Hannah Hemby (Jones) Infancy and Toddlerhood Development Chart Physical Cognitive Emotional/ Social Spiritual/ Moral (0-3 mo.) Pre- reaching When held upright, holds head erect and steady When prone, lifts self by arms Rolls from side to back Grasps cube Height and weight increase rapidly Sleeps is beginning to organize into a night-day Secondary circular reactions using limited motor skills Awareness of object permanence , object solidity, and gravity Newborn reflexes Simple motor habits centered around the infant’s own body; limited anticipati on of events Infant coos Social smile and laughter Matches feelings with care-giver when there is face-to-face contact Distinguishes positive from negative emotion in voice and facial expression Intuitive- Projective fantasy and reality often get mixed together. The most basic ideas about God are usually picked up from our parents and/or society. The earliest faith is the fund of basic trust and hope in the care of others. Undifferenti ated faith experience of infancy is built upon secure attachments. A caregiver’s nurturance, 1

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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Infancy and Toddlerhood Development Chart

Physical Cognitive Emotional/Social Spiritual/Moral(0-3 mo.) Pre-reaching

When held upright, holds head erect and steady

When prone, lifts self by arms

Rolls from side to back

Grasps cube

Height and weight increase rapidly

Sleeps is beginning to organize into a night-day schedule

Secondary circular reactions using limited motor skills

Awareness of object permanence, object solidity, and gravity

Newborn reflexes

Simple motor habits centered around the infant’s own body; limited anticipation of events

Infant coos

Social smile and laughter

Matches feelings with care-giver when there is face-to-face contact

Distinguishes positive from negative emotion in voice and facial expression

Intuitive-Projective fantasy and reality often get mixed together.

The most basic ideas about God are usually picked up from our parents and/or society.

The earliest faith is the fund of basic trust and hope in the care of others. Undifferentiated faith experience of infancy is built upon secure attachments. A caregiver’s nurturance, protection, and availability provide the basis for the earliest grasp of divine care.

A preschooler’s experience of faith is rooted in the young child’s imagination, intuitive, and conceptual qualities. Faith is magical, imaginative, intuitive, and

(3-6 mo.) Reaching with ulnar grasp/transfers object from hand to hand

Rolls from back to side

Sits alone


Recognizes and prefers human facial patterns, such

Improved knowledge of object properties and basic numerical knowledge, as suggested by violation-of-expectation findings

Actions aimed at repeating interesting effects in the surrounding world;

Regulates emotion by shifting attention and sel-soothing

Smiles, laughs, babbles more to caregiver than to a stranger

Awareness of self as physically distinct from surroundings increases


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

as mother’s face


Able to hold weight when supported standing

imitation of familiar behaviors

illogical, filled with fantasy and fascinated by stories of the power and omnipotence of God and the mysteries ofbirth and death. These stories are internalized in terms of the concerns of children of this age (e.g., protection from threat, dependability of adults, sickness and health), thus the understandings constructed by children from religious lessons may be much different from those intended by their adult tutors.

(6-12 mo.) Pincer grasp

Pulls to stand

Plays pat-a-cake

Stands alone

Walks alone

Builds tower of cubes

Sits, crawls, walks alone

Relies on shape, color, and texture to distinguish objects from their surroundings

Ability to search for a hidden object when covered by a cloth

Intentional, or goal directed behavior

Improved anticipation of events

Infants babble

Recall memory improves

Smiling and laughter increase in frequency and expressiveness

Anger and fear increase in frequency and intensity

Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety appear

Uses caregiver as a secure base for exploration

Shows specific attention to caregiver

Increasingly detects the meaning of other’ emotional expressions and engages in social referencing

Regulates emotion by approaching and retreating from stimulation

(12-18 mo.) Scribbles vigorously

Ability to search in

Joins in play with familiar adults,


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Walks up stairs with help

Increased coordination

Height and weight gain are rapid, toddlers begin to slim down

several locations for a hidden object when a hand deposits it under a cloth and when it is mobbed from one location to another (Accurate A-B search)

Exploration of he properties of objects by acting on them in noel ways

Imitation of novel behaviors

First words are usually spoken, speed and accuracy of word comprehension increase rapidly

