The South African Leibbrandt Family Tree Compiled by Dr. DP Leibbrandt October 2003 2003 MS-WORD version of this document, 5000 KB 1991 MS-WORD version of this document - without photographs, 600 KB Table Of Contents Foreword * Numbers and numbering system. * Notation. * Errors and Omissions. * Notes * References. * Key to Document Links * Age Analysis * Generation Gap * The Leibbrandt Coat Of Arms. * History of The Leibbrandts. * Some Interesting Leibbrandts. * The German Leibbrandts. * The South African Family Tree * APPENDIX A – Untraced Family Members * APPENDIX. B – Personal Histories. * [9.2258] Hendrik Carel Vos *31/12/1837. +1/1/1911. *

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The Leibbrandt Family Tree


The South African Leibbrandt Family Tree


Compiled by Dr. DP Leibbrandt

October 2003

2003 MS-WORD version of this document, 5000 KB

HYPERLINK "http://www.leibbrandt.com/safrica.doc" \t "new" 1991 MS-WORD version of this document - without photographs, 600 KB


Table Of Contents


HYPERLINK "" \l "_Toc59289144" *

Numbers and numbering system.

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HYPERLINK "" \l "_Toc59289146" *

Errors and Omissions.

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HYPERLINK "" \l "_Toc59289149" *

Key to Document Links

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Age Analysis

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Generation Gap

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The Leibbrandt Coat Of Arms.

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History of The Leibbrandts.

HYPERLINK "" \l "_Toc59289154" *

Some Interesting Leibbrandts.

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The German Leibbrandts.

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The South African Family Tree

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APPENDIX A – Untraced Family Members

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APPENDIX. B – Personal Histories.

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[9.2258] Hendrik Carel Vos *31/12/1837. +1/1/1911.

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[11.225544]John Romaine Addison *21/8/1895 +6/6/1983

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[13.24123222] Douglas Paul *1927

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Appendix C – Extended Family Members

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FAMILY Walstra-Leibbrandt

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Family Spies-Leibbrandt

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Appendix D – Photographs

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Alphabetical Index

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Please read this to assist your research.

Numbers and numbering system.

Each person is given a number. The first number is the generation after Wolfgang born c1540 on page 1. The second set of numbers is the 'child number'. The author D.P. Leibbrandt's number is 13.24123222, the 13th generation after Wolfgang and is the 2nd child, of the 2nd child, of the 2nd child, of the 3rd child and so on. For large families of more than 9 children, dots are used to clarify: e.g. Ursula Leibbrandt 11.2258.12.22 is the second child of the second child of the twelfth child, of the eighth child etc.

There are three 'lines' of South African Leibbrandts. The Johann Sebastiaan line with a number **.22****, the Johann Michael line with a number **.24***, and the Johann Conrad line with a number **.25****. Thus the relationship can be seen at a glance at two Leibbrandts numbers.

The POS NO relates to the Appendices as well as the above numbering system. Thus BANTJES Eliza Jane POS. NumberBAF 1858 page A25, one would find in Appendix A page A25, with a heading BAF 1858. Similarly for the other Appendices B, C, D.



Birth date


Death Date


Marriage date


2nd Marriage date etc.


Christened Date


Circa (approximate)

Errors and Omissions.

While every effort has been made to find errors, some may still exist.

Omissions are largely as a result of missing information on death notices and other documents. Word of mouth is very unreliable, and dates given are usually approximate. The use of 'c' (meaning circa) notes an estimated date. Children are usually two years apart and the Generation Gap graph below, has been very useful in tracing a father or grandfather.


· This is a one-name study. The other names are given to assist other researchers.

· Some of the names have 'CC' after the name. This is a designation given by the death notice, and refers to the cape coloureds. Note Venter's book, chapters 2 and 13.

· Photographs were obtained from relatives and the Archives.

· The research has been carried out by [13.24123222] Douglas Paul and compiled and edited by his grateful son [14.241232225] Peter Allan.


· All Archives and Master of the Supreme Court Records with any reference to a Leibbrandt. Archives, Cape, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Pietermaritzburg. Supreme Courts at the above and Grahamstown, Kimberley.

· Albany Museum and Cory Library Grahamstown.

· Argief-Jaarboek vir Suid Afrikaanse Geskiedenis.

· Personalia of the Germans at the Cape. Dr J Hoge.

· Genealogies of old S A Families. De Villiers and Pama.

· Précis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Rev. H C V Leibbrandt.

· Under Lions Head by M. Murray. (A.A.Balkema 1964)

· The Historians History of the World. Volumes 7 and 9.

· A Profile of Two Million South Africans. A L J Venter.


Key to Document Links

Links between parts of this document are noted in rectangular boxes with page numbers. Readers of the electronic version of this document in Microsoft Word™ can click on the page numbers to hyperlink to that section.

The symbol in front of the page indicates the type of link

A forward link from a child to his/her own sub-tree

A backward link from a child to his/her parent’s sub-tree

A link to a photograph in Appendix D

A link to a personal history in Appendix B



Age Analysis

Taking only those people where the both the birth and death dates are known, the average age was found to be 55 years. People born after 1929 were also excluded as a significant number of them are still alive. The average was constant, except for the period prior to 1800 where the average was 62, but that could be distorted by inaccurate data.

People who died in the last century lived longer lives, but many also died in the Boer war which dropped their average.

People who lived past 80 years are listed below. Since women have been known to live longer than men in the past, and men outnumber women 128 to 84 in our sample, this has decreased the average.





Dorothea Susanna SCHEEPERS




Catharina Susanna




Blanche Maud Magdalene




Ellen Johanna COETZEE




Lavinia Agnes Emerton




John Romaine Addison




Maria Magdalena Elizabeth DE WET




Petrus Jacobus Sybrand




Douglas Herbert




Catharina Charlotte Alida MOSTERT




Johannes Hendricus




Hester Jacoba RETIEF




Maria Johanna Petronella




Catharina Wilhelmina LE ROUX








Roberts Baden




Johannes Sebastiaan Vos




James Burchell




Johann David




Sebastiaan Johannes




Percival Fred




Maria Magdalena Wilhelmina





Generation Gap

This graph is a result of analysis from the Leibbrandt family tree, showing the minimum, average and maximum age of a father at the time of the birth of his children. It is an aid to tracing the father using the birth date of a child. For example, given a first child’s birth year of 1832, we can expect to find a father aged about 32 years at the time (born 1800) on average, with a minimum age of 21 (born 1811) and a maximum of 40 (born 1792).

Confirmation can possibly be obtained by checking the custom of naming the child after the grandfather/grandmother.

The Leibbrandt Coat Of Arms.


The above coat of arms was designed with all Leibbrandts in mind, by [13.24123222] Douglas "Paul" Leibbrandt. Legally, the owner and his offspring can use the coat of arms. As the legal owner he has no objection to any true Leibbrandt using his coat of arms. A "true" Leibbrandt being anyone born with the surname Leibbrandt.

The flaming sword in the center symbolizes the meaning of the name. 'The People of the Burning Sword'. The lions are the Bavarian lions, note the left-hand one has two tails. The lion above the helm is in honour of the Leibbrandt spelled Luitprand, a Bishop of Crexaona, the lion of Lombardy. To him we owe a history, and the origin of the name, because the King of Lombardy, Luitprand (712-714 A D) probably went into battle with 'a burning sword'. Read the next section on the History of the Leibbrandts.

The motto 'Ingenuitas' is Latin for ingenuity. Most Leibbrandts seem to have this quality in abundance.

History of The Leibbrandts.

The importance of a surname only became necessary when there were too many people of the same first name. This came about in approximately the eleventh century and people were named after places, trades, colour, and anything that would give that person a distinct identification as a second name.

The surname Leibbrandt has its origin in the Germanic people that moved from what is now known as Bavaria to north Italy Lombardy. The Lombards or Langobardi (named after the long spears they carried or for their long beards) originally occupied the region of the lower Elbe. They were first mentioned in history in connection with the Roman invasion in the first century. The Lombards pressed further south into the Danube valley where they overthrew the Gepidae (568 AD) and invaded northern Italy under their king Alboin. They established themselves by further conquests over most of Italy. In the time of queen Theodelinda (600 AD) they embraced Catholicism and began to build many churches and monasteries. They founded cities and carried on extensive trade. Among the most powerful kings were Agilulf (592-615 AD), Rothri (636- 652 AD) who collected their laws, and Luitprand (712-714 AD) Luitprand was able conquer the whole of Italy for a short period, and was able to make a non-aggression pact with Charles Martel (714-741 AD)

The learned people were the monks and clergy and spelling of names was phonetic. After consulting with linguists, the conclusion was reached that Luitprand and Leibbrand 'sound' the same or are variations of the same name. Notice that the 't' was left off deliberately as, documents in 1700 have been found without the 't'.

The name was probably in two syllables, ‘Luit' meaning a burning torch, and 'brand' which is a sword in old German. Thus Leibbrand meant people of the 'Burning Sword'.

There was another Luitprand who was the Bishop of Cremona and he was very active as a chronicler or a historian, and he contributed to the history of the period. His main work was written in Latin and called 'Antapodosis'. He also was sent to Constantinople to make a marriage treaty for Otto 11 (968 AD).

The history of South Africa shows that a Leibbrandt was at the Cape in 1658. A letter was written by Leibbrandt dated 13th December 1658, at the time of Van Riebeeck, to the Council of India. He wrote in Dutch,

'In our opinion the Colony should be worked and established by Europeans and not slaves, as our nation is so constituted that as soon as they have the convenience of a slave they become lazy and unwilling to put forth their hands to work, and this is a great failing in India with the Dutch.'

No further trace of this Leibbrandt has been found. The Leibbrandt family in South Africa consists of three branches:

1) [7.22] Johann Sebastiaan came to S.A. in 1774.

2) [8.241] Johann David, a nephew of Johann Sebastiaan, came in 1799.

3) [8.252] Conrad Friedrich, another nephew of Johann Sebastiaan, arrived in circa 1805.

All the above came from Leonberg near Stuttgart.

Some Interesting Leibbrandts.

Having made a study of the character of many Leibbrandts there are some conclusions that can be drawn.

The majority are just ordinary good citizens, but what stands out are three characteristics.

a. They have a belief in their opinions that causes outspoken and contentious problems.

b. A stubborn character.

c. Brave enough to carry out their beliefs.

We have two of the clan whose lives are common knowledge and both belong to the [7.22] Johann Sebastiaan line.

Genealogists may be aware of [11.225811] Hendrik Carel Vos as he was South Africa's first Archivist. One could read with interest a write up of his history in the Cape archives and as a Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, how he was given, in the modern idiom a redundancy package of 2500 pounds Sterling because of his outspoken beliefs. He also refused to retract his statements. His work as an Archivist was prodigious and without doubt he laid a good foundation for the archives. He was also a linguist of note speaking reading and writing Dutch, German, and English. Being a minister of the church he was also versed in Greek and Hebrew.

The second character of a more notorious nature was [12.2291213] Sidney Robey, whose escapades during the second world war are well recorded in Hans Strydom's book The Forth Reich. He felt so strongly about Nazi philosophy he named one of his sons Izan (Nazi reversed.) see [13.22912132] He was an excellent boxer, outspoken and brave beyond belief.

The other two branches also yield their notable characters and solid citizens from all walks of life. Medical practitioners, engineers, lawyers, and competent artisans.

Sadly, war with all its horrors and faults had Leibbrandts on both sides of the conflict. The Anglo Boer war had, like Christiaan de Wet and his brother Piet , brother fighting brother.

As the Leibbrandts have been in South Africa for many centuries they are related to most other branches of the old Cape families On the distaff side surnames such as Rissik, Kruger * Ferreira de Wet, Barnard, Botha, and even Smith are evident. In fact Agnes Rissik, whose father was Johann Rissik and her mother [10.2254.10] Maria Magdalena Wilhelmina *1867 +1947, has contributed to the Leibbrandt family tree for her branch. The other two lines or branches have been documented by the author with an index of the distaff side. By 'distaff' is meant all ladies that married Leibbrandts and men who married Leibbrandt ladies.

