Министерство Обороны Российской Федерации Управление подготовки и распределения кадров Сухопутных войск А.И.Сафонов Военная подготовка Военный перевод Английский язык Утверждена Главнокомандующим Сухопутными войсками в качестве учебника для войск и суворовских военных училищ

ufakadet.ucoz.netufakadet.ucoz.net/.../uchebnik_po_voennomu_perevodu-2-.docx · Web viewThe most important personal paper, issued to all US armed forces personnel, is the identification

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Министерство Обороны Российской Федерации

Управление подготовки и распределения кадров Сухопутных войск


Военная подготовка

Военный перевод

Английский язык

Утверждена Главнокомандующим Сухопутными войсками в качестве учебника для войск и суворовских военных училищ

Москва 1993 г.


Good morning

доброе утро

Good afternoon

добрый день

Attention (Shun)


as you were


at ease




fall in



вольно, заправиться

Give a command


The lesson is over

урок закончен



to present


to be ill

быть больным

to be on leave

быть в отпуске

to be absent


to be on duty

быть в наряде

to be late


to report


to be accounted

буквально: быть пересчитанным

to stand up


to sit down


Sit still (properly)

сядьте правильно

Request permission to step in

разрешите войти

A Report

Major (Comrade teacher)!

Group 1(2), platoon 1(2,3,4), company 1(2,3,4,5,6) is assembled. All personnel is ready and accounted for. Suvorovite (s)... is (are) absent. Suvorovite on duty....




armed forcesвооруженные силы

armed serviceвид вооруженных сил

syn. fighting service

Armyармия, сухопутные войска

Navyвоенно-морские силы

Air Force (АF)военно-воздушные силы

Marine Corps (МС)корпус морской пехоты

Commander-in-Chief (CinC, CINC)главнокомандующий

Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)министр обороны

Secretary of the Army (SA)министр армии

Secretary of the Navy (SN, SECNAV)военно-морской министр

Secretary of the Air Force (SAF)министр военно-воздушных сил

Department of Defense (DD, DOD)министерство обороны

Department of the Army (DA)министерство армии (сухопутных войск)

Department of the Navy (DN)министерство военно-морских сил

Department of the Air Force (DAF)министерство военно-воздушных сил

chief of staff (CofS)начальник штаба

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)начальник штаба ВМС

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)комитет начальников штабов

Joint Staff (JS)объединенный штаб

armрод войск


Infantry (Inf)пехота

mechanized infantryмотопехота

Artillery (Arty)артиллерия

Field Artillery (FA)полевая артиллерия

Air Defense Artillery (ADA)артиллерия ПВО

Armorбронетанковые войска

Corps of Engineers (CE)инженерные войска

Signal Corps (Sig.C)войска связи

Military Police Corps (MPC)военная полиция

Chaplains Corps (CHC)служба военных священников

Chemical Corps (CmlC)химические войска

Army Medical Service (AMS)медицинская служба армии

to be directly involved in the conduct ofпринимать непосредственное

actual fightingучастие в ведении боевых

syn. to be directly engaged in combat operations действийto provide logistical and administrativeосуществлять материально-

supportтехническое обеспечение

combat supportбоевая поддержка

2. Пользуясь поурочным словарем, переведите на русский язык содержание схемы (рис.1), объясняемой преподавателем.


(Fig.2.)3. Передайте содержание схемы 2 на английском языке, при необходимости пользуясь поурочным словарем:

4. Переведите термины и словосочетания на английский язык:

Вооруженные силы; комитет начальников штабов; служба; министр обороны; бронетанковые войска; корпус морской пехоты; служба военных священников; военно-воздушные силы; полевая артиллерия; главнокомандующий; сухопутные войска; начальник штаба; род войск; вид вооруженных сил; войска связи; министр сухопутных войск; химические войска; инженерные войска; корпус военной полиции.


US Armed Forces

The armed forces of the United States consist of three armed services: the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.

Under the Constitution of the United States the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces is the President.

Each armed service is controlled by its department: department of the Army, department of the Navy and department of the Air Force.

The departments are headed by civilian secretaries, but actual command of troops in each department being exercised by the chief of staff: Chief of Staff US Army, Chief of Staff US Air Force and Chief of Naval operations.

The three departments make up the Department of Defense, headed by the Secretary of Defense. He is appointed from civil life with the advice and consent of the Senate.

The principal military advisers to the President and the Secretary of Defense are the Joint Chiefs of Staff assisted by a Joint Staff.

The JCS consist of a Chairman, the CSUSA, the CNO, and the CSUSAF.

The authorized strength of the Joint Staff is about 400 officers, selected from all the armed services and the Marine Corps.

Рекомендуется для устного перевода по предложениям с предварительным чтением.


5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Who is the CINC of the US armed forces?

2. What armed services do the US armed forces consist of?

3. What departments control the armed services?

4. Who heads each department?

5. Who exercises the actual command in the departments?

6. Who are the principal military advisers to the President and the Secretary of Defense?

7. What is the strength of the Joint Staff?

Прочитайте и переведите текст устно по предложениям, при необходимости пользуясь поурочным словарем:

US Army Branches

The US Army includes a number of arms and services. Arms are those directly involved in the conduct of actual fighting.

They are Infantry, Armor, Air Defense Artillery and Field Artillery.

Services are those whose chief mission is to provide logistical and administrative support and whose personnel are not usually directly engaged in combat operations. They are Army Medical Service, Chaplains Corps, Military Police Corps and some other services.

There are also combat support arms which provide operational assistance to the combat arms, including engagement in combat when necessary, but which have additional responsibilities in providing logistical and administrative support to the Army as a whole.

They include the Corps of Engineers, the Signal Corps, and the Chemical Corps.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the difference between an arm and a service?

2. What troops belong to arms?

3. What are the examples of services?

4. Are the CE, the SigC and the CmlC arms or services?


6. Пользуясь поурочным словарем, переведите на русский язык содержание схемы 3:

Fig. 3

(Fig. 4)

7. Передайте содержание схемы 4 на английском языке, при необходимости пользуясь поурочным словарем или схемой 3.


US Army Units

squad (sqd)отделение

section (sec)секция

platoon (plat)взвод

company (со)рота

battery (btry)батарея

troop (trp)разведрота

battalion (bn)батальон

armored cavalry squadron (armd cav sqdn)разведывательный батальон

regiment (regt)полк

armored cavalry regiment (armd cav regt)разведывательный полк

brigade (bde)бригада

division (div)дивизия

army corps (AC)армейский корпус

army group (AG) (a group of armies)группа армий

large unitсоединение, объединение

unitчасть (подразделение, соединение)

small unitподразделениеsyn. subunit

leader (ldr)командир (подразделения,

взводного звена)

commander (Cmdr; Comdr; Cdr)командир, командующий


to be organized withсостоять изsyn. to consist ofto be made up of


1. Прочитайте за преподавателем:

Armed forces; armed service; fighting service; Army; Navy; Air Force; Marine Corps; Commander-in-Chief; Secretary of Defense; Department of Defense; chief of staff; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Joint Staff; arm; service; Corps of Engineers; Signal Corps; Military Police Corps; squad; section; platoon; battery; battalion; armored cavalry squadron; brigade; division; army group; large unit.


