1 OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences OP8: POLITCAL PARTIES and MEDIA INFLUENCES Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Teacher: _______________________________________Class Period: ____________________ EXECUTIVE

civicsdms.weebly.com€¦ · Web viewNow you are going to create your own propaganda using the knowledge you have gained. Choose ONE of the following below: Choose ONE of the following

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1OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences


INFLUENCESName: ________________________________________________________________________

Teacher: _______________________________________Class Period: ____________________


OP8 OUTLINE1. Page 3: Complete K: what do you already know about this unit? [should take about 5 minutes]

2OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

a. Think about what you already know about politics, political parties, candidates and how the media is involved (think about the positives AND negatives). List at least 4 facts

2. Page 3: Complete W: what do you want to know about this OP? [should take about 10 minutes]a. Read the Intro on page 5, look at objectives, learning targets, learning scales, vocabulary and the visual to get a better understanding of

what this unit will coverb. Write at least 2 SPECIFIC questions you want to learn related to this unit

3. Vocab: PAGE 5-7 define all of the following words 4. EXTRA CREDIT ONLY NOT REQUIRED pages 8-10 , it is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen (a responsibility,

not an obligation). The problem is, who do we vote for? [should take about 35 minutes] a. Using the following website, complete the political party quiz. Either mark yes or no, if you are unsure of the issue, click the “info”

button to get more information to help you make your choice. You can also move the scale to show if the issue is more important or less important to you. Mark your answers on page 9.

i. https://www.isidewith.com/elections/2016-presidential-quiz b. On page 9-10 complete the results questions and find more information about the top candidates who will determine on who you would

vote for.5. PAGE 11, on this page list what characteristics are the most important to you when looking at whom you ant to represent you. 6. Page 12-16: It is important to understand the distinction between the Republican and Democrat parties. Although all Republicans and Democrats

aren’t all the same, there are distinct traits for each party. I am going to give you tips and tricks to remember them! [should take about 45 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhljf9XGIBo

a. Lecture/ YouTube video: Your teacher is going to explain the main differences between Republicans and Democrats and give you tricks to remember. HIGHLIGHT/UNERLINE KEY IDEAS AND TERMS in the notes on page 12-16 to help you remember the differences. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AT THE END.

b. Left Side Activity on page 17 do the following assignments to show understanding of political parties. With a classmate, determine how the Democrats and Republicans feel on certain issues

OR Individually, write an ad pretending YOU are a presidential candidate. Explain who you are (name, age, school, etc) and what issues you support (think about the issues we have discussed on page 9 and 11). Make sure to include AT LEAST three issues to represent your political party You also need to create a campaign slogan (like Obama’s: “Change We Can Believe In” or Trump’s: “Make America Great Again”).

7. Page 18-20: When you watch ads on TV they are using propaganda to try and get you to buy their products. Propaganda is also used by politicians to try and get you votes. [should take about 25 minutes]

a. Complete the notes on page 18-20 using the video/PowerPoint on the website about Propaganda.8. SUMMATIVE Propaganda Project. [should take about 1 hour] PAGE 17

a. Now you are going to create your own propaganda using the knowledge you have gained. Choose ONE of the following below: i. Choice 1: Pick a character (think Simba from Lion King or SpongeBob) and create a propaganda poster for their fictional

Presidential campaign. For example, I used Anna from Frozen and created a poster ad to promote her for President (see my example on front board). Must use at least two forms of propaganda, and it needs a visual (can be hand-drawn or a printed picture).

1. Make sure to make your poster neat and colorful (has to be at least a full page size- this needs to be well presented; not on lined paper); make sure your name is on the back with your class period (if working with a partner, both names).

ii. Choice 2: Pretend YOU are running for President and write a speech/ commercial to promote yourself. You must use at least two forms of propaganda, think about the candidate activities we did.

9. Page 21: Think about how the public received its information in the 1800’s versus today. Changes in technology make information easily available to everyone and can be used to sway people’s opinions. You are going to begin to understand how mass media and special interest groups are so important in forming public opinion. [should take about 65 minutes]

1. Rip out Workbook pages 334-345 and attach them to the blank page of your ISN.- complete ALL QUESTIONS (minus the essay questions #2 at end of each section)

10. Go back to Page 4 and answer the L of your KWL to demonstrate your understanding of political parties and media influence. [should take about 10 minutes].

I have examined the media’s influence on campaigns and elections and can reflect on how technological advances can both help and hurt a campaign (step 14 – Step 16)

I can identify types of propaganda and can correctly use propaganda to try and influence others from different perspectives (Step 11- Step 13)

I can identify political parties and differentiate between republican and democratic views (Step 6- Step 10)

I can evaluate candidates based on qualifications, experiences and issues (Step 1- Step 5)

3OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

1 2 3 4

KWhat do you already know?

