SmartPOS Content 1. Setup Instructions.....................................................2 2. Client creation .......................................................9 3. Loading Chart of Accounts for USA....................................10 4. Client configuration..................................................14 5. Organization configuration............................................15 6. Material Management - Material Management Rules – Warehouse & Locators .........................................................................15 7. System Admin – Organization Rules – Cashbook..........................17 8. Bank y Account........................................................17 9. BUSINESS RELATIONS....................................................20 10. Business Partner (Customers). (Synchronization).....................20 11. Default Customer (For counter sales).................................23 12. TAXATION.............................................................23 13. CHARGES (Cargos).....................................................24 14. UNITS OF MEASURE.....................................................26 15. PRICE LIST ..........................................................26 16. PRODUCTS.............................................................28 17. MULTIPLE PRINTERS TO ROUTE PRODUCTS (CONFIGURATION)..................33 18. POS Regional Settings (depends on Language) .........................34 19 . POS Configuration Check List. .....................................35 SmartPOS Step by Step Installation and Configuration Guide 1

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Content1. Setup Instructions................................................................................................................................2

2. Client creation .....................................................................................................................................9

3. Loading Chart of Accounts for USA..................................................................................................10

4. Client configuration............................................................................................................................14

5. Organization configuration.................................................................................................................15

6. Material Management - Material Management Rules – Warehouse & Locators.............................15

7. System Admin – Organization Rules – Cashbook.............................................................................17

8. Bank y Account..................................................................................................................................17

9. BUSINESS RELATIONS...................................................................................................................20

10. Business Partner (Customers). (Synchronization)..........................................................................20

11. Default Customer (For counter sales)..............................................................................................23

12. TAXATION.......................................................................................................................................23

13. CHARGES (Cargos)........................................................................................................................24

14. UNITS OF MEASURE.....................................................................................................................26

15. PRICE LIST ....................................................................................................................................26

16. PRODUCTS.....................................................................................................................................28

17. MULTIPLE PRINTERS TO ROUTE PRODUCTS (CONFIGURATION)..........................................33

18. POS Regional Settings (depends on Language) ............................................................................34

19 . POS Configuration Check List. .....................................................................................................35

20. ERP Configuration Parameters CheckList (Required to integrate SmartPOS)..............................36

Seccion 1: System Level.............................................................................................................36

Section 2: Client Level.................................................................................................................38

21. Open Accounting Periods................................................................................................................39

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SmartPOS1. Setup Instructions1.1 Quick Installation of SmartERP + SmartPOS

Files provided v/apps/backups




Database backups (ERP / POS) (postgres backup-compress) *.backup under:


POS installer


- Please uncompressed files located in folder: /apps/java

1.2. Install Java JDK

chmod +x *.bin


define JAVA_HOME variable in

change java links from Openjdk to sun jdk using these commands:

cd /usr/bin

rm java

rm javac

ln -s /apps/java/jdk1.6.0_33/bin/java java

ln -s /apps/java/jdk1.6.0_33/bin/java java

Add your java folder to your PATH and create the JAVA_HOME environment variables in your profile script:

vi .bash_profile




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SmartPOS1.3. restore ERP database

create a new database in your postgres server called: smarterp, owner= adempiere

restore the postgres backup provided (ready to go) using the unix user postgres and this command line:

/opt/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_restore --host localhost --port 14445 --username adempiere --dbname smarterp

--verbose /apps/backups/smarterp-demo-rest-06082012.backup

when requested provide the adempiere password (postgres account)

1.4. Configure your ERP environment

cd /apps/java/smarterp

vi AdempiereEnv.properties

change these lines to your environment settings:

ADEMPIERE_DB_PASSWORD // adempeire password

ADEMPIERE_DB_SYSTEM // postgres password







For more advanced settings, please check your adempiere documentation.

Run the integration script:

cd /apps/java/smarterp


Taking DB backups

/opt/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_dump --host localhost --port 14445 --username adempiere --password --format custom --blobs --verbose --file /tmp/smarterp-ic-08082012.backup smarterp

mv /tmp/smarterp-ic-08082012.backup /apps/backups

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SmartPOS1.5. ActiveMQ

Just uncompress the files provided

customize the startup and shtudown scripts provided, to your current paths. These scripts start and stop

activeMQ and smarterp (adempiere) because you should start the activemq first any time you start your erp.



