BOTTOM LINE: God made you to follow Jesus. Read Mark 12:30-31 WEEK 3 K-1 st With the help of a grown-up, read Mark 12:30-31 in the Bible. Read it a couple of times. What does it mean to follow Jesus by loving God and then loving others? How do you show love to God? You do it by worshiping Him. This means you read your Bible, pray, give, and go to church. How do you love your neighbor as yourself? You do that by being kind to your neighbor and doing kind things for your neighbor. Draw a picture of some ways you can worship God and some ways you can serve your neighbor. THINK about doing these things all through the week. How Do I Follow Jesus? Spend some time in prayer this week asking God to help you follow Jesus. Use the guide below: MONDAY: “God, thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins.” TUESDAY: “God, help me to follow Jesus every day. Help me to show Jesus’ love to others.” WEDNESDAY: “God, when I am angry at someone, help me to love them instead, just like Jesus loved those who hurt him. THURSDAY: “God, help me to be generous with others because Jesus gave everything for us.” FRIDAY: “God, let me never be afraid to tell people that I follow Jesus.” Remember, you can always ASK God to help you know Jesus better. Talk to God With the help of a grown-up, read John 14:6. Try to memorize this verse and at the dinner table play a round of telephone. Whisper the verse in the person’s ear that is sitting next to you then have them send it down the line. See if the verse is still the same when it reaches the last person. The better you KNOW Jesus, the more you can be like Him. Telephone Get a piece of paper and draw four boxes on it. In one box, draw your home with your family in front of it. In another box, draw the place your church meets with the people of the church standing in front of it. In the third box, draw a park or some other outdoor scene with your friends standing in front. In the fourth box, draw a place where you may have learned something about Jesus. LOOK at the pictures and think about the people God placed in your life to teach you about Jesus. Who Can Teach Me About Jesus?

WEEK 3 - theislandchurchei.com€¦ · BOTTOM LINE: God made you to follow Jesus. Read Mark 12:30-31 WEEK 3 K-1st Y: ”. ”: ” s K d. u W ne. K?

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Page 1: WEEK 3 - theislandchurchei.com€¦ · BOTTOM LINE: God made you to follow Jesus. Read Mark 12:30-31 WEEK 3 K-1st Y: ”. ”: ” s K d. u W ne. K?

BOTTOM LINE: God made you to follow Jesus.

Read Mark 12:30-31

W EEK3K-1st

With the help of a grown-up, read Mark

12:30-31 in the Bible. Read it a couple of

times. What does it mean to follow Jesus

by loving God and then loving others? How

do you show love to God? You do it by

worshiping Him. This means you read your

Bible, pray, give, and go to church. How

do you love your neighbor as yourself? You

do that by being kind to your neighbor and

doing kind things for your neighbor. Draw a

picture of some ways you can worship God

and some ways you can serve your neighbor.

THINK about doing these things all through

the week.

How Do I Follow Jesus?

Spend some time in prayer this week asking God to help you follow Jesus. Use the guide below:MONDAY: “God, thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins.”TUESDAY: “God, help me to follow Jesus every day. Help me to show Jesus’ love to others.”WEDNESDAY: “God, when I am angry at someone, help me to love them instead, just like Jesus loved those who hurt him.THURSDAY: “God, help me to be generous with others because Jesus gave everything for us.”FRIDAY: “God, let me never be afraid to tell people that I follow Jesus.”

Remember, you can always ASK God to help you know Jesus better.

Talk to God

With the help of a grown-up, read John

14:6. Try to memorize this verse and at

the dinner table play a round of telephone.

Whisper the verse in the person’s ear that

is sitting next to you then have them send

it down the line. See if the verse is still the

same when it reaches the last person.

The better you KNOW Jesus, the more

you can be like Him.


Get a piece of paper and draw four boxes on it. In one box, draw your home with your family in front of it. In another box, draw the place your church meets with the people of the church standing in front of it. In the third box, draw a park or some other outdoor scene with your friends standing in front. In the fourth box, draw a place where you may have learned something about Jesus. LOOK at the pictures and think about the people God placed in your life to teach you about Jesus.

Who Can Teach Me About Jesus?

Page 2: WEEK 3 - theislandchurchei.com€¦ · BOTTOM LINE: God made you to follow Jesus. Read Mark 12:30-31 WEEK 3 K-1st Y: ”. ”: ” s K d. u W ne. K?