Fall ECE S609 X EDSE S609 Updated 09/07/2011 JD1 National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education Course: Classroom Management & Child Guidance in Early Childhood Education ECE 609 JD1 (CRN 77851) cross-listed EDSE 609 JD1 (CRN 77905) Meets Monday evenings 5:30-8:00 pm via Elluminate (access through course home site), beginning September 5th running through December 17, 2011. Instructors: Sheila Wray M.Ed. [email protected] Susan Andrews M.Ed. [email protected] Home: (Sheila) 907-957-3916 No calls after 9pm Phone: (Susan) 907-796-6412 Home: (Susan) 907-523-5689 No calls after 9pm Mode of Instruction : Internet: Elluminate (contact Help Desk if you need to set up a tutorial in preparation for working with Elluminate.) The first time signing in may require several minutes. Plan ahead.

€¦  · Web viewNarrative Content: 14 A. Narrative explains CLEARLY how professional educators would use national standards to guide classroom practice. B. The body of the narrative

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Fall ECE S609 X EDSE S609 Updated 09/07/2011JD1

National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education

Course:Classroom Management & Child Guidance

in Early Childhood Education ECE 609 JD1 (CRN 77851) cross-listed EDSE 609 JD1 (CRN 77905)

Meets Monday evenings 5:30-8:00 pm via Elluminate (access through course home site), beginning September 5th running through December 17, 2011.

Instructors: Sheila Wray [email protected] Andrews [email protected]

Home: (Sheila) 907-957-3916 No calls after 9pmPhone: (Susan) 907-796-6412Home: (Susan) 907-523-5689 No calls after 9pm

Mode of Instruction:

Internet: Elluminate (contact Help Desk if you need to set up a tutorial in preparation for working with Elluminate.) The first time signing in may require several minutes. Plan ahead.

• Discussions via Elluminate – Mondays 5:30-8:00 pm• Discussions on line via Home Site: Communication tools; Discussion Board and/or

Forum (Be sure to fa m iliarize yourself with these tools prior to the start of the class .)• Practical assignments, reflective writing and response to writing prompts, knowledge statements and/or standards papers.

Students will share thoughts, ideas, and issues regarding classroom management and providing child guidance. A variety of instructional methodologies will be used in this course including but not limited to in class discussions of readings in large and small groupings, online discussions with peers to deepen course content knowledge, research, and written reflection.

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Office Hours:Sheila: 1 hour after class via Eluminate (also available by appointment, via telephone and Eluminate)Susan: Office hours maintained M-T 10:00 – 2:00 and may be reached through our Toll Free Line: 1-866-465-6424 (ask to speak with Susan). Or you may call direct: 907-796-6412. Appointments may be scheduled any time for a telephone conference or meeting via Eluminate.

I. Catalog Course Description and Credit Hours of Course:

ECE 609 JD1 (CRN 77851) cross-listed EDSE 609 JD1 (CRN 77905)Classroom Management and Child Guidance in Early Childhood Education (3 credits).This is a required course in the Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education (M.A.T. ECE) program and Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (M.Ed. ECE). It is an elective course for the Special Education Early Childhood endorsement cross-listed as SPED 609. Only one syllabus will be prepared and used for all students.

Analysis of guidance and management practices based on multiple aspects of typical and atypical child development will be explored. Understanding the need to promote child development through current research and methods regarding guidance and management practices with young children will be addressed. Through techniques to support trust building and using developmental knowledge candidates learn to create healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging learning environments for young children with and without exceptional learning needs. 25 hours lab may be required. Successful course completion with a grade of B or better.

II. Prerequisite(s): EDSE S609 Program enrollment for Special Education

III. Textbook and/or Required Reading s :

Constructive Guidance and Discipline, Preschool and Primary Education 5th edition (2010)by Marjorie Fields and Debby Fields ISBN #0136035930

Contact information for MBS Direct:Phone: 1-800-325-3252Online: http://direct.mbsbooks.com/ualaska.htm

HYPERLINK"http://direct.mbsbooks.com/ualaska.htm" \t "l"

Students are expected to read the weekly chapters and prepare for class discussion.

Supplemental Readings from research and selected articles posted on the Home Site: Resources will also be required readings for students.

IV. Technology Needed

Reliable high-speed Internet connection, personal computer, telephone and email are necessary tools to have on hand throughout the semester.

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Course Objective The candidate will

demonstrate the knowledge and skills

necessary to:

SOE (Conceptual Framework)

Standard MetGraduate Competencies NAEYC

Assessment Ensuring that the Objective has

been met

• To understand guidance and discipline as a teaching process rather than merely a process for controlling o t hers .

(AKST/Goal 1) Candidates articulate & maintain philosophy of education & demonstrate in practice. (AKST/Goal 4) Candidates possess current academic content knowledge.

(1) Communication1.1 Candidates possess effective professional writing skills appropriate in their fields.(1) Communication1.3 Candidates use substantial comprehension skills in reading and listening.(2)Professional Behavior2.1 Candidates recognize ethical and professional responsibilities.(3)Critical Thinking & Problem solving1.2 Candidates are effective in presentations and professional discourse.

Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Standard 6.Initial: Becoming a professional

Advanced: Growing as a professional

Pre-class assignment compared with

research articles read


Classroom Practicum

Experience with written report


• To develop alternatives to punitive action in dealing with children’s behavior.

(AKST/Goal 2) Candidates apply knowledge of human development in practice.

(3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.1 Candidates identify, analyze and conceptualize problems in their field.3.5 Candidates exercise judgment in decision-making.(2) Professional Behavior2.2 Candidates can work effectively in various roles with diverse individuals and groups to achieve common goals.

Standard 4. Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Read, discuss &personally reflected

Section 1

(Chap: 1, 2, & 3)

• To learn how some discipline problems can be prevented through positive planning.

(AKST/Goal 5) Candidates facilitate student learning by using assessment to guide planning & modification of teacher.

(2)Professional Behavior2.2 Candidates can work effectively in various roles with diverse individuals and groups to achieve common goals.Critical Thinking & Problem solving 3.3 Candidates understand the holistic and systemic nature of issues in relation to various learning environments.

Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Standard 4: Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families Standard 5: Using contentknowledge to build meaningfulcurriculum

Read, discuss &personally reflected

Section 2 (Chap:

4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9 & 10)

• To understand how child develop m ent stages and levels should

(AKST/Goal 2) Candidates apply knowledge of human development in practice.

(3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.2 Candidates evaluate and synthesize data, considering multiple perspectives. 3.5 Candidates

Standards 1: Promoting ChildDevelopment and Learning

Read, discuss &personally reflected

Section 3

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V. Alignment MatrixVI.VII.

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affect adult expectations for behavior.

(Chap: 11, 12, 13, 14,& 15)

• To learn how adult responses to child behavior can be matched to child development for effective teaching.

(ST/Goal 5) Candidates facilitate student learning by using assessment to guide planning & modification of teacher.

3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.3 Candidates understand the holistic and systemic nature of issues in relation to various environments.3.4 Candidates understand the role of technology in analysis and decision-making.

Standards 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning Standard 3. Observing, documenting, and assessing

Classroom Practicum

Experience with written report


• To learn how to encourage children’sself-discipline and moral autonomy.

(ST/Goal 6) Candidates create & manage a stimulating, inclusive & safe learning environment.

(3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.5 Candidates exercise judgment in decision-making.

Standard 4. Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families

Research Article(s) Personal reflection


• To practice matching discipline interventions to perceived causes of problems.

(ST/Goal 5) Candidates facilitate student learning by using assessment to guide planning & modification of teacher.

Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.1 Candidates identify, analyze and conceptualize problems in their field.

Standard 4. Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families

Classroom Practicum

Experience with written report

posted• To gain insight into

assistance for children with serious social, emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive needs.

(ST/Goal 3)Candidates differentiate instruction with respect for individual & cultural characteristics

(3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.2 Candidates evaluate and synthesize data, considering multiple perspectives.3.4 Candidates understand the role of technology in analysis and decision-making.

Standard 2. Building family and community relationships Standard 4. Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families

Research Article(s) Personal reflection


• To learn how to incorporate the course content into curriculum to meet children with diverse needs, especially in Alaska Native communities.

(ST/Goal 3)Candidates differentiate instruction with respect for individual & cultural characteristics (ST/Goal 7) Candidates work as partners with parents, families & the community.

(3) Critical Thinking & Problem solving3.2 Candidates evaluate and synthesize data, considering multiple perspectives.(1) Communication3.4 Candidates understand the role of technology in analysis and decision-making.

Standard 2. Building family and community relationships Standard 4. Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families

Research Article(s) Personal reflection


• To learn how to collaborate with families and community to guide and help children’s discipline.

(ST/Goal 7) Candidates work as partners with parents, families & the community.

(1) Communication1.4 Candidates understand the role of technology and effectively use it for professional communication.(2) Professional Behavior

2.3 Candidates can assume a leadership role, when necessary.

Standard 2. Building family and community relationships

Classroom Practicum

Experience with written report


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VI. Relationship of the Conceptual Frame w ork to Standards

An increasing emphasis on professional standards for educators reinforces the relevance of the School of Education’s vision of an informed, reflective and responsive professional educator as the grounding tenants of our Conceptual Framework. As the lists of expected achieve m ent indicators, co m petencies , and dispositions issued by government and professional groups become m ore extensive, only an infor m ed professional who actively reflects on his/her teaching and is responsive to student, fa m ily and co mm unity needs will be capable of m eeting the intent of those standards. The general theme of our vision is that each of these areas strives to nurture and prepare professional educators so that they can meet the needs of diverse learners. Efforts include continuous endeavors to creatively incorporate technology throughout individual subject area fields, promoting understanding and appreciation for diversity, and support of the development of literacy skills needed in an increasingly complex society.

