OneSchool Unit Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8) Duration: 10 Weeks Year Level: Year 1 Applicable Learning Areas/Subjects: Science Unit Plan Material madness In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways according to their properties. They describe the actions used to physically change materials to make objects for different purposes, understanding that science involves asking questions about and describing changes to objects that are used in their everyday lives. Students respond to questions, make predictions and participate in guided investigations exploring the effects of making changes to materials and objects. They use a range of methods to sort information and collect and record observations, comparing them with the observations of others. They modify a material for a given purpose, test their modifications and compare their observations with predictions. For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the: Year level plan Teacher lesson overview Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills: Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685- 85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html Throughout this unit, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Such ICT include spreadsheet software, graphing software, graphic calculators or mobile device apps. Note: A mobile device is a portable computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. Ensure that the use of ICT in the Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 1 of 31

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Page 1: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

OneSchoolUnit Plan

Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)Duration: 10 Weeks

Year Level: Year 1

Applicable LearningAreas/Subjects: Science

Unit Plan

Material madnessIn this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways according to their properties. They describe the actions used to physically change materials to make objects for different purposes, understanding that science involves asking questions about and describing changes to objects that are used in their everyday lives.

Students respond to questions, make predictions and participate in guided investigations exploring the effects of making changes to materials and objects. They use a range of methods to sort information and collect and record observations, comparing them with the observations of others. They modify a material for a given purpose, test their modifications and compare their observations with predictions.

For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the:

Year level plan Teacher lesson overview

Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills:

Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685-85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html

Throughout this unit, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Such ICT include spreadsheet software, graphing software, graphic calculators or mobile device apps. Note: A mobile device is a portable computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. Ensure that the use of ICT in the classroom, including mobile devices, complies with DET policy requirements - Advice for State Schools on Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities and Devices http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/corp/ict/management/Procedure%20Attachments/Information%20Communication%20and%20Technology/advice.DOCX.

SafetyTeachers need to identify safety issues and conduct risk assessments. For this unit teachers should:

refer to the Health and Safety http://education.qld.gov.au/health/safety/index.html policy pertaining to schools consult the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/carmg/index.html

ensure students observe sun safety at school procedures. See Developing a sun safety strategy. http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/healthy/wellbeing-guidelines/sun-safety.html

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Page 2: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task Summary Type Learning Areas Status Date

Investigating a material's ability to contain water (Yr 01)Students use knowledge of the properties of materials to make changes to a selected material for the purpose of containing water.

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Investigating a material's ability to hold objects (Yr 01)Students choose a material and predict its suitability for making a container to hold marbles. Students make changes and observe the effects of those changes. Students use their science understanding to explain their observations.

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Rocking the boat (Yr 01)Students describe the effects of physically changing a material to make a boat that floats. Students make a prediction, participate in a guided investigation and record and share observations.

Supervised assessment

Science Unscheduled

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Page 3: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Document Table of Contents

Curriculum Australian Curriculum Considerations

Teaching SequenceTeaching Sequence Summary

Investigating everyday materials

Investigating physically changing materials

Assessment Understanding physically

changing materials

Resources Attachments Plan Resource Bank

Assessment Monitoring - Investigating a material's

ability to contain water (Yr 01) Monitoring - Investigating a material's

ability to hold objects (Yr 01) Supervised assessment - Rocking the

boat (Yr 01)

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Page 4: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Australian Curriculum

Science – Year 1

Year 1 Achievement StandardBy the end of Year 1, students describe objects and events that they encounter in their everyday lives, and the effects of interacting with materials and objects. They describe changes in their local environment and how different places meet the needs of living things.

Students respond to questions, make predictions, and participate in guided investigations of everyday phenomena. They follow instructions to record and sort their observations and share them with others.

Content Descriptions

Science as a Human Endeavour Science Inquiry Skills Science Understanding

Use and influence of science

People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022)

Nature and development of science

Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021)

Planning and conducting Participate in guided investigations to explore

and answer questions (ACSIS025) Use informal measurements to collect and

record observations, using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026)

Processing and analysing data and information Use a range of methods to sort information,

including drawings and provided tables and through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS027)

Communicating Represent and communicate observations and

ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS029)

Questioning and predicting Pose and respond to questions, and make

predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024)

Evaluating Compare observations with those of others


Chemical sciences

Everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways (ACSSU018)

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Page 5: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


Prior and future curriculumRelevant prior curriculumStudents require prior experience with the following:

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003) Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE013)

Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Communicating

Curriculum working towards The teaching and learning in this unit work towards the following: Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose (ACSSU031) Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034)

Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Evaluating Communicating

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Page 6: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

General capabilitiesThis unit provides opportunities for students to engage in the following general capabilities.Literacy

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Text knowledge Grammar knowledge Word knowledge Visual knowledge

Numeracy Using spatial reasoning

Critical and creative thinking Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Reflecting on thinking and processes Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures

Personal and social capability Self-management Social awareness Social management

Intercultural understanding Recognising culture and developing respect Interacting and empathising with others Reflecting on intercultural experiences and taking responsibility

For further information, refer to General capabilities in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area specific advice.

