acquisition and storage.

The probe sensing element was kept fixed to the volun-teer’s head by means of a special support, so that it could fol-low both the overall movements of the whole body (transla-tion, bending of the torso) and those of just the head (rotation,inclination). This way, it was established not just a measuringposition, but also a reference system for the pMFD measures,whose axes were aligned with the three main reference direc-tions of the head: vertical (Y axis, positive upward), frontal (Zaxis, positive forward), and lateral (X axis, positive leftward).

The volunteer was asked to execute one or more sequencesof standard movements, called “actions” hereafter, whichwere considered typical for personnel (nurses, anesthesiolo-gists) assigned to MRI wards: walking along paths that thestaff would usually be expected to cover, standing still whilemoving the trunk (bending) or the head (rotating) at the posi-tions they would be expected to occupy during clinical proce-dures and so on.

IV.B. Measurement campaign

The pMFD measurement campaign took place at the H3facility only. Eight actions (labelled A1–A8) were executed,

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TABLE II. Summary of results of the GMF measurements (WP indexes are given as absolute, not percent, values: i.e., 1 means 100%).

Set code ELT-400 mode-range |B| peak [μT] WP-1998 occupational WP-1998 population WP-2010 occupational WP-2010 population

H1S1 FS-320 μT 114 2.44 12.0 0.415 1.57H1S2 FS-320 μT 110 2.41 11.9 0.409 1.55H1S3 FS-320 μT 65.3 1.13 5.56 0.210 0.786H1S4 FS-320 μT 102 1.26 6.23 0.234 0.902

STD-1600% 1.30H2S1 FS-32 μT 2.50 0.318 1.58 0.046 0.179

STD-160% 0.321H2S2 FS-32 μT 3.31 0.039 0.194 0.006 0.025H2S3 FS-32 μT 1.10 0.017 0.085 0.003 0.013

STD-160% 0.019H3S1 FS-320 μT 64.0 0.91 4.50 0.143 0.570H3S2 FS-320 μT 110 1.58 7.85 0.212 0.860H3S3 FS-320 μT 118 1.56 7.72 0.235 0.916H3S4 FS-320 μT 113 1.45 7.26 0.191 0.789

designed to represent the routine movements of MRI person-nel. Five of them (A4–A8) were aimed at simulating tech-nical staff while preparing paediatric patients for cardiac ex-aminations and the remaining three (A1–A3) were related tostandard behavior of the anesthesiologists, when involved inthe same examinations. All movements of the volunteers dur-ing the eight actions were also filmed. During these move-ments, the three pMFD components were sampled and storedin the USB-connected notebook, using the control softwaresupplied with the probe, which was set for an averaging fac-tor of 10 and a sampling rate of 10 S/s/ch (samples per secondper channel). This rate, which was the maximum value al-lowed by the control software, limited the acquired frequencyspectrum to 5 Hz: however, data processing showed that thespectral contents of the pMFD was always within 2 Hz.

IV.C. Postprocessing

Data acquired during the SMF-pMFD measurement cam-paign were processed in a way similar to the one describedfor GMF measures, using the same numerical filters. A min-imum sampling rate is required for the proper functioning ofthese filters: the sampling rate has to be high enough thatthe highest filter corner frequency falls sufficiently below thesampling Nyquist frequency (which is half the sampling rate).Since this highest corner frequency was 3 kHz in the GMF fil-ters, a sampling rate exceeding 6 kS/s was required; actually,a sampling rate of 10 kS/s turned out to be a good choice. SopMFD waveforms had to be resampled by a factor of 1000 inorder to apply the weighted-peak algorithm and this resam-pling had of course to be accomplished without introducingnew harmonic contents, which would have seriously alteredthe WP indexes. Hence, the spectral contents of the actionswere first determined applying a discrete Fourier transformto the whole set of its samples and then the calculated spec-tral components were resampled with the necessary samplingrate.

