LANNET-TRAPS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Title: LANNET Specific SNMP Traps -- Version: 9.2.0 -- Last Update: 11 June 2000 -- By: Yigal N. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- -- RCS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- -- -- Version 9.2.0 -- 11 June 2000 -- 1. Add new trap ipPolicyAccessControlViolationTrap for access control in trap 64 – Dan R. -- 2. Change the tarp names of PSUFltTrap & PSUFltReturnTrap to PSUMeritageTrap & -- PSUMeritageFltReturnTrap accordingly. – Dan R. -- -- Version 9.1.1 -- 13 Mar. 2000 -- 1. Add new mib ipPolicyControlSlot to the active list of ActivePolicyListChangeTrap – Dan R. -- 2. Change description of atmSwchSevereEventTrap – Gidi N. -- -- Version 9.1.0 -- 07 Mar. 2000 -- 1. Add meritageBaseFaultMask to traps 51,55,57,59,61,63,65, - Yigal N. -- 2. Add trap number 60 for Active Policy list Change Trap – Dan R. -- 3 Add trap number 62 for Atm switch Severe Event Trap – Gidi N. -- -- Version 9.0.1 – Yaron N. -- 05 Aug. 1999 -- 1. Change description of the Traps default initial configuration. -- -- Version 9.0.0 – Yaron N. -- 30 Apr. 1999 -- 1. Add 2 new traps (56,58) for creation/deletion of LAG -- 2. Add new item to the variable list of traps 44,46,48,50,52 and 54 -- -- Version 8.9.1 - Yigal N. -- 18 Jan. 1999 -- 1. Change the name of the 46th trap from LAGConnLostFltTrap to -- LAGConnLostFltReturnTrap - Yigal N. -- -- Version 8.9.0 - Yigal N. -- 11 Jan. 1999 -- 1. Add New configurationChangeTrap (genGroupVLANModeChangeTrap, -- genPortVLANModeChangeTrap, scEthPortGigaPauseStatus) - Yaron N.

downloads.avaya.com  · Web viewLANNET-TRAPS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Title: LANNET Specific SNMP Traps -- Version: 9.2.0-- Last Update: 11 June 2000-- By: Yigal N

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Page 1: downloads.avaya.com  · Web viewLANNET-TRAPS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Title: LANNET Specific SNMP Traps -- Version: 9.2.0-- Last Update: 11 June 2000-- By: Yigal N


-- Title: LANNET Specific SNMP Traps -- Version: 9.2.0-- Last Update: 11 June 2000-- By: Yigal N.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 9.2.0-- 11 June 2000-- 1. Add new trap ipPolicyAccessControlViolationTrap for access control in trap 64 – Dan R.-- 2. Change the tarp names of PSUFltTrap & PSUFltReturnTrap to PSUMeritageTrap & -- PSUMeritageFltReturnTrap accordingly. – Dan R.---- Version 9.1.1 -- 13 Mar. 2000-- 1. Add new mib ipPolicyControlSlot to the active list of ActivePolicyListChangeTrap – Dan R.-- 2. Change description of atmSwchSevereEventTrap – Gidi N.---- Version 9.1.0-- 07 Mar. 2000-- 1. Add meritageBaseFaultMask to traps 51,55,57,59,61,63,65, - Yigal N.-- 2. Add trap number 60 for Active Policy list Change Trap – Dan R.-- 3 Add trap number 62 for Atm switch Severe Event Trap – Gidi N.---- Version 9.0.1 – Yaron N.-- 05 Aug. 1999-- 1. Change description of the Traps default initial configuration.---- Version 9.0.0 – Yaron N.-- 30 Apr. 1999-- 1. Add 2 new traps (56,58) for creation/deletion of LAG-- 2. Add new item to the variable list of traps 44,46,48,50,52 and 54---- Version 8.9.1 - Yigal N.-- 18 Jan. 1999-- 1. Change the name of the 46th trap from LAGConnLostFltTrap to-- LAGConnLostFltReturnTrap - Yigal N.---- Version 8.9.0 - Yigal N.-- 11 Jan. 1999-- 1. Add New configurationChangeTrap (genGroupVLANModeChangeTrap,-- genPortVLANModeChangeTrap, scEthPortGigaPauseStatus) - Yaron N.-- 2. Add NEW traps 43, 45, 47, 49 for PSU & Fan Enrollment\De-Enrollment-- and 51 for Version inconsistancy. - Yaron N.-- 3. Add NEW traps 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 & 54 for Link Aggregation Faults - Yaron N.---- Version 8.8 - Gidi N.-- 10 Sept. 1998-- 1. New traps were added:-- 40: Atm Swch Lane Event Trap-- 41: Atm Swch Mgmt Event Trap-- 42: Atm Swch Connection Event Trap---- Version 8.7 - Yigal N.-- 07 Apr. 1998-- 1. New traps were added Reduced memory trap and NormalMemorySizeTrap,

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-- Their numbers are 36 and 38. - Yigal N. & Dan R.---- Version 8.6 - Yigal N.-- 16 Feb. 1998-- 1. Add New traps for devices based on CRP (Common Routing Package).-- the traps are:27, 28, 30, 32, 34 - Yigal N.---- Version 8.5.2 - Yigal N.-- 29 Sep. 1997-- 1. Add atmEdgePortDormantHealthStatus mib item to fault traps.-- 2. Add atmEdgePortRedundancyStatus mib item to ConfigChange---- Version 8.5.1 - Gidi N.-- 24 Aug. 1997-- 1. Add explanation when to send Config Change Traps and Fault Trap.-- 2. remove the word meritage from the name of the new Traps------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- This document summarizes the LANNET specific SNMP traps according to the convention-- proposed in the RFC1215 with some modifications. It also describe the standard traps-- used by LANNET.

