SCHOOL OF APOSTOLIC REFORMATION F R A N S C H H O E K P r o f I l e Theme: 1 Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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P r o f I l eTheme:

Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact

Center for kingdom based leadership strategic studies


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: franschhoekimpact.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewTo thrive and advance in this new day, there must be a new order of thinking and operation within the core paradigm structure

A season of change

A. God is changing by restoring the original image of his Church, and that, in turn, will change and restore the Lord’s eternal purpose for human. The plan of God after the fall is to raise a company of people through the power of redemption called the ecclesia {called out ones} revive, reform and restore humanity to back to Eden, the place of complete rest. All across the globe, people are asking questions that nobody, including the charismatic Pentecostal main stream churches could answer. Kings and queens of have begun their journey to Jerusalem in seeking for answers and solution to their lingering challenges. For Solomon, what are an opportunity to show case the knowledge and the wisdom of the God of all creation. It’s a new day in the Lord’s prophetic agenda for mankind redemption.

B. To thrive and advance in this new day, there must be a new order of thinking and operation within the core paradigm structure of humanity. This process of change must not be mistaken for the present new age movement advocating that you don’t have to submit to the authority and leadership of the God of all creation. It is important we make this differentiation because many today within the Body of Christ have allowed the subtlety of the message of the new age movement to creep into the assemblies. Deception is a powerful force the enemy is employing to lead many astray.

C. You are not allowed to pollute this new day of the Lord desire with your carnal religious way of thinking. The season has changed and so is the operating system of the church. Everything, including your personal and corporate requires a massive upgrade of kingdom based knowledge, if there’s going to be development and productivity. This epic season has ushered the corporate body of Christ into a higher scope of warfare that requires the fullness of Christ life and nature as the only tool, capable to engage these complex 21st century challenges and realities. This is the day where King must prove to the Saul’s leadership and Philistines army that God is alive in Israel.

D. It’s no longer news that the philosophy and foundation of this present world is getting weaker on a daily basis. As this foundation continues to get shaken and weaken through the present socioeconomic unrest, political instability and the ongoing climate and natural disaster, the church needs a precise revelational understanding of what is happening, lest we get cutup in web of Satanic deception, thinking the world is coming to an end. Mathew 23.

E. Brethren, this is not the end world but the beginning of a new age, a new era that require the fullness of Christ image {mentality} as the only key to living triumphantly in the midst of the darkness. Just as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. The coming of the son of God is changing the face of the earth


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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from the way we know it. You and I needs to come to a higher revelational dimension of existence that goes beyond being a good Christian to becoming a kingdom citizen. Beyond the global shaken and uncertainties gripping the heart of earth dwellers, the Lord has commissioned his wise master builders to build a habitation of rest for those willing to hide the call of migration out of Babylonian system of living.

F. Unfortunately, the unregenerate man will continue to rationalize these complex issues which will lead to more frustration and devastation of the heart. Their struggle to find lasting answers and solutions to these challenges will be unsuccessful until the Spirit of the Lord empowers and releases the Daniels, Josephs and the Esther’s company of saints to bring lasting kingdom solution.

Understanding the purpose change

A. Change is catalyst for reformation, development and advancement of God’s will within operating paradigm of human life. It is the aggressive occurrence and processes of the emerging preferred standard of the Lord for any new season. It must be clearly understood and embraced with high level prophetic sight.

B. This enhances the Lord’s craft men {apostolic believers} to properly interpret {design} and build the preferred house of the Lord for the season.

C. The effective response to the present global change is requiring more than our confined theological understanding and intellectual ingenuity. The present spiritual and mental state {capacity} of the Church is just too weak to answer the high level global challenges. What we defined to be prayer and spiritual warfare is just out of order when compare to the accurate order and protocol of intercessory spirit.

D. An updated and upgraded order of kingdom minded saints with unlimited leadership paradigm are emerging with the proper answers and solutions to these complex issues posting great treat on the 21st century community.

Dan 2:26-28

26 The king asked Daniel (also called Belteshazzar), "Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?" 27 Daniel replied, "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, 28 but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you lay on your bed are these: NIV


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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E. Change cannot be stop or ignored if development and productivity must be attained at the required level of kingdom interface. The only institution that seems to still be lacking behind in the re-calibration of her revelational understanding of the season is the Church. The Lord is demanding that the Church moves away from her present weak location and definition of ministry to the world if she must be a true anchor of hope in this new age.

F. If all we ever learn as a Church is to merely prepare people for spiritual breakthrough and still do not have the necessary working {tools} technology to infuse such spiritual capacity into the very heart of Babylon operating system, such that it completely subverts her life source from the root, then our so called spirituality is merely futile and irrelevant to Gods ultimate purpose.