Sportsmen related to Leibbrandts by marriage, the Rowan brothers Athol and Eric, and the swimmer Terry COLLARD.

This research is a one-name study, but one is conscious at all times that the distaff side is just as important a part of everyone's genes. Most times the mothers have a more difficult task of bringing up a family, and this is evident when we see the death notice of the father dying at the age of 45 years.

Thus this study has over 400 names in the 'distaff' index, not many repeated, and very few males.

The German Leibbrandts.

This research was carried out by a German that can read the old German script, and this is how the third line of Johann Conrad’s relationship was found.


[6.2] Johann Georg *12/4/1719 +25/4/1766 *


Auszug aus den KirchenbUchern der evang. Pfarrei Pfäffingen

Sterberegister 1776:

Joh. Georg Leibbrand

d. 25. Apr. mittags urm 11 Uhr starb Johann Georg Leibbrand von Leonberg gebürtiq, bisheriger herrschaftl. Beständer allhier an einer hizigen Brustkranckheit in einem Alter von 57 Jahr und 2 Tägen, und wurde d. 27. ejusdem vor gehaltener Predigt über Ps. 136.5.6. auf dem innern Friedhof begraben.

Summary: Johann Georg Leibbrand, native of Leonberq, a tenant of the manorial estate in Pfäffingen, died on 25 Apr. 1766 at 11 o'clock ann. in Pfäffingen by a hot disease of the chest aged 57 years 2 days and was buried on 27 Apr. at the interior cemetery.


Auszug aus den Kirchenbüchern der evang. Pfarrei Leonberg

Eheregister 1745:

Dom. II. III. IV. P. Trinit. Copulirt 12ten October

Johann Georg Leibbrand, Burger u. Baur dahier, weyl.

Joh. Georg Leibbrandt Burgers u. Zieglers dahier hinterlass. ehl. Sohn und Elisabetha Regina , Joh. Michael Böhringers, Burgers u. Stattbotten dahier ehl. Tochter.

Summary: The marriage between Johann Georg Leibbrand, farmer at Leonberg (son of late Johann Georg Leibbrand, brick-maker at Leonberg) and Elisabetha Regina (daughter of Johann Michael Böhringers, city messenger at Leonberg) has been performed on 12 Oct. 1145 in Leonberg.


Stadtarchiv Leonberg, Inventuren und Teilungen 22/11/1775-29/11/1776

A volume including probate records of the citizen of Leonberg. The pages have a folio numbering (one number for two pages).

Pages 250-388, dated 13 May 1776:

Probate record of Johann Georg Leibbrand, citizen of Leonberg, tenant of the manorial estate at Pfäffingen, district of Tübingen, who has died on 28 April there, after a short disease of the chest.

Names of the heirs:

1. The widow Anna Maria , assisted by Georg Michael Stöcklen, member of the council in Leonberg. The children of his first marriage with Elisabeth Regina Böhringer:

2. Johann Sebastian, a baker, abroad.

3. Christina Friderica, the wife of Jacob Heigelen in Leonberg.

4. Elisabetha Regina , the wife of Christoph Metzger at the Katzenbacher Hof farm in the territory of the City of Esslingen.

5. Anna Maria , the wife of Lorenz Kramer, baker at Eltingen.

6. Joseph , a citizen of Leonberg but currently absent, his curator is counselor Weiß.

7. Conrad, aged 21, a tanner, absent, his curator is Joseph Leibbrand senior, brick-maker at Leonberg.

8. Salome, unmarried, aged 20, her curator is counselor Nick.

9. Michael , a blacksmith assistant, abroad, his curator is surgeon Nick.

The widow was at first married with Michael Müller, miller at the Schweizermühle mill in Eltingen. The following children sprang off from this marriage;

1. Michael Müller, miller at Eltingen.

2. Anna Maria , the widow of Johann Georg Leibbrand junior, tenant at Pfäffingen.

The widow had no children of her second marriage with the deceased.

The proceedings then list the entire estate in detail, i.e. all real estate and movables piece by piece, the debts to pay and the debts to collect. I have not copied this information.

There are several entries whereas Joseph and his mother Anna Maria have been in prison in Tübingen for a while.

Pages 368ff.: the assignment of the share of Conrad Leibbrand. He claims a share of 947 florins and is satisfied by the following items: an eighth of half of a house, yard and barn in the Klostergasse lane, valued 100 f 1., four fields and a meadow; a song-book, cloths, bed sheets, linen, brass tools, tin tools, copper and iron tools (all listed in detail), cabinets, barrels and belongings, and household items.

Final remark: The entire probate record extends over 276 pages and it would be quite time-consuming to evaluate the whole thing, but gives very good information about Johann Georg Leibbrand and his family. Xerox copies cannot be made because the pages are bound together closely, but it may be possible to take a microfilm of these pages and make reader-printer-reproductions.


Farm SEEHAUS, 2 km from Eltingen, 5 km from Leonberg, 12 km from Stuttgart, Wurtemburg Germany. The farm was leased by the Wurtemberg State to, [6.2]Johann Georq Leibbrand from 1745 to 1766. In the right hand wing, erected 1609, was born, 6.22. Johann Sebastiaan Leibbrand *3/8/1747 and he arrived at the Cape in 17744 See page v item 2 under heirs) The nephew of Johann Sebastiaan , [8.241] Johann David was at the Cape in 1797. See Page vii, at the bottom article 1. Johann David 's father. [7.24] Johann Michael *1749 was also born at the farm SEEHAUS.

Number 17 SEESTRASSE, ELTINGEN, now part of the town of LEONBERG, Germany. Where, (number 1) Andreas LEIBBRAND lived in 1600, in the left hand side of the house. The right hand side was a tile factory. The Leibbrandts occupied the building as tile makers until 1745 when 6.2 Johann Georg moved to the farm SEEHATJS above.



[7.25] Johann Conrad *1755 +3/4/1824 Leonberg *


Auszug aus den Kirchenbüchern der evang. Pfarrei Eltingen

Taufregister 1755:

Dies Et mentis: d. 10. Mart


Parentes Joh. Georg Leibbrand Bestander auff dem Seehaus, uxor Elisabetha Regina

SusceptoresSebastian Nick, Burger in Leonberg, Christina Friderica, H. Johann Friderich Dalers, Kellers in Leonberg Tochter, u. Anna Maria , Sebastian Haffners, Burgers in Leonberg Tochter.

Summary: Cunrad was born on 10 Mar. 1755 and baptized in Eltingen (now part of Leonberg), a son of Johann Georg Leibbrand, tenant of the Seehaus estate, and of his wife Elisabetha Regine.

Tanner and senator (member of the municipal council) of Leonberg, b. 10 Mar. 1755 in Eltingen, d. 3 Apr. 1824, son of Job. Georg Leibbrand, tenant at Eltingen, and of Regina née Böringer

m.I 20 July 1776

Katharina Margaretha Keppler, b. 11 Oct. 1750, d. 6 Febr. 1819, daughter of rope-maker Christoph Keppler and of Elisabetha née Schölkopf;

Children of the first marriage:

1. Christoph Heinrich b. 18 Apr. 1778, lived at Dürrinenz, d. 15 Jan.

1. 1825.

2. Conrad Friedrich b. 5 Mar. 1780, lives at the Cape Island.

3. Joseph Michael b. 9 Sep. 1781, married (page 394):

4. Christina Elisabetha b. 13 Jan. or June 1786, in. Soininer (page 585).

5. Katharina Salome b. 17 Mar. 1794, in. 11 Apr. 1815 (p. 588b).

m.II 29 July 1819

Marie Friederike Heinle, widow of Jakob Heinrich Haueisen, b. 2 Nov.1770 or 1776 in [illegible], daughter of surgeon Philipp Friedrich Heinle and of Maria Magdalena née Schölkopf.

No children of the second marriage.

Source:Prot. parish of Leonberg, family register vol. II page 393.



[7.24] Johann Michael *7/11/1749 +3/12/1797 Leonberg *

Blacksmith in Leonberg, b. 7 Nov. 1749 in Eltingen, d. 3 Dec. 1797, son of Johann Georg Leibbrand and (in. 12 Oct. 1748) Regina Böringer, in. 23 Sep. 1777

m. 23 Sep. 1777

Christina Regina Schäffer, b. 14 Oct. 1754, d. 7 Mar. 1811, daughter of farmer Martin Schaffer and of Anna Maria née Hegel.


1. Johann David b. 7 June 1778, lives at the Cape of Good Hope.

2. Georg Conrad b. 20 Oct. 1780, (1808) is absent without a note for 9 years; (later note) died in Batavia.

3. Elisabeth Christine b. 13 Mar. 1786, d. 27 Dec. 1840 unmarried.

4. Maria Salome b. 15 Feb. 1789, lives at the Cape of Good Hope.

5. Johann Christoph b. 26 Dec. 1793, m. (see page 390).

6. Johann Michael b. 4 May 1797, lives in Amsterdam.

Source:Prot. Parish of Leonberg, family register vol. II page 389.


[8.252] Conrad Friedrich Georg *1780 +1849 *


Auszug aus den KirohenbUchern der evang. Pfarrei Leonberg


Mensis et dies nativitatis5. Merz morg. 7 Uhr

Dies baptismieodem

InfantesCunrad Friedrich

ParentesJohann Cunrad Leibbrandt B. und Weisgerber uxor Catharina Margaretha geb. Kepplerin

PatriniJoh. Michael Miller, Müller auf der Schweizermühle. Jgfr. Louisa Langin, H. Amptspflegers Tochter. Maria Salome Sippin

Summary: Cunrad Friedrich was born on 5 Mar. 1780 at 7 o' clock am in Leonberg and baptized the same day, a son of tanner Johann Cunrad Leibbrandt and his wife Catharina Margaretha née Keppler.

The South African Family Tree

Starting from the German roots.

[0] Wolfgang *1542 +1591 x c1560 ARNOLT.

[1] Andreas *1562 +24/10/1634 Leonberg x Margaretha *1574 +19/10/1634

[2] Hans-Michael *1595 +14/2/1670 Leonberg x3/12/1622 Anna Barbara ECK

[3] Christolph *1625 +1690 Leonberg

x27/6/1650 Anna Magdalena GAISSER *30/3/1618 +21/11/1674

[4] Johann Christolph *27/6/1652 +9/11/1730 Leonberg

x22/9/1672. Anna Ursula HETTISH *31/10/1650 +12/4/1694

[5] Johann Georg *1674 +26/6/1730 Leonberg

x15/11/1701 Maria Elisabeth GENTNER *162/1660 +6/5/1724

[6.1] Johann Samuel *1716 +1764 Leonberg

x23/1/1741 Johanna Magdalena BUCK.

[6.2] Johann Georg *12/4/1719 +25/4/1766 Leonberg.

x12/10/1745 Elisabeth Regina BORINGER*18/9/1725 +1762

[7.21] Johann Georg *1746 +1776

[7.22] Johann Sebastiaan *3/8/1747 +2/10/1817 *

[7.23] Christine Friedrike *1748 +1803.

[7.24] Johann Michael *7/11/1749 +3/12/1797 Leonberg *

[7.25] Johann Conrad *1755 +3/4/1824 Leonberg *

[6.3] Joseph *7/4/1710 +1793 Leonberg.


Following on to the South African tree. Remember, to trace the three South African branches that arrived at the Cape, the generation numbers will tell you which brother it was: Johann Sebastiaan **.22**, J David **.24** and J Conrad **.25**



* [7.22] Johann Sebastiaan *3/8/1747 +2/10/1817

Born on the farm Seehaus 5 km from Leonberg,12 km from Stuttgart, arrived at the Cape on the ship Rosendaal (or possibly the "Groonshagen") 1774 In the service of the Dutch East India Company and later became a baker. Resided in a house on Berg Street known as the Church of England House.

x Maria Elisabeth LE RICHE +1788

[8.221] Petrus Johannes *1785

xx1789 Carolina Maria WIID *1768 +1845

Johann's second wife Carolina WIID was the daughter of Sienert Jacobus WIID and Aletta Lucia CREYLING *2/10/1768 +1845.

