How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line WEG, energy efficiency and the environment Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings

WEG, energy effi ciency and the environment · W22 from WEG can play a real role in helping them to do both.” Milton Castella, Engineering Director, WEG The driving force For many

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How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line

WEG, energy effi ciency and the environment

Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings

For WEG, sustainable manufacture and care for the environment have been concerns and commitments for many years. The latest legislation only serves to emphasise how ahead of our time we have always been.

The growing attention paid by governments worldwide to industry’s carbon footprint in general, and the energy use of motors in particular, is appropriate, with electric motors accounting for as much as 70% of industry’s energy usage.

Historically, all major economies around the world have had differing levels of regulatory compliance in place. In Europe, for instance, a voluntary agreement was put in place in 1999, signed by 36 motor manufacturers including WEG, this helped to reduce sales of the most ineffi cient motors.

All manufacturers across the world have to achieve energy effi ciency standards.

“ T oday there is greater pressure than everon organisations to minimise their carbon footprint and reduce their costs. The new W22 from WEG can play a real role in helping them to do both.”Milton Castella, Engineering Director, WEG

The driving force

For many manufacturers, environmental awareness is a relatively new consideration. Within the electric motors industry in particular, the increasing emphasis on energy effi ciency – and the legislation being introduced around the world to enforce it – is concentrating the minds both of motor manufacturers and their customers.

How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line


By choosing the right electric motors, you can make a dramatic difference to your carbon footprint. Better still, reducing your carbon footprint in this way will also help to reduce your energy bills and increase your profi tability.

As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electric motors – and the one which has long led the way in sustainability – WEG is ideally placed to help you help the environment and your own bottom line.

Energy effi ciency is our businessBeing energy effi cient is not merely environmental ‘greenwash’. At WEG, we prefer to think of it as ‘eco-nomics’.

This means that making the right environmental decisions, and taking the right environmental actions (the ‘eco’ element) can have strongly positive effects on your business’s profi tability (the ‘economics’ element).

With this in mind, we have always led by example. Our own commitment to sustainability in our production processes is long-standing. And our design and development of highly energy effi cient electric motors goes from strength to strength.

So, with WEG as your driving force towards greater energy effi ciency, being green is one of the most effective ways to help you keep your bottom line in the black.

…we call it WEGnology


The new legislation: ‘a concrete contribution’

A European Community Directive – number 640/2009 – was finally put into effect in July 2009, which will ultimately lead to the implementation of mandatory efficiency levels for electric motors sold in the European market. Various elements of the Directive are being introduced and becoming law in phases – beginning in June 2011 – as shown in the timeline in this document.

EU Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs hailed the proposals as, “a concrete contribution to reaching the EU’s energy efficiency and climate protection targets...resulting very quickly in significant energy savings and benefits for society and industry.”

The European Commission estimates that – across the 27 European Union member states – the new legislation could save around 135TWh by 2020. That’s the equivalent to the entire annual electricity consumption of Sweden. At the same time, the measures could save approximately €9bn Europe-

wide, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 63 million tonnes.

As one example of the potential effects of legislation, the UK Government estimates that the benefit of legislation in the UK – to UK industry and business alone – will be in the region of £200m per annum, as well as saving at least 1 million tonnes of CO2 emissions every year.

IEC 60034-30 energy-efficiency standardThis proposed standard for energy efficiency defines three minimum standards:

EU MEPS Europe CEMEP voluntary agreement US EPAct Others

IE2 High efficiencySupersedes CEMEP EFF1 in 50Hz. Comparable to EFF1

Identical to NEMA Energy efficiency/ EPAct AS in Australia

NBR in Brazil

GB/T in China

IS in India

JIS in Japan

MEPS in Korea

IE3 Premium efficiencyDefined as losses of 15-20% compared to limits of High Efficiency in IE2.

Extrapolated IE2 with 10–16% lower losses

Identical to NEMA Premium efficiency

IE4 Super Premium EfficiencyThis standard has been reserved for future definition and use.

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How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line

The new legislation: ‘a concrete contribution’

How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line


What parameters will the new legislation set?The new scheme is based on the efficiency classes defined in the IEC 60034-30 standards, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These range from IE1 (the low efficiency category) up to IE4, the super-premium efficiency category.

