IMPORTANT IMAGES FOR PERIOD 4 1800 – 1848 Slavery as a topic is very important in Period 4. We look at this map as a starting point from after the Revolution and beginning with GWs Presidency in 1789--- you can see the Boundaries of the USA; Miss. River to the west, Florida to the South, Great Lakes to the North, and Atlantic Ocean to the East. You should already be aware that all of the States in the North have either IMMEDIATELY ENDED SLAVERY OR PASSED LAWS FOR A GRADUAL EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES********. You can see that the Northwest Territory is marked, and will be opened by the battles with the Native Americans, and the Land Ordinance, 1785 & NW Ordinance of 1787 (which Bans Slavery). The Southwest Ordinance is passed in 1790, and also will be further opened by battles between the USA and the Native Americans---and will open up the OLD SW* to settlers, Slaves, and Cotton***which is a dramatic shift in US History**** and DOES NOT BAN SLAVERY; thus setting up our future expansion WEST—“MANIFEST DESTINY”- with the idea that as we proceed to add states—the North would be FREE and the South would be SLAVE *(you should pay attention to the change in population and location of slaves---and this precedent as we proceed in the study of Period 4 1800-1848.

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Slavery as a topic is very important in Period 4. We look at this map as a starting point from after the Revolution and beginning with GWs Presidency in 1789--- you can see the Boundaries of the USA; Miss. River to the west, Florida to the South, Great Lakes to the North, and Atlantic Ocean to the East. You should already be aware that all of the States in the North have either IMMEDIATELY ENDED SLAVERY OR PASSED LAWS FOR A GRADUAL EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES********. You can see that the Northwest Territory is marked, and will be opened by the battles with the Native Americans, and the Land Ordinance, 1785 & NW Ordinance of 1787 (which Bans Slavery). The Southwest Ordinance is passed in 1790, and also will be further opened by battles between the USA and the Native Americans---and will open up the OLD SW* to settlers, Slaves, and Cotton***which is a dramatic shift in US History**** and DOES NOT BAN SLAVERY; thus setting up our future expansion WEST—“MANIFEST DESTINY”- with the idea that as we proceed to add states—the North would be FREE and the South would be SLAVE *(you should pay attention to the change in population and location of slaves---and this precedent as we proceed in the study of Period 4 1800-1848.

These maps illustrate the opening up of the *West v. Native Americans (Period 3-4), and the USA dealing with the British and Spanish on our Frontier. You Should note the impact of Pinckney’s Treaty, 1795 on the Southwest boundary with Florida, we get a chunk of land-West Florida… today southern parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. These Maps also show the New States of Tennessee and Kentucky.

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This is a map of the Election of 1800. You should note the geographical divide that seems to occur---also in the caption it tells you how this election went into the HOR to be decided one of two times in our history, the other is in this period as well, in 1824. Also you should note the effect of the 3/5ths compromise on this election….the South received an expanded #of electoral votes and thus was able to defeat Adams… This begins a phase of Presidential elections were the South will have a large influence due to the 3/5ths clause---and will enable the VIRGINIA DYNASTY to dominate the Presidency—GW, TJ, Madison, Monroe until 1824 with JQAdams.

Jefferson is called “Consistently Inconsistent,” a phrase worth remembering. TJ, consistently advocated for “States Rights” and a weaker Federal Government, Yet, when he becomes President he consistently acts against those claims and expands the power of the Presidency. This “WAR” against the Barbary Pirates of North Africa is just one example…Congress does not declare War, yet he sends our Navy, to fight. ONE EXAMPLE OF MANY He as President will also downsize the Navy—“mosquito navy,” focusing on defense of our shores alone building very small ships…As well as speak of “Peaceful Coercion,” {economic sanctions} as an alternative to war… we will see more

These 4 VERY SIGNIFICANT slave uprisings begin in 1800 as TJ is elected to his 1st term. The Most significant of these is Nat Turner’s in the 1830s. However, each of these events shapes a rising tide of “Abolitionist” sentiment against Slavery and calls into question, as we will see, our nations and our states policies to deal with slavery. The post war of 1812 REFORM MOVEMENTS is powerfully shaped by Abolitionists—as well as THE ISSUE THAT CAUSES THE CIVIL WAR—Should Slavery be allowed to expand West?—this we will see among other questions about slavery will constitute a major theme of this post-war “Antebellum” period… (meaning before the war {the Civil War}.