-- The MADGE Standard traps numbering are:-- 0: Cold Start Trap-- 2: LinkDown Trap-- 3: linkUp Trap-- 4: AuthenticationFailure Trap

-- The MADGE Specific trap numbering follows the following convention:-- 1: Configuration Change Traps.-- 2: Fault Traps.-- 3: Traffic Threshold Exceeded Traps.-- 4: Module De-Enrollment Trap.-- 5: UNUSED.-- 6: Agent SW Fault Trap.-- 7: Module Enrollment Trap.-- 8: UNUSED.-- 9: Test Result Traps.--10: Ring Beaconing Trap.--11: Security Violation Traps.--12: Delete SW Redundancy Trap.--13: Create SW Redundancy Trap.--14: Temperature Warning Traps.--15: General Threshold Exceeded Traps.--16: Beacon Recovery Trap.--17: Beacon Outside Trap.--18: Switch Intruder Trap.--19: PSU Existence Trap.--20: Alarm Threshold Exceed--21: Alarm Threshold Return--22: CAM Change Trap--23: Temperature Return Trap--24, 25: NMA-RS Traps--26: VLAN Violation Trap (For 3LS)--27: Duplicate IP Trap (For CRP based devices).--28: IP VLAN Violation Trap (For CRP based devices).--29: FANs Fault trap--30: IPX VLAN Violation Trap (For CRP based devices).--31: FANs Fault Return trap--32: IP Access Control Trap (For CRP based devices).

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--33: PSU Fault trap--34: IPX Access Control Trap (For CRP based devices).--35: PSU Fault Return Trap--36: Reduced Memory Trap--37: BackUp Agent Fault Trap--38: Normal Memory Size Trap.--39: BackUp Agent Fault Return trap.--40: Atm Swch Lane Event Trap--41: Atm Swch Mgmt Event Trap--42: Atm Swch Connection Event Trap--43: PSU De-Enrollment Trap--44: LinkAggregation Connection Fault Trap--45: Fan De-Enrollment Trap--46: LinkAggregation Connection Return Fault Trap--47: PSU Enrollment Trap--48: LinkAggregation Partial Fault Trap --49: Fan Enrollment Trap--50: LinkAggregation Partial Return Fault Trap --51: Version Inconsistency Trap--52: LinkAggregation Auto Neg. Fault Trap--53: Version Inconsistency Return Trap--54: LinkAggregation Auto Neg. Fault Return Trap--55: VIDP Version Inconsistency Trap--56: Delete LAG Trap--57: VIDP Version Inconsistency Return Trap--58: Create new LAG Trap--59: STA Version Inconsistency Trap--60: Active Policy list Change Trap--61: STA Version Inconsistency Return Trap--62: Atm switch Severe Event Trap--63: IDS Version Inconsistency Trap--64: IP Policy Access Control Violation Trap--65: IDS Version Inconsistency Return Trap--66: UNUSED --67: Priority 8Khz Clock Fault Trap--68: UNUSED--69: Priority 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap--70: UNUSED --71: General 8Khz Clock Fault Trap--72: UNUSED --73: General 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap--74: UNUSED --75: Source 8Khz Clock Fault Trap--76: UNUSED --77: Source 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap--78: UNUSED --79: PSU Fault Trap (Module)--80: UNUSED --81: PSU Fault Return Trap (Module)--82: UNUSED --83: BUPS Fault Trap (Module)--84: UNUSED --85: BUPS Fault Return Trap (Module)--86: UNUSED --87: BUPS Fans Fault Trap (Module)--88: UNUSED --89: BUPS Fans Fault Return Trap (Module)--90: UNUSED --91: Fans Fault Trap (Module)--92: UNUSED

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--93: Fans Fault Return Trap (Module)--94: UNUSED --95: Cascade Up connection Fault Trap (Module)--96: UNUSED --97: Cascade Up connection Fault Return Trap (Module)--98: Cascade Down connection Fault Return Trap (Module)--99: Cascade Down connection Fault Trap (Module)

-- For New Families, starts from P330 family-- Traps in range 29 to 42 will have default on initialization, they are enabled for odd numbers and-- disabled for even numbers.-- Traps in range 1 to 28 and 43 to 100 will be enabled by default.---- For Old products Families (M440, M770, P100 etc.)-- Traps in range 26-99 have default on initialization, they are enabled for odd numbers and-- disabled for even numbers.---- Traps in range 100-110 used by management station-- Traps in range 1000-7000 used by management station-- Kernel can support up to trap number 128---- Config Change traps should be sent for all OIDs that influence an active window (LEDs,-- Set-Show window, VLAN application etc.), so it will be updated immediately and not in-- the next polling time.---- Fault Traps (2, 29, 33 etc.) should be sent for all OIDs that influence the color of a Port,-- Module or Hub. They will usually come with a variable of a Fault Mask:-- genPortFaultMask, genGroupFaultMask or meritageBaseFaultMask.-- Every change (Set or Clear) in the FaultMask should be followed by a Fault Trap or a Fault-- Return Trap which includes the new FaultMask.---- Fault and Fault Return Traps should enter the Umbrella log file with a string that explains-- the Trap. For new (>29) the string appears in the description of the Trap.-- The exact list can be found in the file DEVEX/R&D:products/mibs/lannet/fault.doc.---- Changes in any OIDs which influence our applications should be reflected in the-- last-change OIDs (for group, port, int port).

lntBoxIdent ::=lntGeneralBoxOID

-- 1 - lntConfigChangeTrap.

-- system group from MIB-II

sysLocationChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

sysLocation }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



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}DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SNMP group from MIB-II

snmpEnableAuthenTrapsChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Dot5 MIB

dot5RingStateChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

dot5RingOpenStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

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-- Chassis



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

chHWFanActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Generic Agent



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- LANNET Agent

chLntAgMgmtBusSelectionChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

- Generic Group

genGroupNumberOfPortsChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdent

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VARIABLES {genGroupNumberOfPorts}

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps. This trap is important for stack's support."::= 1

genGroupRedun12ChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genGroupRedun34ChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genGroupRedun1314ChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genGroupStandAloneModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genGroupAutoManChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genGroupRedundancyStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPE

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the port VLAN Mode changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Generic Port

genPortActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genPortIntPortConnectionChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genPortAdminStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genPortSecurityPolicyChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."