Moreover, ICNIRP-2010 guidelines do not specify refer-ence levels for frequencies below 1 Hz.6 While it was possi-

ble to ignore this problem in processing the GMF measure-ments (since there were no significant spectral contents be-low 1 Hz in them), it had to be fully addressed in the caseof the SMF-pMFD measurements, whose spectra containedimportant contributions at these frequencies. This issue wasresolved by extrapolating down to any frequency >0 Hz thetrend proportional to 1/f 2 exhibited by the 2010 guidelinesfor frequencies between 1 and 8 Hz, so creating new “2010-extended” reference levels. No other extrapolation functionwas considered, because the 1/f 2 behavior had a solid sci-entific basis (being the continuation of the behavior above 1Hz and being also adopted by the ICNIRP draft cited above),while any other function (apart a constant value) would havebeen largely arbitrary. If one considers that the ICNIRP 1998and 2010 occupational reference levels for magnetic flux den-sity have identical 1/f 2 behavior above 1 Hz and that the 1998ones are constant below 1 Hz (so representing the truly “worstcase”), then our choice allows us to state that any other rea-sonable (albeit groundless) extension, as for example the 1/fbehavior, will be positioned between these two extremes.


In Table II, a summary of the results obtained for the 11 ex-amined measurement sets (summarized in Table I) is reported.The sets are identified by means of the conventional “HnSn”codes introduced above. Results are expressed in terms ofpeak field strengths and maximum weighted-peak indexes,both for general population and occupational exposures,according to previous (WP-1998) and current (WP-2010)ICNIRP guidelines.

The measured magnetic flux density peak values rangedfrom 1 μT up to more than 110 μT. Measurements relatedto 1.5 T scanners (H1 and H3 series) resulted noncompli-ant with ICNIRP-1998 reference levels for general populationand most of them even with occupational ones. All measure-ments were compliant with ICNIRP-2010 occupational refer-ence levels and all but H1S1 and H1S2 also with referencelevels for general public. Measurements related to the 3 T

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scanner (H2 series) resulted somewhat noisier than the oth-ers and exhibited very much lower peak values and WP in-dexes, almost always below any reference level. In our opin-ion, this could be due to the small dimensions of the scanner(which was a head-only unit) and, in particular, of its GMFcoils; in fact, the magnetic field outside a source decays withdistance, the more compact the source, the more rapid thedecay. For this reason, and considering they add nothing tothe general conclusions we can draw from the other ones, themeasurements of this series have not been further reportedhere.

Sequences showing similar peak field strengths can exhibitquite different WP indexes; this aspect is discussed in the fol-lowing, where one set at the H1 site and one set at the H3 siteare analyzed more in depth.

V.A. GMF set H1S1

Measured and processed data for set H1S1 are reported inFigs. 1 and 2. In Fig. 1, a 50 ms [graph (a)] and 5 ms [graph(b)] time frame around the measured maximum peak value

are shown. Since the three Cartesian components of the fieldwere almost sinusoidal and synchronous, an approximatelylinear polarization resulted probably due to the fact that, inthe selected sequence, the current was flowing in one of thethree gradient coils only.

The quasisinusoidal nature of the waveform emerges alsofrom the spectrum [Fig. 1(c)] that refers to the Z field com-ponent (the most intense of the three). The spectral contentswere concentrated close to the main component at frequencyaround 1200 Hz; a third harmonic around 3500 Hz is alsovisible.

In Fig. 2, the trends of the weighted-peak indexes WP-1998and WP-2010 for occupational exposure are shown. The max-imum values of the indexes in both cases were reached bythe “spike” that can be observed also in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b)and that was responsible of increasing the peak field levelfrom almost 100 μT to 114 μT, the WP-1998 index from al-most 2.0 to more than 2.4 and the WP-2010 index from 0.3to more than 0.4. This spike was probably an artifact due toan interference or a small movement (e.g., a vibration) of theprobe.

FIG. 1. GMF measurements, set H1S1: (a) in time domain; (b) in time domain with faster time base; (c) frequency spectrum (Z component).

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FIG. 2. GMF measurements, set H1S1: WP indexes for occupational expo-sures according to (a) ICNIRP-1998 and (b) ICNIRP-2010 guidelines.

