Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman Personal Project Student code: 21600 Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics Global Context: Fairness and development 1

 · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

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Page 1:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

Personal Project

Student code:



Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics

Global Context:

Fairness and development


Page 2:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman



The goal of my project was to show that the special Olympics aren't as bad as what people think they are. From what I hear from people is that there bad and no one watches the special Olympics. So I decided I would make a fund raiser where a special Olympics team vs the south Adelaide U 16 div 4 boys, these teams I feel are a team where they will compete but can show the special Olympic players what they can do. But due to the Covid-19 Restrictions I couldn’t do this game so instead I chose to do a student vs teacher basketball game with me being the representative of the special Olympics. But also due to the Covid-19 I couldn’t do that either.

Global Context:

I didn’t achieve my goal because the game could never happen because of the Current state of the world but I had spent time organizing the players for the student vs teacher basketball game. because it was a basketball game is was a contact sport so due to the Corona couldn’t happen. This would have taken and the end of term2. this would have happened because I wanted to show people how good special Olympic players are against the non-disabled. I always loved basketball, but I loved to help other players get better and by pushing them to their limits, it was my interest to play hard and push everyone to their limit and make everyone improve. I felt the goal I set for my self was easy due to the time I set it but as time went of the state of the world at the time. But since the Coronavirus came from china this couldn’t be done.

The global context I picked was Fairness and development, I picked this as my global context because I picked two basketball teams that are evenly matched which makes it fair but I have made it so the special Olympics are still getting better which is the development bit of the global context

The goal relates to the global context because I was going to do a basketball game between the U 16 div 4 boys VS the Special Olympics team. The global context I chose was Fairness and


Page 3:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

development and I felt that related to the goal because it would have developed both teams and it was fair.

My goal was not very hard before all this Covid stuff came to our shores but since it did it was extremely difficult. because Basketball is a contact sport and we had to social distance we couldn’t do it. It went from easy to Impossible.

Prior Knowledge and specific subjects' knowledge:

I Knew about basketball when I was in primary school and started playing very early on in my life and would have used this if we had to play our game. I also learned through school basketball Miss Harrison being a real big help to my abilities. She trained me and guided me into the right direction with my basketball and I do owe her a lot. But I haven't learned anything about basketball through the MYP it was already known to me how to do everything. I found out about basketball at school, but I found out about the special Olympics from my family. All this knowledge was useful to me to find the right people to talk to organize it.


When I went into some research and I found some NBA players that support the Charity. Some consist of: Damien Lillard, Deven Booker, Ricky Rubio, Yao Ming and Andre Drummond. And since I’m doing a charity game of basketball these players. some other Pro sports players include Didier Drogba (a legendary Soccer player)

Before this project my researching was not to great, but it really depends on what subject for and example if it was history I would be better because I could spend hours trying to find the best website possible, if it was something like English I wouldn’t be so good cause I don’t like it and I want it to finish it as soon as Possible.

I have used some sources I wouldn’t normally use, I went onto the Special Olympics website to find out Who the big Basketball player ambassadors where if I didn’t go on this website then I would have never found this out.

I didn’t really improve on any research skill through this Project. Because I do have a passion for the Special Olympics and basketball, so I just did what I normally did when I'm researching.

Add the BIB at home for the Special Olympics websites used to find the ambassadors. Make sure it is alphabetical order


Page 4:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman



Add Criteria here...

The Goal To set up a charity basketball game for the special Olympics to raise money for the cause

The global context Fairness and Development.

Cost Martials Impact



The student Briefly explained what type of cost there was and how much money/ time was used

The student outlines the cost used to form the Special Olympics charity game

The student Briefly Explained what martials where used to create the product

The student Outlines the martials used to create the product.

The student Briefly was able to explain the impact this had on the special Olympics.

The student outlines the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.



The student Describes how much cost there was used and what type it was.

The student explains the cost used for the of the special Olympics charity game

The student Describes the martials used to create the product

The student Explains the martials used to create the product

The student Describes the Impact this has on the special Olympics.

The students explains the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.

5-6 The Student can justify

The Student can Justify the

The student can Justify the


Page 5:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman


what was used in the cost with diversity, Balanced and simple context.

