Weight loss plan

Weight loss plan - Christine Cronauchristinecronau.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/report.pdf · IMPORTANCE OF BALANCING PH Balancing pH is one of the most important things we can

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Weight loss plan

12 Week Weight Loss Program



YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS ................................................................................................... 3

DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................... 3

UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION — ANCESTRAL VS MODERN ................................................. 4

WHAT IS LCHF? ........................................................................................................... 4

CARBS—HOW LOW DO WE NEED TO GO? .................................................................... 5

HOW MUCH FAT? ........................................................................................................ 6

UNDERSTANDING THE HOLISTIC APPROACH............................................................... 7

IMPORTANCE OF BALANCING PH ................................................................................ 8

YOUR PERSONAL GOALS ............................................................................................. 8

OUR GOALS FOR YOU ................................................................................................... 9

MONITORING PROGRESS ............................................................................................... 9

PH STRIPS.................................................................................................................... 9

KETOSTIX ................................................................................................................. 10

KETONIX ................................................................................................................... 10

BLOOD KETONE METRES ........................................................................................... 10

NUTRITION ........................................................................................................................ 11

YOUR PERSONAL REQUIREMENTS—MACROS ............................................................. 11

PROTEIN.................................................................................................................... 11

FAT ........................................................................................................................... 13

CARBOHYDRATES ..................................................................................................... 17

MAKING IT EASY ............................................................................................................... 21

WHAT CAN I EAT?........................................................................................................ 21

COFFEE ......................................................................................................................... 22

ALCOHOL ...................................................................................................................... 22

DAIRY ........................................................................................................................... 23

AVOID MILK SOLIDS .................................................................................................. 23

AVOID ULTRA PASTEURIZED DAIRY .......................................................................... 23

AVOID HOMOGENIZED DAIRY ................................................................................... 24

12 Week Weight Loss Program


CHEESE ..................................................................................................................... 24

BUTTER ......................................................................................................................... 25

MEAT ............................................................................................................................ 26

FISH .............................................................................................................................. 27

EGGS ............................................................................................................................. 27

VEGETABLES ................................................................................................................. 27

FATS ............................................................................................................................. 27

SWEETS ......................................................................................................................... 28

HOW MUCH CAN I EAT? ................................................................................................. 28

HOW MANY MEALS A DAY? ........................................................................................... 29

DO I NEED TO COUNT CALORIES? .................................................................................. 29

HOW DO I GET STARTED? .............................................................................................. 30

BREAKFAST IDEAS .................................................................................................... 30

REPLACE YOUR FAVOURITES .................................................................................... 31

SNACK IDEAS ............................................................................................................ 31

SHOPPING LIST .......................................................................................................... 32

DETAILED MEAL PLAN ................................................................................................. 33

MEAL PLAN AT A GLANCE ............................................................................................. 36

EXTRA SUPPORT .......................................................................................................... 38

BRING BACK THE FAT ............................................................................................... 38

THE FAT REVOLUTION .............................................................................................. 39

THE FAT REVOLUTION COOKBOOK .......................................................................... 39

REGULATING PH – THE REAL STORY (E-BOOK) ....................................................... 40

YOUR GALLBLADDER IS NOT DISEASED! (E-BOOK) ................................................. 40

SOCIAL MEDIA AND SUPPORT ................................................................................... 41

12 Week Weight Loss Program



First name:



This plan and the practitioner do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe medical treatment.

Rather the plan and program is intended to provide education to enhance knowledge of health as it

relates to foods, fats, and dietary supplements. While nutritional and botanical support can be an

important compliment to medical care, nutrition counseling is not a substitute for the diagnosis,

treatment, or care of disease by a medical provider.

As in all health care in the practice of nutrition and natural therapies, there may be some slight risks

to treatment, including reaction to prescribed vitamin and herbal remedies, and dietary changes.

This program and the practitioner providing support are not expected to be able to anticipate and

explain all risks and complications but will exercise judgment during the course of the prescribed

treatment to make the corrections deemed necessary at the time, based on the facts then known is in

the best interest of the client.

If you as the client are concerned with your health condition or any blood tests results, it is your

responsibility to seek medical advice and treatment.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Nutrition is a far reaching, ever-debatable topic. There are many views and

opinions about what ‘diet’ or foods are best.

However, we simply need to look at our evolution as humans to understand what

foods are optimal for our health.


Low carb, high fat nutrition is a diet that is more suited to our evolution. It is

lower in carbohydrate and higher in natural fat like butter and coconut oil.

Our ancestors did not have access to many carbohydrates; therefore, their diet

was naturally low in carbohydrate and high in fat.

It is a common misconception that LCHF diets are high protein diets, but they

aren’t; they include moderate protein. Low carb, high protein diets are not the

same as LCHF, and in fact, can create health issues. Fat is a very important part

of LCHF; both for weight loss and health.

The good news is that eating a lot of fat naturally regulates protein intake because

fat is extremely filling. Most low carb, high protein diets are also low in fat.

Without the fat, dieters feel hungry, so they overeat protein. Too much protein

can result in the extra amino acids being converted to glucose, which means the

excess protein essentially starts acting the same way as carbohydrate. However, it

is important to note that adequate protein is essential for good health, so it is

important to get enough. Note: Women rarely overeat protein, in fact, they often

don’t eat enough. Eating enough protein is essential to this program.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



We can only use a small amount of carbohydrate at any one time. And, we can

only store 500 g of glycogen in our liver and muscle tissue. If we exceed the

amount we are using or storing, then the excess is generally converted to fat and

stored in our adipose (fatty tissue). ‘Low carb’ is the amount that is right for us to

prevent extra fat storage and the resulting health issues.

LCHF can range between a general low carb diet (around 50 to 100 g per day) to

very low carbohydrate diet (around 20 to 30 g per day), otherwise known as a

ketogenic diet. If you have heard that a ketogenic diet is dangerous, especially for

the kidneys, you are not alone, but this is simply a myth. Most of our ancestors

would have been ketogenic; they didn’t have access to enough carbohydrate to

live any other way. And, if you have heard someone suggest that they just didn’t

live long enough to experience health complications from a keto diet, this is also

a myth; while life expectancy has changed dramatically between then and now,

human lifespan has remained fairly constant. Modern medicine has improved the

mortality rate for babies and children, which is why our life expectancy has

increased. Hunter gatherers who survived early childhood generally lived as long

as we do now.

How low do we need to go in carbohydrate to achieve optimal health?