Cross-curriculum prioritiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culturesStudents will develop a knowledge, deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' history and culture and build an awareness that their histories are part of a shared history belonging to all Australians.The embedding of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures into the curriculum can be a challenging task. For further information, including pedagogical approaches, refer to C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx .SustainabilityStudents will develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.For further information, refer to Sustainability in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area statements.

Assessing student learning

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Page 7: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Assessment name: Rocking the boatAssessment description: Students describe the effects of physically changing a material to make a boat that floats. Students make a prediction, participate in a guided investigation and record and share observations.In this unit, assessment of student learning aligns to the following aspects of the achievement standard.By the end of Year 1, students describe objects and events that they encounter in their everyday lives, and the effects of interacting with materials and objects. They describe changes in their local environment and how different places meet the needs of living things.Students respond to questions, make predictions, and participate in guided investigations of everyday phenomena. They follow instructions to record and sort their observations and share them with others.Monitoring student learningStudent learning should be monitored throughout the teaching and learning process to determine student progress and learning needs.Each lesson provides opportunities to gather evidence about how students are progressing and what they need to learn next.Specific monitoring opportunities in this unit may include observations, consultations and samples of student work, for example:Monitoring activityActivity name: Investigating a material's ability to hold objects (Lesson 4)Activity description: Students choose a material and predict its suitability for making a container to hold marbles. Students make changes and observe the effects of those changes. Students use their science understanding to explain their observations.Monitoring activityActivity name: Investigating a material's ability to contain water (Lesson 6)Activity description: Students use knowledge of the properties of materials to make changes to a selected material for the purpose of containing water.

FeedbackFeedback may relate to writing and creating texts. In this unit this may include students’ ability to:

confusing names of materials with their properties. Ask students to name the material, and then describe that material. Explain that the describing words are the properties of the material.

suggesting changes which could be made without considering the properties of the material (e.g. fold and wood). Ask students to describe the properties of a material, and then ask them to physically change the material. Explain that the properties of the material allow it to be physically changed in certain ways.

thinking that 'hard', 'strong' and 'rigid' mean the same thing. Explain to students that these words do not always mean the same thing, e.g. thin ice (hard and rigid but not strong), thick rubber (strong but not hard or rigid).

thinking that a material is containing objects when it is being held in a cupped hand. Explain to students that for a material to contain objects it must do so independently. thinking all materials are suitable for wet conditions because they will dry. Explain that when some materials get wet their properties change, making them less usable. not recognising that the properties of materials can change when the materials get wet. Allow students to experience changes to properties when materials are wet. using materials without being able to explain what properties make it suitable. Suggest substitutions of unsuitable materials to focus student attention on the properties of suitable

materials. not identifying warming as a way of physically changing a material. Explain that warming is an example of an action that we can apply to physically change some of the properties of a

material or object. thinking that the only way to observe change is by sight. Explain that some changes can be observed by touch, smell or sound. thinking that if a material has been recycled into a new object, it has not had changes made to it, because it is new. Explain that a material has changes made to it so it can become

another useful object.

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Page 8: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Curriculum Plan Topics

Duration Topic

2 Lessons Investigating everyday materials Lesson 1: Exploring materials and their properties Lesson 2: Exploring actions to physically change materials

4 Lessons Investigating physically changing materials Lesson 3: Investigating strength Lesson 4: Investigating ability to contain objects Lesson 5: Investigating wetting Lesson 6: Consolidating properties and purpose

2 Lessons Assessment Lessons 7-8: Assessing student learning

2 Lessons Understanding physically changing materials Lesson 9: Examining warming Lesson 10: Examining changes during recycling

10 Lessons Total Unit

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Page 9: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating everyday materials Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students observe and describe objects and materials to recall their prior learning about properties. They explore different types of actions which can be made to physically change materials and objectsSpend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 1

Exploring materials and their properties

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Use scientific language to describe materials and observable properties.

Recognise that the use of a material is related to its properties.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Name materials and their observable properties? Relate the use of a material to its properties?

