Week -2 (Clinical Week 1) Day Menstr ual cycle Event 1 Mens tr ua l Ph ase Menstrual Cycle changes: Uterine endometrium (loss), Ovary (Follicle Development) 2 3 4 5 Proliferative Phase  Menstrual Cycle changes: Uterine endometrium (proliferation), Ovary (Follicle Development) 6 7 Week -1 (Clinical Week 2) Day Me nstru al cycle Event 8 Proliferative Phase 9 Menstrual Cycle - Mid  proliferative 10 11 12 13 Menstrual Cycle - Late Proliferative 14 Ovulation Capacitation  

Weeks Timetable

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Week -2

(Clinical Week 1)

Day Menstrual cycle Event

1 Menstrual Phase

Menstrual Cycle changes: Uterine endometrium (loss), Ovary (Follicle Development)






 Menstrual Cycle changes: Uterine endometrium (proliferation), Ovary

(Follicle Development)



Week -1

(Clinical Week 2)

Day Menstrual cycle Event




Menstrual Cycle - Mid






Menstrual Cycle - Late Proliferative





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Week 1

Week 1 (Clinical Week 3)

Week 1 summary

Day Stage Event



Stage 1


Fertilization, Secretory Phase

2 Stage 2

  Morula, Blastula


Blastocyst Development

4 Stage 3

 Blastocyst Hatching (zona pellucida lost)


Late Secretory, Blastocyst (freefloating)

6 Stage 4 Adplantation

7 Stage 5

Week 2

Week 2 (Clinical Week 4)

Day Stage Event

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13 Stage 6

 Chorionic Cavity


Week 3

Week 3 (Clinical Week 5)

Day Stage Event


16 Stage 7



18 Stage 8

   Neural neurogenesis, neural groove and folds are first seen


20 Stage 9

  Musculoskeletal somitogenesis, first somites form and continue to be added in

sequence caudally

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 Neural the three main divisions of the brain, which are not cerebral vesicles, can be distinguished while the neural groove is still

completely open

 Neural Crest mesencephalic neural crest is visible[1]

21 Heart cardiogenesis, week 3 begins as paired heart tubes.

Week 4

Week 4 (Clinical Week 6)

Day Stage Event




 Neural Crest differentiation at spinal cord level from day 22 until day 26

 Neural neural folds begin to fuse near the junction between brain and spinal cord, when  Neural Crest cells are arising mainly

from the neural ectoderm

 Neural Crest trigeminal, facial, and postotic ganglia components visible [1]

 Neural Crest migration of vagal level neural crest cells begins (7-10 somite stage)

 Neural rostral neural tube forms 3 primary brain vesicles (week 4)

Respiratory Week 4 - laryngotracheal groove forms on floor foregut.

23 Heart  begins to beat in Humans by day 22-23, first functioning embryonic organ formed.



Thyroid thyroid median endodermal thickening in the floor of pharynx

 Neural rostral (or cephalic) neuropore closes within a few hours; closure is bidirectional, it takes place from the dorsal and

terminal lips and may occur in two areas simultaneously. The two lips, however, behave differently.

Ventricular System Optic ventricle appears and the neural groove/tube space is initially filled with amniotic fluid.[2]

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Pituitary Week 4 hypophysial pouch, Rathke's pouch, diverticulum from roof 

Liver  septum transversum forming liver stroma and hepatic diverticulum forming hepatic trabeculae [3]

 Neural caudal neuropore takes a day to close (closure is approximately at future somitic pair 31/sacral vertebra 2)

 Neural secondary neurulation begins

Ventricular System onset of the ventricular system and separates the ependymal from the amniotic fluid.[2]

 Neural Crest cardiac crest, neural crest from rhombomeres 6 and 7 that migrates to pharyngeal arch 3 and from there the truncus

arteriosus [1]

 Neural Crest vagal neural crest enter the foregut (20-25 somite stage)





   Neural the neural tube is normally completely closed, ventricular system now

separated from amniotic fluid. Neural crest at spinal level is segregating, and spinal ganglia are in series with the somites. Spinal

cord ventral roots beginning to develop.[4]

telencephalon cavity appears

Liver  epithelial cord proliferation enmeshing stromal capillaries[3]

Smell Crest comes from the nasal plates[5]

Skin 4 weeks - simple ectoderm epithelium over mesenchyme

Skin 1-3 months ectoderm- germinative (basal) cell repeated division of generates stratified epithelium; mesoderm-

differentiates into connective tissue and blood vessels

Vision Optic vesicle lies close to the surface ectoderm. The surface ectoderm overlying the optic vesicle, in response to this

contact, has thickened to form the lens placode.[6]

Week 5

Week 5 (Clinical Week 7)

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Day Stage Event


Pituitary Week 5 elongation, contacts infundibulum, diverticulum of diencephalon

Heart Week 5 septation starts, atrial and ventricular 

Respiratory Week 5 left and right lung buds push into the pericardioperitoneal canals (primordia of pleural cavity)

Respiratory Week 5 to 17 lung histology - pseudoglandular 

Hearing Week 5 cochlear part of otic vesicle elongates (humans 2.5 turns)





  Placodes sensory placodes, lens pit, otocyst, nasal placode, primary/secondary

vesicles, fourth ventricle of brain

Mesoderm continued segmentation of paraxial mesoderm (somite pairs), heart prominence

Head 1st, 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arch, forebrain, site of lens placode, site of otic placode, stomodeum

Body - heart, liver , umbilical cord, mesonephric ridge visible externally as bulges.

