Complete Detox ~ Introduction I completed this Detox Masterclass and it is filled with enlightening information. It is FREE to attend (for a limited time) and here are a few things you will learn: 1. Could Toxicity Be Why I'm Sick? (7 Types of Toxins In Your Body) 2. How to Change Your Weight "Set Point" Forever 3. 8 Foods That Help You Detoxify (and 11 that cause Toxicity) 4. How a Physical Detox Can Resolve Emotional Problems Click HERE to register for free!

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Page 1:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

Complete Detox ~ Introduction

I completed this Detox Masterclass and it is filled with enlightening information. It is FREE to attend (for a limited time) and here are a few things you will learn:

1. Could Toxicity Be Why I'm Sick? (7 Types of Toxins In Your Body)

2. How to Change Your Weight "Set Point" Forever

3. 8 Foods That Help You Detoxify (and 11 that cause Toxicity)

4. How a Physical Detox Can Resolve Emotional Problems

Click HERE to register for free!

Page 2:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

For this 26-Day Detox Reset, we will be following the Green Smoothie Girl (GSG) program. If you miss the start date of January 7, 2019, you can join her program here …. And start at any time.

We will continue to support you as well.

There are several levels you can join … from Lifetime access with all the manuals, recipes, shopping list, books, Facebook group, support, everything you need. At the current time, she is offering a 40% discount but not sure how long that will be available. OR you can opt to just purchase the Manual that

will get you started at your own pace. Check out the options here ….

Click HERE to see the available options!

For those that have purchased the manual only and not the products or Lifetime support, I will be your support system as I am going through this detox with you! Email me at [email protected] and let me know the order # of your Manual purchase and I will send you the password to our group where I have created documents to help us on this journey and provide tracking sheets, etc. We will also be making the switch to non-toxic personal and household products on your journey to a more vibrant and healthier lifestyle! The progression of the activities done each week will lead you up to a

complete detox for optimal health and wellness.

Watch the Facebook lives each week for more detailed information and gain access to more information, video classes and products that will be helpful as we START WITH DETOX!


Page 3:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

WHY do we need to detox?Toxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful toxins out of our system but in this overly polluted world, the increase of GMO and processed food, the harmful chemicals that were used decades ago that is still lingering today, it is no wonder we have so many auto-immune diseases and a high percent of the population is obese. It is true that our lungs excrete carbon dioxide, our kidneys eliminate through urine, the colon expels stool, and the skin releases toxins though sweat. However, when there is to many toxins for our body to eliminate, it can cause havoc on our system. Even the healthiest people can not avoid all toxins. So, what do we do now?

These are items we should start with since they are the easiest and most reasonable to replace.

PERSONAL PRODUCTS - Start eliminating your personal products to a NON-Toxic organic brand. This would be anything you put on your body in the form of personal hygiene like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, cosmetics, moisturizers, foundations, lipsticks, lotions, deodorant, sunscreen, perfume, etc.

Currently, cosmetic manufacturers have no legal obligation to report health problems from their products to the FDA. Cosmetics also do not need to go through a pre-market approval process before they are sold in stores, and regulators do not assess the safety and effectiveness of the claims on the products. According to a report from Time magazine, the number of adverse events reported to the FDA, found that over a 12-year period, there were 5,144 health-related complaints submitted, due to the harmful chemicals in cosmetic products.  

Perfumes (and fragrances put into products) are really harmful because companies have utilized a loophole where they are not required to list ingredients because of their “Trade Secret”. This leaves it open to expose us to tons of unknown toxic chemicals. A lab analysis revealed 17 of the best-selling fragrances had an average of 14 chemicals not listed on their label. Chemicals in these products are known to cause kidney & liver damage. According to the EWG, 12.2 million adults – one of every 13 women and one of every 23 men – are exposed to ingredients that are known or probable human carcinogens every day through their use of personal care products.

HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS - Start eliminating your household products to a NON-Toxic organic brand. This would be anything that would come in contact with your skin in some form or another like kitchen cleaners, drain cleaners, oven cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners, laundry products, etc. Also, highly hazardous to your health is chlorine bleach, ammonia and lye.