Суффиксы существительных -er, -or

С помощью этих суффиксов от глагольных основ и основ существительных образуются существительные, которые обозначают действующее лицо, профессию, приборы, инструменты, установки:

командовать to command- a commander командир

преподавать to teach- a teacher преподаватель

руководить to lead- a leader руководитель

запускать to launch-а launcher пусковая установка

принимать to receive- а receiver приемник

передавать to transmit- а transmitter передатчик

строить to construct- а constructor строитель

Суффикс наречий -ly

С помощью этого суффикса образуются наречия от основ прилагательных и существительных:

обычный usual-usually обычно

плохой bad- badly плохо

день day- daily ежедневно

Суффиксы глаголов -ate, -ize

Суффиксы указывают на действие, обозначенное основой:





2.Переведите наречия с суффиксом -lу и укажите прилагательные,от которых они образованы:

comparatively, radically, separately, essentially, primarily, usually.

10. Определите no суффиксам, к каким частям речи относятся производныеслова, и переведите их:

to fight - fighter; grenade - grenadier; to command - commander; to launch -launcher; to illuminate — illumination; to organize — organization; to mechanize -mechanization; to explode - explosion - explosive; to concentrate - concentration; to separate - separation - separately; to penetrate – penetration.

5. Переведите устно на слух по предложениям:

Вооруженные силы США состоят из сухопутных войск, ВВС и ВМС. Основными советниками президента по военным вопросам являются члены комитета начальников штабов. Комитет начальников штабов состоит из председателя и начальников штабов сухопутных войск, ВВС и ВМС. По конституции главнокомандующим вооруженными силами США является президент. В нашей роте четыре взвода, каждый из которых состоит из трех отделений.

5.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

CINC, Inf, СЕ, SigC, СНС, CmlC, ldr, sqd, cmdr, btry, div, Co, Bde, trp, sqdn, arty, FA, ADA.

6.Расскажите на английском языке об общей организационной структуревооруженных сил США, используя схемы 2 и 4.


US Army Units

The US Army is organized with large units, units and small units.

Large units are divisions (infantry, light infantry, mechanized, motorized, armored, airborne and air assault), army corps, field armies, and groups of armies.

Units include brigades and regiments, though the term «unit» itself may be also referred to any military organization from a squad and up to a field army.

Small units or subunits comprise squads, sections, platoons, companies (batteries in artillery and troops in armored cavalry and cavalry units) and battalions (artillery battalions, armored cavalry squadrons).

Squads, sections and platoons are commanded by squad, section and platoon leaders. All the other subunits, units and large units are headed by commanders. All the unit commanders in the grades of officers and generals may be correspondingly called commanding officers or commanding generals.

6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What units is the US Army organized with?

2. What military organizations are referred to large units?

3. What are small units?

4. Are brigades and regiments large or small units?

5. Whom are squads, sections and platoons commanded by?

6. Who head the other US Army units?

8. Изучите таблицу 1 .


Corresponding unit commanders (leaders, commanding officers and commanding generals)

Russian equivalents

small units (subunits)


squad leader

commanding officers

командир отделения


section leader

командир секции


platoon leader

командир взвода


company commander

командир роты


battery commander

командир батареи


troop commander

командир разведроты


battalion commander

командир батальона

Arty Br.

Arty Br. commander

командир дивизиона

Armd Cav Sqdn

Armd Cav Sqdn commander

командир разведбатальона



regiment commander

commanding generals

командир полка


brigade commander

командир бригады

large units


division commander

командир дивизии


corps commander

командир корпуса

large units

field army

field army commander

командующий армией

a group of armies

army group commander

командующий группой армий

9. Переведите вопросы и ответьте на них (упражнение для работы в парах):

1. Какие подразделения имеются в армии США?

2. Какие подразделения имеются в суворовском военном училище?

3. Какова организация вашей роты?

4. Что относится к частям?

5. Какие соединения и объединения вы знаете?

6. Кто командует отделением, секцией, взводом?

7. Кто командует ротой, батальоном, полком?

8. Кто командует бригадой, дивизией, корпусом?

9. Кто командует армией и группой армий?

Lesson 3


Grades in the US Army

Private (PVT)рядовой

Private 1st class (PFC)рядовой 1 -го класса

Specialist (sp)специалист

Corporal (CPL)капрал

Sergeant (SGT)сержант

Staff Sergeant (SSGT)штаб-сержант

Sergeant 1st class (SFC)сержант 1-го класса

Platoon Sergeant (Plat Sgt PSGT)взводный сержант

First Sergeant (1 SGT)первый сержантMaster Sergeant (MSGT)мастер-сержант

Sergeant Major (SMAJ)главный сержант

Warrant Officerуорент офицер

Second Lieutenant (2LT)второй лейтенант

First Lieutenant (1LT)первый лейтенант

Captain (CPT)капитан

Major (MAJ)майор

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)подполковник

Colonel (COL)полковник

Brigadier General (BG)бригадный генерал

Major General (MG)генерал-майор

Lieutenant General (LTG)генерал-лейтенант

General (GEN)генерал

General of the Army (GA)генерал армии

Soldierсолдат, рядовойnoncommissioned officer (NCO; noncom) сержант, военнослужащий

сержантского составаcommissioned officer (ComO)офицер

enlisted men (personnel) (EM)рядовой и сержантский состав

company officers (Co OFF)младшие офицерыfield officers (FO)старшие офицеры

general officers (GO)генералы

* * *

to be appointed byна должность назначается;

(the unit Cmdr, the SA,звание присваивается

the President)(командиром части, министром армии,



1. Прочитайте за преподавателем (фонетическая тренировка в формедвухтактного паузированного упражнения):

Armed forces; fighting service; Commander-in-Chief; chief of staff; squad; battery; troop; battalion; armored cavalry squadron; subunit; commander; noncommissioned officer; company officer; field officer; general officer; sergeant; armored cavalry regiment.

2.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

CINC, DD, CofS, SigC, CmlC, sqd, FA, btry, Bde, trp, ldr, cmdr, PVT, GA, PFC, GEN, CPL, LTC, 2LT, SSGT, BG, 1LT, MAJ, NCO, Co, Sp4, COL, EM, SA, PSGT, Sp 9, SFC.

2. Переведите термины и словосочетания:

Рядовой 1-го класса; капрал; подполковник; сержант 1-го класса; 1-й сержант; мастер-сержант; полковник; бригадный генерал; майор; первый лейтенант; уорент-офицер; главный сержант; старший офицер; младший офицер; штаб-сержант; второй лейтенант; генерал-лейтенант; капитан; генерал-майор; взводный сержант; генерал; солдат.

3. Подберите эквиваленты терминов и словосочетаний:

Privateбригадный генерал



Platoon Sergeantуорент-офицер

Brigadier Generalглавный сержант

Lieutenant Colonelполковник

Major Generalгенерал-лейтенант

Warrant Officerкапитан

Colonelвзводный сержант

Sergeant Majorмайор

Lieutenant Generalрядовой


Grades in the US Army

All the servicemen in the US Army are divided into three main categories: enlisted men, warrant officers and commissioned officers. Enlisted personnel group comprises soldiers, specialists and noncommissioned officers. Soldiers include privates 1st class and privates.

Specialists have the grade titles beginning with Specialist 4 through Specialist. 9. They rank below any corporal, although their pay grate in many cases will be higher.

Noncommissioned officers comprise such grades as: Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant 1st class, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, and Sergeant Major.

Ranking next above noncoms are warrant officers (Warrant Officer, grade 1, Chief Warrant Officers, grade 2, 3 and 4).

Commissioned officers are subdivided into company officers, field officers and general officers.

Company officers: Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, and Captain. Field officers: Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel.

General officers: Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General, and General of the Army.

The noncommissioned officers are appointed by their unit commanders, the warrant officers-by the Secretary of the Army, and the commissioned officers - by the President.

