Wednesday 8/26 RAP •Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. – If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would you do, join the Continental Army or side with the British? •Explain Today: •CE presentations •Quiz •Read Ch. 3.1 and answer the questions on the handout.

Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

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Page 1: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Wednesday 8/26RAP•Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55.

– If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would you do, join the Continental Army or side with the British?• Explain

Today:•CE presentations•Quiz•Read Ch. 3.1 and answer the questions on the handout.

Page 2: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Thursday 8/27• RAP– Describe 3 problems the colonists had with the British. (from

Ch. 3.1)

• Today:• Review and check Ch. 3.1 Toward Revolution

questions.• Sign the Declaration• Break up Letter = Declaration of Independence

• HW: Read Ch. 3.2—answer questions

Page 3: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Friday 8/28RAP—•Name 3 men who met in Philadelphia and took part in creating the Declaration of Independence.•Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

•(look at the end of the Declaration if you do not know)

•Today–Break up letter?–America the Story of Us–HW: Read Ch. 3.2—answer questions—Due Tuesday

Page 4: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Declaration of Independence• Popcorn read the Declaration of Independence—page 61.

Explanation of Declaration and your explanation.– What were the three main parts to the Declaration of Independence?

• Part One:• Part Two:• Part Three:

• On the bottom portion of your paper relate it to something: example,

Declaration of Independence = Breakup letter to Britain.• Part 1:”We don’t want to be with you, you don’t treat us right,

we are sick of your attitude and taking advantage of us.”• Part 2: “list of 27 reasons why we want to break up” *if you

ever have 27 reasons to break up with anyone---go!• Part 3: “We are done! Lose my phone number! Hast luego,


Page 5: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Monday 8/31RAP•What happened to the first people in Jamestown?

•Today:•America the Story of Us•Read “A Day in History”•Read Ch. 3.2 and complete handout…DUE TUESDAY

Page 6: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

• Please open your book to page 64 and 65.– Read the newspaper. In your notes—title

“One day in History” and answer these questions.

• What was the “Shot heard around the World”• Where did Daniel Boone cut a new road?• What was a popular song during this time?• What did Thomas Paine write about in

Pennsylvania Magazine?

Page 7: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Ch. 3.2 War for IndependenceTurn to page 66

• Please read this section and complete the questions as you read.

– Due Tuesday.– The map is DUE Wednesday!

Page 8: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Tuesday 9/1• RAP

– List advantages for the British during the Revolutionary War.

– List advantages for the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

• Today:– Review Ch. 3.2—answer questions– Work on map if you complete the reading.

• Due on Wednesday.

– Read and take notes on Ch. 3.3 DUE Thursday

Page 9: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Today1. RAP2. Read introduction to Ch. 3.2 “War for


3. We will be grade / check section 4. Turn in map first thing Wednesday.5. Read and take notes on Ch. 3.3


Page 10: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Ch. 3.2 War for Independence

1. What were the two ways the Second Continental Congress dealt with the challenge of leading the colonies against Britain, in 1775.

a. The delegates called for the formation of a Continental Army of 20,000 men.

b. The delegates attempted to resolve the crisis with Britain.

Page 11: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

2. Explain how the pamphlet Common Sense helped motivate and prepare colonists for revolution.

– The Common Sense helped to motivate and prepare colonists for revolution because it was written in direct, colorful language that everyone could understand. It also kept everyone informed of what their rights were and they could form their own country.

Page 12: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

3. What date did the delegates adopt the Declaration of Independence? July 4th, 1776.

Page 13: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

1. Complete the timeline below: Explain each date.

March 1776 The British were forced to evacuate Boston.

July 1776 On July 4th, Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence.

April 1775 Battles at Lexington and Concord which began the Revolutionary War.

September 1777 The British occupy Philadelphia

October 1777 The Americans defeat the British at Saratoga which led to the French joining the war against the British.

February 1778 By February of 1778 the French have officially joined the war against the British.

June 1778

The British are forced to evacuate Philadelphia.

October 1781 Washington and the Continental Army, with help of the French Navy, trapped the British in Chesapeake Bay, which led to the surrender of the British.

September 1783

The United States and Great Britain sign the final peace treaty in Paris.

Page 14: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

5. How many soldiers fought for the American side? More than 250,000 American soldiers fought.

6. 1 out of every _10_ Americans who fought died; the British captured and occupied most major cities, such as: Boston, New York_, and Philadelphia.

Page 15: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

7. Describe how Americans mobilized for war and how all levels of society became involved.

a) Elite politicians- mobilized by designing state and national governments 

b) Men with military experience- volunteered for military positions

c) Merchants- some loaned money to the army and to the Congress

d) Farmers- tried to provide food for the armies

e) Actual groups doing the fighting- poorest Americans did most of the actual fighting – young city laborers, farm boys, indentured servants, and sometimes enslaved persons all fought.

f) Women- managed farms, ran businesses, nurses and cooks for the army, spies, and some even dressed as soldiers.

Page 16: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

8. Describe the battle field. • The battlefield was terrible; lack of food, supplies, and money made it difficult to fight; along with boredom, disease, and bloodshed. Troops fought in orderly lines which broke down to hand to hand combat—using bayonets and knives. Medical treatment barely existed on or off the battlefield.• 

Page 17: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

9. Most wounds were fatal_.

10. Most African Americans and Native Americans fought alongside the British. Why? Most African Americans fought with the British because the British promised them freedom. Those who did fight with the colonists thought they were fighting for freedom for all. Native Americans sided with the British because they thought they might be able to keep their land if the British won the war.

Page 18: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would
Page 19: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

11. What were the three major economic problems in the colonies that caused the army to be in need of flour and salt, shoes and cloth, and guns? (pg. 69)

1. Trade Stops: no more manufactured goods from England; no more salt to preserve meat and fish from British West Indies; No export markets for colonists’ crops and raw materials.2. Industry lags: formerly imported goods had to be made in colonies; new sawmills, salt works, and granaries strained to meet citizen and army needs.3. No Stable Currency: no uniform money system at least 15 different types of money in circulation; no funds to pay for war; congres issues Continental dollar of little or no value.

Page 20: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

12. What new roles did women have during the war?

– Managed farms

– Ran businesses

– Nurses and cooks

– spies– Expressed

thoughts more freely --politics

Page 21: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

13. . Define:

a. Revolution:

Is a violent struggle to overthrow a government; the 13 colonies went up against the greatest power at this time, Great Britain.

b. Suffrage:

***Women also wanted more rights—they were looking for suffrage, or the right to vote. Women in one state – colony had the right to vote from 1776 to 1807, that was New Jersey.

Page 22: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Page 71—Interpreting a primary document

• Read interpreting a primary source.– When you have completed reading this page,

please read • Practicing the skill

– Answer the five questions.

Page 23: Wednesday 8/26 RAP Read page 54 and look at the picture on page 55. –If you were an African American during the time of the Revolutionary War, what would

Please open your textbook to page 72Class will read intro to “Creating a New America.”Title notes “Creating a New America” Ch 3.3Individually you will read• State Constitutions-

– Virginia’s Conservative Constitution– A Radical Document for Pennsylvania– Constitutional Convention in Massachusetts

• Reforms• Women

– Coverture– Women’s role in Revolutionary war-– Abigail Adams– Esther De Berdt Reed– education

• Slavery– Role in Revolutionary war– Impact of war on slavery

» Importation» Dr. Benjamin Rush

Question to answer:Do you think the status of women and free and enslaved African Americans changed much during the Revolutionary era?