What motors does EU MEPS cover?The new legislation covers 2-, 4- and 6-pole single speed, three-phase induction motors in the power range 0.75–375kW, rated up to 1000V and for continuous duty operation.

What is the first stage?All single-speed, three-phase squirrel cage induction, 2-, 4- or 6-pole motors with output ratings from 0.75–375kW are required to achieve at least IE2 efficiency level. This stage came into effect on 16th June 2011.

What is the second stage?Motors rated from 7.5–375kW will be required to achieve IE3 efficiency level, or meet the IE2 level and be equipped with a variable speed drive. This stage comes into effect on 1st January 2015.

What is the third stage?The same regulations will be extended to apply to motors from 0.75–375kW. IE2 motors can still be used if equipped with a variable speed drive. This stage will come into effect on 1st January 2017.

When will IE4 motors become mandatory?There are no plans to make IE4 rated motors mandatory, because there are no current defined

efficiency values for this class. However, it is expected it will cover super-premium technologies such as permanent magnet motors which are available today from WEG.

Will Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) come under the legislation?There will be no minimum requirements set for VSDs as there are currently no harmonised efficiency test standards or classification methods. A mandate has been issued for the development of these.

How can you tell if a motor qualifies?The scheme requires manufacturers to show the International Efficiency (IE) class and efficiency values on motor rating plates and in product documentation.

The legislation timelineThis is the proposed timetable for the phased introduction of the EU MEPS legislation into the EU.

16th June 2011 – Stage 1 Motors must comply with IE2 efficiency level.

1st January 2015 – Stage 2 Motors with a rated output of 7.5-375kW must

comply with either IE3 efficiency level or IE2 if fitted with a Variable Speed Drive (VSD).

1st January 2017 – Stage 3 Motors with a rated output of 0.75-375kW

must comply with either IE3 efficiency level or IE2 if fitted with a VSD.

The positive effects of greater energy efficiency on electricity consumption and carbon emissions are clear. But what will be the effects on your motor applications, your business and your profitability?

Of course, choosing a reliable, reputable supplier such as WEG will help to ensure a successful transition to new, compliant motors. But there are additional matters – such as your choice of motor, and when and how you upgrade – which also need to be taken into consideration. WEG has the experience and expertise to help you achieve the best result.

Although motors already in the supply chain are exempt from the new standards, any manufactured after June 2011 must be compliant. However, if you need to upgrade an existing motor or invest in a new one before EU MEPS comes into effect, it still makes sense to buy a compliant motor now, for the energy-savings (and, in some countries, carbon tax credits) it will deliver.

Replacing a low-efficiency motor with a high-efficiency version will always save money over the life of the motor, and investing in an IE2 or IE3 compliant motor will provide the shortest payback term.

High efficiency motors will increase productivity by improving reliability, and will of course reduce energy consumption. However, there may be knock-on effects on your application: some positive, some negative, but all potentially requiring action.

Mechanical effects• Mostenergylossinmotorsisdissipatedasheat,

which is traditionally countered with a cooling fan. Since premium efficiency motors produce less heat, a smaller fan can be used which reduces energy lost via the fan as well as reducing noise.

• Thetightermanufacturingtolerancesrequired to produce more efficient motors not only deliver cooler operating temperatures but also help to reduce mechanical stresses. This has the effect of prolonging motor life.

• Amorepreciselybalancedrotor–againdue to tighter tolerances – will ensure less energy is wasted and more is converted to torque, which reduces mechanical stress and improves reliability.

• TheW22rangeofelectricmotorsadherestoIECstandard sizing for IE2 and IE3 efficiency levels, thus eliminating retro-fitting problems.

The effects of energy efficient motors


How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line


Electrical effects• Apremiumefficiencymotoruseslesscurrentat

full load. The overload protection of the motor will have to be adjusted to compensate.

Installation and application effects• Itisimportanttocheckthestartingtorqueon

your existing motor, as it can be lower on higher efficiency motors, or can vary according to manufacturer, which means hard to start loads may require an additional or alternative solution. This is something your motor manufacturer can help you resolve.

• Itisimportanttochoosethecorrectsizeofmotorfor the application, even if it is replacing an upsized or under-loaded motor. Choosing a motor which will be under-loaded will not improve the efficiency of an energy efficient motor, which typically has its optimum power factor and efficiency at near full load. Reassuringly for our customers, the W22 motor is efficient at any load from 75–100%. For more details, visit www.weg.com

Retrofitting effects• WEGW22IE2,IE3andIE4motorsare

manufactured to standard IEC frame sizes.

