Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania [email protected] ; http://certdolj.wordpress.com C entrul E ducationalde R esursesi Training – CER T Str. U N IRIInr. 99 satCam peniD olj– R om ania [email protected] ; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Rules for the Joker A. Jokersm ustavoid all actions, w hich could m anipulate orinfluence the audience. The audience should neverbe confronted w ith the joker’sow n personal interpretation ofevents. B. Jokersm ustpersonallydecide nothing. They m ustkeep relaying doubtsback to the audience i.e. doesthissolution w orkornot? Isthisrightor w rong? C. W atch outfor‘m agic’ solutions. The jokerm ay interruptthe spect-actor’saction ifthey consideran action to be m agic. They m ustnotm ake thatdecision butm ust ask the audience iftheybelieve itto be. D. The jokeristhe ‘m idw ife’, assisting in the birth ofall ideas, ofall actions! E. Itism ore im portantto achieve a good debate than a good solution F. The jokershould notm ingle w ith the audience orthe actorsbutrem ain separate from them -physically alertand dynam icatall tim es. Ifthe jokeristired orconfused, she w ill transm ita tired and disorientated im age to theaudience. G. Be flexible according to youraudience e.g. An audience ofYear8 girlsm ay have

certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. [email protected]; Asociatia

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Page 1: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Page 2: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

“ SPORT vs

Page 3: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!


Page 4: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

1 (arriving)-11 (departure) Aug 2019 Location: Craiova, Romania

Page 5: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Host NGO: „Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT”

This info pack will provide you with the necessary information that you need before arriving to the Tranining course in CRAIOVA , Romania; we provide you with useful details on travelling arrangements, accommodation, and some

Page 6: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

general information on the area you will stay.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craiova;

Partners: Aycicegi Genclik ve Egitim Dernegi Turkey ; Cilento Youth Union Italy ; Bulgarian Youth Association - Bulgaria EN ROOT France

Page 7: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Number of participants – 37 7/country (6 youth age 15-20 and 1 leader)

Accomodation will be in rooms of 3 individual beds with bath i nthe rooms, in an universitarian protocol hostel, with 3 meals included-

Currency : You can’t use Euro in Romania! exchange rate is 1 Eur=4,76 lei

Page 8: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Project’s objectives are: -To prevent bullying for 37 young people from 5 countries using non-formal methods: role-play,debate, outdoor cycling and team-building sports, intercultural and thematic presentations,simulations for 9 days.

Page 9: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

-- To improve the level of key competences and skills of 37 young people, including 15 youth with fewer opportunities, regarding recognition of bullying in daily life and prevention of violent behavior using outdoor sport team activities during 9 days ;-To promote diversity, intercultural dialogue, common values of freedom, social inclusion and sense of initiative for 37 young participants during 9 days of intercultural sport activities;

Page 10: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

-To raise awareness for 37 young people and leaders upon sport and cooperative work as alternative to bullying and violence during 9 days of youth mobility using artistic expression and initiatives of youth;-To promote sport and healthy lifestyle among 250 citizens in host city Craiova by street Campaign.

By the end of the project we expect as results:

Page 11: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

1. The "Sport against Violence" GUIDE will contain statistics about violence among young people and educational prevention programs in each country, pictures from the Exhibition "Slow and Healthy Food" and healthy recipes invented by participants and the description of the new game. 2. Movie containing short recordings from each type of game played together in different sport places in Craiova;3. Photo album edited in Picassa - a slide-show of the moments most appreciated and of impact from the program

Page 12: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Interested participants will fill in the attached registration form or find it on https://www.facebook.com/groups/878762262458826/.

Travel details: How to reach Craiova:, THE HOST CITY

Page 13: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Have a look on: http://www.romaniatourism.com/maps/romania/romania_detail_map.html is 250 km far from Bucharest, You should book your flights for Bucharest or Craiova; From Otopeni Airport – GARA de NORD (The train station in Bucharest) go

for Bus: 780 / 783 and from Gara de Nord take the train to Craiova (every 1 hour).

The exact location: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=ro&pb=!1s0x4752d701283afe8d%3A0xf4fae7cbec222137!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipONHiQS0kLd71dN7Zv8_m4miFRMWeegx3cyxCay%3Dw420-h160-k-no!5sC%C4%83minul%20Studen%C8%9Besc%206%2C%20Calea%20Bucure%C8%99ti%2C%20Craiova%20-%20C%C4%83utare%20Google&imagekey=!1e2!