In conversation and unofficial correspondence US Army servicemen are addressed as follows: All general officers - «General»; colonels and lieutenant colonels -«Colonel»; majors - «Major»; captains - «Captain»; all lieutenants - «Lieutenant»; cadets - «Mister»; warrant officers - «Mister»; all sergeants - «Sergeant»; corporals -«Corporal»; all specialists - «Specialist»; privates - «Private». When the name is not known a private may be addressed as «Soldier».

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What categories is the US Army personnel divided into?

2. What servicemen do the enlisted men comprise?

3. What grades do the soldiers include?

4. What are the grades of NCOs?

5. Who are ranking next above NCOs?

6. How are commissioned officers subdivided?

7. What are the grades of company and field officers?

8. What are the grades of general officers?

9. Whom are NCOs appointed by?

10. Who appoints warrant and commissioned officers?

11. How are different categories of US Army personnel addressed in conversation

and unofficial correspondence?

12.How is a private addressed if his name is not known?

7. Составьте диалог с соседом по столу по содержанию таблицы 2.

Воинские звания в сухопутных войсках США

Категории военнослужащих

Соответствующие воинские звания


Генерал армии Генерал

Генерал-лейтенант Генерал-майор Бригадный генерал

Старшие офицеры




Младшие офицеры


1-й лейтенант

2-й лейтенант


Старший уорент-офицер 4-го класса Старший уорент-офицер 3-го класса Старший уорент-офицер 2-го класса уорент-офицер


Главный сержант Мастер-сержант Первый сержант Взводный сержант Cержант 1-го класса штаб-сержант сержант капрал


Специалист 9-й категории Специалист 8-й категории Специалист 7-й категории Специалист 6-й категории Специалист 5-й категории Специалист 4-й категории


Рядовой 1-го класса рядовой

6.Переведите на слух в быстром темпе:

Private; капрал; Sergeant; рядовой 1-го класса; Staff Sergeant; 2-й лейтенант; Platoon Sergeant; капитан; Master Sergeant; уорент-офицер; Colonel; 1-й лейтенант; Major; бригадный генерал; Lieutenant General; батарея; noncommissioned officer; отделение; troop; подразделение; brigade; соединение; platoon; разведывательный батальон; arm; служба; Corps of Engineers; химические войска; armored cavalry regiment; часть; field artillery; звание; armor; начальник штаба; Specialist 6; сухопутные войска.


personal papersличные документы

identification cardудостоверение личности

identification tagличный знак

pay data cardрасчетная книжка

ration cardпродовольственный аттестат

operators permitудостоверение на право управления

(автомобилем, танком и т.д.)

liberty passувольнительная записка

service number (SN)личный номерsyn. army serial number (ASN)

insigniaзнаки различия

* * *

The identification card is issued by ... удостоверение личности выдается ...


1. Повторите за диктором (двухтактное паузированное упражнение — фонетическая тренировка):

identification card, identification tag, pay data card, ration card, operator's permit, liberty pass, service number, insignia, personal papers, arm, service, Commander-in-Chief, Corps of Engineers, squad, armored cavalry squadron, troop, battery, Private, Sergeant Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Brigadier General, Lieutenant General, Captain.

2. Подберите эквиваленты словосочетаний:

identification cardрядовой и сержантский состав

ration cardвзводный сержант

operator's permitсержанты

liberty passуорент-офицер

service numberзнаки различия

identification tagпродовольственный аттестат

insigniaудостоверение личности

Platoon Sergeantудостоверение на право вождения

Warrant officerувольнительная записка

enlisted menличный номер

noncommissioned officersличный знак

3.Назовите синонимы терминов и словосочетаний:

service number; armed service; to be organized with; battalion commander; enlisted personnel; small unit.

4.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

CPL, LTC, 1LT, PSGT, SN, CINC, ASN, SA, DD, Inf, CofS, СЕ, CHC, CmlC, FA, JCS, btry, bn, Co, sqd, trp, ldr, NCO, Cmd.


Personal Papers and Insignia Personal Papers

The most important personal paper, issued to all US armed forces personnel, is the identification card. On the card are shown the name of the serviceman, his grade, arm or service, service number, unit or headquarters where the card was issued, birth date, height, weight, colour of hair and eyes, race, sex, blood type, holder's fingerprints, and signature of the issuing officer.

The US Army servicemen are also issued identification tags. Two in number, they are suspended from the neck and must be worn in the field, when travelling by air, or when outside the continental United States.

Embossed on the tags are the wearer's last name, first name and middle initial, army serial number, dates that tetanus toxoid was inoculated, blood type and religion.

Other papers which may help to identify a serviceman are the operator's permit, pay data card, immunization register, meal card, ration card and liberty pass.

All of them may contain the name, grade, SN, issuing unit, and army post office number of the holder.


All insignia, such as insignia of grade, insignia of arm or service, wound chevrons, service stripes and bars are worn on the corresponding items of uniform: shoulder loops, headgear, sleeves, collar, and lapels.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the main types of personal papers of an US Army serviceman?

2. What data contain the identification cards?

3. What data are embossed on the identification tags?

4. What military insignia do you know?

5. Where are military insignia worn?

6. Переведите словосочетания:

a) some означает «несколько; некоторый; около», а иногда совсем непереводится; the same - «тот (же) самый; одинаковый, такой же»

some armored protection; some weapons; some 46 tons; the same armored protection; the same weapons; the same 46 tons; the same combination; some foreign designers; the same velocity; some increase in the production; some 20 years ago

b) arm означает «род войск; вооружать»; armor — «броня; бронировать»some arms; armed men; were armed; tank armor; armored carrier; is armored; the new armored infantry combat vehicle; armor protection; a new arm; armor plating; the turret armor; it has been armed with; some armored cars; tracked armored vehicles; armored vehicles; armed solely with missiles

c) area означает «район; место»; rear—«тыл»

enemy area; enemy rear; in the rear; the area of concentration; area of departure; rear installations; rear area.

7. Выступите в роли переводчика: (Учебная ситуация — встреча суворовцев с американским офицером, посетившим суворовское военное училище).

1. Господин майор!1. Yes, of course, and with great pleasure.He могли бы Вы рассказать But I think we shall save time, if I just

нам о вооруженных силахanswer your questions. So, what are

своей страны?you interested in?

2. Во-первых, какие у Вас2. The US armed forces consist of three

имеются видыarmed or fighting services:

вооруженных сил?the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.

3. А кто возглавляет3. They are controlled by the Department

вооруженные силы США? of Defense, headed by the Secretary of

Defense. But the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces is the President.

4. Министр обороны военный 4. According to our Constitution theили гражданское лицо?Secretary of Defense is appointed by

the President from civil life.

5. А кто возглавляет виды5. They are also headed by civilian

вооруженных сил? secretaries: the Secretary of the Army,

the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Air Force. But actual command in the armed services and the corresponding departments is exercised by their chiefs of staff.

6. А у вас есть генеральный6. We have the Joint Chiefs of Staff

штаб? instead. They include a Chairman and

Chiefs of Staff of the three armed services. The JCS are assisted by the Joint Staff, consisting of about 400 officers, selected from all the armed services and the Marine Corps.

7. Нас прежде всего интересуют 7. That’s right. True, there are some сухопутные войска. Они у вас exceptions. Some of our units have состоят из таких же частей и sections — subunits, bigger than a squad

подразделений, что и в армиях and smaller than a platoon. других государств? In our cavalry units the battalions are

called squadrons and the companies-


There is a large unit called «a group of armies», which corresponds to your front or military district. And I should like to know the organization of your Suvorov military school.

8. Суворовское военное училище 8. Thank you very much.

