Upcoming Events Saturday Moving help needed 8am-12pm This Week Nursery: Jessica Achor and April Townsend Lil K: Megan Duff Kidmo: MaryAnne Duff Communion and Offering Thoughts: Aaron Atkinson Elder: Kyle Achor Servers: Corey Denham, Mike Hill, Zack Nance, Jim Woodruff Sunday Morning Prayer: Connie Sorensen Praise Team: David Nance, Dawn Nance, Phill Bell, Jessica Phillippo, Megan Achor Tech Team: Corey and Shelby Denham Next Week Nursery: Janelle Atkinson and Jennifer Williams Lil K: Megan Duff Kidmo: MaryAnne Duff Communion and Offering Thought: Bill Bennett Elder: Aaron Atkinson Servers: Randy Miller, Jim Whitton, Andy Fitzgerald, Brad Fassnacht Sunday Morning Prayer: Mar Anne Duff Praise Team: David Nance, Dawn Nance, Phill Bell, Matt Cronkhite, Stephanie Guinn, Lindsey Guinn Tech Team: Corey and Shelby Denham ANNOUNCEMENTS Crosskids Daycare Teacher Opening CrossKids Daycare Ministry is looking for an afternoon teacher. Noon to 6 (hours flexible if need be) Monday through Friday. You could be a part of showing Jesus to children in our community, changing their lives for eternity. For more information contact MaryAnne Duff, 765.567.4231 or 765.532.1303 or maryanneduff@hotmail.com New Breakfast Fellowship Opportunity for All Hello to all that enjoy breakfast and fellowship. A few years ago a group of us would meet to enjoy breakfast and wonderful fellowship. We are starting this fun time once again on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am. We will be meeting at Christo’s in West Lafayette . ALL are welcome to join us. Even if you don’t eat breakfast, feel free to join us for a cup of coffee or a glass of free water. Our goal is just some fun fellowship, a way to get to know each other. Please RSVP to us so we can give Christo’s an idea of how many are coming. Any questions please call, text, or email Jim or Teresa Whitton. 765-404-3642 or [email protected] . Student Ministry News Service Opportunity Student Ministry will be participating in the Food Finders Family Night on Wednesday, July 31 st from 4:50-7p.m. A sign-up link was sent. If you did not receive the link or have any questions please see Zack or Olivia. Back-to-School Lock-in Student Ministry will be having a back-to-school lock-in event here at CCC on August 9th and 10 th . Look for a text and email with a sign-up link and more details. Please see Zack or Olivia Nance with any questions. Service Opportunities Moving Help Needed Help is needed to move Melissa Flack from 8am to 12 this Saturday, July 27 th . Please see Mike Duff with any questions. Food Finders A sign-up link was sent out to everyone who signed up for Family Night at Food Finders July 31 st . If you are still planning on serving please make sure each family member completes this sign-up process with Food Finders, by this Wednesday, in order to secure your spot and ensure liability waivers are completed. Lafayette Transitional Housing We have a new date to serve dinner at LTHC. Friday, August 2 nd from 4:40-6pm. Sign up in the foyer today! Tippecanoe County Right to Life Tippecanoe County Right to Life is looking for Volunteers at the Tippecanoe Right to Life table at the Tippecanoe county fair July 20th to July 25 th . Get more info or sign up on their Facebook page. Text and Online Giving Online and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net to give online. Last Week Attendance: 96 Offering: $ 1746.20 YTD Average: $4388.77 Weekly Budget: $3750.00

 · Web view2019/07/21  · Online and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net

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Page 1:  · Web view2019/07/21  · Online and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net

Upcoming EventsSaturday

Moving help needed 8am-12pm

This WeekNursery: Jessica Achor and April TownsendLil K: Megan DuffKidmo: MaryAnne DuffCommunion and Offering Thoughts: Aaron AtkinsonElder: Kyle AchorServers: Corey Denham, Mike Hill, Zack Nance, Jim WoodruffSunday Morning Prayer: Connie SorensenPraise Team: David Nance, Dawn Nance, Phill Bell, Jessica Phillippo, Megan AchorTech Team: Corey and Shelby Denham

