Success Planning Beacon City School District Grade 11 Tasks Grade 11 Tasks 1. Build Resume 2. Search for Enrichment Programs 3. Add Colleges to My List 4. Add Careers to My List 5. Scholarship Search 6. Complete SuperMatch College Search 7. Add Career Clusters to My List 8. Complete the Do What You Are Assessment 9. Complete the Learning Styles Inventory Assessment 10. Complete the Career Interest Profiler Assessment 11. Complete the MI Advantage Assessment Build Resume Naviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections, and then the build tool can be used to export the resume as a PDF or Word file. The Word file is a fully-editable version of the resume. 1. Login to Naviance Student 2. At the top right of the screen, click “My Planner” 3. Click “Tasks” 4. Click the task “Complete Resume” 5. Click the link at the top to start building your resume. 6. Click the pink + button to start creating your resume. 7. Complete all sections of the resume. Each section has a detailed explanation and tips. © 2013-2014 Hobsons, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

 · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

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Page 1:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

Grade 11 Tasks1. Build Resume2. Search for Enrichment Programs3. Add Colleges to My List4. Add Careers to My List5. Scholarship Search6. Complete SuperMatch College Search7. Add Career Clusters to My List8. Complete the Do What You Are Assessment9. Complete the Learning Styles Inventory Assessment10. Complete the Career Interest Profiler Assessment11. Complete the MI Advantage Assessment

Build ResumeNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development.  Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections, and then the build tool can be used to export the resume as a PDF or Word file.  The Word file is a fully-editable version of the resume.

1. Login to Naviance Student2. At the top right of the screen, click “My Planner”

3. Click “Tasks”4. Click the task “Complete Resume”5. Click the link at the top to start building your resume.

6. Click the pink + button to start creating your resume. 7. Complete all sections of the resume. Each section has a detailed explanation and tips.8. When all sections are complete click “Print/ Export Resume”9. Click the pink + button10. Choose a name for this resume11. Choose your template12. Click Continue

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Page 2:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

13. Select and add sections you want to add to resume14. Click “Save Resume”15. A new box will appear with printing options for this resume. You can create multiple resumes and

they will be saved in this section.

Search for Enrichment ProgramsNaviance contains Enrichment Programs that are activities that are held either during or after school hours, and complement your academic work. You can research the Enrichment Programs that your school has provided and get details on how to sign up for these programs.

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click Colleges3. Click Colleges Home4. Under the Research Section, Click Enrichment Programs5. Use the search tools to find Enrichment Programs.

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Page 3:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

Add Colleges to My ListNaviance has different college search tools you can utilize to research colleges. When you find a college you like, you can add it to your prospective college list called, Colleges I am Thinking About.” Click the heart icon to add a college to you list.

Add Careers to Your Favorites ListNaviance can help you gain a clear understanding of the academic preparation required to pursue careers you are interested in. You are able to search careers in Naviance and add them to your “Careers I am Interested In” List. To add a career to your favorites list, click the heart icon next to the career name. You can also like careers that have been suggested based on your assessment results. NOTE: Once you start adding careers to your favorites list the task will automatically complete in Naviance.

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Page 4:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

Add Career Clusters to Your Favorites ListCareer clusters are a way of grouping careers with common features and skills. Careers grouped into the same cluster typically require similar education and training. Exploring clusters can be a useful way to find a good career match, especially if you have general areas of interest but are not sure what specific careers match those interests. Career clusters can also help you better understand how your coursework in school can prepare you for certain types of careers

1. Login to Naviance Student2. At the top right of the screen, click “My Planner”

3. Click “Tasks”4. Click task name “Add Career Clusters to your List”5. Click link to start adding Career Clusters.

6. Once you start adding Career Clusters to your list, the task will be completed.

Scholarship SearchSearch for College Scholarships in Naviance Student!

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click Colleges3. Click Scholarships and Money

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Page 5:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

4. You will be directed to the Sallie Mae National Scholarship Search Page.5. Enter your unique search criteria 6. Apply for scholarships

Complete SuperMatch College SearchSuperMatch is a college search tool in Naviance Student. Use the Choose Fit Criteria Navigation menu at the of the page to select criteria based on what you are looking for in your college experience. You do not need to select something under every category.

1. Click Colleges

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Page 6:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

2. Click Find Your Fit3. Click SuperMatch4. Select your Choose Fit Criteria

Click on the Tool Tips icon throughout to read definitions for common concepts and terminology.