возглавляет начальник училища I invite you to visit the United States

в звании полковник или and our military schools, academies

генерал-майор. and colleges. Good bye.

В училище 6 рот.

В каждой роте по 4 взвода.

Во взводе - 3 отделения.

9. Good bye, sir.


The Correct Use of Grades

Each member of the Army has military grade. In official documents a member's grade always accompanies his or her name. It is also used in conversation. But senior officers frequently address juniors as "Smith" or "Jones", though this does not give the junior the privilege of addressing the senior in any way other than by the senior's proper grade.

The term of respect "Sir" is used when speaking to officers and civilian officials, especially in answering questions - "Yes, sir" and "No, sir". "Ma'm may be used in addressing a female officer under similar circumstances.

All chaplains are officially addressed as "Chaplain" regardless of their military grade and professional title.

History of Military Salute

Men of arms have used some form of the military salute as an exchange of greeting since the earliest times.

In the Age of Chivalry the knights were all mounted and wore steel armor that covered the body completely, including the head and face. When two friendly knights met it was the custom for each to raise the visor and expose his face to the view of the other. This was always done with the right hand, the left being used to hold the reins. It was a significant gesture of friendship and confidence, since it exposed the features and also removed the right hand - the sword hand - from the vicinity of the weapon. Also, in ancient times the freemen (soldiers) of Europe were allowed to carry arms; when two freemen met, each would raise his right hand to show that he held no weapons in it and that the meeting was a friendly one.

Different Forms of Salute.

There are several forms in which the prescribed salutes are rendered. The officer normally uses the hand salute. However when under arms he or she uses the salute prescribed for the weapon with which armed. When in civilian clothes the officer salutes by placing the right hand over the heart.


Real discipline is not achieved with a whip. It must be based on a sense of duty and the individual responsibility of the serviceman to defend his country.

The basic functions of the Armed Services are: organization of the Army, trained and equipped for combat operations on land; the Navy is to conduct amphibious operations; the Air Force is responsible for preparing forces for combat operations in the air. The Coast Guard operates under the Treasury Department in peace time and under Navy in war time.

The regular components of the Armed Forces is a permanent professional force.

The residential components are: National Guard the Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, US Marine Corp Reserve, the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve.

The USA Forces are organized to serve within and under control of the Department of Defense according to the National Security Act of 1947.

According to the Table of organization and equipment there are arms and services. There are units in the arms and their main mission is to fulfil combat operations or the mission of combat support. The services are the units which are to fulfil the missions of logistics and special support (finance, transportation, medical etc.).

US Military Academy is the only military-educational institution with a course of four years in the US Armed Forces. The US citizens from 17 to 22 may enter Academy. Those who enter must have a secondary education, be security reliable and be fit physically. The cadets take military training and don't get any military speciality. That's why after the graduation the graduates receive specialization at one of the Service schools and only after that they are given an overseas assignment. The officers are also trained in some civilian universities and colleges, with their Reserve Officers training courses.




to destroyуничтожать

to captureзахватить в плен

to repelотражать

attack (atk) nнаступление

to attackнаступать, атаковать, наносить удар

counterattack (catk)контратака

fireогонь, стрельба

to fireвести огонь, стрелять

armored personnel carrier (АРС)бронетранспортер (БТР)

infantry fighting vehicle (IFV)боевая машина пехоты (БМП)


* * *

to operate at nightвести боевые действия ночью

under any climatic conditionsв любых климатических условияхto overcome natural and artificial obstacles преодолевать естественные и

искусственные препятствияto fight on footвести бой в пешем строю

to be equipped withиметь на вооружении

syn. to be armed with

to be in service withнаходиться на вооружении


I. Прочитайте за преподавателем: identification tag; identification card; ration card; liberty pass; service number; operator's permit; armored cavalry squadron; to destroy; to capture the enemy; to repel the attack; close combat; armored personnel carrier; infantry fighting vehicle; under any climatic conditions; to overcome natural and artificial obstacles; insignia; powerful armament.

2 Переведите термины и словосочетания: уничтожить противника; захватить противника в плен; отразить контратаку противника; в ближнем бою; огнем; бронетранспортер; боевая машина пехоты; вести боевые действия ночью; вести боевые действия в любых климатических условиях; преодолевать естественные и искусственные препятствия; вести бой в пешем строю; мотопехотные подразделения; мотострелковые подразделения; воздушно-десантные подразделения; воздушно-штурмовые подразделения; легкие пехотные подразделения; остановить противника; задача; мощное вооружение; находиться на вооружении.

3.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения: IFV; АРС; atk; catk; SN; bn; btry; 1LT; FA; Co; PSGT; sqd; Inf; LTC; ldr; CPL; CofS; cmdr; NCO; CmlC; 1SGT; FA; CE; ADA; JCS; SA; 2LT.

4. Подберите эквиваленты терминов и словосочетаний:

to be equipped withсовременное вооружение

to repel En counterattackпреодолевать искусственные препятствия

to close with the enemyв любых климатических условиях

to fight on footотразить контратаку противника

infantry fighting vehicleсблизиться с противником

to captureбоевая машина пехоты

to overcome natural obstaclesвести боевые действия ночью

armored personnel carrierвести бой в пешем строю

to overcome artificialзахватить в плен

obstaclesпреодолевать естественные препятствияto operate at night

under any climatic conditionsбронетранспортер

up-to-date armamentиметь на вооружении



The Infantry is the oldest of the combat arms. From the dawn of time, wars have been predominantly fought by men on foot. That is why it has been often described as "the Queen of Battle".

This role of the first and foremost combat arm is retained by the infantry to this


Its mission is to close with the enemy by fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him, or to repel his attack by fire, close combat, or counterattack.

Modern infantry is much, more complex, than the infantry of the past. As a combat arm it includes infantry, light infantry, mechanized (infantry), motorized, airborne infantry, and air assault infantry units and corresponding service support elements. They are equipped with up-to-date powerful armament and can move by land, sea or air.

Nowadays the infantrymеn can fight on foot or go into action by parachute, helicopter, armored personnel carrier, assault boat, or infantry fighting vehicle. They can operate at night, or under any climatic conditions, and can overcome natural and artificial obstacles that would stop other forces.

Mechanized infantry is organized and equipped for mobile warfare. Its operations in both the offense and defense are characterized by rapid changes in location and rapidly changing from fighting mounted to fighting dismounted .

to fight mounted - вести бой на машинах to fight dismounted - вести бой в пешем строю

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Is infantry a young or an old combat arm?

2. What is the role of infantry on the battlefield?

3. What is the mission of infantry?

4. How can modern infantry be characterized?

5. What units does modern infantry include?

6. What are they equipped with?

7. How can the infantrymen fight nowadays?

8. Under what conditions can they operate?

9. What obstacles can they overcome?

6.Переведите на слух в быстром темпе:

the oldest of the combat arms; вести бой в пешем порядке; the Queen of Battle; сближаться с противником; to repel the enemy attack; огнем; close combat; контратака; modern infantry; пехотные подразделения; light infantry units; мотопехота; motorized units; командир батальона; air assault units; воздушно-десантные подразделения; service support elements; пехотинец; armored personnel carrier; боевая машина пехоты; helicopter; вести боевые действия ночью; under any climatic conditions; преодолевать естественные препятствия; to overcome artificial obstacles.

7. Повторите за преподавателем (лексика поурочного словаря ур. 2).

