Scouting Skills Program Ideas Includes ideas discussed at Parramatta Wandarrah - 8 Sep 2016 Activity/Game Equipment Compass Activity: Compass Bingo/Mapping Exercise The Leader has a master card, with items pre-drawn in it. For example, in the top left corner might be the letter A, next to it a kite, next to that a hat, etc. Each space in the “bingo” card should be filled with something that is easy to draw. The Leader describes the location of a square using the compass points, and then tells the Joeys what goes in that square. Continue until all the squares have been marked off. E.g. find the squares that are at the north. Now go to the square that is as far west as you can go. Put an A there. Now go two squares to the east and one square to the south. Draw a tree there. Continue until all squares are filled. Game card can be downloaded from: www.ermingtonscouts.asn.au/Joey Resources.html A master sheet as well as blank sheets and pencils for Joeys Activity: Three Leg Compass Walk This activity can be done in any large, open space. At your starting position, leave an object on the ground at your feet. Set your compass to North, and look down the direction of travel arrow and pick a landmark that’s in the line of sight. Walk 100 paces towards that landmark and stop. Only count paces on one foot, i.e. 1 pace = 1 left step and 1 right step. Set your compass to 120 degrees, turn in that direction, sight a new landmark, and walk 100 more paces and stop. Set your compass to 240 degrees and repeat. You should end up pretty much Cones (optional), compass At each point you could have an item to collect which will be used later in the program.

 · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

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Page 1:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Scouting Skills Program IdeasIncludes ideas discussed at Parramatta Wandarrah - 8 Sep 2016

Activity/Game EquipmentCompassActivity: Compass Bingo/Mapping ExerciseThe Leader has a master card, with items pre-drawn in it. For example, in the top left corner might be the letter A, next to it a kite, next to that a hat, etc. Each space in the “bingo” card should be filled with something that is easy to draw.The Leader describes the location of a square using the compass points, and then tells the Joeys what goes in that square. Continue until all the squares have been marked off.E.g. find the squares that are at the north. Now go to the square that is as far west as you can go. Put an A there. Now go two squares to the east and one square to the south. Draw a tree there. Continue until all squares are filled.Game card can be downloaded from:www.ermingtonscouts.asn.au/Joey Resources.html

A master sheet as well as blank sheets and pencils for Joeys

Activity: Three Leg Compass WalkThis activity can be done in any large, open space. At your starting position, leave an object on the ground at your feet. Set your compass to North, and look down the direction of travel arrow and pick a landmark that’s in the line of sight. Walk 100 paces towards that landmark and stop. Only count paces on one foot, i.e. 1 pace = 1 left step and 1 right step. Set your compass to 120 degrees, turn in that direction, sight a new landmark, and walk 100 more paces and stop. Set your compass to 240 degrees and repeat. You should end up pretty much where you started. See how precise you can be – can you end up exactly on top of your starting object?

Cones (optional), compass

At each point you could have an item to collect which will be used later in the program.

Game: Basic Compass Dog and Bone Divide the Joeys into two teams. Place an object on the compass points/bearings cards. Use the basic four points of the compass. Leader calls a compass point and then a number. The Joey with the number called rushes out to grab the object on that particular compass point and then races back to their team without being tagged. Eventually take some of the cards away to make it more difficult.

Compass directions cards - North, South, East and West, 4 items for each of the compass points

Game: Compass ChangePlace the direction cards in a large circle. Each Joey except one sits behind a direction card. One Joey is "it" and stands in the middle of the circle. A Leader calls out two directions and the Joeys at those points attempt to change places, while "it" tries to take the place of one of them. The Joey without a place in the circle, becomes the next "it".