• Upgradingyourmotorswhichoperateforthelongest period in any day or week (water supply pumps, recirculation fans, air compressors, conveyor motors, exhaust fans etc.) will provide the fastest payback.

• AddingaVariableSpeedDriveatthesametimeas upgrading the motor, on any variable torque load (fan or pump, for example), will reduce payback time. Because the VSD slows the motor speed to match the demand for delivery, it consequently reduces power consumption.

With so many factors to be considered, expert help and advice is essential. WEG’s experience can help you to find the right motor, for the greatest productivity, shortest payback and longest life.



Achieving energy efficiency with WEG

With WEG, you’ll not only achieve legislative compliance, you’ll exceed it with our off-the-shelf IE3 efficient motors, and save money at the same time. Whether you need to invest in new motors for new machinery, or to retrofit a motor, it makes financial sense to choose a compliant model now, which will start to save you energy and reduce your costs immediately.

WEG annually invests millions of pounds in research and development, to create ever more energy efficient electric motors. WEG electric motors offer such high levels of energy efficiency that the return on investment, in most continuous production environments, can result in the equipment paying for itself in little more than a year.

W22 – up to 40% less energy loss, and the answer to all your questions around the new legislation.The revolutionary new W22 range of three-phase induction motors reduces energy consumption, noise, vibration and cost of ownership. With a revolutionary aerodynamic frame, redesigned cooling system, unique WISE insulation system and new WSeal ‘V’ Ring with double lip and metallic cap, the W22 range of motors is quieter, more reliable, easier to maintain and more cost-effective. Additionally, the W22X for hazardous environments not only meets legislation, but exceeds it.

• Constantefficiencyfrom75% up to nominal load

• Energy-lossreductionbetween 10% and 40%

• ExceedsminimumEUMEPS energy-efficiency levels

• Highperformance


• Easymaintenance

More than just a motorWith the new W22 range, WEG is leading the way in meeting the requirements of EU MEPS. But we are doing more than just manufacturing motors. WEG can also offer unparalleled expertise to help you prepare for the benefits – and the difficulties – the new legislation will bring.

We can help you to avoid the pitfalls of over-reaction or under-reaction; of acting too soon or too late. We can help your business to capitalise on the competitive advantages of energy efficient motors at the optimum time for your business, whether that’s now, or later. In other words, we can show you the most efficient route to energy efficiency in your electric motors.


How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line

The WEG Group policy is to: comply with all applicable environmental legislation; commit to continuous improvement by establishing environmental goals and targets; act preventatively with the aim of protecting the environment where our products operate.

As a result, WEG is one of only 28 corporations included on the Brazilian Stock Exchange’s Corporate Sustainability Index, which lists companies with high levels of excellence in economic, financial, social and environmental aspects of sustainability.

WEG manufacturing is an almost entirely carbon neutral process and adheres to ISO 14001.

Sustainability at every stage

Carbon neutralWEG has a team dedicated to reducing the company’s carbon footprint. Their efforts and initiatives have led to making WEG a virtually carbon neutral operation.

For example, WEG has planted around 7,100 hectares (over 17,500 acres, or 72 million m2) of forest, which has the triple environmental benefit of offsetting the company’s carbon emissions, providing a natural resource for materials such as timber, varnishes and resins, as well as enhancing the natural environment. At the same time, waste wood from processing the timber is used to generate electricity from steam, adding a fourth dimension to the sustainability of the process.

WEG’s own analysis of the emissions during the lifecycle of a W22 High Efficiency three-phase induction motor (rated 45kW, 4 poles, 225 S/M frame, with 92.6% efficiency) shows that 98.95% of the global warming potential occurs during the usage phase, rather than the manufacturing phase.

Producing highly energy efficient motors is only part of the WEG sustainability story. These motors also have to be manufactured in a sustainable way, to ensure our own carbon footprint and any negative environmental impact are as small as possible.

How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line


WEG has its own 72 million m2 forest

Re-use, recycle, restore100% of our sub-products – such as wood scraps, shells and wood dust – are re-used, and all water used by WEG’s manufacturing facilities is recycled. All waste water used in industrial processes is treated in one of our three treatment stations, attached to our manufacturing sites.

