RE Year 7 lockdown guide Name ________________ House group ____________

€¦  · Web view2020. 10. 21. · There is only one god, there is no one else like him. He is wise, merciful, judges humans, gives and takes life. He is omniscient, omnipotent

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RE Year 7 lockdown guide

Name ________________

House group ____________

Who is god?

The Trinity

How Christians see God. They believe there is only one god but there are three forms of god. Christians are monotheist.


God knows everything


God is all loving


God is everywhere


God is all powerful


Belief that there is only one god


Beyond human experience, apart from the universe


Present in the universe, people experience god in their lives

Muslim beliefs about god

There is only one god, there is no one else like him. He is wise, merciful, judges humans, gives and takes life. He is omniscient, omnipotent. Cannot be seen or heard. Allah has no gender or children. He created everything and judges everyone.

Role of god

What does god do


Jesus came down to earth and healed people who were sick. He is also said to have brought someone back to life.


Rescues people that need saving from their sins. Jesus died to save people from their sins. They just need to believe in him.


God cares for his people, he looks after them and guides them on the right path.

Revision activities:

1. Look, cover, write and check on all of the key words

2. Explain what God is like in Islam and Christianity.

3. Explain two similarities and two differences between God in Islam and in Christianity.

4. In your own words, explain the different roles of god.

Why and how do people pray?

Why do people pray?

· To thank god

· To praise god

· Confess they have done something wrong

· To ask for something

· If someone they love is sick

· To worship god

· For advice from god on how to act

· For courage or strength from god


A request for help or expression of thanks to god


Jewish prayer book


A scroll that has the Jewish laws written on it. It is the word of god


Holy building for Jewish people


A skull cap that Jewish men wear on their heads to remind them to follow god’s laws


Small leather boxes worn on the head and arm. They have passages from the torah in them. They remind Jewish people to keep God’s laws.


A formal, serious act, done to carry out a religious practice


Holy book for Muslims


Prayer stand that Muslims put the Quran on


Holy building for Muslims

How do Jewish people pray?

How do Muslims pray?

· Three times a day

· In synagogue or at home

· Need a minyan, 10 men to pray

· Make blessings over every action they do

· Pray in Hebrew

· Face west, towards Jerusalem, their holy place

· Set prayers- written down in a prayer book

· Private prayers- about personal matters

· Five times a day

· Wash themselves before they pray, wudu

· Can pray in the mosque or at home

· Pray on a prayer mat

· Face towards Mecca, their holy place

· Salat- obligatory Muslim prayers, five times a day

· Du’a- personal prayers that Muslims can make



Declaration of Jewish faith. Recited every morning and evening. It says they believe in one god. It is the first and last words Jewish people say. The shema tells Jews to love god and to follow God’s laws. It tells them to teach their children about the laws.

Basic statement of Islamic faith. States that Allah is the only god and that Muhammad is his messenger. It says that they believe this is true and that they will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life.

Revision activities:

5. Look, cover, write and check on all of the key words

6. Explain in detail why people pray

7. Explain two similarities and two differences between how Muslims and Jewish people pray

8. Explain what the shema and the shahadah show about Jewish and Muslims


How do religious people make moral decisions?

God- speaking directly to people

Religious leaders- interpret god’s words for people

Holy books- word of god written down

Religious rules- following rules that god has given


What society says is wrong or right behaviour


Inner voice inside you that tells you what is wrong and right

Absolute morality

You believe that there are set rules to follow at any time or in any situation e.g. Do not kill

Relative morality

You believe that different actions are needed in different situations

Original sin

The first sin, committed by Adam and EVe


Your actions and behaviour affects what happens to you in the future

Are humans born bad?



Christians believe that by eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve brought sin into the world. We are all descended from them so have had this sin passed down to us.

Hindus believe that pain and suffering is a reward or punishment for our past life. No suffering is unfair because we have brought it upon ourselves.