The student Analyses the amount of cost used to create this game

amount of martials used to create the product and how they used the Martials to create the final product.

impact this has on the people in the special Olympics

The student can Analyses how this will impact the special Olympics in the future.



The student is able to explain and Justify with excellently describe the amount of cost used to create this game for the special Olympians

The student is able to evaluate and analyses the amount of cost used to put the games together

The student tis able to Explain and Justify the materials used to create the final product

The student is able to Excellently explain how the put the product together

The student is able to Explain and justify the impact this has on the special Olympics

The student explains excellently how this will impact the special Olympics in the future

Planning Process and development process (do later for the criteria:

What did you include in your Criteria and why. (This should take up most of your word count).

I feel that my Criteria describes Things I could have done if the game went through because of Covid-19 I couldn’t do Most of what my Criteria said.

No I didn't make any changes o my criteria because I fell this is what my game could have looked like and the requirements that where need for the games I was going to run but due to the Covid-19 this never happened

No, I didn’t record much because the product never happened, so I did feel like there was anything to record on my Prosses journal. because of this my journal only has 2 pages instead of the 10 that was advised to me


Page 6:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

What short- and long-term planning did you do throughout the project (cite as appendix 1 using the prosses journal extracts).

I didn’t really do any planning because i did nt think it was do able due to the Covid –19 Pandemic but I figured that is was somehow possible and it went to the point where it wasn’t do able so I said I cant do it

How did you ensure that your planning had a strong focus on the Project (not General and able to be applied to anyone applied to anyone else’s Project e.g. specific dates, deadline and clear records)?

i dint really plan for this project because I'm very lazy and couldn't care less about learning at school, but like I said in the planning section I do care about some subjects at school.

How did the project progress from the start to finish (present and record using process journal extracts)?

My project didn’t go to well because I was waiting for the COVID-19 Thing to settle down but it never did and I paniced and didn’t start my report till week 1 term 3. ,

My project never really started until the end of term 2 when u started to plan the student vs teacher game because the Special Olympics never really started back up until the second week of school in term 3.

Self-Management skills:

How were yourself management skills (strengths and limitations) at the start. of the prject?

My self-management was very bad I did start the report until it was a week till it was due. because of this the report is a bit rushed, I was waiting for the Covid Restrictions to go down so I can do the game but I did know till a week before it was due that it was not possible I didn’t do any in the holidays so because of that myself management skills were not good at all

I haven't done a good job since I never did my product and I was waiting and hoping for COVID-19 cases would go down and the rules would go down, but they never did until it was to late.


Page 7:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

I didn’t really use the journal to much because not much happened with my project, nothing really happened all I did was the criteria, timeline and attempt to put together a basketball game for the special Olympics

My state of mind didn’t really change throughout the whole project I thought it was due in term 3 so I just left it while the COVID-19 was happening to see if I could do my product my I couldn’t unfortunately.

Word count 955

Taking action

To start my product, I had to talk to the coaches of both the Special Olympics and South Adelaide to see if they both wanted to play but both teams couldn’t play for the safety of the players and I completely understand. So, I decided to do a teacher vs student game to try to raise some money for the cause.

I decided to do a charity basketball game because the special Olympics is very close to me and I decided to give the players an experience that some of the players just will never get.

I didn’t achieve my final produced due to COVID-19 I couldn’t complete my product.

If my product happened, then it would have developed the special Olympic players by playing players harder than what they ae used to. and i made the match up fair as possible. South Adelaide would be competing a Australian Player (for the special Olympics) and with my experience he is good so that is why this game would be fair.

My thinking skills are garbage I couldn’t think of doing anything while the COVID-19 was happening.

Didn’t use any critical thinking skills like in every subject.

I would have to use my creative thinking in the game if it had happened, during basketball games the players have to think nonstop about what's happening on the court and this is how the special Olympic players would have to play since they are playing better competition.

Doing the research didn’t help with my thinking at all throughout this project I thought my thinking was unnecessary because I just had to talk to some people to get a game together.

I didn’t real problems other than I couldn’t do the product and having to get permission by the principle.

I had to think of a way to get a game going with the COVID-19, so I decided to do a student vs teacher game instead. This never happened when I got to get permission and when I was told I couldn’t do it I was not to happy.

I didn’t develop any thinking skills throughout this project.

