stchadsstafford.co.uk · Web view4th-17th March: One Small Step The Lichfield Cathedral moon installation comes on tour to Saint Mary’s Last year in recognition of the anniversary

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Page 1: stchadsstafford.co.uk · Web view4th-17th March: One Small Step The Lichfield Cathedral moon installation comes on tour to Saint Mary’s Last year in recognition of the anniversary
Page 2: stchadsstafford.co.uk · Web view4th-17th March: One Small Step The Lichfield Cathedral moon installation comes on tour to Saint Mary’s Last year in recognition of the anniversary

4th-17th March: One Small Step The Lichfield Cathedral moon installation comes on tour to Saint

Mary’s Last year in recognition of the anniversary of the moon landing, Lichfield Cathedral hosted a large-scale art installation by Artist Peter Walker enti-

tled ’One Small Step’. The interactive artwork was so

successful that the Cathedral is taking parts of

the large-scale piece on tour to selected churches in the Diocese of Lichfield. St Mary’s Church will host a section of the

‘One Small Step’ art installation this month. Anyone is welcome to visit the installation during the regular

opening hours, where people can walk on the moon, take a selfie #onesmallstep and take part in the

various activities on offer.

For our younger members Praise & Play—Wednesdays in St. Mary’s 10.30am to 11.30 am (from 8th January). 20 minutes of story, song and worship followed by refreshments and play. For pre-school children and their grown ups.

Quiet Day for Lent at Shallowford House Friday 13th March, led by Fr Mark McIntyre. To book call

01785 760233. St Leonard’s Memorial Window To celebrate the completion of the major restoration work on the memorial window, we are holding a special re-dedication service at 4pm on the 1st March, attended by the Mayor of Stafford, preacher Rev’d Alison Thomas. Everyone is invited to come along and light a candle in memory of a loved one who is no longer with us; and to remember those from Marston Parish who fought and died for their country. You will also be able to meet Mr Robert Lamburn who carried out the restoration of this beautiful stained glass window.

St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group. We’ve now collected over £1200 to

help provide expert eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. This means we can sponsor four eye operations, bringing the gift of sight and improving life for some of the poorest people there. Thanks to everyone who’s supported the eye hospitals so far. If you would like to contribute to the appeal, you’ll find gift envelopes in the back of church. St. Mary’s One World Group.

Welcome to StaffordChurches in March

In March 2020

Clergy, Lay Ministers & Other Staff Contacting the Rector:

Rev’d. Preb Richard Grigson

To leave a message which will be immediately forwarded call

01785 526001 or 07877 168498 Email [email protected]

Associate Priest and Town Centre Chaplain: Rev’d John Davis 01785 661382 Email: [email protected] Associate Priest: Rev’d Preb Michael Newman 01785 660158 Email: [email protected] Lay Ministers: Mr. Philip Taylor 01785 780717 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Pauline Shepherd (Pastoral Assistant, Emeritus) Director of Music St. Mary’s: Margaret Outen 01785 253182 Email: [email protected] Assistant Organist: Tim Sagar 01785 851940 Director of Music St. Chad’s: Geoff Milsom 01785 245564 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: St. Chad’s: Ian Carr, 07714 913079 St. Leonard’s: Gail Wray, 01889 271176 St. Mary’s: Sue Savage, 01785 244110 Brian Westerman, 01785 823356 Website for StaffordChurches: www.staffordchurches.uk St. Chad’s Website: www.stchadsstafford.co.uk St. Mary’s Website: www.stmarysstafford.org.uk @staffordchurch staffordchurches.uk Parish Administrator for baptism & wedding bookings & other enquiries: Samantha Sagar 01785 223600 Email:[email protected] Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 10.00am-12.50 pm; Thursday: 10.00am–5.30pm; Friday: 7.45am– 12.50pm.

Saturday Coffee Concerts in St. Mary’s at 11.00 March 14th: Fish from Oblivion March 28th: TBC Saturday Coffee Concerts in St. Chad’s at 11.00 21st March: “Two German Bs”, music by Buxtehude and Bach.

Please take the March bulletin away with you. The next edition, StaffordChurches in April, will come out on March 29th. If you have something to go into the calendar, please make sure that Samantha in the Parish Office knows by March 23rd.

Page 3: stchadsstafford.co.uk · Web view4th-17th March: One Small Step The Lichfield Cathedral moon installation comes on tour to Saint Mary’s Last year in recognition of the anniversary

Other notices Christian Food Help: Please continue to leave items of food in St. Chad’s or St. Mary’s to be distributed locally to those in need.

Open Door 2020: 15th – 19th June. Preparations are beginning now for this important ministry to local school children. If you would like to help this year, please

return your forms to Sam in the office, or speak to Sue Savage.