Archdiocese of Washington Find the Perfect Gift Regalo Perfecto 2016

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Archdiocese of Washington

Find the Perfect GiftRegalo Perfecto


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Find the Perfect Gift Toolkit Implementation Guide

This Find the Perfect Gift toolkit has been created to assist your parish and school in empowering practicing Catholics to be evangelizers during the seasons of Advent and Christmas which hold special evangelizing potential. This toolkit includes:

Sample Prayers of the Faithful in English and Spanish Sample Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements in English and Spanish Social media resources and sample posts Top Ways for Parishes to Help People Encounter Christ More Deeply

this Christmas Information about Christmas Invitation Cards and customizable fliers

and cards

These resources and more are available at FindthePerfectGift.org. You are encouraged to make use of these resources in any way you would like; use them as written, modify them to better suit your parish’s needs, or use them as inspiration to create your own content.

What is the goal of Find the Perfect Gift/Regalo Perfecto 2016?The goal of this initiative is to support parishes in their mission of evangelization. Together we do this by empowering a greater number of Catholics to personally invite others to encounter Christ at Christmas Masses and by inviting those present at Christmas Masses to stay active in their practice of the faith year round. Through this initiative we expect to increase Mass attendance at Christmas Masses and ongoing Sundays in parishes of the archdiocese. This Advent and Christmas, please:

1. Invite, in measurable ways, those from your community who are not present at Mass to be present at Christmas Masses; and

2. Encourage those already present in our parishes to become more deeply and regularly engaged in their faith.

To help people connect with your parish this Christmas, please submit your Christmas Mass schedule and other Advent and Christmas events at findtheperfectgift.org/submit. In particular, please highlight parish events that will be particularly welcoming for seekers or returning Catholics, for instance Lessons & Carols, penance services, days of reflection, and similar. We will be sharing these Mass times and events on the FindThePerfectGift.org and RegaloPerfecto.org web pages. Through our public advertising, radio, social media, and other outreach, we will connect people through these sites to find your parish.


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We are looking forward to partnering with you in evangelizing this Advent and Christmas season! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Owens, Coordinator of Evangelization, at [email protected] or 301-853-5347.


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Prayers of the Faithful

OngoingThat each of us present here today will be empowered to share the joy of Christmas with others by personally inviting friends and family to join us this year at Christmas Masses,let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

November 27That in the busyness of the Christmas season we may focus on preparing room in our hearts for Jesus Christ, the Perfect Gift,let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

December 4That as disciples of Jesus Christ, the Perfect Gift, we may freely and generously share our time and resources to serve those in need, let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

December 11That as witnesses to the New Evangelizationwe may announce the coming of our Savior by inviting family members, friends, coworkers and neighbors, to share the Good News of Jesus, the Perfect Gift, let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

December 18For a spirit of joyful anticipation as we await the coming of the Perfect Gift of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World,let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

December 25In gratitude for Emmanuel, God-With-Us, the Perfect Gift: Jesus Christ.May the humble joy of the Christmas season inspire us to recognize Jesus Christ in our daily lives and to celebrate him with all those we meet,let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.

January 1That Mary, Mother of God, will keep us in her loving care this New Year and always intercede for us with her Son our Lord, that in the year ahead we may grow ever closer to both Mother and Son,let us pray to the LordR. Lord, hear our prayer.

January 8As we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany


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we pray that each person in our parish community may have a greater awareness of their gifts and a desire to offer those gifts to Jesus Christ

through the Church and in the world.let us pray to the Lord. R. Lord, hear our prayer.