VII. Basis for Student Evaluation :

Assignment Points Due Date

Pre-Class Reflective Writing Response X Monday, September 5, 2011

Candidates are to read all chapters. One chapter to be assigned facilitation 20

Assigned:Circle the applicable chapter

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Room Arrangement as a Teaching StrategyPost response to Discussion Board X Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter 1 Reading Response 8 Wednesday, September 14th

Chapter 3 Reading Response 8 Wednesday, September 21st

Chapter 5 Reading Response 8 Wednesday, October 5th

Chapter 6 Reading Response 8 Wednesday, October 12th

Research article with personal reflection


Post response to ForumBy

Wednesday, November 23rd

Chapter 9 Reading Response 8 Wednesday, November 2nd

Practicum/Practical Experience #1 10 Friday, September 30th

Practicum/Practical Experience #2 10 Friday, October 21th

Practicum/Practical Experience #3 10 Friday, November 18th

Standards Papers/Knowledge Statements


IndependentPeer Review/feedback

between colleagues

Final Standards Papers (M.A.T. Students) Knowledge Statements (M.Ed. Students) 40 Final papers due December 12, 2011

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VIII. Explanation of Assignments

Chapter Reading Responses: Your writing must reflect graduate level work. Use the tools such as spell check that are available. Reread and review you writing for grammar and structure (wording) prior to making your submission. Post responses to Home Site: Assignments TASK BAR.

Chapter 1 Reading Response:Carlos is using the playhouse broom. Betsy wants it and grabs it away. Carlos hitsBetsy and the battle is on.a. Describe a response that solves the problem but does not teach. Explain why the response does not teach, what might the limitations be in this type of reaction?b. Describe a response that solves the problem and does teach autonomy and self- discipline. Explain why the response supports autonomy providing reference to the chapter readings.

Chapter 3 Reading Response:Conrad accidentally spilled the paint at the easel, but he denies that he did it.a. What is the probable cause of this perspective from Conrad? When considering

young children, why is it problematic to simply say he lied? Explain your thinking and back it up with information from the reading.

b. What is the best adult response to the situation? Explain why the response is preferred.

Chapter 5 Reading Response: The kindergartens were lining up to go to the library. Tony got into line and immediately began pushing Tim, who was in front of him. Next, Tony grabbed Tim’s arm and then began playing with his hair. a. What is the probable cause of this problem? Explain your thinking with support from the

chapter. b. How can you best deal with it now? Using the information provided in the chapter to validate your thinking within the response.c. How can you prevent similar situations in the future? Again, refer to the information

provided within the chapter.

Chapter 6 Reading Response:Think about your own practice or tendency for how you respond to children when they feel hurt or upset. Do you deny children’s negative feelings or accept them? Do you try to distract the children from physical or emotional pain? Do you reflect or assess your responses to children when experiencing pain or feeling hurt or upset? In other words, take the time to research the reasons behind your responses to children’s feelings and behavior related to those feelings. Provide two examples to support your beliefs and opinions about your practice. This might include recent shifts you have experiences.

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Chapter 9 Reading Response:

Courtney finally wrote something in her journal today instead of just drawing in it: a major breakthrough!a. If you were praising her, what might you say and why?b. If you were using encouragement, what might you say and why? How are the two approaches and their goals different? Include information from the chapter readings and related articles.

Research article and Response: Each participant will:

Select one of the articles from the Home Site: Resource Section. The File is labeled: Independent Articles

Read the article, Post personal response (include the complete article title & authors) article thread on the Forum.

All chapter-reading responses will be posted to the Home Site: Assignments TASK BAR.

Chapter Reading Response Rubric:

6-8 pts

Your writing must reflect graduate level work. Submissions are analytical, constructive, and offer justification including examples or samples of student work when appropriate for thoughts and responses. De m onstrates thorough understanding of theories and/or topics and is not a summary of the author’s work. Responses m ay include citations from current readings or independent reading sources with a complete reference page.

3-5 pts

Writing has spelling and word errors. The quality of writing does not meet graduate level expectations. Submissions are generally received within a fewdays of due date. Responses are reflective, supportive, and offer thoughts, which are sometimes supported with examples. Demonstrates basic understanding of theories and topics. May include citations from the current reading or independent reading sources.

1-2 pts

Quality of writing in unacceptable. Submission of reading responses is untimely. Responses are basic, repetitive in nature and lacks personal insight. Feedback restates the information from our text reading. No justification is present. Demonstrates minimal understanding of theories and topics.

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Practicum Experience Report Rubric:

8-10 pts

Submit your practicum response in a timely manner through the home site:Forum. Your writing reflects graduate level work. Your responses are analytical, constructive, and offer justification for thoughts and responses. Explanations of practice may be supported by cites when appropriate and include complete reference. Includes descriptive examples from observations including some dialog. The reports are reflective, supportive, and offer thoughtful consideration yielding new insights or ideas for what might work in the future during similar experiences. Demonstrates a strong understanding between theories and application of practices. Responds to the written work of several (two or more) classmates acknowledging and supporting the process.

5-7 pts

Writing reflects ongoing develop in organization and expression of ideas with clarity. Practical experience reports demonstrate insightful reflections and ideas on a basic level. Submissions are received within a few days of due date. The reports are reflective, supportive, and offer personal thoughts and response. Some explanations of practice are supported by cites. Includes some descriptive examples from observations, includes little to no dialog examples. Demonstrates a basic connection between understanding theories and application of practices. Responds to the work of one classmate.