Lesson 2


antitank (AT)противотанковыйsyn. antiarmor

headquarters (HQ;Hq)штаб (подразделения, части)

battalion h.штаб батальона

company (platoon) h.управление роты (взвода)

headquarters sectionсекция управления

executive officer (XO)начальник штаба (бригады, батальона);

заместитель командира роты

unit staffобщая часть штаба (бригады, батальона)

S1(personnel) officerофицер по личному составу

S2(intelligence) officerофицер по разведке

S3(operations and training)officerофицер по оперативным вопросам и

боевой подготовке

S4(logistics) officerофицер по тылуspecial staff (SS)специальная часть штабаcommunication officer (comm off)офицер по связи; начальник связиmaintenance officer (maint off)офицер по ремонту

chemical (or NBC) officer (NCO)офицер(сержант) - химик

scout platoon (sct plat)разведывательный взвод

mortar platoon (mort plat)минометный взвод

communication platoon (comm plat)взвод связи

support platoon (spt plat)взвод обеспечения

maintenance platoon (maint plat)ремонтный взвод

machine gun (mg; MG)пулемет


1. Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

atk; cbt; catk; АРС; IFV; HQ; BnHQ; CoHQ; XO; CoXO; BnXO; AT; S1; comm off; S2; maint off; S3; NBC NCO; S4; sct plat; mort plat; Spt plat; maint plat; MG; SN; 1SGT; FA; SFC; WO; ADA; Inf; CHC; CE; sqd; sec; armd cav sqdn.

2.Переведите термины и словосочетания:

противотанковая рота; штаб батальона; управление роты; офицер по личному составу; офицер по разведке; офицер по оперативным вопросам и боевой подготовке; офицер по тылу; общая часть штаба батальона; специальная часть штаба батальона; офицер по связи; офицер по ремонту; сержант-химик; разведывательный взвод; минометный взвод; взвод связи; взвод обеспечения; медицинский взвод; ремонтный взвод; пулемет; заместитель командира роты; начальник штаба батальона.

3.Прочитайте за преподавателем (фонетическая тренировка):

attack; counterattack; close combat; to capture; to repel; armored personnel carrier; infantry fighting vehicle; headquarters; executive officer; intelligence officer; operations and training officer; communication officer; maintenance officer; chemical NCO; scout platoon; mortar platoon; communication platoon; support platoon; maintenance platoon; machine gun; Staff Sergeant; Major.

4. Подберите эквиваленты терминов и словосочетаний:

противотанковыйmortar platoon

штаб батальонаsupport platoon

управление ротыmaintenance officer

секция управленияcommunication officer

офицер по личному составуlogistics officer (S4)

офицер по разведкеscout platoon

офицер по оперативным вопросамantitank

и боевой подготовке;

офицер по тылуbattalion headquarters

офицер по связиcompany headquarters

офицер по ремонтуheadquarters section

разведывательный взводpersonnel officer (S1)

минометный взводintelligence officer (S2)

взвод обеспеченияoperations and training officer (S3)

5.Переведите на слух объяснение преподавателем содержания схем 1,2 и 3.

Tactical Symbols

(Тактические условные знаки)

(squad) (military unit)

(headquarters company) (section) (AT company) (or)

scout platoon



mortar platoon



Mech Inf Bn

Mech Inf Co

communication platoon

maintenance platoon

medical platoon




The mechanized infantry battalion is the basic tactical unit of mechanized and armored divisions.

It is organized with a Bn headquarters, a headquarters company, four mechanized infantry companies and an antitank company (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1.

The battalion headquarters (Fig. 2) is 22-men strong. It consists of six sections: BnCmdr's section, Bn XO's section, S1, S2, S3 and S4 sections.

Personnel officer (SI), intelligence officer (S2), operations and training officer (S3) and logistics officer (S4) form a unit staff of the BnHq. Its special staff includes the Bn surgeon, communication officer, maintenance officer and chemical (or NBC) officer (NCO). The first three members of the special staff are corresponding platoon leaders of the headquarters company.

The battalion headquarters is equipped with two M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (Bradley fighting vehicles), three M577A1 command post vehicles and ten radios.

Headquarters Company

The headquarters company (Fig.3) consists of its headquarters and six platoons: scout platoon, communication platoon, mortar platoon, support platoon, maintenance platoon, and medical platoon.

(The company is 345 men strong. It is armed with six M3 Bradley cavalry fighting vehicles (BCFV), six SP 4.2-in mortars, thirty- four cal .50 machine guns, twenty- two M60cal .30 machine guns, fifteen Ml 13A1 APCs, 104-radios and other equipment.) (Fig. 3.)6.Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the role of mechanized infantry battalions in mechanized and armored divisions?

2. What elements is the mechanized infantry battalion organized with?

3. What is the strength of the battalion headquarters?

4. What sections does it consist of?

5. What officers form the unit staff of the battalion headquarters?

6. What are the members of its special staff?

7. What vehicles is the battalion headquarters equipped with?

8. What elements is the headquarters company made up of?

9. How strong is the HqCo?

10.What weapons is the HqCo equipped with?

7.Переведите на слух в быстром темпе:

мотопехотный батальон; the basic tactical unit; механизированные и бронетанковые дивизии; to be organized with; штаб батальона; headquarters company; мотопехотная рота; antitank company; секция командира батальона; Bn XO's section; S1; офицер по разведке; S3; офицер по тылу; unit staff; офицер по связи; special staff; офицер по ремонту; scout section; взвод связи; mortar platoon; ремонтный взвод; support platoon; пулемет калибра 12,7 мм; 4.2 -in mortar; бронетранспортер; radio.

8. Задайте соседу по столу возможно большее количество вопросов по содержанию схем 1,2,3 и оцените правильность его ответов (работа в парах).


Lesson 3


TOW missile launcher (TOW Msl Lchr) Пусковая установка ПТУР «ТОУ»

Dragon antitank missileПТУР «Дракон»(Dragon AT Msl)


gunner (gnr)наводчик

Dragon gunnerоператор ПТУР «Дракон»

driver (dvr)механик-водитель

radio-telephone operator (RTO)радиотелефонист

machine gunnerпулеметчик



assistant (asst)помощник, заместитель

assistant gunnerпомощник наводчика

assistant squad leaderзаместитель командира отделения

Tactical Symbols

(Тактические условные знаки)

(Mechanized infantry squad) (Mechanized infantry platoon) (rifle squad) (AT section) (or) (AT platoon) (or) EXERCISES

1. Прочитайте за преподавателем (фонетическая тренировка):

TOW missile launcher; Dragon antitank missile; crew; gunner; machine gunner;

driver; radio-telephone operator; rifleman; grenadier; assistant squad leader;

intelligence officer; maintenance officer; scout platoon; headquarters company;

company headquarters; executive officer; counterattack.

2. Переведите термины и словосочетания: пусковая установка ПТУР «ТОУ»; ПТУР «Дракон»; наводчик; расчет; пулеметчик; радиотелефонист; стрелок; гранатометчик; заместитель командира отделения; противотанковый; штаб; штабная рота; управление роты; начальник штаба батальона; заместитель командира роты; взвод обеспечения; взвод связи; ремонтный взвод; минометный взвод; разведывательный взвод; медицинский взвод; пулемет; пулемет; офицер по разведке; офицер по оперативным вопросам и боевой подготовке; офицер по личному составу; офицер по тылу; общая часть штаба; специальная часть штаба.

4. Расшифруйте тактические условные знаки:

3. Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения: TOW Msl Lchr; gnr; drv; RTO; asst; asst sqd ldr; asst gnr; XO; AT; S2; comm off; maint off; set plat; comm plat; spt plat; S4; SS; S3; FO; SI; LC; HqCo.