Compass direction cards

Game: Compass Clapping Nil

Page 2:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Joey Scouts sit in a circle at the four/eight points of the compass. One is in the centre and is blindfolded. The Leader signals to the Joey Scouts on the outside who must clap once. The Joey Scout in the centre must be facing north and he/she has to identify the point from which the clap came.Game: Compass Golf RelayMark a circle, around the outside add the tubes (cut down the middle and tape cut section so it forms an arch for the ball to travel through) at the compass points - have some means of identifying which tube is which compass point. Mark the centre of the circle - this will be the start point. Joeys line up in relay formation. Have a set of cards per team. Joeys turn over a team card and then must hit their golf ball from the centre and through the appropriate tube. They then retrieve their ball and hand this and the stick to the next team member. Repeat until all the cards in the pile have been used.

Cardboard tubes, kids golf set (or could blow a ping pong ball through the tube), compass cards

Game: Compass RelayDivide the Joeys into two teams in relay formation. Draw a compass for each team in the middle of the hall floor using chalk. Start with marking the 4 points of the compass. Place the paddle pop sticks at the opposite end of the hall. Call out a direction. The first Joey in each team races to collect a stick and places their stick from the centre of their compass towards the correct direction, and then races back to their team. Game can be played for points or for fun. When the Joeys are familiar with the points, leave only the north point marked.

Chalk, paddle pop sticks

Game: North SouthLeader is at one end of the hall calling out instructions. On “north” Joeys go forward set number of paces, and on “south” Joeys go back set number of paces. When Leader calls “magnet” Joeys run back to the start without getting caught.


Game: North, South, East, WestDesignate the 4 walls of hall as North, South, East and West. Call out one of the directions. All Joeys race to reach the direction called. The last person to reach the location performs a "forfeit" before rejoining the game - e.g. Do HOP HOP HOP, say Scout Law, do 5 jumping jacks, shake hands with 3 people etc. Continue calling directions while the "forfeit is being called.


First AidActivity: Dialling 0 0 0 Joeys are sitting in a circle and are numbered off 1 , 2 3, 4 etc. Place the telephone in the middle of the circle. The Leader announces and emergency, e.g. There is a fire in an old house on the corner of High and Maypole Streets (or well

Old telephone, or a toy one

Page 3:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

known streets in your area). Then the Leader calls out a number and the Joey Scouts with that number run clockwise around the circle, back through their places and into the centre. The first there grabs the phone and dials the emergency number for your area. The Leader acts as the operator and asks which service is required. The Joey Scout replies and when through must give the details.Activity: First Aid FeelPlace one item in a number of socks. Pass around and try and identify. Can start different socks at the same time but in different parts of the circle

Socks, first aid items

Craft: Make a Mini First Aid Kit WoggleHeat up the hot glue guns prior to the activity. Only adults to use the hot glue guns.Set up 2 tables with all the required items to make the first aid kit woggle.

1. Decorate your film canister - coloured tape and stickers available. You may need to put sticky tape over the stickers so they don't come off.

2. Tightly roll up 3 different band aids and an alcohol wipe and place in the canister.

3. Have an adult glue on the plastic tube - this is for your scarf to go through

Film canisters , coloured electrical tape, scissors, stickers, stick tape, 3 x band aids and an alcohol wipe per first aid kit, hot glue guns and glue sticks, pre-cut plastic tubing

Game: Band Aid RelayJoey Scouts line up in equal teams at one end of the hall. On 'go' the first Joey Scout races up to a Leader/Parent Helper who says where it hurts (Leaders/Parent Helpers need to cry out as if in pain and point to the spot where it hurts). The Joey Scout places the bandaid onto the spot where the Leader/Parent Helper tells them it hurts. Once the Joey Scout puts the bandaid on they return to their team and tag the next Joey Scout. Repeat till all have had a turn.

Bandaids (1 per Joey Scout)

Game: Band Aid TagEach Joey has two band-aids (their hands). When tagged by another Joey they cover the tagged spot with a band-aid (one of their hands). If they are tagged again on a different spot they cover that with their other band-aid (hand) and when the Joey Scout has no more band-aids (hands), they sit down.