Water used at our saw mills – for sewage, boiler cleaning and gas cleaning – is treated using a natural soil system. This removes almost all sediment, solids, and oxygen demanding bio-chemicals and chemicals. As well as avoiding pollution of rivers, the system is intended to help conserve and restore the local forest.

At the same time, foundry scrap is dealt with in a scrap deposit, built in accordance with legislation and incorporating an on-site sewage treatment system. As a result, 75% of the raw material used in the casting process (manufacturing frames, covers, fl anges, terminal boxes and all other cast iron parts) comes from steel scrap. The remaining 25% of steel scrap is sold to third parties.

Less waste wasted • 96.3% of waste from WEG production processes

is sent for recycling• 2.6% is used internally• 1% (sand from the casting process) is sent to WEG’s

own industrial landfi ll • 0.1% of waste is sent to external industrial landfi ll

(2008 fi gures)

Investing for a sustainable futureWEG invests a proportion of our Net Operating Revenues (2.5% in 2008) on research and development. This will help produce solutions which solve industry’s problems today, without creating environmental problems tomorrow.

From a carbon offset perspective, Brazil is the world’s most cost-effective producer. It is to our credit, then, that we are the fi rst company in Brazil’s electronics sector to receive ISO 50.001:2011 certifi cation for the Energy Management System in one of our electric motor factories.

Sustainability at every stage


How our sustainable credentials enhance your bottom line

WEG Worldwide OperationsARGENTINAWEG EQUIPAMIENTOS ELECTRICOS S.A.(Headquarters San Francisco-Cordoba)Sgo. Pampiglione 4849Parque Industrial San Francisco2400 - San FranciscoPhone: +54 (3564) 421484Fax: +54 (3564) [email protected]/ar

WEG PINTURASMélian, 2983 Parque Industrial BurzacoBuenos Aires - Argentina Phone: (54-11) 4299-8000 [email protected]

AUSTRALIAWEG AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.14 Lakeview Drive Caribbean Gardens Industrial Estate Scoresby Vic 3179 Victoria Phone: 61 (3) 9765 4600Fax: 61 (3) 9753 [email protected]/au

AUSTRIAWATT DRIVE ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GMBHWöllersdorfer Straße 68, 2753 Markt PiestingPhone: +43 (0) 2633 404 0Fax: +43 (0) 2633 404 [email protected]

BELGIUM WEG BENELUX S.A.Rue de l’Industrie 30 D, 1400 NivellesPhone: + 32 (67) 88-8420Fax: + 32 (67) 84-1748 [email protected]/be

CHILEWEG CHILE S.A.Los Canteros 8600 La Reina - SantiagoPhone: (56-2) 784 8900Fax: (56-2) 784 [email protected]/cl

CHINAWEG (NANTONG) ELECTRIC MOTOR MANUFACTURING CO., LTD.No. 128# - Xinkai South Road,Nantong Economic & Technical Development Zone, Nantong, Jiangsu Province. Phone: (86) 0513-85989333Fax: (86) [email protected]/cn

COLOMBIAWEG COLOMBIA LTDACalle 46A N82 - 54Portería II - Bodega 7 - San Cayetano II - BogotáPhone: (57 1) 416 0166Fax: (57 1) 416 [email protected]/co

DENMARKWEG SCANDINAVIA DENMARKSales Office of WEG Scandinavia ABAnelysparken 43BTrue - 8381 Tilst – DenmarkPhone: +45 86 24 22 00 Fax : +45 86 24 56 [email protected]/se

FRANCEWEG FRANCE SASZI de Chenes – Le Loup13 Rue du Morellon – BP 73838297 Saint Quentin FallavierPhone: +33 (0) 4 74 99 11 35Fax: +33 (0) 4 74 99 11 [email protected]/fr

GERMANYWEG GERMANY GmbHIndustriegebiet Türnich 3Geigerstraße 750169 Kerpen-TürnichPhone: +49 (0)2237/9291-0Fax: +49 (0)2237/[email protected]/de

GHANAZEST ELECTRIC GHANA LIMITED - WEG Group15, Third Close Street Airport Residential Area, Accra PMB CT 175, CantonmentsPhone: 233 30 27 664 90Fax: 233 30 27 664 [email protected]

