The following letter was typed from a hand-written letter dated 7/23/2014 from Jeffrey R. “Bulletinman” Weinhaus. Day 661-Bulletinman held Hostage 7/23/2014 Chief Justice Russell, Please excuse my poor penmanship, grammar, and spelling. Here at the prison, we the “offenders” (although, I have “offended” no-one, other than members of the ‘Bar’) have no computer, printer, internet, cell phone, or meaningful access to the Courts. Article 1, Section 2, of the Missouri Constitution speaks of equal rights, opportunity, and justice under the law. Obviously, that does not apply to the 42,000 + “offenders” who need it most. To say the least, myself and many others similarly situated are in the midst of a “Constitutional Crisis.” Sadly, the whole State and Country have lost their Constitutional Rights! With Liberty and Justice for all? In 2014, Liberty seems to be limited to “Just-Us” lawyers, police, and so-called “First Responders”-9- 11er’s. “As Lawyers and Judges, we have a unique responsibility. The ability of the people of Missouri to seek and find Justice, for anyone at anytime, is ours to preserve and protect, despite our individual interest. This is our common calling. This must be our constant focus.” William Ray Price-Justice Mo. Supreme Court-9/30/2010. 1

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The following letter was typed from a hand-written letter dated 7/23/2014 from Jeffrey R. “Bulletinman” Weinhaus.

Day 661-Bulletinman held Hostage7/23/2014

Chief Justice Russell,Please excuse my poor penmanship, grammar, and spelling. Here at the

prison, we the “offenders” (although, I have “offended” no-one, other than members of the ‘Bar’) have no computer, printer, internet, cell phone, or meaningful access to the Courts. Article 1, Section 2, of the Missouri Constitution speaks of equal rights, opportunity, and justice under the law. Obviously, that does not apply to the 42,000 + “offenders” who need it most.

To say the least, myself and many others similarly situated are in the midst of a “Constitutional Crisis.” Sadly, the whole State and Country have lost their Constitutional Rights! With Liberty and Justice for all?

In 2014, Liberty seems to be limited to “Just-Us” lawyers, police, and so-called “First Responders”-9-11er’s.

“As Lawyers and Judges, we have a unique responsibility. The ability of the people of Missouri to seek and find Justice, for anyone at anytime, is ours to preserve and protect, despite our individual interest. This is our common calling. This must be our constant focus.” William Ray Price-Justice Mo. Supreme Court-9/30/2010.

Since 1996 I have published a newsletter called simply “Bulletin” in Jefferson County, which is circulated throughout Eastern Missouri and on the world-wide web “Bulletinman.com.” The constant focus and common calling of my “Free Press Publication” is helping the people of Missouri seek and find Justice. For anyone-All the time!

It is incumbent on the “Free Press,” the only business specifically protected by the United States Constitution, to help the “people.” We, the people, understand the function that Judges and the Courts are assigned. The Courts were designed by the founders to protect the people’s God given Inalienable Rights.

This safe-civil environment in 2014 has become a male of chaos and confusion for all those who enter into the local courthouse. Every evil act that the people have thrust upon them is conceived and consummated at the “Haunted Courthouse.”

Whether the people lose their freedom, property, children, and sanity, it happens in the County seat of Satan. Evil is called Good and Good Evil. (Isaiah 5:20-26)


Instead of cases being decided on the facts and the law, they are decided on the personal beliefs and benefits afforded to so-called “Judges” by shyster lawyers, who premise their particular outcomes to their “clients,” who pony up the cash to tip the scales of Justice.

The oaths taken by the Bench are unrecorded and often ignored in pursuit of Just-Us, the well connected. The Constitution is ignored, not supported, and undefended by the renegade, black-robed Judges who only treat the “people” with scorn, ridicule, and disrespect. The state of the Judiciary in 2014 is one of disarray, undignified in every aspect, crooked, and burdensome to all those who enter the hollow halls of Justice, Just-Us!

