Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Study Guide to Animal Farm

CHAPTER I1. What is significant about how the animals arrange themselves as they gather to hear Major?

2. What might this arrangement say about future meetings or events?

3. According to Major, what is the cause of all the animals’ problems?

4. What motto does Major give the animals?

5. What are the commandments Major gives the animals? Can you think of ways each of them could be considered a vice?








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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning


1. After Major’s death what happens to the idea of rebelling against man?

2. Why don’t the pigs like the pet raven Moses’ stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?

3. What causes the animals to finally rebel against Mr. Jones and his four farmhands?

4. What do the animals do about the farmhouse?

CHAPTER III AND IV1. From what you know so far about the pigs and the other animals on the farm, speculate on what

the future will be like for the animals.

2. What are Napoleon’s ideas about education?

3. How is Squealer able to convince the other animals to accept whatever Napoleon decides?

4. What was Snowball’s part in the Battle of the Cowshed?

5. Where is Napoleon during the battle?

6. What is the significance of the gun’s placement at the foot of the flagpole?

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS LearningQUESTIONS: CHAPTERS 1-3 1. Do you think Animal Farm will be a Utopia? Why or why not? If not, how would you modify the new government?


2. What freedoms do we take for granted in Canada? Do you think we have too much freedom? What does “freedom” mean to you? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

CHAPTER V1. Why does Mollie run away from the farm?

2. What changes have been made in the weekly meetings over the last year?

3. Explain the windmill controversy from Snowball’s point of view.

4. Explain the windmill controversy from Napoleon’s point of view.

5. What changes does Napoleon make after his dogs chase Snowball off the farm?

6. Why don’t the other animals protest Napoleon’s decisions?

7. What is the importance of the dogs accompanying Squealer when he comes to talk to the animals?

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning


1. Language is powerful. Think of how the Pigs use language to manipulate the others animals on the farm. How do you manipulate language in your own life? Reflect on your variances of tone, gestures that add to your language, word choice, etc.

2. A lot of times, people don’t understand how the animals could blindly follow everything Napoleon dictates to them. The same could be said of the Germans during WWII. What do you think? Are people more apt to follow their leaders or critically think for themselves? Why or why not? How does this tie into propaganda? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

CHAPTERS VI AND VII1. How much work are the animals now doing?

2. Why does Napoleon decide to engage in trade with neighboring farms?

3. How do the animals react to Napoleon deciding to engage in trade with neighboring farms?

4. How is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball?

5. Why does Napoleon insist the windmill must be rebuilt immediately?

6. Why does Napoleon order that the hens’ eggs be sold?

7. How does Napoleon react when the hens’ rebel against his orders?

8. Why does Napoleon revive the threat of the farm being sabotaged by Snowball?

9. Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors.

10. Why does Napoleon order the animals to stop singing “Beasts of England?”

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

QUESTIONS: CHAPTERS 6 -8 1. Why do you think all of those animals confessed to plotting with Snowball? Do you think they really did? Explain.

2. Reflect back onto Chapters 1-3. Is Animal Farm a utopia? Why or why not? How has your answer changed since Chapters 1-3? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

CHAPTERS VIII AND IX1. What purpose is served by the production figures Squealer reads to the animals?

2. How is Napoleon becoming more and more like a typical dictator?


3. Describe the sale of the stack of lumber. How does Napoleon outwit himself?

4. What makes the battle against Frederick’s men different from the Battle of the Cowshed?

5. Why do the men blow up the windmill?

6. The animals celebrate a victory, but at what cost?

7. Why are the animals so easily fooled, even when they find Squealer with a ladder and white paint beside the barn at night?

8. What is happening slowly, over time, to Boxer?

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning9. What are living conditions like for all of the animals except the pigs and dogs?

10. Why does Napoleon allow Moses to return and to tell his stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?

11. What happens to Boxer? How do the animals accept it?

12. Of what kind of person does Benjamin remind you? Give some examples. What is your opinion of such people? What makes people behave this way?

CHAPTER X1. What changes have the years brought to the farm?

2. How does Orwell make fun of bureaucracy?

3. How do the animals now feel about their social order, their farm?

4. What drastic actions do the pigs use to shatter the animals’ complacency?

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

5. At the conference with neighboring farmers, what new changes does Napoleon point out?

6. What happens to the pigs’ appearance?

QUESTIONS: CHAPTERS 9 & 10 1. Some critics say that the moral of Animal Farm is not “could this happen again” but “how is it happening already”? Relate how you think the events on animal farm (corruption, tyranny, etc) are still taking place in the world today.

2. Why do you think Orwell made the characters animals and not humans? Does this add to or subtract from the satire of the novel. Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Animal Farm New Commandment Journal EntryAll seven commandments are erased. What is the new commandment and how has it been true from the beginning?
















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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character Pages Page# __Chapter #___Napoleon

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesSnowball

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story:______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesBoxer

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesSquealer

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesOld Major

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesMollie

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive herself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesBenjamin

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Character PagesMr. Jones

Age (approximate) ___________________________

Role in the story: ______________________________________


Basic Beliefs:

How do others perceive this character?

How does the character perceive himself?

Important Quotations:

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Animal Farm Theme Chart






The Power of




Hierarchy of Class

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Student Name:________________________Term 2 P____ 2018/19 Teacher P Groom Assessment AS Learning

Animal Farm Symbolism

Please write notes and page numbers of quotations for each symbol:

Animal Farm (also known as Manor Farm)

*The barn wall

*The windmill

Animal Farm Character SymbolismEach main character can be seen as a symbol. Please write notes about what each character represents:

*Old Major



The puppies