Page 14: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Page 15: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

The necessary documents for reimbursement of travel ( Reimbursements will be done after CERT receives all coming-return original

tickets by postal address, money will be sent to your sending NGO;s account )

1. Tickets (bus, metro, train, boarding passes, flight tickets);

2. Invoice – where the price is, your name(if the case), time;

3. Provement of payment (bank excerpt, credit card online payment-emails, paper bill)

Page 16: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

(Without any of these, we cannot reimburse your money for travel; NO TAXI –except for night hours is the case)Note (IMPORTANT!): The prices on the TICKETS, not on the invoices, will be regarded while your reimbursement will be calculated.

!!!Note: Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation of all (including return tickets) original tickets, receipt/invoices and boarding passes.

Please print before all documents, which are related to travel expenses. This means that once home after the training, participants will be asked to send the originals of

all return documents and boarding passes. Please remember to bring the original invoices – there will be no reimbursement without the original invoices and tickets

Page 17: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

with indicated Names of travelers, description of the journey, indication of cost and currency and date of travel in latin characters. Please do not lose your boarding

passes; you will need them for reimbursement of travel cost.

!!!!Note:If participants pay for their ticket with a credit card, they are requested to bring along the confirmation of payment (i.e. credit card slip and/or bank


!!!!!Note: Reimbursement will be done in EUR, converted and calculated according to http://ec.europa.eu/budget/inforeuro/index.cfm?Language=en

Down here you can find the travel budget / country / person.

Page 18: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Pls fit in and let us know if we can support you in choosing best way of traveling or buy your tickets.

Bulgaria, Turkey,– 180 euro / participant ; Italia– 275 euro/participant; France 360 euro/part

Travel insurance: pls make your own travel insurance http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=563&langId=en#nationalinfo Participants will prepare the following before arriving:

Page 19: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

A. Topic preparation : 2 researches: 1st on statistics in their own countries aboutVIOLENCE and bullying among young people and reducing/prevention of violence programs to bepresented in the 4th day.; 2nd a presentation about famous sports and sport

Page 20: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

people in their region/country to be presented in the 3rd day.

B. Cultural preparation of participants contains music, dances,

Page 21: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

presentations, traditional objects and symbols from each country/area so to maximize the cultural dialogue opportunity between 5 countries – presented during the evenings and cultural nights.

Page 22: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Project team:

Page 23: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!


Page 24: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

Enache Alexandra Badea Dorina Lazarescu TrainerProject Coordinator NutritionistFor more details : https://certdolj.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/2135802813417171/

Page 25: certdolj.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewCentrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT . Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania. certdolj@yahoo.com; Asociatia

Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com Centrul Educational de Resurse si Training – CERT

Str. UNIRII nr. 99 sat Campeni Dolj – Romania

[email protected]; http://certdolj.wordpress.com

Rules for the Joker

A. Jokers must avoid all actions, which could manipulate or influence the audience. The audience should never be confronted with the joker’s own personal interpretation of events.

B. Jokers must personally decide nothing. They must keep relaying doubts back to the audience i.e. does this solution work or not? Is this right or wrong?

C. Watch out for ‘magic’ solutions. The joker may interrupt the spect-actor’s action if they consider an action to be magic. They must not make that decision but must ask the audience if they believe it to be.

D. The joker is the ‘midwife’, assisting in the birth of all ideas, of all actions!

E. It is more important to achieve a good debate than a good solution

F. The joker should not mingle with the audience or the actors but remain separate from them - physically alert and dynamic at all times. If the joker is tired or confused, she will transmit a tired and disorientated image to the audience.

G. Be flexible according to your audience e.g. An audience of Year 8 girls may have an agenda of simply wanting to get on stage with their friends, rather than progressing the action so you can afford to be strict with them

H. Decide with the performers during the rehearsal process whether there are to be ‘missing characters’ i.e. characters who do not appear in the performance but can be introduced during the forum. For example if the protagonist is living with his father, where is mum? Can she be brought into the action or is she too far away or even dead? The devising process can create an elaborate character network or simply be left for the spectators to create during the forum. This can however, sometimes lead to ‘magic’ solutions whereby wonderful grandparents appear to save the day!

ALEXANDRA BADEA+ 40784787870 ; [email protected]

Adina ENACHE + 40 768827110 [email protected]