1-4 pts

Writing reflects need to organize and express ideas clearly. Submission offer minimal practicum reflections and ideas on a basic level. Reports are untimely. Reports are basic with little or no examples linking theory to practice, and offer little personal insight. No justification is present. Demonstrates basic understanding of theories and topics but evidence of application of knowledge is absent. Does not respond to the written work of classmates.

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Guidance and DisciplinePractical Experience Report Form

Report by:

Child’s First name or fictitious name: Age:

Date: Time:

Description of situation:

Adult (Your) Response:

Child’s reaction:


o Conclude with you understanding for the probable cause of problem and evidence you believe suggesting that cause:

o Include how the adult (your) reaction dealt with probable cause?OrHow should adults (you) have responded in order to deal with probable cause in the most effective manner while still teaching rather than punishing or controlling?

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Practicum Experience Reports

Your writing must reflect graduate level work. Use the tools such as spell check that areavailable. Reread and review you writing for grammar and structure (wording) prior to making your submission. If posted on line, you can re-enter your post at any time in the future to continue making edits to the quality of your post.

Practicum Experience # 1Analyze the physical setting of the classroom (include a map). Your map may be computer generated, hand drawn or fully described in writing. However, a written description is not an analysis of the environment! If uncertain about how to proceed with your analysis then return to the video: Room arrangement as a teaching strategy and view with critical attention as to how they talk about the messages young children may receive about how their environment is presented. Your analysis should allow you to define the room arrangement as a teaching strategy or in other words: In what ways does the room arrangement prevent or create discipline problems for children? How are mobility and/or personal space needs met? Include information on how this arrangement fosters autonomy (moral and intellectual) for students? The following website may be helpful in creating a classroom map: http://classroom.4teachers.org/ The Guidance and Discipline Practicum Report Form is not needed for this experience.

Practical Experience # 2Attempt to use the steps for negotiating conflict as described in chapter 7, and specifically on page169, at the time of conflict. Follow the structure of the Guidance and Discipline practicum report form. Analyze your results to gain insights on how to be more effective in the future include your insights in your report. This needs to be a report on your personal (active) experience. Do not base your observations of the behavior of another adult, teacher, or caregiver.

Practicum Experience # 3Observe a disruptive situation; record the event using the guidance and discipline practicum report form. Use the structure of the Guidance and Discipline practicum report form when writing up your experience.

Post your practicum experiences to the Forum on our class home site

Directions for posting to the Forum: You may access the Forum by going to the Communication Tools section on the

Home Site and locating the Forum Topics.

Click on the subject title such as Practicum #1 Reports… . This will automatically takeyou to the Topic Index and the Forum Map.

Click on the thread you wish to access (Practicum #1).

Once the new screen opens you will need to click on the Post Response option located In the lower felt hand side of the message box.

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Once the new window opens, you will need to m odify the title to include your first name. For example: Experience #1. Susan, which should help to clarify each event and

our opportunities to respond consistently to one another.

When ready to submit, simply hit Post Item and your work will be posted on the home site as a new thread.

Please submit your report by the end of the week following your practical experience.The work you do during the practicum will contribute directly to the development of your standards papers or your Ideal literacy classroom paper.

You m ust respond to the postings of at least two class m ate s . In your response, be specific to their writing with meaningful and constructive feedback. No credit will be given for simply saying that you liked… without specific elaboration. You can strengthen the report by providing examples of children’s work when appropriate.

When responding to the work of your classmate, you will go through the same process as above though you will not change the title of your entry. You merely post your response.

Final paper(s):

M.A.T. ECE - Portfolio Documentation for individual UAS Conceptual Framework Goals: 2 & 6 (alignment provided on page 3 & 4 of this syllabus).

M.Ed. ECE & SPED Candidates – Knowledge Statement: synthesizing infor m ation from readings, theory, and personal experience using course content in support of your vision for an appropriate early childhood educational/classroom practice. You may draw upon the theme represented inthe UAS Goals: 2) Human Development and Learning, and 6) Learning Environment. However, you must write with respect to our NAEYC Standard: 1) Promoting Child Development and Learning, and NAEYC Standard 4) Using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families as the framework for your paper. Some of you may wish to also embrace NAEYC Standard 6: Growing as a professional. Additional information on completing your knowledge statements is contained in this syllabus. Alignment provided onpage 3 & 4 of this syllabus) and samples may be available upon request. M.Ed. SPED candidatesmay choose to write with regard to CEC Standard 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners (See link under Resources: Standards for CEC content standards for all beginning special education teachers).

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UAS-SOE Unit Goals of the Conceptual FrameworkAlaska State Teacher Standards

SOE Goal #2 Teacher candidates understand how human development affects learning and apply that knowledge to practice.

AK Teacher Standard #2 A Teacher understands how students learn and develop and applies that knowledge in the teacher’s practice.

Early Childhood Education Guidance and Discipline perfor m ance indicator: Accurately identifyingand addressing maturational development causes of behavior problems. As one example for thisperformance indicator, please include an example of how maturation, growth and development, inperspective-taking skills affect behavior and how young children best learn perspective-taking skills.