5. Подберите эквиваленты терминов и словосочетаний:



ПТУР «Дракон»assistant squad leader

механик-водительTOW AT missile


пулеметчикDragon AT missile


гранатометчикradio-telephone operatorзаместитель командира отделенияmachine gunner

начальник штаба батальонаrifleman

офицер по разведкеgrenadier

оператор ПТУР «Дракон»destroy

помощник наводчикаfire

огоньDragon gunner

уничтожатьassistant gunner




Antitank Company

The antitank company (Fig.4) provides combat support to mechanized infantry companies and the battalion as a whole.

It is organized with company headquarters and three AT platoons of two AT sections each. The AT section is equipped with two SP M901 TOW Msl Lchrs.

The total strength of the company is five officers and sixty enlisted men. It is armed with twelve SP M901 TOW Msl Lchrs, four Ml 13 APCs, twelve M60 Cal .30 MGs, four

сal .50 MGs, and twenty-one radios.

Two TOW crews in each.


Mechanized Infantry Company

The mechanized infantry company is the basic maneuver element of the mechanized infantry battalion.

It is made up of a company headquarters and three mechanized infantry platoons

(Fig. 5). The total strength of the company is 5 officers and 111 enlisted men.


The company headquarters consists of two sections: company commander's section and company executive officer's section.

The company commander's section is armed with one M2 BIFV and consists of the company commander, company 1st Sergeant, IFV gunner, driver and radio-telephone operator.

The company executive officer's section is equipped with one Ml13 A1 APC and includes the company XO, machine gunner, driver, radio-telephone operator, NBC NCO and rifleman-grenadier.

The mechanized infantry platoon is thirty -five men strong. It is organized with a platoon headquarters and three mechanized infantry squads.

Both the platoon headquarters and the mechanized infantry squads are armed with M2 Bradley IFVs.

The platoon headquarters consists of the platoon leader, platoon sergeant, Bradley IFV gunner, driver and radio-telephone operator.

Each mechanized infantry squad is subdivided into a Bradley IFV crew and a rifle team.

The vehicle crew is made up of three men: the vehicle commander (who is usually the assistant squad leader), the gunner and the driver.

The rifle team consists of six men: a squad leader, two automatic riflemen, one grenadier and two riflemen, one of whom is a designated Dragon gunner.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the mission of the antitank company?

2. What elements is the antitank company organized with?

3. How many TOW Msl Lchrs is the antitank section equipped with?

4. What is the total strength of the antitank company?

5. What weapons is the antitank company equipped with?

6. What is the organization of the mechanized infantry company?

7. What elements does the company headquarters consist of?

8. What is the composition of the company commander's section?

9. What is the composition of the company XO's section?

10. What elements is the mechanized infantry platoon organized with?

11. What is the composition of the platoon headquarters?

12. What is the organization of each mechanized infantry squad?

7. Переведите на слух:

5 officers; 111 enlisted men; two sections; one 113 Al APC; 35 men strong; three squads; two automatic riflemen; one grenadier; one M2 BIFV.

Lesson 4


1. Прочитайте за преподавателем (фонетическая тренировка):

counterattack; Bradley infantry fighting vehicle; artificial obstacles; under any climatic conditions; headquarters company; company headquarters; BnXO; intelligence officer; logistics officer; scout platoon; maintenance officer; machine gunner; assistant squad leader; driver; Dragon antitank missile; crew.

2. Подберите для глаголов подходящие по смыслу словосочетания и переведите:



1. to arm with

combat missions

2. to carry out

fire teams

3. to divide into

different types of shells

4. to fire

hand grenades and rifle grenades

5.to use

better accuracy

6. to provide with

small arms

7. to be characterized by

other arms

8. to include

weapons platoon

9. to support

recoilless rifles

3. Переведите устно:

Мотопехота может вести бой как на машинах, так и в пешем строю. Она может вести боевые действия как днем, так и ночью и в любых климатических условиях. Мотопехотный батальон состоит из штаба, штабной роты, четырех мотопехотных и противотанковой роты. Командир батальона - подполковник. Начальник штаба - майор. В общую часть штаба входят офицер по личному составу, офицер по разведке, офицер по оперативным вопросам и боевой подготовке и офицер по тылу. Численность батальона — 896 солдат и офицеров. Численность роты - 345 человек.

4. Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

atk; cbt; catk; APC; BIFV; GPL; PFC; tip; btry; AT; CoHq; HqCo; S2; Comm off; SS; maint off; SI; set plat; S3; mort plat; comm plat; apt plat; XO; mg; gnr; drv; RTO; asst sqd ldr; TOW Msl Lchr; CofS; CinC; ldr.

5. Расшифруйте тактические условные знаки:

(6. Переведите содержание схемы:Fig.6)

7. Переведите содержание таблицы 1:

Table 1

Mech Inf Bn Units

Personnel (officers and men)

Offs and WOs

Enlisted men

Headquarters and headquarters company



Four mechanized infantry companies, in each



Antitank company






8. Переведите вопросы:

1. Какое у вас звание?

2. Какая у вас должность?

3. В каком роде войск вы служите?

4. Какова организация вашего батальона?

5. Какова организация штаба батальона?

6. Какова численность подразделений батальона?

7. Какое вооружение имеют подразделения батальона?

8. Выступите в роли переводчика на встрече суворовцев с офицером - членом американской военной делегации:

1.Господин майор! В каком роде войск I'm the ХО of a mechanized вы служите и какую занимаете должность ? infantry battalion. So ... I

serve in mechanized infantry.

2.He могли бы вы рассказать нам об Why not? It is not secret. My организации своего батальона? battalion is organized with

its headquarters, headquarters company, four mechanized infantry companies and antitank company.

3.Какова численность мотопехотных Each mechanized infantry companyрот и всего батальона?is 116 men strong. The total

strength of the battalion is 47 commissioned officers and 849 enlisted men.

4. Какое вооружение имеется вThe AT Co is equipped with TOW противотанковой роте? - 12 TOW AT SP Msl Lchrs.

5. Ваши подразделения имеют наOur mechanized infantry battalion вооружении бронетранспортеры is Bradley equipped. I mean it is или_БМП? equipped with Bradley fighting

vehicles. But there are also M113 A1 APCs in the headquarters and antitank companies.

6.Have you visited our militaryNot yet. We are going to do itunits? next week.

9. Повторите за преподавателем (лексика поурочного словаря ур.5).


small arms (SA)стрелковое оружие


submachine gun (SMG)автомат: пистолет-пулемет


automatic rifleавтоматическая винтовка






clipпатронная обойма


round (rd)патрон, выстрел

bipodдвунога, сошка




hand grenadeручная граната

rifle grenadeвинтовочная граната

fragmentation grenadeосколочная граната

smoke grenadeдымовая граната

incendiary grenadeзажигательная граната

illuminating grenadeосветительная граната





muzzle velocityначальная скорость

rangeдальность стрельбы

rate of fireскорострельность

to fire in bursts (long or short)вести огонь очередями

(длинными, короткими)

to fire by single shotsвести одиночный огонь


1. Прочитайте за преподавателем:

small arms; pistol; submachine gun; rifle; automatic rifle; hand grenade; rifle grenade; fragmentation grenade; smoke grenade; incendiary grenade; illuminating; barrel; bolt; stock; clip; magazine; round; muzzle velocity; bipod; tripod; bayonet; organic; range.

2.Переведите термины и словосочетания:

стрелковое оружие, винтовочная граната; ручная граната; осветительная граната; дымовая граната; осколочная граната; зажигательная граната; противотанковая граната; пистолет; автомат; автоматическая винтовка; ствол; затвор; приклад; магазин; выстрел; начальная скорость; сошка; тренога; штык; штатный; находиться на вооружении; дальность; вести огонь очередями; вести одиночный огонь; вести эффективный огонь; на дальности до ... ; скорострельность; прицел; пулемет; взрыватель.