[8.222] Siebert Coenraad *27/12/1789.

[8.223] Aletta Jacomina *5/2/1790 +1843 x C F KIRSTEN

[8.224] Johann Coenraad *30/1/1792 +1797

[8.225] Johann Sebastiaan *23/10/1793 +2/6/1855 *

[8.226] Carolina Maria *29/1/1795 x16/12/1820 Hendrik VOS

[8.227] Johannes Georg *3/3/1799

[8.228] Christina Elizabeth *19/9/1800 x C F LEISCHING

[8.229] Abraham Johannes *12/3/1802 +c1844 *

[8.22.10] Johanna Fredrina *18/9/1804 x F C GAUM xx H W TITGHE

[8.22.11] Elizabeth Johanna *19/9/1806

[8.22.12] Hendrik Johannes *15/6/1808 +c1844


* [7.25] Johann Conrad *1755 +3/4/1824

This is the father of the third line of Leibbrandts in South Africa. The brother of Johann Sebastiaan and Johann Michael. A tanner and senator of the municipal council. Lived in Germany and his son Conrad Friedrich (page 2) came to the Cape in about 1800

x30/7/1776. Katharina Margaretha KEPLER *11/10/1750 +6/2/1816

Daughter of a rope maker Christolph KEPPLER and Elisabetha SCHOLKOPF

[8.252] Conrad Friedrich Georg *1780 +1849 (Cape c1800.)

xc1808 Johanna Maria BEUKES *1790 +3/8/1849

[9.2521] Fredrik *1808

[9.2522] Johanna Barbara Fredrika *1809 +3/1/1852

x Willem Hendrik MUIR.

[9.2523] Coenraad Hendrik *c1813 *

[9.2524] Diedrik (Dirk) Andreas *1814 +24/6/1865

[9.2525] Johann Christoffel Carel *1817 +1894 *

[9.2526] Richard Joseph John *c1818 *

[9.2527] Johan David Georg *c1820 x Maria *

xx Marie Friedrike HEINLE

Widow of Jacob Heinrich HAUEISEN, *2/11/1770 Daughter of surgeon Philip Friedrich HEINLE and Maria SCHOLKOPH. (No children).


* [7.24] Johann Michael *1749 +1797

This the father of Johann David who came to the Cape in 1799. Sebastiaan and Michael were brothers and were born on the farm Seehaus Wurttemberg Germany.

x1777 Maria Christina SCHAFFER *1754 +1811

[8.241] Johann David *7/6/1778 +29/4/1845 *

[8.242] Georg Conrad *1780 +1821 Died in Batavia.

[8.243] Elisabeth *1786 +1840 Germany

[8.244] Marie Salome *1789 +1843 Germany

[8.245] Johann Christolph *1793 +1836 Germany

[8.246] Johann Michael *1797 Amsterdam.

* [8.225] Johann Sebastiaan *23/10/1793 +2/6/1855

A wine merchant in Cape Town. When he died in 1855 the son Hendrik Carel Vos was a minor. The brother of Hendrik, Pieter Ulrich was appointed executrix in the will.

Johann Sebastiaan 's home called 'Mimosas' was situated behind the 'Leeuwenhof' near the old 'Societeitshuis' bounded by St Johns, Church, and Kloof Roads.

x1814 Alida Johanna FISCHER *1796 +1/3/1869

[9.2251] Catharina Susanna *2/9/1815

A bailiff and messenger of the court for Caledon River District.


xx24/11/1857 W J VAN DER VEN +1/3/1869

[9.2252] Carolina Maria *21/11/1816

[9.2253] Johann Sebastiaan *6/1/1820 +24/4/1842 *

Died at 31 Leeuwenhof.

[9.2254] Pieter Ulrich *2/7/1821 +9/6/1878 *

[9.2255] Johannes (Baasie) *12/8/1823 +1875 *

[9.2256] Rykje Christina *20/6/1827

[9.2257] George Christiaan *7/3/1835

[9.2258] Hendrik Carel Vos *31/12/1837 +1/1/1911 *


* [8.229] Abraham Johannes *1802 +c1844

x Charlotte Johanna ROUSSOUW.

[9.2291] Johann Sebastiaan *1824 +9/9/1872

x Hendrina Magdalena Johanna VAN DEN BERG

[10.22911] Johann Abraham *1847 +1886

[10.22912] Willem Theodorus van den Berg *c1853 *

[10.22913] Johannes *c1855

[10.22914] Johann Sebastiaan *c1857 +1904 *

[9.2292] Pieter Willem Heideman *1825 *.


* [9.2292] Pieter Willem Heideman *1825 +20/12/1878

A tradesman, born in Cape Town, died in Drostdy Tulbach. Wife Johanna Maria daughter of Jacob DE BRUYN and Sophia Johanna VAN DER WESTHUIZEN. Johanna died at her residence Drostdy Tulbach.

x Johanna Maria DE BRUYN *1828 +1/12/1880

[10.22921] Abraham Johannes Ulrich *1847 +26/9/1904. *

[10.22922] Jacob Philippus *c1850 *

[10.22923] Sophia Johanna Maria *c1852

[10.22924] Pieter Willem Charles *c1856 *

[10.22925] Sebastiaan Johannes *1859 *

[10.22926] Hendrik Albertus Jacobus *1861 +1917 *

[10.22927] Charles Gert Jacobus *1864 +1931 *

[10.22928] Johanna Charlotta Dorothea *c1866


* [10.22912] Willem Theodorus van den Berg *c1853

x Rachel Jacoba

[11.229121] Meyder (Meider) Johannes *1878 +17/6/1954

Fought in the Anglo-Boer war Commandos.1899-1902. A friend of General Smuts. Later lived in Strydfontein district Pretoria. A policeman. Died in Pretoria general hospital.

x Susan Marguarite JOYCE.

[12.2291211] Rachel Jacoba *c1907 x PRETORIUS

[12.2291212] Meyder Johannes *c1910

[12.2291213] Sidney Robey *25/1/1913. +1/8/1966 *

[12.2291214] Eben *c1915

[12.2291215] Elzabe *c1917

[12.2291216] Regina *1920 x VERMAAK


* [10.22921] Abraham Johannes Ulrich *1847 +26/9/1904

Born in Tulbach and died in Worcester. He was a vehicle manufacturer. Seems like his brother Jacob Phillippus married his wife’s sister (?).

x Catharina Cornelia Elizabeth KEET.

[11.229211] Pieter Willem Heideman *1871 +1909 *

[11.229212] Martha Jacoba *c1871

[11.229213] Johanna Maria *c1873

[11.229214] Marthines Gysbertus Keet *c1875

[11.229215] Catharina Cornelia *c1877 x Pieter Johannes DE VILLIERS *1882 +1914


* [10.22922] Jacob Philippus *c1850

x Isabella Henrietta KEET.

[11.229221] Pieter Willem Heideman *6/1880 +8/2/1920

He was born at Tulbach, and died at Drostdy Winery. A clerk by profession.

x Catharina Wilhelmina LAUBSCHER.

[12.2292211] Elizabeth Margaretha *1905

[12.2292212] Jacob Philippus *1907 *

x Engela Elizabeth KRUGER for: ROSSITER *1910+1974

[12.2292213] Mattyss Machiel *1912


* [10.22924] Pieter Willem Charles *c1856

x Martha Maria Magdalena STAPELBERG

[11.229241] Pieter Willem Heideman *1884 +17/7/1962

A farmer in the Bergville district Natal. The farm was called Bellevue. Wife Aletta Gezina Susanna born LEONARD father's initial 'N', married Pieter in Herbertdale Cape Province, and also died on the farm Bellevue.

x Aletta Gezina Sussana LEONARD *1888 +1954

[12.2292411] Pieter Willem Heideman *c1909 *

[12.2292412] Maria Emerenthia *c1912 x POTGIETER.

[12.2292413] Nicholaas Leonard *c1915 *

[12.2292414] Abraham Johannes Ulrich *28/8/1922 +26/9/1983 *

[11.229242] Nicholaas Willem *1888 +9/3/1948

x Susanna Jacoba Philippina VAN BILJOEN *c1890

[11.229243] Frans Johannes Jacobus *1891 +27/9/1956 *


* [10.22926] Hendrik Albertus Jacobus *1861 +1917

A farmer. Farm near Bergville Natal. Died in Harrismith 0 F S.

x Johanna Maria ZEILINGA

[11.229261] Catharina Maria *c1890 x F DE VILLIERS

[11.229262] Pieter Willem Haike *1892 *

[11.229263] Johanna Henrietta *19/2/1897

[11.229264] Sophia Rosalie *17/4/1899

[11.229265] Anna Charlotte *27/10/1903

[11.229266] Cornelia Helena *7/10/1906


* [10.22927] Charles Gert Jacobus *1864 +1931 *

A farmer. Farm Bellevue Schweizer Reneke. Married Anna DE Villiers in Ladybrand 0 F S. Died in the house of W OBERHOLZZER Vryburg.

x Anna Wilhelmina DE VILLIERS.

[11.229271] Pieter Willem *c1885

[11.229272] Gladys Joan *c1887

[11.229273] Johanna Maria *c1889

[11.229274] Anna *c1891


* [11.229211] Pieter Willem Heideman *1871 +1909

A wagon maker (vehicle manufacturer), and he died on Robben Island 9.4.1909. Probably contracted leprosy. Death certificate indicated one son and five daughters. (Correct).

x Maria Jacoba VAN DER MERWE.* 1867 +1933

[12.2292111] Abraham Johannes *c1892

[12.2292112] Anna Elizabeth *c1894 x CILLIE

[12.2292113] Catharina Cornelia *c1896 x S MARAIS

[12.2292114] Susanna Jacoba *c1898

[12.2292115] Maria Elizabeth *c1900

[12.2292116] Martha Jacoba *c1902 x Carel VAN DER MERWE


* [9.2254] Pieter Ulrich *1821 +9/6/1878 *

A wine merchant in Cape Town. Resided and died at 65 'Beir?' Street. A wealthy man, died with a large estate both 'movable and immovable'.

x Elisabeth Maria Fredrika TROMP

[10.22541] Maria Wilhelmina *c1844

[10.22542] Alida Johanna *c1846 x John SAUNDERS

[10.22543] Johannes Tromp *1848. +1868

[10.22544] Elisabeth Maria *c1850

xx Anna Maria Davina DE WAAL (DE VAAL) *1833 +1899 *

[10.22545] David Johannes De Vaal *1858 +1891 *

[10.22546] Elisabeth Margaret *c1860 x Thomas M CROWE

[10.22547] Johann Sebastiaan *c1862 +1891 *

[10.22548] Pieter Ulrich *1864 +1934 *

[10.22549] Anna Maria Davina *c1865 x Thomas Edward LAWTON.

[10.2254.10] Maria Magdalena Wilhelmina *1867 +1947

x Johan Friedrich Bernhard RISSIK *1857 +1925

[10.2254.11] Johannes Hendricus *1869 +1943 *

[10.2254.12] Johanna Alida *1870 +1942 x Philip Albertus MYBERG +1939

[10.2254.13] Bertha Hendritte *1875 +1901



* [9.2255] Johannes (Baasie) *2/8/1823 +29/12/1875 *

Wine merchant. Director of Tramway Co. Lived at Sea Point and known as man-about-town. Inherited his mothers home 'Mimosas'. Bought land on western corner of Sea Point bulge, where the Aquarium now stands. Kept a boat in Bosenberg bay manned by Malay crew. Known as 'Governor of Sea Point'. Mentioned in the book ‘Under the Lion’s Head’ by M Murray. Also in the same book, his mother Alida.

x Johanna BRESLER *

[10.22551] Johan Sebastiaan *c1848 *

[10.22552] Sussanna Francina *7/1852+29/10/1917 x1897 John NOBLE.