Next WeekNursery: Janelle Atkinson and Jennifer WilliamsLil K: Megan DuffKidmo: MaryAnne DuffCommunion and Offering Thought: Bill BennettElder: Aaron AtkinsonServers: Randy Miller, Jim Whitton, Andy Fitzgerald, Brad FassnachtSunday Morning Prayer: Mar Anne DuffPraise Team: David Nance, Dawn Nance, Phill Bell, Matt Cronkhite, Stephanie Guinn, Lindsey GuinnTech Team: Corey and Shelby Denham


Crosskids Daycare Teacher OpeningCrossKids Daycare Ministry is looking for an afternoon teacher.  Noon to 6 (hours flexible if need be) Monday through Friday.  You could be a part of showing Jesus to children in our community, changing their lives for eternity.  For more information contact MaryAnne Duff, 765.567.4231 or 765.532.1303 or [email protected] Breakfast Fellowship Opportunity for AllHello to all that enjoy breakfast and fellowship.  A few years ago a group of us would meet to enjoy breakfast and wonderful fellowship.  We are starting this fun time once again on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am.  We will be meeting at Christo’s in West Lafayette.    ALL are welcome to join us.  Even if you don’t eat breakfast, feel free to join us for a cup of coffee or a glass of free water. Our goal is just some fun fellowship, a way to get to know each other. Please RSVP to us so we can give Christo’s an idea of how many are coming.  Any questions please call, text, or email Jim or Teresa Whitton. 765-404-3642 or  [email protected].

Student Ministry NewsService OpportunityStudent Ministry will be participating in the Food Finders Family Night on Wednesday, July 31st from 4:50-7p.m. A sign-up link was sent. If you did not receive the link or have any questions please see Zack or Olivia.Back-to-School Lock-inStudent Ministry will be having a back-to-school lock-in event here at CCC on August 9th and 10th. Look for a text and email with a sign-up link and more details. Please see Zack or Olivia Nance with any questions.

Service OpportunitiesMoving Help NeededHelp is needed to move Melissa Flack from 8am to 12 this Saturday, July 27th. Please see Mike Duff with any questions.Food FindersA sign-up link was sent out to everyone who signed up for Family Night at Food Finders July 31st. If you are still planning on serving please make sure each family member completes this sign-up process with Food Finders, by this Wednesday, in order to secure your spot and ensure liability waivers are completed.Lafayette Transitional HousingWe have a new date to serve dinner at LTHC. Friday, August 2nd from 4:40-6pm. Sign up in the foyer today!Tippecanoe County Right to LifeTippecanoe County Right to Life is looking for Volunteers at the Tippecanoe Right to Life table at the Tippecanoe county fair July 20th to July 25th. Get more info or sign up on their Facebook page.

Text and Online GivingOnline and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net to give online.

Last WeekAttendance: 96Offering: $ 1746.20YTD Average: $4388.77Weekly Budget: $3750.00

Page 2:  · Web view2019/07/21  · Online and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net

Welcome to Crossroads!Our first priority this morning is to worship our Father in Heaven and His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As our guest, we want you to feel comfortable as you worship with us. Below is a short explanation of what you can expect here this morning at Crossroads.During congregational singing, the children will be dismissed from the auditorium for a more age appropriate lesson in our children’s area. If you have children with you, you should discuss with them ahead of time if they will leave during the service. It is perfectly acceptable for them to stay with you. However, if they decide to leave the auditorium later, for their safety we ask you to accompany them to the children’s area and connect them with the volunteers.We observe the Lord’s Supper (communion) as a part of our weekly service. It is our reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation and a celebration of God’s grace. The ushers will pass the trays containing the bread and the grape juice. If you are a believer, feel free to participate with us.