SOE Goal #6 Teachers create and manage a stimulating, inclusive and safe learning environment in which students take intellectual risks and work independently and collaboratively.

AK Teacher Standard #6 A teacher creates and maintains a learning environment in which all students are actively engaged and contributing members.

Early Childhood Education Guidance and Discipline perfor m ance indicator: Creating a learning community that assists (supports) children’s development toward moral and intellectual autonomy so that they can take intellectual risks and assume responsibility for their own behavior.

* Be sure to define moral and intellectual autonomy for this performance indicator in order to provide a context for your examples of assisting development with each child

Tips to help in preparing your final papers:

Reading Responses 1, 2, & 3 along with practical experiences 2 & 3 will provide information you may draw upon in writing your standard 2 paper. In fact I would suggest a synthesis of information from what you've already written. We believe the activities provide the groundwork for the connections made or represented in the standards paper. Practical experience 1 is a direct link to standard 6 though you will need to bring into your writing the ways you would employ opportunities to develop moral and intellectual autonomy, which is reflected in our class discussions and all aspects of this course. Drawing upon your Reading Responses may be very beneficial in providing evidence or support for your ideas.

In support of classmates one student wrote:

“The rubric really helped me order my thinking. Also, for both standards papers I used a lot of what I had already written for the assignments. It might be helpful to print out all your assignments, go through and highlight all the sentences, cites, and salient points relating to each standard. I used one color highlighter for one standard and another for the other standard. That helped me to see theme and pattern in what I had already written. The rubric gave me my outline and then I just plugged in my highlighted text and fleshed out the thoughts a bit for a cohesive paper” (personal communication, Andrews, Fall 2008).

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Submitting Final (Standards) Papers

Your papers need to demonstrate your understanding of the course content related to theUAS Goals /Alaska Teacher Standards stated above.

• Length: 3-5 pages (double space) 7 pages maximum

• Times New Roman size 12 throughout the body of the paper

• Format:

Cover sheet / Heading:

Your Name

Course number and title

Standard # and statement written out fully

ECE Performance Indicator written out fully


Needs to include an explanation regarding the significance of the performance indicator, demonstrating your understanding of course content. This should provide a context and lead-in to your documentation.

Body of your paper - documentation: Validate your statements by including citations:

Should include sources from the class reading as well as other pertinent journal articles and/or relevant books. Include examples from practicum work if appropriate


May include personal opinions, insights, new learning, and ponderings.

• At least two relevant citations are required for each paper to show the research base.

• Papers should be carefully proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation before being submitted. All students are expected to work with selected classmates in the peer review process.

• Use APA style to report cites within your paper. APA Formatting & Style Guide:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/APA tutorial: http://flash1r.apa.org/apastyle/basics/index.htm

• Submit through the Communication Tools: FORUM of the home site.

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Rubric UAS-Goals / AK Standards Paper

Name Fall Semester 2011UAS-SOE Unit Goal #2: Teacher candidates understand how human development affects learning and apply that knowledge to practice.

Performance Indicator: Accurately identifying and addressing maturational development causes of behavior problemsUAS-SOE Unit Goal #6 Teachers create and manage a stimulating, inclusive and safe learning environment in which students take intellectual risks and work independently and collaboratively.

Performance Indicator: Creating a learning community that assists children’s development toward moral and intellectual autonomy so that they can take intellectual risks and assume responsibility for their own behavior.


t val



l poi


1. Standards: 2A. A cover page is provided including the course number and title written out completelyB. Standards and performance indicators are listed on the cover page or at the beginning of the paper.

2. Introduction: 10A. The topic of the paper is introducedB. Background information offered to establish prior knowledge for readerC. Organization of paper is outlinedD. Main points to be addressed in the paper are clearly identified

3. Narrative Content: 23

A. Narrative explains CLEARLY how the standards and performance indicators were addressed and met through readings and practicum

B. Narrative and examples demonstrate your expertise with these standards and performance indicators

C. Explanations of how children develop based on theory are supported by citations

D. Content of the narrative demonstrates ability to match children’s physical development with appropriate guidance

E. Evidence of classroom management practices that are supported by citations from the readings and provide a clear link to theory.

D. Explanation of how the room arrangement can assist students in appropriate social interactions while engaged in the learning experiences.

E. Define your philosophy as it relates to children’s guidance and development

F. Include evidence of how students with special needs are addressed.

4. Conclusion 10

A. Ideals are clear, written in a logical manner. Conclusion addresses the topic as stated in the introduction. No new ideas presented.

B. Writer goes beyond a simple narrative to synthesize the relationship between the standard, personal beliefs and classroom practices as they relate to guidance and development.

