eResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 www.eresearch.ca The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased to provide the Weekly Market Summary, courtesy of Urban Carmel of The Fat Pitch. WHAT IS THE FAT PITCH? In baseball, a fat pitch is a hittable ball. The odds are in your favor. You might miss, but it is a situation where you should take a swing of the bat. If you swing at good pitches and avoid the crappy ones, you improve your OBP. Once on base, it becomes a running game. The stock market serves a lot of curve balls. Now and then there comes a Fat Pitch, your odds-on opportunity to swing the bat. So, get on base and then manage your base-runners. Specifically, the Fat Pitch on this site refers to two situations. First: A Fat Pitch comes at a market turning point. It is an identifiable and quantifiable capitulation point where sellers or buyers have become exhausted and panic or euphoria is at an extreme. The Fat Pitch here is measured by a combination of (in no particular order): put- call, Trin, NYMO, sentiment, fund cash balances, major accumulation or distribution, volume, price relative to Bollinger bands, volatility, and consecutive days in a row in one direction. Swinging the bat without popping up is the hardest part. Second: The Fat Pitch is a favorable investing environment. Old hands talk about there being only a few good times each year to be involved in the market. The remainder are unprofitable. I think this is correct. The Weekly Market Summary is intended to help discern when it is favorable to be long (or short) and when it is best to work on improving your French. Every day, week, and year is a learning experience. The purpose of this site is to help refine what constitutes a Fat Pitch. Like baseball, you have to continue to work on your swing. Our Objectives The objective of the Fat Pitch is to provide a structured, quantitative, and empirical methodology for evaluating the state of the market. At any point in time, there are a variety of factors pulling on the market. We want to determine the relative importance of each factor in order to answer two questions: 1. In which direction should we be investing in the market? 2. Are tailwinds behind this direction or are headwinds picking up? <continued>

Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

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Page 1: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

eResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3


The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015

Weekly Market Summary

eResearch Corporation is pleased to provide the Weekly Market Summary, courtesy of

Urban Carmel of The Fat Pitch.


In baseball, a fat pitch is a hittable ball. The odds are in your favor. You might miss, but it is a situation where you should take a swing of the bat. If you swing at good pitches and avoid the crappy ones, you improve your OBP. Once on base, it becomes a running game.

The stock market serves a lot of curve balls. Now and then there comes a Fat Pitch, your odds-on opportunity to swing the bat. So, get on base and then manage your base-runners.

Specifically, the Fat Pitch on this site refers to two situations.

First: A Fat Pitch comes at a market turning point. It is an identifiable and quantifiable capitulation point where sellers or buyers have become exhausted and panic or euphoria is at an extreme. The Fat Pitch here is measured by a combination of (in no particular order): put-call, Trin, NYMO, sentiment, fund cash balances, major accumulation or distribution, volume, price relative to Bollinger bands, volatility, and consecutive days in a row in one direction. Swinging the bat without popping up is the hardest part.

Second: The Fat Pitch is a favorable investing environment. Old hands talk about there being only a few good times each year to be involved in the market. The remainder are unprofitable. I think this is correct. The Weekly Market Summary is intended to help discern when it is favorable to be long (or short) and when it is best to work on improving your French. Every day, week, and year is a learning experience. The purpose of this site is to help refine what constitutes a Fat Pitch. Like baseball, you have to continue to work on your swing.

Our Objectives

The objective of the Fat Pitch is to provide a structured, quantitative, and empirical methodology for evaluating the state of the market. At any point in time, there are a variety of factors pulling on the market. We want to determine the relative importance of each factor in order to answer two questions:

1. In which direction should we be investing in the market?

2. Are tailwinds behind this direction or are headwinds picking up?


Page 2: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

eResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3


Every Friday we publish a Weekly Market Summary with green, yellow, and red lights on it. Green is good and red is bad. Everything on this site is in support of this market summary. The little tabs across the top of the site (trend, breadth, etc.) mirror the different factors we follow to monitor the market. There is nothing here that does not fit with the methodology. Anytime you want to understand why a factor is red or green, click on the tab and read the accompanying analyses. To the fullest extent possible, we quantify and use empirics to determine the state of every factor.