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::= 1

genPortSecureAddressesChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Generic Internal Port

genIntPortAdminStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genIntPortActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

genIntPortBusConnNumberChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {



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" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Ethernet Agent

ethAgPerfBusSelectionChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Management station used standard traps-- ifAdminStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPE-- ENTERPRISE lntBoxIdent-- VARIABLES {-- ifAdminStatus-- }-- DESCRIPTION-- " This trap is sent by an agent to report of a change in the AdminStatus of -- one of its interfaces."-- ::= 1

-- Ethernet Group group



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethGroupIntPortsRedundancyChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethGroupBackboneModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethGroupFOIRLPlusModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPE

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethGroupBackupBusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethGroupSingleBusModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Ethernet Port group



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethPortUserStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

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ethPortMainBusSelectionChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Ethernet Internal Port

ethIntPortBackedUpChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Token Ring group

tokRingRightSlotChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingLeftSlotChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingPeakTrafficChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingTrafficThreshChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingStationsMatchChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingSecurityPolicyChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

tokRingSecurityPolicy }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokRingSecureAddrChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Token Ring Group group

tokGroupManRightLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupManLeftLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupRightNeighborChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupLeftNeighborChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupBridgeModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupManLinkLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupManBusLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupRingInsertedChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupAutoRightLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupAutoLeftLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupRingSpeedChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokGroupStarSpeedDetectChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps. Thistrap is important for stack's support."::= 1

tokGroupLobeSpeedDetectChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps. Thistrap is important for stack's support."::= 1

-- Token Ring Port group

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tokPortBypassChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokPortConnectedChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokPortMappingChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tokPortSpeedDetectChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps. This trap is important for stack's support."::= 1

-- Terminal Server group




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" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

tsGroupOperationModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Ethernet Bus group

ethBusPeakTrafficChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

ethBusTrafficThreshChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Local Talk group

ltalkPortTestChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Clock group

clGroupClockRedundancyChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

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clGroupMainClockChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

clGroupTestClocksChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1




DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

snmpFddiPORTAvailablePathsChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."

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::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

snmpFddiPORTConnectStateChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

snmpFddiPORTPathsRequestedChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

snmpFddiMACCurrentPathChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

snmpFddiMACUpstreamNbrChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

snmpFddiMACUpstreamNbr }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."

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::= 1

snmpFddiMACDownstreamPORTTypeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

snmpFddiMACDownstreamPORTType }DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- RAD FDDI group

radFddiGroupManRightLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupManLeftLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupOpticalSwitchStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupRedundancyChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupTopologyModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.

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It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupAutoRightLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

radFddiGroupAutoLeftLoopChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SH-EFN/ SH-TFN traps



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- LSE

lseGroupBackBone12ChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

lseIntPortPriorityLevelChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

lseIntPortRoutingModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

lseIntPortGlobalChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

lseIntPortSecurityChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

lsePortPolarityChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SEC

scGenChRedunAgActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SEC Port



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

scGenPortPriorityChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

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scGenPort BackboneChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SEC Switch

scGenSwitchCopyModeChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

scGenSwitchCopyMode }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- SEC Eth Port group



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

scEthPortGigaPauseStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 1

-- Meritage

meritageBaseFanActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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meritageBaseFanActivityStatus }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of a configuration changes in the Fans."::= 1

meritageBasePSUActivityStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

meritageBasePSUActivityStatus }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of a configuration changes in the PSUs."::= 1

-- ATMEdge

atmEdgePortRedundancyStatusChangeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

atmEdgePortRedundancyStatus }

DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of a configuration changes in the ATM port."::= 1

-- 2 - FaultTrap

-- dot5 MIB (standard MIB)dot5RingStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPE


dot5RingStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Fault mask genGroupFaultMaskFltTrap TRAP-TYPE



DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of change in the fault mask. It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps "::= 2


genPortFaultMask }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of change in the fault mask. It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps "::= 2

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chLntAgCoprocCommStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

chLntAgCoprocCommStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Generic Group

genGroupInterProcCommStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupInterProcCommStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

genGroupCommStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupCommStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


genGroupHWStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

genGroupSupplyVoltageFaultFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupSupplyVoltageFault }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Ethernet Group

ethGroupWrongPortSelectionFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ethGroupWrongPortSelection }

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DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


ethGroupFIFO }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Ethernet Port

ethPortFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ethPortFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


ethPortJabber }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


ethPortNoAUILoop }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


ethPortMJLP }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


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ethPortFIFO }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

ethPortAutoPartitionStateFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ethPortAutoPartitionState }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Ethernet Internal Port

ethIntPortPartitionFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ethIntPortPartition }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


ethIntPortJabber }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Token Ring Group

tokGroupAutoLinkLoopFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

tokGroupAutoLinkLoop }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


tokGroupAutoBusLoop }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

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-- Token Ring Port


tokPortCableFault }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

tokPortFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

tokPortFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

tokPortRingSpeedErrorFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

tokPortRingSpeedError }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Local Talk group


ltalkPortJam }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- Clock group

clPortFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

clPortFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- RAD FDDI group

radFddiGroupConfigStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPE

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radFddiGroupConfigStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

radFddiPortFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

radFddiPortFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2



snmpFddiPORTPCWithHold }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


snmpFddiMACDupAddrTest }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


snmpFddiMACDaFlag }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2


snmpFddiMACUnaDaFlag }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

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itrLinkFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

itrLinkFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2



iwbLoopBackFault }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

--LSE Faults


lseIntPortJabber }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the lse module.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

scEthPortFunctionalStatusFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

scEthPortFunctionalStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The fault trap reports of abnormal situations in the hub.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 2

-- 3, TrafficThresExceedTrap.