Sorts objects into categories

siblings, and peers

Realizes that others’ emotional reactions may differ from one’s ownUses social referencing for better evaluation

Shows signs of empathy

Complies with simple directives

(18-24 mo.) Jumps in place

Walks on tiptoe



Manipulates small objects

Deferred imitation of actions an adult tries to produce, even if these are not fully realized, again indicating a capacity to infer others’ intentions

Self-conscious emotions (shame, embarrassment, guilt, envy, pride) emerge

Begins to voice feelings

Uses language to assist with emotional self-


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

with good coordination Internal

depictions of objects and evens, as indicated by sudden solutions to problems

Spoken vocabulary expands from about 50-200 words

Toddlers combine two words

Solves simple problems suddenly-through representations


Separation anxiety decreases

Recognizes images of self

Categorizes self and others on the basis of age, sex, goodness and badness

Shows gender-stereotyped toy preferences

Starts to use words to influence a playmate’s behavior


Berk, Laura E. (2012). Infants, children, and adolescents, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Fowler, J. W. (1991). Stages of Faith. New York: HarperCollins.

Oser, F. K. & W. G. Scarlett (Eds.), Religious development in childhood and adolescence: New directions for child development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (pg. 27-45).


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Infant and Toddler Observation

The infant I chose to observe was a 6-month-old Caucasian male named

Joshua. Joshua did exhibit traits that are typical of his age-level, such as sensory,

cognitive, emotional, and physical milestones. I learned from his mother that Joshua

was struggling with acid-reflux and had just gotten over an illness. She attributed

his fussy behavior to his tummy hurting, but this did not seem to interfere with

Joshua exhibiting characteristics of his age group.

I observed Joshua for several hours, and was accompanied by his mother and

2-year-old older brother. The environment in which I observed was a house with

large furniture, and many toys were scattered on the floor. It was Joshua’s

grandparent’s house, and it did not seem to be set-up for small infants and children.

I did not count the area to be unsafe, but there were several potentially harmful

objects on the floor that could be within either child’s reach if they started to crawl

towards them. Other potentially harmful areas included a tiled area, loosely plugged

in cords from the TV, and a bookshelf that had sharp corners and many heavy books.

Lamps dimly lit the interior of the room, and there was not any exposure to natural

light because heavy curtains covered the windows. However, for a few hours we

were able to get out of the house and go to the Dallas Zoo.

As expected when I first held Joshua, he cried and reached out towards his

mother. After about 20 minutes, he let me hold him and he was quite pleasant and

smiled at me. However, I expected him to be more playful than what he was-and this

might have been from his tummy hurting him. After his nap and after I fed him, he

babbled and played on his stomach with a mirror and rattle toys. I could see that he


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

recognized himself, verbalized to the mirror, and enjoyed hearing his own voice. His

mother noted that he was recently becoming more independent as he was feeling


When we traveled to the zoo, Joshua became upset because he had to be

constrained in the car-seat carrier. Afterwards, I was able to hold him, and he was

looking at the animals and turning towards the sounds of lions and elephants.

During the second time I fed him, Joshua was able to grasp his bottle and pull it

towards his mouth with both hands. He was able to imitate some facial expressions

that I made such as surprise, amused, and sad. He interacted with his mother and

big brother in the same way. However, he became fussy when his teething began to

bother him again. In the car ride back to the house, he purposefully dropped his

pacifier in order for me to pick it up again. Eventually, Joshua was able to self-sooth

himself and drift off to sleep for a nap!

Joshua seemed on target for all of the characteristics of a six month old. I had

expected to observe him to be crawling already, but he had just turned six months

and his mother said that he was trying. As far as things that were unexpected traits

that I observed, the way he looked into my eyes was the most surprising! As I talked

to him, Joshua was quiet and just observed me-it was almost as though he was

trying desperately to figure out what I was doing and what I was saying! I enjoyed

this observation, and I found many things that I noticed about infants that I had

never been aware of happening. One such example is how a six month old repeats

interesting effects and imitates familiar behaviors in his or her surrounding world.