Everyone’s carbohydrate limit is different depending on their size and also the

state of their health. For example, a person who is insulin resistant, which is

unfortunately the great majority of people who have been eating a Western style

diet, have a much stronger insulin and glucose response to a healthy carbohydrate

such as fruit (even low-carb fruit such as berries). This is why this program is

much stricter than other LCHF diets and is also stricter than many keto diets

(more details later).

Dropping the carbohydrate intake to a very low level is required to reduce the

insulin and glucose levels. It is best to stay strict until the insulin is down and

stabilized. For most people, that will mean the duration of the 12-week program

(to bring insulin down to normal) and then another three months or so to stabilise

it. Testing insulin is key to this process (more information on insulin testing in

your week 1 email).


A ketogenic diet also corrects our metabolism, which is altered following a low-

fat, high-carbohydrate, Western diet. Our natural state is to burn fat for energy.

We can only do this with an aerobic metabolism, which means our cellular

environment is oxygen rich, allowing us to process fat for energy. When we eat a

lot of carbohydrate (sugar), we become acidic; this over-acid state changes our

12 Week Weight Loss Program


metabolism to an anaerobic one; this means our cellular environment becomes

oxygen poor, which only allows us to use glycogen for energy.

Most people have heard somewhere that our body’s preference for energy is

glucose, but this is simply not the case. We must burn off the sugar before our

body can return to its natural state, however, most people keep putting the sugar

in, so we end up permanent sugar burners.

The same goes for anyone who has undergone starvation stress (years of dieting).

Unfortunately, dieting is extremely demanding for the body and it damages our

metabolism, thyroid, and hormones. A very low carb diet is also beneficial for

healing these imbalances.

The good news is that even though sweet things are restricted more than they

normally would be on a ketogenic diet, most people don’t mind it for a few

months because they are fully satisfied enjoying all the food they have been

missing for so many years. Pork roast with crackling, crispy chicken with the

skin, crispy duck, eggs, butter, and cream! Milk is best limited on a ketogenic

diet because of the carb content, but many people can tolerate small amounts of

cream, cheese and yoghurt.

A ketogenic diet is not necessary for everyone, for example, children switch back

to fat burning very easily. They are younger, have had less years of damage, and

heal very easily, however, most people do need to do the keto phase. I personally

did the keto phase for 12 months. I had a lot to heal, and because I stayed

ketogenic long enough, I am now in a permanent fat burning state. I can eat

sweet potato, potato, fruit, etc, and remain ketogenic. And this is our goal for you

on this program: to become a permanent fat burner.


Again, everyone’s requirements will be different depending on their size,

however, most people hear the term ‘high fat’ and have an idea of what that

means. Generally, the idea in their head is way off. Why? Because we are so

conditioned against fat that they couldn’t possibly imagine the amount of fat that

we should consume for good health. One reader told me she was following

LCHF, and then proceeded to give me details; she was only consuming 20 g of

fat a day. Most low-fat diets recommend around 20 g of fat a day.

How much fat do I eat? Around 150 to 200 g per day. That is a big difference.

That is high fat!

Note: If you have been low fat most of your life, or in recent years, it is

important to increase the fat slowly so the organs become used to it again;

otherwise, it can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



One of the reasons this program is different is because the focus is on health. For

weight loss to be sustainable, health has to be the focus. Otherwise, we tend to

temporarily lose the weight and then it comes back again.

Every system, organ, tissue, cell, muscle, bone is connected. The same protein

that is needed to rebuild muscle will also make new red blood cells. A spasm in

your calf muscle could be a result of more magnesium and potassium being used

in the kidney. The whole body is connected and works together. Therefore, we

need to address the whole body and its needs together in order to reverse a health

challenge – including extra weight.

For this reason, this program is focused on switching your metabolism back to its

natural state (burning fat for energy), boosting metabolism, gut health, including

repairing the lining of the gut, thyroid health, pH balance, hormone balance, and

bringing blood sugar and insulin back into normal range.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Balancing pH is one of the most important things we can do for our health. In

fact, it is so important that an imbalance of pH is generally the underlying cause

of all degenerative conditions—including weight gain.

When people are struggling with their weight loss and they see so many others

sharing their LCHF (low carb, high fat diet) weight loss stories, they ask why

they are not losing weight. pH imbalance is one of the biggest factors that can

prevent weight loss. When we are over-acid, we literally store acid waste in our

fat cells to protect our organs.

In addition, there are some huge myths circulating about pH and alkaline diets.

Most people have heard claims that meat, eggs, and cheese are “acid-forming”

and that they should be limited to maintain a healthy pH. This is a myth. The

reason people often say this is because these foods are mild acids. Why are they

acid? Because they are full of amino acids and fatty acids. Most of us have heard

the term essential amino acids and essential fatty acids; we need these acids for

good health.

Lemon is also a mild acid and is far more acidic than meat and eggs. However,

no-one claims that lemons make us acidic. In fact, the opposite is true. Taking in

mild acids such as lemon, and even those in meat and eggs, stimulate our body to

produce bicarbonate, which helps alkalise the body.

This is one of the most important first steps to balancing the body during the

program through the use of weak acids (lemon juice, lime juice and apple cider






12 Week Weight Loss Program



1. Burn fat! Switch your metabolism to one that burns fat for

energy (measured with ketones).

2. Balance body pH (measured with pH strips); extra acid waste

in the body is stored in fat cells!

3. Promote optimal health, balance gut bacteria, repair gut lining,

help the body detox, lower blood sugar and insulin, boost

metabolism, and more. If we regain balance in the body, the

body will almost always respond by returning to a healthy


4. Include the correct amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate that

is right for you.

5. Manage elimination (make sure constipation is never an issue).


We can help monitor your progress by testing pH and ketone readings throughout

your program, through the use of the pH strips and Ketostix or other measuring


Use the progress tracker on the website to record your results throughout the

program (supplied in your welcome email).


pH is best tested with saliva. Urine is usually more acidic so is not as reliable.

Saliva needs to be tested two hours away from eating or drinking, so it is easiest

tested first thing in the morning. Avoid touching the coloured part of the strip

with your fingers. Avoid touching the strip to your mouth. It is easiest to stand in

front of the mirror and spit onto the stick. If the result is quite acidic, it is best to

increase lemon drink (more information below) to 2 or 3 times a day until it

corrects, then drop it back to once, first thing in the morning, to maintain. Ideally,

we want our pH to be slightly above 7.0.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



We are unfortunately experiencing a national shortage of ketostix in Australia, so

they can be hard to find. They are sold at chemists (when they are in stock). If

you are able to get ketostix, here are the instructions.