1.6. Proxy your access from apache web server ( to avoid direct access to your App server)

- enter to your server as root

- change/add the following lines in your /etc/httpd/httpd.conf (We suggest to take a backup before the changes)

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>

ProxyRequests On

ProxyPreserveHost On

<Proxy *>

Order deny,allow

Allow from all


ProxyPass /webui http://localhost:8085/webui

ProxyPassReverse /webui http://localhost:8085/webui


- restart your apache web server

- service httpd restart

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1.7. Start tour ERP & activeMQ apps


your log files (standard output) will be located in your /tmp filesystems (adempeire.log) and (activemq.log)

wait until you see the jboss server up and running

1.8. test your ERP access: http://dev002.rapidecorp.com/webui

1.9. test your activeMQ queues http://dev002.rapidecorp.com:8161/admin

1.10. Update the ERP configuratin to point to the local activeMQ system, changing

the system configuration variable: SMJ-URLQUEUE to tcp://localhost:61616

Enter to yoru erp, usign the system user and system administrator role.

go to web System configurator window: look for the variable called: SMJ-URLQUEUE and change.

1.11. Stop and start the erp & queue system...


- check current java processes with :

ps -fea | grep java

NOTE: If the activemq does´t shutdown properly, please kill the process or check

your activemq security settings to customize the activemq shutdown script.


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1.12. SmartPOS - (requirements : windows OS, postgres, java JRE 1.6+)

- create a new database called: smartpos in your postgres environment with owner: postgres

- Restore your Smartpos backup provided usign pgadmin or pgrestore :


- install your smartpos using the installer provided.

- check connectivity settings under your user home directory (smarpos.properties) or wiht the

configuration screen that smartpos show the fist time double checking these settings with your

local info






machine.scanner=Not defined


- restart smartpos, you will need to provide the postgres (local) password.

- restart smartpos, you will need to provide the postgres (local) password.

- once you have acces to smartpos, please go to the maintenance/resource menu and change the

resource called: jms.url with this value: tcp://dev002.rapidecorp.com:61616

- restart smartpos, anc check yoru activeMQ console you shoudl hava a new

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1.13. Requiremente to configure new environments (companies and organziations )

For new companies and organziations, you should know that changes are required in your

POS and ERP side (see configuration documentation), but also in your activeMQ security

file to grant access to the new POS and ERP queues. For that purpose, just go to

your activeMQ security config:


Customize/add the queues ID with the new internal ID for the ERP company and ERP organization (pos) .

<!--SmartPOS queues for POS - using the internal organization ID as name -->

<authorizationEntry queue="1000000.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000001.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000002.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000003.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000005.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000007.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="1000008.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<!--SmartPOS queues for ERP - using as a name the work ERP + the internal company ID-->

<authorizationEntry queue="ERP1000000.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="ERP1000001.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="ERP1000002.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="ERP1000003.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<authorizationEntry queue="ERP1000004.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

Active MQ Advanced users: To customize the user/password you will require changes in your

smartpos system configuration, and smartpos resources (see configuration docs for both products)

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SmartPOSFor active MQ this is a short summary of the process to reset a password, but pleae

check your activeMQ doc for further details.


- Generated a new encrypted password:

bin/activemq encrypt --password activemq --input passwordTest

- capture the new encrypted pasword from the screen: for instance: bystFWrdLwqpuSmTl4shlBIFeDI33JhS

- edit your credential file: conf/credentials-enc.properties

- change/add the line for yoru new user credentials wiht yours (copy & paster from the last encryted key).



- if you want to add a new user go to /apps/java/apache-activemq-5.5.0/conf/activemq-security.xml

and look for the <users> section and add a new entry similar to this one:

<authenticationUser username="user1" password="${user1.password}" groups="users"/>

where user1 is yoru new username and user1.password, is the encryted password that you already

defined in the previous steps.

1.14. Infraestrucre & security considerations

Suggestions - proxy the access to your ERP (jboss apps server port) as described before.

secure the access to your app server ports (8085 port and so on)

proxy and secure the access to your activemq admin console (open by default)

leave open the access to the web server port 80 (proxy rule : (webui)

leave open the access to the activemq (jms) port: tcp://dev002.rapidecorp.com:61616

secure the access to your other tcp/ip services.

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SmartPOS2. Client creation A new client called: Pharmacy test is created with location in United States, Nueva York City, moneda USD

System Admin – Client Rules – Initial Client Setup Process

Process to create client

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Logout of the ERP and login with client admin user: pharmacyAdmin

3. Loading Chart of Accounts for USASystem Admin – Client Rules – Initial Client Setup Review para cargar el PUC

Import File Loader

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Import Account

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SmartPOSYour Chart of Accounts can be reviews thru Performance Analysis – Accounting Rules – Account Element

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4. Client configurationSystem Admin – Client Rule - Client

Client information where we take the internal ADempiere code that will be used to link POS, using the SmartPOS resource called: jms.outqueue (you will use the prefix: "ERP" plus the internal adempeire ID of yoru client).