Luke 12:54-56

54 He said to the crowd: "When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, 'It's going to rain,' and it does. 55 And when the south wind blows, you say, 'It's going to be hot,' and it is. 56 Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time? NIV

The demand of change

Change is forever demanding new breeds of visionary leaders with an accurate proactive capacity with decisive action plan for complex challenges. Enhancing capacity building and skill in kingdom activity demands an ascended lifestyle amongst the leaders and saints of the 21st century. It’s time we upgrade to a better level of kingdom presentation and representation in our capacities and strategies.

The major cry of our communities and inner city today is where are the leaders with prophetic sight and governmental competency to bring lasting reform to the ever- growing spiritual, socioeconomic and political issues?


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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As families and communities faces high level Satanic activity, interfacing with wrong values system, ungodly cultural beliefs which has now resulted in youth’s alcoholism, abused mothers, absentee fathers and the corrupt leadership models within political ranks. You and I are being challenged by the Lord to raise the quality and capacity of the message of the kingdom in order produce a new wineskin of saints who can lead with the heart of humility and integrity as in days of King David

Why building another apostolic school?

a. The knowledge of the glory of God must cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.b. The foundation and pattern of what has been defined to be the embassy of God’s kingdom in

the earth does not fully represent the image and mandate of the kingdom culture and its philosophy.

c. The world is crying out for change in true leadership. Corruption and the lack of integrity amongst the best of politicians have almost destroyed the very foundation of nationhood.

d. Religion and the best of managerial competency are becoming weaker in handling the complex issues of the human state of mind. If lasting change must occur in this generation, we have to revisit the issues of the condition and configuration of human souls as the key value needed for reformation.

e. We need to chart a new direction that will build and enhance the prepared future of kingdom excellence and manifestation.

Architects of the future

Advancing in the next dimension of kingdom activation requires the spirit, passion and attitude of a well built prophetic apostolic understanding as template of operation. Building a preferred future in this season of the collapsing of all forms of moral values, requires the development of a new order of leaders with the strategy to pioneer and mobilize { within the lives of men} a new generation of society born to break-through all forms of racial, cultural economic and political limitations. It is the duty of this new order of leaders and priests to clearly correct all forms of misrepresentation of Christ and his kingdom in this season.


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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The vision of the school of apostolic {ministry} reformation Franschhoek, seeks to rise a new generation of youth, and leaders and entrepreneurs with the necessary mental skill and spiritual competency in representing the activities of the kingdom of God. Getting kingdom education is inevitable to carrying and manifesting the glory {resources} of the third day ministry. This training will offer the right template to be lead, prepared and inspired local and global interface.

Ephesians 4:7-14 Hebrews 5:13, Eccl 10:16

Our desire is to create a conducive and interactive atmosphere of learning and impartation of ministry gifts. The present challenge of the Body of Christ is in raising a well balanced coherent global prophetic company of saints, empowered with the necessary leadership faculties to strategically reform, transform and restore communities within nations back to the divine order and structure of existence.

Building beyond religious theology

A. The objective of the mandate is to progressively and aggressively build a common prophetic apostolic house within the community that enhances consistent revelational understanding of Christ

B. , being the precise operational pattern of all human interactions. In other words, we can no longer limit or define Christianity to our local church or denominational ideals.

C. Knowing and operating in what is called the Christ anointing goes beyond living outside the walls of a religious mindset. The formation of Christ in the heart of any true believer should be the very operating system of his or her existence. Your ability to function and successfully overcome the powers of soulish religious manipulations comes through the inflow of a well balanced knowledge and operation of the Spirit and nature of truth.

D. The technology of present prophetic /apostolic ministry builds and also enhances your spiritual faculty to read and interpret signs of seasons and times that shapes nations and human destiny. Past reformational moves like the Pentecostal charismatic ushered in a new order of leaders who pioneered and built within people’s mentality a fresh and powerful understanding of knowing how to move and respond in the spirit of worship and church administration.

E. This is a new day of the tabernacle concept of living. The present emphasis of the Spirit is the raising, what is known as the ascended ministry, of saints. This is an apostolic type of servant-leaders who will go into the field of the Lords harvest to gather in and separate


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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the wheat from the shaft emerging in this day. These men and women will be granted a higher platform of kingdom expression with the capacity to accurately represent the mind of the Lord for the nation without fear. Jeremiah 1:10

Change of perspective

A. On this foundation of truth we seize this great moment to express our warm appreciation to you seeking to build a stronger and a more accurate and proficient foundational template of thinking and understanding in this season. Then we’ve said earlier, the core objective of any kingdom initiative is to create through its leadership instruments a coherent platform of engaging systems and institutions that shapes and determines the future destiny of the nation’s socioeconomic and political landscape.

