A chance to recognise and reward the people who are achieving in sport or going the extra mile to create more opportunities for local people to be more active. ENERGIZE AWARDS 2014 Nomination Form & Category Criteria CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS FRIDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2014 Thursday 6th November 2014 At Shrewsbury Town Football Club

  · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

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Page 1:   · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

Thursday 6th November 2014At Shrewsbury Town Football Club



Nomination Form & Category Criteria

A chance to recognise and reward the people who are achieving in

sport or going the extra mile to create more

opportunities for local people to be more active.

Page 2:   · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

HOW TO NOMINATE1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for.

2. Read all of the criteria carefully.

3. Complete the nomination form in this document or nominate online at www.energizeawards.co.uk

4. In the nomination statement use examples to tell us how your nominee meets as many of the criteria for your chosen category as possible - but keep the statement to no more than 500 words and do not attach any supporting information. The panel can only base their decision on the information in the nomination form, so please complete this to the best of your ability.

5. Send your completed nomination form to [email protected] or post it to Energize Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, Rural Enterprise Centre, Stafford Drive, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, SY1 3FE by 4pm on Friday 12th September 2014.

6. You can make as many nominations as you like but if you are making more than one nomination you must use separate forms.

 WHAT HAPPENS ONCE I’VE NOMINATED? When we receive your nomination we will send you an email to confirm receipt.

Those making nominations may be contacted by the Awards Panel to obtain further information about the nominee. Checks will be made on the information contained within nomination forms.

All nominations will be assessed by the Awards Panel after the closing date and a shortlist of three candidates for each award category will be selected.

We will write to all nominees, regardless of whether or not they are short listed.

Short listed nominees will be informed of the category they are short listed in and invited to attend the ceremony on Thursday 6th November at Shrewsbury Town Football Club. Short listed nominees receive one complimentary ticket each (regardless of how many categories they may be short listed in and whether or not they represent a group or team).

If any individual short listed nominees are under 16 they will be offered 1 extra complimentary ticket so that an adult may accompany them to the awards.

Nominees who are not short listed will be written to, congratulating them on being nominated. They will be given details of the awards ceremony, should they wish to purchase a ticket to attend.

Nominators of short listed nominees will be written to and given details of the awards ceremony, should they wish to purchase a ticket to attend.

We do not write to nominators of those who are not short listed, but they are still welcome to purchase tickets to attend the event when they go on general sale in October.

Please note that the decision of the Awards Panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The winners for each category may be put forward to regional and national award schemes by Energize Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin as appropriate.


GENERAL CRITERIA FOR ALL AWARDS The nomination eligibility criteria period is: 31st August 2013 – 12th September 2014.

Supporting statements must refer particularly to achievements made during this period. Some categories specify that the sport that the nominee is involved in must be recognised by Sport

England, see http://www.sportengland.org/our-work/national-work/national-governing-bodies/sports-that-we-recognise/ for a list of the recognised sports.

All nominees should be active in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin - they do not have to live in the county.

Nominations can be individuals, clubs, organisations, companies, projects or partnerships depending on the individual award criteria.

Self nominations are accepted.


Page 3:   · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

INDIVIDUAL AWARD CATEGORIES & CRITERIACoach of the Year This award recognises the achievements of a paid or unpaid coach who has made a significant impact on those they have coached and is committed to providing more opportunities for people to start, stay and succeed in sport. The criteria are: Nominee is a qualified coach (paid or unpaid) who has made a significant contribution to others through

their coaching. Are coaching a sport recognised by Sport England. Contribution of coach to encourage more people to start, stay or succeed in sport and physical activity. Widening access to sport and physical activity through high quality coaching and innovative practices. An inspiration and positive role model for participants and their peers. Amount of time committed to coaching per week. Be qualified and committed to continued professional development. Has built strong relationships and links with clubs, schools and/or other community organisations. Special qualities that set them apart from others.

Volunteer of the YearThis award recognises those who give up their time for free and by doing so make participating in sport possible in their club. This category aims to recognise the wide variety of roles that volunteers perform, from club secretaries and treasurers to grounds keepers and fundraisers. Sport Makers can also apply in this category. Please nominate unpaid coaches for the Coach of the Year award. The criteria are: Nominee has made a positive impact on others through their giving their time for free in sport and

physical activity. Are volunteering within an environment which provides a sport recognised by Sport England. Contribution of volunteer to encourage more people to start, stay or succeed in sport and physical

activity. Committed considerable time to their volunteering. Widening access to sport and physical activity through their volunteering. An inspiration and positive role model for participants and their peers. Has built strong relationships and links with clubs, schools and/or other community organisations. Special qualities that set them apart from others.