Limb upper and lower limb buds growing

 Neural first appearance of the future cerebral hemispheres. Cerebellar plate differentiated to an intermediate layer, and future

rhombic lip identifiable[7]

Ventricular System Subarachnoid space initially as irregular spaces on the ventral surface of the spinal cord. 16228957

Liver  hepatic gland and its vascular channels enlarge, hematopoietic function appears[3]

Eye - Lens the lens placode is indented by the lens pit.[6]


15 Neural cranial nerves (except olfactory and optic) are identifiable in more advanced embryos[8]

Eye - Lens the lens pit is closed. The lens vesicle and optic cup lie close to the surface ectoderm and appear to press against the



35 Vision 35 to 37 days retinal pigment present

Week 6

Week 6 (Clinical Week 8)

Day Stage Event

36 Pituitary Week 6 - connecting stalk between pouch and oral cavity degenerates

Parathyroid Week 6 - diverticulum elongate, hollow then solid, dorsal cell proliferation

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Thymus Week 6 - diverticulum elongate, hollow then solid, ventral cell proliferation

Adrenal Week 6 - fetal cortex forms from mesothelium adjacent to dorsal mesentery, medulla neural crest cells from adjacent

sympathetic ganglia

Respire Week 6 - descent of heart and lungs into thorax. Pleuroperitoneal foramen closes

Tongue Week 6 - descent of heart and lungs into thorax. Pleuroperitoneal foramen closes gustatory papilla, caudal midline near 

the foramen caecum (week 6 to 7 - nerve fibers approach the lingual epithelium)



  Neural first parasympathetic ganglia, submandibular and ciliary, are identifiable[9]

Limb upper limb bud nerves median nerve, radial nerve and ulnar nerve entered into hand plate, myoblasts spindle shaped and

oriented parallel to limb bud axis.

Heart outflow tract elliptical configuration with four cushions, the two larger fusing at this stage. Semilunar valve leaflets form

at the downstream end of the cushions

Head lip and palate components of the upper lip, medial nasal prominence and maxillary process present, median palatine

 process appears.

Eyelid  prior to the development of the eyelids, one small sulcus or groove forms above the eye (eyelid groove) and another 

 below it.[6]






 Neural telencephalon areas of the future archicortex, paleocortex, and neocortex, visible. Beginning of future choroid plexus[10]

Smell olfactory nerve fibres enter the brain[5]

 Neural primordium of the epidural space appears first on the ventral part of the vertebral canal and develops rostro-caudally[11]

Eyelid sulcus (groove) above and below eye deepen and eyelid folds develop (below first and then above)[6]

42 Heart separation of common cardiac outflow (aortic arch and pulmonary aorta)

Week 7

Week 7 (Clinical Week 9)

Day Stage Event


Pancreas Week 7 to 20 pancreatic hormones secretion increases, small amount maternal insulin

Respiratory Week 7 - enlargement of liver stops descent of heart and lungs

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44 Stage 18

Limb Bone forms by endochondrial ossification and throughout embryo replacement of cartilage with bone (week 5-12).

 Neural Smell vomeronasal fibres and nervus terminalis[5]

Liver obturation due to epithelial proliferation, bile ducts became reorganized, continuity between liver cells and gut[3]

Ventricular System duramater appears and spaces surround the circumference of the spinal cord, which coalesce and contain

many blood vessels.[11]

Uterus Vagina opening of the Müllerian duct to the coelomic cavity formed as an invagination of the coelomic epithelium[12]

45 Liver (stage 18 to 23) biliary ductules developed in periportal connective tissue

 produces ductal plates that receive biliary capillaries[3]



48 Stage 19  Neural accessory olivary nucleus appears[13]

Uterus Müllerian duct grows independently from the invagination of the coelomic epithelium during stages 19-23[12]

Eyelid the upper and the lower eyelids meet at the outer canthus[6]


Week 8

Week 8 (Clinical Week 10)