DESCRIPTION" This trap is sent when the threshold for the traffic on the Ethernet orToken Ring has been exceeded. The buffer contains the results of thelast 10 measurements. The instances of the variables in question areformed exactly the same way as in the trap lntPeriodicPerfTrap .The trap

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is enabled/disabled by the variable chLntAgTrafficThreshTraps."::= 3

tokRingTrafficThresTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap is sent when the threshold for the traffic on the Ethernet orToken Ring has been exceeded. The buffer contains the results of thelast 10 measurements. The instances of the variables in question areformed exactly the same way as in the trap lntPeriodicPerfTrap .The trapis enabled/disabled by the variable chLntAgTrafficThreshTraps."::= 3

-- 4 - Deenrollment Trap.

lntGroupDeEnrollmentTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupType,chGroupList }

DESCRIPTION" This tr ap is generated when the sensor board is extracted from the chassis.The information transmitted contains the slot number, the type of the board anda list of all existing mudules. The slot number (genGroupId) defines an instanceof the variable genGroupType. The trap is abled/disabled by chLntAgGroupEnrollDeenrollTraps."::= 4

-- 6 - Software Fault Trap.-- This trap is not used by the software



DESCRIPTION" The trap is sent when the software error in the agent's OS or thedrivers occurs. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgSoftFaultTraps."::= 6

-- 7 - Enrollment Trap.

lntGroupEnrollmentTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupType,chGroupList }

DESCRIPTION" This trap is sent when a module is inserted into the box. It contains the Module typeand the slot number (genGroupId) as an index. It contains the list of all Modules in the

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box. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgGroupEnrollDeenrollTraps."::= 7

-- 9 -Test Result Trap.

ltalkPortTestResultTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9

ethBusClockTestResultTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9

radFddiGroupTestResultTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9

radFddiPortTestResultTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9



DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9



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}DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the result of the test performedon the above-mentioned object."::= 9

-- 10 - Beaconing Trap.



DESCRIPTION" The trap provides the manager with the MAC address of the station which is sending Beaconing MAC frames on the ring. An instance of the tokRingBeaconingStation variable is defined for the particular ring (tokRingId) and particular agent (tokRingAgId). The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps."::= 10

-- 11 - SecureViolationTrap.

ethPortLastSourceAddrSecTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap notifies the management station of the security violation.It gives the slot number of the board, the port on the board and thesource MAC address extracted from the frame that has violatedthe security policy. The slot and the port numbers, genPortGroupId and genPortId respectively, define an instance of the appropriatesource address. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps.For the ring security violation the trap contains the ring ID and theintruder's MAC address."::= 11

tokPortLastSourceAddrSecTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" This trap notifies the management station of the security violation.It gives the slot number of the board, the port on the board and thesource MAC address extracted from the frame that has violatedthe security policy. The slot and the port numbers, genPortGroupId and genPortId respectively, define an instance of the appropriatesource address. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps.For the ring security violation the trap contains the ring ID and theintruder's MAC address."::= 11

tokRingLastViolationSecTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" This trap notifies the management station of the security violation.It gives the slot number of the board, the port on the board and thesource MAC address extracted from the frame that has violatedthe security policy. The slot and the port numbers, genPortGroupId and genPortId respectively, define an instance of the appropriatesource address. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps.For the ring security violation the trap contains the ring ID and theintruder's MAC address."::= 11

-- 12,13 - SW Redundancy Trap.



DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the deletion of the specified redundant link, which is identified by the softRedundancyId. It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 12


softRedundancyName,softRedundancyGroupId1,softRedundancyPortId1,softRedundancyGroupId2,softRedundancyPortId2,softRedundancyStatus }

DESCRIPTION" The trap is generated on the creation of the redundant links for thespecified ports. It gives the logical name of the redundant link theidentification of the main and secondary ports and the status of thelink. The softRedundancyId defines the instances of the above-mentioned variables. The trap is enabled/disabled by chLntAgConfigChangeTraps."::= 13

-- 14 - Temperature Warning Trap.



DESCRIPTION" This trap notifies the management station of the internal board/enclosure temperature fluctuations. It is generated whenthe temperature exceeds the threshold chHWIntTempThresh

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or returns to its normal limits. The trap is enabled/disabled bychLntAgTempThreshTraps."::= 14

genGroupIntTempWarningTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION " This trap notifies the management station of the internal board/enclosure temperature fluctuations. It is generated whenthe temperature exceeds the threshold chHWIntTempThreshor returns to its normal limits. The trap is enabled/disabled bychLntAgTempThreshTraps."::= 14

meritageBaseTemperatureExceedWarningTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION " This trap notifies the management station that temperature of Meritagehub exceeds the threshold. It is generated when the temperature hasexceeded on at least one of the modules in the hub."::= 14

-- 15 - GeneralThresExceededTrap.



DESCRIPTION" This is a general trap for all variables that have associated threshold values. The information transmitted in this trap consists of the threshold value set for the variable and the value of the variable itself. The trapis enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps." ::= 15



DESCRIPTION" This is a general trap for all variables that have associated threshold values. The information transmitted in this trap consists of the threshold value set for the variable and the value of the variable itself. The trapis enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps." ::= 15

snmpFddiMACFrameErrorTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdent

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VARIABLES {snmpFddiMACFrameErrorRatio,snmpFddiMACFrameErrorThreshold }

DESCRIPTION" This is a general trap for all variables that have associated threshold values. The information transmitted in this trap consists of the threshold value set for the variable and the value of the variable itself. The trapis enabled/disabled by chLntAgFaultTraps." ::= 15

-- 16 - Beaconing Recovery Trap.



DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent when the network is recovered and notifies a manager of the source of beaconing."::= 16

-- 17 - Beaconing Outside Trap.

lntBeaconOutsideTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentDESCRIPTION"The trap is generated to indicate that the source of beaconing is outside the hub."::= 17

-- 18 - Switch intruder Trap.

lanSwitchIntruderTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap notifies the management station of the security intruder."::=18

-- 19 -PSU Traps



DESCRIPTION"This trap reports of a voltage threshold exceed condition. It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgPSUVoltThrsTrapEn."

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::= 19

-- 20 - Alarms warning

genPortThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by theAlarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy.For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will

be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event,and will not be sent again until after the value of the variablereturns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 20

genGroupThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by theAlarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy.For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will

be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event,and will not be sent again until after the value of the variablereturns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 20

chThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will

be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 20

ethBusThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will

be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 20

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tokRingThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will

be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 20

-- 21- Alarms return

genPortThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceededthe threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trapwill be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sentagain until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 21

genGroupThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceededthe threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trapwill be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sentagain until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 21

chThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceededthe threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trapwill be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sentagain until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 21

ethBusThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {



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"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceededthe threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trapwill be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sentagain until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 21

tokRingThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceededthe threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trapwill be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sentagain until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 21

-- 22 - CAM Last Change: the reason of not putting this trap in configuration change group is-- for enabling the user to turn off this specific trap.



DESCRIPTION" This trap reports of the occurred configuration changes.It is enabled/disabled by chLntAgCAMChangeTraps."::= 22

-- 23 - Clear Temperature Exceeded trap



DESCRIPTION"This trap notifies the management station of the internalboard/enclosure temperature fluctuations. It is generated whenthe temperature exceeds the threshold chHWIntTempThreshor returns to its normal limits. The trap is enabled/disabled bychLntAgTempThreshTraps."::= 23

genGroupIntTempReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION " This trap notifies the management station of the internal board/enclosure temperature fluctuations. It is generated when

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the temperature exceeds the threshold chHWIntTempThreshor returns to its normal limits. The trap is enabled/disabled bychLntAgTempThreshTraps."::= 23

meritageBaseTemperatureExceedReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION " This trap notifies the management station that the temperatureof the Meritage hub returned below the defined threshold."::= 23

-- 24,25 - Traps for NMA-RS only:

genPortThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a lan switch port type variable monitored by theAlarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will be sent only upon detection of thethreshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 24

lsBusThresholdExceedTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a lan awitch bus type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 24

genPortThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a lan switch port type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy.For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will be sent only upon detection of the threshold exceed event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variable returns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 25

lsBusThresholdReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent after a LANswitch bus type variable monitored by the Alarm Tool has exceeded the threshold defined in the policy. For a given entry in the variableTable this trap will be sent only upon detection of the event, and will not be sent again until after the value of the variablereturns to the 'legal' side of the threshold."::= 25

-- 26 - Trap for 3LS regarding the VLAN viloation



DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to Management station a VLAN violation. 3LS verify theVLAN of the incoming packets. If there is any inconsistency with the VLANnumber found in the packet Control Word then the 3LS will issue a SNMP trap."::= 26

-- 27 - Duplicate IP Trap for devices based on CRP - Common Routing Package-- (M3LS, VisageRouter etc.)



DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on Duplicate IP identification. CRP identify the new IP on the network. If it similar to one of its IP interfaces, the CRP will issue a SNMP trap, contanis the MAC of the intruder."::= 27

-- 28 - IP VLAN violation Trap for devices based on CRP - Common Routing Package-- (M3LS, VisageRouter etc.)



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DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on IP VLAN violation. CRP verify the VLAN of the incoming packets. If there is any inconsistency between the configured VLAN and the VLAN number found in the IP packet, the CRP will issue a SNMP trap."::= 28

-- 29 - Fan Fault Trap



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of a Fan. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBaseFanActivityStatuschanged to failed (2).The umbrella message is: 'Fan no. $2 failure'"::= 29

-- 30 - IPX VLAN violation Trap for devices based on CRP - Common Routing Package-- (M3LS, VisageRouter etc.)



DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on IPX VLAN violation. CRP verify the VLAN of the incoming packets. If there is any inconsistency between the configured VLAN and the VLAN number found in the IPX packet, the CRP will issue a SNMP trap."::= 30

-- 31- Fan Fault Return Trap



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the Fan failure was cleared. It is sent when

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this trap is enabled and when meritageBaseFanActivityStatuschanged from failed (2) to active (1) or notPresent(3).The umbrella message is: 'Fan no. $2 failure - was cleared'"::= 31

-- 32 - IP Access Control Trap for devices based on CRP - Common Routing Package-- (M3LS, VisageRouter etc.)

ipAccessControlViolationTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ipAccessControlSrcAddr,ipAccessControlDstAddr, ipAccessControlProtocol,ipAccessControlApplication}

DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on IP Access Control violation. CRP identify the intruder on the network. The CRP will issue a SNMP trap, contains the IP address of the intruder."::= 32

-- 33 - PSU Fault Trap



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of a PSU. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBasePSUActivityStatuschanges to failed (2).The umbrella message is: 'PSU no. $2 failure'"::= 33

-- 34 - IPX Access Control Trap for devices based on CRP - Common Routing Package-- (M3LS, VisageRouter etc.)

ipxAccessControlViolationTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on IPX Access Control violation. CRP identify the intruder on the network. The CRP will issue a SNMP trap, contains the IPX address of the intruder."::= 34

-- 35 - PSU Fault Return Trap

PSUMeritageFltReturnTrap TRAP-TYPE

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DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the PSU failure was cleared. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBasePSUActivityStatuschanged from failed (2) to active (1) or notPresent(3).The umbrella message is: 'PSU no. $2 failure - was cleared'"::= 35

-- 36 - Reduced Memory Trap.

ReducedMemoryTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentDESCRIPTION"The trap is generated to indicate that the memory of the CPU isreduced due to lack of resources (SMON Application), or the dynamictables was exhausted (CRP Application)."::= 36

-- 37 - BackUp Agent Fault Trap



}DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of the BackUp MSPV in the Meritage.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when meritageMSPVBackupStatuschanged to failed (2).The umbrella message is: 'BackUp MSPV failure'"::= 37

-- 38 - Memory Size Back to NormalTrap.

NormalMemorySizeTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentDESCRIPTION"The trap is generated to indicate that the memory of the CPU wasreturened to its normal size (SMON Application)."::= 38

-- 39 - BackUp Agent Fault Return Trap



}DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the BackUp MSPV failure was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when

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meritageMSPVBackupStatus changed from failed (2) to dormant (1)or notPresent(3).The umbrella message is: 'BackUp MSPV failure - was cleared'" ::= 39

-- 40 - Atm Swch Lane Event Trap


mStackTrapMessage,atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode,genGroupId }

DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent on events in the LANE SW.The variable mStackTrapMessage contains a string describing the event.The variable atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode contains the Code of the event.