V.B. GMF set H3S2

Measured and processed data for set H3S2 are reportedin Fig. 3. In this case, the Cartesian components of the fieldwere far from being sinusoidal [Fig. 3(a)] and synchronous:therefore, the polarization was not linear. The spectrum[Fig. 3(b)] was much more spread than that of H1S1; in par-ticular, the lower frequency spectral components of H3S2were responsible of the fact that, while the peak value ofthe field was close to that of H1S1, its weighted-peak in-dexes were much lower than those of H1S1. This happenedbecause the ICNIRP reference levels decrease with increas-ing frequency and consequently lower frequency compo-nents of the spectrum are weighted with lighter weightingfactors.


In Table III, a summary of the results obtained for theeight examined actions is reported. The actions are iden-tified by means of the conventional A1–A8 codes intro-duced above. Results are expressed in terms of peak fieldstrengths and maximum weighted-peak indexes, both for gen-eral population and occupational exposures, according to pre-

FIG. 3. GMF measurements, set H3S2: (a) in time domain; (b) frequencyspectrum (Y component).

vious (WP-1998) and current (WP-2010-extended) ICNIRPguidelines.2, 6

Results for action A3 demonstrate that compliance withICNIRP limits for static fields is not sufficient to guaran-tee compliance with reference levels for movement-generatedperceived time-varying fields, when the waveforms are pro-cessed according to the weighted-peak approach, even whenapplying the more permissive 2010-extended guidelines.

Action A3 is an extreme case, because the volunteer hadput the head inside the bore (miming an inspection to thepatient), thus approaching the 1.5 T nominal value of thescanner. In all the other actions, exposures resulted alwayscompliant with ICNIRP 1998 occupational (but not generalpopulation) reference levels and with both ICNIRP 2010-extended ones. WP-1998 indexes resulted always higher thanWP-2010-extended ones, even if 1998 and 2010 guidelinesare identical in the 1–25 Hz frequency range. This feature isparticularly evident in the action A8 and it is easily under-stood considering that the former guidelines recommended aconstant limit value below 1 Hz, while for the latter one a1/f 2 behavior was assumed. Actually, the differences betweenWP-1998 and WP-2010-extended indexes should be entirelyattributed to the spectra of the actions, which had importantcontents below 1 Hz, as it is clearly shown in Fig. 4 for actionA8.

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TABLE III. Summary of results of the SMF-pMFD measurements, executed around a 1.5T whole body MRI scanner used mainly for cardiac examinations onchildren (H3 site). Actions A1–A3 mimed standard movements of anesthesiologists involved with sedated paediatric patients. Actions A4–A8 mimed typicaltechnical staff movements while preparing paediatric patients for examinations. WP indexes are given as absolute, not percent, values: i.e., 1 means 100%.

Action code Duration [s] |B| peak [mT] WP-1998 occupational WP-1998 population WP 2010 extended occupational WP 2010 extended population

A1 24.3 61.0 0.230 1.16 0.104 0.518A2 58.3 116 0.448 2.26 0.151 0.747A3 27.7 1430 6.130 30.9 1.67 8.24A4 68.2 59.4 0.247 1.24 0.058 0.286A5 43.7 49.4 0.179 0.904 0.046 0.228A6 52.9 36.3 0.139 0.703 0.065 0.324A7 52.4 56.6 0.266 1.340 0.065 0.325A8 83.9 171 0.684 3.45 0.083 0.410

FIG. 4. SMF measurements, action A8: pMFD frequency spectrum.

FIG. 5. SMF measurements, action A2: perceived magnetic flux density asa function of time. Description of the movement: The volunteer (mimingan anesthesiologists) left the control room, entered the magnet room, ap-proached the stretcher with the patient, did what it should be done, thenreached her standard work position, remained there some moments doingvarious movements while maneuvering a respirator (rotation of the torso andof the head), including leaning over the stretcher to try to read the displayplaced on the other side, then took a step back to better positioning herselfand repeated many of the above operations, bend her torso to check the pa-tient, then exited the magnet room.

Once again, to higher pMFD peak values did not neces-sarily correspond higher values for the WP indexes, thus con-firming the usefulness of the weighted-peak approach.