[10.22553] Alida Johanna Sebastina *c1855 x HASWELL.

[10.22554] Christoffel Johannes *12/1858 *

[10.22555] Johanna Cornelia Jacoba *22/1/1860 +5/10/1892

x Robert Coenraad NELSON *c1858

* [10.22545] David Johannes de Vaal *1858 +18/11/1891

A wine and spirit merchant. Died young (33 yrs) all his children minors at the time of his death. Resided at Hill Road Green Point, Cape Town.

x Josina Christina LINDENBERG +1938

[11.225451] Elm Susanne *c1880 x Claude JOHNSON *c1878

[11.225452] Anna Linda *c1882 x Christiaan Hendrik BOSENBERG *c1880

[11.225453] Suisette Ulria *c1884 x Sidney Scarrell CAPE *c1882

[11.225454] Gitilda Leonie *c1886

[11.225455] Hubert Pieter de Vaal *c1888

Child number 3, married another Leibbrandt, and there is no documentation on this lady. Hubert and Daphne married in Pretoria, and Hubert died at 533 Jorrison Street Sunnyside Pretoria, age 68yrs and 8months.

x Daphne Thekla Idolla DE VILLIERS *1890 +1960

[12.2254551] Roswald Thekla *c1910

x Terry COLLARD a champion swimmer

[12.2254552] Yvonne Louise *c1912 x Hall HUGHEY.

[12.2254553] Hubert de Villiers de Vaal *c1914

x Ansie *? LEIBBRANDT.

[11.225456] Roswald de Vaal *c1890 *

* [10.22551] Johan Sebastian *1850 +30/6/1879

A wine merchant. Died at his residence Loop Street Cape Town.

x Margaret Elizabeth

[11.225511] John *1875 +1938 *

John moved to Kenya, Kikuyu Road Nairobi, Ukamba. He was born in Cape Town and died 11th April 1938. He was registered as a British subject.

x Constance Mary PILGRAN

[11.225512] Margaret *c1877


* [10.22554] Christoffel Johannes *1858 +22/8/1919 *

A justice of the peace at Robertson. Appointed by the Right Honourable Sir H G R Robinson Governor of the Cape, date 12th Feb 1885.96


Sent as ambassador to London with an official document from the Earl of Salisbury, also to travel on the continent. Date 15th July 1885. Died in his home 'Arnhem' 8 Hofmeyr Street Cape Town.

x Louisa Ellen ADDISON.

[11.225541] Sara Brand *c1889 x Rupert SMIDT *

[11.225542] Johanna Annie Augusta *c1891 x William C MEYER *

[11.225543] Grace Alice Addison *c1893 x Andrew E MEYER *

[11.225544] John Romaine Addison *21/8/1895 +6/6/1983 *


* [11.225544] John Romaine Addison *21/8/1895 +6/6/1983 * *

A lawyer, Magistrate and Attorney.

x Mary Stiven WILSON formerly POPE *

[12.2255441] John Romaine Addison *1941 +1964 *

Note this line of Leibbrandts dies out at this point as he died a batchelor.

[12.2255442] Margaret Louisa Addison *1942 *

[12.2255443] Cathrine Anne Addison *1946 *

x Peter Brian BROOKE-THOMPSON from this union one child Louisa Jane *1974

xx Lothar Herbert Heinrich FRENKEL from this union one child Amelia Thea *1986.


* [9.2258] Hendrik Carel Vos *1837 +1/1/1911 * *

Lived in home called 'Leonberg'.

x1860 Sara Aletta SINCLAIR *1839 *

[10.22581] Johann Sebastiaan *29/11/1860 *

[10.22582] Thomas George St Clair *7/6/1862 +4/12/1862

[10.22583] Hendrik Carel Vos *29/11/1863 +28/10/1863

[10.22584] Maria Magdalena Catharina *26/3/1865 x1896 Marthinus VERSFELDT

[10.22585] Alida Johanna *27/3/1868 +31/12/1880 xl889 John Howitson WIGGET

[10.22586] Johannes Hendrik Vos *7/7/1869 +22/6/1903 *

[10.22587] Pieter Paul Willem Jacob *25/10/1871 *

[10.22588] Sara Aletta Cecilia *13/6/1873 +8/7/1877

[10.22589] Mathilda Charlotte Marriott *13/1/1875

x1896 Pieter Gerhard VAN BREDA.

[10.2258.10] Henrietta Alberta Fredrica *4/10/1876 x1901 William BURTON.

[10.2258.11] Cecil Henry St Clair *25/4/1879 +21/7/1880

[10.2258.12] Albert Henry *7/7/1881 +30/6/1944 *


* [10.22586] Johannes Hendrik Vos *1869 +22/6/1903

Died at Thompson Street Grahamstown, buried in Grahamstown cemetery, Anglican number 38.

x Catharina Magdalena FREISLICH

[11.225861] Frank Ernest Alban *1902 +1978

Lived at 8 Lovers Walk Rondebosch. Note the Leibbrandt name dies out at this point as only daughters were born.

x Dorothy Mabel VINEY

[12.2258611] Shirley *c1923 x HACKING.

[12.2258612] Ruth *c1925 +1968 x Dr Gordon ARCHER.


* [11.225511] Johannes (John) *1/2/1875 +11/4/1938

Lived in Nairobi Kenya Kikuyu Road, Ukamba.

x Constance Mary PILGRAN

[12.2255111] John Bernard *1905 +1968

Born at Rondebosch Cape, and lived and died at home Lagoon Rd, Port Shepstone.

Note this line dies out because 12.22551111 John died in minority.

x Jessie WILLAN.

[13.22551111] John *c1930 (Died in minority.)

[12.2255112] Eileen Constance Margaret *c1907

[12.2255113] Linda Doreen *c1909 x POHL

[12.2255114] Sheila Daphne *c1911


* [10.22547] Johann Sebastiaan *1862 +1891

x Emily Anne BORAINE *1863 +1926

[11.225471] Johann Sebastiaan *1884 +1901

[11.225472] Vernon *1885 +1962 *

[11.225473] Pieter Ulrich *1886 +1918

This man gave his life for his country in the 1914 - 1918 war in France. A letter to Mrs. E Leibbrandt P 0 Box666, Cape Town informing her that her husband No.14903 Pieter Ulrich 2/SAI had been killed, in the Bloemfontein archives.

x Evelyn WILSON.

[11.225474] (twins) Bertie *1887 +1888 Cecil *1887 +1888

[11.225475] Leslie *1889 +1931 x Doris Ventone WRIGHT *.

[11.225476] Daphne Boraine *c1890 x Bertie Leonard TEAGUE.

[11.225477] Allen *1891 +1952

Allen was a wholesale stores manager and he died in Harrismith OFS

x Susan Muriel LOUW

Father Isaac Johannes Jacobus LOUW died at the age of 98 (a farmer). Mother was Sophia McLeish *1858 +1943.

[12.2254771] Muriel Joyce *1922 x Ronald James FIRBANK

[12.2254772] Allen Kenneth *1930

x Joan YUNNIE *1933 +1991

[13.22547721] Kevin John *1960

[13.22547722] Robyn Jane *1964

xx Brenda Valentine ARTHUR *1937

[12.2254773] Shirley Dawn *1936 x WOLF


* [11.225472] Vernon *1885 +1962

x1896. Emmerline HESKETH.

[12.2254721] Dennis Russel *c1920 +1981 *

[12.2254722] Daphne Margaret *1919 x George BRUYNS.

[12.2254723] Maureen Phyllis *1930

x Darroll SMITH *1926

Mentioned in the biography of V M P Leibbrandt, Pretoria archives. Darroll a man of many parts. A Major in the Police Reserve, skilled self trained artisan, inventor of diving apparatus.


* [11.225475] Leslie *1889 +1931

x Doris Ventone WRIGHT.

[12.2254751] Doris Boraine *c1919 x George McFALL

[12.2254752] Eric Leslie *1921 +11/11/1946

[12.2254753] Joan Nola *c1923 x Edwin GODDEN.


* [12.2254721] Dennis Russel *c1920 +1981

x Phyllis Ida JOHNSON *1922 +1962

Married in PMB to Dennis and died at Fairview Cottage 20 Oribi Rd PMB the residence of her parents, father GE, and mother M JOHNSON.

[13.22547211] Darrel Russel *7/10/1947

[13.22547212] Jeffrey Nigel *23/2/1951


* [11.225456] Roswald de Vaal *c1890


[12.2254561] Juiliana *c1914 x Willem KRUGER

From this union 2 children: Walda & Andries Hendrik.

* [10.22548] Pieter Ulrich *1864 +2/6/1934

A civil servant in the deeds office, and died in Pretoria, home 'Chantihly' 30 Minni Street Arcadia. Married anti-nuptial contract 661/1906 in Cape Town 26/9/1901. Applied for citizens papers of the Transvaal 20 Nov. 1894. Death notice signed by his daughter A C RUSH.

x Pearly Eugenie BATAILLOU

[11.225481] Lucelle Marais *c1890 +1932 x Ian Reginald VERMOTEN.

[11.225482] Anna Celeste *c1900

x James Duncan C ARCHIBALD +1927

xx William Rolande Gerrard RUSH

[11.225483] Valerie Marais *c1910 x Wilfred Couch BEALE

[11.225484] Bertie *c1915 x Rex BRINK

[11.225485] Pieter Ulrich *20/2/1918

x Elaine Louise BROLI

[12.2254851] Pieter Ulrich *c1944

[12.2254852] Bernhard Ulrich *c1946

[12.2254853] Pierre Ulrich *c1948


* [10.2254.11] Johannes Hendricus *1869 +1943

x Martha Elizabeth MINAAR *1868 +1942

[11.2254.11.1] Martha Elizabeth *c1891 x Jacob Casper SMIT

[11.2254.11.2] Anna Davina de Waal *c1895 x Henry SCHAPER.

[11.2254.11.3] Johannes Hendricus *2/2/1905 +24/2/1989

x Gertruida Sophia Johanna CARSTENS

Died at Parrow Cape Town and death notice signed by lawyers Smit Kruger and Potgieter.

[12.2254.11.31] Johannes Hendricus *c1917

[12.2254.11.32] Mathilda Johanna *c1919 x SCHULTZ

[12.2254.11.33] Jacobus Everhadus *c1921

[12.2254.11.34] Martha Jacoba Elizabeth *c1923 x MAIZE

[12.2254.11.35] Pieter Ulrich (Child deceased)

[12.2254.11.36] Dirk Jacobus (Child Deceased)


* [10.22581] Johann Sebastiaan * 1860

x1888 Sophia Maria SCHICKERLING

[11.225811] Hendrik Carel Vos *c1885

[12.2258111] Norman *c1908

[11.225812] John (Jacob ) Schickerling Vos *1890 +1951 *

[11.225813] Helina Hilda *1895 +1965 x WINDELBAUM

[11.225814] Alida Aletta Vos *25/5/1898 x MOMSEN

[11.225815] Johannes Sebastiaan Vos *7/6/1900 +4/11/1982

x Florence May OSLER formerly RHEEDERS *17/9/1907 +14/3/1963


* [8.241] Johan David *1778 +24/4/1845

Arrived at the Cape in 1799. A butcher in Cape Town. Born in Leonberg, Wurttemberg, Germany. He had a Grocery in cape Town. Lived and died in 14 Bloem Street, Cape Town. When he died he left stock in shop worth 30 pounds, and immoveable property

The 'father' of the second line of Leibbrandt in South Africa.

x Johanna Francina MULLER

Daughter of Johann George MULLER and Maria DE BEER

[9.2411] Dina Margaretha =1802 *1801 x Capt. J NASH

[9.2412] Johan Michael *c1802 +1/5/1854 *

[9.2413] Johan George *c1805

?? Johann David *c1807 +1807

[9.2414] Johan Sebastiaan *c1810

?? Johann Fredrick *c1811 +1811

[9.2415] Francicus Josephus *1816 +1846 *

[9.2416] Maria Francina *c1818 x Sievert KIRSTEN

[9.2417] Aletta Christina *1823 +16/8/1865 x Evert VAN DYK.