The rule of law in Missouri has been replaced by the rule of the lawyer. “For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King: He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22

Obviously, the separation of powers concept comes from the word of the Lord. The founders of this Republic believed that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why “they” came up with checks and balances. Though today in Missouri, the Chief Executive is a lawyer. The Speaker of the House is a lawyer. These officers of the Court, members of the Bar, have, in affect taken over the Government.

From what I understand, (though cannot confirm, no internet) there has not been a Judge impeached since 1960. The Bar Assoc. has a monopoly on, not only the practice (to deceive) of law, but the State Government. Your Honor, how is this fact not a conflict of interest? Would the citizens of the State of Missouri allow medical doctors a license (sic) to manufacture (sic) diseases and then own the hospital and the pharmacy to treat the disease?

Common sense and the common law, of, which the rule of law is based on, at one time! defined a “crime” as an act that causes provable personal injury, loss and or harm. The body of the crime (Corpus delicti) provides that there has to be an actual victim, injured party in order to be “criminal.” Actus Reus. In well over 70% of the Court’s “business,” who are the criminals?

Obviously we have a major malfunction in the State of Missouri (misery). We, the tax-paying people of Missouri are spending well over a billion dollars a year, locking up non-violent, victimless so-called “offenders” so that parasitical, non productive citizens can make a “living” oppressing their fellow citizens.

According to the St. Louis Post Disgrace 71% of the people coming into the D.O.C. are here for “parole violations.” So, as long as they are compliant (sic) with the mostly unconstitutional terms of their conditional release, they are not a threat to the people of Missouri. Out of the 42,000 + “offenders” that would equate to 29,000+ citizens being locked up at a cost of $23,000 per father, mother, aunt,


uncle, child, nephew, and niece, tax-paying citizens, myself included. (I have paid $80.00-in sales tax so far while I’ve been in prison.)

Chief Justice Russell, I have 6 (six) children and 3 (three) ex-wives who desperately need my influence, support, and presence in their lives. Since November 1st 2012 I have been locked up on spurious charges. Today is the 661st (six hundred-and-sixty first) day I have been held hostage by the Judicial Branch of the State of Missouri.

On 8/22/12 my home office was invaded by troopers of the Missouri Highway Patrol. They had come to “talk” to me about a video I had posted on YouTube “8/16/12 The Party’s over.” (I was charged with “Tampering with Judge Parker,” who was a State Rep. back in 2002 and introduced a Bill for another Judgeship in the 42nd Circuit. Of course, he got the “Job” and went from $31,000 a year to $100,000+ a year as the new Assoc. Circuit Judge. I was found Not Guilty at trial. I never mentioned his name. I put the way he got his job in captions.)

The troopers and I discussed my plans to protest the Court’s unconstitutional actions and “occupy” the courthouse on September 17th “Constitution Day.” I assured them that this would be a non-violent sit-in. Trooper Folsom then decided that he would be seeking a search warrant for he noticed the smell of marijuana when I exited my office.

Cpr. Mertens, the other trooper admitted in depositions that he did not smell the pot. My wife and I were detained while Sgt. Folsom went to get his warrant. Some 3 (three) hours later he returned with a warrant notarized by the P.A. in which Judge Hoven gave permission to seize my computers, cameras (printing press) along with “marijuana.” Judge Hoven must have thought the source of the smell was my equipment I used to publish my “Free Press” publication and post my video broadcast on the internet.

Sgt. Folsom failed to notify the local sheriff upon application of the warrant. Neither did P.A. Bob Parks nor Judge David Hoven. The Sheriff, nor his designee were present when the warrant was served. This is a violation of RSMO 043.200. Along with my computers, a small amount of marijuana was seized along with 1 morphine tablet, which was not on the items to be seized on the illegal warrant.

