Web Service - TUtorial 6 (Answer)

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  • 8/3/2019 Web Service - TUtorial 6 (Answer)


    Tutorial 6

    1. List and describe the main categories of Web Services in detail.


    - Microsofts .Net Framework

    Windows is well established as the most popular desktop environment, and many

    developers use Microsoft tools for both client-and server-side applications. Microsoft is

    adding Web services support throughout its .NET platform, in which every program is

    potentially a Web service, and all transports can use XML protocols.

    - Application servers

    The J2EE community, comprised of application server vendors, is adding Web services

    application programming interfaces (APIs) to Java servlets, classes, and beans, makingXML integration and Web services part of the core application server definition.

    - Integration brokers

    Vendors in this middleware market segment are using Web services for enterprise

    application and business-to-business (B2B) integration, bridging Web services

    applications inside and outside the firewall.

    - Database vendors

    Vendors in this group are focusing on the use of Web services to provide a means of

    accessing database tables and stored procedures.

    - ERP, CRM, and othersThese packaged application vendors are adding Web services interfaces for integrating

    those packages with other packages and software systems.

    - Web services platform

    Vendors in this market segment are developing and supplying Web services

    infrastructure products as independent, or self-contained, products.

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    Tunku Abdul Rahman College

    Advanced Diploma in Science


    Web Services

  • 8/3/2019 Web Service - TUtorial 6 (Answer)


    2. With the aid of diagram, demonstrate how each implementation architecture work.

    a. An application server exposes back-end technologies using a Web Service interface.


    Web services map messages to server objects

    As Web services are not executable, much of the value in the development

    environment, such as J2EE and the .NET Framework, remains within theprogramming languages beneath the Web services. Web services represent

    another means of exchanging information with the application server, which

    still performs the main job of application development and integration.

    The programs and classes represent a variety of back-end technologies

    accessed using the application server, including Enterprise JavaBeans, .NET

    classes, message queues, and CORBA objects.

    b. Web Service interface is used to access database tables and stored procedure.


    Web services map messages to databases 2-tier

    This Web services implementation architecture in which a Web services interface is

    used to access a database table or a stored procedure.

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    c. In an integration broker architecture, a web services interface map to A2A and B2B product.


    Web services map message to queues

    This Web services implementation architecture in which a Web services interface maps

    directly to a queued message system, such as Java Messaging Service (JMS) or to a

    B2B server.

    In both cases, the SOAP message is treated as input to an asynchronous

    communication system for processing.

    The message is stored in a persistent queue or database and is forwarded to anotherqueue for processing.

    Finally, results are written to a reply queue. In this way, Web services represent

    another way into and out of existing B2B and application-to-application (A2A)

    integration broker products.

    For an integration broker vendor, the main value remains within the adapters,

    transformers, routers, and other parts of the toolkit.

    d. A web services can be implemented for packaged application architecture.


    Web services map messages to packaged applications

    Figure 6.4 illustrates the Web services implementation architecture for

    packaged application software such as ERP, CRM, and accounting/billing


    For an ERP or a CRM system, the primary value remains in the features and

    functions of the software package as related to business operation support.

    Web services, therefore, basically represent getting data in and out, albeit a

    widely adopted and supported.

    Packaged-application software vendors, such as Baan, PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel,

    and others, also are offering integration products using Web services


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    e. A web services broker focusing value on the Web services lay on.


    Web services brokers integrate them all Figure 6.4 illustrates the Web services implementation architecture that focuses

    on the value inherent in the Web services layer.

    Web services have value because they are widely adopted and implemented,

    allowing multiple disparate software domains to be integrated.

    Require certain functionality: process flow, security, reliable messaging,

    transactions, and so on.

    Web services brokers, such as IONA's, XMLBus Edition, are built to provide

    this value. In this way, disparate software domains are bridged, multiple vendor

    Web services implementations are joined, and new applications are created

    from a combination of old ones.

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    3. Compare and contrast the .NET and J2EE in the Web Service implementation platform.