[9.2418] Johan Philip Joseph *c1825 *



* [9.2412] Johan Michael *c1802 +1/5/1854

A shopkeeper and when he died all children were minors. He died an uncertified insolvent, in his home at Waterkant Street Cape Town. His age was stated at about 44 years on the death notice. He had moveable and immovable property under sequestration. His wife Johanna BASSON must have been a lady of 'courage'; five children and no money!

x Johanna Catharina Esserina BASSON

[10.24121] Maria Francina *c1840

[10.24122] Hendrik Albertus *1841 +4/11/1891

x Maria Magdalena Anna BEYERS *1857 +1905

Was 14 years younger than husband Hendrik. Father: Martinus BEYERS, and her mother: Anna Carolina BEYERS born BRUIK. Magdalena (BEYERS) was described as a LADY on the death notice. Died 16 Jannusan St Gardens Cape Town. An educated person, signed Hendrik's death notice as 'Executrix'.

[11.241221] Maria Sophia Catharina *c1879 x DE WET

[11.241222] Johanna Catharina *c1881

[11.241223] Anna Marthena *c1883 x ANDVIS

[11.241224] Fredrick Godfrey Watermeyer *1885 +1952 *

[11.241225] Adriana Helegonda *c1887

[10.24123] Johan David *1842 +1908 *

[10.24124] Johan Michael *1846 +1925

A retired gentleman, died at 12 Wigtown Rd, Green Point Cape Town. Left all his property to his sixth child Cathrine Susan, a sum of 633 pounds, in 1925. Son George signed the death note.

x Catharina Gertrude FISHER. +1921

[11.241241] Johann Michael Fischer *1870 +1943 *

[11.241242] Gertruida Wilhelmina *c1871 x George DELL

[11.241243] Christoffel Coenraad *1874 +1909

x Winifred Kate RITCHIE (No issue)

[11.241244] Hendrik Albertus *1876 +1897 *

Member of the Staatsartillerie. Died just before the Anglo Boer War.

[11.241245] Johanna *c1878 x Martin TORSTENSEN

[11.241246] Catharina Susanna *1886 +1978

[11.241247] George *1888 +2/8/1970 (No issue)

[10.24125] Adriana Hildagonda *c1850 +1/5/1906


* [9.2415] Franciscus Josephus *1816 +16/9/1846

x Johanna Elizabeth Georgina SPENGLER

[10.24151] Johanna Elizabeth Agusta *c1839

[10.24152] Maria Francina *c1841 (Uncle JPJ a Tutor)


* [10.24123] Johann David *1842 +5/5/1908

Married twice. First wife was the daughter of Ignatius Theodorus MULLER and Hester Magdalena MULLER born KRITZINGER. Johan's wife Hester died in her son in laws house 39 Roeland Street Cape Town. Johan, a widower at the age of 43 years, married a second time to Maria Magdalena BEYERS. Evidence shows that this Maria Magdalena BEYERS is not the same person above (Hendrik 's wife) due to two reasons. Hendrik's wife was 'Anna ' and Johan David 's death notice signed M M Leibbrandt dated 1908. Anna died in 1905.

Remarkably the handwriting (signature ) looks identical and all other factors, age etc, would tie in with given data. Data such as two names the same and surname BEYERS the same.

The name De Leeu, given to Johan David 's last child suggests that Maria Magdalena 's mothers maiden name was DE LEEU.

x1864 Hester Magdalena MULLER. +1887.

xx Magdalena Maria BEYERS.

[11.241231] Sidney Albert Oliver *1868 +17/7/1942 *

[11.241232] John Percival Muller *1871 +6/11/1923 *

[11.241233] Herbert Leopold Marquard *1872 +1943 *

[11.241234] John David Fischer *1874 +1914 *

[11.241235] Blanche Maud Magdalene *1877 +1967 x A. VAN DER RIET.

[11.241236] Lavinia Agnes Emerton *1880 +1969 x A. HOWIE.

[11.241237] James Burchell *1884 +1966 *

[11.241238] Johanna De Leeu Beyers


* [11.241231] Sidney Albert Oliver *1868 +1942

A retired miner, and lived in Clackton Rd Kensington Johannesburg. Married in Christiana Transvaal. Although he had two sons the 'line' dies out; both sons childless.

x Johanna Magrietha NEL

[12.2412311] Johann David *1908 +1919

[12.2412312] John Abraham *1911 +13/11/1971

A race horse trainer, lived at 92 Ronald Rd Durban.

x Maureen WALBERGER (Divorced)

xx Petronella WESSELS.(No issue)


* [11.241232] John Percival Muller *1871 +1923 *

Worked a Okiep Copper mine northern Cape, where he met Jean Lily TOWNSEND. Moved to Cape Town where he was the manager of the South Arm Docks. Later moved to Johannesburg where he was a partner in Osch and Co. His wife, the 17th child of George Seaborn TOWNSEND, died in the 'flu' epidemic of 1917. Two years later he married Dorothea SCHEEPERS. His first family would not accept the second wife, and they believed 'Percy' committed suicide due to his wife running up bad debts.

Died in a house in Richmond Aye, Auckland Park. Earlier lived an a house in 153a Quartz Street, Hillbrow. Buried with his first wife in Auckland Park cemetery.

x Jean Lily TOWNSEND. *1875 +1917 *

[12.2412321] Percival Fred *1895 +1975 *

[12.2412322] Douglas Herbert *1897 +1982 *

[12.2412323] Sydney George David *1899 +1968 *

[12.2412324] Freda Magdalena *c1900 x Cyril GELDART *

[12.2412325] Audrey Blanche *1902 +1948 *

[12.2412326] Victor Muller Payne *1904 *

[12.2412327] Jean Hester *1906 +1956 x Ronald SUTHERLAND *

[12.2412328] Hugh Maxwell *1910 +1910

[12.2412329] Marie Maud (Billie) *1911 x Edward Vernon HULSE *

xx Dorothea Susanna SCHEEPERS *1888 +1981

[12.241232.10] John Meyer *1920 *

[12.241232.11] Evelyn Johanna *1922 +1944

(Jean daughter of George Seaborn, Sara Payne TOWNSEND.)


* [11.241233] Herbert Leopold Marquard *1872 +15/3/1943

A government Land Surveyor. Resided and married in Klerksdorp. A very hospitable man and also known as an educationalist. Had many land deals in partnership with his brother Sidney, and mostly to do with mining. Reputedly lost a fortune as a result of being cheated out of land rights by other parties. Much too kind-hearted, and his home was welcome to all friends and relations.

Daughter Tertia married to Patrick Dyer the deputy sheriff of Pretoria. Two children from this marriage, Joe and Tertia. Dorothy married Ferdie Berg a rugby Springbok.

x Blanche Adeline BANTJES *1877 +22/2/1952

[12.2412331] Adeline Elize Maud *c1896 x William Henry EVERARD *c1895

[12.2412332] Hester Magdalena *c1898 x John H MEE *c1897

[12.2412333] Blanche Tertia *c1900 x Patrick DYER *c1889

[12.2412334] Dorothy *c1902 x Ferdinand BERG *c1901


* [11.241234] John David Fischer *1874 +2/4/1914

A railway contractor. Died at 4 Wilhelmina St, Troyville Johannesburg.

x Verginia Gertrude STOREY

[12.2412341] Gertrude Magdalena Rebecca *1901

[12.2412342] Violet Eileen *1903

[12.2412343] Mabel Irene *1905

[12.2412344] Doris Blanche *1911 +1956


* [11.241237] James Burchell *1884 +24/4/1966

The youngest male son of Johann David *1842 +1908 Known as ' A gentleman and a very kind person'. Worked on the mines as a Reduction Works manager Geldenhuis deep and others. During the 1922 strike would not join the strikers, and was known as a 'scab', and when the violent mob came to look for him (probably to kill him), he hid under the bed with his son Gerald. Later in his declining years he assisted Gerald in the Durban View Hotel Durban as barman. He was a 'teetotaller'!

He married Ellen COETZEE in Pietermaritzburg. Ellen was born in Ceres Cape 11.6,1887 and died in Johannesburg +1976. Known as a kind and upright woman and a very good cook. Also helped in the Durban View Hotel as a Manager Housekeeper. The Hotel was known as a 'Family Hotel'.

x Ellen Johanna COETZEE *1887 +1976

[12.2412371] Arthur Henry *7/11/1913 +28/10/1975

Trained as an Electrician. Worked for the Rand Water Board, and later joined Henry LEPKE in a factory that became First Electric. He served for many years as Chief Inspector, and as First Electric was renowned for their products he must have been very efficient. During a visit to Cape Town he was set upon by some 'skollies' and injured badly. He never 'fully' recovered and died in 1975 probably as a result of his injuries

x1937 Ethel Victoria BARNET.

[13.24123711] Joan Louise *1944

[12.2412372] Ivan Alfred *31/3/1915 +24/8/1991 *

[12.2412373] Gerald Lawrence *10/5/1918 *

[12.2412374] Muriel Magdalene *1920 x1942 James Henderson FREW.


* [12.2412372] Ivan Alfred *31/3/1915. +24/8/1991

Ivan served in the mines as Chief Assayer and in fact it could be said he 'took over ' his fathers job' (James Burchell *1884 +1966 ). During the 1939-1945 war he served in the SAPPERS. Well renowned for bravery he was awarded the M.M. During the war he was seconded to Modderfontein Dynamite Works and was injured in an explosion. His right eye and face were injured, and the injury was repaired to some extent by the famous plastic surgeon Dr Jack Penn. He could still see to some degree from his injured eye.

x1939 Lilian SHORT

[13.24123721] Delyse Elaine *1941.x Rodney SHIPTON

[13.24123722] Ivan James *1943

[13.24123723] Alfred Charles *1943


* [12.2412373] Gerald Lawrence *10/5/1918

Born in Johannesburg at the Kensington Sanatorium. Educated at Malvern Inter High. A choir boy at the Anglican Church. First job obtained with the help of cousin George (12.2412323) who worked for the E.S.C. The next employment was also with cousin George's help and was with the S.A. Permanent Building Society The S.A. Perm was a place of work for Gerald on an on / off basis for many years. During the war years Gerald joined firstly the Transvaal Scottish, where he had an embarrassing moment. In 1939-1945 one had to volunteer for service outside S A (the Red Tab).Just prior to the call for volunteers he had an accident with a drunk driver and had to wait for the case to be called. This, unfairly as was later shown, was labelled by the C 0 as unpatriotic. The case was called, Gerald was paid damages, and then he joined the I.L.H. with a Red Tab. Gerald like many Leibbrandts was an excellent marksman. He came back from serving in Egypt to Wits Command and in 1945 after demobilization worked for S A Perm again.

In 1946 Gerald married Marjorie SURGEON. Gerald and Marjorie managed (took over) the running of Durban View Hotel, for two years. This was the Hotel 'stage' as Gerald worked at Umhlanga Rocks hotel, then Sea Sands and back to Durban View. Many building projects were completed by Gerald on the Durban View, with great skill and ingenuity. In 1967 Gerald again joined the Perm, built two houses and then retired in 1983, to his and Marjorie's home at 41 Chartwell Drive Umhlanga.

x26/1/1946. Marjorie SURGEON *1922

[13.24123731] Noel Burchell *6/12/1946

Obtained a B.Sc. Geology degree / Agronomist.

x1976 Penelope Isabel HOLFORD

[13.24123732] Christopher Lawrence *1949

Obtained a B.A. Industrial psychology degree.

x1991 Karyn WILLIAMS

[13.24123733] Margaret Beth *1955

x1976 James RALPH

xx1985 Gary David PEARSON


* [12.2412321] Percival Fred *1895 +1975 *

Mine Surveyor and very competent Mine Manager. Served in the Gunners 1914-1918 war, SW Africa and East Africa. Good musician with sometimes strange habits. Good marksman, Elephant hunter. Biography of ‘My Dad’ by [13.24123222] Douglas Paul (his nephew) gives a greater overview.

x Doris Pricilla REID (Divorced)

[13.24123211] Peter Val *1928 +1990 Electrician.

x1951 Lorna CARTER.