5. Presentation format: Must be graduate quality, neat, creative, and thorough 5

A. In text citations are APA style with each included in a complete-separate reference page.B. APA Formatting: 1 inch margins all around, Font: TNR #12, no contraction unless in direct quote, etc.C. Proof reading and editing is evident, little to no grammatical errorsOverall: Not Met (20) Met (30) Target (40)Notes:

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Submitting final paper: M.Ed. ECE & M.Ed. SPED Candidates – Knowledge Statements You will be synthesizing research, theory and personal experience within the context of the National standards NAEYC or CEC. You are presented with the opportunity to define your vision for appropriate early childhood education/classroom practice and early learning in the broad perspective. In other words, how has the content of this course impacted your understanding of working with young children, acknowledging the importance of child development, and supporting growth in autonomous behavior.

• Length: 5-7 pages (double space) 10 pages maximum• Times New Roman size 12 throughout the body of the paper• Format:

Cover sheet / Heading:

Your Name

Course number and title

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards


Identify your understanding of the course content and the validity within the early childhood years using NAEYC standards as a framework. Throughout this paper you will be documenting what you know about the content and how to teach it within the early childhood years. Do not write in first person or project what you will do but rather, present yourself as the professional educator who is explaining the knowledge base and how to use course content in one’s professional practice backed up by or supported by theoretical perspectives with appropriate citations. Throughout your paper, you will invite the reader into the broad perspective within the educational community and the role of the professional educator with respect to child development, community and diversity. This should provide a context and lead to your documentation.

Body of your paper - documentation: Validate your statements by including citations:

Should include multiple sources from the class readings and other pertinent journal articles or relevant books. All citations need follow basic APA formatting. The reference page must be on a separate sheet and adhere to APA formatting. Every citation must be in the references and every item in the reference section must be a citation within the body of the paper.

What does it mean to be competent with content? What might the expectations be within the general ECE classroom when working with the course content? Include examples from practicum work, if appropriate, though your synthesis will not focus merely on your

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practicum experiences but provide a broader perspective of the content and the guiding standards for you at this point in your program and perceived application in your professional career (whether director, staff developer or classroom teacher).

Conclusion: May include personal opinions, insights, new learning, and ponderings.

Multiple relevant citations required showing the research and theoretical base.

• Papers should be carefully proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation before being submitted.

• Use APA style to report cites within your paper. APA Formatting & Style Guide:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/APA tutorial: http://flash1r.apa.org/apastyle/basics/index.htm

• Submit through the FORUM section of the home site.See direction for submitting to the FORUM on pages 10 & 11.

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Rubric: Knowledge Statement

Name: Fall semester 2011Classroom Management and Child Guidance in Early Childhood Education Po





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3. NAEYC OR CEC Standard(s): 2A. A cover page is provided including the course number and title written out completelyB. National standards are identified on the cover page or at the beginning of the paper.

4. Introduction: 10A. The topic and purpose of the paper are clearly introducedB. Background information on national organizations offered to establish prior knowledge for readerC. Framework for the context of the paper is provided or outlinedD. Main points to be addressed in the paper are clearly identified (ties to the topic and purpose)

3. Narrative Content: 14

A. Narrative explains CLEARLY how professional educators would use national standards to guide classroom practice.

B. The body of the narrative provides clear evidence for the professional in what, how and why this content is considered important to the well being of young children within the defined context.

C. Narrative and examples demonstrate the theoretical basis for the national standards addressed and what this means in practical terms for child care providers, directors, and/or classroom teachers.

D. Provide a rationale, with citation(s), in support of teaching with intellectual and moral autonomy as the goal.

E. How do professional educators plan for and use the learning environment to support exploration and practice in developing intellectual and moral autonomy with young children.

F. Include how multiple forms of diversity are addressed with regard to children of diverse cultural backgrounds and how all are respected and valued for their unique contributions within the learning environment (think & write from the broad perspective-rather than including a set of expectations).

G. Include evidence that individuals with physical, social, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive needs are forms of diversity but do not define the child.

H. From the broad perspective, how do professional educators use the classroom environmentto orchestrate appropriate social interactions while engaged in the learning experiences appropriate for age and developmental needs.

4. Conclusion 8

A. Ideals are clear, written in a logical manner. Conclusion addresses the topic as stated in the introduction. No new ideas presented.

B. Writer goes beyond a simple narrative to synthesize the relationship between the standard, personal beliefs and classroom practices for the professional educator as they relate to guidance and development for young children.

5. Presentation format: Must be graduate quality, neat, creative, and thorough 6

A. In text citations are APA style with each included in a complete reference page.B. APA Formatting: 1 inch margins all around and other basic presentation expectations as indicatedC. Proof reading and editing is evident, little to no grammatical errorsTotal points

Overall: Not Met (25) Met (35) Target (40)Notes:

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IX. Schedule

Class meets Monday evenings via Elluminate, beginning September 12, 2011

Week 1: September 5, 2011 Labor Day Holiday-campus closed; no class meeting scheduled

Pre-class assignments are to be posted to the Discussion Board by today.

In order to cover all course material, please read for September 12 meeting and be prepared to participate in group discussion.Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapters 1 & 2: Thinking About Guidance and Discipline & Physical and Emotional Development Affect Child Behavior

Week 2: September 12, 2011IntroductionsReview syllabus with Q & A

Discussion/Review facilitation by Sheila and SusanChapters 1 & 2: Thinking About Guidance and Discipline & Physical and Emotional Development Affect Child Behavior

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 3: Intellectual and Social Development Affect Discipline (46-71). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Chapter 1 Reading Response Due: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2011.Begin work on Practicum #1 Prepare well; you are to analyze not merely describe!Information may be found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus.