Christian moral beliefs

Two great laws

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind

2. ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

Buddhist moral beliefs

Five precepts

1. Not to kill or harm living things

2. Not to take things that are not freely given

3. Not to have wrong relationships

4. Not to tell lies or speak unkindly

5. Not to drink alcohol or take drugs

Revision activities:

9. Look, cover, write and check on all of the key words

10. Explain in detail how religious people make moral decisions

11. Do you think humans are born bad? Explain your answer

12. Explain how Buddhists and Christians make moral decisions

Who is responsible for the death of Jesus?

Who is responsible for the death of Jesus?


The books in the New Testament that teach about Jesus’ life. Written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John


Killing someone by nailing them to a cross


Coming back to life after you have died


One of the followers of Jesus

Who is Jesus?

A Jewish man who lived 2000 years ago. He taught people about God and spread his teachings all around. He performed miracles for people to see.

Why was he important to Christians?

Christians believe Jesus is God in human form. He is a role model for Christians. He died to save people from their sins.




Judas- one of the 12 disciples

Made a deal with the chief priests that he would give them Jesus and he would get 30 pieces of silver.

Greets Jesus with a kiss as a signal to the guards to arrest him

Hanged himself when he realised Jesus was going to be killed

“What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver

Pilate- Governor of the area

His decision what to do with Jesus now he has been arrested

Asks the crowd who they would rather have feed, Jesus or Barabbas.

Warned by his wife not to punish the innocent man.

Knows he is innocent but puts the blame on the crowd

‘Why? What crime has he committed’ Pilate asks the crowd

Pilate washes his hands and says ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood…it is your responsibility’

The crowd

Answer Pilate saying Barabbas should be freed.

Tell Pilate to crucify Jesus.

Roman soldiers

Soldiers take Jesus away, put a crown of thorns on him and then mocked him.

‘They struck him on the head with a staff and spat on him


Know that one of the disciples has betrayed him- why doesn’t he run away?

Wanted to fulfil the prophecy that said he needed to die to save the people

‘No one takes (my life) from me, but I give it of my own accord’

Jewish authorities

Some Jews didn’t trust Jesus, they were jealous of him and wanted to get rid of him.

They schemed to arrest Jesus.

They offered money to Judas to betray Jesus

‘They schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him’

‘They were looking for false evidence against Jesus’

‘The chief priests…persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed’

Revision activities:

13. Look, cover, write and check on all of the key words

14. For each of the suspects, write a paragraph explaining why they are guilty of causing Jesus’ death. Back your answer up using evidence from the bible.

Year 7- autumn 1 revision worksheet

When you have finished, do the questions on your learning ladder













Explain the different roles that god has. (Creator, saviour, healer).

What are the three parts of the trinity?




Explain what each of them does.

Do religious people think god is immanent or transcendent? Explain your answer and give examples.

Give three similarities between God in Islam and Judaism and three differences

Explain three reasons why people pray:




How do Jewish people pray?




How do Muslims pray?




Give three similarities and three differences between Jewish and Muslim prayer

What beliefs are Jewish people showing when they pray?

What beliefs are Muslims showing when they pray?

Year 7- Spring revision worksheet

When you have finished, do the questions on your learning ladder




Absolute morality

Relative morality



Noble eightfold path

10 commandments


The two different ways I make a moral decision are:


Explain two different ways religious people would make a moral decision




A war has broken out between two countries and you have been asked to fight in it.

How would you act if you believed in absolute morality?

How would you act if you believed in relative morality?

Explain how Christians would make a moral decision:

Explain how Buddhists would make a moral decision:

In these scenarios, explain how a Buddhist and a Christian would act:


You are really angry that someone has been rude to you at school. They have been teasing you and winding you up for no reason. What do you do?




An evil dictator has invaded your country and is trying to kill people. What do you do?



RE Summer revision sheet- Year 7





What happened the night Jesus was arrested? (Hint!- He was not on trial or crucified, that was the next day)






Who are they?

Why are they guilty of Jesus death?



Jewish authorities

Roman soldiers


What moral can you learn from the story?

Summarise the story of the Khalsa

What moral can you learn from the story?

What moral can you learn from the story?

Summarise the story of Budda and the four sights

Summarise the story of Esther