[14.241232111] Clifford Peter *1952 x1976 Christine VINJEVOLD.

[14.241232112] Glynnis *1954 x1987 John LIVERSAGE.

[14.241232113] Murray *1959 x1959 Shirley CREIGHTON.

[13.24123212] Robin Victor *1933 +1976 Died as a bachelor.

xx Mary Elizabeth BRERTON



* [12.2412322] Douglas Herbert *1897 +1982 *

A biography of Douglas is in the Pretoria Archives. An Electrical/Mechanical Engineer graduate of School of mines,( before Wits University established), Chief Electrical Engineer S.A.R. 1939, responsible for a large section of Electric Train system in S.A. Wife Violet Louisa (Vera) PATTERSON was the daughter of colonial James Joseph Benjamin Patterson and Winifred WOOD, born in Scotland. First husband, (divorced, a Mr. Jones ) had three daughters, Forna a Nursing Sister and matron Baragwanath Hospital, Verdell married Hans WECHSLER and Barbara married Hugh LITTLETON.

x30/6/1923. Violet Louisa (Vera) PATTERSON formerly JONES *1891 +1951 *

[13.24123221] Victor Sydney *1924 Doctor (M.B. B.Ch Wits) *

[13.24123222] Douglas Paul *1927 *


* [12.2412326] Victor Muller Payne *1904 *

Biography Pretoria Archives. A Lawyer and Magistrate. Wife Constance of Welsh parents, a Lady of distinction.

Children: Owen a very successful businessman. Shirley married to Michael STILES immigrated to Canada where she is a prominent teacher and administrator in Schooling. Husband Michael Professor at Edmonton University.

x1933 Constance Grace DAVIES *1911 *

[13.24123261] Owen Victor *1934 *

[13.24123262] Shirley Jean *1936 x1959 Michael STILES (Prof.) Teacher, School administrator. Live in Edmonton, Canada with 5 children; Jeanie, Janet, Michael, Sally and Roland (adopted) *


* [12.2412323] Sydney George David *1899 +1968 *

A CIS administrator of E.S.C.O.M. A very kind man, loved dogs; also attempted to trace the LEIBBRANDT family tree, with Agnes RISSIEK (BEWARE INCORRECT COPIES, not by Agnes). Troubled by and died of psychosomatic asthma. His wife ran the house (and George).

x Martha Eleanor GOULDIE

[13.24123231] Lorraine *1929 x Alexander Konstantin VON MEMERTY.

[13.24123232] Irving *1931 +1995 *


* [12.241232.10] John Meyer *1920

x1943 Nance Catherine JONES

[13.241232.10.1] Michelle *1943

[13.241232.10.2] Leslie John *1948

x1971 Susan HARDWICK

[14.241232.10.21] Dean Meyer *1971

xx1976 Margaret McKENDRICK

[14.241232.10.22] Kim *1979

[14.241232.10.23] Leigh Ann *1985.


* [13.24123232] Irving *1931 +1995

x Robin NORRIS

[14.241232321] Mandy *8/11/60

x1980. Terence Paul Denis EVERSON

[12/3/1987] David Paul

[13/11/1989] Sara Jayne

[14.241232322] Kirsty *11/3/63

x1983 Richard Jeremy THOMAS *1954 (divorced)

[12/4/1985] Steven

xx1991 Robert Gordon Alexander GARDINER

[12/8/1992] Duncan Gordon, and Jeremy Raymond. Twins.

[14.241232323] Lisa *7/1/1971 x Marc Rudolf KRUGER.

[2/7/1993] Heather-Rose.


* [10.22925] Sebastiaan Johannes *1859 +10/7/1930

An artist, painter. His second marriage to Cornelia VILJOEN was in Heilbron. Died at 78 Barnes road, Brixton Johannesburg. His first wife died in the Slagfontein district O F S, and was born at Heilbron.

x Johanna Hendrika Aderjana CILLIERS *1870 +1896

daughter of Pieter Abraham CILLIERS and Jacoba Catharina born ROETS

xx Cornelia Etrica VILJOEN *1871 +1945

[11.229251] Jacoba Catharina *c1890 x LANDMAN

[11.229252] Pieter Willem Heydeman *c1891

[11.229253] Pieter Abraham *1895 +1960 *

[11.229254] Johanna Maria *1893 +5/10/1919

x Pieter Hendrik KRITZINGER (Piet Retief District)

xx Cornelia Etrica VILJOEN

[11.229255] Susanna Johanna *c1898 x Dirk Cornelius SWART

[11.229256] Sebastiaan Johannes *1903 +1983 *

[11.229257] Woter Willem *1905

[11.229258] Cornelia Etrica *1907 x John Henry LANG

[11.229259] Sophia Johanna Maria *1909 x Christiaan Jacob LOWRENS.


* [10.2258.12] Albert Henry *7/7/1881 +30/6/1944

Died at Kenthurst, Banksia Rd. Rosebank Cape Town Attended school SACKS College Cape Town. A soldier in the Cape Town Highlanders, Anglo-Boer war. He played the bagpipes, and the Violin. He ran the Municipal Wash House in Hanover Street, district 6 Cape Town.

He and his wife were renowned for their kindness as they befriended many young people in all sorts of trouble and cared for them in their home.

x1903 Helena Cecilia VON DOMARUS

[10.2258.12.1] Cecil St Clair *1902 x Violet

[10.2258.12.2] William Albert *1904 +1994 *

[10.2258.12.3] Olga Marie *c1906 x BARNARD

[10.2258.12.4] Eileen Louise *c1908 *

x1931 Johann Christiaan PENTZ

xx1972 Andrew SMIT

[10.2258.12.5] Mary Ruth PONTER (adopted )*1920 x Bertram BERMAN


* [10.22914] Johann Sebastiaan *c1857 +1904

Admitted Law Agent, Auctioneer, Liquidator of Estates. Died Cloetes Boarding house Bethlehem.

This Free State family suffered as a result of the concentration camp policy in the Anglo-Boer war of 1900. Four of their children died in the camp and only two survived. Johann was in the Boer forces and when the war was over claimed compensation for the loss of his farm and livestock. He died not long after, and after his son was born. His wife a CLOETE had the trauma of signing all the children's death notices.

x Margaretha Elizabeth CLOETE. *1872 +1901

[11.229141] Henrietta *1893

[11.229142] Jan Sebastiaan Cloete *1895 +1918

This is the only son to survive the above and was killed on active service with the 2nd S A Infantry in the 1918 World War. His wife born a HAVENGA died in the Edenvale Hospital, lived at 11 Church Street Florida, Roodepoort and died destitute.

x Anna Maria HAVENGA

[12.2291421] John Sebastiaan (Cloete) *4/3/1916 +1/7/1977 *

[11.229143] Aletta Petronella Catharina *1895

[11.229144] Willem Karl von Gorkom *1897 +1901

Died in Kroonstad Concentration camp

[11.229145] John *1898 +1901

Died in Kroonstad Concentration camp

[11.229146] Cornelia Dorothea Cloete *1900 +1901

Died in Kroonstad Concentration camp

[11.229147] Christina Wilhelmina Davel *1900 +1901

Died in Kroonstad Concentration camp


* [11.241224] Fredrick Godfrey Watermeyer *1885 +1958

A manager of 'Stumets' a tobacco and snuff company in Cape Town. Was known as a very good generous man (one of his friends referred to him as a saint) His wife was one of the old Oudtshoorn family of DE WET.

x Maria Magdalena Elizabeth DE WET *12/7/1893 +15/9/1981

[12.2412241] Aubrey Fred *c1918

x Hazel SPINKS

[13.24122421] Derek Brian *1956 +1982 x Karen CROWLEY

[13.24122422] Linda *1958 +1994

[12.2412242] Victor *1921 +1992

All the above information gained from a letter from Kathleen Victor 's wife, in a letter.

Mentioned that Linda *1925 +1994 suffered from Downs syndrome.

x1948 Kathleen Margaret JENNINGS *2/12/1925

[13.24122411] Godfrey Ian *19/11/1961

x1993 Ann KARLSON.

[14.241224111] Alexander *29/7/1993


* [9.2523] Coenraad Hendrik *c1813

x Maria Magdalena LACOCK

[10.25231] Maria Magdalena *1835 +8/2/1904

x Jacobus Wilhelmus VAN NIEKERK

[10.25232] Maynard Lacock *1838 +5/7/1887

A Livery Stable owner in Grahamstown. Buried in Grahamstown Anglican cemetery No 31. The reason for stating that the first wife is unknown is that the death notice was signed by a stepson for the second wife Sara. Initials C H ( Coenraad Hendrik ) same as the grandfather!

x (Wife unknown)

[11.252321] Coenraad Hendrik *C1860 *

xx Sara CALVERT.


* [9.2525] Johan Christoffel Carel *1817 +1894

Born at Doom Hoogte (Wynberg Flats).This man was a grocer and a farmer. He died at Sir Lowry Road in Cape Town. This line dies out as he only had daughters.

x Maria Johanna STIGLINGH *1823 +1892

[10.25251] Carolina Petronella *1857 +3/1/1920

x John Christopher VON EDEN

xx William NISBET

[10.25252] Maria Johanna *c1860 x BEUKES

[10.25253] Elizabeth Charlotte *1863 +1903 x John William STEGMAN.

[10.25254] Christina Johanna *1865 +1914 x Daniel David VAN DER MERWE.


* [9.2526] Richard Joseph John *c1818

Lived in Clermont Cape. Wife died at the house of a VAN DER POLL in Clermont. Her father was Jacobus and her mother Johanna MOSTERT. Daughter Maria KORSTEN signed the death note.

x Maria Christina MOSTERT *1822 +24/4/1890

[10.25261] Maria *c1842 x KORSTEN

[10.25262] Jacobus *c1845 *

[10.25263] Didrik *c1855

[10.25264] Hendrik Johannes *5/11/1861 +9/8/1909 *

[10.25265] Johanna *c1862


* [9.2527] Johan David George *c1825

x Maria Carolina

[10.25271] Fredrick Coenraad *1851 +1922

This man was probably a farmer as died at 'the inloop district' of Bethlehem. Dated at Reitz 1922. The death notice is confusing as wife Francina was probably a SWARTZ.

x Francina Jacoba (Mostert) SWARTZ *1868 +16/2/1898

[10.25271] Fredrick Coenraad *1851 +1922

x Francina Jacoba SWARTZ *1868 +1898

xx Petronella Sebella VISSER.

[11.252711] Helena Johann Maria *c1889

x Hendrik Johannes VAN DER WATT.

[11.252712] Johan David *1893 *

[11.252713] Francois (Frank) Jacobus *c1895

[10.25272] Jacob Johann Hendrik *1868 +1942 *


* [10.25262] Jacobus *c1845


[11.252621] Jacobus *1865 +29/5/1918

Born in Malmesbury and died at Oakdale Bellvue. A strange entry on the death notice was, at the bottom of the note, under the signature was the name Jacob written. The note was signed by the wife Elizabeth.

x Elizabeth Margaret

[122526211].Jacobus (Jacob ) Cornelius *1893 +1942 *

[12.25262112] Stephanus *c1895

[12.25262113] Catrina Sophia *c1897

[12.25262114] John *c1899


* [11.252321] Coenraad Hendrik *c1860

Lived in Grahamstown. The tragic situation for his family is that two sons died young, see below.

x Agnes Ann JAQUES

[12.2523211] Maynard Lacock *12/11/1887 +23/10/1963 *

[12.2523212] Albert Arthur *1895 +1913

Died at 35 Richmond Hill Port Elizabeth. Born in Grahamstown and was an apprentice lithographer. Died 18 years old.