B. Building visionary capacity that can adequately manifest the fullness of God’s kingdom in this day requires a higher dimension of the operation of truth within human core values of believers. To move from one position of sight {thirty fold} to the next will take a forceful level of spiritual quest, unquenchable thirst and unprecedented passion in search for what the scripture calls the present truth. 1 Peter chapter 1:12

Ministry of accurate representation Matthew 16

A. More than we know or ever been taught concerning the realities, principles, values, doctrines and culture of the kingdom of God is being revealed through the implementation of the present prophetic apostolic craftsmen. This new order of kingdom priesthood is challenging and changing at the same time the misrepresentation of both the Lord’s image and that of his church. Weak template and old religious ideologies that has for a long time defined our ministry is giving way to this new order of Christ generation of people. The church of the Lord is rising once again from her lame stagnated position through this prophetic healing school called the third day ministry of the saints.

B. The Lord is calling his Church to a more proactive and excellent glorious position of operation within his Body in order to properly represent and manifest his glory in the midst of present human darkness. In this new day, we are once again expected to accurately migrate {journey} out of religious humanistic concept of worship. We must redefine worship beyond momentary ecstasy to a life of total kingdom service. The powers of Babylonian induced system of existing must be shattered completely as the


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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Spirit of truth brings us into the realm of re-discovering and fulfilling the Lord’s prophetic mandate for our lives and the nations.

Breaking away from the old wineskin

A. To break away from the old rigid religious wineskin will definitely require more than acquiring mere prophetic apostolic terminologies, as the case seems to be in many parts of the Body of Christ today. As important as the language and terminologies are in defining the direction of the Spirit, they must not be mistaken or replace the very life and nature of what the Spirit of the Lord is building within the hearts of all those apprehended for the glory of the King.

B. You and I need to be more proactive and strategic in understanding the attitude of the Spirit’s movement as heaven demands us to push beyond the boundary of self-will religious camping. It’s time to break the old wineskin and allow the Spirit of the Lord to pour into us a fresh reality of kingdom authority.

C. A new order of apostolic people is emerging with complete reformational and restorational capacity. The perception and revelational understanding of these men and women have been adjusted by the Lord himself for precise view of his eternal purposes and counsel. You have this opportunity to be a reformer in your community and city.

A new kind of battle is taking place in the world

A. We are in a period where the society of the Lords people has been seduced to live in religious and humanistic paradigm of existence. We practice a faith that thrives on religious and political games. A system that we call Christianity seeks only to favor the feeling and soulish desire of the people rather than the passion and desire of Christ. We do everything to please the people to remain in the number without the leadership capacity to change their inner life.

B. There is more to what we know that the Spirit of truth is unveiling to those willing to cry out for the ultimate revelation of Christ. To get to the mountain of the Lord where truth is revealed, you will need to go beyond the accepted thirty to sixty fold levels this generation of believers have accepted as their standard of spirituality. Your passion for inner reformation {the complete change of your nature} must outweigh your hunger for any other spiritual or religious duties.


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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Time of great refreshing

If you are already in the ministry but feel dry or spiritually out of course in the present day ministry requirement of the Lord for your life, you don’t have to give up or lose hope because the Lord is leading you to the right place of spiritual refreshing, nourishing and capacity building for the dimension of your assignment. As you take time to read through this inspiring profile, we pray the Lord will speak to your heart and stir your faith anew towards the present cry of the Spirit in raising new visionary apostolic leaders and team ministry all across the earth in this third day. This is a season of great renewal capacity building for both leaders and the saints alike.

Upgrade of spiritual capacity

1 Sam 17:9-11

10 Then the Philistine said, "This day I defy the ranks of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other." 11 On hearing the Philistine's words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified. NIV

A. There is no doubt that today’s society is undergoing major cultural, ideological and psychological challenges that is forcefully changing the core system of human existence. This change is not new to the Lord and those he has called and empowered to function as light bearers. Unfortunately, those who still allow their spirituality to be defined, measured and limited by obsolete religious frame of mind will find it continually difficult to navigate and function within these complexities.

B. This present darkness must be understood with the intension to offer kingdom based answers and solutions and not finding a way to escape. The challenge of the present darkness is a silent type of warfare going within people that you and I are not exempted from fighting, if we must be qualified to reveal the glory of the Lord. How you respond to this battle will show what you are made of and the next order of your spiritual advancement.

C. The new age cultural and ideological warfare is already threatening the future stability of the global world and only those with prophetic insight and apostolic governmental grace


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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like David can challenge and overcome this Goliath type of enemy. We must aggressively move from the house of Saul if we must win this battle.