Day Stage Event

50 Stage


Head scalp vascular plexus visible

Limb upper limbs begin to rotate ventrally

 Neural amygdaloid body has at least four individual nuclei[13]

oculomotor nerve shows a dorsolateral and a ventromedial portion

rhombic lip (rhombencephalon) formation of the cerebellum (intermediate layer) and of the cochlear nuclei

cerebellum cell layer (future Purkinje cells) develops

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choroid plexuses of the fourth and lateral ventricles

Eyelid the inner canthus is established.[6]

51 Gastrointestinal Tract anal membrane perforates


21  Neural cortical plate appears in the area of future insula [14]

Limb upper and lower limbs rotate

Intraembryonic Coelom  pericardioperitoneal canals close




  Neural neocortical fibres project to epithalamus, to dorsal thalamus, and to mesencephalon[14]

Limb fingers and toes lengthen

Smell Stage 22 to early fetal period - migratory streams of neurons from the subventricular zone of the olfactory bulb towards

the future claustrum[5]

Uterus Vagina fused duct (uterovaginal canal) bifurcated at the caudal portion at Carnegie stages 22 and 23[12]


Genital 8 Weeks Testis - mesenchyme, interstitial cells (of Leydig) secrete testosterone, androstenedione

Genital 8 to 12 Weeks - hCG stimulates testosterone production

Tongue Week 8 - nerves penetrate epitheilai basal lamina and synapse with undifferentiated, elongated, epithelial cells (taste

 bud progenitor cell)

56 Stage


 Stage 23 defines the end of the embryonic (organogenesis) period

Mesoderm heart prominence, ossification continues

Head nose, eye, external acoustic meatus, eyelids, external ears, rounded head

Body - straightening of trunk, umbilical cord, intestines herniated at umbilicus

Limb upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, hands and feet turned inward, foot with separated digits, wrist, hand with separated


Extraembryonic Coelom chorionic cavity is now lost by fusion with the expanding amniotic cavity

 Neural rhombencephalon, pyramidal decussation present, nuclei and tracts similar to those present in the newborn cerebellum

 present as only a plate connected to midbrain and hindbrain through fibre bundles [15]

Axial Skeleton vertebral column 33 or 34 cartilaginous vertebrae (20-33 mm in total length), vertebral pedicles, articular and

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transverse processes identifiable (no spinous processes) [16]

Week 8

Stomach Week 8 - Gastrin containing cells in stomach antrum. Somatostatin cells in both the antrum and the fundus.

Uterus Development 56 days - paramesonephric duct fusion (female)

Week 9

(Clinical Week 11)

Day Stage Event

57 Fetal Period

Hearing Week 9 - mesenchyme surrounding membranous labrynth (otic capsule) chondrifies

Smell Embryonic/Fetal transition - localized incomplete lamination of the olfactory bulb[5]







Week 9 - CRL 43 mm, femur length 6 mm

9 weeks CRL 50 mm - Genital genitalia in both sexes look identical[17]

uterus - paramesonephric ducts come into apposition with the urorectal septum and begin to fuse

Week 10

(Clinical Week 12)

Day Stage Event


Gastrointestinal Tract Week 10 intestines in abdomen

Pituitary growth hormone and ACTH detectable

Pancreas Week 10 glucagon (alpha) differentiate first, somatostatin (delta), insulin (beta) cells differentiate, insulin secretion


Tongue Week 10 shallow grooves above the taste bud primordium

Stomach Week 10 - Glucagon containing cells in stomach fundus.

 Nail Development fingernails appear 

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Hearing - Outer Ear Development Week 10 - Meatal plug extends in a disc-like fashion, the meatus is boot-shaped with a narrow

neck and the sole of the meatal plug spreading widely to form the future tympanic membrane medially. Proximal portion of the

neck starts to be resorbed.






70 Week 10 - CRL 55 mm, femur length 9 mm, biparietal diameter 17 mm

Week 11

(Clinical Week 13)

Day Stage Event


Thyroid colloid appearance in thyroid follicles, iodine and thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis

Stomach Week 11 - Serotonin containing cells in both the antrum and the fundus.






77 Week 11 - CRL 68 mm, femur length 12 mm, biparietal diameter 20 mm

Second Trimester 

(Clinical Week 14) Second Trimester 

Week Stage Event





Week 12 - CRL 85 mm, femur length 15 mm, biparietal diameter 25 mm

Hearing Week 12-16 - Capsule adjacent to membranous labrynth undegoes vacuolization to form a cavity (perilymphatic

space) around membranous labrynth and fills with perilymph

Genital male and female external genital differences observable

Respiratory Month 3-6 - lungs appear glandular, end month 6 alveolar cells type 2 appear and begin to secrete surfactant

Tongue Week 12 - first differentiated epithelial cells (Type II and III)

Genital female genital canal (80 days) formed with absorption of the median septum

13 Tongue Week 12 to 13 - maximum synapses between cells and afferent nerve fibers

Hearing - Outer Ear Development Week 13 - Meatal plug disc-like, innermost surface in contact with the primordial

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malleus, contributes to the formation of the tympanic membrane.