WWhat do you want to learn about?

LWhat have you learned?

Does mass media have an effect on how we see candidates? How can propaganda help and hurt a candidate?

OP8 Operating Principle 8: The way our political parties function greatly influences the political process.

Unit Objective: Students will differentiate between political parties and investigate elections, propaganda and multiple perspectives.

Learning Targets: - To identify political parties- To differentiate between republican and democrat ideas- To evaluate candidates based on qualifications, experience, issues,


4OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

- To examine media’s impact on elections and influence- To identify types of propaganda- To analyze historical propaganda for intent, issues and influence- To be able to jump into a different viewpoint to examine various


Essential Question:

Explain the different types of propaganda and how they can help and hurt campaigns. Do you think name-calling should be allowed in political campaigns? Why?

Benchmarks: ss.7.c.2.8, ss.7.c.2.9, ss.7.c.2.10, ss.7.c.2.11, ss.7.c.2.13

Vocabulary: Ballot, Caucus, Closed primary, Open primary, Mass media, National convention, Platform, Political machine, Polling place, Precinct, Referendum, Third party, Two-party system, Voter turnout, Electoral College, Popular vote, Public opinion poll, Winner-take-all system, Communist Party, Democratic Party, Libertarian Party, Lobbying, Lobbyist, Political Action Committee, Propaganda, Republican Party, Socialist Party, Special Interest Group


Questions:(Write any questions you have that need to be clarified here)

Op 8 POLITICAL VOCAB1.Communist party

5OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences


3.Closed Primary

4.Mass Media

5.National Convention6.Platform

7.Third Party

8.Two-Party System9.Electoral College10.Popular Vote

11.Public Opinion Poll

6OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

12.Winner-Take-All System13.Democratic Party14.Libertarian Party15.Lobbying


17.Political Action Committee18.Propaganda

19.Republican Party

20.Special Interest Group

(also known as Public Interest Group)

21. watch dog

7OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Extra credit What Side Am I On?

Results:I side with ____________________________ with ________ percent.Click “Compare Answer”:What is an issues you agree with your candidate that are most important to you?1.

What is an issues you did NOT agree with your candidate on that surprise you?1.

8OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Extra credit Who Should I Vote For?

Social Issues:Do you support marriage quality ? Yes No

Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood? Yes No

Environmental Issues:Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?

Yes No

Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?

Yes No

Should the U.S. expand off-shore oil drilling? Yes No

Economic Issues:Should the federal government raise minimum wage? Yes No

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?

Yes No

Should all welfare recipients be tested for drugs? Yes No

Domestic Policy Issues:Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

Yes No

Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use? Yes No

Do you support affirmative action programs? Yes No

Healthcare Issues:Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)? Yes No

Should the federal government require children to be vaccinated for Yes No

9OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

preventable diseases?

Do you support the legalization of Marijuana? Yes No

Election Issues:Should a photo ID be required to vote? Yes No

Education Issues:Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans?

Yes No

Do you support Common Core national standards? Yes No

Foreign Policy Issues:Should the government decrease military spending? Yes No

Should the U.S. accept refugees from Central America? Yes No

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? Yes No

Criminal Issues:Should police officers be required to wear body cameras? Yes No

Should convicted felons have the right to vote? Yes No

Should prisons ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles? Yes No

Immigration Issues:Should immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?

Yes No

Should illegal immigrants have access to government subsidized healthcare? Yes No

Should illegal immigrants be offered in-state tuition rates at public colleges within their residing state?

Yes No

Science Issues:Should the government fund space travel? Yes No

10OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Ranking CharacteristicsDirections: Individually rank the characteristics below from most important (1) to least important (16) when you are making a choice about who to vote for. If you think of any other characteristics, you can add them at the bottom of the page.

- Age - Religion- Gender - Family history- Personality - Ethnic Background- Marital Status - Physical Health- Criminal History - Military Service- Socio-Economic Status - Educational Background- Personal Appearance - Prior Government Positions- Past Jobs - Character

Explain your top choices:

11OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Starts at 1 minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhljf9XGIBo -with the Democrats and Republicans and these are the two parties that dominate American politics we see here President Obama who is a Democrat when he was running against Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Now America doesn't just have these two parties but we'll explain that more in a minute first let's look at our benchmark. This is to identify America's current political parties and illustrate their ideas about government

- so we have to pick out who the big parties are and we have to talk about - be able to identify their ideas

see here our definition for a - ___________________________________________________which is a group of people who share the same

views about the way governmental power and responsibilities should be carried out in this country but really what people in a party usually share