Following communion, the ushers will pass the offering plates. As our guest, you are not expected to give. We do ask that you fill out one of the green attendance cards and drop that in. If you miss the offering, simply drop your card in the wooden boxes located at the exit.When the service is over, the minister will be available to answer any questions you might have. All questions are welcome and can be on any subject. It is our sincere prayer that you will be blessed worshipping with us today. If you have any questions you canemail us at [email protected] or contact one of our elders or staff below.EldersKyle Achor (219) 863-1336 [email protected] Townsend (765) 337-6295 [email protected] Atkinson (219) 207-1391 [email protected]

Senior MinisterMike Duff (765) 532-3996 [email protected] MinisterDavid Nance (765) 714-9113 [email protected]

Children’s MinisterMegan Duff (765) 421-8381 [email protected]

Worship and Creative Arts MinisterDawn Nance (765) 418-4565 [email protected] MinisterZack Nance (765) 586-9842 [email protected]

Crosskids Daycare DirectorMary Anne Duff (765) 532-1303 [email protected]

Next Steps: Training vs. Trying“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I’ll be with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19,20

We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about cleansing rites, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so.

Hebrews 5:11-6:3

1. Understand that God _________ you to grow in spiritual maturity.

2. Stop ____________ and start ______________.

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

1 Corinthians 9:25

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

1 Timothy 4:7-8

Training Tips: a. Decide that you are going to train. b. Get a workout plan. c. Get some workout buddies. d. Take a first step.

e. Move from “got to” to “get to.”

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3


Prayer ListPlease tear this prayer list off and keep it in your

Bible for use during your daily time of prayer

Pray for our Elders: Kyle, Fred and AaronPray for our Staff: Mike, Dave, Mary Anne, Megan, Zack and

DawnPray for Student Ministry and Zack and Olivia NanceAlicia Dewitt – Health concerns; surgery this week; pray for

healingFamily of Chase Allen – Comfort after his passingFamily of Mason Hollingsworth – comfort after his passingAndy Fitzgerald – Healing after surgery on infected footApril Bunch – recent aggressive brain tumor diagnosisBriar Hasser – Healing after serious injury to kneeTodd Fitzgerald – Upcoming surgeryBanks Family – Comfort after the loss of Bill Banks Sr.Margaret Thornburg – Health concerns; hospitalizedDeb Gosney – Health concerns; HospitalizedHannah Atkinson – Health concernsLogan Adams – 14yr. old diagnosed with lymphoma;

hospitalizedBrett Jenkinson - Lymphoma diagnosisAvory Fultz – Cancer diagnosisDarryl Pollard – Recovery from open-heart surgery Susan Gauger – Recent cancer diagnosisLuz Divina Gonzales – Healing after colon cancer surgery;

breast cancerCindy Troxell – Cancer Don Rettig – CancerBrittany and Cameron Claton – Life concernsSuzie Williams – Cancer Marcella Smith – Brain tumorRon Steuterman – Cancer; Chemo treatmentsJudy Woodruff – health concernsNiovel Hidalgo – Health and healingRobert Fana – Lung cancerTom Branham- Hip issues; trouble with mobilityMatt Cronkhite – Health concerns

Page 3:  · Web view2019/07/21  · Online and text giving through Breeze are safe and easy ways to give your tithes and offerings. Text Give to (765) 232-0135 or go to crossroadschristianchurch.net

Nick Anastis – Depression and suicidal thoughtsMatt Sears – Serving in the NavyCole Jenkinson – Substance abuse recoveryDon Gemmecke – Cancer treatmentsKelly Bol – Cancer Ben Bol – Parkinsons Mindy Davis – Life concernsTracy Mathis – CancerDeborah Henderson – Colon cancerIna Jo Thomas – Lung cancer treatmentsDave Nordhielm – Alzheimer’sRosa Spradlin – Health concernsJane Stingley – Bone Marrow Disease Treatments Clara Hill – Bone morrow cancerPaula Rose – Serious Health issues

