WEEK FOUR September 17 th – 21st

WEEK FOUR September 17 th – 21st. English I September 17, 2012 Starter9/17/12 a. thier is to sides to every storie b. its usually best to listen

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September 17th – 21st

English ISeptember 17, 2012

Starter 9/17/12 a. thier is to sides

to every storie b. its usually best

to listen two both sides

a. There are two sides to every story.

b. It’s usually best to listen to both sides.

Essential Question: What can you learn

about people’s character from reading a selection?

Learning Targets: I can analyze a character.

Vocabulary PracticeSynonyms

DIRECTIONS: Choose a word

that has the same meaning as the underlined word in the sentence.

A rowdy B separated C dilapidated D eloquent

1 The old cottage looked extremely run -down, as if it had been neglected for years.

2 The yellowed pages became disconnected and fell out of the ancient book.

3 The famous speaker was fluent and inspirational; the audience listened attentively to her every word.

4 The crowd became frenzied as many spectators screamed and jumped around when it appeared that their team was going to win.

“Thank you, M’am” quiz

1.What happened when the boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse?

2.Why did the woman decide to take the boy home?

3.Why did Roger need money? What did Mrs. Jones think of that?

4.What did Mrs. Jones do for Roger? What was she trying to teach him?

5.What happens to Roger at the end of the story?

Exit Slip


: The synonym activity on page


Complete the

Vocabulary in Context on page 62

English I

Starter 9/18/2012 a. montresor said he

was a mason he dint say what kind

b. fortunato was not real fourtunate, was he

a. Montresor said he was a mason, but he didn’t say what kind.

b. Fortunato was not very fortunate, was he?

Essential Question: What can you learn

about people’s character from reading a selection?

Learning Targets: I can analyze a character. I can identify synonyms.

English I 9/18/12

Choose the word that best matches the numbered definition.

A reject B animosity C loathe D evacuate E elude F evasive

1 a strong, deep-rooted dislike (animosity)

2 to feel intense hatred for (loathe)

3 to turn down or put away (reject)

4 to remove from an area of danger (evacuate)

5 hard to catch (evasive) 6 to escape or avoid

through the use of quickness or cunning (elude)


Reject Animosity Loathe Evacuate Elude Evasive

Refuse Dislike Hatred Leave Avoid Dodge

English I 9/18/2012

Complete puzzle: Use words from “The Most Dangerous Game” page 5 and “Thank You Ma’m” pg 53

Complete Character Chart on page 60

9/18/2012 Draw a

vocabulary map for the five words

on page 53

English I

Starter 9/19/12 a. thats another

one of them scary stories

b. its a story about murder, isnt it

a. That’s another one of those scary stories.

b. It’s a story about murder, isn’t it?

Essential Question: What can you learn

about people’s character from reading a selection?

Learning Targets: I can analyze a character.

Synonyms9/19/2012 Define these eight


1. nimble 2. retrieve 3. incessant 4. Impertinent5. Endless6. Agile7. Flippant8. recover

■ Choose a word that has the same meaning as the underlined word in the sentence.English I

1 The endless roar of cars and trucks outside their home eventually forced the family to move.

2 The customer refused to answer the sales associate’s questions and made several flippant remarks about the department store.

3 The agile acrobat did a quick back flip and landed on the shoulders of his partner.

4 A passerby was able to recover the kitten from the fast-flowing stream.

A nimble B retrieve C incessant D impertinent

Create a bubble map for Mary Ruth and Kevin from the selection “Basketball Pivot”.


Mary Ruth

English I

Starter 20, 2012 a. o henrys reel name

was william sydney porter

b. some peepul say he done robbed a bank in texas

a. O. Henry’s real name was William Sydney Porter.

b. Some people say he robbed a bank in Texas. [done deleted]

Essential Question: What can you

learn about people’s character from reading a selection?

Learning Targets: I can analyze a character.

English I 9/20/2012

1. Hearty2. Modest3. appalling 4. simple5. bizarre 6. scenic 7. unique 8. panoramic 9. Voracious10. Frightful

Write down the definitions for the words on the left.

Write two adjectives that could replace each underlined word. You will

use all the words in the box. English 1

1. Hearty2. Modest3. appalling 4. simple5. bizarre 6. scenic 7. unique 8. panoramic 9. Voracious10. Frightful

1 The continual stormy weather was bad.

2 She was active, athletic, and had a strong appetite.

3 Thoreau lived alone in the woods and led a plain life.

4 The car’s unusual appearance attracted a lot of attention.

5 The wide view we enjoy from the terrace includes the distant mountains.

English I

Starter 9/21/2 a. who’s story did you

enjoy most b. i liked that fairee

tail about the princess who choose the expensive present

a. Whose story did you enjoy most?

b. I liked that fairy tale about the princess who chose the expensive present.

Essential Question: What can you

learn about people’s character from reading a selection?

Learning Targets: I can analyze a character.

English [email protected] 17th

Today’s topics are gender specific. However, you can chose to write about either one.

Journal Entry: Ladies, What are your ideals

of a romantic hero (the knight in shining armor)? What might he be able to do that the ordinary man could not? Guys, Do you like romantic tales? Why or why not? Do you think it makes it hard for regular guys to live up to the ideas represented in romantic movies or books.

