Monday 18 th May English: Narration: The cavers were astonished at their find. The caves went on and on and in each were more and more paintings. It was clear that this was a very special place indeed. One that must be protected. Adam gathered the team around him and spoke in a low and serious voice. “If we tell anyone of what we’ve found here it will be ruined within months. People will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow worms away. Their breath will disintegrate the paintings– and that’s if they don’t try to chip them right off the rock. People cannot be trusted. We must tell no-one of what we have found here. Do you promise me? No-one! You must swear on it. We can come back and explore and we’ll leave the ropes to help us to find our way, but only us, do you hear? No- one else must know.” Do we agree with Adam? Should we keep this amazing place a secret? If so, how will we keep it secret? What should our ‘story’ be when we get back and people ask us about where we have been? How comfortable will we feel about telling lies to people we care about? Is it ever okay to tell a lie? How will we keep it a secret? We will need to hide the entrance to the cave again, but how? We took all the weeds and brambles away. What can we do? Write a diary entry which answers all the questions above. If we are to keep this cave a secret how will we do it? Ensure you include how you feel about Adam making you promise not to tell. Maths: Record the answers to the following questions in your book. 1. Continue the sequence: 40, 48, 56, ___, ___, ___, ___, 2. 679: What is 100 less? What is 100 more? 3. What fraction of the shape below is shaded?

  · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

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Page 1:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

Monday 18 th May

English: Narration:The cavers were astonished at their find. The caves went on and on and in each were more and more paintings. It was clear that this was a very special place indeed. One that must be protected. Adam gathered the team around him and spoke in a low and serious voice. “If we tell anyone of what we’ve found here it will be ruined within months. People will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow worms away. Their breath will disintegrate the paintings– and that’s if they don’t try to chip them right off the rock. People cannot be trusted. We must tell no-one of what we have found here. Do you promise me? No-one! You must swear on it. We can come back and explore and we’ll leave the ropes to help us to find our way, but only us, do you hear? No-one else must know.”

Do we agree with Adam? Should we keep this amazing place a secret? If so, how will we keep it secret? What should our ‘story’ be when we get back and people ask us about where we have been? How comfortable will we feel about telling lies to people we careabout? Is it ever okay to tell a lie? How will we keep it a secret? We will need to hide the entrance to the cave again, but how? We took all the weeds and bramblesaway. What can we do? Write a diary entry which answers all the questions above. If we are to keep this cave a secret how will we do it? Ensure you include how you feel about Adam making you promise not to tell.

Maths:Record the answers to the following questions in your book.

1. Continue the sequence: 40, 48, 56, ___, ___, ___, ___, 2. 679: What is 100 less? What is 100 more? 3. What fraction of the shape below is shaded?

4. Fill in the multiplication circle- remember the number in the middle ‘4’ is the number you use to times in order to find the answers of the blank squares.

5. Partition the number 982 into hundreds, tens and ones.

Page 2:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

Reading comprehension:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvmy382Follow the link and watch the first video of Ed Petrie read the extract from Dindy and the Elephant. Then, answer the questions below in your home learning book:

1. Do you know what a cobra snake is? Describe what it looks like. 2. How do you think Pog is feeling in this extract? Why?3. Do you think that they will go home now?

Science: Using Purple Mash, you are going to create a factual poster telling me all about the effects different seasons have on animals. Purple Mash have a ‘think about’ box in which they have asked questions that you have to research to answer. So use your home learning book to research the questions asked and then complete your poster!

Tuesday 19 th May:

Maths: Log onto TT-Rockstars and practice your times tables, ensure you record your time in the back of your home learning book.

English: Read the passage below. After reading, answer the questions listed in your home learning book.