Because they are soaking up everything that is happening around them, six month


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

olds are very perceptive little humans! I could clearly see how perceptive Joshua

was, and how he recognized familiarity-which was a comfort to him. He is a very

bright and charming little boy with spot-on characteristics shown in his age group!


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Early Childhood Development Chart

Physical Cognitive Emotional/Social Spiritual/Moral2 years Height and

weight increase, but more slowly than in infancy

Can use utensils

Draws and scribbles

Jumps, hops, throws, and catches with rigid upper body movement

Balance and rhythm improves

Begins to dress his or herself with help

Uses language as a flexible symbolic tool

Make-believe becomes less dependent on real objects

Less self-centered

Takes the perspective of others in familiar situations

Memory is well developed

Shows early development of moral sense

May display proactive aggression

Develops self-esteem and concept of self

Gender-stereotyped beliefs and behavior increase

Constructions of faith are drawn to symbols and images of visible power and size.

Children can understand the difference between good and evil through the use of stories

They can identify when a good character triumphs over evil

Have the capability to make long standing beliefs set based on moral idea beginnings

3-4 years No longer needs a daytime nap

Running, throwing, jumping, catching becomes more developed

Increased flexibility of the upper body

Sorts familiar objects into hierarchy

Understands that beliefs and desires determine behavior

Knows numbers 1-10 and can count correctly

Relies more on language to express empathy

First friendships are formed

Describes self in terms of observable qualities

Experiences self-consciousness

Has several self-


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Uses utensils and scissors adeptly

Draws first picture of a human

Can use a tricycle

esteems such as learning things in school, making friends, and getting along with parents

5-6 years Starts to lose primary teeth

Increases speed when running and playing

Can use a knife to cut foods

Ties shoes

Draws more complex pictures and can use an adult writing grip

Magical beliefs decline

Attention and planning improve

Understands letters and sounds are linked

Uses invented spellings

Vocab. Reaches about 10,000 words

Has ability to interpret, understand, predict

Becomes better at problem solving

Acquired morally relevant rules

Gender-stereotyped beliefs and behavior and preference for same-sex playmates continue to strengthen


Berk, Laura E. (2012). Infants, children, and adolescents, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Oser, F. K. & W. G. Scarlett (Eds.), Religious development in childhood and adolescence: New directions for child development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (pg. 27-45).


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Early Childhood Observation

The toddler I chose to observe was a two-year-old Caucasian male named

Jude. I observed Jude from 9:00 am-11am in June. Jude did exhibit traits that are

typical of his age-level, such as sensory, cognitive, emotional, and physical

milestones. Jude is the first-born child of the family, and his personality was open

and friendly. He enjoyed having my attention as I observed him, and his mother said

he was a naturally happy child.

I observed Jude for a couple of hours, and was accompanied by his mother

and 6-month-old younger brother. The environment in which I observed was Jude’s

grandparent’s house, and it did not seem to be set-up specifically for children. Since

Jude was constantly on the go, there were several potentially harmful characteristics

of the house such as a tiled floor, plugged in cords from the TV, and a bookshelf that

had sharp corners and many heavy books. In fact, while I was observing Jude he was

running and fell on the tile as well as bumped his head on the bookcase (he was

okay, but his mother was clearly upset that the house was not more child-friendly).

Natural light was scarce in the house since there were heavy curtains that covered

the windows. Lamps were on in the house and the kitchen curtains were open so

that provided a little light in the house.

The characteristics that Jude first exhibited when I came to visit were

openness and playfulness. He showed traits that were characteristic of his age-level

and gender while playing “football”, coloring, and playing with trucks while we were

in the house. Jude extended his arms straight out and tried to catch a soft football,

but it bounced out of his arms. However, he could throw the football very well and


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

with a distance that surprised me. When he wanted to color with markers, he

gripped the marker with a fist and scribbled-nothing that I saw looked like anything,

and this is also in line with his age group. He played with his toy trucks during the

time I observed as well and was very verbal with his sounds of imitating truck

noises. I also quickly found that Jude loved playing with bubbles! This was not

surprising as he was such an energetic and happy little boy. He jumped around and

tried to catch the bubbles, and then laughed as he caught them in his hands. He

pulled his mommy along to play with the bubbles as well, and hugged his “bubba” in

delight after we were finished playing. Jude was very protective and curious about

his younger brother, and I observed that he understood he was to be gentle and

sweet with him.