Game: First Aid KitDivide the Joeys up into teams, and have them line up at one end of the hall. Each Joey in each team is given one of the names of an item in the first aid kit (bandage, antiseptic, tweezers, band-aid, sling, cottonwool etc). Leader calls out an item and the Joeys with that name run to the end of the hall and back. The first one back wins a point. When “first aid kit” is called the whole Mob runs.


Game: First Aid Kit Kim's Game 10 first aid items, tray and

Page 4:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Have 10 first aid items hidden under a cloth on a tray. Show Joey Scouts for 30 seconds and then cover items. Get the Joey Scouts to name all ten (10) items that make up a personal first aid kit. Discuss the first aid items as you go through them. Alternative: take an item away and the Joeys have to tell you what is missing.

cloth/tea towel

Game: Pass the MessageLine the Joeys up in relay formation with some space in-between each Joey. Start the message at one end and have it whispered down the line. Is the message at the end the same as at the start - Our spaceship has crashed into the third rock from the Sun, we need help before Saturday.


Game: Stretcher RelayTeddies have been injured and the Joeys have to stretcher them to safety.Alternative - Medic Relay (ANZAC Theme)Same as above put Joeys need to transport the injured soldiers to safety.

Teddies, stretchers

Pictures of injured soldiers on empty soft drink bottles

Scouts In Action - First AidSee www.scoutsinactionmonth.com/2010-First-Aid.html for resources on teaching Joeys first aid.HikingActivity: Make Trail MixPut into zip lock bags. Use sultanas, dried fruits, sweets such as smarties, jelly beans, bananas, snakes, cereals such as Cheerios or Nutrigrain. Need to cater to any allergies

Lollies, cereal, fruits, zip lock bag

Activity: Paper Bag HikeGive Joeys a paper bag - on the front is a list of items to collect along the walk. A green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you are likely to see in your area).

Paper bags with a list of items to collect

Paper Bag Hike – Give Joeys a paper bag – on the front is a list of items to collect along the walk. A green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you are likely to see in your area)

Game: Backpack ContentsMove items from one pack to the other and ask Joeys to draw what they remember. Could also divide up into small groups with a Leader/Adult Helper with each group, and the Joeys as a group come up with a list of items that is written by the helper. Show contents, remove a couple of items and show again, Joeys to determine what is missing?

Packs, items such as a first aid kit, compass, map, whistle etc., paper and pencils

Game: Bush Safety Dice GameJoeys take it in turns to move their counter through the

Game card, counters, dice

Page 5:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

bush. Follow the instructions and see who makes it home first. Game card can be downloaded from:www.ermingtonscouts.asn.au/Joey Resources.htmlGame: Find Your BuddyPlay this game outside. There are pairs of numbers (2 x #1, 2 x #2 etc). Each Joey is given a number (they cannot let anyone else see the number). When Leader blows a whistle 3 times (distress) – Joey has to find their buddy (matching number) and the buddy pair needs to run back to the hall and sit in the circle. You cannot enter the hall without your buddy.

Game cards, whistle

Game: I went hiking and in my pack I took...Joeys sit in a circle and add on items that they would take in a day pack on a hike. 1st Joey starts - I went hiking and I took a water bottle. 2nd Joey starts with previous item and adds own, this continues around the circle.


Game: Jumbled Pack.Joeys in relay formation. Give each Joey in each team the name of an item in a pack e.g. raincoat, lunch, first aid kit, etc. Tell a simple yarn and when that item is mentioned the Joey runs to the end of the hall and back. When the word “day pack” Is used they all run.


Knots/RopesActivity: AbseilingUse ropes for Joeys to pull themselves up or lower themselves down a slope. Helmets and harnesses can make it like the real thing.