Some people disagreed with Adam and thought that the caves should be shared with others but most agreed that it was important to protect the cave and so with some reluctance from some people, everyone agreed – they would never tell anyone of their discovery. And no-one would ever have known if it hadn’t been for Lily.Lily had always been a curious child. She could never sit still. ‘Little Miss Fidget’ her parents called her. Her grandma called her ‘Little Madam’ but never to her face. Lily wasn’t a naughty child – she just had more energy than most people could cope with and her mind would jump from place to place. She was kind and she was clever – she saw the world differently to most people and when she got into trouble it was just because she had too many thoughts in her head all at the same time and it helped to shout some of them out. She had shouted out a few too many of those thoughts this morning and her mother had lost her temper. “For heaven’s sake Lily, stop your nattering – give me a moment of peace will you! Why don’t you go and play outside!”Lily knew “go and play outside” meant “leave me alone” and she crept into the garden sadly even though it was still early in the morning. Lily liked to get up very early – another thing her mother found annoying. It was so early, the sun was only just rising. Lily threw a stone at the sun but it barely made it to the garden fence.“That’s another thing! The sun doesn’t rise! What a stupid thing to say. The earth spins. There’s no rising.”“You’re quite right! And if you’d be so kind as to not throw another stone, I might be able to get past your house without an injury.”Lily looked up in astonishment. She hadn’t seen the man about to walk by. And what a sight he was. Wearing a bright red jumpsuit, a bright red hard-hat and carrying a big backpack with ropes attached to it.“Where are you going?” she blurted out.“Just to work,” said the man looking away. “You’re right about the Earth by the way.”“I know. I’m right about most things – not that anyone listens,” muttered Lily. She looked up but the man had gone. Most children would have let that go. But not Lily. Lily’s curiosity had been awoken and when Lily’s curiosity was awake, nothing would stop her questions. She slipped out of the garden gate and followed the man at a distance. She followed him until he stopped in front of some brambles and bushes. She watched as more people with more

Page 3:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

backpacks and more ropes gathered around him. She stared as they cut back the vegetation and pulled it away until they exposed a dark entrance way into the side of the hill. She observed them descend into the darkness, leaving their ropes behind so that they could climb back up again. She slipped down the ropes and crept along after them, always silent and always a distance away. She waited until they had all gone deeper, noticing that one had dropped a spare torch which she picked up and slipped into her pocket. She inched along the edges of the lake, getting her feet wet. Her mum would be cross!She hid behind a rock and waited until eventually the people came out, crossed back over the lake and disappeared. She sat in the darkness and waited. Above her the ceiling twinkled as if there were fairy lights. She switched on her torch and crept into the passageway where the people had been and she sat and stared, stared and sat.And after a while, she ran all the way home and told absolutely everyone she knew about what she had seen. But no-one believed her. Until she told Ali. Ali was her friend, but he’d been on holiday for a while. Lily couldn’t wait for him to get back and, as soon as he did, she poured out the whole story. A week had passed – an entire age in which no-one had even let her get to the end of what she had to say, but Ali listened to it all. And then Ali told his dad who worked for the council and his dad was very interested indeed…

1. What might have Lily saw within the cave?2. What might Ali’s dad work as within the council?3. Why might Ali’s dad be interested in Lily’s discovery?

Reading comprehension:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvmy382Follow the link and scroll down until you reach ‘practise’. Read extract 1 of Dindy and the elephant and then complete activity 1.

Topic:This week is Mental Health Awareness week and the theme this year is Kindness- #kindnessmatters. For your activity this afternoon I want you to create a poster which shows how we can show kindness to our families and friends. Maybe your poster can focus on acts of kindness? Once you complete your poster send me a picture so that I can also display them in school!

Wednesday 20 th May:


Ali’s dad’s job at the council involved looking after places that were important to the town and when he heard Lily’s story, he sprang into action. Before a day had passed, a whole team had been sent down into the cave to find out more. They realised that the little girl had not only told the truth, but had not even expressed how incredible this place was. The newspaper headline said “Lily’s Amazing Adventure” and there was a photograph of Lily looking grumpy with her mum smiling in her best dress beside her. There was no mention of Adam and his team who had really discovered the caves. Adam’s heart sank as he read the

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article. It was clear that the council intended to turn the site into a tourist spot. He sat and thought for a while and then picked up the telephone. If anyone was going to take care of thatcave, it would be him and his team…

In your home learning log, answer the following questions:1. If we were going to try to persuade the council to let us look after the site, what would

we say? 2. How could we persuade them that we are a responsible team and that we know what

we are doing? 3. Think of some of the things that we may find in a cave. How can we be sure that

these things do not get harmed? a. How do we protect the glow worms?b. How do we protect the bats?c. How do we make sure that people can get across the lake without damaging the stalagmites and stalactites?d. How do we get people into the cave without hurtingthemselves? Will we have to build steps?e. How will we protect the paintings?