The umbrella message is: 'module $3 ; $1 (level $2)'

The umbrella description is: ‘ This trap is sent on events in the LANE software’

The Events are:LECS: Maximum ELAN number (%d) exceededRLECS STANDBY %N\n RLECS ACTIVE: %N\n

%s:%s joined ELAN %s successfully%s:%s illegal 'joined-elan' indication%s:%s failed to register route%s:%s failed to connect to LES%s:%s lost connection to LES%s:%s failed to connect to BUS%s:%s lost connection to BUS%s:%s failed to connect to LECSLEC - out of memoryLEC - sig or ILMI not up%s:%s timed out while registering MAC address%s:%s failed to register MAC address%s:%s failed to join ELAN%s:%s unable to ARP for BUS%s:%s config request to LECS failedLEC failed (error %04Xh)LECS Client failed configuration from %N, code %04XLECS: LES registered from %NLECS: LES failed registration from %N, code %04XLECS: LES de-registered from %NLECS: LES %N refused because ELAN using different auto-registration version;version in use is: %dLECS: LES %N refused because it does not have IPX RIP/SAPLECS activatedLECS deactivated%s:%s LEC joined ELAN from %N%s:%s LEC failed to join ELAN from %N, code %04X%s:%s LEC at %N left ELAN%s:%s LECS does not support my automatic/standby mode%s:%s LECS does not support auto-registration version. Tried %d, LECS cansupport %d

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%s:%s ELAN using different auto-registration version. Tried %d, ELAN using %d"::= 40

-- Default disabled

-- 41 - Atm Swch Mgmt Event Trap


mStackTrapMessage,atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode,genGroupId }

DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent on events in the Management SW (Telnet, etc).The variable mStackTrapMessage contains a string describing the event.The variable atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode contains the Code of the event.

The umbrella message is: '$1 (level $2)'

The umbrella description is: ‘ This trap is sent on events in the ATM management software (telnet etc.)’

The Events are:Connection from %I rejected: too many failed login attemptsConnection from %I rejected: incorrect passwordConnections from %I denied for %d minutesConnection from %I acceptedPassword for Telnet sessions deletedPassword for Telnet sessions changedTELNET:%s Connection from %I closedTELNET:%s Connection opened from %IFile %s Line %d: BAD PING EVENT: %s, state %s\nFile %s Line %d: BAD LINK STATE EVENT: %s, state %s\nEvent log clearedCan't change configuration file as we do not have enough free flashspace to copy the file on reboot.\n

%d memory allocations failed for unspecified reasonsmemory is getting very low %dKb remainingmemory has recovered - %dKb now left%s now OK%s failed (speed %d)

SNMP read access password changedSNMP write access password changed

-- taken from LANE file:TELNET %s:%s Connection opened from %ITELNET %s:%s Connection acceptedTELNET %s:%s Connection rejected - bad passwordTELNET %s:%s Connection from %I closed"::= 41

-- Default enabled

-- 42 - Atm Swch Connection Event Trap

atmSwchConnectionEventTrap TRAP-TYPE

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mStackTrapMessage,atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode,genGroupId }

DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent on events in the Connection SW (Sig, ILMI, etc).The variable mStackTrapMessage contains a string describing the event.The variable atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode contains the Code of the event.

The umbrella message is: 'module $3 ; $1 (level $2)'

The umbrella description is: ‘ This trap is sent on events in ATM Connection software (Sig, ILMI, etc)’

The Events are:ILMI: Failed to grab VCI %d on VPI %d, vport %vILMI: Tried to re-register address %N through ILMILES: Maximum LES number (%d) exceededVPORT: could not create vport %d.%d.%d - VPI range out of range of physicalport.\nVPORT: failed to set up %s stack on vport %vVPORT: failed to set up %s stack on vport %vService category re-mapped to %s for call with unknown callerService category re-mapped to %s for call from %NService category re-mapped to %s for call to %NService Category Mapper enabledService Category Mapper disabledSmstor: EEPROM Write Failed at block %04x length %04x\nUser Fatal Event: %s\nVES: Creation of PMP out connection failed due to resource allocation failureVES: Outgoing ADD PARTY failed due to invalid AFI %uVES: Outgoing ADD PARTY failed due to signalling downVES: Incoming ADD PARTY to %N rejected due to no listening application\nVES: Incoming PMP connection refused due to resource allocation failure

during CONNECTVES: Application rejected incoming PMP call with cause %u\nVES: Failed to allocate VPCI/VCI for outgoing call setup\nVES: Failed to allocate VPCI/VCI for outgoing call setup\nVES: Outgoing call setup failed due to resource shortage\nVES: Outgoing call setup failed due to bad AFI %u\nVES: Outgoing call setup failed due to signalling down\nVES: Application rejected incoming PP call with cause %u\nVES: Incoming call refused as application is not listening on NSAP %N\nVES: Incoming call refused due to resource allocation failure\nVES: Failed to allocate VPCI/VCI for incoming call setup\n

Topology group creation failed due to resource allocation failure\n"::= 42

-- Default disabled

-- 43 - PSU De-Enrollment Trap.




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" The trap reports the de-enrollment of a PSU. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBasePSUActivityStatuschanges to notPresent(3).The umbrella message is: 'PSU no. $2 de-enrollment'"::= 43

-- 44 - LinkAggregation Connection Fault Trap.



DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on a LAG connection lost. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when scGenLinkAggregationFunctionalStatus changed to fail (2).The umbrella message is: 'LAG $3 ($2) connection lost'."::= 44

-- 45 - Fan De-Enrollment Trap.



}DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the de-enrollment of a Fan. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBaseFanActivityStatus

changes to notPresent(3).The umbrella message is: 'Fan no. $2 de-enrollment'"::= 45

-- 46 - LinkAggregation Connection Return Fault Trap.



DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that the LAG connection lost was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and whenscGenLinkAggregationFunctionalStatus changed from fail(2) to other value.The umbrella message is: 'LAG $3 ($2) connection lost - was cleared'."::= 46

-- 47 - PSU Enrollment Trap.


