Lesson 5: Holding Steady and Staying Focused During the Holidays as you Transition into 2020! Welcome to Lesson 5 Beautiful Sisters! We have 9 days left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! You want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthrough you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities! Be intentional about not repeating cycles and remove them literally as we discussed in call #4. To fly high you must break out of your current cycle and remember you are getting ready to fly! We must do things differently. It’s that simple. You are on the edge of your next level. It’s here. And I am SO excited for you!

brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

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Page 1: brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

Lesson 5: Holding Steady and Staying Focused During the Holidays as you Transition into 2020!

Welcome to Lesson 5 Beautiful Sisters! 

We have 9 days left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! 

You want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthrough you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. 

New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities!

Be intentional about not repeating cycles and remove them literally as we discussed in call #4. To fly high you must break out of your current cycle and remember you are getting ready to fly! 

We must do things differently. 

It’s that simple. 

You are on the edge of your next level. It’s here. 

And I am SO excited for you! 

Because we are in the middle of the holidays, this lesson is going to be short and sweet, as I know you are all busy, relaxing with family and/or traveling. 

The main thing is to hold steady in what you have decided for yourself, no matter what is happening around you or what time of the year it is. 

Hold steady even when you want to quit. Or you think you have no time. 

Page 2: brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

It’s especially important to be STILL even more at this time of the year because of all the swirly energy and all the emotions that the holidays and family can bring up. 

Soooo.... let’s do this! 

What’s needed for this week’s journey: 


Actions for the week:  

1) If you haven’t already, please get on FB for 5 minutes and do a FB live and share what you are fasting from, your wins and where the challenges have been for you. Also come ready to share your declarations on what you are declaring and decreeing for 2020. After call #4, I invited you to create 4-5 declarations and then do a FB live for the whole group.  If you haven’t done this, take the time to share, be of service by posting and to keep yourself accountable. You have to motivate yourself to your next level. You must be your biggest cheerleader. And it’s starts by following through and staying consistent. If you need support creating your declarations, watch call #4 for guidance or post on the FB page and tag Jess for support. 

2) Read your declarations out loud 3 times each daily from today to 2020. Don’t skip this step. Practice speaking with conviction. Do them in-front of the mirror if you feel inspired to. Practice coming to believe that you can have this. Truly. Feel it. Invest in it.  That this can be your reality. Speak life into what you want to see in 2020. Say them like you mean it.


We have been discussing the power of vulnerability in prayer. Allowing Source to meet us where we are at. In our challenges, in our truth, in our mess. To come to your prayer practice from a place of unloading, sharing your truth and asking for what you need. 

We are miracles capable of creating so much. Yet we are also in need of support, help and collaboration and perhaps you haven’t thought of your prayer practice as a way to learn to receive support and receive what you need to deal with in a particular challenge. 

Come to your prayer practice raw, honest, and just start to talk. Like you would to a best friend ...Ask to be shown how... ask for what you have not been able to do on your own. 

Page 3: brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

Vulnerability is a gift in prayer. Prayer is an acknowledgment of a need and yet many of us are uncomfortable with this vulnerability. We think we should have it all together, that we are not worthy of the support or that unless it’s a human power, we won’t get support nor believe there is support. 

First step is to admit we need help with our lives, relationships, money, food, visions or whatever it might be. Next, rather than going into control, trying to fix or manage, I invite you to pray moment by moment instead. This will change the game in your life. That means that you are starting to pray outside of morning and evening now. 

Our practice for this week is to ask for HELP. 

H ello E ternal L oving P recense 

Action for the week:  

1) ASK for help. Do this anytime, anywhere in the flow of your day. I suggest you put your hand on your heart, and deeply and honestly connect to your request for help. Do this 7 times during your day — while driving, in the bathroom, at home relaxing, at work or cleaning up after dinner. You are being open to the possibility of support. You are asking for help from Source who is limitless, vast, all knowing and can shift your mind and guide you instantly. This also increases self-esteem because you are saying your are worthy of receiving help. In order to receive what you are asking the Universe for, you have to build the muscle and practice receiving. We start with baby steps which are quantum leaps because you are opening up the channel to receive. 