Maths: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhvbrj6 Follow the link and complete the activity 2.

Spellings: Ensure you log onto spelling shed as your new spellings will be uploaded today. Your spelling focus will be the suffix -er with -(t)ch words. There will also be hive games through the week to further help you with your spellings! Your spellings are: teacher, catcher, richer, stretcher, watcher, dispatcher, butcher, preacher, cruncher, scorcher.

Topic:Using Purple Mash you are going to complete the activity ‘Tiger Life cyle’ Before completing your poster research the topic first by using the ‘think about’ box on Purple Mash and answer the questions.

Thursday 21st May:


Page 5:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

How can we help people visiting the cave understand what they might see? Outside the cave, the visitors will be given a chance to walk through a visitor’s centre. What might it have in it? Can you draw a floorplan? Within your floor plan you will need: a. A café,b. A carpark,c. Toilets,d. A museum or information centre?e. A gift shop.

Maths: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb4gcqt Follow the link and watch the video. Then complete activity 1.

SPAG:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk2c92p Follow the link and complete activity 1 and 2 (You can complete them all if you like!) The activities help you to understand the difference between their, they’re and there.

Topic work:Create a Stone Aged theme café to compliment your English work. You can draw it or even make it 3D depending on how creative you are feeling. Use your work from the previous week to ensure you include the carvings within the cave within your café design.

Friday 22nd May: English:In your home learning books you are now going to name your café. What would a Stone Age themed café be called? What would the menu look like? What kinds of food would be served? Create a delicious menu within your home learning books that list all the food served in your café- remember it needs to be Stone Age themed!

Maths: Record the answers to the following questions in your book.

SPAG:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7s6t39 Follow the link. The activity focuses on where inverted commas need to be used in a sentence. Watch the videos and then complete the four activities.

Page 6:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

Topic work:Using Purple Mash, on your ‘to do’ you are going to create a descriptive poster about ‘Dangerous Animals.’ You will focus on nine specific dangerous animals and write a descriptive sentence for each.

Monday 25th May:

English:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYM4ndcV4UoWatch the video clip of the polar bear swimming. In your home learning book write what you believe the answer is to the following questions and your reasons why:What do polar bears eat? Do you think it is easier to catch their food on the land or in the water? Look at the image below. Why might it be a problem for the polar bear if the ice is disappearing from the Arctic. We’re going to start a story about this polar bear –let’s call him Nanook, the Innuit word for polar bear.

Maths: Log onto TT-Rockstars and practice your times tables, ensure you record your time in the back of your home learning book.

Reading Comprehension:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjk9kmn Watch presenter Rachel Riley reading an extract from The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy.

As you listen, answer the following questions in your home learning book:

 What is Mildred like?

 Would you want to be friends with her? Why?

 What does 'hair-raising' mean?

Page 7:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

Topic:Go on Purple mash. Complete the game ‘Animal Grouping’. Can you group animals according to whether they are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores?

Tuesday 26th May:

English: Read the extract below. Nanook sat on his small piece of ice and looked around him. Everywhere the ice seemed to be melting. There were no seals to be seen and the land seemed to be getting smaller. He muttered to himself. “I used to run for miles around here. There were hundreds of seals on the ice. Now there’s nothing but water and it’s so hard to find food. I miss my old life. I think I might have to find somewhere else to live. But where shall I go? It’s very sad.”

In your home learning book, make a list of the things that Nanook needs in a home. What kind of place would be a good place for him to be and why?

Maths:Record the answers to the following questions in your book.

Reading Comprehension:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjk9kmn Now watch Rachel Riley reading a second extract from The Worst Witch. As you listen, write the answers to the following questions in your home learning book:

 What do you think about Ethel in this extract?

 Does Ethel deserve what she gets?

 Should Mildred be sorry?

RE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ashc59Buxlg Watch the video. Then using Purple Mash, go on your 2Do and decorate the hands with your own wonderful Mehndi.