The Fat Pitch is authored by Urban Carmel, see below.

Urban Carmel

Strategy Consultant and Finance Commentator

Current 1. The Lewis Carmel Group

Previous 1. UBS Securities Indonesia,

2. East Asia Hamon Asset Management,

3. McKinsey & Company

Education 1. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

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and technical analysis. We complement our corporate research coverage with a diversified selection of

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Bob Weir, CFA

Director of Research

Note: All of the comments, views, opinions, suggestions, recommendations, etc., contained in this Article, which is distributed by

eResearch Corporation, are strictly those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect those of eResearch Corporation.

Page 3: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 3 ~ www.eresearch.ca

October 16, 2015

Weekly Market Summary

Blogging will be light for another few weeks. We should be back with regular posts in early November. In four different posts in August and September, we laid out how we expected this correction to evolve. You can read them here.

Not much has changed in our views. Here's a brief update.


We know that waterfall events take weeks to work through. Over time, a new base is formed. That is what we have seen transpire over the past two months.

Overall, the current pattern is better than the 2011 one to which it is most often compared. The mid-September low was higher than the original low. In between, and since then, there have been higher highs. This did not happen in 2011; there were lower lows and lower highs. Buyers were not in control. They are now and this is a positive.

Our view has been that accumulating SPY in 185-190 would offer an attractive risk/reward. SPX has twice risen 8-10% off the lows in this area. That has been a good trade with minimal risk.


It now seems less likely that a third trip to the lows will transpire. In the event that it does, we still think this area is attractive for accumulation with a view to year-end and into 2016. It is not likely, but certainly possible, that the original low will break. That would appear bearish, and longs from August would be stopped out, but it would probably be a terminal shakeout. That is not an unusual pattern; look at the lows in 2010, 2011, or 2012.

Have a plan in case a new wave of selling comes in.

Page 4: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 4 ~ www.eresearch.ca

Much has been made about the Nasdaq lagging SPX. This is a strange discussion. First, NDX was the first index to regain its former trading range. That, to us, means that it is leading. Second, the same indices do not always lead at tops and at bottoms. There is no bearish implication if NDX lags or SPX leads. Subscribers to “Sentimentrader” will have read his excellent review of this topic.


Some traders we respect wonder if the heavy selling of the past two months implies that resistance near 203-205 will be light. Recall this is where the waterfall started; investors, in effect, woke up to a huge gap down and have been holding losing positions since then. They might be right, but our base case is that new supply will come out at this level.

See the White Box on the chart on the next page.

Again, have a plan, even if it is a bad one.


Page 5: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 5 ~ www.eresearch.ca

After an 8% rise over 8 days, it would have been normal to see a retrace this week. Instead, two minor down days gave back less than 20% of the gain before the price moved higher again. This week SPX, DJIA, and NDX all made new post-waterfall closing highs, as have 7 of 9 SPX sectors. Price is “impulsing” higher and this is a positive characteristic.

Final point: you will see a cluster of 1-2% gains near lows. That will dissipate as price moves higher. In its place should be small daily moves: a grind higher. That would be a normal, healthy pattern (that will be bemoaned). That might be next (see the chart below).


Page 6: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 6 ~ www.eresearch.ca


Breadth washed out at the lows. Whatever divergences that existed were wiped clean. Since then, there have been numerous major accumulation days and a Zweig breadth thrust. This indicates that buyers are in control. Breadth is confirming price, a pattern you hope to see after a 10% correction.

See the next chart below.



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The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 7 ~ www.eresearch.ca


The price low was nearly two months ago but sentiment continued to deteriorate through last week. In other words, investors continued to become more bearish even as price rose. This is very positive. Remarkably, outflows from equity funds and ETFs remained heavy with price 8% higher. Overall, those outflows on a 10-week average basis rival those from the lows in early 2009 and 2011.

See next chart.