2) Continue to connect with your prayer sisters on your WhatsApp thread and use this as a life line!! Especially during the holidays. Stay committed. Consistent. And pray both morning and night for 2-3mins each time!! YOU ARE TOO VALUABLE along with your mission and purpose to not stay prayed up!!!  

3) Watch this short video (17 minutes) from Greg Braden called “The Lost Secret of Prayer” on the power of shifting your prayer from words and your headspace, to that of your heart vibration and emotion. It’s very powerful! After you watch this, add this element to your daily prayer practice. We are deepening the power of prayer and therefore your power to create! It’s a whole new world! 


Page 4: brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

3) Continue FASTING for the rest of December 

Now this isn’t about perfection. It’s about doing things differently to get different results. If you have fallen off, the last thing we do is beat ourselves up. You just pick up again and keep going even if you start today and fast for 3 days. Judgment and condemnation completely lower your vibration and will keep you stuck. That’s egos plan. Instead, congratulate yourself for having done it for X amount of days or hours and start again. If you fall, you get up. We stay on the high beam together into 2020!!! Do NOT give up on yourself. That’s the story of 2019!

Reminder of why we are fasting: 

TO GET DIFFERENT, YOU MUST DO DIFFERENT: you have to remove distractions, you have to put the phone down, the soda down, DO SOMETHING YOU HAVE NOT DONE yet to get something different. It’s powerful! 

NEXT LEVEL: EVERYTHING you want is yours on your next level. You just have to get right with yourself to receive it. You have to believe you are enough, you are deserving of it. And by fasting you are preparing for the doors that are about to open, you are saying that you are ready. Miracles will come. Favor will come. Trust me! 

HEAR THE VOICE CLEARLY: You have to spend time in stillness every day. That’s where ego has no game. That’s where your inner guide can reveal the next steps. Simply ask God to tell you what needs to be left behind in 2019, what’s next for you, where you need to focus, or any other questions you may have. Fasting will open up the channel big time. Yesss! 

FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE:   You are practicing how to stay focused no matter how uncomfortable. You are doing this fast for your future self and for your next level. And I know it’s uncomfortable, but that’s how we change. Pray in the discomfort and trust me that you will be lifted and transported to your next level. Hold steady. Stay focused — a skill your next level requires! 


We have been discussing the fact that until we can focus on having enough, we will always feel like we are falling short. I shared how gratitude for the simple things like hot water in my morning shower changes my vibration and energy for the whole day and therefore there is VISION of “more than enough” and overflow. It’s all about focusing on what’s going right. What is available now and training our minds to focus on the next 24 hours and knowing that for this day, there is enough time, Love and money. That what is available to us today, is enough. Build the muscle of enoughness one day at a time and you will have ARRIVED! Your miracle is in this moment! 

Page 5: brittaaragon.com  · Web viewYOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. ... Also come ready to share your declarations

So take the time this week to listen to this great meditation at least twice, which focuses on re-directing your mind to “having enough” and brings you back to the present moment. Where overflow resides. Notice how your feel before and after. This is a good meditation to listen to when you are feeling discouraged, irritable, and are so focused on the future that you are in fear. A great reprieve from the holiday swirl to bring you back to the most powerful place you can be. This present moment and gratitude! 



Fun is your magnet to abundance. Dance it out again. Go watch a comedy. Take the time to do something that is fun for you this week. 

Well... That’s all for Lesson 5! 

Your next lesson will be delivered to your inbox December 30th. Do not let yourself fall behind. We are practicing the skills of consistency and discipline throughout our 4 months together. If you can be trusted with little, you can be trusted with more. Your next call will be Wednesday January 8th at 1 pm EST. 

Keep focusing on the power of your spoken word, your thoughts and declare and decree what you want create and manifest as we approach 2020. Stay in conviction and come to believe that you are so powerful. And so it is! 

Let’s do this beautiful souls! 

Wishing you a blessed week full of miracles, happy happy holidays and so many blessings your way! 

Much love

B  x