You can also include additional information here

ATTENTION: You need to add the Model Validation Classes: com.smj.util.ERPPosInterceptor

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5. Organization configuration.System Admin – Organization Rules – Organization

Here you can divie your deparmets of business branches information

Organization data where we will take the internal adempiere ID to link the SmartPOS (incoming queue) and ADempiere using the SmartPOS resourve jms.inqueue

6. Material Management - Material Management Rules – Warehouse & Locators

Warehouse creation (unique for organization due to POS restrictions )

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NOTE: With this implementation we will use a unique warehouse with multiple locations.

A product can only have established one location


Corresponds to the specific location where the product indicates the aisle, shelf and level, the search key to this code or location must be formed with the parameters of dimensions X,Y,Z, so when a POS user looks in your tickets and screen that code, he can find the product quickly with his warehouse locators.

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SmartPOS7. System Admin – Organization Rules – Cashbook

8. Bank y AccountWe now define the bank (Mandatory) and one account for each type of payment you want in the SmartPOS

We show later in the POS, if we want the cash, check or credit card must be routed to a specific account, either the same or different for each, in this case is set up different accounts for payment.

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The internal ERP ID of each account will be used to route POS payments, ie:

Cash: 1000005Cheque: 1000006Credit Cards: 1000007

We take them to fed the POS the resource paymentSyncId

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9. BUSINESS RELATIONS Partner Relations-Business Partner Rules - Business Partner Group: Standard

Partner Relations-Business Partner Rules - Greeting: Dear Sr.

Partner Relations-Business Partner Rules - Payment Term: Generates the different payment terms may occur in the buying and selling.

10. Business Partner (Customers). (Synchronization) Business Partner: En el primer proceso de sincronización son cargados del ERP al POS, pero la

sincronización tanto de nuevos terceros como modificaciones se realizan en las dos vias desde el ERP o desde el POS

In the first synchronization process all of them are loaded from ERP to POS, later any modifications are synchronized in both ways from the ERP or the POS

ERP data synchronized with the POS :

o Business Partner:

Tax ID

Names and Surname

SO Tax exempt

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Once the business partner is marked as a clientm this information is also synchronized to the POS

o Customer:

Check Customer

Credit Limit

o Location:


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2nd Phone

o Contact (User):


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11. Default Customer (For counter sales)Se debe crear un tercero cliente sobre el cual el POS registre las transacciones por defecto que en nuestro caso es el tercero Ventas Mostrador POS del cual se toma el ID Interno ADempiere para ser parametrizado en el recurso customer.default.id

You must create a business partner client that will be used to record the POS transactions, when a customer is not provided (default) in our case is : Ventas Mostrador POS (sales desk), we will create that business partner and we take the internal ID to confiogure teh SmartPOS resource called: customer.default.id

12. TAXATIONWe recommend creating tax category for Purchases, Sales and Standard, which is the default in the case of products which have no tax

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SmartPOSPerformance Analysis – Accounting Rules - TAX CATEGORY

TAX RATE NOTE: We define just one rate of tax for each tax category given that the SmarPOS supports just oneper product

Performance Analysis – Accounting Rules - TAX Rate

Each product is assigned the category of tax to which it belongs

13. CHARGES (Cargos)Performance Analysis – Accounting Rules – Charge

Charges: You create a type of charge, for tips and insurance coverage charges to be generated in the POS

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Take the internal ID of this item, to configure the system (ERP) configuration.

A new configuration parameter is created/modified : System Admin – General Rules – System Rules - System Configurator

New release 1.3: Please repeat the same procedure to create a Insurance Charge (required to create insurance charges to each customer purchase covered ny your insurance company)

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14. UNITS OF MEASUREMaterial Management - Material Management Rules – Unit of measure

UNIT OF MEASURE: You create the different units of measure in which conduct sales process

15. PRICE LIST Material Management - Material Management Rules – Price List

Purchase Prices

o Version of price list: Purchase Prices

Sales Prices

This price list is synchronized with the POS which thus takes the internal ID ADempiere and feeds on the resource POS price.listId

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o Versions price list: You must to create a version of price list for each unit of measure with the same name (exact case). Additional you must to create one price list for the products that do not require conversion and also one version to support transactions that takes place in the ERP only.

