WEDDING DAY...A WEDDING DAY EMERGENCY KIT Your “wedding day emergency kit” should consist of any + all essentials you may need day-of (Band-aids, medicine, super glue, bobby pins,

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    2 4 T H I N G S T O D O T H E W E E KB E F O R E Y O U R B E S T D A Y E V E R

    Neva Michelle Photography

  • Hey, Bride or Groom. “Stressed out” is the last thing we wantyou to be the week before your wedding.

    To help combat that potential stress, we’ve put together a listof 24 things to remember to do the week before the big day! 

    Give the next few pages a quick read, finish up these finalitems, and get ready to enjoy the biggest + best celebration ofyour life!

    xoxo, The Springs


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    BLVD Photography

  • 01 . BREAK INYOUR SHOESAlso, if you are nervous aboutslipping in your new shoes on yourwedding day, scuff up the soles witha piece of sandpaper or add a fewlines of hot glue along the bottoms.Voila: no-slip soles!

    PRO-TIP: Grab your fiance +practice dancing in your weddingshoes, even if it’s just once. It willmake you feel 100x more confidentduring your first dance.

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    02. CHECK INWITH YOURCOORDINATOR +VENDORSKeep them updated on any changes,see if there is anything else theyneed from you + confirm yourfinalized timeline, including theirarrival times.

    03. GATHER TIPSFOR VENDORSIf there are certain vendors youplan on tipping (or those thatrequested a cash payment ie.security, band) withdraw cash aheadof time + organize it into separateenvelopes, each clearly marked as towhich vendor it should go to.

    Determine who will be in charge ofgetting these envelopes to thecorrect vendor at the close of yourreception.

    Jessica Lucile Photography

  • 05. FINALIZEVOWS + READTHEM OUT LOUDOnce you've finalized your vows,go ahead + practice reading themout loud, as you don’t want tostumble over your words whenyou’re standing up at theceremony site.

    Practicing out loud will leave youfeeling confident + sure of yourwords on the day of the wedding.

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    04. CONFIRM WHOWILL BE GIVINGSPEECHES + TOASTSCheck in with everyone who will begiving a speech or toast at either therehearsal dinner or the weddingreception + make sure they know theyare on the timeline to do so.

    Write a letter to give to yourfiance while they are gettingready on the big day. (P.S. if youare wanting them to have onewritten for you as well, you mightneed to give them a heads up!)

    If you plan on doing a First Look,exchanging letters just before isthe perfect time to do so. If youwon’t be seeing each other untilthe ceremony, have yourbridesmaids or groomsmendeliver the letter to their suiteearlier in the day. 




    Karina Danielle Photography

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    07. PREPARE +DROP OFFWELCOME BAGSIf you will be providing welcomebags to greet your out-of-town guestsupon check-in, prepare these bags +have them dropped off at the hotel.

    PRO-TIP: Include something local inthe welcome bag. Local salsa. Localbeer. Samples from your favoritebakery in town, etc.!

    08. PUT TOGETHERA WEDDING DAYEMERGENCY KITYour “wedding day emergency kit”should consist of any + all essentialsyou may need day-of (Band-aids,medicine, super glue, bobby pins,safety pins, etc.).

    09. DESIGNATESOMEONE TOTRANSPORT THEWEDDING GIFTSDesignate someone who will be incharge of grabbing the card box +wedding gifts after the nightconcludes, loading them up in theircar, and delivering the lot to yourhome.

    PRO-TIP: Choose someone you trust,and often, someone with a big car, toget your gifts home safe + sound.

    Cindy Medick Photo

    Jessica Palacios Photography

    Emily Nicole Photo

  • 10 . MAKE SURE YOUHAVE YOURMARRIAGE LICENSEEnsure you have paid a visit to thecounty clerk’s office nearest you topick up your marriage license.

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    11 . MAKE A NAILAPPOINTMENTSet some time aside (typically the daybefore the wedding, once everyonehas gotten into town) for you + yourgirls to go and get your nails and toesdone.

    Confirm ahead of time how manypeople will be joining you + make anappointment so you don’t get stuckwaiting for hours or worse, turnedaway.

    12 . ENCOURAGEYOUR GROOM TOGET A HAIRCUTWe say “encourage” because we knowthat sometimes there’s just noconvincing that sweet man of yours todo anything, BUT we do thinkwedding week calls for a nice, freshtrim.