My social skills where ok at the start at the project but I can't judge that.

I emailed some of the teachers to see if they were interested in taking part in the teacher vs student basketball game. I verbally asked some of my peers to compete as well.


Page 8:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

I interacted with the students that where interested in playing the game I also emailed the teachers to see if they wanted to take part in the game.

I worked effectively with my peers and teachers that wanted to participate in the game. but this was at the pointy end of the project.

I didn’t develop any social skills throughout this project.


I'm not happy with the outcome of the product, because it never happened there's not much to be happy about. But if I had done the product it would have been a lot of fun to do.

I think I did everything that my criteria said but take away the materials for the product. I feel like I described everything in my report with a few things where I briefly said what I did.

I could have probably made more of an effort to get the product to happen for example I could have done it during the summer holidays. but I didn't think COVID-19 would reach Australia so i just left it to the last few weeks when I realized that it wasn’t happening.

My knowledge of the special Olympics has improved, I didn’t know that such big basketball players where supporting the special Olympics and I was stunned to find that the first special Olympics was in Germany.

I just knew that fairness and development was to develop players in a fair way. Meaning to make it a challenge but make it a fair game at the same time.

I feel like I don’t have any strengths or weakness I just do what I have to do and get it done this is what makes me, me and nothing will change that.

Word count: 2542


Camp Shriver - The Beginning of a Movement n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, .Berlin, Germany selected to host the 2023 Special Olympics

World Games n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, .Global Ambassadors n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, <https://www.specialolympics.org/about/ambassadors/>.


Page 9:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

FUNDRAISING & CHARITY EVENT MANAGEMENT n.d., Google, Twitter, Facebook, instagram, youtube,, N.p., viewed 5 June 2020, <https://www.scopeproductions.com.au/charity-events/>.

Apendix 1 (Timeline)

This is what it is for now, it depends on the restrictions dew to the Covid-19.

Term 4

Duration Week Description Resources required

2-3 days 6 Started thinking of my Personal Project product My brain

5 days 7 Started my proposal Managebac

5 days 8 Finished my proposal Managebac

Summer holidays

Date Week Description Resources required

2 days 1 N/A N/A

2 Family Holiday

3 N/A

4 N/A



Page 10:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman


6 N/A

2-3 days 7 N/A N/A

Term 1

Date Week Description Resources required

5 days 1 N/A N/A

5 weeks 2



3 N/A

4 N/A

5 N/A

6 N/A


Page 11:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

7 N/A

2-5 days 8 N/A


2-5 days 9 N/A N/A

2-3 days 10 N/A N/A

5 days 11 N/A N/A

Autumn Holidays

Date Week Description Resources required

1 Break

2-3 days 2 N/A

Term 2

Date Week Description Resources required

8 weeks


Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams


Page 12:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

Started my Reaserch, critera, timeline and

stated report.








2-5 days 9

5 days 10 Writing report Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams

Winter Holidays

Date Week Description Resources required

5 days 1 Organise the product Meeting place, outlook

5 days 2 Do the Product Basketball Stadium


Page 13:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

Term 3

Date Week Description Resources required

5 days 1 Writing report Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams

5 days 2 Finalise and Upload report Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams

Apendix 2 (Criteria)

The Goal To set up a charity basketball game for the special Olympics to raise money for the cause

The global context Fairness and Development.

Cost Martials Impact



The student Briefly explained what type of cost there was and

The student Briefly Explained what martials where used to create

The student Briefly was able to explain the impact this had on the


Page 14:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

how much money/ time was used

The student outlines the cost used to form the Special Olympics charity game

the product The student

Outlines the martials used to create the product.

special Olympics.

The student outlines the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.



The student Describes how much cost there was used and what type it was.

The student explains the cost used for the of the special Olympics charity game

The student Describes the martials used to create the product

The student Explains the martials used to create the product

The student Describes the Impact this has on the special Olympics.

The students explains the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.



The Student can justify what was used in the cost with diversity, Balanced and simple context.

The student Analyses the amount of cost used to create this game

The Student can Justify the amount of martials used to create the product and how they used the Martials to create the final product.

The student can Justify the impact this has on the people in the special Olympics

The student can Analyses how this will impact the special Olympics in the future.



