Classical Greece Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea Geography Shapes Greek Life ______________ land, high ________________, deep ______________ Difficult to move over this land o Greeks living in different areas could not easily be ______________ Good farmland covered only about ________ of Greece and could not support many people Easy access to the ___________ o Became excellent ______________, ______________ became important Climate is __________, which allowed Greek men to spend much time ___________ o Attended ______________ and were active in ______________ o Much ____________________________ was handled outside Mycenaean Civilization Develops Invaded many areas around ______________

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Classical Greece

Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea

Geography Shapes Greek Life

· ______________ land, high ________________, deep ______________

· Difficult to move over this land

· Greeks living in different areas could not easily be ______________

· Good farmland covered only about ________ of Greece and could not support many people

· Easy access to the ___________

· Became excellent ______________, ______________ became important

· Climate is __________, which allowed Greek men to spend much time ___________

· Attended ______________ and were active in ______________

· Much ____________________________ was handled outside

Mycenaean Civilization Develops

· Invaded many areas around ______________

· Were ruled by powerful ______________ in their main city

· Other rulers lived ______________ around Greece

· ____________________________ came in contact with the Minoan culture of Crete & adopted many parts of the culture

· __________________________________________

· __________________________________________

· __________________________________________

· According to ancient legend, Mycenaeans also had a long war with the people of ______________

· ______________ —a gigantic, hollow wooden horse hiding Greek soldiers—is part of that legend

Greek Culture Declines under Dorians

· The Mycenaean culture fell around ________________________________

· Sea raiders destroyed their palaces

· For the next ________ years, Greece went into decline

· A decline so deep that ___________________________ exist from this period

· However, through spoken word, Greeks of this time continued to relate epic stories of the earlier age of heroes.

· Two long poems, __________________________________________, tell of the war with Troy and an otherworldly journey home by a Greek hero

· The Greeks also created a rich set of ______________

· Many of them tried to explain the world in terms of the actions of their ______________

Gods and Goddesses

Top Gods & Goddesses

Greek Name

Roman Name










Gods and Goddesses

Other Important Gods & Goddesses

Greek Name

Roman Name






















Warring City-States

Greek Political Structures

· Center of Greek life was the _________________, or ______________________

· Name was given to Greek cities and the countryside villages surrounding them

· Each city-state was ______________________

· The people who lived in them were ______________________ of their homes

· City-states had different kinds of ______________________

· A _____________________________ might rule some

· A _____________________________ might rule a few

· A _____________________________ might rule other

· A government made of _________________________ chosen by the people took hold in some city-states

A New Kind of Army Emerges

· Over the years, the Greeks developed the ability to make ______________________

· Because these cost less than weapons made of _____________, more people could afford them

· Soon each city-state had its own _____________

· The soldiers were from all walks of life—armed with iron weapons and ready to defend their homes

Sparta Builds a Military State

· One very strong city-state was _____________, in the south of Greece

· The leaders of Sparta made their city a military state

· Boys joined the army at age ______ and went through a long period of training as soldiers

· Spartan women ran the ___________________________________________, freeing their husbands to serve in the army

Athens Builds a Limited Government

· Wealthy _____________and the ______________________ clashed in a contest for power in _____________

· In _____________, the nobles gave a man named _____________ the power to change the government of Athens to end this fight

· He removed some of the _____________ that the poor had not liked

· He also made it possible for any citizen of Athens to join the _____________, which discussed and approved laws

· The conflict between the rich and the poor did not end

· New changes were needed to open the government even more

· Athens became a _________________________, or government by the people but was not a full __________________________

· All citizens were free to join in, but only ________ of Athenians were citizens

· _____________had no role in political life

· Many who lived in Athens were ___________ who had no rights either

The Persian Wars

· Persian Empire set its sights on conquering the _____________

· __________: Persian ships landed _____________ soldiers on the coast of Greece

· Battle of ______________: the Greeks won a tremendous victory that saved Athens

· The Persians returned ten years later

· Greeks lost a battle on land, despite the heroic efforts of a small band of _____________

· The Persians also burned _____________

· The ships of Athens won a great ________ battle

· The Spartans followed it with another victory on _____________

· The threat from Persia was over

Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age

Pericles Three Goals for Athens

· Athens chose ________________ as its leader, and he served in that role for more than three decades

· He took many steps to make Athens better & had three main goals:

1. He wanted to make Athens more _____________

· So he created more positions in government that paid a _____________

· __________________________ could hold these jobs

2. He wanted to make Athens _____________

· The city was the head of a group of _______ Greek city-states called the Delian League

· Pericles used the league’s money to make sure that Athens had the strongest ____________________________________________________