Young Volunteer of the YearThis award recognises a young person who gives up their free time to encourage others to take part in sport. They will be a positive role model for other young people and be committed to their own personal development. Sport Makers aged 21 or under can also apply in this category. The criteria are: Nominee must be aged 21 years or under on 12th September 2014. Are volunteering within an environment which provides a sport recognised by Sport England. Demonstrated exceptional leadership skills. An inspiration and positive role model for other young people, acting in a responsible and professional

manner. Has demonstrated a significant contribution to sport in their community, contributing at minimum of 25

hours of volunteer time in during the eligibility period. Commitment to improving the standard of their volunteering through undertaking sports courses. Special qualities that set them apart from others.

Sports Performance of the YearThis award recognises a person or team (able bodied or disabled) who has excelled in their sport and is a positive role model to others. The criteria are: Nominee(s) must be aged 18 years or over on 12th September 2014. Are participating in a sport recognised by Sport England. A sports man or woman, or a team of sports men or women who have excelled in their chosen sport.

Rankings and achievements made during the eligibility period must be given. Have demonstrated considerable commitment. Are an inspiration and positive role model to others. Have used their achievements and experiences to make a positive impact on their community and /or

club. Special qualities that set them apart from others.


Page 4:   · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

Junior Sports Performance of the YearThis award recognises a young person or team (able bodied or disabled) who has excelled in their sport and is a positive role model to others. The criteria are: Nominee(s) must be under 18 years of age on 12th September 2014. Are participating in a sport recognised by Sport England. A sports man or woman, or a team of sports men or women who have excelled in their chosen sport.

Rankings and achievements made during the eligibility period must be given. Have demonstrated considerable commitment. Are an inspiration and positive role model to others. Have used their achievements and experiences to make a positive impact on their community and /or

club. Special qualities that set them apart from others.

Community Club of the YearThis award recognises a community sports club that provides a high quality sports environment for its members. The club will have achieved this through supporting coaches and volunteers and developing the infrastructure of the club in order to benefit members. The criteria are: A club providing a sport/sports recognised by Sport England. Committed to raising standards and have achieved (or at least be working towards) Clubmark or an

equivalent quality mark or affiliation. Engaged with the local community. Actively encouraging members to start, stay and succeed in sport. Can demonstrate commitment to the development of the members of their club, including participants,

coaches and volunteers. Has built strong links with schools and other community organisations in order to engage with young

people (if relevant i.e. the club has a junior section). Developed an effective management structure. Is committed to the long-term development of their club, for example, has put in place a club

infrastructure which will sustain the club in the future, trying to ensure members can participate at good quality facilities etc.

Has widened access to their sport to include people who do not normally have the opportunity to take part / targeted work at engaging people from ‘hard to reach’ groups.

Special qualities that set them apart from others.

Newcomer of the YearThis award recognises the achievement of a club, team or individual in their first year of participation in their chosen sport, activity or role. The club, team or individual should have made an outstanding and inspirational contribution, above and beyond that normally expected of a club, team, participant, official, coach or volunteer / Sport Maker within their first year and should be active in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. The criteria are: Going above and beyond what would normally be expected of a first year athlete, club, team, official,

coach or volunteer. An individual or club that has made an exceptional contribution / had a significant impact in the local

community. An inspiration/role model for others. Must be new to the sport/activity from August 2013.

Community Project of the Year This award recognises an innovative project which uses sport and physical activity to improve and enhance the quality of life of the people in Shropshire and / or Telford & Wrekin’s communities. Examples of projects could include Sportivate projects or Community Games events. The criteria are: A project that has made a significant contribution to overcoming barriers in the participation of sport and

physical activity in the geographical area of Shropshire and / or Telford & Wrekin. Effectiveness at creating new opportunities for more people, particularly ‘hard to reach’ groups to start,

stay or succeed in sport and physical activity. Evidence of encouraging a community to lead more active and healthy lifestyles. Evidence of how innovative ideas have been used to promote, develop or enhance participation in sport

and physical activity. Has built strong community relationships and links. Dedication and commitment from those involved. An inspiration and example of best practice for others. Special qualities that set the project / team apart from others.