The student is able to explain and Justify with excellently describe the amount of cost used to create this game for the special Olympians

The student is able to evaluate and analyses the

The student tis able to Explain and Justify the materials used to create the final product

The student is able to Excellently explain how the put the product together

The student is able to Explain and justify the impact this has on the special Olympics

The student explains excellently how this will impact the special Olympics in the future


Page 15:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

amount of cost used to put the games together

Apendix 3 journal entries

Helpful tips to plan for a charity event,Define your goals for the eventIf you are putting on a fundraiser, you will have a particular figure in mind of how much you would like to raise. Remember that you will need to deduct your expenses, so deciding on a budget early for the event is paramount. If the key purpose is to gain publicity, keep in mind how you will achieve maximum exposure for your cause. (if its not a public event figure out how to get some of the money). Choose a theme or type of eventChoosing a theme for your event helps you plan more effectively. Charity events are more successful when they are fun and entertaining, even when you are raising money for a serious cause. Think about running a casino night or gala dinner, or pick a theme to tune in with your entertainment and styling.Contact partners and sponsorsEngaging with external vendors and local businesses can help keep costs low. They will supply food, drink and other event supplies in exchange for promotion of their business at the event. (this is if the special olympics are playing against the club team). Draw up a planIf you haven’t done this already, now is the time to involve a charity event management team.Market and sell your eventOne of the most important elements planning a charity event is ensuring it is well attended. Advertise the event well in advance on social media, via ambassadors, other businesses and any other marketing channels you have. If you are selling tickets try to sell as many as possible before the event rather than at the door.

June 5, 2020 1:52 PM

Some of the Ambassadors that are big in basketball,15

Page 16:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

When I went into some research and I found some NBA players that support the Charity. Some consist of: Damien Lillard, Deven Booker, Ricky Rubio, Yao Ming and Andre Drummond. June 5, 2020 1:50 PM

Bibliography so far, Camp Shriver - The Beginning of a Movement n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, .Berlin, Germany selected to host the 2023 Special Olympics

World Games n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, .Global Ambassadors n.d., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, N.p., viewed 30 May 2020, <https://www.specialolympics.org/about/ambassadors/>.FUNDRAISING & CHARITY EVENT MANAGEMENT n.d., Google, Twitter, Facebook, instagram, youtube,, N.p., viewed 5 June 2020, <https://www.scopeproductions.com.au/charity-events/>.June 5, 2020 1:47 PM

The AimMy goal is to explore, the rights of able body Olympians and that’s through a charity game to help the community Develop and share the finite money sponsorship, recourses available to them. The aim of the game is to explore equal opportunities by getting team to play against, standard players to show unique skills and techniques are at basketball. This will hopefully help to create a conflict resolution to people of all disabilities, to watch the sport with interest. June 5, 2020 12:58 PM

The Historical factsThe Special Olympics was founded in 1968, it was designed for people that have intellectual disabilities because people that suffer from this, find it hard to fit in with other people in the world, they are different to them. The founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver was finding it hard to find a sporting camp for her son who was suffering from an intellectual disability so she had the idea that people with these types of things would be able to play sports and go to the camps that they hosted. And since then it has been growing with lots of people hearing about it they decide to make the Olympic games but for only people that were suffering from intellectual disabilities. This took place in Chicago on 20th of July 1968 and for every there years


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Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

after that. The next Special Olympics will be held 2023 in Berlin, Germany. From June 16-25. June 5, 2020 12:57 PM

PP timeline Template This is what it is for now, it depends on the restrictions dew to the Covid-19.Term 4 Duration Week Description Resources required 2-3 days 6 Started thinking of my Personal Project product My brain5 days 7 Started my proposal Managebac 5 days 8 Finished my proposal Managebac Summer holidays Date Week Description Resources required 2 days 1


Page 18:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

N/A N/A2 Family Holiday 3 4 5 6 2-3 days 7 N/A N/ATerm 1 Date Week Description Resources required 5 days 1 N/A N/A5 weeks 2 N/AN/A 3 4 5 6


Page 19:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

7 2-5 days 8 N/A 2-5 days 9 N/AN/A2-3 days 10 N/AN/A5 days 11 N/AN/AAutumn Holidays Date Week Description Resources required 1 Break 2-3 days 2 N/ATerm 2 Date Week