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As you can see this is the map of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1807. You should also notice that by this time the USA has added the Miss. Terr., added Ohio, and renamed the remainder of the NW Terr. the Indiana Terr. What allows the USA/TJ to sponsor Lewis and Clark on their amazing expedition is that the USA has PURCHASED THE La. Terr. from France in 1803*** This occurs due to a “secret treaty” signed between Napoleon and Spain in 1800, which gives Louisiana back to France. This also worries TJ a great deal due to Napoleon’s presence along our Western Border. What greatly aids us in acquiring La. from Napoleon is the successful Haitian Revolution which causes Napoleon to send a massive # of troops there---all in a losing effort to reacquire Haiti… This failed effort, allows TJ to send representatives to France, at just the right moment, and to purchase this massive area for 15 million dollars, about 3 cents an acre. This story has so many implications for the USA we could write a book, but, to be consistent---This is another area where TJ was “inconsistent,” in that the Constitution does not give the President the power to do this---yet, TJ does it anyway, again expanding the power by precedent of the Presidency, and beginning the precedent of acquiring land by purchase.

As you can see the Election of 1808, James Madison is elected President. The Federalist Party is struggling and will eventually die in 1816, but not before a massive effort during the War of 1812. You can see the Democratic-Republicans expanding their power into the North and remnants of Federalists in the South, you should also notice the splitting of electoral votes in some states which is rare today (I think only Nebraska does this today ) You should also notice that the TERRITORY OF THE WHOLE USA IS MUCH GREATER due to the addition of the La. Terr. Florida is still owned by Spain at this point.

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MADISON’S WAR****A Great map of the War of 1812, often just noticed are the battles in the North. You can clearly see here TWO HUGELY SIGNIFICANT battles in the Southeast, The Battle of Horshoe Bend in 1814 and the Battle on New Orleans in 1815. These two battles are won by GEN. ANDREW JACKSON, who in between the two goes into Florida and defeats the Spanish at Mobile and Pensacola . The Battle of Horshoe Bend and corresponding treaty at Ft. Jackson with the Creek Indians gives the USA clear title to over 28 million acres in what will become “Mississippi Terr.” and the parts of 3 states, Miss, Ala, and La. this will encourage the Georgia Legislature to sell these lands to the Yazoo Land Co. and will begin to populate this area with settlers and land speculators which when combined the efficient Cotton Gin---will lead to the massive expansion and beginnings of the “Cotton Kingdom,” which will bring Tens of Thousand slaves formerly in the Chesapeake to these areas—THE DOMESTIC SLAVE TRADE—remember that TJ and Congress ban the International Slave Trade Jan. 1st, 1808 to fulfill the promise made at the Constitutional Convention (The Slave Trade Compromise)*** The Second significant Battle is in New Orleans, where Gen. Jackson, Tenn. and Ky. Volunteers, as well as a legion of Free Slaves defeats the Powerful British Army and protects New Orleans from invasion. This victory—over 2000 British dead and only 8 Americans---leads to the Jacksonian Legend*** which propels him to the Presidency in 1828. This victory also brings an end to the Federalist Party, although not completed before the end of the War (Treaty of Ghent is signed already --communication is slow remember) News of Jackson’s victory comes into D.C. at the same time as the “Hartford Committee,” which is sent to DC to demand changes by the Democratic-Republicans. These Federalist representatives from New England have high hopes that the struggle from this war could lead to many changes in their favor, BUT*** news of both the Treaty of Ghent that ends the War & Jackson’s spectacular victory END THE FEDERALSITS HOPES AND THEY ARE SEEN AS TRAITORS TO THE AMERICAN CAUSE***this ends the party effectively that moment and leads to JAMES MONROE’S ALMOST (1 VOTE) UNANIMOUS VICTORY IN THE PRES ELECTION OF 1820 (his 2nd term and only Pres. to win during an MAJOR ECON. PANIC,1819) AND THE BEGINNING OF THE “ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS,” one political party rule until the Whig’s appear in the mid-1830s.

A more traditional map and view of the War of 1812—note the battles and people described here***

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You should note the 1 vote in New Hampshire for Adams, preventing Monroe from being elected unanimously. It was done to preserve GW as the only Pres. to be so honored. Also MORE SIGNIFICANTLY—you should not the complete disappearance of the Federalist party—explained on the 1st War of 1812 map