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Oraciones de los Fieles

Cada semanaQue cada uno de nosotros encontramos la inspiración para compartir la alegría de la Navidad con amigos y familiares, invitándoles a unirse con nosotros en las Misas de Navidadoremos al Señor. R Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

27 de noviembre Para que, en medio del ajetreo del tiempo de Navidad, nos mantengamos enfocados en preparar un espacio en nuestros corazones para Jesucristo, el Regalo Perfecto,oremos al Señor. R. Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

4 de diciembrePara que, como heraldos de Jesucristo, el Regalo Perfecto, compartamos nuestro tiempo y recursos de forma generosa y sin esperar recompensa, con el fin de servir a los necesitados, oremos al Señor. R. Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

11 de diciembrePara que, como testigos de la Nueva Evangelización, anunciemos la venida de nuestro Salvador invitando a familiares, amigos, compañeros de trabajo y vecinos

a compartir la Buena Nueva de Jesús, el Regalo Perfecto, oremos al Señor. R Señor, escucha nuestra oración.18 de diciembrePor un espíritu de gozosa anticipación mientras esperamos la llegada del Regalo Perfecto, Jesucristo, el Salvador del Mundo oremos al Señor. R Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

25 de diciembreEn gratitud por Jesucristo, Emmanuel, el Regalo perfecto.Que la humilde alegría de la Navidad nos inspiran a reconocer la presencia de Jesús en nuestras vidas y celebrarla con todos los que nos encontramos.oremos al Señor. R. Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

1 de eneroQue Santa Maria, Madre de DiosNos cuida y guarda en este Año Nuevo Y siempre intercede por nosotros con su Hijo, nuestro Señor y Salvador.oremos al Señor. R. Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

8 de enero Mientras celebramos la Fiesta de la Epifanía esta semana rogamos para que cada persona de nuestra comunidad parroquial tenga mayor conciencia de sus dones


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y una voluntad más firme de ofrecer esos dones a Jesucristo a través de la Iglesia y en el mundo,

oremos al Señor. R. Señor, escucha nuestra oración.

Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements

November 27This Sunday, as we celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent, our parish and others across the Archdiocese of Washington also begin the Find the Perfect Gift invitation. Through Find the Perfect Gift this Advent, we are challenged to invite family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers who are not currently practicing their faith to join us for Christmas Mass to experience the love and joy of the Jesus, our Perfect Gift. Find Christmas invitations, additional resources, and parish Mass times online at FindthePerfectGift.org.

December 4Christmas celebrates the Perfect Gift of God’s love in Jesus, and Advent is the time when we prepare our hearts to welcome this gift. This week, take time out of the busyness of the season to slow down and reflect on the miracle of God becoming man. After some quiet reflection, share your joy and inspiration with someone you love or on social media to spread the Perfect Gift of Jesus this Christmas season. Visit FindthePerfectGift.org to find Christmas resources and Mass times across the Archdiocese of Washington.

December 11Happy Gaudete (or Rejoice) Sunday! Parishes across the Archdiocese of Washington continue to celebrate Advent through our Find the Perfect Gift initiative. This Advent we are challenged to share the Perfect Gift of Jesus with someone in our life who may be searching for meaning or friendship. As we encounter others we offer a glimpse of the love and joy of Jesus through our words and actions! Invite your family and friends to our parish Advent and Christmas community celebrations, so that together we may grow closer to the source of all joy: Jesus Christ. Visit FindthePerfectGift.org to find Christmas resources and Christmas Mass times across the Archdiocese of Washington.

December 18Is there someone in your life who has been away from Church for a while or may not have a place or loving community in which to celebrate Christmas? Christmas Mass is a beautiful moment to reconnect to the Catholic faith and many people are waiting for a personal invitation from someone like you!


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Visit FindthePerfectGift.org to find Christmas resources and Christmas Mass times across the Archdiocese of Washington.


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December 25Is today the last day of the Christmas season, or the first? While storefronts and radio stations might be ready to move on us Catholics continue to celebrate the joyful news of the birth of our Savior! Keep your tree up, the lights on, and share joy with family and friends. Continue to celebrate the Perfect Gift of God’s love through the entire Christmas season (until the Epiphany on January 8th). Find inspiration and stream Christmas music from church choirs across the Archdiocese of Washington at FindthePerfectGift.org.