Page 20:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

Description Resources required 8 weeks 1 Started my Reaserch, critera, timeline and stated report. Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2-5 days 9 5 days 10 Writing reportMicrosoft office, Managebac, Teams Winter Holidays Date Week Description Resources required 5 days 1 Organise the product Meeting place, outlook 5 days


Page 21:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

2 Do the ProductBasketball StadiumTerm 3 Date Week Description Resources required 5 days 1 Writing report Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams 5 days 2 Finalise and Upload report Microsoft office, Managebac, Teams June 5, 2020 12:55 PM

The GoalTo set up a charity basketball game for the special Olympics to raise money for the cause The global contextFairness and Development. CostMartials Impact1-2Limited


Page 22:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

o The student Briefly explained what type of cost there was and how much money/ time was used

The student outlines the cost used to form the Special Olympics charity game

The student Briefly Explained what martials where used to create the product

The student Outlines the martials used to create the product. The student Briefly was able to explain the impact this had on the special

Olympics.The student outlines the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.3-4Adequate

o The student Describes how much cost there was used and what type it was.

The student explains the cost used for the of the special Olympics charity game

The student Describes the martials used to create the productThe student Explains the martials used to create the product

o The student Describes the Impact this has on the special Olympics.

The students explains the impact this will have on the special Olympics in the future.



Page 23:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

o The Student can justify what was used in the cost with diversity, Balanced and simple context.

The student Analyses the amount of cost used to create this game

The Student can Justify the amount of martials used to create the product and how they used the Martials to create the final product.

The student can Justify the impact this has on the people in the special Olympics

The student can Analyses how this will impact the special Olympics in the future.7-8Rigorous

o The student is able to explain and Justify with excellently describe the amount of cost used to create this game for the special Olympians

The student is able to evaluate and analyses the amount of cost used to put the games together

The student tis able to Explain and Justify the materials used to create the final product

The student is able to Excellently explain how the put the product together The student is able to Explain and justify the impact this has on the special

Olympics The student explains excellently how this will impact the special Olympics in

the futureJune 5, 2020 10:23 AM

5/6/20 Ive run into a roadblock, i don't think i will be able to get the Special olympics to play against the South Adelaide team so in my report i will have to add this as a difficulty.


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Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

June 5, 2020 10:08 AM

5/6/20 I've done the timeline to what I have predicted is going to happen. Since I'm doing a basketball game i cant do that at the moment because the Australian Government has said not to meet in groups more than 10 and there will be more than 10, here are some alternatives:Teachers VS students to raise money for the Special Olympics a social game at school with people in the year 10 cohort.this is if i cant get the South Adelaide Basketball club to get a team against the special Olympics. June 5, 2020 9:52 AM

5/6/20It is a pupil free day and i came to school to do some of my Personal Project. i completed the Criteria and uploaded it to the documents on the Personal Protect part of Managebac30/5/20Started on the Written report and since i cant organise the game yet (till the Covid-19 Restrictions have been lowered) i had made a start on the historical facts about the Special Olympics. such as Who founded it, Why it was Founded, Where was the First Special Olympics games held, What it was designed to do and when the Special Olympics was Founded.May 29, 2020 11:45 PM

29/5/20Had first meeting with supervisor (Mr Moerman) he ran me through what i had to do and we came up with some ideas:The different forms:WebsitesArticlesInterviewsHistorical factsBooksJournals


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Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman

PhotographsVideo We came up with someone i could interview:Miss HarrisonSources:Who, what when where why are the questions i may have to ask myself and answerIts for the Special Olympics players, to get the experience to play with players much higher skill level and learn form.

February 27, 2020 2:11 PM

On the 27th of feb 2020, which is Personal Project day, we were run through with Mr Wuttke, Miss potter and Mr Coats, about what to write in my Entry: who you talked to, did you talk to your peers, when did you have a meeting with your superviser and did you have any interviews with the people involved . they also explained how to the report.


Page 26:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman


Page 27:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman


Page 28:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman


Page 29:  · Web viewPersonal Project. Student code: 21600. Product: Charity Basketball game for the Special Olympics. Global Context: Fairness and development . Investigation: Goal: The goal

Joshua Whelan Personal Project Mr Morman