Commercial laundry soaps contain chemicals that are absorbed from clothes into the skin. And since we wear these clothes all day, that is constant exposure going into our bloodstream. Dryer sheets are full of perfume and because of the loopholes in regulation, fragrances are more toxic than almost anything else because they are able to use dozens of dangerous chemicals (often more than 20 in one perfume) not approved by the FDA. Some fragrances have been found to have over 23 carcinogens in them.

FOODS - Start exchanging the sugary, GMO, processed foods with Non-GMO, plant based whole foods and organic dairy and grass fed / cage free meats. More details will be given on

Page 4:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

nutrition as we work through this 26-day detox. When you purchase canned goods, not only are they processed but cans are made from aluminum. Even though there is a wax coating between the food and the can, the wax contains Bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen linked to many cancers. That is the BPA that has been removed from some water bottles. It is better to eliminate canned goods whenever possible. Also, we all use aluminum foil to wrap hot food or cook with it. It is best not to use aluminum foil at all but if you do, make sure you do not ever use the shiny side of your foil. Aluminum is toxic and can leach into your food.

Organic can be expensive but there is a list called the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15.

For the 2018 Dirty Dozen list, EWG singled out produce with the highest loads of pesticide residues. This year the list includes, in descending order, strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries,  pears, tomatoes, celery, potatoes and sweet bell peppers.Each of these foods tested positive for a number of different pesticide residues and contained higher concentrations of pesticides than other produce.

Key findings:

More than 98 percent of samples of strawberries, spinach, peaches, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for residue of at least one pesticide.

A single sample of strawberries showed 20 different pesticides.

Spinach samples had, on average, 1.8 times as much pesticide residue by weight than any other crop.

EWG's Clean Fifteen list of produce least likely to contain pesticide residues included avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbages, onions, frozen sweet peas, papayas, asparagus, mangoes, eggplants, honeydews, kiwis, cantaloupes, cauliflower and broccoli . Relatively few pesticides were detected on these foods, and tests found low total concentrations of pesticide residues.

Key findings:

Avocados and sweet corn were the cleanest. Less than 1 percent of samples showed any detectable pesticides.

More than 80 percent of pineapples, papayas, asparagus, onions and cabbages had no pesticide residues.

No single fruit sample from the Clean Fifteen tested positive for more than four pesticides.

Multiple pesticide residues are extremely rare on Clean Fifteen vegetables. Only 5 percent of Clean Fifteen vegetable samples had two or more pesticides.

This is a great site to see the Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Producehttps://www.ewg.org/foodnews/full-list.php

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These are the next items that we should look at slowly replacing as they cause many issues as well. These have a bit more cost involved but if we try to switch out one at a time, we will

be heading in the right direction.

WaterWater is a necessity and unless we are taking precautions on how we get it delivered, it could be full of contaminants we don’t even know about. We never know what could be in our tap water, including prescription drugs, steroids, acids, toxic metals, nitrates, phosphates, radioactive nucleotides, oil, plastics, and sediments. Bacteria, viral micro-organisms as well as fluoride and chlorine are others that are harmful. If we buy bottled water, the plastic bottles may contain another harmful chemical. ... BPA is the starting material for making polycarbonate plastics. Any leftover BPA that is not consumed in the reaction used to make a plastic container can leach into its contents. From there it can enter the body. BPA is often found in disposable water bottles and babies' milk bottles and cups. The best solution is to get good water purifier system.

A more complex issue to look at but possibly as important, is your shower. The most dangerous chemical to be concerned about when it comes to showering, is the chemical disinfectant chlorine, which is directly absorbed into your bloodstream on a daily basis. Science News reported that researchers found increases in chloroform in study participants’ lungs of about 2.7ppb after a 10-minute shower. Combined with warm water opening pores, skin absorption and lung inhalation during a 10-minute shower showed to be greater than the amount that would be ingested by drinking 8 glasses of the same water. The only way to effectively remove chloramines in your shower is to have a whole house filtration system.