3.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

SA; SMG; incd; frag; AT; set plat; maint off; S2; mort plat; S3; XO; MG; S1; gnr; dvr; CoHQ; S4; CinC; bde; catk; CPL; 2LT; Maj; btry; Cmdr; cbt; 1 LT; Col; rd.

4.Расшифруйте тактические условные знаки:


The mechanized infantry battalion units are equipped with the following types of organic weapons: small arms, hand and rifle grenades, antitank weapons, mortars, infantry and cavalry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, CBN protection, signal and other equipment.


Small arms are pistols, submachine guns, automatic rifles and machine guns.

Cal .45 Automatic Pistol. The Colt .45 (Fig. 7) was adopted in 1911. In 1926 it was modified and now it is still in service with battalion officers and several categories of enlisted men.

The pistol has three main parts: receiver, barrel and a slide. The handle is hollow to permit insertion of the clip with seven rounds. Accurate fire can be delivered at ranges up to 50 yards.

Fig. 7

(Fig 8. 88.)

M16A1 Automatic Rifle. The M16A1 (Fig. 8) is a 5.56-mm, magazine-fed (c магазинным заряжением), gas-operated (действующий на принципе отвода газов) rifle which can fire in bursts or by single-shots. It has a muzzle velocity of 3,250 r .p.s. and a maximum range of 2,653 m. Its weight without bayonet and bipod varies from 7.6 to 7.9 lbs depending on the 20 or 30 rd magazine used.

Cal. 30 M60 Machine Gun. The M60 (Fig. 9) is an air-cooled (с воздушным охлаждением), gas-operated, belt-fed (с ленточной подачей патронов), general purpose (универсальный; общего назначения) machine gun. It can be fired from a bipod, a tripod mount or from the shoulder or hip during assault fire. The machine gun weighs 23 lbs and has a maximum range of 3,725 m.

The M60 machine gun is used for suppressing and destroying ATGM crews, vehicles, and troops.

Fig. 9.

Browning Machine gun Caliber 50. The Cal. 50 MG (Fig. 10) is belt-fed, recoil operated, and air cooled. It can be fired semi-automatically as well as automatically. In mechanized infantry battalions this machine gun is used as the primary armament of Ml13 Al APCs.

(Fig. 10.)The machine gun weighs 84 lbs and can be fired at ranges up to 6,800 m.


Grenades are weapons used by individual soldiers to destroy the enemy in close combat. They are generally classified as hand grenades (Fig. 11) and rifle grenades. The former are divided into fragmentation, smoke, chemical, incendiary and illuminating, while the latter may be AT, fragmentation, signal, and smoke.

The main parts of a grenade are the fuse, the filler, and the body.

Fig. 11

The rifle grenades are fired from grenade launchers.

The M203 40-mm grenade launcher, used by Mech Inf Bn units, is attached to a M16A1 automatic rifle (Fig. 12). It is a single-shot weapon that weighs 1.3 kg. Its rate of fire is 2-4 r.p.s.

(Fig12 12. 12)The M203 GL can destroy targets at ranges of up to 400 m.


5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What types of organic weapons are the Mech Inf Bn units equipped with?

2. What are small arms?

3. When was the Colt .45 adopted?

4. What are the main parts of a pistol (a rifle)?

5. What is the range of its accurate fire?

6. What are the main characteristics of the M16 A1 automatic rifle?

7. What are the characteristics of the cal. 30 M60 machine gun?

8. What targets can this machine gun suppress?

9. What are the main characteristics of the cal .50 MG?

10. How are grenades classified?

11. What are the types of hand and rifle grenades?

12. What are the main parts of a grenade?

13. What are the main characteristics of the M203 grenade launcher ?


helicopter (hel; heptr)вертолет


fighting compartmentбоевое отделение

mortar shellмина

to elevateпридавать угол возвышения

firing portамбразура, бойница

cross country speedскорость по пересеченной местности

cruising rangeзапас хода

trackгусеничная лента, гусеница

crew-served weaponгрупповое оружие


crew-portableпереносимый расчетом

vehicle-mountedустановленный на машине

mounted coaxially with the gunспаренный с пушкой

to climb vertical wallпреодолевать вертикальную стенку

platoon (company, battalion) level взводного (ротного, батальонного) звена


1. Прочитайте за преподавателем:

helicopter; wire; fighting compartment; mortar shell; to elevate: firing port; cross country speed; cruising range; track; crew-served weapon; man-portable; shoulder-fired; crew served; vehicle - mounted; optically-tracked; unwind; mounted coaxially; climb vertical wall; to send guidance signals via a wire link; Bradley fighting vehicle; platoon level.

2.Переведите термины и словосочетания:

устанавливать на машине; придавать угол возвышения; амбразура; переносимый расчетом; переносный; групповое оружие; гусеница; запас хода; скорость по пересеченной местности; мина; боевое отделение; разматывать провод; вертолет; с оптическим сопровождением; спаренный с пушкой; преодолевать вертикальное препятствие (стенку); осколочная граната; ствол; прицел; затвор; приклад; тренога; взрыватель; корпус; начальная скорость.

3.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

hel; SA; SMG; Frag; Incd; rd; gnr; dvr; asst gnr; Msl Lchr; asst sqd ldr; MC; SECDEF; CofS; СЕ; CHC; .SigC; SN; AT; NCO; EM; Sp4; WO; Pvt; CPL; 1LT; PSGT.

(4. Расшифруйте тактические условные знаки:)TEXT



M-47 Dragon AT Msl Lchr. The Dragon (Fig. 13) is a man-portable, shoulder-fired, platoon-level medium antitank weapon (MAW). The missile is launched from a smooth bore tube and is automatically guided to the target by guidance signals sent via a wire link.

(Fig. 13)The total weight of the Msl Lchr is 31.9 lbs. It is 45.5-in long and 11.5-in in diameter. The missile's maximum range is 1000 m and its minimum range is 65 m.

TOW AT Msl Lchr. The TOW (tube launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missile is vehicle-mounted or crew-portable. The antitank company of the Mech Inf Bn is equipped with M901 SP TOW Msl Lchr.

The TOW missile is the NATO primary and most powerful heavy antitank weapon at company and battalion level. Its primary mission is to destroy armor, but it is also employed against bunkers and crew-served weapons and has limited self-defense capabilities against helicopters.

With a range of 3,750 meters, TOW receives automatic corrections in flight through two thin wires that unwind from the missile and link it to the launcher.


The US Army units are equipped with 60-mm, 81-mm, and 4.2 in mortars. The Mech Inf Bn is equipped with 106A2 SP 4.2-in mortars.

M106A2 SP 4.2-in mortar. The 106A2 SP 4.2-in mortar. (Fig. 14) uses the chassis of M113A1 APC. The mortar is mounted on a rotating platform, in the vehicle's fighting compartment. When necessary it may be removed from the carrier and fired from the ground.

The 4.2-in mortar can fire fragmentation, smoke, chemical, and illuminating mortar shells at ranges in excess of 5,400 m. Its rate of fire is 5-10 r.p.m.

The 106A2 is also equipped with cal.50 AA machine gun, mounted on the commander's hatch.

(M106A2 SP 4.2-in mortarFig. 14.)


The US mechanized infantry battalion (Bradley equipped) is armed with M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (Bradley fighting vehicles), Bradley cavalry fighting vehicles and M113A1 armored personnel carriers.