January 1This Sunday we continue the celebration of the Christmas season, joyfully recalling the day when the Perfect Gift, Jesus Christ, came to us through His Mother Mary. As we ponder the role that Mary, Mother of God played in bringing us the Christ we are reminded that we play a similar role in the lives of our friends and families. We who have received Jesus are to share him with those we love. This week continue to invite others to experience the joy of being Catholic! Find inspiration and celebrate the season at FindThePerfectGift.org.

January 8This week we celebrate the final day of the Christmas season ending on the Feast of the Epiphany. As we recall the Three Magi bringing gifts to the infant Jesus we are reminded that each of us has gifts and presence to offer Jesus each day. As you are making New Year’s Resolutions, resolve to focus more on your relationship with God in prayer and to use your gifts to help others this year. Visit our parish website to learn more about opportunities for weekly prayer and how to get more involved in our community.


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Anuncios en el boletín y desde el púlpito.

27 de noviembreEste domingo, además de celebrar el 1º Domingo de Adviento, también comenzamos la iniciativa Encuentra el Regalo Perfecto contando con las parroquias de toda la Arquidiócesis de Washington para alentarnos y con los que actualmente no practican su fe para celebrar la alegría de Jesús, nuestro Regalo Perfecto, esta Navidad. Encuentra invitaciones, recursos, y horarios de las Misas de Navidad en el sitio: www.RegaloPerfecto.org.

4 de diciembreNavidad celebra el regalo perfecto del amor de Dios en Jesús, y adviento es el tiempo en el que preparamos nuestros corazones para la bienvenida de ese regalo. Esta semana tomemos un tiempo de nuestras atareadas ocupaciones de la temporada y reflexionemos en el milagro de Dios hecho hombre. Encuentra inspiración y recursos para adultos y niños en el sitio: www.RegaloPerfecto.org

11 de diciembre¡Feliz Domingo Gaudete (o "regocijaos")! Las parroquias de toda la Arquidiócesis de Washington continúan celebrando el Adviento a través de la iniciativa Encuentra el Regalo Perfecto. Este Adviento los alentamos a compartir el Regalo Perfecto de Jesús con alguna persona que esté buscando significado o amistad. ¡Cuando encontramos a otros les ofrecemos un destello del amor y la alegría de Jesús a través de nuestras palabras y acciones! Visiten www.RegaloPerfecto.org para ver nuestro anuncio y un listado de los eventos navideños que tienen lugar en la Arquidiócesis de Washington y ¡ayúdennos a compartir la alegría con otros!

18 de diciembre¿Hay alguna persona en sus vidas que se haya alejado de la Iglesia por algún tiempo y no tenga un lugar donde celebrar la fe esta Navidad? La Misa de Navidad es un hermoso momento para ayudar a otros a volver a conectarse con la fe católica y ¡muchos están esperando una invitación personal de alguien como ustedes! Visiten www.RegaloPerfecto.org para informarse sobre los eventos navideños y los horarios de las Misas de Navidad en toda la Arquidiócesis de Washington.

25 de diciembre¿Es hoy el último día de la temporada navideña para Ud. o es el primero? El mundo está listo para volver a sus vidas cotidianas, pero nosotros como


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católicos continuamos celebrando: ¡La Buena Nueva del nacimiento de Jesús nuestro Salvador! ¡Mantenga su arbolito de Navidad, luces y comparta el gozo con su familia y amigos! Continúen celebrando el Regalo Perfecto del amor de Dios durante toda la época de Navidad (Hasta el 8 de Enero Día de la Epifanía) Encuentre inspiración, villancicos, música y coros de otras parroquias en la Arquidiócesis de Washington visitando: www.RegaloPerfecto.org

1 de eneroEste domingo seguimos la celebración de la Navidad, recordando alegremente el día en que el Regalo Perfecto, Jesucristo, vino a nosotros a través de Su Madre María. Al reflexionar sobre la responsabilidad que Maria, Madre de Dios, tuvo en traernos el Cristo, recordamos que nosotros tenemos la misma responsabilidad a traer Jesucristo a nuestros familiares y amigos. Nosotros, los que hemos recibido a Jesús, lo compartimos con los que amamos. ¡Esta semana seguimos invitando a otros a experimentar la alegría de ser católico! Encuentre inspiración y celebre la Navidad visitando: www.RegaloPerfecto.org.