- usually share our common _____________________ about the issues the country is facing and about what the ________________________________________ should do about it

now one thing to remember about politics - is that there are no absolutes not all members of a political party agree on everything most Americans pick one

of the two major parties that they share the most in common with now something that you need to keep in mind especially for your state exam is that there is

- ______________about political parties in the ____________________________they just happen naturally and you remember from our previous video that the Federalists and the anti-federalists who go on to become the

- Democratic Republicans the anti-federalists these first parties Started by people who disagreed

- about the power - responsibilities of the government

this is the _____________________ disagreement that the current political parties have - basically how _____________should the government be and how much should it do now America has what is

known as a two-party system because two parties have dominated the political process from the beginning we see here at the beginning the

_____________________________________ in orange and the Democratic Republican in green. Democratic Republicans disappeared with the election of Andrew Jackson they just kind of split. The Democratic Party was born here in blue and they've been rolling ever since. now as the Federalists disappeared we see here in yellow a party known as the Whigs that were around for about twenty years pushing for government to build more infrastructure .

- remember that means like roads and at this point canals - and then the civil war approached and politics turned and really focused on slavery - Republicans appeared as the anti-slavery party with their first real presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in

1860 and this is where we are today. The Democrats and Republicans have been the two major party for the last 150 years now hopefully you know some of these presidents we see here for

- Democrats we've got FDR Franklin ______________________, Harry Truman, john Kennedy ,Lyndon b Johnson, bill Clinton, and our recent president Obama

12OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

- Republicans have Abraham Lincoln, Theodore _________________________, Dwight D Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

4:26 now what do political parties do ?

- well they educate the people about the issues they tell us what's going on and - they try to steer us into the way we should feel about them - they ________________________________________- candidates which is a huge help imagine if anyone who

wanted to be President could run you would have thousands of candidates these parties - narrow it down to two big candidates and then some - other ones they hold primary elections , and this is kind of how they weed down the elections down one

candidate per party- they raised____________ for the campaigns all those great advertisements you see on TV help legislators pass

laws in fact the parties are often a big part of writing the laws that they want and they write the party platform this is coming up with the big ideas for their party.What are some Republican core beliefs

- the Republicans are the major party that's identified with _______________ government interference in fact it's fair to say

that the Republicans want less government in general why? because by decreasing the size of the federal government you _______________ the amount of taxes you have to pay

- remember taxes are used to___________ for all the things that the government does and by reducing the things that it does you reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay.

- Republicans are the party that is associated with being _____________-business They are for business we see here fewer government regulations (regulations

our rules or laws and the private sector is the business sector) the public sector is the government the private sector is the business sector those are the companies - remember think of Republicans as being pro-business now two ways we describe the Republicans is

- they are________________________________________, if you are conservative you don't like change - Republicans are also called the right_____________________________________

and this is where the parties fit on what is called the political spectrum the more right you fall on the spectrum the more you favor tradition over change or limited government over big government if you are going to

- Remember one thing about the Republicans it is that they want to lower your taxes and that requires ___________________________ the functions and responsibilities of the federal government

- Republicans promote the idea that if you lower taxes people are going to have more money to spend and the more money people have to spend the better the economy is going to do and this

06:57 Brings us to the Democrats

- the Democrats want the government to provide what are called ___________________________ (and services are programs that the government implements)to solve problems and

- Democrats want these services to provide opportunity for everyone however as we mentioned with the Republicans this requires raising people's taxes

- this is really our biggest difference between the two parties Example would be the Democratic support for helping to improve the ____________________ although they have been criticized by some environmental groups is not doing enough. Their support of government policies towards reducing the environmental impact of fossil fuels is an area where Republicans and Democrats have a big difference of opinion Other Democratic issues have been the reforming of the health care industry both parties agree that our health care industry is broken and incredibly expensive.

13OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Democrats also want the government involved in helping provide access to education a key issue for Democrats has been providing governmental loans to those who want to go to college Democrats are also the party that looks to provide_____________________ programs to the poor such as food stamps



take a closer look at some of the recent fights and one of those is what's called ^^^^^^^

- the Keystone pipeline this is a pipeline to carry oil from Canada down to the Gulf of Mexico now Republicans are in favor of this for two reasons because they say it'll create hundreds of thousands of jobs and provide cheap oil for Americans

- number of Democrats are against this deal including Democratic nominees for president Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders they think that those job numbers are highly overrated not only that but that this will be bad for the environment

another big disagreement that continues to be in the news is the Affordable Health Care Act often referred to as Obamacare

- Democrats wanted to address the fact that tens of thousands of Americans can't afford health insurance and health insurance is what pays for you if you have health problems. This puts a lot of those people at major risk if some kind of health issue develops now Republicans call Obamacare attacks on people who don't have health insurance.


yes it's complicated but think of democrats as wanting the government to change things. The republicans kind of wanted to stay out of it now even though America is called a two-party system there are other parties in America which we call third parties.