One of the MOST SIGNIFICANT MAPS IN THE STUDY OF US HISTORY—The Missouri Compromise Map, 1820*** Here we can examine the effects of “Sectionalism” as we march toward Civil War. The seeds of the “Irrepressible Conflict” (Seward, 1858) are clearly beginning to be sown. A great view of our Nation as Monroe is President…we see that Mexico has won it’s independence from Spain, one of many Latin American Nations to do so during this time, and what influences the Monroe Doctrine, 1823***a major Foreign Policy DOGMA for the USA for many years to come. We should also notice we have acquired Florida, Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain, 1819 (Fl. Purchase Treaty). Now the stage is set for the Texas Revolution…to further complicate THE ISSUE---EXPANISON OF SLAVERY INTO THE WEST*** which causes the Civil War. This is HENRY CLAY’S*** 1st Compromise, of 3, that will prevent a SPLITTING OF THE UNION, (the Nullification compromise, 1833 and the Compromise of 1850-after the MexAm War, 1846-48) YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE THIS 1820 MAP***THE 36-30 LINE IS EVIDENT****SPLITTING NORTH AND SOUTH—FREE AND SLAVE. ALL STATES TO ENTER AFTER THIS WILL ENTER AS A PAIR---FREE AND SLAVE---TO KEEP THE SECTIONAL BALANCE****

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A great map to compare to the first map… This clearly shows the influence of the battles in the War of 1812 and the Cotton Gin. We see now that the Slave population has been “DIFFUSED” across the “old SW” into Ky, Tenn, Alabama, Miss, Louisiana, and even to some extent into the territories***what will stop this --? Can anything stop the “Slave Power Conspiracy?”

Quite possibly the CRAZIEST ELECTION IN US HISTORY. The final time an election goes to the HOR…as you can see here Jackson wins a “plurality” of both the Electoral votes and Popular Votes—yet win the election goes to the HOR---JQA wins. We will discuss this for sure…

We see Jackson, 1st man from the “West,” (Tenn. ) elected in 1828 and with this election----a transformative change takes place in America… Between 1824 and 1840 every state ends ANY PROPERTY QUALIFICATIONS (for white men) for voting***Jacksonian Democracy begins, White

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Men’s Complete Suffrage----the # of eligible voters for President leaps from 300,000 to 2.4 Million*** due to this gradual elimination of property qualifications for voting----THE AGE OF “THE COMMON (white) MAN” BEGINS---THE AGE OF “CAMPAIGNING FOR OFFICE” BEGINS---THE AGE OF A “PUBLIC OPINION” BEGINS*** and after this election Jackson changes the name of the party to just “Democrats,” as we know them today.

We can see here the effects of the INDIAN REMOVAL ACT, 1830 passed under Jackson’s Presidency and the “Trails of Tears, 1838” carried out under Van Buren’s Presidency. We also see the various Indian lands “ceded” to the United States, although I might disagree with the years of the Treaties …. Obviously, The IRA, 1830 mandated that Native American Tribes would have to be removed from any lands EAST OF THE MISS. RIVER*** We can see that an INDIAN TERRITORY is created---supposedly to last forever (it does not it becomes Oklahoma around 1900) and the various routes that the Native Americans—including the Cherokee are WALKED HERE GUARDED BY US TROOPS. Certainly a sad day in US History, for sure, especially since the US SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF THE CHEROKEE… ANDREW JACKSON SAID, FAMOUSLY, “JOHN MARSHALL (Chief Justice of the SC) has made his decision now let him enforce it.”*** basically making everyone aware that despite the check and balance power the court has---if the President, head of the “Executive” branch decides not to enforce the SCs decisions---“EXECUTE THE LAW,” then it does not get enforced and the decisions of the SC are then made meaningless.***(during the 1950s—Eisenhower, for example, potentially could have done the same thing with the Little Rock, Arkansas issue dealing with enforcing the Brown v. The Board of Education ruling mandating integration of Southern Schools, Yet---he does not he chooses to “execute the law” by sending in the 101st airborne combat division of the US Army—with machine guns, helicopters, etc… to FORCE THE SCHOOL TO BE INTEGRATED)

Here we can see THE NEW POLITICAL PARTY, THE WHIGS, has developed to oppose “Jackson and Van Buren.” Bringing a return of the TWO-PARTY SYSTEM—this is now continuous from this point on… We also see the strategy of the Whigs in this map, the “favorite son” strategy…was an attempt to get the election into the HOR… BUT IT FAILS –Jackson’s VP Van Buren, and hand picked successor manages to eke out a narrow majority of both popular and Electoral votes. Van Buren will have to deal with some major issues; Trail of Tears, Economic Panic of 1837, Amistad, and the Texas

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Revolution… He will not be elected to a 2nd Term… and begins the precedent that NO PRESIDENT WILL EVER BE RE-ELECTED WHEN A MAJOR DEPRESSION BEGINS IN HIS 1ST TERM (Monroe survives the Panic of 1819 in is 1st term and easily wins re-election, the only President ever to do so)