Some of the behaviors I expected to observe but did not were his use of

vocabulary and simple sentences. Jude could say a handful of words, but seemed shy

and reserved when talking with me. His mother said he had not yet formed a

complete sentence. However, there were some behaviors that surprised me! Though

the textbook states that at age two there is to be signs of moral senses showing, I did

not expect Jude to have such a sharp perception of them already. I observed that

Jude was very bright, and that he absolutely knew what he was doing if it was

something his mother told him not to do. For example, when his mother told him to

stay away from the boxes stacked on the tile floor, he looked at her and then at the

boxes as in debate of whether or not to disobey. When his mother was in the

kitchen, and I tenderly told him to get down from the boxes (which he proceeded to

climb), he immediately started crying and ran to his mother for comfort. He was


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

actually mad at me, and ignored me for a few minutes! This behavior definitely came

as a surprise.

In closing, Jude was so much fun to observe! He was a rambunctious and

curious little guy, and he definitely kept his mother on her toes. Though he seemed

to be behind his age group as far as language development, he seemed to excel in

physical coordination compared to standard milestones of the average two-year-old

age group.


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Middle Childhood Development Chart

Physical Cognitive Emotional/Social Spiritual/Moral6-8 years Able to write

and begins cursive training

Games with rules and “rough-and-tumble” play become common

Drawings become organized and detailed

Height and weight are slow to gain, but prepares to hit a growth spurt in adolescence

Uses memory to rehearse and organize

Is able to pass Piagetian conservation, class inclusion, and seriation problems

Memory and focus increases

Begins to build mathematical skills by using basic number concepts

Thought becomes more logical

Attention is selective

Recognizes that people can experience more than one emotion at a time and that their expressions may not reflect their true feelings

Empathy increases

Has the capability to become more independent and trustworthy

Self-concept includes personality traits and social comparisons

Self-esteem differentiates to a more realistic level

Understands and constructs personal sets of moral rules

Assigns anthropomorphic characteristics to God, whom they view as a parent-like figure residing in the sky

Can explain a time where they felt the presence or help of God

Mostly external concepts of God

9-11 years Adolescent growth spurt begins two years earlier in girls than in boys

Executes gross motor skills of running, jumping,

Spatial reasoning improves

Uses memory strategies to plan and organize more effectively

Grasps double meanings of

Refines self-concept to include competencies, positive and negative personality traits, and more sophisticated social comparisons

Self-esteem rises

The concrete image of the ‘big person’ gives way to an abstract, mystical view of God as formless, all-knowing, all-powerful, and transcending the limits of time

Understands the


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

throwing, catching, kicking, batting, and dribbling more quickly and with better coordination

Dominance hierarchies becomes more stable, especially among boys

words and metaphors

Long-term knowledge base grows larger and becomes more organized

Self-regulation improves

Empathetic responding

Can “step into another’s shoes”

Friendships become more selective

Sibling rivalry increases

Peer groups emerge

Aware of gender stereotypes

meaning of a religious experience-a unification of the world and life

Can explain a time where they had a deep experience of the meaning of life or the meaning of personal existence

Capable of understanding an internal concept of God


Berk, Laura E. (2012). Infants, children, and adolescents, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Tamminen, K. (1994). Religious Experiences in Childhood and Adolescence: A Viewpoint of Religious Development Between the Ages of 7 and 20. International Journal For The Psychology Of Religion, 4(2), 61.


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Middle Childhood Observation

I observed a seven-year-old (Caucasian) boy on July 12, 2014 for approximately

three hours (5:00pm-8:00pm). The place of observation was at his parents’ home, and his

parents were in the vicinity when I observed him. Overall, I found Aiden to display traits

that are characteristic of his age-level, however, there were some areas that I thought he

might be lacking.