Page 5:   · Web viewAt Shrewsbury Town Football Club. HOW TO NOMINATE. 1. Select the award category/categories you wish to make a nomination for. 2. Read all of the criteria carefully

Employer of the YearThis award recognises a local employer that actively encourages and enables their workforce to be more physically active and lead a healthier lifestyle. They may also support community sport, for example by sponsoring a local club or encouraging their workforce to volunteer in sport environments. The criteria are: Evidence of encouraging their workforce to lead more physically active and healthy lifestyles (e.g.

promoting health initiatives to staff or supporting and rewarding staff who get involved in sports challenges).

Demonstrates commitment to helping their workforce be more active (e.g. installing bicycle racks and showers for those who wish to cycle to work).

Demonstrates at least one of the following:o Supporting local community sport (e.g. through sponsorship of an individual, team or club).o Encouraging their workforce to volunteer in local community sport settings or at community

sport events, and evidence of workforce achievements.

The William Penny Brookes Trophy – for Outstanding Contribution to Sport and Physical ActivityThis special award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to sport and physical activity in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin over a number of years. The criteria are: An individual that has made an exceptional contribution to increasing participation in sport and physical

activity in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. Achieving against the odds. Gone above and beyond the call of duty. A role model for others. Involvement in sport and physical activity over a number of years. Special qualities that set them apart from others.  * Hard to reach groups include: women and girls, disabled people, older people, people from black and ethnic minority communities and people on lower incomes. 

DETAILS OF PERSON BEING NOMINATEDTick below the category of your nomination. We would encourage you not to nominate a person, group, project or company in a number of award categories using only one form. This is because the criteria for each category are different and you have a limited word count to explain the reasons for your nomination.   Coach of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

Young Volunteer of the Year

Sports Performance of the Year

Junior Sports Performance of the Year

Community Club of the Year

Newcomer of the Year

Community Project of the Year

Employer of the Year

Outstanding Contribution Award  Name of team, club, project or organisation (if applicable): Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc): First name: Surname: Home Address: Post Code: Telephone: Mobile:

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Email: Age of nominee on 12th September 2014: (Please check if there are age criteria in the category you are nominating for to ensure that the person you are nominating is eligible.) Is the person/group(s)/organisation aware that you have nominated them? Yes No 

REASON FOR NOMINATIONPlease provide up to 500 words and include the following: Information/ evidence against the criteria for this category Facts and figures to support your nomination (e.g. coaching hours, length of time the person or

project has been successful) Explain what makes this person or project special The Awards Panel will only review the details presented. This is your opportunity to promote the value of the nominee’s achievements. Please refer to the criteria for each award category when making your nomination. Use an additional sheet of paper if required. Do not write more than 500 words. 

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Please provide a recent, high resolution photograph of the individual/group/project. If possible, please make it an action shot or a photo that shows the person or project in the relevant activity or environment. (Photographs can be returned if requested).

Please note that this photograph will be used in promotions for the Energize Awards if your nominee is short listed, for example in the local media. If you are not the nominee you must have their permission, or if they are under 18 their parent or carer’s permission to share it.  The photograph can be emailed ([email protected] ) or attached to this nomination form. Please do not staple photos. 

YOUR DETAILSTitle (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc): First name: Surname: Address: Post Code: Telephone: Mobile: Email: Please state your relationship with the nominated person (e.g. family, coach, teacher etc.):  If your nomination is successful, are you happy for a press release to be issued by Energize STW using the information in this nomination form? Yes No

If you are attaching a photograph, please tick to indicate that you have consent to pass it to Energize STW from the nominee or nominee’s parent /carer if they are under 18 for use in promotion of the Energize Awards 2014 if they are successful. If unsuccessful Energize STW will not use the photograph. I enclose a photograph and confirm that permission is given to Energize STW from the nominee / parent / carer (please circle) for it to be used in promotion of the Energize Awards 2014.Your signature:  Please see page two of this document for information about what happens once you’ve submitted your nomination form. Enquiries about the Energize Awards 2014 and completed nomination forms should be directed to:

Energize Shropshire, Telford & WrekinRural Enterprise CentreStafford DriveBattlefield Enterprise ParkShrewsburySY1 3FETel: 01743 453495Email: [email protected]