Month / Season: Novemeber Class: Primary 4 Level: First Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes Core Learning Learning & Teaching Class / School / Home / Parish Resources Assessment Revealed truth of God RERC 1‐03a I am exploring God's relationship with others and I have reflected on how people's faith has helped them in difficult times. I have listened and responded to pupils in my class describing times when they knew God’s love and presence in their lives. I have reflected on the narrative of the Repentant Thief (Luke 23: 39‐43) and I can recognise that Jesus shows us a God who is merciful, just and full of compassion. I know that, when I experience difficult moments in my life, I can ask the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen and console me. I have listened to Psalm 62 and know that I can always trust in God’s love when I experience difficult times. Class – Can we feel God? How can we feel Him? When do we feel Him? Ask the children to draw a picture of times when they feel most close to God. Class – Read from the Bible (Luke 23:39-43). Why do you think one of the criminals on the cross insulted and mocked Jesus? How do you think the thief's request make Jesus feel? How do you feel about what Jesus did in this story? Explain that God wants everyone to go to heaven even those who have done things that are wrong. Class – Explain to the children that we can ask the Holy Spirit to help, console and strengthen us during times of difficultly. Children should write a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help for something in their life that troubles them. The prayers can be anonymous and should be placed on the altar for November. (Template attached) Class – What is a Psalm? http://www.psalmsforkids.com/ What testament are they from? Read from the Bible Psalm 62. What do you think this is about? Complete Psalm 62 worksheet attached to planner. KEY VOCABULARY: God’s love and presence, repentant thief, merciful God, just God, compassionate God, , Holy Spirit guides, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit strengthens, trust in God’s love. Bibles Prayer to the Holy Spirit Prayer Template attached. Psalm 62 worksheet attached to planner Children will understand that they can call on the intercession of the Holy Spirit in times of Difficulty. 1 Themes: 1. Eternal life & God’s Presence in Our Lives 2. Jesus the Healer

Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

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Page 1: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Month / Season: Novemeber Class: Primary 4Level: First

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes

Core Learning Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish

Resources Assessment

Revealed truth of God

RERC 1‐03a I am exploring God's relationship with others and I have reflected on how people's faith has helped them in difficult times.

I have listened and responded to pupils in my class describing times when they knew God’s love and presence in their lives.

I have reflected on the narrative of the Repentant Thief (Luke 23: 39‐43) and I can recognise that Jesus shows us a God who is merciful, just and full of compassion.

I know that, when I experience difficult moments in my life,

I can ask the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen and console me.

I have listened to Psalm 62 and know that I can always trust in God’s love when I experience difficult times.

Class – Can we feel God? How can we feel Him? When do we feel Him? Ask the children to draw a picture of times when they feel most close to God.

Class – Read from the Bible (Luke 23:39-43). Why do you think one of the criminals on the cross insulted and mocked Jesus? How do you think the thief's request make Jesus feel? How do you feel about what Jesus did in this story? Explain that God wants everyone to go to heaven even those who have done things that are wrong.

Class – Explain to the children that we can ask the Holy Spirit to help, console and strengthen us during times of difficultly. Children should write a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help for something in their life that troubles them. The prayers can be anonymous and should be placed on the altar for November. (Template attached)

Class – What is a Psalm? http://www.psalmsforkids.com/What testament are they from? Read from the Bible Psalm 62. What do you think this is about? Complete Psalm 62 worksheet attached to planner.

KEY VOCABULARY: God’s love and presence, repentant thief, merciful God, just God, compassionate God, , Holy Spirit guides, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit strengthens, trust in God’s love.


Prayer to the Holy SpiritPrayer Template attached.

Psalm 62 worksheet attached to planner

Children will understand that they can call on the intercession of the Holy Spirit in times of Difficulty.


Themes:1. Eternal life & God’s Presence in Our Lives

2. Jesus the Healer

Page 2: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes

Core Learning Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish

Resources Assessment

Son of God

RERC 1‐06b I have examined the role of Jesus as a teacher and a healer and I have reflected on how His words and actions influence my own life and the lives of others.

I know that we learn about Jesus as teacher and healer through the Gospels.

I can hear, read and recall some examples of Jesus teaching, healing and nourishing in the gospels e.g.: the Our Father (Matthew 6: 5‐13); the cure of the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8: 5‐13); the feeding of the Five Thousand (Matthew 14: 13‐21) and I know that Jesus teaches, heals and nourishes us when we ask him.

I know that all of Jesus’ teachings show us how to live in relationship with God our Father and each other.

Class – Read from the Bible Matthew 6: 5-13. Look at the passage again divide the class into four and divide the prayer into four parts. Each group should study their part asking ‘what am I saying to God? ‘What am I asking God for?’Share findings.

Who knows what is best for you? Do your parents make decisions for you? Who else makes decisions for you? Why do they do this? Jesus also made decisions out of love. He wanted to guide his friends in the best way possible. Why do you think Jesus taught His disciples this prayer? (He knew what God wanted to hear. He knew what words they should say. He knew what they should be asking for from God in order to fulfil their lives). How important do you think using these specific words are? (Not important so long as the idea is the same). Jesus also told them how not to pray can you identify three ways he told them not to? Why shouldn’t they pray like that?

