MED 555 Week 1 Outline Please turn on your speakers and click the sound icon.

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MED 555

MED 555Week 1 Outline

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Participate in a democratic society

Standards-based education

Defining standards-based education


Pros and Cons


Themes and Strands

Examples of civic values for classroom integration

Approaches to integrating civic-based education


Current events & controversial issues


Examples of civic values for classroom integration


Link to strands for week 1 assignmenthttp://www.socialstudies.org/standards/strands

ReferencesChapin, J. R. (2009). Elementary social studies: A practical guide (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.Fitchett, P. G., & Heafner, T. L. (2010). A National Perspective on the Effects of High-Stakes Testing and Standardization on Elementary Social Studies Marginalization.Theory & Research In Social Education,38(1), 114-130.Kohler, M. P., & Christensen, L. M. (2010). Nurturing young social studies learners' notions of democracy.Social Studies Research & Practice,5(2), 115.Maxim, G. W. (2010). Dynamic social studies for Constructivist classrooms: Inspiring tomorrows social scientists (9th ed.). Boston. Allyn & Bacon.