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DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the enrollment of a PSU.It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBasePSUActivityStatuschanges from notPresent (3) to active(1) or failed(2).The umbrella message is: 'PSU no. $2 enrollment'"::= 47

-- 48 - LinkAggregation Partial Fault Trap.



DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on a LAG partial connection, where some of the portsare in fault but some are ok. It is sent when this trap is enabled andwhen scGenLinkAggregationFunctionalStatus changed to partialFail (3).The umbrella message is: 'LAG $3 ($2) partial connection'."::= 48

-- 49 - Fan Enrollment Trap.



}DESCRIPTION " The trap reports the enrollment of a Fan.It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when meritageBaseFanActivityStatus changesfrom notPresent (3) to active(1) or failed(2).The umbrella message is: 'Fan no. $2 enrollment'"::= 49

-- 50 - LinkAggregation Partial Return Fault Trap.

LAGPartialConnFltReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


}DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that the LAG partial connection was cleared. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when scGenLinkAggregationFunctionalStatus changed from partialFail (3) to other value.The umbrella message is: 'LAG $3 ($2) partial connection - was cleared'."::= 50

-- 51 - Version Inconsistency Trap.

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VersionInconsistencyTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


}DESCRIPTION" The trap reports on the list of modules that have older softwareversion than necessary to get proper functionality in Meritage.The umbrella message is: 'Modules do not contain the latest software version.Update them to use new functionality'"::= 51

-- 52 - LinkAggregation Auto Neg. Fault Trap.



}DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on a auto-negotiation results on the LAG ports. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when scGenLinkAggregationAutoNegResults changed to autoNegInconsistantResults (2).The umbrella message is: 'LAG $3 ($2) auto Negotiation inconsistent results'."::= 52

-- 54 - LinkAggregation Auto Neg. Fault Return Trap.

LAGAutoNegResultsFltReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that the auto-negotiation results on the LAG ports was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when scGenLinkAggregationAutoNegResultschanged to ok(1).The umbrella message is:'LAG $3 ($2) auto Negotiation inconsistent results - was cleared'."::= 54

-- 55 – VIDP Version Inconsistency Trap.



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports on the list of modules that do not support VIDP,which may lead to improper work of this function in Meritage.The umbrella message is: 'Modules $2 do not support VIDP.Update them to use VIDP properly.’"

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::= 55

-- 56 – LAG Deletion Traps.



DESCRIPTION" The trap notifies the manager of the deletion of the specified LAG,which is identified by the scGenLinkAggregationId.The umbrella message is: ‘LAG $2 ($1) was deleted'”::= 56

-- 57 – VIDP Version Inconsistency Return Trap.

VIDPVersionInconsistencyReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that possible problem of VIDPVersion Inconsistency does not exist anymore, and was cleared.The umbrella message is: 'VIDP Versions Inconsistency problem was cleared’”::= 57

-- 58 - LAG Deletion Traps.



DESCRIPTION" The trap is generated on the creation of a new LAG.The umbrella message is: ‘LAG $2 ($1) was created'”::= 58

-- 59 – STA Version Inconsistency Trap.

STAVersionInconsistencyTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

meritageBaseFaultMask,scGenSwitchSTANonSupportedModules }

DESCRIPTION" The trap reports on the list of modules that do not support STA,which may lead to improper work of this function in Meritage.The umbrella message is: 'Modules $2 do not support STA.Update them to use STA properly.’"::= 59

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-- 60 – Active Policy list Change Trap.

ActivePolicyListChangeTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ipPolicyControlSlot,ipPolicyControlActiveGeneralList }

DESCRIPTION"The trap reports a change in the active list specific for a policy-enabled box or module.The umbrella message is: ‘ Module #m - Active policy list changed to #l'."::= 60

-- 61 – STA Version Inconsistency Return Trap.

STAVersionInconsistencyReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

meritageBaseFaultMask,scGenSwitchSTANonSupportedModules }

DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that possible problem of STA Version Inconsistencydoes not exist anymore, and was cleared.The umbrella message is: 'STA Versions Inconsistency problem was cleared’”::= 61

-- 62 – Atm switch Severe Event Trap.


mStackTrapMessage,atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode, genGroupId }

DESCRIPTION"This trap is sent on events which are severe.The variable mStackTrapMessage contains a string describing the event.The variable atmSwchCpuSoftErrCode contains the Code of the event.

The umbrella message is: 'module $3 ; $1 (level $2)'

The umbrella description is: ‘ This trap is sent on severe events in ATM software’

The Events are:1. Mix of versions in a full back plane hub.2. Flash is about to be full.3. PNNI port is connected to another PNNI port on the same module.4. PNNI port is connected to another PNNI port on the same switch.5. Different Node IDs are seen on the back plane (requires a reset of the switch).6. A new hierarchy level has larger scope number than its child peer group level.7. Too many nodes for a level (more than 255).8. Node’s level is out of range (the range is 1-104).9. LES failed to register to its ELAN.10. LEC failed to register to its ELAN.11. Maximum number of ELANs was configured“

::= 62

-- 63 – IDS Version Inconsistency Trap.

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IDSVersionInconsistencyTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

meritageBaseFaultMask,scGenSwitchIDSNonSupportedModules }

DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on the list of modules that do not support IDS,which may lead to improper work of this function in Meritage.The umbrella message is: 'Modules $2 do not support IDS.Update them to use IDS properly.’"::= 63

-- 64 – IP Access Control Violation Trap.

ipPolicyAccessControlViolationTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

ipPolicyAccessControlViolationSlot ipPolicyAccessControlViolationSrcAddr,ipPolicyAccessControlViolationDstAddr,ipPolicyAccessControlViolationProtocol,ipPolicyAccessControlViolationL4SrcPort,ipPolicyAccessControlViolationL4DstPortipPolicyAccessControlViolationEstablishedipPolicyRuleID,ipPolicyRuleListID,}

DESCRIPTION"This trap reports to the Management station on IP PolicyAccess Control violation. The trap includes in its varbind information about the slot where the event occurred, The id of the rule that was violated in the current rules table, and the quintuplet that identifies the faulty packet.A management application would display this trap and the relevant information in a log entry.This trap will not be sent at intervals smaller than one minute for identical information in the varbinds list variables."::= 64

-- 65 – IDS Version Inconsistency Return Trap.

IDSVersionInconsistencyReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that possible problem of IDS Version Inconsistencydoes not exist anymore, and was cleared.The umbrella message is: IDS Versions Inconsistency problem was cleared’”::= 65

-- 67 - Priority 8Khz Clock Fault Trap:

priority8KhzClockFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


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DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of the highest priority source portof 8Khz clocks.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when meritageClockCurrentSource is not the source with highest priority.(Bit 15 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is: 'The priority 8Khz clock source has failed.The current source is $2’ “::= 67

-- 69 - Priority 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap:

priority8KhzClockFltReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the Priority 8Khz Clock failure was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when the highest source isused again. (Bit 15 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is: 'The priority 8Khz clock source failure –was cleared. The current source is $2'"::= 69

-- 71 - General 8Khz Clock Fault Trap:

general8KhzClockFltTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of the all configured 8Khz clocksources. It means that the system is working in holdover orfree-running mode.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when meritageClockStatus is Not in locked (1) for more then 120seconds AND not all priorities are 0 ANDmeritageClockAdminStatus = enable (1)(Bit 16 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is: 'All 8Khz clock sources have failed.The current status is $2 (2=holedover 3=freeRunning 4=internal)’ “::= 71

-- 73 - General 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap:

general8KhzClockFltReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the failure of the all configured 8Khz clocksources - was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when the status is lockedagain. (Bit 16 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is: 'All 8Khz clock sources failure –was cleared.The current status is $2 (1=locked 2=holedover 3=freeRunning 4=internal)’ "::= 73

-- 75 - Source 8Khz Clock Fault Trap:



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that a 8Khz source has entered a failed state (which happens when the M-SPS has failed 4 times to lock to it).

It is sent when this trap is enabled and when meritageClockSourceStatus is in failed (3) state.(Bits 17-20 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is '8Khz source clock no. $2 failure (1=ATM A 2=ATM B 3=SYNC A 4=SYNC B)’. “::= 75

-- 77 - Source 8Khz Clock Fault Return Trap:

source8KhzClockFltReturnTrap TRAP-TYPEENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the failure of the 8Khz source clock – wascleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when the status is ok(1) or los(2) (Bits 17-20 of meritageBaseFaultMask)The umbrella message is: '8Khz source clock no. $2 failure – wasCleared (1=ATM A 2=ATM B 3=SYNC A 4=SYNC B)’."::= 77

-- 79 - PSU Fault Trap (Module)


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VARIABLES {genGroupFaultMask,genGroupId,genGroupMPSActivityStatus}

DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of a main Power Supply. It is sent when this trap is enabled and whengenGroupMPSActivityStatus changes from active(2) to notActive(1).The umbrella message is: 'Main Power Supply of module no. $2 failure'"::= 79

-- 81 - PSU Fault Return Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the main Power Supply failure was cleared. It is sent when this trap is enabled and whengenGroupMPSActivityStatus changed from notActive(1) to active(2).The umbrella message is: 'Main Power Supply of module no. $2 failure - was cleared'"::= 81

-- 83 – BUPS Fault Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of a BUPS. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when genGroupBUPSActivityStatuschanges from active(2) to notActive(1).The umbrella message is: 'BUPS no. $2 failure'"::= 83

-- 85 - BUPS Fault Return Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the BUPS failure was cleared. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when genGroupBUPSActivityStatus changed from notActive(1) to active(2).The umbrella message is: 'BUPS no. $2 failure - was cleared'"::= 85

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-- 87 - BUPS Fans Fault Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of one (or more) BUPS module’s Fan.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when scGenGroupBUPSFansStatus changed to oneFanFailed(2).The umbrella message is: 'Fan failure of BUPS module no. $2 '"::= 87

-- 89 - BUPS Fans Fault Return Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the BUPS module‘s Fan failure was cleared. It is sent when this trap is enabled andwhen scGenGroupBUPSFansStatus changed from oneFanFailed(2) to allFansOK(1).The umbrella message is: 'Fan failure of BUPS module no. $2 - was cleared'"::= 89

-- 91 - Fans Fault Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports the failure of one (or more) module’s Fan. It is sent when this trap is enabled and when scGenGroupFansStatus changed to oneFanFailed(2).The umbrella message is: 'Fan failure of module no. $2 '"::= 91

-- 93 - Fans Fault Return Trap (Module)



DESCRIPTION" The trap reports that the module’s Fan failure was cleared. It is sent when this trap is enabled and when

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scGenGroupFansStatus changed from oneFanFailed(2) to allFansOK(1).The umbrella message is: 'Fan failure of module no. $2 - was cleared'"::= 93

-- 95 - Cascade Up connection Fault Trap (Module)

CascadUpConnFltTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {


DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on a cascading up connection lost. It is sent whenthis trap is enabled and when genGroupCascadUpStatus changed to rld(2).The umbrella message is: 'Module $2 cascading-up connection lost'."::= 95

-- 97 - Cascade Up connection Fault Return Trap (Module)

CascadUpConnReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupFaultMaskgenGroupIdgenGroupCascadUpStatus }

DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that the cascading up connection lost was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and whengenGroupCascadUpStatus changed from rld(2) to ok(1).The umbrella message is: 'Module $2 cascading-up connection lost - was cleared'."::= 97

-- 98 – Cascade Down connection Fault Return Trap (Module)

CascadDownConnReturnTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

genGroupFaultMaskgenGroupIdgenGroupCascadDownStatus }

DESCRIPTION"The trap reports that the cascading down connection lost was cleared.It is sent when this trap is enabled and when genGroupCascadDownStatus changed from rld(2) to ok(1).The umbrella message is: 'Module $2 cascading-down connection lost - was cleared'."::= 98

-- 99 - Cascade Down connection Fault Trap (Module)

CascadDownConnFltTrapENTERPRISE lntBoxIdentVARIABLES {

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DESCRIPTION"The trap reports on a cascading down connection lost. It is sent when this trap is enabled and when genGroupCascadDownStatus changed to rld(2).The umbrella message is: 'Module $2 cascading-down connection lost'."::= 99