Join us for worship! Services take place on Sunday morning at 9:00 and 11:00 am September 19, 2014 This Sunday at UCE Sunday, September 21 Worship Service 9 and 11am "Trusting the Promise" The poet John O'Donohue exhorts: "Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning that is at one with your life's desire." How can we trustand fulfillthe promise that the world offers us? What promises do we make to ourselves as we risk stepping onto new ground? Rev. Connie Grant speaking. Crackerbarrel 9:30am "Is Human Evolution Continuing?" Evolutionary psychologists by and large accept the idea that we human beings are adapted to the foraging societies of the Pleistocene but not to any of the environments we have inhabited since the origin of agriculture 10,000 years ago. A familiar claim is that ten thousand years is not enough time for evolution to occur. Marlene Zuk's book "Paleofantasies" amasses a large amount of evidence to dispute this. Her claim is that evolution can occur in a few generations we In This Issue: (scroll down for articles) This Sunday at UCE From the Membership Director Rainbow Alliance Reconciling War and Peace Community Renewal Society Annual Membership Assembly UCE Mentoring KickOff Harms Woods Restoration Project UU Advocacy Network of Illinois (UUANI) Volunteers Needed for The Mitten Tree YWCA and Illinois Holocaust Museum Exhibit From the FAST Team

Weekly News from UCE Join us for worship! Services … · Tree YWCA and Illinois Holocaust ... Hullabaloo Saturday, Sept. 20, 5:15pm "One: A Story of Love and Equality" ... short

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Bret Lortie <[email protected]>

Weekly News from UCE1 message

UCE <[email protected]> Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 1:02 PMReply-­To: [email protected]: [email protected]

Join us for worship! Services take place on Sunday morning at 9:00 and 11:00 am

September 19, 2014

This Sunday at UCE

Sunday, September 21

Worship Service -­ 9 and 11am"Trusting the Promise"

The poet John O'Donohue exhorts: "Unfurlyourself into the grace of beginning that is at onewith your life's desire." How can we trust-­-­andfulfill-­-­the promise that the world offers us? Whatpromises do we make to ourselves as we riskstepping onto new ground? Rev. Connie Grantspeaking.

Crackerbarrel -­ 9:30am "Is Human Evolution Continuing?"

Evolutionary psychologists by and large acceptthe idea that we human beings are adapted to theforaging societies of the Pleistocene but not toany of the environments we have inhabited sincethe origin of agriculture 10,000 years ago. Afamiliar claim is that ten thousand years is notenough time for evolution to occur. Marlene Zuk'sbook "Paleofantasies" amasses a large amount ofevidence to dispute this. Her claim is thatevolution can occur in a few generations;; we

In This Issue:(scroll down for articles)

This Sunday at UCE

From the Membership Director

Rainbow Alliance

Reconciling War and Peace

Community Renewal SocietyAnnual Membership Assembly

UCE Mentoring Kick-­Off

Harms Woods Restoration Project

UU Advocacy Network of Illinois(UUANI)

Volunteers Needed for The MittenTree

YWCA and Illinois HolocaustMuseum Exhibit

From the FAST Team

Eileen Wiviott

carry many adaptations to recent phenomena likeeating wheat or resisting smallpox. Concurringthemes are outlined as well in Matt Ridley's veryrecent book "A Troublesome Inheritance."Discussion Leaders: Bill Irons and Scot Campbell.

Young Adults -­ 10am

Are you between 18 and 35? Then come join theYoung Adult Group (or YAG) at UCE! We will bemeeting at 10am this Sunday to enjoy coffee,bagels and friendship. There will be a sign in theback indicating our table. Come on down! Dances of Universal Peace -­ 12:30pm, room 3 We will celebrate UN International Day of Peaceand the Autumnal Equinox. The Day of Peace isabout spreading seeds of peace around theworld. Likewise, the Autumn Equinox is aboutharvesting those spiritual seeds and sowing themon earth. Please join us for these spiritual practices thatchange consciousness.

From the Membership Director

Communicating Through the Cacophony I've been thinking a lot aboutcommunication lately. As astaff, we spend a lot of timetalking about how wecommunicate with thecongregation more effectively.If you are reading this, you areprobably aware that we'vechanged from a monthlynewsletter to a weeklynewsletter, which should arrivein your email inbox onFridays. Read More

Rainbow Alliance

We have Marriage Equality, now what? Comehelp the Rainbow Alliance plan projects aroundhomeless LGBTQ youth, Trans equality, andmaking UCE an affirming and fun place for allgender and sexual expressions. Monthly Rainbow Alliance meetings are 3rdSundays at 12:30pm beginning September 21. Contact [email protected] [email protected] to be added to theRA distribution list or for more information aboutthe Rainbow Alliance.

Upcoming Membership Classes

Nell Bernstein's "Burning DownThe House" Discussion

What Makes UCE Thrive and YouCome Alive?