Activity: Let's Tie Our ShoelacesPrint out a shoe template, cut out, laminate and punch holes for the laces. Thread two different coloured thin rope for laces. Demonstrate how to tie shoelaces. Have the Joeys practice. Template can be downloaded from:www.ermingtonscouts.asn.au/Joey Resources.html

Shoe templates with laces

Activity: Make a KnotDivide the Joeys into groups of 4 or 5. To make and untie a knot, have the Joeys in small groups stand in a circle facing in. Each puts their right hand in and grasps the right hand of someone else in the circle. Then each grabs the left hand of a different Joey with his or her left hand. Joeys then to untie themselves keeping hold of each other's hands.


Activity: Reef KnotTeach the Joeys how to tie a reef knot. Hand out 2 different coloured jelly snakes. Ask them to stretch their snakes gently to make them more flexible. Have them tie a reef knot with the snakes. They can then eat the snakes once the reef knot is correct.

Different coloured ropes to practice tying a reef knot, jelly snakes

Activity: Rope Fun1. Abseiling - use ropes for Joeys to pull themselves up

Ropes, helmets, harnesses

Page 6:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

or lower themselves down a slope. Helmets and harnesses can make it like the real thing.

2. Make a rope bridge with thick ropes tied between 2 trees (top to hold onto and bottom to walk along).

3. Tie ropes to trees outside or in the hall if you have beams - have Joeys try and climb up the rope.

4. Set up a cargo net to climb up, or crawl under.Activity: Rope PictureGive each Joey a piece of rope. They need to make a picture - e.g. a dog etc with their rope.


Game: BundlesDivide the Joeys into teams and give each team a colour. (have a max of 4 different colours taped to bottles). Along a set course are some bottles marked with team colours. Give each team a rope circle. On "go" each team hops in their rope circle then races the course to collect bottles in their team colour. If they miss a bottle them must return to the start point before proceeding to pick up the bottle they missed.

Ropes, cones/markers for course, soft drink bottles with coloured tape added

Game: Circular Tug of WarDivide the Joeys into teams, in a circle holding onto a rope, in the middle of the hall. Some distance behind each team is a chair with a bean bag on it. Each team tries to pull on the rope so that one member of the team can pick up the bean bag.

Rope, chairs, bean bags. This will require leader help and close supervision

Game: HelicopterJoeys in a circle, jump over the weighted rope when it is spun around.

Rope with weight

Game: Slip RingA piece of rope in a circle with a ring on it. Joeys holding onto the rope. One Joey is in the middle of the circle and has to try and catch the ring which is being passed from Joey to Joey, around the circle. The Joey on whose hands the ring to caught goes to the centre.

Rope and ring

Game: Three Legged RaceHave Joeys run to the end of the hall and back with two legs tied together.

Three legged bands

MapsActivity – Basic Mapping Collect together 5-8 things – e.g. a tin of soup, box of matches, a bottle, a button, lid, pack of cards, a leaf, pencil, stamp etc. Spread the items on the floor. Joeys need to stand so that they can look down on the items. Joeys to draw a map of what they see.

Collection of items, paper, pencils

Activity: Mapping CoordinatesOn A4 paper mark up a grid and label the sides with numbers and letters. Ask the Joeys to draw train at 6G, duck at 3D, ghost at 10E etc.

Grid marked on A4 paper, pencils

Page 7:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Activity: Map RouteHave a map of the area for each Joey Scout. Joeys trace the route they take on the map. Can give each Joey Scout a clipboard (can be made out of cardboard with a clip to hold the paper). Alternatively can laminate the map and have the Joeys trace the route with a whiteboard marker. These can then be cleaned off for future use. Can stop at a park that is a part of your map and eat traffic light biscuits (made as a coming in activity). Also opportunities to discuss map symbols and road safety.

Maps with pencils and clipboard, or laminated map and whiteboard markers.

Activity: Map Symbols1. Map Symbols Bingo - have a range of bingo cards

with pictures of the map symbols. Say the name of the map symbol, Joeys mark off their card.