Children can have a go at writing the Lord’s prayer in Hebrew by printing the worksheet from the following website:http://exploringhebrew.weebly.com/uploads/3/6/1/0/3610819/practice_pictograph_lords_prayer.pdf

Class /Home – If possible the children can make ‘prayer pretzels’ in class (with assistance from the kitchen for baking or the recipe can be sent home. See attached sheet.

Class – Read from scripture The Cure of the Centurion’s Servant (Matthew 8:5-13). Cultural differences are an undercurrent in this story. The centurion is a Roman, part of the occupational army oppressing the land of Israel at that time. It was unusual for a Roman to seek help from a Jewish rabbi.

Explain to the children that in the Roman army, there were officers called centurions. ‘Cent’ means hundred. Each centurion had command of about a hundred soldiers. Ask the children is they recognise any phrases from this passage which relate to the new translation of the mass. Resources for this can be found at the following:http://www.nacdweb.org/files/2007/2007-06_children.pdfhttp://www.creativelearningideas.com/handouts/newtestament/Curr189.pdf

The Centurion was from Capernaum. Ask the children to research this place during the time of Jesus. A good website is :http://www.biblewalks.com/Sites/capernaum.html

Class – Children should cut and paste the picture of the Centurion on the attached sheet and label this in their jotter.

KEY VOCABULARY: Jesus as Teacher, Jesus as Healer, Jesus nourishes us.


worksheets printed from suggest website

Copy of recipe sheetAttached to planner


Centurion worksheet attached to planner

Children will understand Jesus’ role as a preacher, teacher and healer.

The will be able to retell the story of the Centurion Servant and relate key phrases to the liturgy at Mass.


Page 3: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Strands of Faith : Experiences and

OutcomesCore Learning Learning & Teaching

Class / School / Home / ParishResources Assessment

Signs of God

RERC 1‐08a I know that through the Community of the Church, people can experience God's love and care and I have reflected on how this community celebrates together.

RERC 1‐10a I have examined the role of the Holy Spirit in my life and in the lives of others.

Word of God

RERC 1‐11aI can share some Bible stories and I can explore how God speaks to us through these stories. I have reflected on how these stories can help me to live a Christian life.

I can investigate ways in which the Church offers God’s love and care in other countries, especially through the work of MISSIO Scotland and other charities

I have examined the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the saints in the other Strands of faith and I recognise that the Holy Spirit helps and strengthens us to respond to God’s call to us to be saints.

I know that when I listen to God’s Word, the Holy Spirit speaks to me and helps me to follow Jesus closely in my daily life.

I can recognise how Saints listened to God’s Word and responded to it and, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, witnessed to God in their lives: e.g. St Therese of the Child Jesus – tried to be like a little child as Jesus had taught in the scriptures (Luke 10: 21‐22 and/or Matthew 1*: 1‐4).

Class – Using the following website individually or in pairs children should complete the question and answer sheet attached to the planner.http://www.missioscotland.org.uk/children/projects.htm


Class – Revise with the children, What is a Saint? What can they do for us? Read from the Bible Jesus Rejoices (Luke 10:21-22). Discuss the meaning of this passage. Remind the children of Pope Benedict’s call for us all to be ‘Living Saints’. What does this mean? We are going to look at the life of a saint who wanted to be a saint her whole life and lived her life in such a way to make sure that she became one. A short video about her can be watched at http://anunslife.org/2011/07/06/little-flower/ The following website shows the children the morning prayer of Saint Theresa:http://www.archive.org/details/KarenPacMorningprayerWrittenbyStTherese

Children should write a short prayer of intercession to Saint Theresa and below they can cut and paste the image attached to the planner and colour.

Many images of Saint Theresa at various stages in her life can be found on the internet. It would be worthwhile showing these to the children to make her character more real especially those images of her as a child as it shows the children that she too was just as there are now.

Class – The children should make paper roses from yellow, pink and red crepe or tissue paper. These could be laid in the class alter at the in front of a large painted picture of Saint Theresa. This image could be surrounded by the children’s petitions, the roses and facts about the famous saint.

worksheet attached to plannerInternet access


Prayer worksheet attached to planner

Crepe paperTissue PaperArt resources

Children will have some understanding of the Church as a community through our world. They will have some knowledge of the work carried out by Misso Scotland.

Children will be able to reflect on the lives of some of the saints and understand the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Children will have some knowledge of the life of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus.

Strands of Faith : Experiences


Core Learning Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish

Resources Assessment


Page 4: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Son of God

RERC 1‐07a I have explored the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and I have reflected on the Catholic meaning of eternal life.

I can recognise that we too, like the saints, can listen to and respond to God’s Word.I recognise that under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we give witness to God in our lives

I know that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and that, at his Ascension, He promised to be with us always (Matthew 28: 16‐20).

I can explain that, as Christians, we remember and pray for those who have died. We pray, especially in November, that they will be with God forever in Heaven..

KEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s Word, Bible.

Class – Read from the Bible Jesus Appears to His Disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). Discuss the passage. This story is sometimes called ‘The Great Commission’ what do you think this means?How many of you have had a parent or teacher says, “I am going to be down the hall taking care of something. While I am away I want you to clean your room or complete your homework?” Some of us get to work right away and follow the instructions that we have been given. Others put off the instructions and do what we want to do and think we have plenty of time until the person will be back to check on our work. How do you think that relates to this passage?

A craft activity related to this can be found at :http://emmanuel.org.ua/Kids/Make13E.html

Class – Learn the hymn ‘Go Tell It On The Mountains’

KEY VOCABULARY: Eternal life, Heaven

BiblesCraft activity printed from suggested websiteHymn Books

Children will reflect on the passion of Jesus and the gift of eternal life


Page 5: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

My Prayer to the Holy Spirit My Prayer to the Holy Spirit


Page 6: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Psalm 62Copy and complete the following using the Holy Bible

(Taken from the first, Second and last verses)

I wait _________________________ for God o save me.

I depend on Him ________________________.

He alone protects and ________________ me; He is my __________________,

And I shall never be ___________________.

How much ___________ will all of you attack a man

Who is no stronger than a ___________________________________.

You only want to bring him down from his place of _____________________.

You take __________________ in lies.

You Speak words of ________________________,

But in your __________________________ you curse him.

More than once I have heard ______________ say that power belongs to _______

And that His ___________________ is constant.

You yourself O Lord _________________ everyone

According to his ________________________.

Use a dictionary to look up the following words Honour Salvation Refuge Deeds

Record the meaning of these words in your jotter.


Page 7: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Praying PretzelsPretzels were first made by monks who gave them as rewards to children who had learned their prayers. The special twisted shape looks like the folded arms of a child praying. The word pretzel means reward.

Ingredients: • 2 loaves (16oz) frozen whole wheat bread dough, thawed • 1 egg white • 1 tsp water • Coarse salt, optional

Directions: 1. Thaw dough in refrigerator overnight. 2.  Roll into 24 balls (12 each loaf). 3.  Roll into ropes and shape into pretzels by forming a     knot and looping ends through. 4.  Place 1 inch apart on well greased cookie sheet. 5.  Let stand 20 minutes. 6.  Combine egg whites with water and brush on pretzels. 7.  Sprinkle with salt and bake at 350F for 20 minutes.


Page 8: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Helmet (Galea) SwordShield

Woollen Tunic Shoulder Plates

Groin Protection Body Armour Cloak

Leather boots Skirt

Helmet (Galea) SwordShield

Woollen Tunic Shoulder Plates

Groin Protection Body Armour Cloak

Leather boots Skirt


Page 9: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Missionary Children“Children helping children”

Navigate the following website to answer the questions below. This will help you to learn more about the work of Missio Scotland and test your Knowledge of Geography.


1. How many projects does Missio Scotland support in Brazil and what do they provide?


2. What does the project in Grenada provide? ________________________________________________


3. What are the two projects which are on-going in Bosnia-Herzegovina? _______________________________


4. How many countries in Africa are begin helped by Missio Scotland? ________________________________

5. What is the main help which is beginning provided in Ghana by Mission Scotland? ______________________


6. How many projects are there in Nigeria? Give two examples of the help provided there. _________________


7. How many projects are there in Oceania? ________________________________________

*make time to navigate this website looking at the great work done by this charity organisation. Imagine how many lives would be worse off without their care and support.


Page 10: Curricular€¦  · Web viewKEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follows, Jesus. Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Saints give witness to God; respond to God’s

Remembrance Service – NovemberPrimary 3 & Primary 4

Theme: We remember that we are all uniqueOpening Prayer:Leader - Let us pray.O Lord, how great are your works! In your wisdom you have made us all.Each one of us is unique. God values us all. In God’s eyes we are all equal and special.God loves each one of us for the person that we are. In our own special way God calls each one of us to be saints. All sing: We come to share our storyLet us pray:(Group of children come forward and say I am unique because……..)Respond – Thank you God for all our gifts and talentsLet us listen to the word of God:Genesis 1:26-27 – God created man (use Redemptorist story cards to tell the story)Leader – God is with those we love in our families. Today we ask God to bless the people we love who have died. We will learn a special prayer for those who have died. May they rest in peace . AmenWe pray together: May the rest in peace1. For those in our families who have died………. All answer – May they rest in peace2. For our friends and our loved ones who have died……… All answer – May they rest in peace

3. For former staff and pupils of St. Andrew’s who have died……… All answer – May they rest in peaceLeader – Let us have a moments silence and think of all our friends and family alive and dead and ask God our Father to look after them and protect them.Reader – We remember our loved ones who have died by placing a flower on the altar in their memory.Children process one by one and place a flower on the altarReader – Let us remember those people who have no-one to remember them.One child places a white flower on the altarLet us say together – Our father…………All sing – Dear Jesus help the Holy Souls