At the time of the seizure of my printing press, I was the Democratic nominee for the office of Coroner in Crawford County. When I decided to run for Coroner, it was in response to the hundreds of incidents that I had become aware of involving (sic) the Crawford County Sheriff.

His deputies had shot and killed Kelley Brandt in 2006. There were many other malicious law enforcement actions perpetrated on the citizens of Crawford County. Sgt. Folsom’s supervisor was Shawn Satterfield. His cousin Paul Satterfield was involved in many of the rogue law enforcement actions in the summer of 2011.


I ran a series of ads in the local newspapers looking for “victims” of over-zealous law enforcement. I received over 200 responses.

At the County Fair in July of 2012 I was approached by Lt. Shawn Satterfield and warned to mind my own business. Shawn and Kelly Parker are both in the U.S. Army Reserve. (You can view the videos on my Bulletinman YouTube Channel. I believe they are still up.)

After trying to hire a lawyer to quash the search warrant in Franklin County, I filed a Writ of Replevin with your Court (Missouri Supreme) on 9/6/2012. Even though this filing was “rejected” for lack of a filing fee $70.00 (never mind that Justice shall NOT be for sale, I believe Art. 1, Sec. 14 Mo. Const.)

Mr. Thompson gave a copy of the writ to the “Fusion” Center, as well as Senator Nieves and Governor Nixon. This is all part of the “Discovery” in 12AB-CR02409-01. I made numerous phone calls and e-mails concerning the ‘theft’ of my computers and cameras.

The morning of 9/11/2012 Sgt. Folsom called me and informed me that he had been ordered by the “Supreme Court” to return my equipment. Unbeknown to me, he had actually got P.A. Parks and Judge Hoven to issue an “arrest warrant” based upon the illegal search warrant for “Tampering with Judge Parker” and “Possession of morphine and marijuana.”

I asked Sgt. Folsom if he intended on arresting me. He assured me (lied to me) that he was going to simply return my equipment. He suggested that we meet at a gas station. I attempted to find someone to go with me. When I could not, I called my ex-wife and asked her to record the meeting. I also activated my wrist watch spy cam. As I was on the way to the meeting my children’s mother suggested that we pray. Had I not taken her advice I would have been killed.

Upon arrival Sgt. Folsom questioned my right to have an unconcealed (sic) fire-arm (Art. 1, Sec. 23, Mo. Const.). 2.8 (two-point eight) seconds after I was ordered to “get on the ground” I was shot at 6 (six) times. 2 (two) striking my chest, 1 (one) hitting my right cheek exiting out of my forehead, and the final shot at the base of my skull exiting out of the back of my neck into the ground.

As I laid there bleeding from the 8 (eight) holes in my body, Sgt. Folsom called his boss bragging that I was “Down” and Cpr. Mertens called his father. Even after they realized I was not J-4 (DEAD) they gave me no first aid. The paramedics arrived 9 (nine) minutes after I was shot. I was airlifted to St. John’s Mercy in Creve Coeur. I lost 6 (six) pints of blood. (You can view the videotape of the shooting by Google-ing “Bulletinman.”)

I walked out of the hospital one month later. Even though there was a warrant for my arrest, I was not arrested until I showed up at Court on November 1, 2012. At this bond hearing, P.A. Parks charged me with two counts of “attempted (murder) of a L.E.O,” 2 (two) counts of A.C.A and resisting arrest.


I was held on a cash only bond of $50,000 despite the fact that I had never missed a court date. After I was indicted by a Grand Jury (No transcript-violating Court of Record Statute) my bond was raised to $250,000 cash at a bond reduction hearing on 12/27/2012. Despite the fact, that my lawyer DID NOT argue Art. 1, Sec. 20, Mo. Const. my bond was back down to $50,000 cash only.

My lawyer quit February 14, 2013 after I discovered, Art. 1, Sec. 20. “A conflict of interest.” I operated pro-se and filed motions to quash the G.J. indictment (Folsom lied to the Grand Jury) and to sever the charges (two different dates and “crimes” were not “connected.”) These were denied.

