Summer term Week 4: Week commencing 11th May 2020 Reading: Everyone in the juniors should now have a login for Reading Plus. Please see the guide some of our Year 6 children have made if you are struggling to log on. Please email me if you do not know your reading plus login: [email protected] Reading-Plus-Guide-for-Northcote-Parents Task 1: Reading speed and questioning: Make sure you are reading daily on your Reading Plus. Now that the weather is nice, make sure you are using some time to sit and read in sunshine. Although we cannot go out to different places, reading is able to transport us to wherever our imagination takes us. Task 2: Reading for pleasure: Read an E-book/listen to an audio book. Discuss with somebody in your house how it compares to reading from a physical book yourself. Did you enjoy it? Why/why not? https://www.worldbookday.com/storytime-online/ https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/ storybooks-and-games/ https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ https://www.oliverjeffers.com/books https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ Fantastic comic strip from Niamh:

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Summer term Week 4: Week commencing 11th May 2020



Everyone in the juniors should now have a login for Reading Plus. Please see the guide some of our Year 6 children have made if you are struggling to log on. Please email me if you do not know your reading plus login: [email protected]


Task 1: Reading speed and questioning: Make sure you are reading daily on your Reading Plus.

Now that the weather is nice, make sure you are using some time to sit and read in sunshine. Although we cannot go out to different places, reading is able to transport us to wherever our imagination takes us.

Task 2: Reading for pleasure: Read an E-book/listen to an audio book. Discuss with somebody in your house how it compares to reading from a physical book yourself. Did you enjoy it? Why/why not?







Fantastic comic strip from Niamh:

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Task 1:  Advertisements

Last week, you created a poster advertising the festival - The Day of the Dead. This week, you are going to continue looking at advertisements and create your own one, advertising something you love!

PART 1: First, I want you to look at the two adverts below. They are both advertising the same thing, but which advert is more effective? Which advert would make you want to buy the product and why? Can you create your own W.I.L.F. for a persuasive advert? Think about the structure and the language features used.

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Document - Good vs Bad advert


PART 2: Next, I want you to look at the example of the poor advertisement below. Your job is to improve/up-level it to make it a good advertisement, using your W.I.L.F criteria from above.

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Document - Improving an advert


PART 3: Create your own advert! It can be about anything you want but remember, you want people to buy your product, so selling something that you love might be easier! This may be a type of food, or a toy/game, phone, perfume, jewellery etc. Use the help sheets below to ensure you are using powerful persuasive vocabulary!

Document - Useful words and phrases

I cannot wait to see your final advertisements! Don't forget to email them to me: [email protected]


Task 2: Creative writing: 

Pobble 365 upload a new picture every day. Go on the link for one day this week and write a story about the image you can see. Make sure you tweet or email it to us so we can see what you’ve been doing – it also gives me a chance to enjoy some exciting new stories!


*Don’t forget all of the sentence types we have learnt, to help engage your reader:

2A, Double ly, the more, the more, if....then, ad same ad etc.

If you have forgotten these, click on this school's link, which has posters for each sentence type:

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Don't forget to email me your stories ! [email protected]


Niamh's fantastic 'Day of the Dead' poster and her super creative writing using Pobble:

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Lovely creative writing from Emily:

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Maths: division

Normally, each half term starts with revising our four operations.

This week, our focus is: division.

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Task 1: 

Use the video link to help remind you how to complete divisions using the bus stop method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLze82Zcc4Y

I have included three sets of questions below. The different spices represent the different levels, so choose the spice which you feel you can complete best!