D. We are presently witnessing a high level release of satanic systems against the church of the Lord and the human society, yet the Lord has not left his own without a witness. This high level strategic attack of the kingdom of darkness is designed to weaken, depress and paralyze your faith, hope and love in Christ. The ministry of advancing into the way, truth and life of the present day redemptive purposes and plan of the Father cannot be negotiated for the false sense of peace. We need apostolic wisdom and understanding as the Lord builds his house in us in this crucial season.

Back to the ancient path

Jeremiah 6:16

16 This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' NIV

A. This ongoing change within human lives is as a result of a continual drift from the core molds, values and standards that keeps society from disintegrating. When those assigned with the transformation and developing of societies start fraternizing with corrupt worldly system society cast of restraint. The scripture says the church is the salt of the earth and if she losses her seasoning ability she automatically losses her right and relevancy of existence in the earth.

B. This directly means that, the present state of the world to a degree reflects the position and condition of the state of Church. In that past few decades we have seen trends of entertainment and commercialization of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this has brought weakness to the Church’s authority and disrepute to the name of the Lord. This abnormality has to change through the restoration of present day apostolic ministry growing within and outside local Church ministry.

C. Therefore, to change back to the right pattern of what the Church is and should reflect there has to be a purging out of the old leaven-wrong religious mentality. We see in Jeremiah chapter 1 how the Lord asked the prophet to first pull down, root out and destroy the wrong structure, values and cultural systems hindering the nation from coming into accurate position of the Lord’s defined and desired purpose for the nation.


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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The ministry of Jeremiah must take precise effect within the core structure society’s operating system before we can step into the arena of manifesting the life and glory of the Lord in this last day.

A new order of leaders

This apostolic prophetic search of men and women called ‘the Jeremiah’s company’ will finally emerge with high level capacity of humility and brokenness of life that will ultimately house and manifest the very authority of global reformation. This is the core reason why this school of apostolic reformation has been designed by the Lord to train, equip and develop saints willing to become sons who will finally step into their inheritance of divine governance.

The mission

Jer 1:7-10

7 But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.

9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." NIV

A. Our mission is to raise reformers with the right spiritual capacity and a well reformed {healthy} mentality who can advance the course of the King and his kingdom in every sphere of human existence.

B. The full manifestation of Christ Character with a well balanced theological doctrinal foundation of the scripture, in context to the present emphasis of the Spirit to our outermost pursuit in this apostolic school.

C. Our goal through the development center is not limited to seeing the church get restored back to her place of glory but rather, take her place as the light and salt of the earth. We are called to give the light of Christ knowledge to a world totally given to blindness, corruption and deformity of souls.


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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D. We do believe that there is a present call out of a remnant type of people who are willing to do the bidding of the Lord without religious or humanistic compromise in their fellowship with the Lord and service to humanity.

E. Many are called few are chosen. Those who will be chosen in this season will be those who have not just made themselves available but also have gone through the fire of the Lord’s purifying process. These men and women will be given the right to accurately represent and manifest the Father’s glory.

Benefit of attending the school of ministry:

Affords you the opportunity to know, grow and apply biblical revelation and understanding to complex areas of life’s challenges.

Takes you deeper in the revelational knowledge of Christ and his Church. Build and reestablish your foundation in what apostolic Christianity is in this third day. Understanding of the journey of faith from the outer court to the most holy place. Grants you the required resource to discover or reinforce your leadership capacity. Redefines the meaning of present day prophetic intercessory ministry. Helps you to know the laws of biblical terminology and interpretation. Give you the accurate definition of what apostolic and prophetic culture is. Help you to become more effective and relevant in your calling and ministry in the

marketplace. How to live triumphantly in Babylonian system culture.

Pressing toward your prophetic fulfillment

There is a stirring of a might wave of the Lord’s spirit all across the globe calling and challenging youths and young professional to be accurately positioned in the place the Lord is training those who will be leaders and direction givers in this new season. Accurate investment of your time to develop the right spiritual base as men and women are losing their sight and sanity requires more than just being a good Christian; systematic studying of the word through the present instrument of apostolic ministry will certainly accelerate your capacity to face and become relevant in your day of appearance like David.


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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You as a Davidic generation need the ministry of Samuel to mentor and prepare you to face the perverted world system. Your duty is not to run from Goliath but to advance towards him in total victory. Certain realm of spiritual functionality requires that we be retained by those with the right quality skill; this training gives us the right leverage to advance and impact our world. Act 19 lays the right foundation to the prophetic fulfillment of Joel chapter 2.

Joel 2:28-30

Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29 Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit. 30 I will show portents in NRSV

The school will be in session on Mondays and Wednesdays respectively Time will be 7:00pm.