At the pre-trial hearing my 108 (one hundred and eight) witnesses were quashed down to 5 (five). I had no choice but to hire an attorney. We had raised $10,000 to hire Hugh Eastwood. My trial was put off until October of 2013. Mr. Eastwood deposed the Troopers along with the FBI agents who were there. After they admitted they did not see a weapon on me, they were taken off the witness list for the prosecution.

At the trial, Mr. Eastwood failed to enter any exhibits, including a still shot taken from the watch video which showed my lawfully carried, legally owned fire-arm on my left side. He failed to call the FBI who saw my right side, no gun.

The Troopers testified my gun was on my right side. He put on 3 (three) witnesses who all saw me fall to the ground hands empty. He failed to question Sgt. Folsom about his command for me “to take my hand off the gun.” Not on either recording or Cpr. Mertens, if he heard Sgt. Folsom command me to “take my hand off the gun.” Nor did he expose the other dozen or so inconsistent statements. See legal file ED100807.

To say the least, Mr. Eastwood would be the poster child for “ineffective assistance of counsel.” Somehow 5 (five) of the 12 (twelve) jurors seated had friends or family who were law enforcement. So far, the “Court” has failed to protect mine and my family’s rights.

Our first right, the Freedom of Speech, Press. Second Right-Right to Bear Arms. Fourth Right,-Illegal Search and Seizure. Fifth Right-Double Jeopardy, Sixth Right to effective counsel, Eighth Right-cruel and unusual punishment (therapy both physical and cognitive was stopped by the State of Missouri.) Thirteenth-Slavery-I’m forced to “work” in food service here at the Bonne Terrible “Death Camp.” To top it off my Fourteenth Right to Equal Justice, Opportunity.

Myself, and my family, along with my viewers, readers, and sponsors are having a hard time understanding the function the Judges and Courts are assigned. Even though I was acquitted of “attempted murder, Class A Assault” of Cpr. Mertens, he has not been charged with Class A Assault (not attempted) of myself.

I was also acquitted of “resisting arrest.” Which begs the question, since I was not resisting arrest, why was I fired on? Obviously, this safe-civil


environment of the courtroom has become hostile and uncivil to the only “victim.” The one who has/is suffering injury, loss, and harm while the “assaulters” enjoy immunity!

The Judges in my encounter with the Court’s have shown extreme personal prejudice, ignoring the facts and the laws. Judge David Hoven, not only issued a “search” warrant absent probable cause, notarized by the P.A. and in violation of RSMO 043.200 an “arrest” warrant which resulted in my attempted murder, and refused to grant a surety bond. To top it off, gave my “estranged” wife an “order of protection” 11 (eleven) days before my criminal trial for stalking and harassing her while I was locked up in jail. This tainted the 10 (ten) woman jury. Not to mention, the foreperson having “domestic violence issues.”

Judge Stanley Williams, defaulted me in my “divorce,” after instructing the Sheriff not to bring me to court. I lost my house, car, health insurance, & savings. Not to mention my wife.

Judge Gael Wood refused to grant me a surety bond guaranteed (sic) by Art. 1, Sec. 20 of the Mo. Const. He refused to dismiss the bogus charges.

Retired “Special” Judge Sutherland appointed by the “Supreme Court” made a mockery of the Rule of Law and Court. You can review all of his errors based on his personal beliefs and popular opinion. (MO ED-100807)

All of the above made sure the outcome of my encounter with the Courts was particular to the “State of Missouri.” “They” did nothing to support or defend the Constitution, nor did “they” treat me with fairness, dignity, or respect!

In conclusion, I thank you for your time and attention. It is my prayer that you take this letter to heart and act on the information contained herein. Everything I have alleged about the Judicial System in Missouri has been confirmed by the actions of “your Missouri Courts,” in my pursuit of Justice.