Example learning sequence Examine familiar objects and materials Explore properties of materials Investigate materials Apply science knowledge

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Year P-2 Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note Sheet - Materials investigation Video - Identifying materials and their properties Sheet - Question bubble Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for question bubbles Sheet - Material word cards Sheet - Property word cards Supporting learning resource - C2C: Science glossary

Helpful information Learning object - Graphic organiser


Supporting learning resource - Science learning pathway https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/370f8061-9faf-4c08-b993-46a179a7f1cf/0/Sci_ML_P-2_U2_SLR_ScienceLearningPathway.docx

Website - Grouping and changing materials (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/6_7/grouping_materials.shtml

student science journals

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 2

Exploring actions to physically change materials

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that materials can be physically changed by actions such as bending, twisting, cutting, breaking or stretching.

Recognise that specific changes are made for a purpose.Evidence of learning

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Video - Actions to physically change materials Sheet - Physically changing materials word cards Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note

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Page 10: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating everyday materials Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students observe and describe objects and materials to recall their prior learning about properties. They explore different types of actions which can be made to physically change materials and objectsSpend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Can the student: Describe changes to materials? Identify the purpose of specific changes?

Example learning sequence Observe actions to physically change materials Investigate actions to physically change materials Investigate physically changing materials for a purpose

Sheet - Change investigation Slideshow - Physically changing materials - made for a purpose Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for indigenous perspectives in

slideshow - Physically changing materials for a purpose Slideshow - Make a paper folding cup

Helpful information Sheet - Property word cards https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/923683e3-

57bb-46c6-953f-8fb2feb55d45/0/Sci_Y01_U2_SH_PropertyWordCards.docx Website - Peep and the big wide world | A house for teddy bear (PBS & WGBH

Educational Foundation) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/eng06.sci.engin.materials.nest/a-house- for-teddy-bear/

Website - Design: Building a house (PBS & WGBH Educational Foundation) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/phy03.sci.phys.descwrld.house/design- building-a-house/

Attachments Lesson plan

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating physically changing materials Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will be guided to investigate how changes made to materials and objects can affect their strength and shape. They will understand that some materials and objects can be physically changed when they are wet. Through these investigations they will understand that the types of changes which can be made are influenced by the object's purpose and the material's properties.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 3 Lesson objectivesStudents will:


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Page 11: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating everyday materials Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students observe and describe objects and materials to recall their prior learning about properties. They explore different types of actions which can be made to physically change materials and objectsSpend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Investigating strength

Understand that some materials can be physically changed to make them stronger.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Make changes to a material to increase its strength?Example learning sequence

Investigate materials for strength Consider how shape affects strength Investigate real-world applications

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note Sheet - Investigation: Strength test Sheet - Question bubble: Holding a book Sheet - Paper challenge: How strong is a piece of paper? Slideshow - Physically changing materials to increase strength

Helpful information Sheet - Question bubble https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/7b4f1801-

6231-49d0-a2fd-75490a3ce8a0/0/Sci_Y02_U1_SH_QuestionBubble.docx Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for question bubbles


Website - Columns: Finding the strongest shape (WGBH Educational Foundation and PBS Learning Media) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/phy03.sci.phys.mfe.zcolumnsi/columns- finding-the-strongest-shape/ (demonstrates the paper challenge)

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 12: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating physically changing materials Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will be guided to investigate how physical changes made to materials and objects can affect their strength and shape. They will understand that some materials and objects can be physically changed when they are wet. Through these investigations they will understand that the types of changes which can be made are influenced by the object's purpose and the material's properties.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 4

Investigating ability to contain objects

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that the shape of some materials can be physically changed for a purpose.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain how changes made to the shape of a material help it to contain objects?

Example learning sequence Consider how shape affects the ability to contain or hold objects Investigate materials for the ability to hold objects

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this resource may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Slideshow - Physically changing materials - made for holding Sheet - Investigation: Holding Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for question bubbles Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for Indigenous perspectives in

slideshow - Physically changing materials for holdingHelpful information

Sheet - Question bubble https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/7b4f1801-6231-49d0-a2fd-75490a3ce8a0/0/Sci_Y02_U1_SH_QuestionBubble.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 13: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating physically changing materials Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will be guided to investigate how physical changes made to materials and objects can affect their strength and shape. They will understand that some materials and objects can be physically changed when they are wet. Through these investigations they will understand that the types of changes which can be made are influenced by the object's purpose and the material's properties.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 5

Investigating wetting

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that some materials can be physically changed by wetting them.

Recognise how the properties of a wet material affect the purpose for which it is used.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify a change to a material when it is wet? Decide on the suitability of objects for getting wet?