It is best to always test ketones in the afternoon (there will usually be less in the

morning). To test for ketones, just follow the instructions on the bottle. The

darker the purple reading, the stronger the ketones. Any sign of pink or

purple indicates ketones, which means we are burning fat for energy. Then the

darker purple means we are in a stronger ketogenic state.


Ketonix measures ketones in the breath, and it can be a lot more accurate than the

strips, especially after you have been ketogenic for a while. Once we have been

ketogenic for a while and we start being more efficient with using ketones, it is

possible to have less excess ketones being expelled in the urine, so sometimes

when people don’t get a reading on the sticks, they can actually show a reading

on Ketonix. You can purchase Ketonix here.


If you don’t mind pricking your finger, blood metres are also very accurate. The

added benefit is that you can also test glucose. If you do have high blood glucose

and insulin, a blood glucose/ketone monitor is highly recommended. You can

then regularly test your blood glucose yourself to make sure it is coming down. If

it is not coming down, please contact me so I can look at your diet and see if

there is anything that is keeping it elevated. We stock blood glucose/ketone

monitors for $50 (including postage). They come with 10 glucose strips, and the

remaining strips can be purchased from the chemist (we are unable to stock the


12 Week Weight Loss Program



Nutrition starts with our three major nutrient categories—Protein, Fats and

Carbohydrates. All of our vitamins and minerals can be achieved when the

correct ratios of these three major categories are met.


To calculate your ideal protein, fat, and carb intake, click here. Enter the results


Ideal protein intake:

Ideal fat intake:

Carb intake (initial phase): 20g

Carb intake (after program):


Protein is the nutrient which repairs and rebuilds all muscle, bone, skin, tissue,

cells, everything. Complete proteins come from any animal source, for example,

eggs, beef, lamb, chicken, pork, duck, or turkey.

Protein is needed consistently throughout the day, at each meal, to complete

repairs. When there is a health challenge or extra repair needed, for example

from exercising, there is a slightly higher need.

If you are exercising you will need more protein than the amount in your

calculation. It is essential to get enough daily protein, especially when healing.

Note: We do not encourage people to weigh food or count food. The following

tables are just an extra tool to offer a basic understanding of your individual


Important: 100 g of meat does NOT equal 100g of protein. I have had many

people make this mistake thinking they have used up their protein allowance at

breakfast. 100g of meat is equivalent to around 25 g of protein.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Calculating protein in food:

Basic measurements: 3 large eggs = 21g protein

100 g meat = 25g protein (size of your palm)

OR Approximate Calculations of some sources of Proteins:

Poultry Serving Size Grams of Protein

Eggs 3 large 21

Chicken thigh 1 large 24

Chicken Patties 3 medium sized 13.7

Beef / Lamb Serving Size Grams of Protein

Beef Patties 3 medium sized 16.8

Lamb chop or cutlet 100 g 25

Gluten Free sausages 2 17

Pork Serving Size Grams of Protein

Bacon rashers 2 12

Ham 2 large slices 13.7

Dairy Serving Size Grams of Protein

Quality yogurt 150 g 7.8

Brie Cheese 2 large slices, ¼ of the



Note: The calculation is only relevant for adults. Children typically need more

protein because they are active and growing. A very active child may need up to

100g of protein per day.

Protein calculations assume no exercise. Exercising increases protein

requirements. An average sized person doing regular exercise would typically

need to increase protein requirements to around 100g/day depending on how

much they are doing. Exercise enthusiasts or elite athletes will need to increase

even more. Pregnant and breastfeeding women will also need more.

Adequate protein is essential to good health. Contrary to popular belief, LCHF is

NOT a high protein diet. It is a low-carb, moderate-protein, high-fat diet. If you

have read that too much protein can cause the liver to convert excess amino acids

into glycogen, which causes them to act like carbohydrate, this is true. However,

this is uncommon on a true LCHF diet. This generally occurs when someone is

eating lean meats; basically a low-carb, low-fat diet. Eating plenty of fat

generally ensures that protein is not over consumed.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



3 eggs + brie = 30g Chicken thigh (palm size) =


4 meat balls = 22g


Believe it or not, good fats are the tasty fats like butter and the skin on the

chicken. Fat is actually our body’s most efficient fuel source and completely fills

us up. Our brain is 70% fat, we cannot detox, eliminate or even function without

fat. Don’t be scared of fat and include it in every meal.

Good fats include: butter, ghee, olive oil, full fat cream, soft cheeses, coconut

oil, fat on your meat, chicken skin, lard, drippings, duck and goose fat,

avocados, nuts.

Note: Your recommended fat intake is a guideline. Use your hunger as a guide. If

you are following the plan and are still hungry, you probably need more fat. If

you are feeling too full, your body is probably not ready for that amount of fat

and it is better to work up slowly.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Butter and Ghee Margarine

Coconut Oil Commercial salad

Dressings/Mayonnaise, Sauces etc.

Coconut Cream/Milk (however,

avoid until after program)

Vegetable Oils – canola, corn,

sunflower, safflower, cottonseed

Duck, goose and chicken fat Fried foods (from restaurants etc)

Animal fat such as dripping Cookies, crackers, baked goods,


Cream Chips, snack foods

Cheese McDonalds

Olive Oil Fast/take-away food

Cold Pressed Sesame and Flax


Hydrogenated fats

Cod Liver Oil Rice bran oil

Fish oil Hemp oil

Beef and lamb tallow Grapeseed oil

Lard from pigs Walnut oil

Home-made condiments such as


Note: After years on low-fat diets, the body is NOT accustomed to its ideal fat

intake, so it is best increased slowly. If exercising, fat requirements also may

need to increase. Use your hunger as a guide.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Proteins Serving Size Grams of Fat