Ministers' Schedules

Upcoming UCE Events

Click each event for more information. Sunday, Sept. 21, 12:30pmDances of Universal Peace

Sunday, Sept. 21, 12:30pmRainbow Alliance Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 23, 5:30pmRecently Retired (But Not Retiring)Women's Potluck

Tuesdays, Sept 23 -­ Oct. 28, 7-­9pmCredo Workshop

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 7:00pmFall Sing Thing

Sunday, Sept. 28, 9:00am Bike the Ridge

September -­ OctoberReconciling War and Peace

Saturday, Oct. 4, 9amUCE Men's Group Retreat

Saturday, Oct. 4, 7pmUCE Coffeehouse Night

Sunday, Oct. 5, 12:30pmUCE Mentoring Kick-­Off

Friday, Oct. 10, 6:30pmUCE Game Night

Saturday, Oct. 11, 7pm Fred Simon and Sweet Pepprika inConcert at UCE

Saturday. Oct. 18, 8:30amWorkshop: What Makes UCE Thriveand You Come Alive?

Sunday, Oct. 19, 12:30pmIntro to UU

Saturday, Oct. 25, 9:00amOrientation Toward Membership

Reconciling War and Peace (Formerly Military Bridge Builders)

WE WANT YOU! We want your thoughts, stories,your voice. What has been your experience withwar and the military? What are your thoughtsabout war and the military? How do we wagepeace? How do we reconcile our positions on warand peace, soldiering and activism? How do wedeal with the consequences of war, healingindividuals and the nation in the aftermath? Join us for a series of three workshops heldon Monday evenings from 7:00-­9:00 onOctober 13, October 20 and October 27,followed by a topical sermon on November 9. Theworkshops will be led by Rev. Bret Lortie andChris Isley and are sponsored by the Peace andJustice Team. Read More

Community Renewal Society AnnualMembership Assembly

Saturday, October 4, 8:30am -­ noon

We will bus or drive to Kingdom Baptist Church inChicago for lively worship, testimony,conversation and advocacy for issues such asless incarceration, more restorative justice, bettereducation funding, and more. Please RSVP toDale Griffin at [email protected]. Join usand be an advocate for change! Read More

UCE Mentoring Kick-­Off Sunday, October 5 at 12:30pm in Room 3

Featured Organization: LAMP and Alison Janus,one of their successful mentors. We'll behighlighting UCE's mentoring program andproviding information on groups we'veresearched. Read More

Harms Woods Restoration Project

Sunday afternoon, October 19, 2014 with theEvanston Interreligious Sustainability Circle. Cutand burn buckthorn or collect seeds forrestoration. Please contact Dale Griffin [email protected] if you are coming. ReadMore

UU Advocacy Network of Illinois (UUANI)

Our statewide network of people inUUcongregations working for systemic change,the UU Advocacy Network of Illinois (UUANI) isfocusing on economic justice issues this year,after working on marriage equality last year. ReadMore

Sunday, Nov. 2, 12:00pmJazz Brunch with the Karl Montzka Trio

Saturday, Nov. 15, 5:30pmSerendipity Auction

Oct. 25, Dec. 13, Feb. 14, Apr. 11Friendship Dinners

Community Involvement

Click each event for more information.

Saturday, Sept. 20, 2-­6 pmThe Howard Street Farm 4th AnnualHullabaloo

Saturday, Sept. 20, 5:15pm"One: A Story of Love and Equality"film showing

Monday, Sept 22 -­ Friday, Sept 26Connections For The Homeless -­ HelpPrepare Mailing

Sunday, Oct. 5, 3-­5pmInterfaith Action of Evanston: 'AtHome' film screening at EvanstonPublic Library

Friday, Oct. 10, 6pmGood News Partners AnnualCommunity Dinner

Saturday, Oct. 11 and Sunday, Oct 12Immigration Justice Events at St.Nick's Church

Sunday, Oct. 19, 1-­3pmCROP Walk on the North Shore

Monday, Oct 20, 7pmInterfaith Action Fall Gathering

Saturday, Nov. 1, 5pmConnections for the HomelessCelebrating 30 Years

UCE Families with Young Children

We will be gathering at Lovelace Parktomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 20 at10am for a picnic potluck. Looks like itwill be a lovely day. If you have kidspreschool and younger, join us.

Recently Retired (But NotRetiring) Women

Tuesday, Sept. 23, 5:30pm

Volunteers Needed for The Mitten Tree

The Mitten Tree Committee is seeking twoadditional volunteers for the coordinating group.One volunteer is needed to schedule andcoordinate deliveries of gifts and food to theorganizations we work with. Another volunteer isneeded to help staff the sign-­up tables. If you are interested, please send Carol Nielsen anote at [email protected]. Acommittee meeting will be held in early October.

YWCA and Illinois Holocaust MuseumExhibit

RACE: Are We So Different? As UCEsupports this exhibit and relatedcommunity events, we are focusing onfour specific events to attend as agroup:

Thursday, October 23rd @ 7pm -­ "Luck ofthe Irish" Staged reading starring MartyWiviott.Sunday, October 26th @ 1:30pm -­ field tripto the Holocaust MuseumSunday, November 9th @ 3pm -­ What theHelp does not tell us about AfricanAmerican women in the south.Tuesday, November 18th @ 6:30 -­ 8pm -­Community Conversation on RACE: AreWe So Different?