CookwareCookware leaches the chemicals they’re manufactured from into the food you’re cooking. And these chemicals are anything but safe, with many even being cancer-causing. Teflon, commonly known in the kitchen as “non-stick” or as polytetrafluoroethylene in the lab, is one of the most toxic chemicals you’ll find lurking in your kitchenware. In studies, Teflon has been shown to release at least six toxic gases when heated, with several of those being carcinogenic. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that researchers estimate inhibits more than 200 biologically important functions in your body. Copper cookware has been prized by many a cook for decades due to its ability to heat quickly and evenly. However, copper is extremely susceptible to leaching into foods, especially when exposed to acidic foods, like tomato sauce. Some companies use glazes and coatings on their cookware to give them a uniform color and more balanced heating abilities. Unfortunately, these coatings often contain cadmium, one of the most toxic metals in our environment. Like cadmium, nickel is used in glazes and linings of pots and pans, and can even be found in some stainless-steel cookware. Some cookware is made with lead in order to increase shock resistance and improve glossiness. Unfortunately, lead is highly toxic. When your pans are scratched, some of the nonstick coating can flake into your food (the pan also becomes stickier). This can release toxic compounds. What is even more dangerous is cooking in a nonstick pan over high heat (this releases a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid). Aluminum and Teflon transfers these dangerous materials into your food. Teflon is a dangerous chemical also found in stain resistant carpets, nail polish removers and fire-fighting foam. A toxicologist reported that if you never had Teflon exposure again, it would take 20 years to eliminate what is already in your organs and tissues. The best choices to switch to is Cast Iron, Ceramic and Glass.

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Dental Fillings Amalgam fillings has led to significant mercury exposure. Even a hairline fracture in a filling, emits vapor 1000 times higher than the EPA’s allowable limits. Make sure if you get them removed, you go to a holistic dentist that specializes in removing them in a safe manor so you do not have added exposure to the mercury gas, dust or particles.

Home Carpet and paint are usually the most chemical emitting sources of indoor pollution. Homes are usually 25-100 times more toxic than environments outside the home. Like couches, bedding and mattresses, carpets are some of the most trafficked areas of our home. Many are made with synthetic materials and treated with hazardous chemical sprays and then installed with adhesives. Older carpets in particular can contain toxins like endocrine-disruptors, phthalates, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which can contribute to a variety of health issues like organ and nervous system damage and cancer. Much of conventional new carpeting is made from problematic material, especially the backings, such as the Styrene Butadiene rubber backing found on 95% of carpets, which off gas both styrene, a carcinogen and 4-PC, a form of polycarbonate, which have been linked to cancer.  Make sure to avoid are flame retardants, waterproofing and stain treatments, as they usually contain PFCs, which are fluorinated compounds, the same liquid-repelling technology as nonstick cookware. PFCs are highly toxic, never break down in the environment, and build up in your body where they have been linked to a host of  health issues. Although these are more costly to replace, just keep this in mind when you do need to replace them, to look for better choices like wood or tile that’s installed with low VOC materials.

These are issues that may or may not be in your control but regardless, we are exposed to many of them on a daily basis which is affecting the level of our health. So although we may

not be able to control these, it does show the REASON it is so important to DETOX!

Smoking There are hundreds of toxic chemicals in cigarettes, cigar and pipe smoke including over 70 known to cause cancer. Even if you do not smoke but you are around others who do smoke, you are exposed to second hand smoke, and susceptible to the toxins. If you smoke, or are around people who smoke, it is very important you try to eliminate this deadly toxin out of your life. Some people assume e-cigarettes are a healthier alternative to smoking. But they simply haven’t been out long enough to fully evaluate their effects. What we do know is the flavoring chemicals used in E-cigarettes can contain some nasty chemicals. Among these chemicals is cadmium, a heavy metal that can cause neurological damage, kidney disease, and mental disorders.


Although lead has been eliminated from paint, pencils and gasoline, it is still in over 20 million homes in the form of old paint and lead pipes. More than three quarters of global lead consumption is for the manufacture of lead-acid batteries for motor vehicles. Lead is, however, also used in many other products, for example pigments, paints, stained glass, lead crystal glassware, ammunition, ceramic glazes, jewelry, toys and in some cosmetics and traditional medicines. Drinking water delivered through lead pipes or pipes joined with lead solder may contain lead. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimated that in 2016 lead exposure accounted for 540,000 deaths and 13.9