Egg Large (50 g) 5.5

Bacon Large rasher 5

Lamb kidney 1 1.2

Lamb liver 85 g 7

Lamb cutlet 1 (90 g) 15.5

Lamb chop 1 (140 g) 20.6

Lamb mince 100 g 23.5

Chicken thigh 1 medium 9.5

Chicken breast ½ breast 8

Chicken drumstick 1 medium 5.4

Chicken wing 1 medium 6.2

Pork chop 1 medium 12.68

Pork rib 1 medium 10.56

Pork roast 100 g 14.59

Pork crackling 1/2 cup 20

Pork mince 100 g 21.2

Beef rib eye 1 (290 g) 63

Beef porterhouse 1 (200 g) 32.8

Beef T-bone 1 (200 g) 51.2

Beef prime rib 1 (200 g) 75.2

Beef filet mignon 1 (200 g) 32

Beef top sirloin 1(200 g) 21.2

Beef mince 100 g 29.6

Duck breast ½ breast 13

Duck leg 1 10.5

Turkey breast 85 g 5.97

Fish 1 fillet 1.38

Ham 2 slices 4.8

Pork sausage 2 14.9

Beef sausage 2 7.56

Chicken sausage 2 5.7

Fats and Oils Serving Size Grams of Fat

Coconut oil 1 tbsp 14

Olive oil 1 tbsp 13.5

Duck fat 1 tbsp 12.8

Ghee 1 tbsp 20

12 Week Weight Loss Program


Dairy Serving Size Grams of Fat

Butter 1 tbsp 11.52

Cream 1 tbsp 5.5

Yoghurt ½ cup 4

Gouda cheese 1 slice 7.78

Brie cheese ¼ (50 g) 13.9

Camembert ¼ (50 g) 12.2

Havarti cheese 1 slice 8.41

Feta cheese 1 slice 6

Swiss cheese 1 slice 7.8

Edam cheese 1 slice 7.9

Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp 1.37

Ricotta cheese ½ cup 16

Quark ½ cup 13.6

Milk 1 glass 12.55

Avocado Serving Size Grams of Fat

Avocado ½ 15

Chocolate Serving Size Grams of Fat

Dark chocolate 45 g (bar) 24

Dark chocolate 22 g (½ bar) 12

Tip: All cuts with the skin on! The best way to have it!

Note: We recommend traditionally cultured cheeses (above) rather commercial

hard yellow cheese. Avoid commercial yellow cheese, instead, go to the section

of the supermarket that has Gouda, Swiss, Edam, etc.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Carbohydrates are also an energy/fuel source for the body; however, they are

only short acting and leave you constantly hungry and with sugar cravings. They

are only meant to be used to top up glucose stores at each meal, not to be the

basis of meals.

Carbohydrates are foods that grow above or below the ground, as well as

caffeine, alcohol, sugar. The obvious ones are: rice, pasta, cereals, grains,

breads, potatoes, all processed foods, but they are also simple fruits and

vegetables. Above-ground vegetables have the lowest level so fill your diet with

these, but control the others.

The average Australian diet consumes 300g-400g per day, which is much higher

than the body can tolerate.

Carbohydrates in excess are generally stored as body fat, which is one of the

reasons we need to limit the amount we eat. Too much carbohydrate is also the

main cause of modern disease such as insulin resistance, type II diabetes, and

heart disease.

Avoid all refined carbohydrates—breads, cereals, pasta, biscuits, packaged


Different people handle carbohydrates differently depending on a number of


Firstly, their size, which is how your second calculation above was determined.

Secondly, if you are insulin resistant, or trying to heal starvation stress (which

comes from a life time of dieting), or trying to lose weight, dropping

carbohydrates very low initially is a must to achieve the desired results. Research

shows that insulin resistant individuals have a much stronger glucose and insulin

response to healthy carbohydrates than non-insulin resistant people.

What does this mean? If you are insulin resistant and you eat a healthy carb (like

sweet potato, buckwheat, almond meal etc), your body reacts like you have eaten

sugar! This is the number one reason why people fail to lose weight on LCHF.

After years on a Western diet, the majority of people are insulin resistant and can

benefit for a short period on a very low carbohydrate diet (3 months, or longer,

depending on the state of health). This is why your carbohydrate intake is

different initially, but can be increased following the program once health

outcomes are achieved.

12 Week Weight Loss Program


Dropping carbs to 20 g per day or less is generally enough to reduce insulin and

glucose (and eventually reverse insulin resistance), and place the body back into

its natural state; burning fat for energy.

We are all born burning fat for energy, and only stop when we start consuming

too many carbohydrates. The body tries to burn those carbohydrates off to get rid

of them, and then revert back to fat burning. However, if we continuously eat too

much carbohydrate, it never has the chance to burn any fat and we become

permanent sugar burners.

It can take between around four weeks to make the metabolic switch back to

burning fat for energy.


When we burn fat for energy, we produce ketones. Ketones have been given a

bad name, but they are a fantastic energy source, and most of our ancestors

would have been ketogenic; there simply was no other way to live with the

limited carbohydrate available.

Important note: When we go very low carb to switch to burning fat for energy,

we can lose extra salt and fluid through the kidneys. Sodium is often excreted to

preserve the sodium-potassium balance. In addition, a lot of people are eating

less salt because they think it is bad for them. A bit of extra fluid and extra salt

are generally very useful during this initial phase. You can even drink a little bit

of salt water, using quality pink Himalayan salt. Extra magnesium is also often

useful, which is available in salt, but some people doing LCHF find they need a

magnesium supplement as well, particularly if they are experiencing cramps or

restless legs.


Once you do not need to be on a ketogenic (very low carbohydrate) diet, and

simply avoid the wheat family (wheat, spelt, barely, and rye), sugar, and other

high carb foods, and stick to 2 serves of the non-sweet fruits, then you will

naturally fall within a healthy carbohydrate range; it will then be unnecessary to

count carbs.

In fact, we recommend not counting carbs on a daily basis. Some people count

the carbs in every meal, every day, but we believe that would not only be a lot of

work, but make LCHF feel a lot more restrictive than it is. The tables are an

extremely valuable tool to get a rough idea of what you are eating, which can get

you started, and then if things aren’t going the way you would like, you can have

another look and revise.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Carbohydrate counts in vegetables:

Vegetables Serving Size Grams of


Net carbs (g)

(total – fibre)

Artichoke 1 Medium 13 6

Asparagus 3 spears 1.5 0.6

Avocado ½ avo 8.5 2.3

Beetroot ¼ cup 3.3 2.4

Broccoli 1 spear 2.1 1.9

Brussels’ sprouts ¼ cup 2.0 1.5

Cabbage ¼ cup 1.0 1.2

Capsicum, red ¼ cup 1.8 1.3

Carrot 1 small 4.8 3.4

Cauliflower 1 floweret 0.6 0.3

Celery Small stalk 0.5 0.2

Cucumber ¼ cup 1.0 0.9

Eggplant ¼ cup 1.2 0.6

Garlic 1 tsp 0.9 0.8

Green beans ¼ cup 1.8 0.9

Kale ¼ cup 1.5 1.2

Leek ¼ leek 3.3 2.9

Lettuce 2 leaves 0.2 0.1

Mushrooms ¼ cup 0.6 0.4

Onion 1 slice 0.8 0.6

Peas, green ¼ cup 5.3 3.4

Pumpkin ½ cup 4.0 3.7

Spinach ¼ cup 0.6 0.2

Spring onions 1 small 0.4 0.3

Swedes/Rutabaga ¼ cup 3.0 2.2

Tomato ½ medium 2.4 1.7

Turnips ¼ cup 2.0 1.4

Zucchini ¼ cup 0.9 0.6

Tips: Vegetables contain fat soluble vitamins so are best eaten with fat! Smother

your veggies in melted butter.