    Fundamental Design and

    Support for Web Services

    Support for Web Services is

    through a pack of APIs such

    as Java API for XML

    Messaging (JAXM), Java

    API for XML Processing

    (JAXP), Java API for XML

    Registries (JAXR), and Java

    API for XML-based RPC


    Web Services are built right

    into the platform and

    Microsoft .NET framework

    provides ready support for

    Web Services standards such

    as SOAP, WSDL, and


    Implementation The implementation of Web

    Services in J2EE will

    typically be done through

    Enterprise JavaBeans(EJBs). You can, however,

    also have standalone Java

    applications providing Web

    Services implementation. It

    all depends on how the

    business processing and data

    logic layer of an application

    is designed and built.

    The implementation of Web

    Services in .NET framework

    will typically be done in

    .NET managed components,including managed classes

    and COM/COM+


    Pricing Expensive as compared to

    MS.NET, however, if a

    company already has a

    J2EE-based application

    server platform, it makes

    much more sense to use the

    existing infrastructure and


    Much cheaper as compared

    to J2EE-based application

    servers. J2EE, however, is

    still a better choice for

    industry-strength server side


    Tools and Servers There are multiple

    companies that have built

    IDEs and application serversbased on J2EE. A majority

    of these companies have

    already started supporting

    Web Services creation,

    deployment and execution

    within their products.

    The level of sophistication

    and support for Web

    Services standards differs

    from product to product.

    Microsoft's cornerstone

    development tool (IDE ?

    Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment) for Web

    Services is Visual Studio

    .NET, sure to be as popular

    as their robust and easy to

    use Visual Studio.

    Web Services enabled

    servers from Microsoft

    include BizTalk 2002 and

    SQL Server 2000.

    Promoting Companies Multiple (independent) All the tools, servers, and

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    companies including IBM,

    BEA Systems, Oracle, HP,

    Sun Microsystems. All these

    companies will be providing

    support for Web Services in

    their J2EE-based

    development tools and

    application servers.

    This is a comforting factor,

    as there are competing

    products in this technology,

    which also means that there

    is no monopoly of a single


    technology are controlled by

    a single company ?


    Although there is no

    question about Microsoft's

    stability and commitment

    towards Web Services

    technology, without

    competition ? the technology

    promoted and offered may

    not be the best.

    Maturity of Platform J2EE has proven to be a

    robust, scalable and a matureplatform over the last four

    years. Addition of support

    for Web Services is just

    another feature for this


    Although .NET inherits a lot

    of features from WindowsDNA architecture, it is still

    relatively new and has to

    prove itself to be able to

    offer an enterprise-wide


    4. Does .NET mean an Internet operating system? Discuss?


    Does .NET Mean an Internet Operating System?

    Bill Gates's announcement of .NET included a description of .NET as the equivalent of

    Windows for the Internet. If you had a service you relied on within the Windows operating

    system in the past, he said, in the future you would rely on the equivalent service over the

    Internet. If you needed to store a file, set a date in your calendar, send e-mail, or invoke any

    type of programmatic service, you would do so using .NET or Web services instead

    of using an operating system service.

    This vision is as broad and compelling as it is fantastic. Imagine depending on the Internet or a

    Web service the way you'd rely on a desktop operating system service! Still, the idea of

    assembling applicationsand computing platformsout of standard components, the way

    you'd put together a PC, signifies great potential change in software development and


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    5. Implementation architectures of Web Services vary according to the degree to which the Web services

    layer is apportioned value in the overall solution. Suggest and explain one of the implementation

    architectures of Web Services in detail, support your answer with a diagram.


    Any of the following implementation architecture will be accepted (with a diagram andexplanation).i. An application Server exposes back-end technologies using a Web services interface

    Figure above illustrates the Web services implementation architecture in which .NET and J2EEapplication servers expose programs and classes as Web service components. The programsand classes represent a variety of back-end technologies accessed using the applicationserver, including Enterprise JavaBeans, .NET classes, message queues, and CORBA objects,to name a few

    ii. A web services interface is used to access database tables and stored procedures

    figure above illustrates the Web services implementation architecture in which a Web servicesinterface is used to access a database table or a stored procedure. This type of access can bethought of as a two-tier architecture, unlike the application server architecture, which includes amiddle tier for business logic that is developed and managed independently of the back tier fordata access.