More about the school’s purpose and objective

Restoring the key of knowledge:

Luke 11:52 "Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered." NKJV

1 Sam 13:19-23

19 There were no blacksmiths at all in the land of Israel in those days, for the Philistines wouldn't allow them for fear of their making swords and spears for the Hebrews. 20 So whenever the Israelites needed to sharpen their plowshares, discs, axes, or sickles, they had to take them to a Philistine blacksmith. 21 The schedule of charges was as follows:

For sharpening a plow point, 60 cents For sharpening a disc, 60 cents For sharpening an axe, 30 cents For sharpening a sickle, 30 cents For sharpening an ox goad, 30 cents


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22 So there was not a single sword or spear in the entire "army" of Israel that day, except for Saul's and Jonathan's. 23 The mountain pass at Mishmash had meanwhile been secured by a contingent of the Philistine army. TLB

A brief history of the Church’s reformation:

The two scriptural verses mentioned above crystallize the present challenge of the Body of Christ in regards to her coming into the day of perfected manhood. It’s been over two thousand years when the church of Christ was born in the life and power of the Spirit. Since the birth of the church we have seen the progressive development and advancement of her mandate in the earth up until about the fourth century when some of the Church father’s allowed themselves to be enticed and deceived by the political and economic power offered to them.

The acceptance of this compromising position of the church leaders plunged the early Church and their generation into a long season of what is known as the Dark Age. Iniquity, corruption, perversion, wickedness and all forms of social injustice became the operating order of the day. Strangers invaded the house of the Lord and the glory of the Messiah departed until the Lord found a remnant of people whose heart were stirred to stand against the predominant false order as they press to return the ark [presence] of the Lord.

The birthing of a prophetic voice

John 1:23 "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord.'" NIV

A. It was in this period the Lord, through a forceful prophetic apostolic spirit, began to raise men and women within the pharisaical corrupt system of the day to challenge and confront the very root system of this apostate and blasphemous culture that have eclipsed the entire generation.

B. This false Babylonian order of worship that feeds fat on the ignorance and weakness of the people through the introduction of perverted doctrines, traditions and customs was brought down through the restoration of accurate invasion apostolic reformation. The prophetic ministry of John is needed in this day to shift the attention of the Church to the direction of the coming ministry of the Lord.

C. The Lord is restoring the key of knowledge back to his house. It is amazing to know that there was a time in church history where people never had access to education or the knowledge of the Bible to read; people depended on what come from the Pope and his


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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Bishops as thus says the Lord. This was why the Lord used people who had the opportunity to be educated to bring liberation to the saints.

D. The journey to return the church back to her place of life in the garden of the Lord has continued up until this day. This is the day where the Lord is restoring the keys of knowledge. This knowledge is not one that is boastful or swollen with pride; rather it is the knowledge of the Father himself. A knowledge that completely diminishes the self-life and restored the God-life within man, the Lord is calling for saints who will prepare and equip his army for the battle ahead of them. The army of the Lord must be equipped with every revelation and experience needed to journey into him has darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people. {Isaiah 60:2}

Coming into the day of choice lifestyle

A. The Knowledge of the truth combined with the pureness of heart in the spirit of meekness and humility is highly necessary in expressing the ‘Christ centered life as the father demands matured and perfected manhood’.

B. The emphasis of the Spirit is to come into a day of maturity that you may make the required choice of entering into his rest. The place the Lord is forcefully driving his sons into is beyond what is defined by today’s church. Salvation is a gift received through the sacrificial work of the cross on Calvary, but coming into the kingdom is a choice of your own sacrifice on the cross until your own life is completely replace with his life. It took Apostle Paul also 20years of dying daily to say it is no more I who lives but Christ who now lives in me. It is highly important to take note through the scripture in seeing the reality of ‘two’ as mystery and pattern to how the Lord will have us live for him.

C. Right from Genesis to book of Revelation, we continually see the operating system of these two orders of existence.  Giving the option to choose the direction we desire to follow in serving the Lord as part of the remnant tribe, requires a deep revelation of Christ. Isaac showed us this pattern by his willingness to lay down his life on the altar of sacrifice.

D. There were two trees in the garden; Adam and his wife were given the opportunity to prove to the enemy that their allegiance is to the Lord by not eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What you choose and how you choose will speak volumes of the state and condition of your heart as the kingdom desire to advance through your


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life. In the days where wisdom {Christ} is rebuilding his house; we certainly need beyond intellectual religious dogmas to see and navigate the season without casualty.