2. Map Symbols Relay Game - have a set of cards for each team and place at one end of the hall. Joeys are lined up in relay formation at the opposite end of the hall. One at a time they retrieve a card and then place the pictures at the top with the corresponding words at the bottom. Have a Leader/Helper to assist with reading the words as required.

3. May Symbols Concentration - place the cards face down. First Joey turns over 2 cards to try and find a match. If match they have another turn, if not the next Joey has a turn.

Map symbols and matching words cardsBingo - need range of bingo cards with pictures of map symbols.

Activity: Photo Challenge 1Take close up photos of parts outside the Scout Hall. Grate in road, tree with an unusual knot or branch, gate, hinge, pavers, steps, wall light etc. Have the Joeys locate the item and decide where the person was when they were taking the photo.

Photo cards

Activity: Photo/Map Coordinates ChallengeMake up cards with close up pictures and the map coordinates of where the picture can be found. Joeys work together in small teams. Give each team an A4 sheet, has map with coordinates on one side and on the other is a picture with the map coordinates underneath. Joeys need to find the pictures at the map coordinates. At each location there will be a photo card with a letter to collect. When they have found each letter they then work together to assemble the word.

Photo cards with coordinates underneath, A4 sheet with map on one side and a copy of the photo cards on the other side.

Have letters printed on coloured card and have the teams only collect their colour.

Observation SkillsActivity: All in a RowWhile blindfolded Joeys must place various objects in a row according to their lengths

Blindfolds, various objects

Activity: Cinderella10 corn kernels, 10 grains of rice, 10 dried peas, and 10 dry beans are mixed. The player is blindfolded and must sort

Blindfold, small items, cups

Page 8:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

these items. Who can correctly sort the most items in 60 seconds?Activity: Computer Brain6-8 stones are laid out in a row or on a checkerboard. Players have 10 seconds to note the positions of the stones. The stones are then covered. Everyone must lay out the stones exactly as was shown.

Checkerboard, stones

Activity: Double Statute 1Divide the Joeys into pairs. One of the pair is blindfolded while the other one takes position as a statue by making a pose (lying down, on one leg or arms bent etc.). The blindfolded partner now tries to copy the same pose.


Activity: Double Statute 2Divide the Joeys up into teams of 3. One of the Joeys is blindfolded while another one takes position as a statue by making a pose (lying down, on one leg or arms bent etc.). The remaining Joey now tries to explain to the blindfolded Joey how the other Joey is posing. They do not say if the pose is correct or not. The blindfolded player tries to follow the instructions and adopts the pose.


Activity: Finding LidsCut a hole on both sides of a box (Joey must be able to put hand through the hole). In the box place different sized jars with lids. One Joey sits on both sides of the box. Both Joeys try to find the matching lid for the jar and screw it on (inside the box). To make it harder, each Joey could put just one hand into the box.

Box and jars with screw top lids

Activity: Observation SkillsJoeys sitting down in circle. While a Leader is talking to the Joeys some "thieves" come in and steal the Joey of the Week. Joeys need to describe the "thieves". What were they wearing? Did they have glasses? etc.

"thieves" with dress up items on.

Activity: Quick ChangeHave the Joeys form two lines with each Joey facing a partner. Instruct them to carefully observe their partner. When given a predetermined signal, the children turn back-to-back and change three things. They might remove headbands or untie shoes. After a minute, tell the Joeys to turn back around, observe their partner and state the changes that they see.


Activity: What Changed?A couple of players are sent out of the room. 10 things will be changed in the room. Can all the changes be found? Variation: a number of clothing pieces can be changed (Shoes, jackets, pullovers, pants, caps). Variation: 5 people exchange places


Game: Feeling LettersDivide the Joeys into 2 teams, and pair off. Each member of

Set of cards with letters on them.