Week 3: September 19, 2011 Discussion/Review facilitation by Jessica Chapter 3: Intellectual and Social Development Affect Discipline.

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 4: Creating Environments That Prevent Discipline Problems (72-99). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Chapter 3 Reading Response Due: Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011.View Video: Room Arrangement as a Teaching Strategy on the home site under resources – Independent viewing – Please post your reflection from the video on the Discussion Board prior to our next class meeting.Continue work on Practicum #1 (information found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus)

Week 4: September 26, 2011 Discussion/Review facilitation by Tamora and AmyChapter 4: Creating Environments That Prevent Discipline Problems.Brief Discussion facilitated by Sheila and Susan: Room Arrangement as a Teaching Strategy

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Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 5: Planning Programs That Prevent Discipline Problems (100-127). Be prepared to participate in discussions.

Practicum 1 Due: Friday, September 30th

Week 5: October 3, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Sean Chapter 5: Planning Programs That Prevent Discipline Problems

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 6: Teaching Desirable Behavior Through Example (pgs 128-153). Be prepared to participate in discussions. Chapter 5 Reading Response Due: Wednesday, October 5th

Begin work on Practicum #2 (information found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus)

Week 6: October 10, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Jenna and VeraChapter 6: Teaching Desirable Behavior Through Example

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 7: Effective Discipline Through Effective Communication (154-176). Be prepared to participate in discussions. Chapter 6 Reading Response Due: Wednesday, October 12th

Continue work on Practicum #2 (information found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus)

Week 7: October 17, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Katie Sandvik and JoannaChapter 7: Effective Discipline Through Effective Communication.

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 8: Helping Children Understand and Accept Limits (177-194). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Read: Article: “I had it first”: Teaching young children to solve problems peacefully Articles are located in the file Supplemental Articles of the Home Site: Resources Practicum #2 due: Friday, October 21th

Week 8: October 24, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Kelly and TheresaChapter 8: Helping Children Understand and Accept Limits.Article Discussion lead by Sheila or Susan: “I had it first” Teaching young children to solve problems peacefully

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 9: Controlling Behavior Externally (195-214). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Read: Article: Five Reasons to Stop Saying, "Good Job!"Begin work on Practicum #3 (information found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus)

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Week 9: October 31, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by WalterDiscipline Chapter 9: Controlling Behavior Externally.Article Discussion lead by Sheila or Susan: Five Reasons to Stop Saying, "Good Job!"

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 10: Punishment Versus Discipline (215-229). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Optional Read: Article: Punished by Misunderstanding Chapter 9 Reading Response Due: Wednesday November 2nd

Begin thinking about your independent article to read and reflect upon for credit.Choose one of the articles posted to the Home Site: Resources – Independent Article fileContinue work on Practicum #3 (information found on pages 8-10 of this syllabus)

Week 10: November 7, 2011 Discussion/Review facilitation by Kathrine Stone Chapter 10: Punishment Versus Discipline

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 11: Immaturity (230-255) and Chapter 12: Unmet Needs (256-273). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Continue Article Search, choose, read, and then begin writing reflectionPracticum #3 due: Friday, November 18th

Final papers – work with classmate providing and receiving peer review

Week 11: November 14, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Jane and Willow Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 11: Immaturity and Chapter 12: Unmet Needs

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 13: Diversity(274-299). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Peer Review: Final papers – work with class m ate providing and receiving peer review

Week 12: November 21, 2011Discussion/Review facilitation by Tiffany and KimChapter 13: Diversity

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 14: Vulnerabilities (300-320). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Article reflection; posted by Wednesday, November 23rd

Q & A regarding final papers due Monday, December 12th

Finalize standards paper (M.A.T. students) OR knowledge statement (M.Ed. students). Be sure to work with your peer reviewer for support and feedback as you progress. Instructor will not be editing your paper or providing time for revision s .

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Week 13: November 28, 2011 Discussion/Review facilitation by Nancy Chapter 14: Vulnerabilities

Prepare for next week - Read: Constructing Guidance and Discipline Chapter 15: Analyzing Discipline Problems (pages 321-339). Be prepared to participate in discussions.Q & A regarding final papers due Monday, December 12th

Peer Review: Finalize your paper(s) – Submit through the home site Communication Tools: FORUM

Week 14: December 5, 2011 Discussion/Review facilitation by ChristopherChapter 15: Analyzing Discipline Problems

Debrief semester with course review Final papers due Monday, December 12th

Week 15: December 12, 2011 Final paper(s) – DUE TODAY Submit through the home site Communication Tools: FORUM

X. Grading ScaleONE Lead or co-facilitate in class chapter discussion/review 10%FIVE Chapter reading responses & ONE Article response 20% THREE Practicum reports 40% Final papers 30%

TOTAL 100%

XI. Academic Policy Statement:Honesty in academic endeavors is a central tenet of the UAS philosophy. One may feel proud of accomplishments and success attained honorably through hard work. Knowledge gained in this way often leads to later success in professional pursuits and in personal life. Unfortunately, academic stress and anxiety sometimes impact the individual in ways that produce dishonest behavior, or taking an “easier” route to fulfilling academicresponsibilities. Infractions of academic dishonesty can lead to serious consequences. Refer to the UAS Student Handbook for more details. Programs offered through the Learning Center and the Student Resource Center address topics such as study skills and time management to reduce stress and thus help to prevent dishonest behavior.