Please see the full article here and click on thevarious links for more information on these andother community events.

From The FAST Team -­ Attention Jewel Shoppers

The FAST Team is collectingstamps for pots and pans thatJewel Foods is promoting nowthrough the beginning of January. We are trying to obtain enoughstamps to be able to receive somepots and pans for the transitionpackages that we offer to persons

All recently retired women are warmlyinvited to attend our meetings. Wemeet on the 4th Tuesday of eachmonth, at the back of the sanctuary,starting with a delicious potluck at5:30. After the body is nourished, alively discussion nourishes the mind,as well. We usually end about 7:00,so that participants may then attendthe Tuesday evening Adult Educationsessions. There are always severalwomen for whom this is their firstmeeting, so please don't hesitate toattend. Hope to see many of you thisTuesday! For more information,please feel free to contact MargieRogasner, at [email protected].

Soup Kitchen Update-­ the time is now!

Our first soup kitchen is coming up onSeptember 24. We are almost there-­-­just a few food items are still needed. For the three October dates (10/1,10/8 and 10/15), there is still lots ofdinner food needed. If you providedinner food for any three of the fourdates, you will be invited to a dinnerhosted by Janet at UCE, with yourBOT President Shirley Adams andVice President Brian Nielsen. Volunteer slots are still available,especially for October 15. Questions? Contact Janet Hartmann,[email protected] (new email).

Want to learn what FairTrade means? Here is ashort video to help.


UCE Forming Economic InequalityTask Force

Click here for information

who are getting settled in apartments as theymove from homeless shelters to self sufficiency. There will be an envelope for your contribution ofstamps on the bulletin board in the lobby.

Upcoming Membership Classes

Intro to Unitarian Universalism Sunday, October 19;; 12:30 -­ 2pm

Led by Rev. Bret, we'll look at our history, ourprinciples, the sources of our faith, and themeaning of covenant. This is the first step in themembership process.

Orientation Toward Membership Saturday, October 25: 9am -­ noon

Led by Rev. Connie and Membership Director,Eileen Wiviott. An interactive morning exploringour spiritual journeys, the diversity of our beliefs,and what it means to be a member of thiscongregation. This is the second step in themembership process. Sign up at the Guest & Member Table in thelobby or email Eileen Wiviott.

Nell Bernstein's "Burning Down TheHouse" Discussion

Are you interested incontinuing the discussion ofjuvenile justice? Join the nonfiction book groupafter the 11am church service onOctober 26 to discuss NellBernstein's Burning Down theHouse. Click here for moreinformation.

What Makes UCE Thrive and YouCome Alive?

Saturday, October 18th

8:30am -­ Noon This is an Appreciative Inquiry into

values that will guide our congregation in thecoming years. Bagels, fruit, coffee and juice willbe served at 8:30am. The Workshop begins at9am and is led by Rev. Bret Lortie, JanelleBrittain, and Lorna Galich. We need yourparticipation to make this meaningful andsuccessful! There will be activities for children,and junior and senior high are invited toparticipate in the workshop. Junior and senior

Fall Sing ThingSeptember 24 at 7pm

Join us as we welcome Fall with anold fashioned singalong we call SingThing on the last Wednesday, of themonth. John LaPlante, Brian Nielsenand Sam Sibley will once againprovide the music and the words, andyou are invited to share your voiceand enthusiasm. Our repertoireincludes folk, rock, gospel, country-­western and even children's songs.Contact John LaPlante with anyquestions.

Sunday, September 28 at 9am

Click here for more information

UCE Game Night Friday, October 10 6:30 -­ 9pm at UCE

Bring your favorite games, aHEALTHY snack (please) and/or justyourself. A great way to spend aFriday night with people of all ages.Join us!

high youth are invited and encouraged toparticipate. There will be an activity for children ingrades 2-­6 and childcare for younger children onrequest. RSVP to the church office -­[email protected].

Ministers' Schedules

Rev. Bret Lortie holds office hours onWednesday and Thursday. Friday is devoted towriting and research. Rev. Bret Lortie is availableon Saturday and Sunday by appointment, andMonday is Sabbath. To schedule an appointment,please call the office or visit www.lortie.net whereyou can send a message, view his calendar, orschedule a time online. Rev. Connie Grant is generally in the officeduring the day on Tuesday, Wednesday, andThursday, and often has evening meetings onthose days. She takes Mondays off and works athome on Fridays. Please email or call Connie foran appointment. [email protected];; (847) 864-­1330 ext. 103(office);; (847) 840-­8542 (cell).

To purchase tickets, visitucevanston.org and click on "UCE Giving/Concert Tickets"

Quick Linksucevanston.orgCalendar Upcoming Worship ServicesListen to SermonsJoys and Sorrows (protecteddocuments)


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