    iii. In an integration broker architecture, a Web services interface maps to A2A and B2Bproducts

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    Figure 8-3 illustrates the Web services implementation architecture in which a Web servicesinterface maps directly to a queued message system, such as Java Messaging Service (JMS)or MQSeries, or to a B2B server, such as IONA's Orbix E2A Collaborate. In both cases, theSOAP message is treated as input to an asynchronous communication system for processing.The message is stored in a persistent queue or database and is forwarded to another queue forprocessing. Finally, results are written to a reply queue. In this way, Web services representanother way into and out of existing B2B and application-to-application (A2A) integration broker

    products. For an integration broker vendor, the main value remains within the adapters,transformers, routers, and other parts of the toolkit.

    iv. A web services interface can be implemented for a packaged application architecture

    Figure 8-4 illustrates the Web services implementation architecture for packaged applicationsoftware such as ERP, CRM, and accounting/billing systems. For an ERP or a CRM system,the primary value of the application remains in the features and functions of the softwarepackage as related to business operation support. Web services, therefore, basically representanother means of getting data in and out, albeit a widely adopted and supported means.Packaged-application software vendors, such as Baan, PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel, and others,also are starting to offer integration products using Web services technology.

    v. A web services broker focuses on value in the Web service layer- put all together.

    Figure 8-5 illustrates the Web services implementation architecture that focuses on the valueinherent in the Web services layer. A business process flow engine or other means oforchestration lies at the center of the value proposition in this architecture, which depends onthe relationship among Web services to achieve or to create new applications at a higher levelof abstraction. In other words, Web services have value because they are widely adopted andimplemented, allowing multiple disparate software domains to be integrated. The process ofintegrating such domains requires certain functionality above the core Web services standards,such as process flow, security, reliable messaging, transactions, and so on. Web servicesbrokers, such as IONA's Orbix E2A XMLBus Edition, are built to provide this value. In this way,disparate software domains are bridged, multiple vendor Web services implementations arejoined, and new applications are created from a combination of old ones.

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    6. Categories of Web Services vary according to the degree to which Web Services layer is apportioned

    value in the overall circumstances. List and describe FIVE (5) main categories of Web Services in



    - Microsofts .Net Framework

    Windows is well established as the most popular desktop environment, and many

    developers use Microsoft tools for both client-and server-side applications. Microsoft is

    adding Web services support throughout its .NET platform, in which every program is

    potentially a Web service, and all transports can use XML protocols.

    - Application servers

    The J2EE community, comprised of application server vendors, is adding Web services

    application programming interfaces (APIs) to Java servlets, classes, and beans, making

    XML integration and Web services part of the core application server definition.

    - Integration brokers

    Vendors in this middleware market segment are using Web services for enterprise

    application and business-to-business (B2B) integration, bridging Web services

    applications inside and outside the firewall.

    - Database vendors

    Vendors in this group are focusing on the use of Web services to provide a means of

    accessing database tables and stored procedures.

    - ERP, CRM, and others

    These packaged application vendors are adding Web services interfaces for integrating

    those packages with other packages and software systems.

    - Web services platform

    Vendors in this market segment are developing and supplying Web services

    infrastructure products as independent, or self-contained, products.

    7. A local Business-to-Business (B2B) company needs to adapt Web Services technologies to the current

    system to improve their system efficiency. With the aid of a diagram, suggest the most appropriate

    Web Services implementation architecture for the company mentioned.


    Figure illustrates the Web services implementation architecture in which a Web services

    interface maps directly to a queued message system, such as Java Messaging Service (JMS) or

    MQSeries, or to a B2B server, such as IONA's Orbix E2A Collaborate. In both cases, the SOAP

    message is treated as input to an asynchronous communication system for processing. The

    message is stored in a persistent queue or database and is forwarded to another queue for

    processing. Finally, results are written to a reply queue. In this way, Web services represent

    another way into and out of existing B2B and application-to-application (A2A) integrationbroker products. For an integration broker vendor, the main value remains within the adapters,

    transformers, routers, and other parts of the toolkit.

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