14OP8: Political Parties and Media InfluencesThird parties

- we see some of their logos the Green - Party the Socialist Party the - libertarians

Chances are you haven't heard of these parties and here's why?

read this cartoon quote I always waste my vote on a third party that way…. I don't feel so guilty afterwards now

we've ________________had a third party candidate become president although Theodore Roosevelt came in second once he was a Republican president who ran later in his own party but the presidency the Congress they said be dominated by Democrats and Republicans for a long time.

So why do third party candidates run? Well they run to have their opinions heard they hope to__________________________ the big parties and voters so that the big parties might take up some of their ideas and here's a party that's had some success in getting their ideas out there the Green Party.

Green As you could guess by the name their main focus is helping the ___________________________ and they definitely helped influence the political landscape as America becomes more environmentally friendly.

Libertarians Next is a party that has grown in popularity known as the libertarians they want to extremely scale back the influence of the government they've had a lot of influence on Republicans especially their faction known as the Tea Party. which is really the right section of the party. But libertarians think the Republicans are too much like the Democrats.

<<<<<<Here we see one of the posters 14:22

the Socialist Party and a lot of European countries have more socialist tendencies than America.

Socialists want more government ________________________ to help the people. For instance socialist programs would be things like free health care and free college of course that requires higher ________________________. So just like the libertarians are kind of the extreme end on the right of the ____________________________. Socialists would be the extreme far left of the_______________________________.

15OP8: Political Parties and Media Influencessocialism has a pretty bad reputation in America because of their association with our next party which is the, Communist Party. This is a party that for Americans will be forever linked with Russia or as they were called at the time the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Even though communism didn't really seem to work economically the idea is that: you get rid of private property and you share everything it kind of sounds good?But really it takes away the people's incentive to ____________________ and it was never successful the Communist Soviet Union was really more of a _________________ state with dictators in which the people didn't have any rights though. If you think of communism think of them calling for the rights of the_________________________ over the owners of the business okay.


1. SUMMATIVE Propaganda Project. [should take about 1 hour] PAGE 17a. Now you are going to create your own propaganda using the knowledge you have gained.

Choose ONE of the following below:

16OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

i. Choice 1: Pick a character (think Simba from Lion King or SpongeBob) and create a propaganda poster for their fictional Presidential campaign. Must use at least two forms of propaganda, and it needs a visual (can be hand-drawn or a printed picture).

1. Make sure to make your poster neat and colorful (has to be at least a full page size- this needs to be well presented; not on lined paper); make sure your name is on the back with your class period (if working with a partner, both names).

ii. Choice 2: Pretend YOU are running for President and write a speech/ commercial to promote yourself. You must use at least two forms of propaganda, think about the candidate activities we did.

Propaganda QuestionsDirections: Answer the following questions. Make sure to back up your argument with information from the PowerPoint. Answer with at least ONE sentence.

1. What propaganda techniques have you seen used in TV or internet ads? Explain the ad and form of propaganda that was being used.

17OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

a. Do you think it was a successful use of propaganda? Would you buy it or remember it?

2. Do you feel the same technique would be useful to a candidate during their campaign?

3. What are the pros and cons to “name-calling” propaganda?Pros Cons





Propaganda NotesWhat are some examples of mass media that YOU use?

What are the 7 types of propaganda?

18OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

Define bandwagon propaganda

What are the characteristics?

Watch the ad, explain how it demonstrated bandwagon propaganda.

Define Name-Calling propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Watch the ad, explain how it demonstrated name-calling propaganda.

Define endorsement propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Look at the ads, explain how it demonstrated endorsement propaganda.

Define transfer propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Look at the ads, explain how it

19OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

demonstrated transfer propaganda.

Define glittering generalities propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Watch the ad, explain how it demonstrated glittering generalities propaganda.

Define just plain folks propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Watch the ad, explain how it demonstrated plain folks propaganda.

Define stacked cards propaganda.

What are the characteristics?

Watch the ad, explain how it demonstrated stacked cards propaganda.

Rip out Workbook pages 334-345 and attach them to the blank page of your ISN.complete ALL QUESTIONS (minus the essay questions #2 at end of each section)

20OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences

21OP8: Political Parties and Media Influences