INDIAWEG ELECTRIC (INDIA) PVT. LTD.#38, Ground Floor, 1st Main Road, Lower Palace Orchards,Bangalore – 560 003Phone(s): +91-80-4128 2007 Fax: +91-80-2336 7624 [email protected]/in

WEG INDUSTRIES (INDIA) PVT.LTDPlot E-20 (North)SIPCOT industria complex, Phase IIExpansion II, Mornapalli VillageHosur 635 109Tamil Nadu, INDIAPhone: 04344-261501Fax: [email protected]/in

ITALYWEG ITALIA S.R.L.V.le Brianza 20 - 20092 - Cinisello Balsamo - MilanoPhone: (39) 02 6129-3535Fax: (39) 02 [email protected]/it

JAPANWEG ELECTRIC MOTORSJAPAN CO., LTD.Yokohama Sky Building 20F, 2-19-12 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City,Kanagawa, Japan 220-001Phone: (81) 45 440 [email protected]/jp

MEXICOWEG MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.Carretera Jorobas-Tula Km. 3.5, Manzana 5, Lote 1 Fraccionamiento Parque Industrial - Huehuetoca, Estado de México - C.P. 54680Phone: + 52 (55) 5321 4275Fax: + 52 (55) 5321 [email protected]/mx

NETHERLANDSWEG NETHERLANDS Sales Office of WEG Benelux S.A.Hanzepoort 23C 7575 DB OldenzaalPhone: +31 (0) 541-571080Fax: +31 (0) [email protected]/nl

PERUWEG PERU S.A.Av. Iquitos, 1159La Victoria - Lima.Phone: (51 1) 472 [email protected]/pe

PORTUGALWEG EURO - INDÚSTRIA ELÉCTRICA, S.A.Rua Eng. Frederico UlrichApartado 6074 4476-908 - MaiaPhone: +351 229 477 705Fax: +351 229 477 [email protected]/pt

RUSSIAWEG RUSSIA Russia, 194292, St. Petersburg, Prospekt Kultury 44, Office 419 Phone: +7(812)363-21-72 Fax: +7(812)[email protected] www.weg.net/ru

SOUTH AFRICAZEST ELECTRIC MOTORS (PTY) LTD. WEG Group 47 Galaxy Avenue, Linbro Business Park, Gauteng Private Bag X10011, Sandton, 2146 JohannesburgPhone: (27-11) 723-6000Fax: (27-11) [email protected]

SPAINWEG IBERIA S.L. Avenida de la Industria,2528823 Coslada - MadridPhone: (34) 916 553 008Fax : (34) 916 553 [email protected]/es

SINGAPOREWEG SINGAPORE PTE LTD159, Kampong Ampat, #06-02A KA PLACE. Singapore 368328.Phone: +65 6858 9081Fax: +65 6858 [email protected]/sg

SWEDENWEG SCANDINAVIA ABBox 10196Verkstadgatan 9434 22 KungsbackaPhone: (46) 300 73400Fax: (46) 300 [email protected]/se

UKWEG ELECTRIC MOTORS (U.K.) LTD.28/29 Walkers RoadManorside Industrial EstateNorth Moons Moat - RedditchWorcestershire B98 9HEPhone: 44 (0)1527 596-748Fax: 44 (0)1527 [email protected]/uk

UNITED ARAB EMIRATESWEG MIDDLE EAST FZEJAFZA – JEBEL ALI FREE ZONETower 18, 19th Floor, Office LB 18 1905P.O. Box 262508 - DubaiPhone: +971 (4) 8130800 Fax: +971 (4) [email protected]/ae

USAWEG ELECTRIC CORP. 6655 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: 1-678-249-2000Fax: [email protected] www.weg.net/us

ELECTRIC MACHINERY800 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 USAPhone: (612) 378-8000Fax: (612) 378-8051www.electricmachinery.com

VENEZUELAWEG INDUSTRIAS VENEZUELA C.A.Avenida 138-AEdificio Torre Banco Occidental de Descuento, Piso 6 Oficina 6-12Urbanizacion San Jose de TarbesZona Postal 2001Valencia, Edo. CaraboboPhone(s): (58) 241 8210582Fax: (58) 241 [email protected]/ve

WEG Equipamentos Elétricos S.A.International Division Av. Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, 3000 89256-900 - Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brazil Phone: 55 (47) 3276-4002 Fax: 55 (47) 3276-4060 www.weg.net C

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