Mutual Fund Flows:

Put/call ratios also remain at an extreme high and have had a hard time rolling over. The time has passes to look for higher put/call ratios, as well as continued outflows, as a sign that the rally can continue. It takes bulls to make a bull market, and it would be normal to now see AAII, NAAIM, and Investors Intelligence all become more bullish, and for put/call ratios to fall. What would be bearish is a sharp rise in bullish sentiment. At prior peaks in the stock market, a 10% correction, like we have just had, is followed by a sharp rise to retest the prior highs. These then fail when sentiment also returns to prior highs. This is how bull markets end, a pattern we have shown several times. A mad rush to buy, with overwhelming inflows, would likely kill this rally. This is something to look for in the weeks ahead. This week's inflows were a paltry $2.5b. DSI is climbing.

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The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 8 ~ www.eresearch.ca


After one of the most extreme rises ever in VIX, from 12 to over 40 in August, the index is now back below 20. Most consistent gains in the stock market take place when VIX is under 20, so this is another sign of restored market health. A lower VIX goes along with the "grind higher" we referenced earlier. This would typically happen when price regains its prior range.

VIX chart below.


We will be watching the VIX term structure. SPX has had a tendency (not always, but most often) to stall and retreat when the ratio falls under 0.8. A sharp rise in SPX in the next few days could push the term structure to this level, something to watch for.


Page 9: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 9 ~ www.eresearch.ca


October has the year's highest average volatility. There are still two weeks left in the month, so investors should stay alert.

But October through year-end and into January is typically the strongest continuous period of the year for equities. If the BAML survey is a guide, then many fund managers entered this month with low equity allocations and very high cash levels (new post). They will likely want to be in the market by year-end, and the pressure to get invested will only grow as price moves higher. This is probably a strong tailwind and it was a prime reason we originally expected risk/reward to be positive at the lows.


Page 10: Weekly Market SummaryeResearch Corporation 78 Cameron Crescent, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4G 2A3 The Fat Pitch October 16, 2015 Weekly Market Summary eResearch Corporation is pleased

The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 10 ~ www.eresearch.ca


The fall in equity prices brought out any number of bearish stories about the economy, both domestically and abroad. Weakness in China, which is a tiny export market for the USA and also a small part (2%) of U.S. companies' sales and profits, was seen as a major threat. Investors who had previously chastised the Fed for not raising rates were now expecting a recession. All of this was noise. Housing demand is the best in 8 years and household balance sheets are among the best of the past 30 years. Rail volumes are at new all-time highs. Vehicle sales are at a new 9-year high. Restaurant demand is near its 10-year highs. Construction of new factories is reaching new all-time highs.

None of this is the profile of an economy sliding into a recession.


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The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 11 ~ www.eresearch.ca

A popular meme at the moment is that high yield spreads are signaling a looming recession. Spreads are well off prior highs and not even at levels reached in 1998, 2010, and 2011. Reminder: these were not recessionary periods. Default rates are well below the mean.

We have been writing a monthly macro update for the past 18 months, and two things have become clear.

The first is how little, in the macro picture, changes from month to month. Our basic story has not changed in the past year and a half.

The second is how misleading the initial response is to every new data point. You can fade almost every extreme. A day or a week later, the appropriate interpretation emerges and it is usually not very different from what was originally expected. The main culprit is the focus on month-over-month changes, which reflects underlying volatility in the data as opposed to changes in trend.


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The Fat Pitch

eResearch Corporation ~ 12 ~ www.eresearch.ca


If there is a reason to expect the pace of price appreciation to remain slow into 2016, it is valuation.

When SPX dropped to 1900, trailing P/Es retreated to their mean for the first time in a long while. Price-to-sales ratios remain high.

Ex-energy, sales and profit growth is expected to be about 3% y-o-y this quarter. Even if growth turns out to be closer to 5% (nominal GDP growth) it is hard to see how SPX will appreciate much faster. Most (including us) expected margins to contract, but they instead expanded to historic levels; at some point, wage growth will pressure margins and profit growth will lag revenue growth. This is a headwind as price retests prior highs.

Most companies will continue reporting over the next 3 weeks, during which buy-backs will be minimal.

We will be at Stocktoberfest on Monday. We look forward to meeting many of you there.