[12.2523213] William Graham *1907 +1914

Died in Port Elizabeth Hospital. Lived at 10 Currie Street, Grahamstown. From this can be assumed that he lived at his parents home, as he was only 7 years old when he died. The death notice was signed by, (can not read the signature ) and shown as BROTHER-IN-LAW. Somewhere is there a SISTER? Or does it mean the brother-in-law to the father.!


* [9.2418] Johan Philip Joseph *c1822

This information was gleaned from a Jacobus Andreas number [11.241814]. His letter gave only the date of the letter, and he also gave his age. Note how the 'family name' Johann Philip Joseph is used.

x Huibrecht BESTER

[10.24181] Johan Philip Joseph *c1863 (1870)

x Magdalena Johanna Catharina SLABBER.

[11.241811] Johann Philip Joseph *c1894 x Nellie BICCARD.

[11.241812] Petrus Jacobus Sybrand *1896 +1983 *

[11.241813] Johann David *1901 +1982 *

[11.241814] Jacobus Andreas *1903 *

[11.241815] Maarten Slabber *1905 +1977 *

[11.241816] Theunis Gerhadus *1913 +1984 *

[11.241817] Maria *c1915 x Frans JOOSTE

[11.241818] Huibrecht *c1917 x Andrew SMIT

[11.241819] Jacomina *c1919 x Pieter PIENAAR

[11.24181.10] Magdalena (Died in infancy)


* [11.241812] Petrus Jacobus Sybrand *3/11/1896 +13/5/1983

Born in Clanwilliam. Died at Robari old age home. Note the information in file EMF 1934, about the son Andries Michael 's wife, Elizabeth ROUX. File 5385/82 Pretoria, Elizabeth Maureen *1934 +1982.

x Anna Tobias BICCARD

[12.2418121] Johann Philip Joseph *c1921

[12.2418122] Andries Michael *c1926 *

[12.2418123] Petrus Jacobus Sybrand *c1925

[12.2418124] Petronella Elizabeth *c1927 x PONTON


* [11.241813] Johann David *8/1/1901 +28/11/1982

Died at 14 Diana Crescent Sanddrift. Death notice signed by J (Johanna , nee ROSSOUW ?) Leibbrandt. 19 Cassula Pinelands.

x Johanna Jacoba ROSSOUW *30/6/1901 +5/8/1972

[12.2418131] Johann Philip Joseph *c1923

[12.2418132] Pieter Hendrik *c1925

[12.2418133] Cornelia Johanna *c1927 x DE GOEDE

[12.2418134] Magdalena Johanna Catharina *c1929 x NEWMAN.


* [11.241814] Jacobus Andreas *1903

Letter from Jacobus stated amongst many wrong 'word of mouth stories' some of the following. He worked for Nasionale Pers Bpk: for 50 years and retired at the age of 69. Competed in the 50 mile walk at the Cape,-5 times. Before the gathering of the prize giving committee he refused to accept his Gold medal as Leibbrandt was spelt with one 'B' !! ( True Leibbrandt tradition.) Lived at 42 Beaufort Street, Goodwood. Listed his family without any dates but from death notes dates were obtained. Wife Sophia AUSSERHOOFFER gave father and mother as Fredrik Albrecht, and Dirkje Catharina AUSSERHOFFER.

x Sophia Christina Jacoba AUSSERHOFFER *1910 +1/3/1967

[12.2418141] Magdelena Johanna Catharina *c1930

[12.2418142] Christo *c1932

[12.2418143] John Philip Joseph *c1934

[12.2418144] Fredrik Albrecht Sadie *c1936

[12.2418145] Andreas Jacobus *c1938

[12.2418146] Pieter Hendricus Jacobus *c1940

[12.2418147] Dirkje Catharina *c1942 x SWANEPOEL.

* [11.241815] Maarten Slabber *27/4/1905 +11/6/1977

The line ends for this person with 3 daughters. Wife Mathilda known as 'May'. Father and mother were William John Edward and Sophia Elizabeth Brink KINGON born LOUW. Sophia died in Huis de Kiulen, Kuilsrivier.

x Mathilda Meyer KINGON. *1906 +1983

[12.2418151] Helena Sophia Elizabeth *c1929 x DE VILLIERS.

[12.2418152] Magdalena Johanna Catharina *c1931 x ATKINSON.

[12.2418153] Philene Meyer *c1933 x BLOM


* [11.241816] Theunis Gerhadus *4/9/1913 +6/10/1984

This family is a continuation of the Leibbrandt Slabber family.

x Johanna Barbara SMIT.(divorced 1941.)

[12.2418161] Johann Philip Joseph *1935 +1972 *

[12.2418162] Janetta Jacoba *c1937 +1984 x VAN DER WESTHUIZEN.

[12.2418163] Magdalena Johanna Catharina *c1939 x PRETORIUS.

xx Maria Cornelia SMITH +4/10/1944

[12.2418164] Hester Anna Johanna *c1941 x TEUNISSEN.

[12.2418165] Theunis Gerhardus Slabber *c1943

[12.2418166] Johanna Barbara *c1944 x RAUBENHEIMER.


* [12.2418161] Johann Philip Joseph *1935 +1972

Was a clerk SAS and H Durban. Died at Oudtshoorn.

x Anna Maria Elizabeth Magdalena STEYN

[13.24181611] Anna Catharina *24/4/1960 x LE ROES.

[13.24181612] Theunis Gerhadus *20/11/1962

[13.24181613] Thomas Frederick *9/2/1963

[13.24181614] Maria Cornelia Barendina *19/4/1964


* [11.241241] Johann Michael Fischer *1870 +1943 *

This man was in De La Rey's commando in the Anglo Boer War of 1899. Died at 'Raymond ' Rosmead Aye, Kenilworth. Was an art collector and left valuable paintings in his will.

x Margaret Maria LE ROUX

[12.2412411] Margaretha Katharina Maria *c1892 x VON BONDE.

[12.2412412] Winifred Petronella *c1894 x ROUX


* [10.2258.12.2] William Albert *c1904 *

This is the grandson of H C V Leibbrandt.

Worked as a hospital pharmacist at AECI Cape. A Mason at the Somerset West Lodge, and was chairman twice. A committed Christian of the Strand Methodist Church, and sang in the Choir. A piper in the Cape Town Highlanders when he was young.

x Catharina Elizabeth FERREIRA *1906 +19/10/1959

Father was John (Johannes ) FERREIRA and her mother Embrenzie FERREIRA of Rooivlakte P 0 Hankey Cape Town. Born in Humansdorp.

[11.2258.12.21] Brenda-Mare *1939 x Antony Roy WOODWARD.

[11.2258.12.22] Ursula *22/6/1942 x Peter du Pre LE ROUX.

[11.2258.12.23] John Albert Henry *13/10/1945.

The Chief Marine Engineer on the Diamond dredgers, SAFMARINE.

xx Ephnie ALEXANDER formerly ROGERS


* [12.2526211] Jacobus (Jacob ) Cornelius *1893 +19/5/1942

This man married a REX (British royal family). Was Guard on the SAR. Resided 31 Church St Goodwood, and 9 Gordon Road Observatory

x Muriel Amelia REX

[13.25262111] Reginald Oseland *28/11/1923

Another line of Leibbrandts comes to an end.

x Johanna Susanna DE ROBAIX *1926 +1969

Mothers name was Martha Sophia DE ROBAIX.

[14.252621111] Carin Lyn *1957

[14.252621112] Noleen Glenda *1959

[13.25262112] Stanley Edgar *25/7/1925

[13.25262113] Cyril Stuart *23/11/1927

[13.25262114] Michael Leonard *30/10/1937


* [11.225812] John (Jacob ) Hendrik Schickerling Vos *1890 +1951

x Johanna Elizabeth *1891 +1930

[12.2258121] Reginald Kenneth *13/6/1918 +1/6/1990 *

[12.2258122] Fredrick Isaac *29/10/1919+18/1/1970 *


* [11.229262] Pieter Willem Haaike *1892 +27/7/1955

Farmed in the Annarust district of Harrismith

x Hester Jacoba RETIEF *26/6/1896 +23/7/1980

[12.2292621] Hendrik Albertus Jacobus *c1933

[12.2292622] Pieter Willem Haaike *10/3/1935 +6/2/1981 *

[12.2292623] Anna Leone *c1937 x Louis Antonie VAN REENEN

* [11.229243] Frans Johannes Jacobus *1891 +27/9/1956

A farmer

x Maria Magdalena Albertha MAREE *1898 +19/12/1963

[12.2292431] Pieter Willem Charles *18/3/1920 +2/11/1983


[12.22924311] Stella *c1942 x David Johannes BARNARD

[12.22924312] Frans Johannes Jacobus *c1946.

[12.22924313] Marie Margritha Albertha *1950 x Gideon Jacobus VAN WYK.

[12.22924314] Johannes Cornelius *16/10/1954

xx Cornelia Christina Elizabeth BOTHA born SMITH *6/2/1928


* [12.2292411] Pieter Willem Heideman *1909

The marriage date seems to be inconsistent with other dates as the death notice showed an impossible situation with birth and marriage dates.

x1937. Elizabeth Maria *28/11/1918 +9/7/1969

[13.22924111] Pieter Marius *c1949

[13.22924112] Elsabe Magrietha *c1951

xx1970 (remarried)


* [11.229253] Pieter Abraham *1895 +31/7/1960

This man was a teacher, and died in Bloemfontein.

x1921 Catharina Wilhelmina LE ROUX *1897 +1980

Father Stephanus Abraham and mother Maria Johanna LE ROUX

[12.2292531] Johannes Sebastiaan *6/8/1922

[12.2292532] Stephanus Abraham *6/5/1925

[12.2292533] Pieter Abraham *9/7/1926

[12.2292534] Maria Johanna *1928 +19/2/1952 x Jacobus Johannes LOOTS.*c1926


* [12.2292212] Jacob Phillipus *1907 +1974

x Engela Elizabeth born KRUGER previously ROSSITER *1910 +1974

She had 2 Rossiter children: Joan Estelle x VAN DER SPUY (divorced) and Joseph William

[13.22922121] Patrica Ann *c1936

[13.22922122] Judith Estelle *c1938


* [12.2291213] Sidney Robey *25/1/1913 +1/8/1966 *

This man was well known as the Nazi agent in S A during the 2nd world war. This part of the history can be read in Hans Strydom's book 'The Fourth Reich'. He went to school at Greys College where he for a dare jumped out of a second floor window for a 'tickey'. The second jump for a 'sixpence' ended in a broken leg. Never a man of learning but brave and strong beyond belief.

He won a silver medal for boxing at the Olympic Games of 1936 in the light-heavyweight division. In the bout for gold, he fought on fearlessly with a broken hand but lost the match. After returning to SA he turned professional and won the heavyweight division.

He was caught as a Nazi agent an sentenced to death subsequently to be commuted to life in prison with hard labour. He was released in 1948 when the Nationalist government came to power. Note his son Izan is Nazi spelt backwards. Robey's mother Susan Marguarite JOYCE was a cousin of William JOYCE (lord Haw-Haw) of Nazi radio fame during the 1939-1945 World War.

x c1949 Margaretha (Etha) Cornelia BOTHA

[13.22912131] Herman Robey *22/3/1950

[13.22912132] Izan Robey *10/3/1953

[13.22912133] Reyna *25/10/1958

Child with ? Schaefer: Bernd *1940 who has done some research on the Leibbrand family world-wide.