Values of pMFD vs time for some of the actions (A2, A3,and A8) are reported in Figs. 5–7, respectively. Actions arebriefly described in the figure captions. It is worth spending aword about reproducibility and repeatability of these results.Similar actions performed by different volunteers should beexpected to give raise to rather different index values, espe-cially if the different volunteers have very different statures.In fact, the field probe is fixed to the volunteer’s head andthe field strength detected along the movement path would bestrongly affected by the probe height. On the other side, dif-ferent index values should also be expected even if the sameaction is repeated by the same volunteer: it is possible to getan idea of this repeatability just comparing different actionsinvolving not so different movements (for instance, A5 wasvery similar to A6, while A8 was pretty much a repetition ofA7). Actually, turning the head or bending the torso with a

FIG. 6. SMF measurements, action A3: perceived magnetic flux density asa function of time. Description of the movement: The volunteer (miming ananesthesiologist) entered the magnet room, moved behind the gantry pass-ing on its left, performed various movements at the rear opening of the bore(backed off, bend her torso several times, put her head inside the bore), thenexited the magnet room.

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FIG. 7. SMF measurements, action A8: perceived magnetic flux density asa function of time. Description of the movement: The volunteer (miminga technician) left the control room, entered the magnet room, reached thestretcher, performed various preparations on the patient and placed the RFcoil on him, raised the stretcher, and pushed it into the bore, checked thepatient, then left the magnet room and returned in the control room.

slight different speed and/or amplitude will give raise to verydifferent perceived dB/dt (hence WP index) values.


A procedure for assessment of occupational exposures inMRI was developed and tested in three different facilities,with a selection of representative scanning sequences. Theprocedure was based on the application of the weighted-peakmethod in time domain, assuming a worst-case scenario forthe spatial distribution of the fields.

The implementation of the WP method was based on an of-fline software application, developed at the purpose, in orderto process raw data acquired by the instrumental set-up.

A specific software filter—which included an ad hoc ex-tension of the ICNIRP-2010 reference levels below 1 Hz—was developed, allowing a comprehensive verification ofcompliance of effects induced by movements in the staticmagnetic field.

Measurements were accomplished through commercial in-strumentation and hardware, allowing reproducibility in anyMRI facility and in similar low frequency, complex waveformexposure conditions.

In agreement with previously published data, for the two1.5 T MRI here investigated, exposures to switched gradientfields exceeded the ICNIRP 1998 reference levels, being atthe same time compliant with ICNIRP 2010 ones (maximumexposure was around 50% of limit).

Exposures to GMF were significantly lower (more than anorder of magnitude) for the 3 T unit, probably thanks to itssmall dimensions, as that unit was a head-only scanner.

Results for movement-induced effects showed that expo-sure was always compliant with ICNIRP 1998 and 2010 “ex-tended” reference levels, with the exception of fast movementof the head inside the bore of 1.5 T unit (respectively, around

600% and 170% of limit). It is crucial to note that compliancewith ICNIRP 2009 limits for static magnetic fields is not suf-ficient to guarantee compliance with movement-induced ef-fect reference levels, even applying the less-restrictive 2010-extended ones, when the waveforms are processed accordingto the weighted-peak approach.

The results from this study are currently being used asinput for dosimetric assessment of internal E fields andcurrent densities, which will be the subject of a specificpublication.

Further steps of the study will include a more detailed spa-tial assessment of exposure levels and a measurement cam-paign of gradient fields and movement-generated fields on a3 T total body MRI scanner.


The work presented in this paper was part of a researchactivity funded by INAIL in the framework of Project Nos.B/02/DIL/07 and F/01/DIL/09. The authors wish to thank thestaff of medical institutions involved in Rome (in particu-lar Luisa Begnozzi, Angela Coniglio, and Stefania Teodoliat Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli; AndreaCherubini and Umberto Sabatini at Fondazione Santa Lu-cia; Vittorio Cannatà, Elisabetta Genovese, Marco Carnì, andMarco Gargani at Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù) for thefriendly hospitality and support provided. They also wish tothank Vincenzo Brugaletta, Giancarlo Burriesci, FrancescoCampanella, Massimo Mattozzi, and Floriana Sacco ofINAIL; Giorgio Lovisolo and Sergio Mancini of ENEA forvaluable assistance.

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:[email protected]

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