“But we do promise to support and defend our Constitution and to treat everyone with fairness, dignity, and respect.” Justice Russell, State of the Judiciary Address, 1/22/2014, really?

I believe that this letter, demonstrates that myself, my children, Bethany, Kailey, Levi, Trinity, Aliyah, and Josiah have yet to be treated fairly. Our Constitutional rights have not been respected. Thus your promise to the legislature, to say the least rings hollow.

Since the death of my father, Kenneth Weinhaus, 9/11/1995, I have dedicated my life and his small fortune, to protecting my family’s rights and other citizens of this once Great Republic, who are similarly situated. For my efforts I have lost 3 (three) wives, 3 (three) properties, 6 (six) pints of blood, and well over 1(one) million U.S. dollars.

I have been arrested for hosting “illegal” festivals on my private property, crossing the R.R. tracks, and attempted murder when I was the only one shot. I


have spent over 700 (seven hundred) days in jail. All the while, my “actions” never caused any injury, loss, or harm. Should “your” Court not right these wrongs, I will have to spend the next 28 (twenty eight) years in prison. Is that Justice?

Chief Justice Russell, my criminal matter is currently under appeal (ED 100807). My “Brief” was finally filed on Friday. July 25, 2014, after a 90 (ninety) day delay by my overworked, underpaid Public Defender, Amy Bartholow. I have no idea what my points of appeal are since I do not have a copy of it.

At sentencing I gave Judge Sutherland many “legal reasons” for not pronouncing sentencing. My woefully ineffective (on purpose) counsel also brought up 7 (seven) reasons why a new trial should have been granted. Despite the fact that my counsel failed to introduce any exhibits, failed to call key witnesses, the FBI, and the Sheriff, failed to question Sgt. Folsom about his statement “Get your hand off the gun.” Nor did he question Cpr. Mertens, his partner in “crime” about the alleged last thing Folsom said to me before I was shot (you can view the video by Google-ing “Bulletinman.”)

My counsel, Hugh Eastwood failed to realize that I was actually convicted of “assaulted Sgt. Folsom by shooting him.” (See legal file.) At sentencing he did not bring up the fact that there is no evidence to sustain the conviction. Despite the obvious, errors and omissions, Judge Sutherland had the audacity to claim “that my lawyer did a good job.” Thus, he found no grounds for ineffective assistance of counsel!

Your Honor please keep in mind the only ones who have suffered injury, loss, and harm is myself, my children and their mothers, along with my brother, my nieces, and nephews. Though, most importantly the citizens of Missouri who now have no voice!

Since I have been locked up I have not had any physical or cognitive therapy. My Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is untreated. Every time the door opens here in prison my heart skips a beat! I have no pain medicine that is effective. I’m forced to labor in the kitchen 5 (five) hours a day.

I have not seen my little children or their mother. They are unapproved. My “friends” who are “approved” have been turned away. I have written over 200 (two hundred) letters to my so-called Representatives, Senators, as well as the Governor (who initiated this whole thing. See T.S. 2/21/13 Hearing P. 31 in legal file.)

I know Jay. I have written numerous articles and videos about him. To say the least, they were not kind to him. Most of my advertisers are from “Desoto, the home of Governor Jay Nixon” on the city limit sign. My first and last job on the radio was on KHAD-KDJR-Desoto.


My prayer Justice Russell is that you are a Christian. There is no “Earthly” reason why I’m alive. Please note the prayer on the video of the shooting, the Angel of the Lord encamped around me. (Psalms 34)

I will leave you with a few scriptures: Isaiah 10:1-4, 42:21-23, 49:24-26, 54:17, Proverbs 12:5-6, 12:19, 13:13, 14:22, 15:29-33, 28:4-10, 31, Genesis 18:25, 45:11, Exodus 12:12-13, Psalms 2:10, 59:1-5, 75:7, 79:9-11, 82:2-4, 89:13-28, 94, 105:14-24.

