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Page 1: Week14

Week 14

S1150028 Kosuke Imaki

Page 2: Week14

1. Write 2 sentences explaining whether you have understood the concept behind concept maps?

We can understand the class structure to look at Cmap.Concept map is technique to visualize relationship of various concepts.

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2. Would you be able to explain a picture, in terms of a concept map? Write 2 sentences to explain your point

On the Cmap, we make the elements. We gave relation to between element and element.

Page 4: Week14

3. Why do you think concept map is an important tool for representing information visually. How does it help to use concept maps? Write 3 sentences.

Because we can soon understand class structure of the site to see Cmap.Oparation of Cmap tool is very simple, so the person who have not knowledge of Cmap easily make concept map.It helps to use concept maps to easily make elements.

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4a. Write 2 sentences to explain the following picture.

There are two methods to conncet router.First, not use wire connection.Second, use wire conection.

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4b. Now, make a concept map from the sentences that you prepared for 4a.

Page 7: Week14

5a. Write 2 sentences to explain the following picture.

The man pick up the tire.I think that the season of picture is summer,because the man wear short sleeve.

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5b. Now, make a concept map from the sentences that you prepared for 5a.