Example learning sequence Investigate how materials are affected by wetting Observe real-world applications

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note Sheet - Is it suitable for wetting? Sheet - Investigation: Wetting materials Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for question bubbles Slideshow - Physically changing materials - wetting materials for a purpose Supporting learning resource Teacher notes for Indigenous perspectives in

slideshow - Physically changing materials - wetting materials for a purpose Video - 'Lift off' - Indigenous children collect body paint (TLF R6742)

https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/fafbee46-8315-e025-1c46-a662ddb5e16a/0/ViewIMS.jsp © Education Services Australia Ltd and Australian Children's Television Foundation, 2013

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 6

Consolidating properties and purpose

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that the ways a material can be physically changed, and the way in which it can be used, are affected by its properties.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Use knowledge of properties to make changes to a selected material for a purpose?

Example learning sequence

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Investigation: Containing water

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 14: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating physically changing materials Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will be guided to investigate how physical changes made to materials and objects can affect their strength and shape. They will understand that some materials and objects can be physically changed when they are wet. Through these investigations they will understand that the types of changes which can be made are influenced by the object's purpose and the material's properties.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Consider a material's ability to hold its shape Investigate a material's ability to contain water Consolidate learning

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Page 15: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Assessment Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will complete the assessment task over the two lessons

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 7-8

Assessing student learning

Assessment purposeTo describe the effects of physically changing a material to make a boat that floats. To make a prediction, participate in a guided investigation and record and share observations.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Assessment task - Rocking the boat Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Resource Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list

Helpful information Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Teaching notes Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Model response Sheet - Physically changing materials word cards


Sheet - Investigation word cards https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e80ef79-61f8-4d52-823e-5d5231930fe0/0/Sci_Y01_U2_SH_InvestWordCards.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 16: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Understanding physically changing materials Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned about physically changing materials to the contexts of warming and recycling.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 9

Examining warming

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that some materials can be physically changed by warming them.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify a change to a material when it is warmed?Example learning sequence

Consider changes to materials caused by warming Investigate changes made by warming Investigate real world applications

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Photos of ice cubes before and after Sheet - Investigation: Warming Sheet - Warming

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 10

Examining changes during recycling

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand the reasons for physically changing materials in the recycling process.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain a reason for physically changing to materials in the recycling process?

Example learning sequence Investigate recycling Analyse space for recyclables Recycling and physically changing materials

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Recycling waste Video - Garbage (WGBH/PBS LearningMedia) Rights to use this asset do not

expire. Asset Copyright © WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Credits Produced by WGBH. Source: LOOP SCOOPS. Project funded by: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, EPA. http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/lpsc10.sci.life.garbage/garbage/

Helpful information Video - Visiting a recycling plant (WGBH Educational Foundation)

http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ess05.sci.ess.earthsys.recycleplant/visiti ng-a-recycling-plant/ (video shows the sorting, compacting and recycling process in a paper recycling plant)

Video - Online videos (Replas) http://www.replas.com.au/news-media/online- videos/ Website - How is it recycled? (WRAP)

http://www.recyclenow.com/recycling-knowledge/how-is-it-recycled (includes a series of short videos about recycling. Click on 'Recycling centre' for information on how recycling is sorted; click on 'Cartons', 'Cans' and/or 'Plastic bottles')

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Page 17: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Understanding physically changing materials Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class level. Students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned about physically changing materials to the contexts of warming and recycling.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Attachments Lesson plan

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Resources* Attachments are available in the relevant Unit Plan Section directory in the downloaded zip file.

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence - Investigating everyday materials

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP01.docx

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP02.docx

Sequence - Investigating physically changing materials

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP03.docx

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP04.docx

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP05.docx

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP06.docx

Sequence - Assessment Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP07_08.docx

Sequence - Understanding physically changing materials

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP09.docx

Lesson Plan - Sci_Y01_U2_LP10.docx

Sequence Learning object - Graphic organiser https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/e1273d35-645a-463e-f5cb-cd81bb0feace/0/viewIMS.jsp

Sheet - Change investigation Sheet - Investigation word cards https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e80ef79-61f8-4d52-823e-5d5231930fe0/0/Sci_Y01_U2_SH_InvestWordCards.docx

Sheet - Investigation: Containing water

Sheet - Investigation: Holding

Sheet - Investigation: Strength test Sheet - Investigation: Warming

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Page 19: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Investigation: Wetting materials

Sheet - Is it suitable for wetting?

Sheet - Material word cards

Sheet - Materials investigation

Sheet - Paper challenge: How strong is a piece of paper?