    Consider setting up an appointmentfor your groom + his guys to all get acut and shave or beard trim togetherthe week before your wedding day.

    This makes for some fun, male-bonding time in the days leading upto the wedding celebration!

    Emily Figurelli Photography

  • 14 . PACK ASEPARATE BAGFOR THEWEDDING NIGHTIn addition to packing for thehoneymoon, we also recommendpacking a separate bag for thewedding night.

    Keeping things separate(honeymoon luggage + weddingnight bag) ensures that when youget to the honeymoon suite, youwon’t have to fully unpack.

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    13 . PACK FOR THEHONEYMOONIf you will be leaving for yourhoneymoon immediately following thewedding (or maybe the next day), goahead + pack your bags for the trip.

    Once your honeymoon bags have beenpacked, designate someone who will bein charge of making sure they end upin the getaway car on the night of thewedding.

    W I T H M Y W H O L E

    H E A R T F O R M Y

    W H O L E L I F E

    15 . ORGANIZE +PACK WEDDINGDECORIt’s nice to have all of yourwedding decor organized, labeled,packed up, and ready to go priorto the morning of your wedding.

    Just as with the wedding gifts,designate someone (or a fewsomeones) to be in charge oftransporting the decor back toyour home following your GrandExit.

    Chrisxjess Photo

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    16 . SEND YOURWEDDING PARTYTHE TIMELINEFinalize your wedding day timeline+ send a copy to the wedding party.

    Sending out the timeline will ensureeveryone knows exactly when +where things will be happening. Itshould also help deflect anyquestions – “check the timeline!”

    Share via email or take screenshotson your phone + send out in yourbridesmaid group text.

    17 . PUT SOMEONEIN CHARGE OFWEDDING DAYLUNCH PLANSIt is so, so important to make sureyou are eating throughout the dayprior to your ceremony.

    Put someone in charge of pickingsomething up or setting up a lunchdelivery.

    18 . DRINK LOTSOF WATERStaying hydrated will help keepyour skin clear + glowing, which isexactly how you want it to look onthe big day.

    It will also keep you feelingenergized. Win, win! 

    Joanna Booth Photography

    Jordan Lindsay Photography



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    Keep in mind: you hired a professionalphotographer - it’s very important totrust them to be the pro. This piece ofadvice is not to give them a list ofevery. single. image. Rather, to make itclear if there are any “must-have”photos you simply can’t live without.

    A short, simple document will do thetrick.

    20. GATHER ALLDESIRED ITEMS FORPHOTOGRAPHER TOSTYLE + SHOOTFind a safe place (like a clear, plasticbin with a lid or a shoe box) to keepyour shoes, jewelry, rings, ring boxes,invitation suites, and any other smalldetails that your photographer willwant to style + shoot.

    21 . GO ON ONE LASTDATE AS ANENGAGED COUPLEThis can be a hard one because we getit – the week before your wedding daycan make you feel a little crazy. Evenso, we do think that it’s important.

    Take the time to connect + get excitedtogether about your upcoming BestDay Ever because trust us… it will FLYby!

    Senae Photography

  • 22. PREPARE +WRAP ANY GIFTSFOR PARENTS +WEDDING PARTYIf you opted to do parent or weddingparty gifts, make sure these areprepared + wrapped ahead of time.

    We suggest writing a small thank younote to include alongside each gift, asboth your parents + wedding partyhave likely been a strong force ingetting you to this point… just a fewdays out from your wedding!

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    23. GET AS MUCHREST AS POSSIBLERest? The week before yourwedding day? Are we crazy? Maybe.

    But try to – at least as much as youcan. Your wedding weekend is goingto be a whirlwind. Squeeze in someextra sleep the week before if you'reable.

    24. BREATHE +ENJOYEveryone says it, but it’s because it’strue – your wedding day will come +go far more quickly than you canimagine. So our best advice? Bepresent + enjoy it!

    Hiccups will probably happen +that’s okay. We like to say thatevery wedding that ends with youmarrying your best friend is asuccessful wedding.

    Bailey Rose Photo

  • H A P P YW E D D I N GW E E K

    One week out – you’re almost there! Breathe. Enjoy. Gomarry the love of your life.

    Discover our 15 dreamy venue locations across Texas &Oklahoma by visiting us at www.springsvenue.com + findmore free planning tools from THE WEDDING VENUEEXPERTS at www.springsvenue.com/tools

    Happy Wedding!

    xoxo, The Springs

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    Amy Odom Photography