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million years of healthy life lost. Lead can cause harm wherever it lands in the body. Lead sometimes can also be found in Soil.  Lead-contaminated soil is still a major problem around highways and in some urban settings. Some soil close to walls of older houses contains lead. Household dust can contain lead from lead paint chips or from contaminated soil brought in from outside. Glazes found on some ceramics, pottery, china and porcelain can contain lead that can leach into food served or stored in the pottery. Lead is sometimes found in toys and other products produced abroad. Some cosmetic companies who use lead in their products been linked to lead poisoning. Tamarind, an ingredient used in some candies made in Mexico, might contain lead. Time spent at firing ranges can lead to exposure from the lead bullets. People are exposed to lead and can bring it home on their clothes when they work in auto repair, mining, pipe fitting, battery manufacturing, painting, construction and certain other fields.

Car Exhaust Living in big cities or sitting in grid lock at rush hour traffic exposes you to more toxins but everyone is exposed to the carbon monoxide from the car exhaust. It also contains nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, hydrocarbons.

Treated Lumber Although the law prohibited lumber to be treated with CCA – Chromated copper arsenate which contains copper, chromium and arsenic, all playsets and residential lumber built prior to 1993 will still present a risk. A report published that the average 5 year old playing for 2 weeks on this chemically treated playset will have exceeded an acceptable lifetime cancer risk from exposure to arsenic.

PesticidesPesticides can be found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. They are found in our soil and even in breast milk. These pesticides are the only toxic substances released intentionally into our environment to kill living things: to kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), and others. They are used almost everywhere — not only in agricultural fields, but also in homes, parks, schools, buildings, forests, and roads. POP stands for Persistent Organic Pollutants (those which remain in the environment and do not break down or decompose). 9 out of 12 POP are pesticides. They are also categorized as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and bactericides. According to one study, 25 million workers worldwide suffer from systems related to pesticide poisoning every year, 3 million of them are sever and close to 20,000 of them die. Roundup, the most common one causes cancer, attention deficit disorder and birth defects and this has been known since 1980. The runoff kills 71% of the tadpoles when used at 1/3 the maximum concentration, yet the owner, Monsanto, continues to market it as one of the “Safest” pesticides on the market! Many of the insecticides discontinued after the 1960’s are still showing up in the blood of today’s newborns and causing birth defects. They include DDT, PCB’s, dioxins, chlordane, furans and other insecticides. These poisons are still used in aerosol cans, pesticides, cleaning solutions and varnishes. They remain in the environment for decades. They are difficult to get out of the system and increase cancer risk.

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Benzene is widely used in the United States. It ranks in the top 20 chemicals for production volume. Some industries use benzene to make other chemicals that are used to make plastics, resins, and nylon and synthetic fibers. Benzene is also be found in lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, pesticides and gas stations (gas fumes). Benzene is a potent carcinogen. Benzene works by causing cells not to work correctly. It can damage the immune system by changing blood levels of antibodies and causing the loss of white blood cells. It affects the nervous system, mutates DNA, decreases oxygen, exchange in red blood cells, and is difficult for the body to eliminate.

Heavy Metals The term heavy metal refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Examples of heavy metals include mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb).. These heavy metals do major oxidative damage to the cells and there are hundreds of studies linking heavy metals to cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Autism and Alzheimer’s.

Living Organisms Microbes are microscopic organisms such as bacteria, archaea, protozoa and fungi, and these microorganisms that reside on or within your body are referred to as the human microbiome. This microbial colonization begins during and shortly after birth. Your body is composed of about 10 trillion human cells, but bacteria outnumber them by at least ten to one.  Microbes actually make up around 1% to 3% of your total body mass. These microbes colonize lots of different areas of the body including your skin, gut, mouth, eyes, and genitals. You can find anywhere between 500 to 1000 different species of bacteria in your gut alone, and they actually make up 60% of the dry mass of your feces. Most of the bacterial species found in our bodies don’t do us any harm, and so are referred to as commensals. But they can become opportunistic pathogens, for example if immunity is lowered or natural barriers become compromised, such as the blood brain barrier. This is where they can go rogue and cause problems. It is estimated that more than 90% of all Americans are infected with some type of harmful organism. Infection can come from “benign” activities like eating at a restaurant, owning a pet, or having a child in school or daycare. Food handlers can spread parasites through unsafe or unclean practices. Pets can pick up parasites from insect bites and introduce them into the home. The undeveloped hand washing skills and curiosity of children usually leads to lots of indirect contact with every type of infectious agent. Almost all of us will come into contact with these harmful invaders over the course of our lives, if we’re not infected already. Since these infections often have no outward symptoms, it is not always obvious that something is living inside you, feeding off of your tissues. Cleansing your body of harmful organisms at least 2x per year is the solution to this disgusting problem. We will work on this in 2019 as well!