Essential Question: Why is important to read texts from a variety of time periods?

Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of a romantic hero. Homework Assignment:

You must write an analysis of a movie or book that you have previously read or watched. Your analysis

must identify how the romantic hero was portrayed? Did he

demonstrate any of the characteristics of a

romantic hero? Why or why not. Must be at least

¾ of a page. (handwritten)

Vocabulary Maps: create a Frayer model for the vocabulary words on page 193.

Questions for Frayer model: 1. Why would it be difficult for a chronic liar to

prove that he or she is righteous? Why would a man brandishing a weapon be

considered a threat? When would you try to dissuade a friend from

taking a dangerous risk? Why did everyone celebrate when the home

team prevailed in the game? What piteous state might someone be in after

waving a red flag at a bull?

Frayer Model “Crime on Mars”

Definition Write the answer that applies to each word from the

questions provided.

Example Sentence


English IV-H Romantic Hero characteristics: Born under mysterious circumstances Grows up in obscurity Undergoes a childhood initiation involving a

weapon In his maturity, he fights to defeat evil and

promotes peace He is aided by magic weapons and wise mentors Mysterious events surround his departure from

this world, suggesting he may return when his people need him

Romance: a narrative that traces the adventures of a brave knight or other hero who has to overcome danger for the love of a noble lady or some other high ideal.

Sept 18, 2012 English IV

Essential Question: Why is important to read texts from a variety of time periods?

Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of a romantic hero.

Please make sure you have an index card out for your starter.

FYI: If you have not signed up to receive text alerts for this class, please do so. I will be sending out alerts in the next few days with easy opportunities for extra credit!!

English IVSeptember 18, 2012

Starter: Vocabulary/Term Review Quiz Please write your answers on an index card. 1. What was your answer to the question about

prevailed. 2. Write your sentence down for piteous. 3. What example did we use for brandishing. 4. A priest represents some one who is ________. 5. Write your sentence for dissuade. 6. Write down two characteristics of a romantic hero. Place your work on the cart when you are finished.

Homework Review: Red Ink Pen Grading. Using the provided pen please do the following.

Underline the sentences that you used in your analysis that showed that the character you chose was in fact a romantic hero. Do you have at least three sentence that identify these characteristics. Each sentence is worth 20 points. (total points = 60) Number the number of blank lines from the bottom and subtract 2 points for ever line after 10. (total points =20)

Did you clearly identify the movie or book you were analyzing? The title is worth 5 points.

Did you indent the first or following paragraphs (5 points) Circle any major words that you have used more than once. If you have

not used any word more than twice than you get (10 points) . If you have repeated any word more than twice, subtract 2 points off for every time you used it excessively. ( except for the words romantic hero)

Calculate your grade and turn in your assignment. You will get extra credit for accurate grading, but you will lose ten points if you failed to grade your paper correctly.

In Search of Myths and Heroes Watch video on King Arthur: 20 minutes 1. How was King Arthur conceived? 2. The stories of King Arthur also help with what

type of agenda? 3. What does the sword, Excalibur, represent? 4.The Anglo-Saxons invaded ________. 5. King Arthur fought _____ battles, he fought for

_______. He wore the image of _____ on his shoulders. 6. Who prophesized Arthur’s return? What kind of

powers did he have? 7. How did Arthur become King?

English IV 9/18/2012

Exit Slip: List three facts

you learned about King Arthur.

Examples of Captions to use In your illustration

Sept 19, 2012English IV Journal Entry: Why do you

think people need heroes? Do you think different times(events) need different kinds of heroes?

Essential Question: Why is it important to read texts from a variety of time periods?

Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of a romantic hero.

King Arthur Foldable 9/19/2012

Create a six tab foldable – paper provided. Please follow the example.

Label each one as follows:

Sir Modred Excalibur Betrayal King Arthur’s request Tomb Sir Bedivere

Exit Slip: Romantic Heroes

vs Epic Heroes

English IV 9/20/2012

Starter: Create a Venn

diagram that will compare and contrast Beowulf and King Arthur (give at least three differences for each and three things they had in common)

Essential Question: Why is it important to read texts from a variety of time periods?

Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of a romantic hero.

Beowulf King Arthur

Died from battle wounds

Killed GrendelTo protect others

Had a specialweapon (sword)

Killed their enemies in their final battle

Became king because of his skill as a warrior

Became king becauseHe pulled the sword From the stones

Had loyal companions till the end

Went into battle prepared to die

Was told not to go into the final battle

Writing Assignment

Using either Beowulf or King Arthur write a paragraph that analyzes why they are considered either a romantic or epic hero.

Paragraphs must be 10 clear sentences with no repetition.

Create your Romantic Hero: In a group of four: Using a bubble map: Draw out your romantic hero

in the center of the page. It can be an illustration of an actual person or an item that represents your romantic hero. Discuss with your group the characteristics of your particular hero. In the surrounding space, create a bubble map that identifies these traits and how they are displayed by your hero. In essence, you are creating a story and the bubble map represents the actions/events of that story. Be creative!!! Be neat!! Be prepared to present.

Exit Slip: Using the a venn diagram compare and contrast a epic hero and a romantic hero

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