3. He wanted to make Athens _____________

· So he again used __________________________ money to fund a great building program in his city

Greek Drama

· Athens also became home to a group of very skilled __________________________

· Some wrote _____________, plays about the pain and suffering of human life

· Others wrote _____________, which often included important ideas

· Some plays were critical of _____________, proof that Athens was a free and open society

Spartans and Athenians Go to War

· 431 B.C.E.: After being _______________ for many years, Sparta and Athens finally went to war

· The conflict ended badly for _______________

· 430 B.C.E.: A horrible _______________ killed a large portion of Athens’ people

· After several battles, the war dragged on until Athens finally gave up in __________ Athens had lost its empire

Philosophers Search for Truth

· After its defeat, Athens became home to several philosophers who tried to understand human life

· Socrates

· Believed deeply in ______________________________, but many people did not trust him

· He was convicted of treason and forced to _______________________

· Plato

· _______________ of Socrates

· Recorded many of his ideas and became an important thinker in his own right

· Aristotle

· Wrote books that _______________ all things known to the Greeks at the time

· Also invented a way of ______________________________

· His work was very influential for many _______________

Alexander – Empire Builder

Philip Builds Macedonia’s Power

· North of Greece was the kingdom of _________________________

· The Greeks looked down on the people there because they lacked the ____________________________________________________________

· Macedonians were tough fighters, though, and had a strong leader in _______________________

· He decided to use his army to invade _______________

· The Greek city-states _____________________________ to save themselves.

· The Macedonians won, and Greek independence was now over

· Philip did not enjoy his victory for long

· He died just two years later, and his son __________________ became king at age _______

Alexander Defeats Persia

· Alexander was a brilliant _______________, just like his father

· He had been taught well, and he prepared to carry out his father’s dream of world conquest

· 334 B.C.E.: He invaded _______________

· He won two stunning victories and then moved south to enter _______________

· He was crowned ______________ and founded the city of __________________________

· He then turned back to Persia and won another great battle, which ended all Persian resistance

Alexander’s Other Conquests

· The young king pushed east, taking his army as far as _______________

· After many years of marching and fighting, the soldiers wanted to return home

· Alexander agreed, and turned back

· On the way back, he began to make plans for how to govern his new empire

· Then he suddenly fell ill and died at age __________

· Three of Alexander’s generals divided his empire

· One ruled ______________________________

· Another took control of _______________

· The third became ruler of the lands that used to be in the ___________________________

· Alexander’s empire was not long-lasting, but it had important effects

· After Alexander, the people of Greece and Persia and all the lands between ________________________________________________________________

The Spread of Hellenistic Culture

Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria

· Hellenistic culture blended Greek with _______________, _______________, and _______________ influences

· Center of this culture was ______________________________

· Located in the delta of the ___________________, on the Mediterranean Sea, it had a ship harbor

· _______________ was lively and Alexandria had a large population from _____________________________________________

· Alexandria was also a beautiful city

· Its huge lighthouse towered over the harbor to show a light to incoming ships

· Its famous _______________ had rooms with works of ________, a ________, and a _______________

· Its magnificent _______________ held half a million scrolls of papyrus that contained everything known in the Hellenistic world

· It was the first true ______________________________, and scholars read through the scrolls

Science and Technology

· Scholars kept alive what was known about _______________

· Some used an _______________ to look at the ___________ and the ____________

· ______________________ was an astronomer who developed two important ideas

· Argued that the ____________was actually larger than the ____________, which no one had thought to be the case before

· Suggested that the earth and other planets __________ around the sun

· Other astronomers _______________ these ideas, though, and their views remained common for many centuries

· ___________________ tried to estimate the size of the earth

· He came extremely close, figuring the earth to be only _______________ smaller than it turned out to be

· The thinkers in Alexandria also made advances in _______________

· _______________ wrote a book with the basic ideas of _______________; his approach is still used today

· ___________________ was another important scientist and mathematician

· He invented the _______________ and the ___________________________ that could be used to bring water from a low level to a higher one

Philosophy and Art

· Two new schools of _______________ arose in these times

· _____________________ argued that people should live a moral life to keep them in harmony with natural laws

· Desire, power, and wealth, they thought, could hurt a person’s moral well-being

· _____________________ said that people could rely only on what they learned from their five senses

· They urged everyone to live moral lives

· People should try to do things in _______________ ways, rather than taking anything to an _______________

· The arts flourished in the Hellenistic age as well

· _______________, in particular, had several notable achievements

· The sculpture of this time differed from that of the earlier Greek style

· In the past, figures had been _______________, as sculptors tried to show a _______________ form

· In the Hellenistic age, figures were more ______________________________