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الدراسي العام التربية 2017 \ 2016وزارة

الفصل ) التجريبي اإلمتحان اإلنجليزية للغة العام الفني التوجيه ) الثاني الدراسي

: التاســـــــــع : الصف ســـــاعتان الزمناإلجابة في ) نموذج صفحات( 7اإلمتحان

الكتاب ) - - - أسئلة اللغوية الوظائف القواعد المفردات األولى الصفحة) المقروء - - اإلستيعاب التعبير المقرر

الكلية) : درجة (60الدرجة

I – VOCABULARY ) 8 Marks(

A( Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: ) 4 x 1 = 4 Marks(

1. Good students …………………………….ideas to make a project.

a. exchange b. devise c. realize d. trap

2.This magazine has colourful pages of the latest……………..for women and men.

a. horizon b. emergency c. loyalty d. fashion

3. My uncle is…….because his son didn’t message him since he travelled to England.

a. Identical b. content c. upset d. common

4. The player kicked the ball so………………………that it tore the net.

a. importantly b. systematically c. powerfully d. yearly

B( Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the list: ) 4 x 1 = 4 Marks(

[ earthquake - relatively - mend - dusty - brainteaser ]

5. I have had a major operation to mend my knee after the car accident.

6. A violent earthquake hit Japan and destroyed a lot of buildings few months ago.

7. Drivers should be careful when driving along dusty roads .

8. I don’t expect we will win the match because our goal keeper is relatively bad.

Page 2: Web viewI don’t expect we will win the match because our goal keeper is . relatively. bad. إمتحان الصف التاسع ... 25. The underlined word


) الثاني - ) الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف إمتحان

الثانية 2017 \ 2016 الصفحة

II – GRAMMAR ) 5 Marks (

A( Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: )4 x ½ = 2 Marks (

9. Dad promised to call us………………………….the plane lands at the airport.

a. but b. as soon as c. until d. and

10. You can swim very well, ……………………………………………….?

a. aren’t you b. can’t you c. didn’t you d. will you

11. …………………..is your mother now? Is she feeling better?

a. How b. Why c. When d. Whose

12. It’s raining heavily. I wish I…………………………………….my umbrella.

a. don’t forget b. won’t forget c. hadn’t forgotten d. forgot

B( Do as shown between brackets : ) 3 x 1 = 3 Marks (

13. The government restored the old castle. [ change into Passive Voice ]

The old castle was restored by the government.

14. ‘ What is the soup of the day ? ‘ [change into reported speech]

Noura asked what the soup of the day was .

15. Fahad speaks French fluently. [ Make negative ]

Fahad doesn’t speak French fluently.

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) ( الثاني - الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف إمتحان

الثالثة - 2017 \ 2016 الصفحة


Write what you would say in the following situations : ) 3 x 2 = 6 Marks (

16. Your wealthy friends don’t give money for charity.

Giving advice / making suggestions / Giving Reasons

17.You want your father to allow you to go camping with your friends.

Asking for permission / Describing Feelings / Giving Reasons

18. Your friend wants to climb a very tall tree .

Giving advice / Giving warning / Disagreement

[Any reasonable response is accepted]

IV – SET BOOK ) 6 Marks (

Answer ONLY ) THREE ( of the following questions: ) 3 x 2 = 6 Marks (

19. As a student, how can you help disabled children ?I should respect them/ I shouldn’t laugh at them / I should help them engage in the society.

20.Travelling through deserts was very dangerous in the past. Explain People experienced cold, heat, hunger, thirst/ there were thieves.

21.What makes you happy ? What’s the source of your happiness?

Family / friends / enough money / work / social life/ faith / health.

22.True friends are always in the heart. Mention two qualities of a good friend.

Honest / cheerful / loyal / helpful / caring / a good listener.

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[ Any reasonable answer is accepted]

) الثاني - ) الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف إمتحان

الرابعة 2017 \ 2016 الصفحة

V – WRITING ) 15 Marks (

Survival Equipment plays an important part in the sea life. Sailors and divers are in bad need of a lot of items to swim and dive safely. In a report of two paragraphs, )12 sentences(, write about the preparation of a sea trip and the importance of having survival items.

The following guide words and phrases can help you:

Paragraph 1 : Preparation of a sea trip

signal mirror – first aid kit – compass – whistle .

Paragraph 2 : The importance of survival items

reflect sunlight – treat injuries – directions - make sound .

The plan and write ) 2 Marks (

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- ) الثاني - ) الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف إمتحان

الخامسة 2017 \ 2016 الصفحة

Survival in a sea trip ) 13 Marks (






















Page 6: Web viewI don’t expect we will win the match because our goal keeper is . relatively. bad. إمتحان الصف التاسع ... 25. The underlined word


Exposition of ideas,

paragraphing &

numbers of






mind mapping,




& grammar



spacing & punctuation




) الثاني - ) الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف إمتحان

السادسة 2017 \ 2016 الصفحة


Read the following passage, then the answer the questions below:

Last night a thief entered our poor neighbour’s house. He spent a long time looking for something expensive to take, but he found nothing. The thief felt hungry, so he tried to look for something to eat. He went into the small dark kitchen. His hand touched a basket. He put it in the basket, hoping that he could find something to eat. Unfortunately, there was a dog sleeping inside. The dog caught the thief’s hand and began biting it. The thief tried not to shout in order not to wake up anyone in the house. He tried and tried but at last he gave a very loud cry.

Suddenly, everybody in the house woke up. They ran to the kitchen quickly and saw the dog biting the thief. They caught him and called the police. The policemen came quickly and took the thief to the police station. Finally, the judge sent him to prison.

A: Choose the correct answer from a ,b , c and d:- ) 4 X 2 ½ = 10 Marks (

23. The best title for the passage is..............................................................

a. The Small Basket b. The Thief and the Dog

c. The Police Station d. The Dark Kitchen

24. When the people ran to the kitchen,........................................................

a. the thief ran away b. the dog was biting the thief

c. the police came d. the thief was eating

25. The underlined word “it” in the 1st paragraph, refers to...........................

a. basket b. hand

c. kitchen d. house

Page 7: Web viewI don’t expect we will win the match because our goal keeper is . relatively. bad. إمتحان الصف التاسع ... 25. The underlined word


26. The underlined word “unfortunately” in the 1st paragraph, means.....................................

a. luckily b. happily

c. unluckily d. suddenly

) الثاني - ) الدراسي الفصل التجريبي اإلمتحان التاسع الصف 2016 إمتحان

السابعة - 2017 \ الصفحة

B: Answer the following questions:- ) 4 X 2 ½ = 10 Marks (

27. Why did the thief spend a long time in the house?

He was looking for something expensive to take.

28. What did the thief do when he felt hungry ?

He looked for something to eat \ he went into the kitchen.

29. Why didn’t the thief shout when he was bitten by the dog ?

In order not to wake up anyone in the house.

30. Where was the thief sent by the police ?

He was sent to prison.

اإلمتحان نهاية

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