May the Lord Bless you and keep you, in Jesus Mighty Name. Please see Gerry Spence “Bird Close”

Respectfully,Jeffrey R. “Bulletinman” Weinhaus

The following typed portion of this letter was received in the mail from Jeff (in hand-written version) in a separate mailing from the above portion of the letter.

P.S. The “body” count since 2012 is “citizens” 7, Law Enforcement 0. Including “offenders” killed in the D.O.C. we the people “dead” 21 (5 “no foul play expected,” 9 “Death Penalty.”) the “police” thereof 0. Article 1 Section 2 of the Missouri Constitution speaks of equal protection under the “law.” So much for “equal protection” for the people!

The score should be 22-0, though on 9-11-2012 Trooper H.J. Folsom missed the extra point, wide left. His “holder”, Scott Mertens muffed the hold Trooper Folsom for his “mistake” was cut by the patrol (the “Home” Team).

The only one charged for attempted murder in these 22 incidents, is the only survivor (by the Grace of GOD), myself, is in prison, while those who have resorted to violence and have left a trail of terror across the State remain uncharged, at liberty, and getting away with “murder!”

“Your Missouri Courts”, Your Honor, Chief Just-us Russell, obviously have no “Honor,” integrity, or respect for your “employers” the people of Missouri (misery).

The organic point and purpose of our government is to protect our God given rights. Life being the first and foremost. When it fails to do so, it has failed its chief design. All power is given to and by the people!

21 times “agents” of the State of Missouri have taken away life. 22 times “they” have tried, since 2012! (It could be more, no internet for the “offenders.” Equal justice and opportunity for all or just-us 9-11’ers.

Jeff City “obviously we have a major malfunction.” (Mission control 1-28-1986-upon the realization the space shuttle “Challenger” was blown up.)


Chief Justice Russell, I have waited 92 days for the State (Shaun Mackelprang entered his appearance on 10/22/2014) to reply to our 8 points of appeal. The appeal # is ED100807. One has to assume that the young lady who was on the case could not quite figure out how to overcome the fact that I’ve been “convicted” of “assaulted Sgt. Folsom (fired from MSHP) by shooting him.” Nor the fact that the only injured party is the accused.

In April (2014), I sent Mr. Mackelprang some 28 pages of the lies, errors, omissions, and flaws in the case against me. My paid counsel, Hugh Eastwood failed to present a mountain of exculpatory evidence that prove my innocence. I believe my correspondence (sic) have been deposited with the Eastern District. You can find them on web at www.freebulletinman.com

Your address to the legislature on the “State of the Judiciary” 1-22-2014 brought me great hope. All I have ever wanted, all my efforts over the last 18 years, have one goal, for our duly elected “officials” to Honor their oath to God Almighty, the Constitution, and the people.

The reason I ran for Sheriff in 2000 was to hold our “leaders” accountable to the “people.” When I ran my campaign slogan was “Justice for All, Not Just-Us.” Since the “election” of 2000 my crusade against the culture of corruption has come with much opposition and considerable cost to myself & my family.

The Sheriff’s race was rigged. The vote totals were flipped. In the primary I had 4,800 votes. Sheriff Bulock had 1/3 of his own party vote against him. His 4,100 went to 13, 454. I gained only 35 votes. I had exit polls taken at 10 of the 17 polling sites. They reported that I had him beat 3 to 1.

County Clerk Sandy Wells was named as a Defendant in my lawsuit challenging the election. Of course my suit was dismissed by the “Honorable” Court in the 24th Circuit. Though God is not mocked, within 6 months she was indicted for “stealing” $10,000 from the “people.” She was forced to resign. Of course she never went to jail.

In 2001 my outdoor concert venue was shut down by Judge Rader for holding “festivals without a permit.” Never mind that a “festival” was defined as an event with an attendance of 5,000 people and 12 hours of continuous activities.