E. We've seen the best of men and what humanistic religious system can produce and build in the society. Yet, the material and foundation of these massive {towers} structures have proved to be weak and faulty. This has led to the destruction of these mega structures. Whatever is not built on the solid revelational knowledge of Christ, the Rock of all ages is collapsing. The footing and material of what individuals have built with and have allowed men and the system of Babylon to build within their psyche are also collapsing all across the world. Only that which Christ builds and approves will stand the test of time.

Everything that can be shaken will be shaken that those which cannot be shaken may remain… everything men and religion had defined to be God is being tested by the Lords fire all across the globe.

Rediscovering the ancient path

A. Only those who are given the accurate blue print and pattern will build a lasting house for the Father’s dwelling in this last day. The Lord desires to have a house for his name in the earth and you and I need to revisit the potter’s house for remolding and reshaping, lest we become rejected vessels in the days of the Lord coming. The time has come where God is revealing himself again through those he has chosen and purified to be the bearers of his life and glory.

B. This is the season where the Lord is tearing down both religious and humanistic veils blocking the glory of God from penetrating the hearts of those hungry and thirsting for his coming. The Spirit of the Father desires to imprint and impart the revelation of Christ the pattern Son to the heart of those called and apprehended for His glory. The scripture says many are called but few are chosen; the chosen ones are those who heed the call {invitation} to come to the feast already prepared by the Father.

C. For you and me to get to fulfill our prophetic purpose and mandate, there has to be a forceful passionate return to the ancient pattern.  The foundation, pattern and blueprint of what is known as the house of God must be redesigned within the template (mind) of every member of the Body of Christ again. This is one of the core purposes of this apostolic school of ministry. To bring people to the point where they can be tested and approved for the master’s use.


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Preparing for the feast of ingathering

We are in the days of the feast of the tabernacle and the Lord is re-sounding his trumpet through the voice of his prophets all across the world to gather men and women to ‘His quarry site’. Here, the assembly of the Lord will be re-shaped and re- sized into the precise stone size needed for the building of his glorious temple in the earth.

The Lord is powerfully raising stone- craft apostolic ministry all across the nations for the mandate of global harvest. Saints and leaders within the Body of Christ needs to be re-skilled and developed for the challenge ahead of us. Our proficiency in knowing and handling the ministry of truth and light in the coming days will certainly determine our rejection or acceptance as vessels for the master’s use.

Ex 31:1-6

31:1 Then the LORD said to Moses, 2 "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah,   3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts —   4 to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, 5 to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship. NIV

The proper sitting of kingdom way and truth as we advance beyond the veil of the knowledge of men into the realm of ‘His life’ certainly will give us the complete keys of David to open doors of the mysteries of God within the heart of both men and nations in these last days.  The glorious ministry of the first and second day within the temple has been the greatest challenge hindering men from coming to the place of his life in the holiest place.

The place God promised to meet with us is between the two cherubim’s where the mercy seat is. This is the beginning of the third day ministry and the Lord is raising his voice all across the earth for his people to journey again through the pages of His word as he begins to wrap up the 6days of man.

His design and pattern has not changed

A. It seems the issues of pattern and the accuracy of order is more important to God than what is built in the name of the Lord.  The very first tower built by man looked elegant,


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impressive glorious to the natural eyes until lord came to examine what was built; it was judged and rejected because it did not meet the Lord standard.

B. What about the Herod’s temple? Why was it judged and rejected too?  The scripture warned us that man looks at the outward appearance of thing while God looks at the inside. Right from the days of human civilization, men have perfected the art of building with alternative materials, like Adam and Eve covering themselves with fig leaves. The children of Israel were told not to build their altars and temple according to the pattern of other nations. They were warned not to use their kind of materials to build lest their work is rejected.

C. Many structures {ministries} built in the name of the Lord will be rejected in day of the Lord’s test of fire. The scripture told us that they will be tried by fire to see what kind of material they are built with. This is a season of great warning and sacredness and we need to examine what we have built in the name of the Lord and if it’s according to pattern and measurement, lest we become rejected.

Pressing into the third day

A. All across the globe, the Lord is impressing upon the heart of individuals, families and small fellowship groups to start seeking his required prophetic pattern. The kingdom of God has its own economy, culture, language, food, tradition, leadership pattern that must be adhere to. The Lord is presently building a pattern of life, structured after the order of Noah’s ark amidst the pollution and corruption of the last day society.

B. The Spirit of the Lord is forcefully bringing those apprehended for immortality into the realm of the fullness of His life. It is in this order and pattern that we shall be released into the harvest field of gathering the nations to the house of the Lord for redemption.

C. Only what we’ve been taught and experienced through his life in this day of the Lord will give the precise strategic edge to advance in the midst of the complexities of falling human nature.  Having a clear understanding of this intension as we daily live our lives amidst our corrupt society should be the priority of all those apprehended ones in truly representing the ministry of Christ and his kingdom in the earth. {Ephesians 4}.