* [10.22587] Pieter Paul Willem Jacob *25.10 1871 *

This man was called, on his fathers death notice, Peter Paul William James, but in the family bible he is named as above. His grandson Antony Errol has the bible.

x Emily ZINN *c1873

[11.225871] Enid Eileen *1897

[11.225872] Roberts Baden *1900 +1982

Due to remarks on the wife's death notice, this family was traced to the H C V line.

x Catherine Elizabeth TRUTER *1905 +1982

Died in Pinelands and was born in Beaufort West.

[12.2258711] Ulric Bruce *c1922

[12.2258712] Patrica *1939 x ROSS

[12.2258713] Gerald Pierre *c1927

[11.225873] St Clair Royden *1903 +1975 *

[11.225874] Cedric Christian Carel Rudolph *1910

x Catharina Charlotte Alida MOSTERT.*1906 +1990

[12.2258741] Peter Christopher*17/7/1948

A training manager at Ford Motor Company.

x Jillian Anne STEAD *28/5/1952 +12/4/1983 (father Roland, mother Jessie)

[13.22587411] Karin Anne *10/6/1977

[13.22587412] Pamela Claire *7/1/1980

[12.2258742] Stephanie Anne *c1928

[11.225875] Lionel Herman Victor *1913 *


* [12.2258122] Frederick Isaac *29/10/1919 +18/1/1970

A commercial clerk.

x Hilda Maud BOOTH.

[13.22581221] Audrey Elanor *22/1/1946

[13.22581222] Reginald Dennis *5/11/1949

[13.22581223] Peter Frederick *6/10/1952

[13.22581224] Christopher Allan *18/7/1954


25 [12.2258121] Reginald Kenneth *13/6/1918 +1/6/1990

x Alma Elanor ROLFE +9/6/1945

[13.22581211] Graham John *c1936

[13.22581212] Lorna Ann *c1938 x GERBER


*[12.2292414] Abraham Johannes Ulrich *28/8/1922 +26/9/1983

Like his father a farmer.

x Anna Barbara Wilhelmina POTGIETER *1936

[13.22924141] Pieter Willem Heideman *1956

[13.22924142] Ester Johanna Beatrice *1958 x VERMAAK.


* [11.252712] Johann (John) David *1893

x Olive Mary BROOKS.

[12.2527122] Irad Brooks *1/5/1923 +24/5/1986

Retired Zimbabwean born at Wankie.

x Iris Joan LEDGERTON *4/12/1919

[13.25271221] Clive Victor *27/5/1945

[13.25271222] Lyneth Anne *3/1/1947 x GOOSEN

[13.25271223] Christopher David *4/5/1949


* [12.2291421] John Sebastiaan (Cloete) *4/3/1916 +1/7/1977

The death notice states that they (Lorna DUNMORE) and John were married in Southshields England. Possibly the first two children are from the first marriage and the other two, second marriage. What is notable is that this man’s grandfather was one of the children to survive the concentration camp of the Anglo Boer war of 1900. See [10.22914]

x Dorothy Patrica MITCHELL. (divorced)

xx Lorna Elizabeth DUNMORE

[13.22914211] Melody *c1938

[13.22914212] Laurence *c1945

[13.22914213] Christopher *16/12/1959

[13.22914214] Michael *27/1/1962


* [12.2418122] Andries Michael *c1926

x Elizabeth Maureen ROUX. *8/6/1934 +23/3/1982

She had written on her death notice that her father was John ROUX and her mother was Ann ROUX. Mother Ann was alive in 1982.

[13.24181221] Ann Louise *c1959

[13.24181222] Linda Jane *9/12/1961


* [12.2292622] Pieter Willem Haaike *10/3/1935 +6/2/1981

x1960 Jacoba Johanna Susanna GROBLER

[13.22926221] Irma Salome *c1962

[13.22926222] Pierre Willem *c1964

[13.22926223] Eben *c1966


* [11.229256] Sebastiaan Johannes *8/3/1903 +1/10/1983

This death notice was comprehensive but confusing.

Thus under PELSER was noted:

Markus Johannes

Lisette Gesena Catharina

Sophia Johanna Maria (sister) (of whom??)

Sebastiaan Johannes Lourens (child of above ??)

Maria Petronella Lourens.

The death notice was signed by next of kin, Jacob Lourens Jacobus.

x Magrieta Johanna Maria *c1905

[12.2292571] Sebastiaan Johannes *1935 +1989

x Magrieta Maria Johanna DE LANGE

[13.22925611] Fredrick *c1958

[13.22925612] Johanna Jacoba *c1960 x ENGELBRECHT

[13.22925613] Sebastiaan Johannes *21/1/1964

[13.22925614] Johann Bosch *19/3/1966

[13.22925615] Magrieta Johanna Maria *13/4/1969 x PELSER

xx Maria Elizabeth MAREE

[12.2292562] Jacob Lourens Jacobus *c1937


5 [12.2292413] Nicholaas Leonard *c1917

x Elizabeth *c1922

[13.22924131] Helena Susanna Christina (unmarried) *8/7/1947 +22/8/1972

This woman at the age of 25 died as a 'sendings werker' in the Grahamstown district. See was unmarried and must have died suddenly as her father signed the death notice 9 days later. Her grandmother was a LEONARD.


* [12.2523211] Mynard Lacock *12/11/1887 +23/10/1963

This man was a printer by trade. He died in Port Elizabeth of heart disease and diabetes.

x26/1/1921 Cornelia Petronella *c1890

[13.25232111] Ruth *c1914

[13.25232112] Harold Lacock *1916 +1982

This man lived in the Transvaal, probably Pretoria. See file 16118/82 Pretoria.

x Martha Maria VAN EYK

[14.252321121] Sandra Van Eyk *1948

[14.252321122] Charlene Fay *1949 x DHOOGE

[13.25232113]Lorraine *c1918

* [10.25264] Hendrik John (Johannes ) *5/11/1861 +9/8/1909

Died at 3 Hamman Road Clermont, Cape Town. All children of the first marriage.


[11.252641] Richard Joseph John *5/5/1889 +1944

x Maria Johanna Petronella *10/8/1901 +8/4/1984 File no: 3036/84 Cape.

[11.252642] Fanny *1884

[11.252643] John Henry Fredrick (Freddy) *1886 +13/9/1926

Lived at 6 Smith Square Woodstock. The executor of the will was Jacobus Cornelius LEIBBRANDT, number [12.2526211] John 's grandfather and Jacobus's great grandfather was Richard Joseph John , number [9.2526]. Jacobus stayed at 9 Gordon Rd Observatory.

x Ann Alice Maria McLEARY

[12.2526431] Frederick George Henry *c1911

[12.2526432] Kathleen *c1912 x VILJOEN.

[12.2526433] Doreen Thelma *c1914

[12.2526434] Terence Michael *c1916

[12.2526435] Maureen Bridget *c1918 x VAN NIEKERK.

[11.252644] Henry *1887

[11.252645] William Walter *1889

File number 4338/70. Cape.

x Maria Sophia *21/1/1895 +23/7/1970

[12.2526451] Albertus Christiaan *c1915

[12.2526452] Joyce Gwendoline *c1917

[12.2526453] Eric Harold *c1921

[12.2526411] Joseph Peter *c1920

[12.2526412] Richard Joseph John *3/2/1926 +25/12/1977

File 146/78 Cape.

x Lorraine Maud KIRSTEN

[13.25264121] Richard Peter *c1948

[13.25264122] Leigh Ann *c1950

[13.25264123] Beverley Gail *c1952

[11.252646] Jacobus Henry *1892

[11.252647] Peter George *1896




* [10.25272] Jacob Johann Hendrik *1868 +1942

Died at 17 De Mist Street Pretoria. Note when Jacob was 66 years old his last child was born. Similarly his father was 43 when Jacob was born.

x Anna Christina Elizabeth SCHNIJMANN.

[11.252721] Johann David Gottfreid *1923 +1990

The death notice 7213/90 Cape was confusing and the information may not be correct.

x Emma Susan Jane VAN LELYVELD *1920 +1974

[12.2527211] Anna Elizabeth *c1944 x COETZEE

xx Johanna Carolina DU TOIT

[11.252722] Susarah Susanna *1925.

[11.252723] Maria Elizabeth *1927 x MOSTERT

[11.252724] Johann Jacob Hendrik *1932

[11.252725] Cornelius Johannes *1934


* [13.24123261] Owen Victor *1934 *

x1960 Beryl BRADFIELD

[14.241232611] Desiree *1961

[14.241232612] Jacqueline *1962 x1982 Peter GRAHAM.

[14.241232613] Anthony *1964 x Lauren PECK.


* [11.225873] St Clair Royden *1903 +1975 *

Shared the same initials as [12.2291213] Sidney Robey, which was a burden during World War 2, since he as fighting for the Allies in the SA forces and Robey was a wanted Nazi spy. He denied any relationship, but perhaps he was unaware they share a common ancestor [7.22 Johann Sebastian] who arrived at the Cape in 1774, a great-great-grandfather.

x Myrtle Dorothy Florence McKAY *1910 *

[12.2258731] Anthony Errol *23/4/1940 *

x1/7/1967 Myra DONALDSON *18/5/1947 +18/5/1995 Tragically died on the 48th anniversary of her birthday of cancer. A traumatic loss to her husband and family.

[13.22587311] Gregory John and [13.22587312] Grant Robin *9/10/1068 (twins)

[13.22587313] Warren Errol *4/1/1971

[13.22587314] Lauren Anne and [13.22587315] Dale Lawrence *24/7/1974 (twins)

[13.22587316] Dean St Clair *24/8/1976

xx1995 Daphne Gwendoline (Wendy) PARK *C1947

[12.2258732] David Royden *9/3/1945


[13.22587321] Brian *c1965

[13.22587322] Craig *c1967

[13.22587323] Derek *1969

* [13.24123222] Douglas Paul *1927 *, * *

x9/7/1949 and xxx30/4/196 Yvonne Mabel KRUGER *1929 daughter of Daniel Francois KRUGER *1/11/1896 +21/4/1952 (son of Jacobus Alwyn KRUGER *1873 +1964) and Amy Louise Mabel VON ALBACH *1903 +1948.

[14.241232221] Bruce Douglas *17/7/1950 *

A Photo-lithographer, residing in Denver, Colorado, USA

x Maureen CUBITT *22/8/1952 (divorced)

[14.2412322211] Lauren Paula *29/5/1980

[14.2412322212] Stewart Douglas 25.5.1984

xx Barbara PADDON 1.6.1956 (divorced)

xxx Sally WILCOX *26/01/1961 (American)

[14.2412322213] Reid Paul *12/8/1997

[14.2412322214] Molly Yvonne *16/1/2000

[14.241232222] Steven Richard *2/2/1952 *

BSc., MSc. (University of Natal, Durban). Electrical Engineer, residing in Karlsruhe Germany, and Atlanta, GA., USA.

x Uli METZ *8/2/1954 (German)

[14.2412322221] Vincent Paul *11/6/1989

[14.2412322222] Raphael Tobias *14/6/1992

[14.241232223] David John *8/10/1953 *

Motor mechanic. Residing in Townsville, Australia.

x Valerie Cheryl WALTERS *8/4/1955

[14.2412322231] Nicholas Scott *17/6/1982

[14.2412322232] Christopher Ross *27/12/1984

[14.2412322233] Justin David *13/6/1990

[14.241232224] Gary Colin *8/11/1954 *

BSc. (University of Natal, Durban), MBA. Mechanical Engineer.

x Elize VAN HUYSSTEEN *9/6/1957

[14.2412322241] Esti Yvonne *30/11/1984

[14.2412322242] Johnathan Colin *16/12/1987

[14.2412322243] Amy Louise *11/01/1993

[14.241232225] Peter Allan *19/6/1956 *

B Comm. (University of Natal, Durban), Software Developer.

x Leonie STRYDOM *21/4/1949 (divorced)

[14.2412322251] Kari *30/8/1980 x2001 Gordon ROBERTS *

xx Madeleine WHEELER *1962 (divorced)

Residing in Hastings, New Zealand.