M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The M2BIFV (Fig. 15) was adopted in 1980 to replace 113 APCs in mechanized infantry battalions.

Its main armament is the M242 25-mm gun which can be elevated to 60 degrees to engage both ground and air targets.

The vehicle is also equipped with a 7.62-mm machine gun, mounted coaxially with the gun, a TOW antitank launcher, and six M231 5.56-mm firing port weapons (modified MI6A1 rifles).

The 7.62-mm MG is mounted to the right and the TOW Msl Lchr - to the left of the main gun. The M231 weapons are mounted in both sides and rear of the vehicle's hull.

The Bradley has a top road speed of 42 m.p.h., a cross country speed of up to 30 m.p.h. and a cruising range of 300 miles.

The 25-ton vehicle can climb a three-foot vertical wall and cross an 8.3 - foot trench. It can swim, making 4.4 m.p.h. in the water, propelled by its own tracks.

Fig. 15

M113A1 Armored Personnel Carrier. The 113 APC was adopted in 1960. For more than three decades it was in service with all the US Army units. But nowadays, lacking the heavy fire support armament, necessary for mechanized infantry operations and unable to keep pace with the M1 tank, the M113 will be replaced as a squad carrier by the M2 IFV in most armored and mechanized divisions. It will be retained only in units which have M60 - series tanks.

Nevertheless, Ml13s will be around well beyond the 2000. The Ml13A1 (Fig. 16) has a 212- horsepower, six-cylinder diesel engine. Its loaded weight, with a 2-man crew and 11-man infantry squad, is 12.3 tons, and the maximum road speed is 42 m.p.h. The vehicle's cruising range is about 300 miles. The APC is armed with one Cal .50 MG.

The 113 APC chassis has been used for many other purposes in more than 20

different models including MI06A2 carrier for the 4.2-in-mortar, M125A2-carrier for the 81- mm. mortar, M577A2 command post vehicle, etc.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the medium and heavy AT Msls of the US Mech Inf Bn?

2. How is the Dragon AT Msl launched and guided to the target?

3. What are the main characteristics of the Dragon missile?

4. What does the term "TOW" mean?

5. Is TOW Msl Lchr vehicle - mounted or crew-portable?

6. What type of TOW Msl Lchr is the Mech Inf Bn equipped with?

7. What is the primary mission of TOW AT missiles?

8. What is the maximum range of TOW missiles?

9. How is the TOW missile guided?

10. What types of mortars are the US Army units equipped with?

11. What are the main characteristics of the 4.2-in mortar?

12. What mortar shells can it fire?

13. What infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers is the US Army Mech Inf Bn armed with?

14. What armament is the M2 Bradley IFV equipped with?

15. What are the speed, range and other characteristics of the Bradley fighting vehicle?

16. What units are equipped with M113 APCs?

17. What are the main characteristics of the M113А1 APC?

18. Is the M113 APC chassis used for other purposes?

6. Примите участие в двустороннем переводе по содержанию схем 13-16 (работа в группах по три человека)


1.Прочитайте за преподавателем:

small arms; submachine gun; automatic rifle; fragmentation grenade; incendiary; mortar shell; bolt; muzzle velocity; bayonet; fuse; helicopter; fighting compartment; cross country speed; crew-served weapon; vehicle-mounted.


Суффиксы существительных -ion, -tion, -ation

С помощью этих суффиксов от глагольных основ образуются существительные, которые обозначают действие или процесс, состояние или качество:

действовать to operate— operation операция, бойзащищать to protect—protection защита

поддерживать связь to communicate— communication связьустанавливать to install— installation установка, устройство

готовить(ся) to prepare— preparation подготовка

перевозить to transport— transportation транспортировка Суффиксы существительных -ty, -ity

С их помощью от основ прилагательных образуются абстрактные существительные, которые обозначают состояние, положение, свойство, качество:

подвижный mobile- mobility подвижность

активный active- activity активность

Суффиксы прилагательных -cut, -ive

С помощью этих суффиксов образуются прилагательные от глагольных основ:

различать(ся) to differ- different различный

зависеть to depend- dependent зависимый

действовать to act- active деятельный, активный

оборонять to defend -defensive оборонительный

Суффикс прилагательных -ful

С помощью этого суффикса от основ существительных образуются прилагательные и обозначают наличие качества или свойства, выраженного основой:

польза use - useful полезный

мощь power - powerful мощный

2. Переведите слова и укажите, от каких частей речи они образованы: different, powerful, independent, operation, mobility, protection, communication, installation, preparation, transportation.

3.Переведите устно:

Мотопехотный батальон имеет на вооружении стрелковое оружие, ручные и винтовочные гранаты, противотанковые ракеты; минометы, боевые машины пехоты, бронетранспортеры и другое вооружение. Максимальная дальность стрельбы из винтовки M16A1 - 2653 м. Из пулемета М60 можно вести огонь с треноги, двуноги, с упором в плечо или с бедра. Гранаты подразделяются на ручные и винтовочные. Первые могут быть осколочными, дымовыми, химическими, зажигательными и осветительными, а винтовочные - противотанковыми, осколочными, сигнальными и дымовыми. Основными частями гранаты являются корпус, заряд и взрыватель. Скорострельность гранатомета М203 - 2-4 вылета в минуту. Он может поражать цели на дальности до 400 метров.

4.Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

SA; incd; gnr; SMG; dvr; catk; asst sqd Ldr; frag; spt plat; RTO; Msl Lchr; hel; comm off; MG; S2; IFT; S3; mort plat; Maj; В FV; XO; BCFV; S1; CoHq; HqCo; Col.

(5. Запомните тактические условные знаки вооружения мотопехотного батальона:)




6. Переведите содержание таблицы 2.

US Mech Inf Bn Weapons

Table 2



M 113

M 90


SP 4.2-










Cal .30

5.56 mm





AT Msl Lchr





Hq & HqCo









Four Mech Inf









Cos (in each)

AT company


















7. Прочитайте текст и передайте его содержание на английском или русском языке (в зависимости от языковой подготовки суворовца):

Dragon Medium Antitank Missile

Dragon is a medium-range (1,000 meters), wire-guided antitank missile that replaced the 90-mm recoilless rifle. It is accurate, man-portable, tank-fighting weapon at platoon level. Dragon's lethal striking power makes it possible for a single infantryman to challenge armored vehicles, fortified bunkers, concrete gun emplacements and other targets.

The missile and launcher weigh about 30 pounds.

Because of its light weight, Dragon is particularly desirable in airborne and airmobile operations.

8.Переведите в быстром темпе:

управление роты; headquarters company; уничтожить противника; to capture the enemy; вести боевые действия ночью; to fight on foot; оператор ПТУР "Дракон"; radio-telephone operator; стрелок; assistant squad leader; двунога; tripod; граната; bауоnеt;ствол; sight; штатный; muzzle velocity; вести одиночный огонь; to fire in long burst; автоматическая винтовка; incendiary; осветительная граната; butt; автомат; rate of fire; взрыватель.

9.Переведите на слух числительные:

13 Bradley fighting vehicles; 111 человек; one Cal .50 MG; 9 ПТУР "Дракон"; 18 M249 5.56-mm machine guns; 23 БТР; 54 M2 Bradley fighting vehicles; 327 сержантов и рядовых.

10.Переведите на слух на русский язык:

The scout platoon of the headquarters company is equipped with six M3 Bradley cavalry fighting vehicles.

M113A1 APCs are in service with the headquarters and antitank companies of the Mech Inf Bn.

11. Дайте два варианта перевода вопросов:

Какова численность вашего отделения? Какое вооружение имеется в вашем вз