I left this map larger for you to be able to see the effects of the “MARKET REVOLUTION”****inspired by the building of “INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS”**** AND the subsequent ---TRANSPORTATION REVOLUTION**** AND HENRY CLAY’S “AMERICAN SYSTEM”****** Henry Clay borrows from Alexander Hamilton’s “Report on Manufactures,” to plan a systematic linking of the Nation with the intention of creating a SINGLE MARKET---Three part of his “American System” plan are; 1-Internal Improvements…the building of roads, canals, improved ports on the Great Lakes and Oceans, and eventually railroads (not until later 1840s) to link the SECTIONS OF THE USA INTO A COHESIVE MARKET—where the raw materials would be transported from the South and West to the Northeast to be manufactured ---THEN---returned via these links to the South and West as finished goods to be sold---- 2- A higher TARIFF on imported goods. The purpose of this higher Tariff is twofold, a) to make revenue for the US Gov’t to PAY FOR THESE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS and b) to mildly protect American Manufacturers from Foreign competition. 3-To Renew the Bank of the USA—to enable the continuation of a stable currency and markets in which these businesses can expand. HOWEVER, THE DEMOCRATIC DOMINANANCE OF THE PRESIDENCY FROM 1820 – UNTIL, REALLY 1860 prevents the US Gov’t from fully participating---the Nullification Crisis and Bank War under Jackson, (Clay’s biggest enemy) and further delays after--- Democrats believe this to be unconstitutional and are concerned that this would further the power of the Manufacturing sector of the Economy and the North as well… Yet Lincoln, will fulfill Clay’s American System completely---and by 1900 the USA in the 2nd Industrial revolution after the Civil War---will become the largest Industrial Nation in the World. One key element to this “American System,” that is vital is this----regardless of the South’s reluctance to participate---and regardless of the Democrats reluctance in supporting this measure---IT HAPPENS ANYWAY--- WITH PRIVATE $$ AND STATE GOVT SUPPORT---The outcome is that the WEST AND NORTHEAST ARE TIED TOGETHER IN THIS “ARITIFICIAL MARKET” *** Previous to these links, roads-canals-rr’s---The Water system was the main artery for transporting goods and people---these links flow from North to South—especially in the WEST---however, once these ARTIFICIAL LINKS ARE MADE---the WEST connects with the Northeast---thus setting the State for the final fight leading into the

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CIVIL WAR---What occurs is that the West does not vote with the South---The Slave Power Conspiracy hits high gear---and the North And West team up against the South—to dominate and to DEMAND “FREE SOIL” AND “FREE LABOR” opportunities in the West for White men…seen by some as a “SAFETY VALVE” NOW that immigration rises so dramatically in the 1830s 40s and 50s. This demand for “Free Soil” in the West as a place of opportunity for White men---will be a major contributing factor to the creation of the Modern Day Republican Party and its fight to ekkp the West Free from Slavery, and be the impetus for the Civil War.

Here we have the Rise of the “Cotton Kingdom” in the “Old SW.” Lands won or taken from the Native Americans have now become key as the Cotton Kingdom expands---as does simultaneously the “Domestic Slave Trade” and the population of Slaves in the USA…TEXAS—is next look out

The Texas Revolution. Texas wins its fight against Mexico and asks for Admission into the USA---THEY ARE DENIED—in 1836, due to the MASSIVE CONFLICT OVER THE EXPANSION OF SLAVERY--- SO TEXAS BECOMES THE “LONE STAR REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, an Independent Nation for 9 years, until in 1844 President John Tyler (Kicked out of the Whig Party)---calls for a Joint Session of Congress to consider adding Texas. They do and Texas becomes a State in 1845. This is just the beginning of what some call the “Slave Power Conspiracy.” The Mexican American War which begins in 1846 is next---The idea was that the Southern States could see that there were very few, if any new slave states that could be added in the future---as we continued to expand. So what would happen as the Northern, “Free-Soil,” perspective continued to dominate---and the South at some point would be unable to block the North from ascending to Power… So the “Conspiracy” is the efforts of the Southern States to attempt to expand the USA South and West into profitable potential Cotton areas---Mexico, Cuba, Central America, etc---and add more Southern Slave States along the way---to keep pace and maybe even someday outnumber the Free Northern States, and thus maintain their hold and control of the US Government that they have had since the 3/5ths clause gave them the advantage beginning in 1789 and lasting until 1860.

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This painting by John Gast is entitled, “American Progress.” This painting is seen as the prime example of “Manifest Destiny.” It is full of symbolism that is significant… The Idea of Manifest Destiny is defined as… God’s wish for us to inhabit and settle the continent from Atlantic to Pacific… to bring “civilization” to the WEST… PROGRESS… THE AMERICAN SYSTEM… The woman floating above the pioneers as they move west carries the Constitution and Telegraph Wires… look over this image and enjoy the symbolism of America… and its story of Westward Movement….for sure a large part of our National Identity … of course this also ignores some more troubling details… which we will discuss, of course