8 de eneroEsta semana celebramos los últimos días del tiempo de Navidad que finaliza con la Fiesta de Epifanía. Mientras recordamos a los Tres Reyes Magos llevando regalos al niño Jesús, debemos tener presente que cada uno de nosotros tiene regalos y presencia para ofrecerle a Jesús todos los días. Al fijar los propósitos de Año Nuevo, tomen la determinación de enfocarse más en su relación con Dios en la oración y utilizar sus dones para ayudar a otros este año. Los invitamos a visitar el sitio web de nuestra parroquia para obtener información adicional sobre oportunidades para la oración semanal y cómo comprometerse más con la comunidad.


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Sample Social Media Posts

Encourage your parishioners on social media to Find and Share the Perfect Gift this season! Use the sample posts here or create your own to encourage your followers to find Christ’s joy this Advent season and invite a friend to join them for Christmas Mass.

Visit www.FindthePerfectGift.org/Parish-Toolkit to find digital banners for web use and print banners for use in Bulletins or Flyers.

November 25 - Black Friday (or any day during Advent)

Twitter: Invite someone you know to join you for Christmas Mass! Visit findtheperfectgift.org/invite to find a video invitation to share! #PerfectGift

Facebook: Christmas joyfully celebrates the #PerfectGift, the fulfillment of God’s love in Jesus. This year share the joy of the season by inviting someone you know to join you for Mass on Christmas and every Sunday. Visit findtheperfectgift.org/invite to find a video invitation you can share via social media, email, or private message!

November 27 - First Sunday of Advent

Twitter: As we begin the season of #Advent may we keep our vision focused on preparing room in our hearts for Christ, the #PerfectGift.

Facebook: This Christmas give a gift that really matters! We invite you visit FindthePerfectGift.org and explore the ways that you can find the #PerfectGift of Jesus Christ during the busyness of the season and help others encounter Christ by inviting them to join you for Advent events and Christmas Day Mass!

December 4 - Second Sunday of Advent

Twitter: As heralds of Jesus Christ, our #PerfectGift, share your time and resources, freely and generously to serve those in need.

Facebook: Thursday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Our Lady, pure in heart and mind, is the perfect reflection of the love and light of the Lord. This week, take time out of the busyness of the season to slow down and reflect on the “reason for the season”. Commit to spending 15 minutes each day praying the #Rosary and contemplating the joyful mysteries with the Blessed Virgin Mary. #PerfectGift


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December 11 - Third Sunday of Advent

Twitter: As joyful disciples, announce the coming of our Savior by inviting family, friends & coworkers to celebrate the #PerfectGift with you!

Facebook: Happy Gaudete or (Rejoice!) Sunday! Joy is one of “fruits of the Spirit” and we are called to share the gospel with joy. Joy is contagious and when you spread it around, sooner or later, it always comes back to you! This Advent share the #PerfectGift of Jesus with someone in your life. Invite them to dinner, a seasonal concert, or Mass with you!

December 18 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Twitter: Prepare a place of prayerful reflection in the silence of your hearts for the coming of Christ, the #PerfectGift, at Christmas.

Facebook: Is there someone you know who doesn’t have a Church home or might be by him or herself this Christmas? Why not invite them to Mass and Christmas dinner? Christmas Mass is a beautiful moment to experience with others or help others to reconnect to the Catholic faith. Visit FindthePerfectGift.org to find Christmas events and Christmas Mass times across the Archdiocese of Washington. #PerfectGift

December 25 - Christmas Sunday

Twitter: May the joy of the Christmas season inspire you to encounter and share Jesus Christ, the #PerfectGift, in your daily life!

Facebook: Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord! Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom he favors! (Lk 2:13-14) Celebrate today with great joy, for we have received the #PerfectGift of Jesus Christ!