Aiden was bright, funny, curious, and commanded attention every second that he

was around his parents and myself! The house in which he lived was clean, had large

furniture, bright windows with natural lighting, and he had a kitty and hedgehog that were

his favorite toys. Physical traits that I observed were that he could understand the concept

of playing a game with rules and his writing was legible. Cognitive and language traits

included his attention awareness and his ability to narrate what he was feeling and

thinking. Every now and then I could see that he was physically aggressive (in play), but

that he was primarily using his words to express his inward emotions.

There certainly were some traits that I expected, but did not see in Aiden. I expected

to observe him reading at a higher level; in fact, he was struggling quite a bit in this area.

Also, his drawing capabilities were more like scribbles and less like an organized and

detailed representation that included depth cues. I had assumed that since Aiden was so

curious that he would show these traits, but maybe they are just around the corner for him

to learn.

As far as peer interaction, Aiden was itching for attention from everyone in the

room. He would sit in his dad’s lap and speak over anyone who was talking when he had

something to say. Aiden would also physically reach out and take something that he wanted


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

when he was not being tended to properly (in his eyes). Aiden was a sweet boy, but I could

see that he was an only child who got his way most of the time. His parents played into his

commanding attention by giving into his mini-tantrums and demands. He was never mean

to the peers in the room, but he wanted all eyes on him through the use of humor and

raising his voice levels especially.

We also had a meal during the time I observed Aiden. He was asked to bless the

food, and from his words, he had a very rough concept of God. It appeared to me that he

understood God to be the “parental-like” figure in the sky that is typical of his age-level. I

found this to be very intriguing, and I wondered when he would make the discovery of a

more complex God. However, it was during the mealtime that he exhibited a behavior that

surprised me.

A behavior that definitely surprised me was that he did not actually eat the food that

was placed before him. I do not know if this is a regular occurrence at his house, but his

mother told me that he eats when he finds it convenient. I was surprised because I assumed

he would enjoy a yummy dinner at the table. Instead, he opted for flour tortillas in the

living room. This also saddened me a little, and I hoped that this did not occur often in

Aiden’s family. Family dinners are so precious!

In closing, I felt that I learned a lot from observing the rambunctious little Aiden! I

learned that playing into showing him attention made him bashful. It was also very neat to

see him exhibit traits that I have learned through the reading in my textbook! He is a fun

little boy, and I hope he continues to have a lively and curious spirit as he grows older!


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Adolescence Development Chart

Physical Cognitive Emotional/Social Spiritual/Moral11-14 years Motor

performance increases

Girls add more body fat than muscle and reach peak of growth spurt

Boys begin their growth spurt

Improves scientific reasoning

Becomes more self-conscious and self-focused

Becomes more idealistic and more critical

Improves metacognition and self regulation

Moodiness and parent-child conflict increase

Increased gender stereotyping

Spends less time with parents and siblings and more time with peers

Friendships decline in number and are based on intimacy and loyalty

Forms same-sex cliques

Conformity in response to peer pressure increases

Representations of God are based on the experience of an exalted, omnipotent father figure

Not sure about experiencing God’s “nearness”-unable to explain a feeling of religious experience

Has a sensory preference when “taking in” the world-and when discussing spiritual matters

14-16 years Girls complete their growth spurt

Boys reach the peak of their growth spurt

Boy: voice deepens

Boy: adds muscle and increases motor performance

Continues to improve in scientific reasoning and interpretation of higher reasoning

More effectively analyses and corrects grammar

Evaluates vocational options in terms of interests, abilities, and

Combines features of the self into an organized self-concept

Self-esteem differentiates further and tends to rise

Mixed sex cliques are common

Gender intensification declines

High percentage of this age group able to remember a feeling of religious experience and feeling the “nearness” of God.

Able to comprehend the use of spiritual gifts


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

values16-18 years If a boy,

completes growth spurt

If a boy, gains in motor performance continue

Becomes less self-conscious and self-focused

Continues to improve in metacognition and self-regulation

Improves decision making

Narrows vocational option through exploration

Self-concept emphasizes personal and moral standards

Constructs an identity

Continues to advance in maturity of moral reasoning

Cliques and crowds decline in importance

Seeks psychological intimacy in romantic ties, which last longer

Able to understand a loose concept of a religious experience, but also able to realistically understand feeling the “nearness” of God.