Green vegetables are so low in carbohydrate that we normally can eat as many as

we like.

Because most of the carbohydrate in vegetables is fibre, you can use the net


12 Week Weight Loss Program


Carbohydrate counts in other foods:

Sweeteners Serving Size Grams of Carbohydrate

Stevia 0

Proteins Serving Size Grams of Carbohydrate

Milk 1 cup 12

Cheese, cheddar 1 slice 0.4

Cheese, gouda 1 slice 0.4

Cheese, feta 1 wedge 1.6

Yoghurt 100 g 5.7

Egg 1 0.6

Meat 0

Tip: Always eat carbohydrates with fat! This will slow down the effect of the

carbohydrate breakdown on glucose and insulin levels.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



To make your journey easier, we have included general information about what

you can eat, a detailed meal plan, and where you can get extra support.


Yes No

Eggs Vegetable oils or margarine

Meat Commercial sauces or dressings

Butter, butter, and more butter Processed food

Coconut oil Grains

Mayonnaise (only homemade) Legumes

Avocado Starches

Green vegetables/salad Flour alternatives (buckwheat, coconut flour


Mushrooms Sugars/agave

Capsicum Dextrose

Onion Artificial sweeteners


Pumpkin Just for now—can be reintroduced later

Cauliflower Milk

Eggplant Nuts

Olives Fruit

Cream Root vegetables

Yoghurt Honey

Cheese Rice malt syrup

Broth (no added sugar) Coffee

Stevia Alcohol

Quality salt (essential) Coconut milk/cream


12 Week Weight Loss Program


The section below contains more information about which foods to eat and why

we need to avoid some good foods initially. And why the program will work

better if you are able to initially give up coffee and alcohol. Just temporarily!


Coffee is best avoided in the initial phase. There are many people who very

successfully follow LCHF and include one or two cups a day as part of their

regime, however, it can keep you from losing weight initially. Coffee does spike

insulin and glucose, particularly on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

If we do have coffee, then it is best consumed mid morning (after a good

breakfast), with plenty of fat, such as cream. Fat slows down the digestion which

helps prevent spikes in glucose and insulin.

The other problem with coffee is that it is acid forming. Once pH is balanced,

and other acid forming foods are limited, then many people do find that they can

manage some coffee. However, all that being said, we do find we get much better

results in the initial ketogenic phase without the coffee. Some people do go

ketogenic and keep a cup a day in their diet and do fine, however, if you choose

to include coffee and things aren’t shifting, it may be something worth looking


Interestingly, it isn’t the caffeine, it is the coffee itself, so for many people, they

find switching to black tea, or Chai latte or a chai tea with cream and a dash of

vanilla stevia a very tasty compromise.


Obviously we need to avoid alcohol that comes with added sugars; it can

definitely prevent weight loss. And while many people are absolutely able to

include some alcohol on LCHF (my favourite is tequila with fresh lime and

mineral water), it can upset the first phase when we are trying to burn fat for

energy. This is because alcohol itself can prevent the body from burning fat for a

period; it cannot be stored, which means while alcohol is present, we have to stop

using fat for energy. With our weight loss programs, when someone isn’t losing

weight, after investigation we often find the culprit to be a few glasses of wine

here and there.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Milk is too high in carbs for the first phase, it contains quite a lot of milk sugar

(lactose), and it can be one of the number one reasons behind a stall in weight

loss. However, when it comes to other dairy, most people can have some cream,

yoghurt, and cheese on a ketogenic diet. However, if we have too much, it will

stall weight loss. And, some people have to eliminate it completely if they do not

see results. The good news is that most people don’t need to do that, and do quite

well on a serve of each a day.

Also, the type of dairy we consume matters. Much of the dairy sold in

supermarkets today is highly damaged and has little health benefit, if any at all.


Milk solids, which is another name for dried milk powder, contains damaged and

oxidized cholesterol. We talk a lot about cholesterol being good for us, but in this

case, the cholesterol has been damaged and is another story altogether.

Milk solids are added to all kinds of dairy, so check the labels. They are mostly

added to yoghurt (to make them thick) and skim milk (to replace the flavor in the

absence of the fat). Hopefully you won’t have any desire to drink skim milk

again anyway.

There are quality yoghurts without milk solids, it can just take a little bit of

looking. Jalna Greek yoghurt in Australian supermarkets is made without milk

solids. Generally, most of the yoghurt in health foods stores is also free from

milk solids.


Ultra pasteurization is a process used to ensure that the product has an extended

shelf life. Normal milk will go off after around four or five days. This is a normal

process; we actually want our food to go off; it means it is real food! Ultra

pasteurized milk can last on the shelf (it doesn’t need to be refrigerated).

You may think that this is only the process used for UHT (long life) milk, which

is literally kept on the supermarket shelf for months and doesn’t have to be kept

in the fridge. However, this is the very same process that is being used for much

of the milk being sold in the fridge section of the supermarket.

In other words, a lot of the milk sold in the dairy section is actually long-life,

UHT milk, but is being sold as fresh milk. This means that producers are able to

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have the extremely long shelf life, without the general public knowing they are

actually consuming long-life milk.

What is wrong with ultra-pasteurization? Firstly, the milk is basically sterilized,

and the temperatures used are so hot that it does produce a burned or “extreme

cooked flavours,” according to research, which is why the milk then has to be

treated with other compounds such as immobilized sulfhydryl oxidase or

epicatechin to remove the flavour.

Basically, we want to look for minimally processed products—real food. Dairy

products that have been ultra pasteurized will say so on the packaging.

Smaller, local dairies often simply flash pasteurize their milk, which means they

only very briefly heat it to the required temperature, then rapidly cool it, which

subjects the milk to less damage and is a much better choice.