January 1 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Twitter: As we begin a new year, we ask the Mother of God to help us become better disciples of Christ by following her example. #PerfectGift

Facebook: Today as we celebrate the beginning of a new year we rejoice in proclaiming the Blessed Virgin, Mary as Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Mary swaddled Jesus, she nursed him, she guided him through his early years, and she stood by him, never abandoning him, even in the most difficult moments of his life. Mary reflects the light of Jesus more brightly than any other human in history. As Our Mother, Mary also calls us to reflect this light of Christ to the world. This year resolve to develop your relationship with the Lord and help others encounter his love and mercy. #PerfectGift


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January 8 - Epiphany Sunday

Twitter: As we celebrate #Epiphany Sunday we pray that those in our parish community may have a greater awareness of their gifts. #PerfectGift

Facebook: As we recall the Three Magi bringing gifts to the infant Jesus we are reminded that each of us has gifts and presents to offer Jesus each day. May we use these gifts to help others this year and allow the Christmas season to always be a reminder of the joy of Jesus Christ present in our lives. Continue to invite others to share in the joy of a life with Christ by visiting your parish website to learn more about opportunities for prayer and service opportunities. #PerfectGift


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Sample Posts for Sharing Find the Perfect Gift Videos

Come experience the joy and peace of Christ, the #PerfectGift! Join us for Christmas Mass on Sunday, December 25th! youtu.be/oneupZhy8ZM

Share the joy of the season! Invite someone to attend Christmas Mass with you this year! #PerfectGift youtu.be/p8xKPZuhcRU

Sometimes we lose sight of the deeper meaning of Christmas. Reflect with @Cardinal_Wuerl on the #PerfectGift: youtu.be/8ASzB9q7ujA


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To download images and web banners visit FindThePerfectGift.org .

For assistance on learning how to embed these images on your parish’s website or share on social media contact Sarah Yaklic, Director of Digital Media, [email protected] or 301-853-5330.


Para descargar imágenes y banners para su página web, visite RegaloPerfecto.org.

Si necesita que le muestren cómo insertar estas imágenes en la página web de su parroquia o cómo compartirla a través de los medios sociales contacte a Sarah Yaklic, Director de Medios Digitales, [email protected] o 301-853-5330.


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Top Ways for Parishes to Help People Encounter Christ More

Deeply this ChristmasBefore ChristmasPRAY – Pray that God will work through your parish this Christmas to draw people to Himself,

and pray that parish leaders and volunteers have a servant’s heart to meet and build friendships with newcomers who may not yet feel at home in church.

PLAN – In staff meetings and/or parish council meetings, identify your primary evangelization goal for this Advent and Christmas. What is your plan to make that goal happen?Example #1 Goal: Foster a spirit of invitation and personal connections in the community around Christmas Masses.

Plan: Every parish staff and volunteer commits to invite three people to Christmas Mass and to introduce themselves to two new people at Christmas Masses to get to know better.

Example #2 Goal: Help Catholics who have been away from the practice of faith to reconnect with the parish.

Plan: Schedule seeker-friendly small group programs in January and promote them during Advent and Christmas Masses and events.

INVITE – As a parish, distribute invitations in your community (Christmas cards, business cards, flyers). Mail invitations to new neighborhood residents, non-engaged parishioners, and members of your broader community. Hand out invitations at parish and school Advent events. Organize ministry groups to go door-to-door with invitations wishing neighbors a Merry Christmas on behalf of your parish. Find invitations at FindThePerfectGift.org/Parish-Toolkit .

INVITE AGAIN (It takes more than one invitation!) –Encourage parishioners to invite friends and family to come to Christmas Mass with them. Distribute Find the Perfect Gift invitations to parishioners for them to hand out to neighbors, give to coworkers, and mail to friends. Find invitations (Christmas cards, business cards, flyers) at FindThePerfectGift.org/Parish-Toolkit .

ENGAGE (Online!) – Create a Facebook event page for your parish for Christmas Masses that can make it easy for people to know and share with others. Share stories and pictures from your Advent events through social media and use those posts to invite people to Christmas Masses. Find more online content you can share through the Archdiocese of Washington social media platforms and at FindThePerfectGift.org.