Able to understand the concept of “renewing” their minds and the exercise of spiritual gifts


Berk, Laura E. (2012). Infants, children, and adolescents, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Tamminen, K. (1994). Religious Experiences in Childhood and Adolescence: A Viewpoint of Religious Development Between the Ages of 7 and 20. International Journal For The Psychology Of Religion, 4(2), 61.

Ways to Build Your Teen’s Identity. Focus on the Family: Parenting. (2014). http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/teens.aspx


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

Adolescent Observation

I observed a sixteen-year-old (Caucasian) girl on July 19, 2014 for approximately

four hours (1:00pm-5:00pm). The place of observation was at her parents’ home, and her

parents were in the vicinity some of the time when I observed her. Overall, I found Jillian to

display traits that are characteristic of her age-level, however, there were some areas that I

thought she was definitely excelling.

I observed Jillian at her parents’ home, which was a clean and very large home. The

atmosphere was airy and had many large windows to let in natural lighting. I specifically

observed Jillian in her parents’ home office while she did her homework, and in her

parents’ living room. Towards the end of the observation, I observed Jillian outside in the

back yard (which was very spacey and had a large pool in the back).

When I began my observation with Jillian, she was in the middle of her college

homework (she is taking college courses during the summer to boost her high school GPA).

Jillian was focused, and exhibited the cognitive milestones that were at the advanced end of

her age level. She effectively analyzed her task of creating a sociology project and corrected

her grammar in her paper with ease. She also spoke to me about what she “wanted to do

with her life after high school.” She clearly was able to evaluate vocational options in terms

of her current interests, abilities, and values.

During my time of observation, Jillian explained to me that she wanted to move to

Nashville to be a singer and a songwriter. She played her guitar and sang for me, which was

a great experience! She was friendly and outgoing when she was in “singer mode”, but she

was actually quite shy when away from her guitar. This behavior was surprising for me to

see, especially after reading in the textbook about self-esteem differentiating further and


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Hannah Hemby (Jones)

tending to rise. I expected her to talk a lot more than what she did about her future plans as

a singer. However, when her “boyfriend” showed up as a surprise, her shyness melted


Jillian displayed the social and relational milestones that are typical of her age

group, and she was very friendly with her boyfriend. The textbook states that mixed-sex

cliques are often formed around this stage, and it was apparent from their conversation

that they had a “clique” made up of both boys and girls. They are a tight-knitted group and

often hang out at the movies or at one another’s houses.

A behavior that I expected to see was Jillian’s interaction and conversations with her

parents. When Jillian’s parents walked in, her countenance changed quite a bit. I personally

think that the interaction would have been different if Jillian’s boyfriend had not been

there, but she immediately became more reserved and more impatient around her parents.

She obviously did not enjoy being in her parents’ presence at the same time as being in her

boyfriend’s parents, and proceeded to “go outside” to get away from them. Outside, it was a

beautiful and sunny day so that also lifted her spirits.

Once outside, Jillian and her boyfriend played with her new puppy, “Bud.” Jillian’s

mother told me that Bud was given to Jillian after she lost her dog and became depressed.

This made sense to me from Jillian’s emotional “highs and lows” throughout the time that I

observed her. I was happy for her that she was able to have such loving and supporting

parents to encourage her through her adolescent season.

In closing, I was able to step into the shoes of a teenager for a few hours. I saw

emotions ranging from stress with school to frustration with parents to embarrassment

and joy when a boyfriend surprised her with a visit. I can honestly say that I feel more


Page 21: mrshemby.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewFirst words are usually spoken, speed and accuracy of word comprehension increase rapidly . Sorts objects into categories. Joins in

Hannah Hemby (Jones)

empathetic towards this age group as they are battling a hormonal rollercoaster. I enjoyed

spending time with Jillian and hope to stay in touch with her!


Page 22: mrshemby.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewFirst words are usually spoken, speed and accuracy of word comprehension increase rapidly . Sorts objects into categories. Joins in

Hannah Hemby (Jones) 22