Emotional Toxicity It is documented how anger, stress and unresolved negative emotional can actually damage our cells. The key is to find and resolve toxic issues and memories, coming to terms with and releasing anger, forgiving and loving unconditionally.

Page 9:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

Disturbing FactsThere are now 85,000 chemicals in the US and nearly 5,000 of them are approved as food additives. Many others are going into our air and water. The average baby is born with an average of 250 chemicals in their umbilical cord. Of those, 180 are known carcinogens (cancer causing) and 200 are neurotoxic (poisonous to the brain) according to Randall Fitzgerald in his book “The Hundred Year Life”. It should be pretty clear that EVERYONE is TOXIC at some level. The question is … when will you start making changes to detox?

There are many kinds of detox programs.

When you are looking at doing a detox program, you can find a ton of them from a 1-day cleanse to a 3-month full detox and everything in between. From eliminating certain foods, to drinking concoctions, to taking supplements. The problem with most of these (especially the “Quick Fix” cleanses), is that they mostly move the toxins around without the proper elimination which causes them to settle in other areas of your body. This is not what a detox is supposed to do! The correct way to detox is to eliminate the toxins built up.

Your body deals with toxins by burying then in fatty tissues. The great thing about detoxing is that when we release the toxins, we are also able to release the fat cells as well.

Why we are doing the GSG Program.This detox program goes through several phases that will allow specific organs to rest, purify and rebuild. First, we need to clean out the dirty colon which changes the environment that parasites live in. Parasites are a major problem for many (especially if you are a red meat eater). A cubic inch of beef can contain about 1200 larvae.

Week one we are focusing on the Colon cleansing but for all 26 days, we will be loosening the hardened mucoid plaque and eliminating it.

After the colon, we focus on kidney elimination.

Then we spend three days cleansing the crystalline structures and accumulated toxic elements from the liver and gallbladder.

The 26-day detox of GSG will systemically cleanse all the major body systems in the order that it maximizes the detoxing process.

When the body is given the right nourishment, it will build strong blood, bones, organs and tissues. We also make it possible to reverse auto-immune diseases and provide overall wellness. The best way to detoxify is to give the body less food and the food we do eat needs to be easily digested. That way the body can devote its energy to cleansing. The easiest foods to digest are raw, simple plant foods. This is why we focus on whole plant-based foods and eliminate all processed food, artificial sweeteners, gluten, meat and dairy during our 26-day detox.

Stay connected with us on the Facebook Group” and we will take steps together through the year to detox all parts of our life for optimal wellness!

Again, if you miss the Jan 7, 2019 start date of the 26-day detox, you can always purchase any level of your choice and from lifetime access with all the tools and support needed to just the manual to follow on your own. Click here to see the available options the GSG Program offers!

Page 10:   · Web viewToxins bombard our body though air, water, cleaning products, personal items, industrial chemicals, food and even stress. Our bodies were made to detox these harmful

If you are going to detox ANYTHING, you should be concerned about HEAVY METALS!

You read above, how many heavy metals bombard our system at dangerous levels. These are not easy to get rid of and most products on the market can not do the complete job. If you don’t get to the cellular level, and do not eliminate them completely out of your body, you are not truly detoxing!

For an explanation on the proper way to Detox Heavy Metals … watch this video! https://player.vimeo.com/video/301259035?autoplay=0&amp%3Btitle=0&amp%3Bbyline=0&amp%3Bwmode=transparent&fbclid=IwAR1FhmqYURROxBiQ01s5sfoeHLcxTZZiv_Ax4WhXdjAnFheWxwbsW8h6AzY

Visit the website www.BetterHealthInMinutes.com to save 10% off your bottle of CytoDetox