Homogenised dairy has been put through a high pressure mechanical process,

which again subjects the milk to more extreme temperatures and breaks the fat

globules into smaller droplets so they are suspended in milk rather than floating

to the top. It is another process that was originally designed to extend the shelf

life of the milk. It subjects the milk to further processing and additional damage.

Just like it is best to consume other foods in their least processed forms, it is also

best to consume dairy that has been the least processed.


The hard yellow cheeses in the supermarket are ultra processed and not cultured

using traditional methods. The softer cheeses are generally cultured properly. If

buying in the supermarket, if you go to deli section of the dairy isles, those

cheeses are better.

For example, feta, Halloumi, Edam, Gouda, Brie, Camembert. If you want a

harder cheese like vintage cheddar, then I would just purchase it from an organic

grocery store like Mrs Flanneries.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



To me, butter is an essential part of LCHF, and unlike other dairy, it has

practically no carbohydrate at all, so does not need to be limited in the keto

phase. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, and using butter is

an easy and tasty way to add flavour and fat to our foods. In Western countries,

we have forgotten that it used to be an essential ingredient in cooking. If you can

take a little inspiration from the French and use butter like they do, it would be a

great start to LCHF.

Celebrity French chef Manu Feidel says, "There's two rules when you come to

France: "No fat, no flavour,” and “Butter is beautiful."

While recording the TV show, My France, he went to a small artisan butter shop

and asked the butter expert there about good butter. He said, "To get a good

butter you need beautiful cows who are being looked after very well."

The two of them then proceeded to taste seven different flavoured butters. And,

to do so, they did not put the butter on anything, they simply ate the butter. Manu

then said, "We French have a lot of respect for butter."

The butter was carefully shaped into a rectangle, which was really fascinating to

watch, they gently wrapped it up, and then Manu said, "Voila! Here we go, a

beautiful piece of butter ready to take home...this is gold!"

And, the butter theme continued throughout the entire segment...when they made

crepes, they had a huge blob of butter on top...every time he cooked, he says

something like, "and of course with butter."

And, Manu is famous for loving his sauces; all of which are full of butter. One of

them is actually called a butter sauce and includes an entire block of butter.

The French definitely do not fear butter, they understand that fat is flavour, and

we can learn a lot by following their example.

And of course, it is best to find butter that has been produced from grass-fed


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Try to find grass-fed where possible. Fortunately, there are many more options

now becoming available at supermarkets, which makes things easier.

Also, leave the fat on the meat! We can eat the fatty part of the lamb chop, the

crispy duck or chicken skin, the pork crackling, and enjoy it guilt free!

Sausages are an easy addition to a LCHF if you can find the right ones. You can

ask butchers to make some without fillers or additives. And, there are even some

great options in supermarkets now. Most organic sausages in the supermarket are

still full of additives, but there are Paleo options in many supermarkets now that

have no additives at all.

If eating pork, make sure it is free range. Pork in particular doesn’t contain the

right balance of fats when grain fed.

Bacon is also a tasty addition to LCHF. Some bacon is cured with sugar, other

bacon is cured with dextrose. If you are purchasing quality bacon, that has been

cured traditionally, the amount of sugar used is generally so minute that it will

not affect a ketogenic diet.

When it comes to any type of cured meat, there is traditionally cured meat, which

we have used throughout the ages before we had refrigeration, and then there is

the cheap, processed meat that emulates cured meat. For example, traditional

sausages use natural casing, whereas some cheaper brands can use artificial

skins, which is similar to an edible type of plastic.

Also, traditional curing takes time, so many of the supermarket brands use a

much faster method, which results in a bland flavour and watery meat, but to

emulate the flavour of the real thing, they add artificial flavours like liquid


I know it is easier to simply purchase bacon and ham from the supermarket, but it

is well worth your while to source a butcher or other quality retailer who sells

traditionally cured meats from grass-fed animals.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



I tend to avoid fish because of the heavy mercury content in the water. And, if we

are trying to get well, it is best to avoid toxicity if we can. Remember that toxins

tend to be held in the fat cells.

To get the omega 3 fatty acids that we would otherwise get in fish, we can

supplement with quality fish oil. Most fish oils are damaged, so it is important to

use a brand that has been processed away from the light and heat, and kept in a

dark bottle. In Australia, I use Ethical Nutrients.


I consider eggs to be the most perfect food. But how many can we eat? Fear of

the cholesterol in eggs has well and truly been drummed into most people.

Dr Eenfeldt, also known as The Diet Doctor, has great advice for people

wondering if it is possible to eat too many eggs. He says, “No more than 36 per

day. You could grow tired of them.”

In other words, we don’t need to fear the cholesterol in eggs, and we certainly

don’t need to limit them. If I have no meat in the house, I am quite happy to eat

nine in a day.


Stick to the vegetables grown above the ground during the initial phase. Most

above ground vegetables are so low in carb, that if you are counting carbs to

begin with, you probably don’t even have to count them. Avoid the starchy

vegetables in the initial phase. Onion and garlic are both grown below the

ground, but they are not starchy vegetables and are absolutely fine to include.


Use quality fats. Butter from grass fed animals (this is very important). Extra

virgin coconut oil. Use butter and coconut oil for cooking. Extra virgin coconut

oil hasn’t been processed. Ghee is a great fat if you need to cook something using

higher temperatures.

Extra virgin olive oil is also a good fat, but much better on salads. It is damaged

very easily when cooking. It can be used for cooking, but limit the temperature to

170 °C. There are other quality oils that can be used on salads etc, such as sesame

oil and avocado oil, but I stick to the fats that are the most saturated as much as I

12 Week Weight Loss Program


can. They contain more short and medium chained fatty acids, which are the fats

I concentrate on the most to aid in weight loss.

Animal fats are also healthy, but it is important that they do come from grass-fed

animals, so it can be easier to stick with butter and coconut oil.

Avoid industrially processed fats such as: canola oil, vegetable oil, soy bean oil,

grape seed oil, rice-bran oil, margarine, spreads, and lard or duck fat that has

been hydrogenated.

And, lose your fear of fat. It was never making us fat. Eat as much as you feel

like until you feel satisfied. If you are hungry, you generally need to eat more fat.


It is best not to focus too much on sweets, but most people find the transition

easier if they can have something sweet to look forward to during the day.

Here are a few simple ideas:

• If you can have cream, Chai tea with cream and a dash of vanilla stevia.

• Lemon with mineral water and a dash of stevia.

• Lime with mineral water (lime generally doesn’t need to be sweetened).