Wednesday 27th May:

English:With his own land melted away, Nanook decided to see if there might be any food on the mainland. One night, when it was dark and quiet, he crept into the town. The place smelled

Page 8:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

strange. There was no ice beneath his feet – just gritty stuff that prickled his paws. But there was one interesting smell coming from the back of one building. Nanook wandered around there. He could definitely smell fish. Yum yum. Not quite seal, but never mind. He sniffed and sniffed but the smell seemed to be inside something. He pushed and shoved to try to open it and get the fish out, but then…A loud clattering noise woke the people up. A bin lid smashing to the ground. They got out of their beds and turned on their lights to see what the commotion was. And rubbing their eyes, peering into the darkness, they saw under a streetlight a polar bear. Surrounded by rubbish, sitting in the street, as bold as brass, eating rubbish from the bin. They picked up their weapons and went onto their porches…Nanook gobbled down the half eaten pizzas, the fish heads and bones and even accidentally, a few bits of plastic packaging. It all tasted horrible but it was food. He sat and ate, feeling miserable, and then he heard noises. Doors banging, footsteps… men coming towards him – with guns! He had heard of these things before from other bears but had never seen one with his own eyes before.

In your home learning book pretend you are Nanook and write down your reasons to the men as to why you are here. Then change role and write down why you think the men would reply to Nanook.

You can write this in one of two ways- the men could reply and be kind and considerate and gentle and explain to Nanook that the polar bear must go far away from here – the people won’t allow such a dangerous creature to live close to them. Or you can be more challenging and order the polar bear off the land, accusing him of being a vicious killer who is notwelcome! Write it however you like, but the outcome is that Nanook has to leave.

Maths:Record the answers to the following questions in your book.

Spelling:Ensure you log onto spelling shed as your new spellings will be uploaded today. The list this week focuses on words ending with the /g/ sound spelled –gue. Your spellings are listed below:Vague, league, plague, tongue, fatigue, antique, unique, grotesque, mosque, plaque.

Topic work:Use Purple Mash and complete todays 2do. Drawn and illustrate your own Russian Doll.

Thursday 28th May:

English:Sadly Nanook left the town and all the street lights behind him and wandered off into the darkness. The ground turned once more to snow and eased his aching paws. The night sky lit his way with its spectacular aurora. Onwards he trudged through the night and all the next day and all the next night and day until he was as far away from human beings as possible. He looked around. There was nothing but snow and ice, ice and snow. He felt very happy

Page 9:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

indeed. Here was a place he could run and jump for miles. No-one would threaten him here. He settled down for a good, long sleep and when he awoke he was hungry. But where was his food? He was so far from the shore that there were no seals. What on earth was he going to eat?

Your task today is to conduct some research about the Aurora- what is it and how is it formed? The first link below is a full explanation, but it is quite advanced. There’s a simpler explanation within link 2. You might still want to watch the beginning of the other one to discover how beautiful auroras are and so that you can understand what Nanook could see. Record your research in your home learning book. Link 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHn5OO1t1ycLink 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QASVcNwSvWg

Maths:Use TT-rockstars to practice your times tables. Ensure you record your times and score in the back of your home learning book.

SPAG:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmq9kmn follow the link. This activity will focus on possessive apostrophes. Ensure you watch the videos which explain how to use possessive apostrophes and then complete activity 1.

Topic work:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3pqTyfId_8 Follow the link and draw your own Superhero Bear! Ensure you name your sketch and send me a picture!

Friday 29th May:

English:Back to Nanook and his problem. What can he eat? In your home learning book list what other creatures might live up in the far Arctic north and how easy it would be for the Nanook to catch them. He could hunt the arctic hare (below) or the arctic fox (below) but how easy would they be to catch? Or to see?

Maths:https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkwfvk7 Follow the link which is an activity that teaches you how to add money in pounds and pence. Watch the videos and then complete the activities that follow.


Page 10:   · Web viewPeople will come and trample all over the place. They will damage the stalagmites and stalactites. They will break the crystals. They will frighten the bats and glow

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNpJCgOA1Xc Follow the link and draw your own Pizza Steve! Ensure that you show me the results!