As fit criteria are selected, they populate in the Must Have box. You can also move criteria between the Must Have and Nice to Have boxes depending on level of importance to you. Moving your criteria between these two categories of importance will refine your college search results below.

Institutions with the highest Fit Score will always appear at the top of your list. To see your Fit Score Breakdown based on the criteria you selected, click on the green Why? box located under the Fit Score percentage. GPA, SAT, and/or ACT scores will be pre-populated as part of the Admissions fit criteria, if available within Naviance. If not available, you can enter your information to see how you compare to institutional averages in the Academic Match column. Note: GPA’s are converted to a 4.0 scale.  By clicking on the green arrow next to the results table headings, you can also pick which content appears in the results table.

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Page 7:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

You can click on the college name to add the college to your favorites list.You can click Pin to Compare, this will allow you to compare certain colleges.Clear the results and start a new search at any time.

Complete the Do What You Are AssessmentThe Do What You Are® assessment uses personality types to suggest careers and clusters that might be a good match for you.

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click About Me3. Click My Assessments4. Click Do What You Are

5. Follow the instructions to complete the Assessment.

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Page 8:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

The results of the assessment will provide you with a four-part personality type. Each of the four parts represents a personality trait that contributes to your overall personality type. The results page has detailed information about your personality type and potential careers and majors for you to consider. You can like the careers suggested add them to your Favorite Career List.

Complete the Learning Styles Inventory Assessment

The Learning Style Inventory assessment allows you to boost academic potential by recognizing your natural learning style, discover better learning strategies, and gain career development skills. The assessment provides you with a report that can be used to increase understanding of your needs at school.

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click About Me3. Click My Assessments4. Click Learning Styles Inventory

5. Follow the instructions to complete the Assessment.

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Page 9:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

The Learning Style Inventory Assessment analyzes 16 different learning preferences.Immediate environment (sound, light, heat and design) Quiet vs. Sound Dim Light vs. Bright Light Cool Environment vs. Warm Environment Informal Design vs. Formal DesignEmotionality (motivation, persistence and structure) Low Motivation vs. High Motivation Low Persistence vs. High Persistence Doesn’t Like Structure vs. Wants StructureSociological needs (self-oriented, peer-oriented or adult-oriented) Prefers Learning Alone vs. Prefers Learning with Peers Low Teacher Motivation vs. High Teacher MotivationPhysical needs (perceptual preference(s), food intake, time of day and mobility) Low Auditory Learner vs. Prefers Auditory Learning Low Visual Learner vs. Prefers Visual Learning Low Tactile Learner vs. Prefers Tactile Learning Low Kinesthetic Learner vs. Prefers Kinesthetic Learning Doesn’t Prefer Intake vs. Prefers Intake Prefers Evening vs. Prefers Morning Doesn’t Prefer Mobility vs. Prefers Mobility

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Page 10:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

What did you learn about your learning style after completing the assessment?

Complete the Career Interest Profiler AssessmentThe Career Interest Profiler is an online career interest assessment based on Holland's interest codes. When you complete the Career Interest Profiler, their results will display your top Holland Code matches.

There are six Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click About Me3. Click My Assessments4. Click Career Interest Profiler5. Start the Assessment

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Page 11:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

6. Click View Results

7. The results will provide the Holland Interest Codes in order based on your like and dislikes.

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Page 12:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

8. Click View Matching Careers to research the suggested careers based on the assessment results. You can like careers and add them to your favorites list.

9. The Careers will be organized by level of post secondary preparation needed.

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Page 13:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

© 2013-2014 Hobsons, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Page 14:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

10. Click on the Career Name to learn more about the career.

Complete the MI Advantage Assessment

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Page 15:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

The MI Advantage assessment uses Multiple Intelligences theory to reveal your intelligence strengths and challenges, and then provides suggestions on way to develop all of your intelligences.

1. Login to Naviance Student2. Click About Me3. Click My Assessments4. Click MI Advantage

After you complete the assessment you be given a list of your intelligences.

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Page 16:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

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Grade 11 Tasks

Click View Full Report to get more information on each intelligence.

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Page 17:  · Web viewNaviance Student offers Resume Builder to provide a framework for your resume development. Resume Builder can be used to decide and work on different resume sections,

Success PlanningBeacon City School District

Grade 11 Tasks

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