• Jelly (Jell-O if you are in the U.S.) made with lime juice or herbal teas

and stevia. This can be made with gelatin sheets (recipe in The Fat

Revolution Cookbook).

• Ice cream made with cream, egg yolk, vanilla and stevia.

• Baked custard made with stevia (recipe also in the cookbook).


Eat until you are satisfied. I know, it is a foreign concept, but LCHF means

saying goodbye to dieting and going hungry. One of the best things about LCHF

is being able to eat when you are hungry and eating until you feel full!

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Most people have been told that we need to eat small meals often; six to eight

meals a day. But this is not a natural idea. Can you imagine farmers working out

in the fields having to stop every two hours for something to eat? The whole idea

of eating small meals often came from the big change in our diet; when we

started eating mostly carbohydrates. When we base our diet on carbs, they burn

off incredibly quickly. This is why my old breakfast of whole-grain cereal, soy

milk, and a banana, even though it was quite sizeable, meant I was hungry by

mid-morning, or before!

It is a completely different story now that I start my day with protein and fat. I

quite often don’t need to eat again until 2 pm.

Also, eating constantly is quite hard on our digestion. We are literally digesting

constantly. It is much better to give the digestive system time off to rest.

Three meals a day is a much healthier way to eat during the day. And because we

are eating plenty of fat, it fills us up. Fats prompt the body to produce our

fullness hormone, Cholecystokinin (CCK), which is why eating fat makes us feel



No counting calories! The great thing about eating fat again is that we know

when we have eaten enough. We stop when we feel full. This is how hunger is

meant to be regulated.

And, this is very freeing, and one of the reasons LCHF isn’t a diet. We don’t

need to be hungry, in fact, it is not good if we are hungry; it quite possibly means

we are not eating enough fat.

Interestingly, we often do eat less on LCHF, simply because the food is so filling.

But we never want to try to eat less. If we are hungry, we should eat. Simple.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



The easiest place to start is with breakfast. Start your day with eggs, fried in

butter, with a side of tomato or mushrooms, lamb chop, or free range bacon, or

something similar.

Eat three meals a day, and have egg or meat with a side of veg or salad for lunch

and dinner.

DO NOT USE A MICROWAVE. It destroys essential nutrients and changes the

composition of fats. If we are working extra hard at sourcing quality, natural fats,

we don’t want to ruin them by nuking them! It is hard to get used to at first, but

we haven’t used one in about 20 years, and we are just used to heating everything

on the stove top.


Eggs are a staple of LCHF, and they can be cooked in so many interesting ways.

• Basic scramble with cream, dill, and shallots

• Scramble with melted cheese

• Fried in butter

• Poached, with melted butter on top

• Omelette with all kinds of fillings and cheese

• Quiches, which can be done in a multitude of ways

• Egg muffins (these are really just small quiches).

We can mix eggs up with an unending variety of sides:

• Free range bacon

• Lamb chop

• Paleo sausages

• Spinach sautéed with butter and garlic

• Spinach and mushrooms fried in butter

• Grilled tomato topped with feta cheese

• Camembert cheese

• Tomato sauce made with onion, capsicum, tomato, finished with cream

• Roasted vegetables

• Avocado.

And of course, a little dish of butter on the table also never goes astray. I cook

with butter, but I always add more at the breakfast table.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Instead of pasta, try zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash. We recently purchased

a very cheap peeler that also does a julienne cut, which does perfect zucchini


Instead of mashed potato, try a cauliflower mash. Steam the cauliflower, then

mash or process in a food processor with butter.

Instead of rice, try cauliflower rice. Break pieces into a food processor, blitz until

it looks like rice, then melt butter in a fry pan, add cauliflower, mix through and

fry for 4 to 6 minutes. Taste to make sure it is done.

Instead of normal pizza, make a meat-za (recipe in the weekly meal plans).

Instead of coffee, try Chai tea with cream and a dash of stevia.


It is best to stick to three meals a day, and eventually, you won’t really need to

snack. But if you do find you are hungry to start, especially while you are still

increasing the fats, here are some snack ideas:

• Boiled egg with a slice of butter on top.

• Olives.

• Slices of cold sausage topped with a slice of cheese.

• Camembert cheese.

• Yoghurt mixed with a tablespoon of coconut oil and a dash of vanilla

stevia (great for quelching hunger).

• Chai tea with cream and a dash of stevia.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



This is a general shopping list. Your weekly meal plans also contain more

specific shopping lists.

Tips: At the supermarket, stick to the back and side isles. Centre isles are only

needed occasionally to stock up on condiments and other household items such

as paper towels and cleaning vinegar.

Try and source local and organic, fresh produce where possible. Support your

local farmers by shopping at markets etc.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Your detailed meal plan is a comprehensive plan of exactly what you need to do

and why each item is beneficial.

1. On Rising – Have a glass of filtered water with lime juice, lemon juice and

apple cider vinegar in addition to the following supplements:

• 1/4 lime (juice)

• 1/4 lemon (juice)

• 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (Braggs is the best brand)

• 1 tsp ascorbic acid (Vit C) (Melrose)

• Glutamine (any powdered glutamine from a health food shop)

• Therapeutic strength probiotic (Inner health plus)

Correcting Acidity: The lemon, lime and apple cider vinegar are all

extremely alkalising. They are acids, but they stimulate the production of

bicarbonate in the body.

Correcting Digestion: Wait for 1/2 hour before eating. Avoid all drinks 1/2

hour before each meal and 1 hour afterwards. Drinking with meals weakens

digestive acids and hampers digestion.

Avoid eating between meals to give digestion a break. Once you eat plenty of

protein and fat, you will no longer feel hungry between meals. If you do find

you feel hungry, eat more fats with your meals.

The lemon, lime, and apple cider vinegar 1/2 hour before the meal also aids

digestion. Whenever we have spent long periods of time eating grains, it is a

great idea to spend a few months correcting gut permeability (grains irritate

the gut lining).

Correct Gut Permeability: Glutamine will help heal the intestinal mucosa,

and is best taken on an empty stomach.

Add Beneficial Bacteria: Probiotics help re-populate the gut with friendly

bacteria, which is essential for a healthy digestive system and bowel. And,

will help ease bloating and any heartburn.

12 Week Weight Loss Program


2. Breakfast — Have a large breakfast with plenty of protein and fat, to suit

your requirements as outlined, such as 3 organic, free range eggs, cooked in

butter. Breakfast is the most important time to get the bulk of our protein and

fat. Tips:

• Add butter to breakfast plate.