Mild Medium Hot78 ÷ 6 =

68 ÷ 4 =

81 ÷ 3 =

48 ÷ 3 =

57 ÷ 3 =

95 ÷ 5 =

91 ÷ 7 =

84 ÷ 7 =

56 ÷ 4 =

72 ÷ 4 =

816 ÷ 3 =

868 ÷ 4 =

285 ÷ 5 =

927 ÷ 3 =

252 ÷ 4 =

348 ÷ 4 =

252 ÷ 3 =

356 ÷ 4 =

192 ÷ 3 =

385 ÷ 5 =

804 ÷ 6 =

819 ÷ 7 =

959 ÷ 7 =

402 ÷ 6 =

581 ÷ 7 =

536 ÷ 8 =

756 ÷ 9 =

544 ÷ 8 =

504 ÷ 7 =

576 ÷ 9 =           



  Task 2 - Reasoning:  

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Task 3: Word problems

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Worksheet - Division word problems


Task 4: Mental Maths

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Worksheet - Mental Maths 3


ANSWERS from last week: 

Task 1:  

HOT - Multiplication answers

MEDIUM - Multiplication answers

MILD - Multiplication answers

Task 2:

1. True. 12 x 6 = 72 and  9 x 8 is also 72. Both multiplications get the same answer.

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2. Helen is correct, 6 x 49 = 294 (show the working out using the short method for multiplication).

3. 4 x 235 = 940. 212 x 5 = 1060. 137 x 6 = 822. (show the working out using the short method for multiplication).

Task 3:  

1. 152 x 7 = 1064 loaves2. 365 x 4 = 1460 soldiers3. 746 x 6 = 4476 presents4. 9 x 47 = 423p or £4.235. 592 x 8 = £4736

Task 4:   Mental Maths 2 Answers


Some great maths work last week Niamh!

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PPT - Classifying Living Things

PDF - Classifying Living Things


Task 1: Classification Table

First, I would like you to complete the classification table. You are going to identify the characteristics of different rainforest animals.

WORKSHEET - Rainforest Classification Table


Task 2: Classification Key

After completing your classification table, you are going to use the information to create a classification key. Use this link to the BBC website to find out more about classification keys: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxjj6sg/articles/z9cbcwx

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Don't forget to send me your work: [email protected]


Niamh completed her Carroll and Venn diagrams last week - great job!

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More excellent Science work from Emily last week:

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Humanities - History: Anglo Saxons


Anglo-Saxon Entertainment

PPT - Anglo-Saxon entertainment

PDF - Anglo-Saxon entertainment

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TASK 1:   Using what you have learnt about entertainment during the Anglo-Saxon period, you are now going to create a poster or Pic Collage all about what Anglo-Saxons did for fun!


TASK 2:   Write a short paragraph comparing what children did for fun in Anglo-Saxon times and contrast it with what children do for fun today!


An excellent Anglo-Saxon menu as well as research about their farming methods completed by Niamh last week:

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Another excellent Anglo-Saxon menu as well as research about their farming methods completed by Emily last week:


Art: Drawing

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Before we finished school, you had all been working really hard on your drawing skills with Mrs Monks. You looked at different techniques when drawing and I would like you to recap these skills at home. 

This week's focus: shading

Task: Click on the picture to watch the video to find out more about shading, then try it out yourself!


Niamh has been practising different drawing techniques:

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Task 1: Keeping healthy: 

o Joe Wickes has been doing a session every day to help keep our bodies healthy while we are at home. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuHn84_as427AwkVpahrqti

o Oti Mabuse holds live dance sessions on YouTube at 11.30: https://www.youtube.com/user/mosetsanagape/videos

o Rising Stars free lunchtime football skills classes three times a week (Mon, Wed and Fri at 1pm), all you need is a football! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvv0t_SvDgMqWenq_02lVw

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o If you need to stretch or relax, try some yoga. https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga


Task 2: Compare performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve your personal best.

Objective: foot-eye-coordination. 

Task 1: In one minute, do as many 'Take stops’ as you can. Record how many you get each day and see if you can improve daily. I've put a link here if you need help with these: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkFlgOi4diQ

 Task 3: Create a fun game that you can play at home during lockdown. You need to use items that are available around the house e.g. toilet roll, rolled up socks, baskets, paper cups etc. Share videos of your game, including rules, on the school twitter page for other children to watch and play at home.  Niamh and her younger sister have been comparing how many jumping jacks they can complete during their hour of exercise each day, and plotting the results on a graph! Very impressive!