Sheet - Photos of ice cubes before and after

Sheet - Physically changing materials word cards

Sheet - Property word cards

Sheet - Question bubble

Sheet - Question bubble: Holding a book

Sheet - Recycling waste

Sheet - Warming

Slideshow - Make a paper folding cup

Slideshow - Physically changing materials - made for a purpose

Slideshow - Physically changing materials - made for holding

Slideshow - Physically changing materials - wetting materials for a purpose Slideshow - Physically changing materials to increase strength

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Page 20: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

student science journals

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Science glossary

Supporting learning resource - Material madness: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Science learning pathway https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/370f8061-9faf-4c08-b993-46a179a7f1cf/0/Sci_ML_P-2_U2_SLR_ScienceLearningPathway.docx

Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Year P-2 Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for Indigenous perspectives in slideshow - Physically changing materials - wetting materials for a purpose

Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for indigenous perspectives in slideshow - Physically changing materials for a purpose

Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for Indigenous perspectives in slideshow - Physically changing materials for holding

Supporting learning resource - Teacher notes for question bubbles

Video - Actions to physically change materials Video - Garbage (WGBH/PBS LearningMedia) Rights to use this asset do not expire. Asset Copyright © WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Credits Produced by WGBH. Source: LOOP SCOOPS. Project funded by: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, EPA. http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/lpsc10.sci.life.garbage/garbage/

Video - Identifying materials and their properties Video - 'Lift off' - Indigenous children collect body paint (TLF R6742) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/fafbee46-8315-e025-1c46-a662ddb5e16a/0/ViewIMS.jsp © Education Services Australia Ltd and Australian Children's Television Foundation, 2013

Video - Online videos (Replas) http://www.replas.com.au/news-media/online-videos/

Video - Visiting a recycling plant (WGBH Educational Foundation) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ess05.sci.ess.earthsys.recycleplant/visiting-a-recycling-plant/ (video shows the sorting, compacting and recycling process in a paper recycling plant)Website - Columns: Finding the strongest shape (WGBH Educational Foundation and PBS Learning Media) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/phy03.sci.phys.mfe.zcolumnsi/columns-finding-the- strongest-shape/ (demonstrates the paper

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 20 of 23

Page 21: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

challenge)Website - Design: Building a house (PBS & WGBH Educational Foundation) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/phy03.sci.phys.descwrld.house/design-building-a- house/

Website - Grouping and changing materials (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/6_7/grouping_materials.shtml

Website - How is it recycled? (WRAP) http://www.recyclenow.com/recycling-knowledge/how-is-it-recycled (includes a series of short videos about recycling. Click on 'Recycling centre' for information on how recycling is sorted; click on 'Cartons', 'Cans' and/or 'Plastic bottles')Website - Peep and the big wide world | A house for teddy bear (PBS & WGBH Educational Foundation) http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/eng06.sci.engin.materials.nest/a-house- for-teddy-bear/

Assessment Planner - Rocking the boat

Assessment task - Sci_Y01_U2_AT_MR_RockingTheBoat.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y01_U2_AT_RockingTheBoat.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y01_U2_AT_SS_PhysicalChangesFloatBoat.pptx

Assessment task - Sci_Y01_U2_AT_TN_RockingTheBoat.docx

Assessment Assessment task - Rocking the boat

Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Model response

Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Resource

Assessment task - Rocking the boat: Teaching notes

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Page 22: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task – Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Rocking the boat (Yr 01)Type Supervised assessment


Description Students describe the effects of physically changing a material to make a boat that floats. Students make a prediction, participate in a guided investigation and record and share observations

Learning Area Science

Science understanding Science inquiry skills

Describe objects. Describe the effects of interacting with materials and objects. Make predictions and participate in guided investigations. Follow instructions to record their observations.Share their observations with others

A ◄ Explains why physically changing materials makes them more suitable for a purpose. ◄

Independently conducts an investigation and records their observations.Shares using appropriate scientific language.

B ◄ Explains a change made and the effect it had on the boat ◄Explains predictions using science understanding.Shares using some scientific language

C ◄Describes a boat that floats.Describes the effect/s of physically changing and adding marbles to the boat.

Makes predictions.Participates in guided investigations and follows instructions to record their observations.Shares their observations with others

D ◄ Identifies changes made to a material to make a boat. ◄Makes changes to a boat with guidance.Makes a prediction with guidance.Contributes to making a shared observation.

E ◄ Names a material. ◄Follows instructions to make a boat.Engages in observation when directed.

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Page 23: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Material madness. In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 2 - Science Year 1 (V8)

Year: 1Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Acknowledgement, Disclaimer and Copyright

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities are extracts from the Australian Curriculum.

These are subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 and are owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) [2014].

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You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au. This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

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Apart from any use expressly permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced, published, adapted, communicated, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of the Department.

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