Page 9:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

each team draws a card and they must draw this letter on the back of their partner. If the partner guesses the letter correctly they win a point for their team. Swap over and repeat.Game: GhostsChoose 2-3 Joeys as the ghosts. The rest of the Joeys spread out in the room and close their eyes (or are blindfolded). The ghosts now try to stand behind a Joey for 10 seconds without being noticed. If they manage the 10 seconds they must then tap the Joey on the shoulder and the Joey must sit down. If a Joey believes that there is a ghost behind them, can ask "Is a ghost there?" If there really is a ghost the Joey becomes a ghost, if not, must sit down.

Blindfolds (optional)

Game: What's in the Bag?Divide the Joeys into teams and distribute an identical bag of objects, including pencils, paper clips, flashlights, candles, marbles and erasers, to each group. Each team member sits in relay formation. The first Joey in each team takes an object from the bag, observes it and without turning around passes it backward. When the object reaches the last person, he hides it in an empty bag. When finished, the team records a list of remembered items. The team listing the most objects wins. In case of a tie, the faster group prevails.

Paper bags, identical items for each team

Outdoor Cooking

Banana Boats Milk Carton Pizzas/Hot Dogs

Campfire Cones Smores

Page 10:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Cake in Oranges Tortilla Dessert Roll UpsTracking/TrailsActivity: Animal TrackingLay out the tracks that will be followed to locate the picture of the appropriate animal. Divide the Joeys up into 5 groups and give them a worksheet and a pencil each. Start with a group following a different trail. On the worksheet the Joeys need to write down the name of the animal next to the track, as well as colour the distribution area and draw a picture of what the animal eats.Activity can be downloaded from:www.ermingtonscouts.asn.au/Joey Resources.html

Animal pictures and tracks, worksheets and pencils.

Activity: Let's Follow a TrailDivide the Joeys into two teams (red and blue). Give each member of one team five red coloured squares and each member of the other team five blue coloured squares. Send them off with a Leader in different directions but so they meet at a central point. Along the way, the teams leave coloured squares as a track. When the teams meet give them a rest and a drink. Each team, then takes the other route back and tries to collect as many of the other team's squares as possible.

Red and blue coloured squares

Activity: Observation TrailUsing your local surroundings, plot an interesting walk to the playground, park or oval and then back to the hall by a different route. Have a work sheet for the Joeys to complete o their walk. They could find things out, such as: how many steps are outside the church, the date the Council Chamber opened, the name of the house on the corner of X and Y street, how many red cars drove past during the walk. They could be asked to collect things, like an orange coloured leaf etc.

Worksheet and pencils

Game: Trail Signs RelayShow the trail signs cards and discuss what they mean with the Joey Scouts. Attach trail sign cards to cones and set up a trail to follow - over obstacles could be over some tyres, over water could be a plank over a tarp etc. Have a set of trail sign cards for each team at the go home sign. Divide the

Large trail cards to attach to cones, a set of trail cards per team, an obstacle to cross, tarp and plank of wood

Page 11:  · Web viewA green leaf, brown leaf, leaf eaten by an insect, feather, rubbish, stick as big as the bag, flower, pine needles, shell, bark, pinecone, stone (think about what you

Joeys up into 2 teams, and they line up in relay formation. One at a time they follow the trail until they reach the go home sign. Here they retrieve a card. When all the cards have been retrieved the Joeys have to arrange their cards in the order of the trail they just followed. Winning team is the one with the most correct trail cards.Game: You Can't Hide From a Joey ScoutMake up 3 sets of cards, with pictures of birds for set 1, flowers for set 2 and animals for set 3. Ask parent helpers to go outside and place the cards within a confined area - some higher, some lower, and some partially hidden.While this is being done, organise the Joeys into three teams. Each team has to find one set. Team members must hold hands at all times - the chain must not be broken. When the trail has been laid, take the Joey teams to the area to find all their designated cards. Should anyone come across a card which is not theirs they must leave it and say nothing.

3 sets of cards - birds, flowers and animals