On 5/11/2001 the Love “Festival” was held on our “private property.” The St. Francios County Sheriff, along with the Missouri Highway Patrol blocked off exits from the U.S. Highway 67 and forced our guests to go through “road blocks” to get to our property. A total of 12 people were arrested for “drugs” out of the 1,500 people who came to the “Love Festival.”

The “State” sought a restraining order because of the rampant “drugs.” Out of three events held in April and May of 2001, the best we could do was 2,500, a far cry from the 5,000. The longest “rave” we had was 8 hours.


In August of 2001 I was “arrested” for having a Legal Defense Fundraiser in my home, 100 or so in attendance. I bonded out for $2,000 (what was raised).

The only court in America held the afternoon of 9/11/2001 was my hearing. I convinced Judge Rader to postpone the proceedings to 10/11/2001. On 10/2/2001 our daughter Trinity Jean was born 6 weeks premature. We brought her home on 10/10/2001. I was sentenced to 6 months for “contempt” of court. I started my sentence 11/1/2001. I was let out of jail 11/30/2001 on the condition I move out of the “State.” It turned out Judge Rader’s Law Firm worked for the bank that held our note.

The day I got out of jail I was on the front page of the Metro section of the Post-Dispatch. My “forced” relocation caused me to drop out of the State senate race for the newly created 3rd District.

In 2003 I spent 7 days in the Crawford County jail (42nd Circuit) for “harassing” my ex-wife. I had filed a Family Access Motion to enforce my visitation to see my daughter, Kailey Rose.

It is noteworthy to share the fact the “officer” that led the raid to shut down the Rockport Amphitheater Ziegler was killed in a freak accident and Judge Rader lost a family member in 2001.

By the way Judge Kelly Parker is the one who put me in jail. (It is also noteworthy that my ex-wife’s lawyer was Martin Mazzri. He died in 2003. Senator Danny Staples also died. He refused to help us in 2001. Once again, God is not mocked!)

In 2004 we moved to Wayne County to operate the Markham Springs Recreation Area for the United States Forrest Service. In the Fall of 2005 our permit was pulled after I exposed the USFS Agenda in the Mark Twain National Forrest (Agenda 21-Rewilding of America) and was critical of the U.S. Government response to Hurricane Katrina.

In April of 2006, I was “arrested” on election day for crossing the railroad tracks. I was a candidate for Alderman. My wife was running for the school board.

On 5/11/2006 after Judge Schuller (42nd Circuit) recused himself. (I was writing about his cocaine habit in the Bulletin.) I was arrested for contempt of court and beaten by Deputy Decker. On the way back from the hospital I shared with the good Deputy some scriptures-Psalms 34, 35, 89, 94 and Isaiah 54:17. He told Judge Schuller that I thought that I was God.

Randy committed me to the South Eastern Mental Hospital. (Read the book Psycho Politics-published in the 1930’s.) While I was in the “nut house” my wife Valarie was approached by the Wayne County Sheriff and the MSHP and told if she did not divorce me “they” would take our children, Trinity Jean, Aliyah Grace, and Josiah Rains.


“They” let her file for an order of protection and divorce as a pauper while I was in the “hospital.” After 13 days I was discharged from the institution and arrested for a misdemeanor “assault” on Deputy Decker. My diagnosis from the mental institution was “psychosis” not specified. I moved back to Jefferson County.

In November of 2007 I got a “real” job at the Cave Vineyard. In December of 2007 I got remarried. I continued to publish my Bulletin, highlighting A.G. Nixon’s blatant attacks on the Missouri and U.S. Constitutions.

In June of 2009 I was laid off from the Cave Vineyard. The St. Gen. County Sheriff (24th Circuit) was placing DWI “check points” on the road to the winery. My boss, Marty Strussion was told the road blocks would go when Weinhaus goes!