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Online Safety - Secure Websites

It is so important that you are aware of all the different ways to stay safe online, especially during this time when you will all be using the internet and technology a lot more than usual. Whilst researching and completing tasks, you will be using different websites. It is important that you understand how to make sure that the websites that you are accessing are safe and secure.


Task   1:  Read the PPT/PDF to learn about how to tell if a site is secure.

PPT - Secure Websites

PDF - Secure Websites


Task 2: Can you now answer the questions below?

1. How do you tell that a website is secure and that it is safe to give personal information?

2. Are there any warning signs to look out for that might tell you that a website is not secure or even fraudulent?


Task 3: Create a poster/information leaflet about what you have learned!







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This week's focus: Animals and their habitats

TASK - Complete the worksheet - Spanish - Animals and their habitats


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Answers from last week - Spanish - Animals answers


Great Spanish work again from Niamh:



STORY:  The 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

QUESTION: What is VE day?

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Since 1945, the end of World War Two in Europe has been marked by Victory in Europe Day, better known as VE Day. On 8th May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany’s surrender the day before. This year, the 8th May 2020 marked 75 years since the first VE Day!

Until the current Covid-19 crisis struck, there had been plans to stage celebratory events and street parties in many places. Sadly, this has all had to be cancelled but many chose to celebrate virtually; holding video parties, decorating their homes or baking to celebrate whilst in lockdown!

Take a look at this clip to learn more about the importance of VE day: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/ve-day-2020-date-about-lockdown-celebrations-a4429631.html

Task 1: Complete a drawing of the 1945 VE Day celebration

Carefully read the extract below.  It is an extract from a poem written by Jack Woods, a 12 year old evacuee at the time of the original VE Day.


Can you imagine how it felt hearing such positive news about the end of the war nearing?

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Use the description to draw a picture of what you think the VE Day celebration might have looked like.

We would love to see your drawings of the VE Day celebration.  Don’t forget to tweet your work to @NorthcoteSch or email it to [email protected]


Task 2: On Friday 8th May, VE Day, it was also the 94th birthday of our national treasure - Sir David Attenborough! I would like you to research all about him and present your work as a poster/PPT, however you like, to answer the question below...

Why is David Attenborough's work so important?


 Last week, Niamh created a board game 'Roam around Rome' and also interviewed her parents to understand more about toys of the past and present. Incredible work!

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Religious Education

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NATRE (The National Association of Religious Education) have organised a competition that can be completed at home.  The competition is based on Spirited Arts and Spirited Poetry.  

Task: I hope you had chance to sketch some of the art pieces last week.  This week we are going to look at some poems.  Look at these examples and see if you can write your own poem about God.


Keywan, age 8.

Hide and Seek With God

Dad, is God real because if She is where is She?

No son he is everywhere, He’s a He, for goodness sake and He

doesn’t have a key.

If God is everywhere, Dad, is He right next to me?

No son, I didn’t mean that, I meant He’s in heaven watching all over us.

Where’s heaven, Dad?



Amand, age 7.

God In My Dance

When the music starts I feel free and happy

and the emotions that I have are so amazing and the suit

feels fluffy

and soft and some of the moves I do is pike and also straddle and

many more

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When I dance I feel closer to God in every step I do

It’s like he’s always there in school

he is always supporting me

I am so lucky to have him in my life and in my heart




Use the video below to help you learn this song.

To gain 1 credit:

Task: Get someone to film you or take pictures of you singing a rainbow (you could do this with a family member for support).

Send it to [email protected] and don’t forget to tag us @NorthcoteSch on Twitter!





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What else have Class 9 been up to?

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Super PowerPoint! - Puppies and Bunnies - by Emily