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16. PRODUCTSProduct definition

Material Management - Material Management Rules – Product Category

PRODUCT CATEGORY: A POS Category is created which will be the father of all those categories that you want to send the SmartPOS

You must to specify the organization when creating categories

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You create different categories of product taking into account that those who wish to synchronize the POS must have the name maximum 20 characters and belongs to the POS parent category to be send to the POS.

Material Management - Material Management Rules – Product

PRODUCT: The products are only send from the ERP to POS. The data synchronized from the ERP Tabs are:

Search Key, Name, UPC/EAN, Product Category (el sistema llevara al POS aquellas que tengan como categoría padre POS), Tax Category, Unit of Measure UOM (smallest unit of the product, ie: Pill), field: Grupo 2 is used to specify printers (Bar1,Bar2,Bar3) separated by, to which the product is desired route, also the first attached image will be sent to the SmartPOS.

Note: You must to specify the organization during the creation of your products (if not they won´t be synchorized to your org)

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SmartPOSUOM Conversion

Let´s go to the UOM Conversion tab to define the units of measure that will have the product, applies to those products with which transactions are conducted in different measurement units. Each unit is defined as starting from the base unit is the smallest

Note: You must to specify the organization during the creation of your UOM Conversion rules (if not they won´t be synchorized to your org)


To each product we must indicate: 1. which is the of Default Sales version of prices, and 2. A version of price list for each unit of conversion.

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Tips to double check:

The products must to have a specific organization

The base unit of measure used is the smallest for example: Each / Pill

Tax category defined in the product will be the tax rate that will be send to the SmartPOS

Groups 2 field: It sets the printer to which route the commands example: Bar1 (counter) Bar2 (warehouse), if you want to route your product to more that 1 printer, you can do ot separated them by : Bar1, Bar2,Bar3

After completing the information on the products tab proceeds to create the unit of measure conversions

Finally we create prices versions for each products: 1. purchase prices, 2. one price list version of the same name as the unit of measure conversion (one of them should be marked as Default Sales for the POS)

At the time of entry to create a price list before the table of conversion units (wrong) the system displays the following message:

Please define your conversion unit rules for this unit of measure first.

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SmartPOS17. MULTIPLE PRINTERS TO ROUTE PRODUCTS (CONFIGURATION)All the products that we wil send to the POS require a field called grupo2 (located at the product screen), where we specify the printer we want to send it: for instance: Bar (you must use the prefix Bar before a number to create your printer names) will be associated with the POS specific physical printer (from 9 available), this association of printers is defined in the POS resource called : Printer.Mapping defining an entry on each line and: printerName=N

Where the printer name should always start with the word Bar as mentioned before, this is because you will use the: Printer.TicketBar resource to create your command tickets.

N is the number of yoru physical printer( see the configuration panel of your SmartPOS).

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18. POS Regional Settings (depends on Language) For english or French

You enter to the POS as SystemAdmin to change them

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19 . POS Configuration Check List. We include a quick sumamry of your POS configuration resources so can doucble check ind etails that everything is correctly defined within your POS resources:

jms.outqueue ERP1000005

jms.inqueue 1000009







customer.default.id 1000160




price.listId 1000018

email.properties (set to your email addrress and server) to send email notificactions

activeMQConfiguration (ckeck that these three lines exists in the middle of the XML lines)

<user login="smart" password="smartpwd" roles="users"/>

<queue name="1000007.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

<queue name="ERP1000003.>" read="users" write="users" admin="users" />

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SmartPOS20. ERP Configuration Parameters CheckList (Required to integrate SmartPOS)

Seccion 1: System LevelSystem Admin – General Rules – System Rules – System Configurator

NOTE: Login as System to your Smart ERP, once any parameter is changed you must to shutdown and start your SmartERP product

SMJ-URLQUEUE (urlqueue) – tcp://localhost:61616 – ActiveMQ remote URL

SMJ-USERQUEUE (userqueue) – user – username to connect activeMQ = smart

SMJ-PWDQUEUE (pwdqueue )– passwordTest – password to connect activeMQ

SMJ-MSGDEFAULTSALESPOS (msgDefaultSalesPOS)– Default description of all orders created by the POS: Created by SmartPOS

SMJ-VALIDATEERROR (msgDefaultSalesPOS)– Validation error message = This mark exists in another price list, please check the information

SMJ-UOMCONVERSIONERROR – Validation error message :Please define your conversion unit rules for this unit of measure first.