• Eggs can be fried, lightly scrambled, poached, part of an omelette, etc.

• Have 1 tbsp of coconut oil, on the spoon or mixed into yoghurt.

• Side dish options: Lamb / Chicken / Beef, Free range bacon, Fried

tomato, Vegetables

Correcting Digestion: Ensure meals are chewed thoroughly. Weight loss is

extremely difficult if food is not chewed enough and digested well. Each

mouthful needs to be liquid before it is swallowed; approximately 30 chews

per mouthful, depending on the food (meat takes longer to chew, eggs are

easier to chew).

Correcting Acidity, Boosting Energy and Boosting Health: Albumin in

protein acts like an acidity sponge. Adequate protein is essential for gut

recovery. And, protein is essential for energy, detoxification, and many other

important functions. Always ensure you are meeting your protein

requirements as outline above.

Eliminating Pathogens: Coconut oil is antimicrobial, antiviral, and

antibacterial. Including coconut oil helps kill the yeast and fungus in the gut,

such as candida. In addition, removing sugars and grains removes the food

for these opportunistic organisms. 2 tbsp a day is a good therapeutic dose.

You may need ease into larger doses so you don’t feel nauseas initially.

Coconut oil therapy for three months will kill bad bacteria and help cultivate

healthy bacteria. It is also a great fat burner for weight loss!

Eliminating Irritants: Eliminate all grain until weight loss is achieved and

symptoms of irritability with the bowel is fixed.

Once the gut lining has been damaged with irritants like grains, then healthy

food can escape through the lining and initiates an immune response in the

body, which is how regular, healthy foods can become allergens and irritants

in the body. The most common problems occur with grain and dairy. If the

gut continues to be irritated, it is difficult to help it heal. If you feel that dairy

has become an irritant, then it is better avoided until the gut heals (except


12 Week Weight Loss Program


3. Mid-Morning – Drink a glass of filtered water with lime juice, lemon juice

and apple cider vinegar 1/2 hour before lunch.

Correcting Acidity: This drink is beneficial twice a day until pH is

corrected. Once it is corrected, only one on rising is sufficient. Although, it is

still extremely good for digestion, so until digestion is corrected, it will

remain beneficial.

4. Lunch – Have a large lunch with plenty of protein and fat, to suit your

requirements outlined. For example:

• Protein: organic eggs, organic meat.

• Salad/vegetables

• Avocado

• 1 tbsp of coconut oil, on the spoon or mixed into quality yoghurt.

5. Dinner – If possible, have an early, light meal (around 5-6pm). For example,

chicken broth with butter, soup, vegetable curry with butter. If you are

hungry and need another full meal, it is no problem, just try and make it

early. If you are only eating two full meals a day, make sure you are getting

enough protein and you are not going hungry (going hungry spikes insulin

and glucose).

Avoid large serves of meat later at night, especially red meat (mainly initially

whilst correcting the body and digestive functions).

Correcting Digestion: Digestion is greatly improved by not overloading the

stomach at night. A heavy meal in the evening is hard on our digestion, and

also slows our nightly detox down (our nightly detox can't start until we

finish digesting).

6. Sweets / Dessert—Fruit, starchy vegetables, and other carbohydrates must

be avoided for an initial period of around 3 to six months (this can be

continued longer if you like). When fruit is being avoided, sweets can be a

little restrictive, but stevia is a great alternative (it does not act like sugar in

the body). Examples:

• Jelly made with fruit-flavoured herbal tea, gelatin, and stevia.

• Lime, stevia, and mineral water (refreshing drink).

• Herbal tea with stevia.

• Ice cream sweetened with stevia.

12 Week Weight Loss Program


• Yogurt topped with coconut oil (melted and mixed with a touch of


Once you are eating fruit again (well and truly after the program), limit to

two serves per day, always eat with fat (after lunch is preferable, never for

breakfast) and stick to the non-sweet fruits (the ones highest in malic acid).

Remember to always consider your carbohydrate daily requirements as

outlined above. Example of non-sweet fruits include berries, pineapple,

apple, kiwi, paw paw, plum, cherries.

Also, once you reintroduce extra carbohydrates (after the program), grain

alternatives can include buckwheat, almond meal, coconut flour, and

desiccated coconut.


1. On rising, lemon drink with glutamine and vitamin C.

2. Breakfast—Mainly protein and fat, for example, 3 eggs, and a side of

lamb chop or free-range bacon. Fried tomato, mushrooms, or greens.

Plain yoghurt mixed with 1 to 2 tbsp coconut oil (melt coconut oil,

then mix through with a whisk to make it smooth).

3. Lunch—Protein with salad or vegetables, for example, chicken thigh

with salad and balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing.

4. Dinner—Protein with salad or vegetables, for example, sphagetti

Bolognese with zoodles (zucchini noodles).

12 Week Weight Loss Program


12 Week Weight Loss Program



Reading the following books may help with general knowledge and



This book in particular will

compliment and further enhance

your knowledge for your

program. It contains the same

fundamental principals as the

program, with added information,

facts, and stories.

Available online here.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



This book explains the science behind

LCHF and also the history of how we

got diet so wrong in the first place. It

also explains many other myths that are

perpetuated by current dietary dogma,

such as why drinking too much water

can damage our health, our fear of the

sun may be harmful, a high fibre diet

can damage our bowel and cause

constipation, carbohydrates are not

essential (including vegetables), we

need salt in our diet, soy is not a health

food, wholegrains are not essential.

Available online here.


This is a family cookbook so will

contain some recipes that are not

appropriate for this stage of your

program. However, there is a lot of

additional facts, tips and other pieces of

information that will be valuable for

your journey. It is also a good book to

use if you need to make LCHF treats

for your family. In addition, it does

contain keto recipes; simply avoid the

recipes using fruit, potato, and

alternative flours like almond meal and


Available online here.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Regulating pH – The Real Story will enhance

your understanding of the importance of

balancing your pH for almost all disease state. It

will help you understand your own pH results

when using the testing strips.

Available online here.


Your Gallbladder is NOT diseased! is particularly

helpful for those fearing the fats and all the myths

you may think about damaging your gallbladder –

or even with having no gall bladder!

Available online here.

12 Week Weight Loss Program



Surround yourself with like-minded people and a support network for your

journey. Follow all of our journeys via social media:





Please do not suffer in silence! If you are having trouble with anything, please let

me know! If you I am here to support you through your journey.