On Christmas & After Christmas MassSHARE – Share personal experiences of Jesus during Christmas Masses. Preach about Jesus from

a first-person experience. Allow a parishioner to share a 1-minute story about how God is working in their life and how being a part of the parish helps bring meaning to their life.

ASK – Have a short fillable card in the pews for those who are new to the area or new to the Church to learn more about your parish community. Consider asking EVERYONE to fill it out and checking boxes for something they are interested in learning more about, a ministry they want to get involved in, etc. Follow up with new people with a phone call. In the conversation, focus on building a relationship before registering a parishioner.

GIVE – Give a gift to those who come to Christmas Masses like a book. Invite attendees to read the first chapter and join for a weekly discussion group. Various publishers offer parish book programs for inexpensive bulk orders, such as Loyola Press, Dynamic Catholic, Ave Maria Press, Sophia Institute Press, and others.

HOST – Host fellowship/hospitality after ALL Christmas Masses. Ask ministry leaders to be present to welcome and to meet 5 new people each. Even if many people will be rushing


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off somewhere, still host fellowship because it communicates to the person that this church involves building friendships with others and that Christmas is worth celebrating.

INVITE – Invite seekers, unengaged Catholics, and those Catholics who want to learn more to get more involved in the Church through a January small group program (Landings, ALPHA, ChristLife, etc.), book club, RCIA, or adult faith formation.

PROMPT – Encourage parishioners to share where they celebrated Christmas Mass on social media. Find prompts and resources in the Social Media Toolkit available at FindThePerfectGift.org/Parish-Toolkit .

For more parish Advent and Christmas resources, visit FindThePerfectGift.org.


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Customizable and Printable Invitation Cards for Parish Use

The Archdiocese of Washington is providing parishes invitation cards of varying sizes including:

Christmas invitation card Customizable full page fliers (8.5x11) Customizable business card size (3.5x2)

Use these invitation cards and customizable fliers to:1. Directly invite parishioners, parents in Catholic Schools and religious

education programs, and inactive Catholics to Christmas Masses and ongoing Sunday Masses. (e.g. mailing to inactive parishioners, bulletin stuffers, backpack stuffers, handouts at Advent events or street evangelization, etc.)

2. Pass out cards to parishioners at Sunday Masses so they can personally invite neighbors, coworkers, friends, etc. to join them at a particular Christmas Mass time and ongoing Sunday Masses at your parish. (e.g. pass out during small groups, door to door neighborhood invitation, one on one evangelization, etc.)

Order Christmas Invitation CardsAt the center of the campaign is an invitation card that parishioners can use to invite others to Mass. The cards are available in English, Spanish, and French, and orders need to be received by Monday, November 7 so that they can be delivered by Monday, November 21. Please submit your order at findtheperfectgift.org/invitation-order.

Download and Print Customizable Cards and FliersThis year, we are providing customizable templates to allow your parish to customize the materials to be more useful for your community. The invitation cards and fliers are available at FindThePerfectGift.org/Parish-Toolkit as files which you can edit and print! Download the file and add your parish information in the editable text fields. Then you may print as many customized invitations and fliers as you need.


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Across4. What does the word Emmanuel mean?6. What do we place on our Advent wreath to count the weeks of Advent?8. Who are we preparing our hearts for in Advent?9. Who is the cousin of Jesus who helps us prepare our hearts in Advent?

Down1. How many weeks in Advent?2. What color is the candle for the third Sunday of Advent?3. What is the color we most use to decorate for Advent?5. What is the name of the third Sunday of Advent?7. Which saint first made a Christmas crèche to show the story of Christmas?



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La Visita de los PastoresLucas 2:15-20

Cuando los ángeles se aparecieron a los pastores, ellos tenían miedo, pero entonces los pastores se dieron cuenta de que algo increíble había sucedido - nuestro Salvador había nacido - ¡Gloria a Dios! Los pastores estaban tan emocionados por la noticia que decidieron darse prisa para ver a Jesús recién nacido.Ayuda a los pastores a encontrar su camino a la Sagrada Familia.