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XII. Student with Disabilities:To aid college students who experience a documented physical, cognitive, and/or psychiatric disability. Disability Support Services are available on all UAS campuses. The University of Alaska Southeast is committed to equal opportunity and programmatic access for students with disabilities (See University of Alaska Regents Policy: www.alaska.edu/bor/policy/policy.x m l ). For further information on disability support services and guidelines about documentation please visit our website at or:In Juneau: In Ketchikan: In Sitka:(907)796-6000 (907) 228-4505 (907) 747-7716

Early contact with this program promotes a positive educational experience.

XIII. Civility and HarassmentIntellectual honesty, mutual respect, and freedom from discrimination, intimidation, harassment and violence against persons or property are central to the UAS mission. Acts of intolerance and abusive behaviors which violate these basic values will not go unchallenged within our academic community. UAS is committed to standards promoting speech and expression that fosters the maximum exchange of ideas and opinions. Ideally, discourse is open, candid, and characterized by mutual respect and dignity.

It is the goal of the University to foster a campus climate which promotes the ideals of civility and appreciation for the uniqueness of each member of our academic community.

XIV. The major guiding beliefs and principles which are aspired to by the University of Alaska Southeast in providing its services are:

• Pursuing excellence – we pursue excellence through continuous improvement in teaching, community engagement, and research, scholarship, and creative expression.

• Embodying diversity – we embody the diversity of each individual’s culture, talents and abilities, and educational goals with special attention to Native Alaskan heritage unique to the Southeast.

• Contributing to development – we contribute to the economic and social development (sustainability) and quality of life and use the unique opportunities of the southeast region and statewide.

• Enhancing access – we create accessibility to programs and services through use of technology, innovative and creative practices, and personalized services.• Collaborating – we forge dynamic and cooperative partnerships with other academic institutions, government agencies, business and industry, and community-based organizations to enhance our effectiveness.

• Accounting for results – we are responsible stewards in the use of our resources and accountability for results.

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XV. UAS Core Themes

The fundamental aspects and translations into practice of the University of AlaskaSoutheast’s missions are manifest in:

• Community Engagement (Sustainability, Partnership) – provide programs and services that connect and respond to the economic and social needs and resources of Southeast Alaska

• Student Success – provide programs and services that ensure student access, achievement, retention, and completion of educational goals

• Teaching and Learning – provide a diverse range of programs and services (e.g., liberal arts; professional and technical; certificate, associate, baccalaureate, and graduate; continuing education) that result in academic excellence and demonstrate effective and innovative practices (e.g., on-line/mobile learning, scholarship, field experiences, internships, co-curricular activities, integrative learning, learning communities)

• Research, Scholarship, and Creative Expression – provide programs and services that support research, scholarship, and creative expression by faculty, staff, and students

XVI. Dispositions for Professional Educators

1. Abide by a philosophy of education and remain flexible to revising it based on new research and teaching experience.

2. Appreciate unique thinking processes of learners at different stages of development.

3. Appreciate multiple perspectives and value individual differences.

4. Commit to professional discourse about content knowledge and student learning of content.

5. Value assessment and instruction as integrated processes.

6. Commit to ensuring student well being and development of self-regulation and group interaction skills.

7. Recognize the school as an integral part of the community and value parents as partners in promoting student learning.

8. Value professional ethics, democratic principles, and collaborative learning communities.

9. Value technology as a tool for student and teacher lifelong learning.

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XVII. References

Marjorie Fields and Debby Fields, (2010). 5th edition. Constructive guidance and discipline: Preschool and primary education. Pearson, Prentice Hall

Hyson, Marilou and Taylor, Jackie L. (2011). Research in Review. “Caring about Caring: What adults can do to promote young children’s pro-social skills.” Young Children

Kersey, Katharine and Masterson Marie (2011). “Learn to Say Yes! When you want to say No! To create cooperation instead of resistance.” Young Children July, 40-43.

Thelen, Peggy and Klifman, Tammy (2011). “Using Daily Transition Strategies to Support All Children.” Young Children July, 92-98.

Bloom’s Taxonomy information is available through the following sites:http://www.odu.edu/educ/roverbau/Bloom/blooms_taxonomy.htm

There is lots of useful information on the web for Bloom’s Taxonomy though be sure that you are applying the information through the framework of the revised charts.http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/dalton.htm

APA Tutorial Available: http://flash1r.apa.org/apastyle/basics/index.htm

APA Formatting & Style Guide: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Universal Design for Learning. Available: http://udlonline.cast.org/home

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