Tongue Week 14 to 15 - taste pores develop, mucous

Ovary Development 100 days - primary follicles present

 Nail Development toenails appear 

Head Development facial skeleton remodelling begins


Pancreas glucagon detectable in fetal plasma.

Spleen Week 15 -alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA)-positive reticulum cells scattered around the arterioles. [18]

Fetal Timeline

16 14 cm

 Hearing Week 16-24 - Centres of ossification appear in remaining cartilage of otic capsule form

 petrous portion of temporal bone. Continues to ossify to form mastoid process of temporal bone.

Pituitary adenohypophysis fully differentiated

Respiratory Week 16 to 25 lung histology - canalicular 

Hearing - Outer Ear Development Week 16.5 - External auditory meatus is fully patent throughout its length, lumen is

still narrow and curved.

Skin 4 months - basal cell- proliferation generates folds in basement membrane; neural crest cells- (melanocytes) migrate

into epithelium; embryonic connective tissue- differentiates into dermis, a loose ct layer over a dense ct layer. Beneath the

dense ct layer is another loose ct layer that will form the subcutaneous layer. Ectoderm contributes to nails, hair follictles

and glands. Nails form as thickening of ectoderm epidermis at the tips of fingers and toes. These form germinative cells

of nail field. Cords of these cells extend into mesoderm forming epithelial columns. These form hair follocles, sebaceous

and sweat glands.

 primary follicles begin to form in the ovary and are characterized by an oocyte

glandular urethra forms and skin folds present


  Neural - Brain development histology week 17


Tongue Week 18 - substance P detected in dermal papillae, not in taste bud primordia

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Skin vernix caseosa covers skin

Spleen Week 18 - alpha-SMA-positive reticulum cells increase in number and began to form a reticular framework. An

accumulation of T and B lymphocytes occurred within the framework, and a primitive white pulp was observed around

the arterioles. [18]

Hearing - Outer Ear Development week 18 - External auditory meatus is already fully expanded to its complete form.



Pituitary week 20 to 24 growth hormone levels peak, then decline

Skin lanugo, skin hair 

Skin 5 months - Hair growth initiated at base of cord, lateral outgrowths form associated sebaceous glands; Other cords

elongate and coil to form sweat glands; Cords in mammary region branch as they elongate to form mammary glands.



 Neural  brain cortical sulcation - sylvian fissure, interhemispheric fissure, callosal sulcus,

 parietooccipital fissure, and hippocampic fissures presen t[19]

Spleen - Week 22 - antigenic diversity of the reticular framework was observed, and T and B lymphocytes were

segregated in the framework. T lymphocytes were sorted into the alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive reticular 

framework, and the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) was formed around the arteriole. B lymphocytes aggregated in

eccentric portions to the PALS and formed the lymph follicle (LF). The reticular framework of the LF was alpha-SMA-

negative. [18]



Respiratory Week 24 to 40 lung histology - terminal sac

Spleen Week 24 - marginal zone appeared in the alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive reticular framework around the

white pulp.[18]

Earliest potential survival expected if born

ovarian follicles can consist of growing oocytes surrounded by several layers of granulosa cells

25 Respiratory end month 6 alveolar cells type 2 appear and begin to secrete surfactant

Third Trimester 

(Clinical Week 28) Third Trimester 

Week Stage Event

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Clinical third


 Hearing 3rd Trimester - vibration acoustically of maternal abdominal wall induces startle

respone in fetus.


28 Respire Month 7 - respiratory bronchioles proliferate and end in alveolar ducts and sacs


30Genital male gonad (testes) descending


32  Nail Development fingernails reach digit tip

33  Neural  brain cortical sulcation - primary sulci present[19]

34  Neural  brain cortical sulcation - insular, cingular, and occipital secondary sulci present[19]



 Nail Development toenails reach digit tip

Lens Development - lens growth and interocular distance plateaus after 36 weeks of gestation [20]


38 Birth

Clinical Week 40

Heart pressure difference closes foramen ovale leaving a fossa ovalis

Thyroid TSH levels increase, thyroxine (T3) and T4 levels increase to 24 h, then 5-7 days postnatal decline to

normal levels

Adrenal - zona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata present


Week Stage Event




+4 Vision Development - eye globe growth plateaus after 42 weeks of gestation [20]  



Testis | Spermatozoa - about 2 months of age, primordial germ cells (gonocytes) are replaced by adult dark (Ad) and pale

(Ap) spermatogonia forming the spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) population that at puberty will commence differentiation

into spermatozoa.


Year 1 Neural Hearing (6 months to 5 years) thalamocortical afferents to the deeper cortical layers mature and are the first source of 

input to the auditory cortex[21]

Year 2

Year 3 Adrenal - Year 3 zona reticularis present