SMJ-TENDERID (tenderId)– 214 – internal id of a ERP Reference list where we define payment terms (Reference Windows) C_Payment Tender Type - 214

SMJ-CREDITCARDTYPEID (creditCardTypeId)– Internal id for the ERP refernce where we store the credit card list = C_Payment CreditCard Type 149

New Messages for release 1.3 ( System / Messages)

SMJ-MSGPROCESSSUCCESFULL – The process was successful - El Proceso fue Exitoso - Le processus a été un succès

SMJ-MSGTAXCATEGORYNOTFOUND – Tax category not found - No se encontró categoría de impuesto - Il n'y avait pas de catégorie d'impôt

SMJ-MSGPRODUCTCATEGORYNOTFOUND – Product category not found - No se encontró categoría de Producto - Aucune catégorie de produit trouvé

SMJ-MSGERRORPRODUCTPRICE – Error creating product prices - Error al crear precios del producto - Erreur à la création des prix des produits

SMJ-MSGERRORPRODUCTSAVE – Failed to save the product - Error al guardar el producto

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Section 2: Client LevelYou should login as Admin of ERP and go to the System Configurator once any parameter is changed you must to shutdown and start your SmartERP product

System Admin – General Rules – System Rules – System Configurator

SMJ-USERADMIN (userAdmin) = pharmacy test: pharmacyAdmin

SMJ-DEFLANGUAGE (defLanguage )– en_US – Default language zone

SMJ-CURRENCYID (CurrencyId )– default currency id : 100

SMJ-DOCTYPETARGETIDSALES (DocTypeTargetIDSales ) (new)– Target document id for sales document (POS order) en pharmacy test: 1000249

SMJ-DOCTYPETARGETIDPURCHASE (DocTypeTargetIDPurchase )(new) - – Target document id for purchase orders en pharmacy test: 1000226

SMJ-DOCTYPETARGETIDWAREHOUSE (new) - – Target document id for warehouse orders : pharmacy test: 1000242

SMJ-SALESREPID (SalesRepID) - Internal Id of the sales rep userid (NOTE: User ID is not business partner id) will be used just if the POS transaction doesn´t have one ( POS usually send it) pharmacy test: 1000159 – remember this is a business partner with a special mark as Sales Rep…. (ERP)

SMJ-PARTNERDEFAULT (partnerDefault)- Internal id of default business partner for POS transactions (usually sent by the POS) pharmacy test:1000197

SMJ-PARTNERLOCATION (PartnerLocation )– Internal id of default business partner location for POS transactions (usually sent by the POS) pharmacy test:1000160

SMJ-PARTNERPURCHASES (partnerPurchases)- Internal id of default business partner for Purchase orders transactions (usually sent by the POS) pharmacy test:1000198

SMJ-PARTNERLOCATIONPURCHASES (partnerLocationPurchases )- – Internal id of default business partner location for Purchase transactions (usually sent by the POS) pharmacy test:1000161

SMJ-PAYMENTTERM (PaymentTerm )– Internal ID of payment terms used: pharmacy test:– 1000023 –

SMJ-TAXID (TaxID)– Internal ID of default TAX for sales orders: pharmacy test:1000014

SMJ-TAXPURCHASESID (TaxPurchasesID)– Internal ID of default TAX for purchase orders: pharmacy test:1000015

SMJ-PRICELISTPURCHASEID (PriceListPurchaseId) (New) – Internal ID of default price list for purchase orders: – pharmacy test: 1000016

SMJ-C_CHARGE_ID (c_charge_id)– Internal ID of TIP charges: - pharmacy test:1000002

SMJ-C_INSURANCE_ID (c_charge_id)– Internal ID of insurance charges: - pharmacy test:1000002

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SmartPOSSMJ-BANKACCOUNT (BankAccount)– Default internal id of bank account used if not received from the POS pharmacy test = 1000005

SMJ-RMADOCUMENTTYPE (RMADocumentType)- Internal ID of the document type (MM Customer Return): Created by the system, it can be found at Document Type window (MM Customer Return) , llok for the internal id: pharmacy test es: 1000225

SMJ-RMATYPEID-(RmaTypeID) Internal ID for the “RMA Tyoe “, requires to be created during yoru setuo process, go to the Returns/ RMA Type, create your and take the internal ID : pharmacy test el ID es: 1000002

SMJ-CASHIN(cashIn) Cash input description: pharmacy test: CashIn

SMJ-CASHOUT-(cashOut) Cash ourput description: pharmacy test: CashOut

21. Open Accounting PeriodsBefore starting to create POS transactions between your POS and ERP you need to open the current accounting period, login as: pharmacyAdmin, go to the window: Calendar, year, period , choose your current year tab, next your desired month (period to open) , and push the open/close ALL .

Regards from your SmartJSP Team in Colombia

Pedro Rozo Maria Angélica Isaza

SmartPOS Step by Step Installation and Configuration Guide 39