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D. Paul through the revelation of a wise master builder made it crystal clear that there are some who are separated {sanctified} to function in the ministry of preparing and perfecting the saints for the work of their designed assignment. Ephesians 4:10-14. A true and effective ministry thrives to restore every lost area of human existence back to its original condition before the fall in the garden.

E. The essence of ministry is to restore man back to his original position in order to function according to the Father’s original purpose for man. Ministry is beyond the four walls of the Church or our little religious institution; ministry is a way of life, centered on Gods eternal plan and purpose for the earth. It is so important we see ministry from this perspective in order not to limit ourselves to religious dogmas.

F. Some are of the opinion that there are no more ascended ministry gifts after the birth of the New Testament Church, since we are now all called to operate in the general believer’s priesthood. This school of thought is completely false, inconsistent and out of order with the New Testament apostolic pattern of teaching. First of all, we can’t write off God’s design and pattern of functioning within his church because of certain abuse of ministerial offices or anointing in the Body. Our duty as saints and bearers of gospel light is to continually stand for truth by proclaiming and projecting the accurate biblical pattern and culture of kingdom truth.

G. The misconception of the gospel and its functionality is a major problem today in the Body and I strongly believe the saints needs to rise above these deceptions and mediocre position we are seeing all around us. The only way to do this effectively and successfully is to develop what I call a strong rediscovery study attitude of kingdom truth, amongst the saints and church leaders. When we lack the capacity to sit at the feet of the master himself to learn and study his approved way, truth and life concerning ministry, we will surely be subject to deceptive teachers and preaching through those who call themselves teachers, prophets and apostles.

Restoring apostolic capacity for social reformation

A. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding and their precise application have been the bedrock of all human civilization and social transformation. There was a time in history where the Christian faith was associated with sound educational background, scientific and technological breakthroughs, economic empowerment and accurate leadership capacity within the core social structure of their community. These values were possible due to the breakthrough mentality propagated by Christ and his followers.


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Luke 4:18-19

B. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. The first and second reformation of the Church brought spiritual and mental emancipation to the church; this freedom opened up the society for both industrial and economic development and transformation. Unfortunately today, when the society talks about the Christian faith in some area of the globe it is usually related to irrelevant and obsolete matters; the church of Christ is associated with weakness, fraudsters, deception, illiteracy, poverty and the lack of social relevance in the community.

C. As much as what the society says about Christianity really doesn’t matter, yet their opinion speaks volume of the attitude and state of our mission and assignment to a lost and dying world. There is no doubt that we are in a season where the Spirit of the Lord is once again re-emphasizing skilled craft men and capacity building within the core social structure of the Church all over the world. To move into the realm of relevancy in social development we have to recalibrate our spiritual sight and psychological capacity in order to accurately break through the mental and spiritual barriers hindering us from advancing into the realm of development and transformation in the market place.

D. Church needs to be more visible in the area of training and developing in order to build the necessary capacity so as to precisely represent Christ’s life and grace both to the society and the seekers of truth. Everything in creation including people, cities and societies are all connected to Gods eternal plan and purpose of redemption. Without doubt, the Church and the community of Franschhoek carry a strong prophetic call in fulfilling the great destiny of this nation.

E. We do belief that for the Church to remain highly relevant and productive within the present Cultural social Revolution, precise biblical strategic development training is needed. Maintaining and upgrading the required values and standards of sound biblical doctrine, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets and Christ as the chief cornerstone. 

F. Change requires precise insight in order to effect lasting transformation and development at all levels of human existence, yet this is one area most people find very difficult to accept or adjust to. We believe this platform of training will set the accurate foundation and pillars to correct the spiritual blindness and socioeconomic imbalances in our community. The life and the power of the kingdom of God amongst believers are given to release not just individuals but also communities, cities and nations from the powers of darkness.


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Hebrews 4:8-10

8 For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. NKJV

Pentecost is over; the day of the Lord is appearing

A. This is the day of the Lord and He is calling us once again to journey out of what is known and have been harvested from the fruit of Pentecost. Brethren, Pentecost is over! The day of the Lord is here and he’s calling us to press into him in this new day of his ingathering. Father Abram was called out of his father’s house to migrate toward a land he will be shown.

B. The Lord is bringing us into a new season of revelation, yet this revelation is a key to experiencing the very life and nature of Christ as we allow the revelation to become a true reality within our carnal nature.