In 2009 we moved to Franklin County buying a house south of St. Clair. In 2011 I rented an apartment to establish a residence in Crawford County. Since 1989 my advertising agency Powerhouse Productions, contracted with Canoe Outfitters promoting the “tourist” industry. This resulted in raising some 30 million dollars a year for the Crawford County economy.

The Crawford County Sheriff’s department has a bad habit of setting up DWI “check points” to make merchandise of tourists trying to vacation. This has caused considerable attention by St. Louis media-who have coined the unofficial slogan of Crawford County “come on vacation, leave on probation, go to prison on revocation!” (70% of the D.O.C. prisoners)

The following typed portion of this letter was received in the mail from Jeff dated 10/26/2014 (in hand-written version) in a separate mailing from the above 2 portions of the letter.


It’s been 90+ days since I have penned the body of my appeal to you. Since then, 3 young men have been slain by the police in Missouri. Journalists have been detained, protesters arrested for standing in the streets. Businesses have been looted and burned while “law enforcement” stood by.

5 “offenders” have died while in the hands of the D.O.C. The eyes of the whole world are focused on the State of Missouri. It’s been 77 days since Mike Brown was shot 9 times and laid in the street for 4 hours. His “murderer” has yet to be charged nor even “arrested.”

On 3/15/2014 am unarmed Gary Wenzel was murdered by Bourbon Police Officer, Carl Storm. A coroner’s inquest found, despite the fact Gary was UNARMED, his “murder” was justified.


On behalf of Gary’s daughters, I wrote A.G. Kostner asking for an “investigation” into their father’s slaying. He had the audacity to write me back stating his office did not “investigate” murder.

Memorial Day weekend a man in the custody of the Missouri State Highway Patrol “fell out” of the boat and drowned. He was handcuffed behind his back. His “life” jacket was unsecured by the “Trooper.” Despite a “Hearing” in the House, no charges for manslaughter are expected!

In 2012 a 26 year old “Veteran” was slain by the Cole County cops. This resulted in a Veteran’s Court but no charges against the “killers.”

In 2011 I ran a series of ads in the local papers looking for victims of overzealous Law Enforcement which prompted me to start the Bourbon Mo. Bystander in conjunction with the “Bulletin.” I got over 200 responses.

One of them was about the “murder” of Kelly Brandt in 2006 by Paul Satterfield of the C.C.S.D. (See Bulletinman broadcast 2012-Google).

In April of 2012 I filed for the office of Coroner. In July of 2012 I had a booth at the Crawford County Fair that is where I got to meet Paul’s relative, a Shaun Satterfield. We visited and he told me that I need to mind my own business. Shaun is a Lt. Col. In the Army Reserve. Kelly Parker is a Captain.

I also gathered 1,743 signatures on the Petition of Revocation The Undersigned Hereby Revoke the consent and confidence of the current County Government. This petition was to be filed 9/11/2012 with the Recorder of Deeds in Crawford County, I did not make it to the Courthouse.

On 9/10/2012 Shaun Satterfield and my assassins had a meeting to discuss my demise. Within 24 hours I had 8 holes in my body and lost 6 pints of blood. By the Grace and Mercy of God I was still alive! Providence ruled, this we know that all things work together for good-Romans 8:28.

So, why did God keep me alive? I’m reminded of the story of Joseph, Genesis 45. Why has God allowed this manifest injustice to take place? How is the only “victim” the only one suffering injury, loss, and harm in prison while those who are obstructing Justice are at “liberty?”

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil. Will you, too, allow this conspiracy to silence the truth to continue?

Over 6 months ago I sent Mr. Mackelprang the facts of this matter. Over 100 days ago my lawyer filed our appeal brief. The Attorney General has had plenty of time. There is no evidence to sustain the conviction that I shot Sgt. Folsom.

The lip of the truth shall be established forever, a lying tongue is but for a moment, Proverbs 12:19.


The truth is for over 14 years the State of Missouri has used the Courts to steal my civil rights and liberties because I have risen up against an army of evil doers. It is high time for you to stop this insanity!