C. Revelation that cannot expose the fallen carnal tendencies of our hearts, such that it corrects and reforms us, cannot impact the world for lasting change. This is the day the Lord is zeroing on the structure rather than the message. Transformation of society is a byproduct of personal human reformation. When we are not interested in personal commitment to change their wrong mentality it becomes difficult to see change in the society.

D. The priesthood is changing and this change is certainly demanding the priest in order to effectively carry the message. This is the cry of the Spirit , that you and I leave the realm of mere preaching and teaching a message that has not incarnate into lifestyle. Seeking a message that only sustains the carnal dimension of our fallen emotional realm {soul}, without the ability to bring an end to the day of man is obsolete in this season.

E. The 6th day has passed; the Lord is making His grand appearance known to all who are ready to step into his day- the seventh day. This is the hour of journeying to the seventh day of the Spirit, a day where Christ and Christ alone is seen and glorified. Not Christ and man, or man and Christ. This is not a partnership like work. Pentecost is partnership


Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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not the feast of tabernacle. We are coming into the holiest place, where fleshly thoughts driven ministry is coming to an end.

F. You and I have had our share of days and seasons, as it’s allowed in the second day of the tabernacle. In this day of the Lord everything we have built or gained in the name of the Lord without the express manifestation of the Lord’s nature for the world to see and be attracted to shall be consumed.

G. Why? It is a contaminated ministry that has misrepresented the Lord to the world. We pray the Lord will grant you an opening to reality of the seventh trumpet message so you can adequately adjust your position toward the direction of the Spirit. It is my great desire that we can join force and resource in bringing the mandate of nation building according to kingdom philosophy to the communities within the nation of South Africa.

The man behind this ministry

Isaiah-Phillips Akintola as some are already aware, has been in the nation of South Africa for few years now, laboring amongst this great and wonderful people to impart both the teachings and lifestyle of Christ. His passion to reveal Christ truth to people in such a way that enhances deep spiritual experience has continued to push the frontier of Gods kingdom to the nation of South Africa and Southern African as a region. His ministry is also helping in the building of a sound socioeconomic development that enhances the transformation of the communities.  We have also helped some of the Church leaders to realign their vision and ministry according to the present demand of the Spirit.

This ministry will continue to host annual school of apostolic reformation across the nations as the Spirit directs us. Hence we have held training on kingdom centre leadership and discipleship, prayer and intercession training in some community of South Africa.

Building for lasting change;

A. The challenges we’re faced with today demand a change or a complete upgrade in our spiritual theology and psychology in order to have the right answer to the issue of our day. We strongly believe that one of the agents of community change and


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transformation is accurate increase of the revelational knowledge and experience of the word of the Lord living and operating through ordinary people.

B. When there’s a true understanding of the revelation of kingdom pattern, truth and life, freedom and liberation becomes a bye product of such reality. The Lord has given us the mandate to spread and broaden the knowledge of his word in this community, in such a great momentum that will bring a change in the core spiritual and psychological foundation of the region. When the spiritual climate of a community positively changes, there will certainly be a productive response both in the socioeconomic and mental reality of people living within such community.

C. This is one of the reasons why we’re reaching out to everyone within and outside ministry boundaries to synergize our resources and grace in capacity building for the development and liberation of the community. Creative visionary leaders, elders and Christians within the Church structure of ministry are direct by products of a prosperous and a well developed community. The scripture told us in Hebrews How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power who went about doing  good because God was with him.


This training program is virtually open to all Christian leaders, church workers, intercessors, psalmists, church administrators and those who operate in any of the fivefold ascension gifts.  Believers staying within and outside this community who has a strong passion and desire to advance in their spiritual walk with God in this prophetic season have this life time opportunity to experience the power and authority of true apostolic pattern of building.

The aim is to raise kingdom cultured believers who will be proficient in discipleship and leadership skills in the seasons ahead of us. This training will teach spiritual learners the ways and dynamics to accurate spiritual maturity in handling the ministry of the word, prayer and intercession, understanding and using of prophetic gift in building and edifying the Church both in the local assembly and in the Body of Christ globally.

As the Lord restore within his Church the kingdom pattern for city and community reformation as seen in the book of Act of the {Spirit} Apostle, we believe this community will be changed as the Church rightfully takes her governmental position over the nation of South Africa and the rest of the world.

Some of the highlights of the training include the followings;23

Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]

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Building a lasting foundation for kingdom based ministry. Mentoring and leadership principles. {The heart and rod of the good shepherd} Church and integrated community development. Understanding the present reformation of the Church. Understanding effective intercession and spiritual warfare. Discovering and nurturing your destined vision.

From the Coordinator:

Isaiah-Phillips Akintola

Phone: 27-782-775168

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]



Building kingdom based leadership strategies for communities and global impact www.franschhoekimpact.wordpress.com [email protected] [email protected]